AUTOSAR CP RS FirmwareOverTheAir
AUTOSAR CP RS FirmwareOverTheAir
AUTOSAR CP RS FirmwareOverTheAir
Requirements on Firmware
Document Title Over-The-Air
Document Owner AUTOSAR
Document Responsibility AUTOSAR
Document Identification No 944
• Editorial reworks
2019-11-28 19-11 Release • Initial release
This work (specification and/or software implementation) and the material contained in
it, as released by AUTOSAR, is for the purpose of information only. AUTOSAR and the
companies that have contributed to it shall not be liable for any use of the work.
The material contained in this work is protected by copyright and other types of intel-
lectual property rights. The commercial exploitation of the material contained in this
work requires a license to such intellectual property rights.
This work may be utilized or reproduced without any modification, in any form or by
any means, for informational purposes only. For any other purpose, no part of the work
may be utilized or reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in
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The work has been developed for automotive applications only. It has neither been
developed, nor tested for non-automotive applications.
The word AUTOSAR and the AUTOSAR logo are registered trademarks.
1 Scope of Document 4
4 Requirements Specification 7
4.1 Functional Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.2 Functional Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.2.1 Requirements on FOTA Target ECUs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.2.2 Requirements on FOTA Handler (CDD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.2.3 Memory Stack Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.2.4 Requirements on FOTA system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.3 Non-Functional Requirements (Qualities) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5 Requirements Tracing 20
6 References 21
1 Scope of Document
This document specifies requirements on the AUTOSAR FOTA (Firmware-Over-The-
Air) Target module realized as CDDs.
The FOTA Master mentioned in this document is analogous to the UCM-Master, which
is planned to be specified in upcoming AUTOSAR releases.
4 Requirements Specification
The following tasks of the entire FOTA procedure shall be allocated to the FOTA Target
• Realization of FOTA related diagnostics communication services
• Guarding of the FOTA sequence, which is usually implementer specific
• Buffering of received data chunks and appropriate packetizing of those to meet
the requirements of the memory stack, especially with respect to minimum page
size of the used flash
• Providing data chunks to memory stack and reporting the result of write access
to diagnostic communication manager (Dcm), which finally provides a diagnsotic
response to previously received request
• Realization of update interruption and resuming, i.e. finding the last possible point
to proceed with an update and, if possible, not to restart entirely.
• Triggering ECU-internal rollback mechanisms to recover ECU’s previous image
based on request from FOTA Master
FOTA Target ECU shall be capable to install, i.e. receive and store, a new SW
Description: image while the current image on the ECU is executed in its normal operating
Rationale: Reduce the vehicle downtime caused by an update.
Dependent on the image size, vehicle bus topology and other environmental
factors, like ECU and system HW capabilities, the transfer of data from a FOTA
Master ECU to FOTA Target ECUs as well as storage of those data in the FOTA
Use Case: Target ECU can take a long time. Realizing these steps in the normal
operational mode, i.e. while driving, will significantly reduce the time, where the
vehicle is blocked or functions not available due to an ongoing update.
Supporting Note: for the activation of new image the vehicle shall be still put into a
Material: safe-state, e.g. standstill, engine off etc.
FOTA Target ECUs shall be capable to internally recover the SW image, being
Description: active before last (FOTA) activation. This may happen on a trigger by the FOTA
Master instance.
In case of failed activation, the FOTA Target ECU can fall back to the previous
state. It is more reliable in comparison to a re-installation trial by the FOTA
Master ECU and also contributes to a reduced vehicle downtime in case of a
rollback need.
In case the new image can not be properly activated, e.g. due to
inconsistencies in the installed software, detection of integrity violation during
activation etc., the FOTA Target ECU can be triggered by the FOTA Master to
Use Case: recover its previously installed image. In case the activation was successful on
a particular FOTA Target ECU, but an incompatibility arises on the vehicle level,
a rollback of all affected FOTA Target ECUs may be required.
[RS_FOTA_00003] Support of FOTA related diagnostic services in normal oper-
ating mode d
FOTA Target ECU shall support diagnostic services dedicated for image
updates in normal application mode. This is mainly about securely accessing
Description: the ECU, erasing dedicated memory parts, requesting to start the installation of
the new image, transfer of data and triggering the verification procedure at the
end of the transfer.
In non FOTA capable ECUs, the update relevant diagnostic services are usually
supported in reprogramming or bootmode only. As the installation on FOTA
Rationale: Target ECUs shall now happen during normal operating mode, e.g. driving,
these services shall be supported in the normal operating mode too.
Dependencies: –
The FOTA Master ECU is able to establish an update related diagnostic
Use Case: communication with FOTA Target ECU in normal operating mode.
An ongoing installation shall not disturb or reduce the functional scope of the
respective FOTA Target ECU.
The support of background installation shall not lead to functional restrictions
on a particular FOTA Target ECU or the entire vehicle, especially in terms of
Rationale: functional safety. In case a functional reduction due to an ongoing installation is
necessary, the functional safety aspects of both, particular FOTA Target ECU
and vehicle as a system, shall be respected.
Dependencies: –
Functional safety aspects are not affected and will be fulfilled also in case of an
Use Case: ongoing FOTA update procedure.
[RS_FOTA_00005] Activation of new software in vehicle’s safe-state only d
FOTA Target ECU shall accept activation of new software in vehicle safe-state
Description: only. Note: The definiton of the "vehicle safe state" is up to the implementation,
but needs to ensure that the functional safety requirements are still fulfilled.
Activation of new software mostly includes an ECU reboot, which will affect the
Rationale: functional safety requirements and general availability of the addressed FOTA
Target ECU.
After successful installation and verification of the new software, this software is
Use Case:
activated in a vehicle safe-state only.
[RS_FOTA_00006] Dependencies of software and configuration data d
The FOTA image data is provided to the FOTA Handler by the DCM module
located in the FOTA Target ECU.
Avoid downtime of the vehicle due to ongoing installation by supporting
Rationale: corresponding UDS diagnostic communication in normal operating mode.
Reception and processing of software happens in the background via
Use Case: diagnostic services and the FOTA Handler module without causing functional
restrictions in FOTA Target ECU.
[RS_FOTA_00009] Data processing and forwarding to the memory stack on the
FOTA Target ECU d
The amount of received data can differ from the amount, that can be written
directly into the memory, e.g. the received data doesn’t fit to the page size
requirements of the used flash driver instance. Note: It is assumed that the
Rationale: lower layers of the memory stack will handle the collection and/or segmentation
of the received FOTA data chunks in order to meet the memory HW
requirements such as page size and alignment. Hence, if these features are
not supported by the memory stack, the FOTA Handler may take care of those.
Data transfer from the FOTA Master ECU to a FOTA Target ECU is processed
using UDS as diagnostic protocol and different transport protocols, e.g. CanTp,
FrTp, TCP/UDP, to disassemble the whole software image into several chunks.
Use Case: Since most transport protocols allow flexible payload length, the size of FOTA
image chunks may vary, e.g. to accommodate with varying bus loads. FOTA
Handler is able to process data chunks of variable length.
[RS_FOTA_00010] Abstraction of FOTA Target ECU internal memory layout d
The FOTA Handler shall abstract the FOTA Target ECU internal memory layout
from the FOTA Master ECU.
It shall be possible for the FOTA Master ECU to always operate on identical
memory addresses or logically represented memory blocks, when installing a
new software, regardless on which physical addresses in FOTA Target ECU
data will be finally written.
Reduce the complexity of FOTA Master ECU by abstraction of internal memory
Use Case: layout of FOTA Target ECUs.
[RS_FOTA_00030] Completeness of new software d
The FOTA Handler shall verify the completeness of received data as it was
indicated by the FOTA Master ECU at the beginning of installation as
prerequisite for activation. Note: Verification features and techniques are
implementation specific and are therefore not part ot this document.
In order to ensure that the newly installed SW image is complete, which is a
Rationale: major prerequisite for booting the SW, a mechanism to provide this feature
must be in place.
The completeness of the newly installed SW is a major prerequisite in order to
Use Case:
indicate a successful installation procedure.
[RS_FOTA_00011] Activation of new software d
Description: The activation procedure shall only be triggered by FOTA Master ECU.
A Request from the FOTA Master ECU to activate new the software shall be
accepted by the FOTA Target ECU under reasonable conditions only. Note:
according to the upcoming Cyber Security standard ISO-21434 the integrity
and authenticity of the new software shall be ensured before activation. As
definition of Cyber Security requirements is out of scope in this document this
note shall be treated as a hint rather than as a requirement.
As several FOTA Target ECUs can be affected by a functionally distributed
software update the installation will be finished at different times on particular
Use Case: FOTA Target ECUs. Hence, the request to activate the new software is
orchestrated by the FOTA Master ECU for compatibility reasons between
different FOTA Target ECUs.
[RS_FOTA_00013] FOTA Target ECU triggered Rollback d
The FOTA Target ECU shall be capable to trigger a rollback in case of errors
during processing (e.g. verification or activation).
In case of errors during the activation procedure, the FOTA Target ECU can
Rationale: trigger the Rollback procedure. Note: The rollback itself is executed by the
FOTA Target ECU autonomously.
A new software was installed, but the FOTA Target ECU cannot be booted
Use Case: successfully. If all (implementation specific) conditions are met, the FOTA
Target ECU will initiate a self triggered Rollback procedure.
[RS_FOTA_00035] FOTA Target ECU shall provide a service to read the current
SW version back d
Description: A diagnostic service to read the currently running SW version shall be in place.
In order to enable the FOTA Master ECU the evaluation of the currently running
Rationale: SW versions of each FOTA Target ECU, an appropriate diagnostic service
needs to be in place.
For the purpose to coordinate dependencies and compatibilities between FOTA
Use Case: Target ECUs and possible rollbacks, the FOTA Master needs to know all active
SW versions within the FOTA Masters responsibility.
[RS_FOTA_00014] Update progress status d
The FOTA Target ECU shall provide current update progress status on request
from FOTA Master ECU.
FOTA Handler specific diagnostic services to trace status information about the
Rationale: current installation progress.
The FOTA Master ECU may request the update progress status from a FOTA
Target ECU to correspondingly adjust the set of FOTA related diagnostic
services to successfully proceed with the update. The definition of the
Use Case: intermediate update progress states, e.g. memory erased, part of data
received, as well as the status granularity can be project specific, but shall be
aligned between FOTA Target ECUs and FOTA Master ECU specifications.
[RS_FOTA_00015] Diagnostic communication between FOTA Master ECU and
FOTA Target ECUs d
During the FOTA update procedure, process related (user) data shall be stored
in the non-volatile memory (NvM) in order to exchange these information after
Description: an interruption with the FOTA Master ECU. Note: For details about status and
other FOTA Handler specific user data see the specification documents for the
NvM module [5] and memory services [6]
An interrupted FOTA installation, shall be capable for resumption. Resumption
Use Case: is initiated based on update progress status persisted during the previous
installation phase of the same update sequence.
[RS_FOTA_00016] Interruptions and resumption during installation d
[RS_FOTA_00017] Cancel and restart of installation d
Description: The FOTA Handler shall support active cancellation and restart during
There might be a need to actively cancel an ongoing installation by the FOTA
Master ECU.
In case of necessity to cancel an ongoing installation and to potentially restart
it, e.g. in case a newer update package is indicated to the FOTA Master ECU,
Use Case:
while the previous one is still under installation, the FOTA Handler shall accept
and execute the cancellation.
The FOTA Handler shall be able to access Crypto Services using the interfaces
as defined by AUTOSAR. Note: The use of Crypto Services is optional wihtin
the FOTA process. Features and mechanisms are implementaton speicific and
are therefore not part of this document.
Rationale: Secure FOTA updates.
As integrity and authenticity of new contents (software, data) on FOTA Target
Use Case: ECUs is ensured, the FOTA Handler is able to use the defined Crypto Service
Manager (CSM) APIs.
Note: The term memory stack shall substitute the memory driver (FlashDriver) and
memory management modules (e.g. Fee) regardless if they are realized as internal or
external driver, since no decisions on architectural solutions have been made yet.
[RS_FOTA_00033] Provide interfaces to the memory stack d
The memory stack shall provide interfaces to be used by the FOTA Handler
module to program the new image data to the flash memory.
Transfer of FOTA chunk data from the FOTA Handler module to the memory
Rationale: stack. The definition of the interfaces to the memory stack are not yet specified
and therefore not listed in this document.
In order to finally write the received data from the FOTA image chunk to the
Use Case:
low-level memory stack (flash procedure).
[RS_FOTA_00022] Memory stack shall handle the targeted types of a flash de-
vice(s) d
The memory stack shall handle the different types of flash devices used in a
FOTA procedure.
Rationale: Ensure standardized access to different types of flash devices.
The type, location and HW specific features of each physical flash driver
Use Case:
instance is irrelevant for the implementer, since he uses a standardized API.
[RS_FOTA_00034] Memory stack shall be able to handle program flash device(s)
Description: The memory stack shall be able handle the program flash.
The memory stack must write (flash) new program data into the expected
Rationale: program flash sections.
In order to realize the FOTA procedure, the program flash sections must be
Use Case: accessible by the related driver for writing (and reading).
[RS_FOTA_00023] Memory stack shall provide a queuing mechanism d
In order to accept jobs from multiple users, the memory stack shall provide a
queuing mechanism.
Rationale: Queue user requests to the memory stack.
The memory stack and FOTA want to read and write data at the same time. No
Use Case: requests are rejected in case the addressed flash driver is already busy, but will
be queued and processed as soon as possible.
[RS_FOTA_00024] Memory stack shall process multiple requests in parallel d
The memory stack shall handle several Flash devices. Those devices may or
Description: may not be accessed in parallel. Depending on the managed devices the
memory stack shall process multiple requests in parallel.
Rationale: Process multiple requests in parallel.
Program and data flash work independently but may be handled by one single
Use Case: memory driver. The driver forwards one request to each of the devices, if
available, instead of processing them subsequently.
In order to keep all non-FOTA related services and applications available, all
incoming memory requests shall be prioritized.
Rationale: Prioritization of concurrent memory accesses.
FOTA and system or application related requests are received at the same time
Use Case: (logically). The memory stack applies the lowest processing priority to the FOTA
request and system or application related requests are always executed first.
[RS_FOTA_00026] Memory stack shall be able to preempt active jobs d
The memory stack shall preempt an ongoing job, if a higher priority job was
Description: requested. The preempted job shall be resumed as soon as the interrupting,
higher priority jobs were processed. The preemption shall not be recognized by
the user.
Rationale: Prioritization of concurrent memory accesses.
Assuming FOTA writes multiple data chunks, the write job may be preempted, if
a memory stack job requests immediate action. After the memory stack job
Use Case: was processed, the processing of the FOTA jobs is resumed. During the
preemption time, the FOTA job(s) remain as pending and the FOTA Target waits
for the job(s) to finish.
[RS_FOTA_00027] Memory stack shall provide an interface to access hardware
specific information d
[RS_FOTA_00028] Memory stack for program flash shall handle all program flash
related differences to the data flash d
Description: The memory stack shall abstract all differences between data and program
Program flash can behave different to the data flash. The memory driver shall
Rationale: provide enough information to handle/validate the program flash related errors.
Because of hardware restriction the program flash might provide other/ more
information about failures/ states than the data flash. To be able to react to
Use Case:
these failures/ states they are propagated to the upper layer, e.g. the FOTA
The FOTA Handler module shall be able to initiate and manage the restore of
Description: the previously active software in case of errors during the activation procedure
on behalf of the FOTA master instance.
The FOTA Target ECU self triggered rollback provides more reliability and
downtime reduction. As multiple FOTA Target ECUs can be requested to
execute a rollback at once, it reduces the overall vehicle downtime due to
rollback parallelization. Note: The realization of the final rollback procedure
within a FOTA Target ECU is project specific and therefore implementation
In case of an error during or after activation of the new software, there are
Use Case: reliable measures in place to prevent bricked ECUs caused by those failed
[RS_FOTA_00031] FOTA Master ECU triggered Rollback d
The FOTA Target ECU shall be able to execute a rollback instruction received
from FOTA Master ECU.
In case of errors during the update of one or more ECUs within one update
Rationale: campaign, a central instance needs to trigger a rollback of the whole update
campaign on all affected ECUs.
An update campaign is executed but causes errors on several affected ECUs,
Use Case:
which requires a rollback of all those ECUs.
[RS_FOTA_00029] Only one specific SW image shall be provided to the FOTA
Target ECU. d
Independent of the used HW and memory layout, only one generic image shall
be provided to the FOTA Target ECU.
Regardless if running on HW with fixed or flexible runtime address mapping,
Rationale: only one specific image will be provided to the FOTA Target ECU. Offsets and
recalculations are implementation specific but must be considered.
Since complete SW images can be quite big, it shall be avoided to provide one
Use Case: distinct image per memory partition, which may save a lot of space.
5 Requirements Tracing
Not applicable.
6 References