Lesson 4 - Java JSP
Lesson 4 - Java JSP
Lesson 4 - Java JSP
JSP (Java Server Pages) is a text document consisting of Hyper Text Markup Language(HTML), Extensible
Markup language(XML), and JSP elements which can be expressed in standard and XML syntax.
Advantages of JSP
JSP is used to develop web based applications. It supports the separation of presentation and business
logic as follows:
• Web designers can design and update pages without learning the Java programming language.
• Java technology programmers can write code without having to be concerned with web page design.
• It provides the optional mechanism to configure web application file (web.xml).
• JSP programming eliminates the need for repeated deployment (saving the JSP and making a
request whenever the JSP is changed). The automatic deployment is taken care by container JASPER
[JSP Execution Environment].
• JSP programming provides custom tags development.
• JSP programming environment provides automatic page compilation.
To configure JSP, create a dynamic web project in eclipse, configure Apache Tomcat, and create
JSP file in web content. The steps are already discussed in the installation guide in your LMS.
JSP Architecture
1 Request
5 Response Servlet
2 (Model)
3 Java Bean
JSP is used to dynamically generate web content on a server and return it to the
client. This can also be done using servlet.
To understand this, let’s learn about the differences between Java JSP and Servlets.
JSP vs. Servlet
JSP Servlets
JSP is a web page scripting language that can generate Servlets are Java programs that are
dynamic content. Compiled. They create dynamic pages.
It is easier to code in JSP than in Java Servlet. Involves writing a lot of code
In MVC model, JSP acts as a view. In MVC model, Servlets act as controllers.
Custom tag can directly call Java beans. There is no such custom tag.
JSP is generally preferred when there is not much processing Servlets are best for use when there is more
of data required. It runs slower compared to Servlet as it takes processing and manipulation involved.
compilation time to convert into Java Servlet. Servlet runs faster than JSP.
Web Container Responsibilities
Loading Servlet
Web Server
Creating Servlet 1
instance hello.jsp hello_jsp.java
Initialization by
calling _jspInit()
processing by http://localhost:8080/projectname/hello.jsp
calling Web Container hello_jsp.class
object by calling
Translation of JSP Lifecycle
JSP to Servlet
Compilation of
Servlet to In the third step, the servlet class bytecode is loaded into the web container’s JVM software
bytecode using a class loader.
Loading Servlet
Web Server
Creating Servlet 1
instance hello.jsp hello_jsp.java
Initialization by
calling _jspInit()
method 2
processing by http://localhost:8080/projectname/hello.jsp
Web Container hello_jsp.class
object by calling
Translation of JSP Lifecycle
JSP to Servlet
Compilation of
Servlet to In the fourth step, the web container creates an instance of the servlet class.
Loading Servlet
Web Server
Creating Servlet 1
instance hello.jsp hello_jsp.java
Initialization by
calling _jspInit()
method 2
Web Container
processing by http://localhost:8080/projectname/hello.jsp hello_jsp 3
_jspService() hello_jsp.class
method 4
object by calling
Translation of JSP Lifecycle
JSP to Servlet
Compilation of
Servlet to In fifth step, the web container initializes the servlet by calling the jspInit method.
Loading Servlet
Web Server
Creating Servlet
hello.jsp hello_jsp.java
Initialization by
calling _jspInit()
method 2
Web Container
processing by http://localhost:8080/projectname/hello.jsp
calling hello_jsp 3
_jspService() hello_jsp.class
method 5 4
Destroying jspInit <<create>>
object by calling
Translation of JSP Lifecycle
JSP to Servlet
Compilation of
Servlet to The initialized servlet can now service requests. With each request, the web container can call the
_jspService methods for the converted JSP page.
Loading Servlet
Web Server
Creating Servlet
instance 1
hello.jsp hello_jsp.java
Initialization by
calling _jspInit() 6
method 2
_jspService Web Container
processing by
calling http://localhost:8080/projectname/hello.jsp hello_jsp 3
_jspService() hello_jsp.class
method 5 4
Destroying jspInit <<create>>
object by calling
Translation of JSP Lifecycle
JSP to Servlet
Compilation of
Servlet to When the web container removes the JSP servlet instance from services, it first calls the jspDestroy
bytecode method to allow the JSP page to perform any requirement clean up.
Loading Servlet
Web Server
Creating Servlet 1
instance hello.jsp hello_jsp.java
Initialization by
calling _jspInit() 7
method 2
Web Container
processing by http://localhost:8080/projectname/hello.jsp
hello_jsp 3
_jspService() hello_jsp.class
method 5 4
Destroying jspInit <<create>>
object by calling
What are Implicit Objects?
Implicit objects are the Java objects that the JSP Container makes available to the developers in each page;
the developers can call them directly without explicitly declaring them.
• JSP technology has 9 implicit variables. They represent commonly used objects for servlets that JSP page
developers might need to use.
• You can retrieve HTML from parameter data by using the request variable, which represents the
HttpServletRequest object.
Implicit Variables
response javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse The HttpResponse object associated with the response that is
sent back to the browser
out javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter The JspWriter object associated with the output stream of the
session javax.servlet.http.HttpSession The HttpSession object associated with the session for the
given user of the request—only meaningful if the JSP page is
participating in an HTTP session
application javax.servlet.ServletContext The ServletContext object for the web application
Unlike servlets, deploying JSP pages is as easy as deploying static pages. JSP pages can be placed in the
same directory hierarchy as HTML pages.
In the development environment, JSP pages are placed in the web directory. In the deployment
environment, JSP pages are placed in the top-level directory of the web application.
Apache Tomcat
Creating a JSP and Running It In a Web Application
1. Configure Server
2. Create Dynamic Web Project
3. Create JSP file in WebContent Folder
4. Create html file in WebContent folder
Advanced Java
DEMO—Writing JSP Program with Implicit Objects
Advanced Java
Topic 4—Working with JSP Elements
JSP Elements
1. standard
2. XML
<jsp: declaration>
2. Declaration <% ! %>
</jsp: declaration>
<%@ include %> <jsp : directive include../>
3. Directives <% @page %> <jsp:directive page ../>
<%@taglib %> <xmlns :prefix = “tag library url”>
4. Expression <% = %>
5. Scriptlets <% %>
JSP Comment Tag
• JSP comment is used when you are creating a JSP page and want to put in comments about what
you are doing.
• These comments are not included in servlet source code during translation phase; they do not
appear in the HTTP response.
Comment Tag Declaration Tag Directive Tag Expression Tag Scriptlets Tag
JSP Declaration Tag
• Declaration is made inside the Servlet class but outside the service (or any other method).
• We can declare static member, instance variable, and method inside declaration tag.
Comment Tag Declaration Tag Directive Tag Expression Tag Scriptlets Tag
JSP Directive Tag
This tag is used for special instruction to web container. It includes three tags:
• <% @ page %> defines page dependent properties such as language session error page.
Comment Tag Declaration Tag Directive Tag Expression Tag Scriptlets Tag
JSP Directive Tag
<% @ page %>
• <% @ page %> defines page-dependent properties such as language session error page.
<% @ page %>
• It defines a number of page-dependent properties that communicate with the web container.
<%@ include %>
<% @ page attribute =”value” %>
Comment Tag Declaration Tag Directive Tag Expression Tag Scriptlets Tag
JSP Directive Tag
<% @ page %> ATTRIBUTES
• import
• language
<% @ page %> • extends
• session
<%@ taglib %> • isThreadSafe
• isErrorPage
<%@ include %> • errorPage
• contentType
• autoFlush
• buffer
Comment Tag Declaration Tag Directive Tag Expression Tag Scriptlets Tag
JSP Directive Tag
<%@ taglib %>
<%@ taglib %> declares the tag library used in the page. JSP allows you to define custom JSP
<% @ page %> tags that look like HTML or XML tags:
Comment Tag Declaration Tag Directive Tag Expression Tag Scriptlets Tag
JSP Directive Tag
<%@ include %>
• <%@ include %> defines the file to be included and the source code.
<% @ page %>
• It has an attribute for file.
Comment Tag Declaration Tag Directive Tag Expression Tag Scriptlets Tag
JSP Expression Tag
• Expressions are evaluated when a JSP page is requested. The results are converted into String and
fed to the print method of the implicit object.
• If the result cannot be converted into string, an error will be raised at translation time.
• If this is not detected at translation time, a classCastException will be raised at request processing
Comment Tag Declaration Tag Directive Tag Expression Tag Scriptlets Tag
JSP Scriptlet Tag
• Scriptlet tag allows you to write java code inside JSP page.
• Scriptlet tag implements the _jspService method functionality by writing script/Java code.
Comment Tag Declaration Tag Directive Tag Expression Tag Scriptlets Tag
• If you want to include any method in your JSP file, use declaration tag.
• During translation phase of JSP, methods and variables inside the declaration tag become instance
methods and instance variables and are also assigned default values.
• Anything we add in scriplet tag goes inside the _jspService() method. We cannot add any function inside
the scriplet tag as it creates a function inside the service method during compilation, which is not
allowed in a Java method.
Advanced Java
DEMO—Writing JSP Program with Tags
Advanced Java
Topic 5—Working with JSP Standard Action
JSP Standard Action Elements
• Standard action elements are basically the tags that can be embedded into a JSP page.
• During compilation, they are also replaced by the Java code that corresponds to the pre-defined task.
• Action tags can be written only in XML syntax and can be used for communication.
List of JSP Standard Action Elements
This tag is used to interact with a JavaBean component using the standard tags in a JSP page.
Syntax :
Property attribute specifies the property within the bean that will be set.
The getProperty Tag
The getProperty tag is used to retrieve a property from a JavaBeans instance and display it in the output stream.
• The action tag is used to insert the output of another JSP page into the current JSP page.
• The syntax for the jsp:include action has two forms.
jsp:include element that does not have a parameter name / value pair.
<jsp:include page = “relative URL” flush”true”/>
include directive has an attribute for file. include action has an attribute for page.
It can be written in HTML or XML syntax. It can be written in XML syntax only.
JSP EL allows you to create arithmetic expression and logical expression. It uses integers, floating point
numbers, strings, the built-in constants (true and false for Boolean values), and null.
• JSP standard tag library (JSTL) represents a set of tags used to simplify development of JSP
Core JSTL tag is used to write expression and render data to page.
Attribute Description
Test Condition to evaluate
Var Name of the variable to store the condition result
Scope Scope of the variable to store the conditions result
Core JSTL Tag: Example
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>
<title>Core Tag Example</title>
Attribute Description
Var The name of the variable to hold the java.lang. Throwable if thrown by element in the body
Custom Tag Syntax Rules
JSP allows you to create your own tags. They are known as custom tags. They uses XML syntax. There are
four fundamental XML rules that all custom tags must follow:
JSP (Java Server Pages) is a text document consisting of Hyper Text Markup
Language(HTML), Extensible Markup language(XML), and JSP elements that can
be expressed in standard and XML syntax.
Implicit variables are the Java objects that the JSP Container makes available to the
developers in each page; the developers can call them directly without explicitly
declaring them.
JSP elements in a JSP page can be expressed in two types of syntax: standard and
JSP EL allows you to create arithmetic and logical expressions. It uses integers,
floating point numbers, strings, the built-in constants true and false for Boolean
values and null.
Thank You