Radical Acceptance
Radical Acceptance
Radical Acceptance
Radical acceptance is based on the notion that suffering comes not directly from
pain, but from one’s attachment to the pain. It has its roots in Buddhism and the
psychological paradigm put forth by Carl Rogers that acceptance is the first step
towards change.
Rather than being attached to a painful past, radical acceptance suggests that non-
attachment is the key to overcoming suffering. Non-attachment does not mean not
feeling emotions. Rather, it refers to an intention of not allowing pain to turn into
suffering. This means watching your thoughts and feelings to identify when you are
allowing yourself to feel worse than is necessary.
The lack of judgment that is an important part of radical acceptance does not
involve approval of the situation. Instead, it involves accepting reality for what it is
and not getting caught up in an emotional reaction to that reality.
Hosted by Editor-in-Chief and therapist Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of The
Verywell Mind Podcast shares how to practice radical acceptance to reduce
suffering. Click below to listen now.
Wh t R di lA t L k Lik
What Radical Acceptance Looks Like
Radical acceptance is not an easy practice at all. In fact, it can require a lifetime of
practice in order to truly get a handle on it.
Radical acceptance is most often applied in situations when you are unable to fix or
change what has happened or when something has happened that feels unfair, like
the loss of a loved one or losing one’s job.
While grief and disappointment are normal emotions, suffering results when the
initial pain is prolonged due to a lack of acceptance.
Radical acceptance does not mean that you agree with what is happening or what
has happened to you. Rather, it signals a chance for hope because you are
accepting things as they are and not fighting against reality.
While this can be hard to practice when things are going very badly, letting your
emotions run wild will only add to your suffering and the pain you are experiencing.
It’s true that you can cause more misery to yourself when you avoid or dwell.
Some people might think that forgiveness and radical acceptance are the same
thing. In fact, they are very different. Forgiveness involves extending an act of
kindness to the other person whereas radical acceptance is the extension of an act
of kindness to yourself.
During DBT, clients are taught how to practice distress tolerance which enables
them to stop turning painful situations into longer-term suffering.
Although pain is an inevitable part of life, radical acceptance involves moving awa
from emotional reactions and helplessness toward calm and logical thought. Whil
you may not be able to change the facts of a situation, you can choose how you
view it.
This means letting go of bitterness and releasing unhelpful emotions. Once these
emotions are managed it is possible to find solutions and make plans for change
(where possible).
In fact, the word dialectical refers to the duality of the emotional mind and logical
mind that must be balanced through what is called the wise mind in DBT. This refers
to taking thoughtful action after removing the overly emotional part of how you
handle a problem in your life. In this way, acceptance does not refer to judging or
evaluating, but rather taking reality for what it is so that you can move on with your
Here are some thought patterns or actual thoughts that signal you might need to
practice radical acceptance:
Whatever your reasons for a lack of acceptance, know that these feelings are
normal and many other people have felt the exact same way.
That does not mean that it is impossible for you to feel differently or eventually get
to a place of acceptance. It just will require practice and dedication.
The problem with a lack of acceptance is that when you try to not feel pain, you are
also choosing to not feel joy and happiness at the same time. Avoiding your
emotions means creating more problems in the long run such as anxiety,
depression, addiction, and other mental health concerns. Instead, practicing calm
acceptance will allow you to process your emotions and move forward.
If you are going through a divorce or breakup and are having a hard time
moving on
If you are experiencing an unexpected change in your life plans that you have
no control over
If you have experienced the loss of a loved one
If you are experiencing job loss
When you’ve experienced a traumatic event over which you had no control
If you had a traumatic upbringing or neglect or abuse as a child
When you are causing yourself more pain because you refuse to accept what
When you are limiting joy in your life because of a feeling that you must avoid
all emotions
If you struggle to articulate the emotions that you are experiencing
If you often react out of anger or negative emotions to little things that
If you feel stuck or unable to move on from a negative event
If other people have told you that it’s important to let go of the past
If there is no possibility of solving your situation or improving upon it
If you have tried other ways to deal with your pain and nothing has worked
The goal behind radical acceptance is to get to the point that you are able to see
the options in your situation. For example, if you are in chronic pain, you could
choose to believe that even if life is painful, there are good moments and life is
worth living. Living your life with this mindset is the idea behind radical acceptance.
Another example is how to cope with death. Rather than focusing on the injustice of
a death or why it should not have happened the way that it did, radical acceptance
allows you to focus on your grief and the best way to handle it. In this way, you are
still reacting but it is with less intense emotions. You are goal oriented and focused
on finding a way out of the situation for yourself.
Ironically, sometimes it is only when you finally come to terms and accept what has
happened, that you are able to go ahead and make the changes that you will allow
you to feel better about everything as a whole.
While it won’t be easy initially to cope with situations that have caused you a lot of
pain, you may find that when you practice radical acceptance you eventually start
to feel better.
At the same time, it’s important to acknowledge that there are situations that you
should not accept and that do not fit the criteria for radical acceptance. It’s usually
easy to identify these situations because they are ones where if you made some
change or took some action, then it’s possible that things could be different.
For example, if you are stuck in a dead-end job that you hate, practicing radical
acceptance might allow you to not hate your job as much but it will keep you stuck.
By the same token, if you are stuck in a relationship that is going nowhere,
practicing radical acceptance might reduce your feeling of unease, but in the long
run, you might wish that you had just gotten out of the relationship.
If you are holding on to some past trauma because you feel as though letting it go
would be the same as saying that you agree with what happened, then chances are
that radical acceptance could help you. It is those situations where there is nothing
to change and only suffering remains that radical acceptance makes the most
When you identify those situations in your life, be prepared to acknowledge your
emotions and then move on. While this will not be easy in the short run, you should
find that in the long run things gradually start to improve in your life. And when
things start to improve, you might find that everything naturally becomes easier and
lighter, making it easier for you to make other necessary changes in your life.
Read Next: The Extraordinary Gift of Being Ordinary With Professor Ronald
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