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Food and Nutrients Contents of the Chapter: bs 2. = 4. Nutrients. Main types of nutrients. Functions of nutrients. Deficiency of nutrients. Nutrients
Supplying required fatty acids. 3 Providing fat soluble vitamins. 36 Providing insulation and padding to the body. \5¢ Improving the taste of food and providing satisfaction. Deficiency of fats: 1. Deficiency of fats leads to impaired absorption and utilization of fat soluble vitamins. 2. Deficiency of fats may lead to a skin disease known as Phrynoderma. 3. In Plrynoderma, the skin becomes dry-anil scaly and there is loss of weight and stunted growth. uy re 2. Carbohydrates vegetable—stems. tube Seeds, cereals, millets_in ihe form of cellulose and- pectin. "Green leafy vegetables. Especially in the form_of oo Functions of carbohydrates: | Functions oe ie intake is ied by vdrates. fe ian di 1 calorie intake is supplied by carbohy an Indian diet, 65 to 80% of the total is supplied bye ; e oe mount of carbohydrates needed for proper utilization of fat int e body. : ‘carbohydrate is De 3. of waste from the body. Celiuose a fibrous carbohydrate facilitates excretion, pee 2e NOT LABROY AO T 26oe a (eho Deficiency of carbohydrates: a —T. Deficiency in carbohydrates may lead to insufficient energy. 2. Deficiency of protein and fat, along with deficiency of carbohydrates, leads to ~~ ‘marasmus’ a disease in children, _A> Th marasmus, the child looks sick, physical growth is stunted and intellectual and mental too is affected, 3. Proteins <) We get various nutrients from the food that we eat. Protein is an importants niitient} (The word has been derived from the Greek word ‘Profeios’ which means“the'su which has the highest place in formation of body.” All living cells are made up of Proteins. Proteins are made up of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. Sources of proteins: Proteins _are_obtained_from. legumes, pulses, milk «and Thilk products;éges, meat and —_ Functions of proteins: ede Groh and mained of the body. 7 2. Regulation. : Protection: 4 Frome ie ) Deficiency of proteins: s In’childrén, protein deficiency leads to a di Gi liorkor’. In.this disease results in retardation of growth, drying and fo loosening of the kin iedema and injuries. 2. Protein deficiency in adults shows Joss of weight, anemia, susceptibility to infection : en rontection and fatigue. aesteeel 4. Minerals Similar to vitamins, minerals also protect the body and regulate the functions af the ly.{Calciuin,“ Phosphorous, Iron, lodine, Soditim, Potassium are the important minerals in bods y al Dilip Girap (98694 47165 / 9833] 14685)These are called ‘minerals Body needs many inorganic substan Sources of minerals: a. Calcium: Whole grain cereals — Finger millet, legumes, pulses, sprouts, oilseeds and hard 1 _ shel led fruits, green Vegetables, dry fruits li dates, milk and milk products. b. Phosphorotis:” Whole grain cereals, egg, meat, fish, cereals, fruits, mil Whole grain cereals ~ especially Finger millet, pearl millet, dry fruits, green leafy vegetables, jaggery, rice flakes, egg yolk. a. Iodine: Vegetables and fruits grown in iodine rich soil, sea water fish.5 ol Dilip Girap (98694 47165 / 98331 14685) ¢ abo by dos | Funetions of nnePilss a. Caleium: * Strengthening of bones and tecth. * Aids clotting of blood. * Regulates the contraction and relaxation of muscles} b. Phosphorous: * Strengthening of bones and teeth. + Regulating the digestion process. ¢. Iron: * Itis a component of the hemoglobin in the blood. s * It is a component of Myoglobin in muscles. This helps in’ muscle contraction. + Ithelps in digestion of carbohydrate, protein and fat. d. Iodin © Maintaining the digestion of carbohydrate, proteins and fa Deficiency of minerals: 1. Anemia 2. Weakness 3. Decaying of teeth 4. Weakening of bones. 5. Mumps 6. Incapabilty of muscles" 6 KR ao” Water. Sources of water: 1. Water.*constitute of foods like fruits and vegetables. Water used for cooking the food. Water formed in the body due to digestion of nutrients. Functions of water: 1. Regulates body temperature. 2. Removes the waste products from the body. 3. Usefiul in lubricating the joints.4. Transports the products formed during digestion and other processes from one part of the body to other part. 5. All body fluids like blood, digestive juices, urine have water as a major constituent. *e/ The body contains approximately 65% water. 6. Vitamins The substance hat is Preduired in extremely low quantity for proper growth, development ‘of the body and maintaining health, is called vitamins. Vitamins ig ‘Water soluble vitamins Water insoluble vitamins he |B” and ‘C’ vitamins dissolve in water, so ‘These vitamins don’t dissolve in water. they are water soluble vitamins. These | They are soluble in fats. These are stored hese are store are thrown out of the body through urine, | in the body. sweat Therefore these vitamins are required to be replenish regularly. “BI, ‘B2", ‘B3’, ‘B6’, ‘BY’ and ‘B12’ | ‘A’, ‘D’, ‘E’ and ‘K’ are water insoluble are the important types of watey le | vitamins.Vitamine ~ Sonrees and Functions Vitamin | Function Helps in maintaining normal function A afthe eye, Helps maintaining the BI functions of dheart and ‘pervan ystem, Source milk, butter, eggs, sweet potato, yellow fruits Milk, fish, meat, legumes, tough shelled fruits, pulses Deficiency diseate Night blindness. in less light), Zeroderm (Dried skin) Beriberi (Nervous system disorder). Weakening of muscles 7] Stunted growth, Green Keafy, | Anaemia, es Gemthof the | vegetables, Memory loss, Se. oa Slowing down 1 the movements re —. pi | Peeatingeed [Mi products, | sang Et blood cells | meat Ea fone s |. | Gooseberry, | Scurvy neeen PII | Sj, oranges Bleeding from ee and other citrus | gums, Swelling c ae fruits. Cabbage, | of cheeks, material mt tomato, gredn | Delayed necrsenty foe py healing of boven ice amt caves, | nouns a vegetables, | wounds Bi E =] — cou] rTVitamin] — Function Source Deficiency Picture disease Strengths the Su Rickets ing of Bones andsesh | przpared in (Weakening byabsorbing | body by some | Poness pain D required substances used WY : oftening of calcium and | from milk, eeenee » | bones and in butter, egg, cracking of from food fish, bones) Maintaining the digesti ete Sprouts, green | Weakening of process in Ei leafy muscles, E. a sion vegetables, problems in} ly TORIC. | fresh buds, reproduction, aid maintain - me Ihe fisctice ce | Yesetable oi! | skiitdiseases. the function of muscle tissue, C i Performs an : Heavy blood e important task Igss in ease of” in blood al sprouted an injury. clotting Py) egumes, exe ALS” | york, Remember that, Soe. ied or exposed to light. For example, “C’ vitamin t destroyed when heat or AeSotievininszd when the food item is ‘cooking. Thus, food items ‘viding such Y eS OE EMS. PLOV vitamins should be eaten raw, without cooking i i ired for the body in right quantity through food is 2. Not getting all the nutrients required for the body in right quantity throu: tee as ‘malnutrition’. Malnutrition happens because of lack o} d or because of availability of wee balanced food. Also, taking more food than required causes (over- un nutrition) adverse effects. }*Do not drink daily Do not cat daily Tea Coffee Vadapav Cold Drinks What did you learn? 1. Five types of nutrients: a. Fats. b. Carbohydrates. c., Proteins. d. Minerals. e. Water. f. Vitamins. 2. Two types of fats: a. Solid fats. b. Liquid fats. 3. Functions and deficiency of nutrients. 4. Functions, sources and diseases due to deficiency of vitamins.Assignment: 1. Complete the fottowing diagram Main types of nutrients Answer: \. Proteins ey 18331 14685) stip Girap (98694 47165 / 9 Dilip Girap ( Mrs. Shamal2. Complete the following diagram O+@20 Answert a Deficiency of proteins causes — Liquid fits, rowth in kids 2. Stunted 3 | | AL of'skin scning | Deficiency of proteins causes De pel eT 1. Kwwashiorkor| | 2, stunted 4. Loosening LS ren growth in kids 3. Anemia eon ning of $. Paulgte Mrs, Shamal Dilip Girap (98694 47165 / 98331 14685)4. Write 2 points each of what will happen (FB. Deficiency of fats 1. ItJeads to impaired ab: d utilization pf fat soluble vitamins. 2. It may lead toas xin_disease known as Phrynoderma. Which causes skin dryness and there is loss of weight and stunted growth. b. Deficiency of carbohydrates _ 1. It may lead to insufficient energy, 2. Deficiency of protein and fat, along with deficiency of carbohydratés, leads to marasmus” a GISEAS€ ih children. In marasmus, the child dooks “Sick, Physical growth is stunted and intellectual and mental too is affected. . Deficiency of proteins 1. In children, it leads to a disease called ‘Kwashiorkor’. Which results in retardation of growth, drying and loosening of the skin, edema and injuries. 2. In adults, it shows weight loss, anemia, susceptibility to infections, fatigue. the blanks tar . \ malate tion, minerals, ‘A’, Q:e teats, fro teins) a. Body needs many inorganic substances. These are called : Hasibeen derived from the Greek word ‘Proteios’. es b. The word c. Night blindness is’caused due to deficiency of vitamin is caused due to deficiency of vitamin e. Not getting all the nutrients required for the body in right quantity through food is known as Answers Body needs many inorganic substances. These are called minerals. b. The word proteins has been derived from the Greek word ‘Proteios’. c. Night blindness is caused due to deficiency of vitamin d. Rickets is caused due to deficiency of vitamin *D*. Not getting all the nutrients required for the body in right quantity through food is known as ‘malnutrition’. (98694 47165 / 98331 14685) Are Shamal Dilip Girap (fab = phy oclume Chkein) Coto kgduabie - —malamus Cohilden treed, / min gals jremla 6. State 2 functions each of following minerals | weoleaZ7 a. Calcium Selim 1. Strengthening of tones and teeth. |. |. sbi + muses . a 2. Aids clotting of blood. b. Phosphorous 1. Strengthening of bones and teeth. 2. Regulating the digestion process. Iron 1. It is a component of the hemoglobin in the blo 2. Ithelps in digestion of carbohydrate, prc d. Iodine 1. Mainiaining the digestion of carbohydrate, proteins and fats 2.{ Tthelps to make thyroid hormones: y) a x Cal Write a short note on fats.1+ purides energy, O purl on andl pacing A tre booty 6) Impune feate 4 @ leads te { prawns mur la clisenrs in ( f& State the functions of proteins. ,, 37 5. State the different types of minerals and state their sources. he The Tein — keer h a legs = sate tot, ‘a buZ tes What are the effects of deficiency of carbohydrates? _, > fea ey, eng ‘Wit are the functions of water in human body? 29 7. What are the two different types of vitamins? Distinguish between them. — P7 30 8. List any 3 vitamins and state their sources and 2 | 9, Why some food products should be consumed raw? £932 — Lehto ysten psten healed ot export Pytr - ~ 10, Prepare a chart of different nutrients along with their sources, functions and effects of their deficiencies. Follow this chart to understand the nutrition in your daily meal. 37 ~- Mrs. Shamal Dilip Girap (98694 47165 / 98331 14685) en Some amino 74 Exercise: Dov oe “pocate 1) Fook substa fe i Ragile OF Ofiraet Goat Collec a 1 We aoa 1. What is ‘nutrients’ and what,are the ole types of nutrients? sate pe la ar dail Le oe Gotti Jake theg od ghee, butlet i end gobs
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