Risk Assessment Biology Pag 7

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Adi Lau 20/6/2023

Required Practical No. 7

An Investigation of Pigments Present in Leaves


Adi Lau 20/6/2023

In the experiment, we used two leaves from different plants.

Leaf A = Spinach leaf (Green)

Leaf B = Berberis leaf (Dark purple)
The results are shown above.
From A, I can identify 5 of the pigments, which are lime green (A1), green (A2),
yellow (A3), grey (A4) and orange (A5).

From B, I can identify 4 of the pigments, which are lime green (B1), green (B2), grey,
(B4) and orange (B5).

Spinach Leaf Pigments Distance travel by Rf value (3sf)

pigments from origin to
centre of pigment spot/cm
A1 1.10 0.0917
A2 2.40 0.197
A3 4.70 0.385
A4 8.70 0.713
A5 11.90 0.975
Berberis Leaf Pigments Distance travel by Rf value (3sf)
pigments from origin to
centre of pigment spot/cm
B1 1.00 0.0820
B2 1.70 0.139
B4 7.00 0.574
B5 12.0 0.984
Distance from origin to solvent front = 12.2 cm
Comparing with the standard rf value:

Pigment Rf value

β-carotene 0.98

Chlorophyll a 0.59

Chlorophyll b 0.42

Anthocyanins 0.32-0.62

Xanthophylls 0.15-0.35

Adi Lau 20/6/2023

We can identify the pigment from our experiment by comparing the rf value
obtained and the standard rf value.

Spinach Leaf Pigments Rf value (3sf) Pigment Name

A1 0.0917 Xanthophylls
A2 0.197 Anthocyanins
A3 0.385 Chlorophyll b
A4 0.713 Chlorophyll a
A5 0.975 Carotene
Berberis Leaf Pigments Rf value (3sf) Pigment Name
B1 0.0820 Xanthophylls
B2 0.139 Anthocyanins
B4 0.574 Chlorophyll a
B5 0.984 Carotene

We used pencil to mark the original line in the experiment, it is important to not use
pen as ink in pen may run and interfere with the chromatogram, leading to an
inaccurate distance result.
I have marked the solvent front line immediately as the solvent may evaporate very
quickly and disappeared.
I have used distance moved by pigment from origin to centre of pigment spot for
every measurement. It is important to standardize the distance measurement, as it
allows consistency and accuracy. If we use different ways to measure pigment
distances for different pigment, it is hard to compare the result.
In this experiment, we use two different leaves from different plants, the green-
coloured leaf is spinach leaf and the dark purple coloured leaf is berberis leaf. The
colour of berberis leaf is dark purple due to it being leaf collected from autumn.1
By comparing the result with standard rf value, I have identified 5 pigments from
spinach and 4 pigments from berberis.
From observations, spinach leaf’s pigments travel more distances than berberis leaf.
And chlorophyll b pigment may not be presented in the berberis leaf.

Risk Assessment

GardenFocused, D. Marks, “Expert Advice on Growing Berberis thunbergia”, webpage, available at:

Adi Lau 20/6/2023

Specific hazard How to reduce the risk of What happens if someone

this hazard causing injury is injured from this hazard
Glassware may break and Avoid putting the glassware If an empty glass break, pick
cause injury.2 near edge of table. up the glass fragment and
transfer to sealable sharp
Handle the glassware with container for safe disposal.
In case of glass breakage
Do not leave the equipment with liquid, use inert
unattended. absorbing material to
consolidate the liquid, then
collect the entire spillage
into sealable sharp
container for safe disposal.

Propanone is highly Wear safety goggles. If in contact with eye,

flammable liquid, causes Ensure room is well irrigate the eye with gently
serious eye irritation and ventilated and if possible, running tap water for 20
may cause drowsiness or use a fume cupboard. minutes and call 999.
If breathed in vapour, move
Ensure no naked flames
to an area with fresh air and
or other sources of keep warm.

Petroleum sprit is highly Use fume cupboard to If in contact with eye,

flammable, may cause conduct the experiment if irrigate the eye with gently
skin and eye irritation.4 possible. running water for at least
20 minutes, call 999.
Ensure good ventilation.
If breathed in, move to area
with fresh air, call 999.
Wear safety goggles.
If swallowed, do no more
Use smallest amount than rinse and spit with
possible. drinking water. Do not
induce vomiting. Call 999.


Croner-I, 2023, “Glassware Risk Assessment”, webpage. Available at:
CLEAPSS, 2022, “CLEAPSS Student Safety Sheet 3rd Edition 2022 61 Propanone”, pdf. Available at:

CLEAPSS, 2022, “CLEAPSS Student Safety Sheet 3rd Edition 2022 63 Hydrocarbons”, pdf. Available at:

Adi Lau 20/6/2023

1. GardenFocused, D. Marks, “Expert Advice on Growing Berberis thunbergia”, webpage,

available at: https://www.gardenfocused.co.uk/shrub/berberis-thunbergii.php
2. Croner-I, 2023, “Glassware Risk Assessment”, webpage. Available at:
3. CLEAPSS, 2022, “CLEAPSS Student Safety Sheet 3rd Edition 2022 61 Propanone”, pdf. Available at:

4. CLEAPSS, 2022, “CLEAPSS Student Safety Sheet 3rd Edition 2022 63 Hydrocarbons”, pdf. Available at:


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