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Beast Soul Druid

Beast Soul Druid WILD SHAPE FOCUS 1


You forego some of your affinity for spellcasting to Cast somatic, verbal
further your soul's connection to the wilds, allowing Duration 1 minute (or longer)
you to change your form like a second skin.
You infuse yourself with primal essence and transform
Beast Soul Druid (1st) yourself into another form. You can polymorph into
This class feature alters your Druid Spellcasting class any form listed in pest form or beast form. All wild
feature, the Wild Shape order spell, and the Wild shape forms last 1 minute or the listed duration
Shape, Form Control, and Perfect Form Control feats. (whichever is longer). You can add more forms to your
If you choose this class archetype you must select the wild shape list with druid feats; your feat might grant
Beast Soul Dedication at 2nd level. you some or all of the forms from a given polymorph
Prerequisites: You must be a Druid spell. When you transform into a form granted by a
Beast Soul Adjustments: Modify your druid spell, you gain all the effects of the form you chose
spellcasting as follows. from a version of the spell heightened to wild shape's
You can cast fewer spells each day. Your number level. Wild shape allows you to use your own
of spell slots per day don't advance from 2 to 3
shapeshifting training more easily than most
spells at even levels.
polymorph spells. When you choose to use your own
Reduce the number of cantrips you gain from
attack modifier while polymorphed instead of the
your class by 2.
form's default attack modifier, you gain a +2 status
BEAST SOUL DEDICATION FEAT 2 bonus to your attack rolls. Dismissing a battle form
UNCOMMON ARCHETYPE CLASS DEDICATION granted by wild shape takes two actions.
Prerequisites Beast Soul Druid Heightened (3rd) When you wild shape, you can
You now have four cantrips per day instead of three. remain transformed for up to 1 hour. You can still
At 4th level, you have five cantrips per day instead of Dismiss the form at any time.
four. Heightened (5th) Wild shape is permanent until you
Dismiss it.
The modified feats and new form spell are listed
below. If a feature here would have the same name as DRUID

a preexisting feature, replace it with this one. Prerequisites Strength 14; Wild Shape
WILD SHAPE FEAT 1 With additional care and effort, you can take on minor
aspects of other forms when you wild shape. You can
choose to cast wild shape as a 1 minute activity, and if
Prerequisites wild order you do so you gain a single additional attack from
You are one with the wild, always changing and another form you could have turned into, as if you had
adapting to meet any challenge. You gain the wild also turned into that form. This special form lasts for
shape order spell, which lets you transform into a 10 minutes, then you are returned to your normal
variety of forms that you can expand with druid feats. form, even if you had remaining duration on your wild
You also add the beast form spell to your spell list, and shape.
it is a Primal Druid spell for you.

Beast Soul Druid

PERFECT FORM CONTROL FEAT 16 Athletics modifier of +6, unless your own modifier
is higher.
You also gain specific abilities based on the type
Prerequisites Strength 18; Form Control
of animal you choose:
With extreme effort and practice, you can combine Charging Speed 50 feet; Melee horn, Damage
aspects of similar forms. You can choose to cast wild 1d6 piercing; Melee foot (agile), Damage 1d4
shape as a 1 minute activity, selecting two forms from bludgeoning.
the same source (such as bat and bird, both from aerial Lumbering Speed 30 feet; Melee jaws, Damage
form) as you do so. Upon completing the spell, you 1d8 piercing; Melee claw (agile), Damage 1d6
gain the benefits of both forms. For example, if one slashing.
form can breathe air and the other can breathe Swinging Speed 25 feet, climb Speed 25 feet;
underwater, you can breathe in both situations. If Melee fist, Damage 1d8 bludgeoning; you have
there's overlap in abilities, you gain the better one. For hands and can take manipulate actions.
instance, if both have a fly Speed, you get the higher Lacerating Speed 40 feet; Melee claws,
one, and if both forms have claws, you gain only the Damage 1d6 piercing; Melee jaws (fatal d10),
claw Strike you prefer. The GM determines which Damage 1d4 piercing.
abilities overlap and which are cumulative. This special Lanky Speed 25 feet, swim Speed 25 feet; Melee
form lasts for 10 minutes, then you are returned to jaws, Damage 1d6 bludgeoning; Melee
your normal form, even if you had remaining duration tongue (reach 10 feet), Damage 1d4 bludgeoning.
on your wild shape. Swimming swim Speed 35 feet; Melee jaws,
BEAST FORM SPELL 1 Damage 1d8 piercing; breathe underwater but not
in air.
Poisonous Speed 20 feet, climb Speed 20 feet,
Cast somatic, verbal
swim Speed 20 feet; Melee fangs, Damage 1d4
Duration 1 minute
piercing plus 1d6 poison.
You call upon primal energy to transform yourself into
Heightened (2nd) You instead gain attack modifier +9,
a Medium animal battle form. When you first cast this
damage bonus +4 and double the number of
spell, choose charging, lumbering, swinging, lacerating,
damage dice, and Athletics +11.
lanky, swimming, or poisonous. You can decide the
Heightened (3rd) You instead gain AC = 18 + your
specific type of animal (such as bear for lumbering or
level, attack modifier +14, damage bonus +5 and
lion for lacerating), but this has no effect on the form's
double the number of damage dice, and Athletics
Size or statistics. While in this form, you gain the
+14. You can choose for your battle form to be
animal trait. You can Dismiss the spell.
Large, which gives your attacks an additional 5 feet
You gain the following statistics and abilities
of reach. You must have enough space to expand
regardless of which battle form you choose:
into to do so.
AC = 17 + your level. Ignore your armor's check
Heightened (4th) You instead gain AC = 18 + your
penalty and Speed reduction.
level, attack modifier +16, damage bonus +6 and
Temporary Hit Points equal to your level plus
double the number of damage dice, and Athletics
double your Constitution modifier.
+18. You can choose for your battle form to be
Low-light vision and imprecise scent 30 feet.
Large, which gives your attacks an additional 5 feet
One or more unarmed melee attacks specific to
of reach. You must have enough space to expand
the battle form you choose, which are the only
into to do so.
attacks you can strike with. You're trained with
them. Your attack modifier is +6, and your
damage bonus is +4. These attacks are Strength
based (for the purpose of the enfeebled condition,
for example). If your unarmed attack bonus is
higher, you can use it instead.
Beast Soul Druid

Heightened (5th) You instead gain AC = 18 + your Heightened (10th) You instead gain AC = 24 + your
level, attack modifier +18, damage bonus +6 and level, attack modifier +34, damage bonus +10 and
double the number of damage dice, and Athletics triple the number of damage dice, and Athletics +34.
+21. You can choose for your battle form to be You can choose for your battle form to be Large,
Large, which gives your attacks an additional 5 feet which gives your attacks an additional 5 feet of
of reach, or Huge, which gives your attacks an reach, Huge, which gives your attacks an additional
additional 10 feet of reach. You must have enough 10 feet of reach, or Gargantuan, which gives your
space to expand into to do so. attacks an additional 15 feet of reach. You must
Heightened (6th) You instead gain AC = 21 + your have enough space to expand into to do so.
level, attack modifier +21, damage bonus +7 and
double the number of damage dice, and Athletics
+23. You can choose for your battle form to be
Large, which gives your attacks an additional 5 feet
of reach, or Huge, which gives your attacks an
additional 10 feet of reach. You must have enough
space to expand into to do so.
Heightened (7th) You instead gain AC = 21 + your level,
attack modifier +25, damage bonus +7 and triple the
number of damage dice, and Athletics +25. You can
choose for your battle form to be Large, which gives
your attacks an additional 5 feet of reach, Huge,
which gives your attacks an additional 10 feet of
reach, or Gargantuan, which gives your attacks an
additional 15 feet of reach. You must have enough
space to expand into to do so.
Heightened (8th) You instead gain AC = 21 + your
level, attack modifier +28, damage bonus +10 and
triple the number of damage dice, and Athletics
+28. You can choose for your battle form to be
Large, which gives your attacks an additional 5 feet
of reach, Huge, which gives your attacks an
additional 10 feet of reach, or Gargantuan, which
gives your attacks an additional 15 feet of reach.
You must have enough space to expand into to do
Heightened (9th) You instead gain AC = 21 + your
level, attack modifier +32, damage bonus +10 and
triple the number of damage dice, and Athletics +32.
You can choose for your battle form to be Large,
which gives your attacks an additional 5 feet of
reach, Huge, which gives your attacks an additional
10 feet of reach, or Gargantuan, which gives your
attacks an additional 15 feet of reach. You must
have enough space to expand into to do so.

Beast Soul Druid

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