Cpe 100 Lesson 1-3
Cpe 100 Lesson 1-3
Cpe 100 Lesson 1-3
- Individuals differ in the rate of growth and development. Boys and girls have
different development rates. Each part of the body has its own particular rate of
Development Proceeds from General to Specific
- In all areas of development, general activity always precedes specific activity.
For example, the fetus moves its whole body but is incapable of making specific
Most Traits are Correlated in Development
- Generally, it is seen that the child whose mental development is above
average, is also superior in so many other aspects like health, sociability and
special aptitudes.
Growth and Development is a Product of Both Heredity and Environment
- Development is influenced by both heredity and environment. Both are
responsible for human growth and development.
Development is Predictable
- The difference in physiological and psychological potentialities can ‘be
predicated by observation and psychological tests.
Development brings about both structural and functional changes
- Involves the growth and development of the body and brain and how they
interact with one another. Milestones such as reaching, sitting, crawling,
walking, running and jumping are part of their mastered skills.
There is a Constant Interaction Between All Factors of Development
- Development in one area is highly related to development in other areas. For
example, a child who has a good health can be active socially and intellectually.
CPE 100 (LESSON 2)
- the study of how the nervous system develops, its structure, and what it
does. Studying the nervous system advances understanding of our basic
biology and body function. (NICHD, 2018)
- The study of neuroscience allows us to:
A high level of stress has a negative impact on learning
We learn more and better in social interaction and cooperation
Emotions and mood affect the brain and its functions positively or
Direct and multisensory experiences enable people to learn better.
Exercises and movement are connected with learning
Diet, quality of sleep, socioeconomic and cultural environment, brain
injuries, and genetics, are factors that influence the brain and therefore
the way it learns
- Progressive changes in size, shape, and function during the life of an
organism. This helps us understand the living world and the ways its many
species (including humans) function, evolve, and interact. (Mulley, J. 2015)
Havighurst’s Developmental Stages
Robert J. Havighurst was an avid researcher, a prolific writer, and a civil rights activist. Best
known for his conceptualization of human development as mastery of a series of age-related
cultural tasks.
- Covers prenatal, infancy, babyhood, and preschool years.
PRENATAL - Conception to birth.
- Gang and creative age where self-help, social, school, and play skills are
developed. 3R’s are mastered. Achievement in school is the central theme of
child’s world.
- Transition age from childhood to adulthood. Central theme: Independence &
- Retirement age when increasingly rapid physical and mental decline are