Ralph Humphrey May 1978 Interviewa

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'uMop olxoc o1 pasoddns st ouo p ur ore oqar eldoed o] pasodxo le0 pue 1oq {11eet et,no{
ro^oraLlMjo leoquMop oql uo spuel auo^to^o ]eq1 os paou Aluo,(eme 1q0u op no,( 6urqler-uos s,ler.ll oN :AlUHdy{nH
no^ roquJnu lcexo eLll qlrm dn auoc puB '0ur{e1d ere no{ ;Aeme 1q0u l.ro/v\ otpnls 0urop pels no{ pr6 :NVlCISnyt
roieu lo^olBqM uo sdnolo crLuqyiqt teqlo asoduledns 'ureOe eutoc lonau
plnoc noA leq] :]eq1 ]noqe lol e ou.r plol oslB uoC uo^os ]o qcrqnr {lrunpoddo eql eztos ol peq I }nq 'peeq riut teno
srBq rnol re^o >l.loM plnoM }eq] ]Bql Moul plnoM I os ,,.soM] Ae,u ur 0uro0 sem I olrl llol I uoeq lono oneq I se snollou
oml pue seetql 1qOra ',(e16 1,s1eaq esoL1l opt^rp o] ]ueM sE'pueq oql qllM {e1d o1 uMop }uom I 'e1et {ue lV ouacs
I op MoH 's1eeq 1q0re-Alueml slenbo ua^os lo sjeq lnol,, oq] ]o qnq eql 'se1a0uy sol Llroll '{eme selrut poipunq
'ornOri plnom I acueuedxe lectsnu aq1 o1 toud 'oltl llaM rnol 'oru 0ur11ec eq plnoM oq ]Bq1 a^otloq l,uplnoc I ]q0lu
se sroloLr.l ppo oql 6ur[e;d o1 seqceotdde joqjo posn I {epuo1,1 E uo pueq olll qllM uot}tpne ol umop oul paltnut oH
'aerq] st lt lEr_11 lool lnq il ]unoc t,uop 'oalLll 'aur pollec eq 'lalel tee{ e 11eq e osnecoq ouJ .loquloLua.l
I I ,o lrun e lBor.l
I uaqM 'MoN sltun cruqyiqt eq1 0ur1ee1 ete no{ sB qcnul o1 qOnoue urrq pesserduur ; ssen6 | pue uoC q1r,r,r pe{e1d
os 0urlunoc ]ou ole no,i 1eq1 azr;eer no{ uoql ,ctsnul aq}

suuqlAqr aql puE 0ur1ee1 aql po^ol lsnl I glno peddrll I LrLnq
olur Ia0 {11eet noA ltlun }uolxo ue o} saop 11 ,{e,u tnori ur 1e0 -1e ,,{ate1uoy1 }e oArl,, aql BtA 'aloloq sq}uour ruel e ,(1uo
plnoM leql 1eq1 {es lqOrLu s,{nO ouJos 'MoN .0ur1unoc sear pueq oqlol pocnpo.rlut uaaq pBq I pueq eOels eq1 ur 6urr-u
I osneoaq auJ iol lotseo sem lt uo uor..l] Luo.l] 'e1et {ue 1y -L!nlp sel I oltq/v\ clullc e op ol dn aurec oH alels asol uES
le llrls seM I olrqM aul punol uoC ',{11en1cy :Af UHdyInH
rreH qrr^ our,{pn1s'crsnul uerpur er^ uor}euroru, r,lil',ii!
po^racor uo6 0urq1 ]o put)i lesro^tun e sr {11eer 11 }ltnq ole
. (pueq Orq peluer.ro olxtl-ppo sr..ll ul
0urolos pue 0urlceq olqtpolout stq lo] poloqL.uoLUol ]soq
suqp(qt lle qctqm uodn slun ctseq eql ole soMl pue soolr..ll sr qdleg 'slouolsrl {uew o1) 1,puet srlll uog eq1 peurol
lpql our 0ur;1a1 Aq suqp{qt ppo ul uossol 1str1 Ar-u eu erre0 noI re1le ,(;uo sela0uy sol o] o^oLU no,{ pr6 :NVlClSnhl
l(1leer eq oS ,, lnoqe lle sr crsnLl stq] ]eqM 1a0 o1 pels li,noA ,, ztq crsnu.t,, eq1 1o euosted aq1
ueLll '(Z = e)-e]'t = e]-ol-e1 6 e) ulelled {q to taqLlnu ur leorq 6urqsarlet e Alnt1 sem leq] sseusnorlueletdun
Iq teqlre lunoc uoql pue oml e utoll s.telttp eolq] B Mor.l ol
1 pue {1ue1c e qltm o0 o} s}uem eq aloqM pue le st eq oloqm
pasn 1eO pue roqloue loUB auo 6urueddeq uloql laa] o1 lno 0urlelncrpe qltm qcnol ut qcnu {leit ueut B puno}
]r)jioM uec noA ueq11 soMl pue saalq] sr clsnLu stql ur Ourq1 - UE stqpue
'uorleu aql punole salo0uV so-l ur spueq snorOrlsetd

-,{rene '1oo1,, 'aLU plol aL{ pue )jul.rp E peq ,req oLll o} ta^o olur {e,rrr rreql 0urpurl ale sluopn}s osoqM auo '0uruuutntp
luom oM sleolq aLll1o ouo uo 'og dleq auos popaau I leql {relodureluoc to.raqceo} e se uorlelndet pue lcedset leet0
pazYo) pue Alalerpeuuull eu.l ol lool 'pueq eq1 uo te{e|d peure6 osle seq qdleg ,,'1q0u st leqm,, lo esuos srq pue ,0ur
eOuoc eq1 'zepleA outqC 0utleal uo porlor I lsrU le ,pres I
-,{e1d elqecceduur srq 'ulsrctlcolca stL.l }o osneoog ealoC
a)jrl 'os leql alll 0urpeet o] pasn 1e0 oi alrqm E )iool ll
,,2,, IOrqC pue'edde7 >1uel1'sllolC pue slEaS'stlll uoC opnlc
lo uorleutquloc 10 uos orxos oq plnoM lop e lnoql,rn 6urq1 -ur slrpolc Uocuoc srH splocal s,eddeT >iuer3 +o le.tolos
:,{uV ,,0,, e oq plnoM pepop Ourq/ue .- sqlq0re ro steyenb o1 urnqle (ueuo,11 tepuo6) repe3 epu,(1 e Luoll 0ur0uet
pallop'oS 'uotlelou eLll uroll uolsl^tpqns erll ]e0 o1 sl{n0 aq1 slcelord uo >lroM Lltq lqOnotq aneq Our{e;d asrcuoo str.l pue
o1 dn sean ll lno uotlelou aLll oluM plnom oH :A3UHdW6H sel{1s 1o teqLunu eOtel e 1o Atalseut stH taulurnlp uotsses e
all.lM ]o sloce],{ueu eq1 sol}tuos.lod ,{etqdung qdleg 'saleOuy
lsnleq prp )O Lg-Z-Z-Z-t-g popl^lp eq rol ,plnom sol lo sotpnls pue 'sUocuoc 'sqnlc oql ur 0ur>1to11
uooutJ ul Ueqc lelnclyed e ]eqt {es eq plnon ,splom laqjo 'uetctsnuJ otpnls oq] 'lstue
]o poolq Mau
ul asuotst^lpqns ur sueqc oq] alt.rM or.1 plc :Nvlclsnn e e,req noA'su.lotpr lecrsnu lo lleuen e Lltoltad pue ,qjosqe
q6norql aul lo0 ol loal pue 'dser0 o1 Alrlrqe eql ppe no{ 11 uorlcaped o)jtl-autqceur
{rolueur uo potlo.t I ruor.l} o} alelal ol Moq Moul },uplp I leL..l} r.llrM qlLureM uBLr.lnLl eurqLUoc o1 uodn pollec st uercrsnu.l aql
lensnun os polool Aeql'eLu lo luorl ut olotll o.lom sUeqc oLll 'sp.iom.roqio u1 0urLlrl puoces-plds oltnbol leq] sonc lenstA
uoqM uo 6uro0 sem leqm uo qsoll putLu Iut dael o1 sllnqle pue ,,sl3ell )jcrlc,, o] i{e1d lsnLu aLl 'slce.r}punos otAoul
srr.l ol poualsll ppq I laol uo ,{11cu1s luem I ,pueq aql qllM 6urprocer u1 lted stq auop sEq aq raue poqqnp aq u{1uo 11r,u
uorlrpne 01 umop ouec lslr] 1 ueqm '{l1eryul :AJUHdy{nH leql sluourn.tlsut ,,q1tM Ae1d,, lsnLl or.l uoUO 0urun1 pue 0ur
ieslnd eql o1 0ur{e1d no{ eterrrr to -{e1d egqeccadLlr qlrm euoqdotcrLl eq1 1o ,{11rqr11E1ur aq}
lunoc no^ ptp 'lreqc oql Llllm .tellruel 1o0 no{ ocuo apueq o] ]cea] lsnu aH uetctuqca] e ]o leqMoulos ou.locoq ]snu
oqt ur srolotrl ppo oq] qceotdde no{ prp MoH :NVlClSnyU orpnls aql ut uetctsnLU aql']qOll stql ul 'uotlcnpotd 1o pe
'1eq1 0urop alrqm e1Als ILu pedolenap
aql oleoic o1 {0olouqce1 qllM pautqu.too a^Eq ser}tllqtsues
{11eer pue pueq aq} qltm peoi oql uo luoM I sotpn}s aql crlsrl.Je'acuanbesuoc e sV poplocal st qctqM 1eq1 elelndru
oloLU MES I 's!lll !.ioC qlrm 0urptocet pue eldoad teqlo 0ur -eur Allecruos ol sueou.t oql pue 'sqnptano 1o teqLunu Aue
-]aeLu lollE lellqm e leliy 'soutq1 1odo1 uo {e}s o1 loplo ut op o1 {1r1rqe oq} 'punos paproco.l 1o A11epr1 elnlosqe ,{11en1
{11anb fuer op ol peq I qclqm 'uelctsnuJ e se dolenep pue -rA pomolle seq uollectlsrqdos cruotlcell suerctsnu oql
uoc qltM IloM o] sem olutl eq1 1e ;eo0 Ateuud {4 ,p1er1 1eq1 pue
ur ecuauedxe olllll peq pue lle lo lsjtl ]t puelslopun 1,uptp - srooutOua pue stecnpotd or.l] - pteoq,raeu
eldoed oql qloq uo spueu.rop pue solltltqrssod
aLll puLlaq
I sorpnls eq1 to1 {peat {11eet l,uservr I no,{ atrq o1 uol1lsod seq crsnut peplocol 0urcnpotd pue Ourlecu ]o Ue aL1I

'orpn+s oLl+ ul puo

pDoi ou+ uo Oururr-unlp uotsses
roulcDl utol AB
MUSICIAN: ln a sense, this is an elaboration of Joe fundamentals of your approach? lt often sounds as though
Morello's playing across the bars in three four time that drum set patterns have superseded the straight ride. For
had fascinated you a few years before. example, Gadd's drumming on "Lenore" (The Lepre-
HUMPHREY: Right. Morelio was great at that. ln five- chaun, Chick Corea) is a pattern rather than a ride. Does
four time as well, he would fly right out, playing sequential ambidexterity apply to playing in a ride situation as well as
rhythmic groupings over the bar line yet coming down ills?
on one. lf you go only with him, you lose sight of

HUMPHREY: "Lenore" is a good example of some ol the

the five. The imporlant thing is to follow him while retaining things that Steve Gadd and some other people are doing.
the basic pulse f ive or whatever. That is the hardest thing When you tear a pattern apart, each limb has its own
for a drummer,- or anyone who is experimenting with rhythm. Together they sound like one rhythm. Ambidex-
rhythms, to do
- tc fly out and leave the basic structure
while still knowing where it is. The most important thing
terity is very important. Each limb has to be equal. You
have to be able to focus your attention on either a single
to do is to relate to whatever rhythmic thing has been es- limb, or all, in order to get the pattern or sound together.
tablished. This is a primary lndian approach
- to begin
with a basic rhythm of long notes, lhen to subdivide those
Steve Gadd has the uncanny knack of being able to do
that. lt is very educational to lislen to that kind of
notes at increasing tempos, all the while implying the basic drumming. ll's a new approach because most guys vrew
basic motif. playing time as the strong hand doing a pattern around
MUSICIAN: Did working with Don Ellis help prepare you which the other limbs are orienled.
for your next major gig, Frank Zappa and the Mothers of MUSICIAN: Do these patterns get built up, limb by limb,
lnvention? or is it best to play the pattern as a whole from the start?
HUMPHREY: Yes, it helped me a lot, especially the read- HUMPHREY: Both ways are good. I don't pretend to know
ing part of it. When I auditioned for Frank, he put charts in how Steve Gadd works out his patterns, but sometimes
front of me that were rhythmically "unusual," especially with the two hands, you can set up a pattern with one hand,
in an audition situation. He had been auditioning drummers and play all the in-between notes with the other. ln that way
for a week or so and he offered me the job right away, so you are playing a two-handed pattern, but each hand has
once again I felt fortunate, but I knew I could do it. I played its own pattern as well. lf you accenluale one, and then the
with that band for a year and a half . One of the important other, you can see how dilferent each orientation is, but
things that I learned was how to endure a concert perfor- how they work as one. The feet are a different story. You
have to slot them in as necessary. The right foot willoften
mance over a span of two-and-a-half hours
- we would
play a long time. Sometimes we would play continuously follow the right hand, but it also can play by itself, as in
Lenore. The left ,oot can be treated eilher as a timekeeper,
- Frank liked to segue immediately into the next tune. On
occasion I remember saying to him while rolling on a cym- beating out eighths or quarters, or it can take part in the
bal between songs, "Please, just give me thirty secondsl" pattern. I really enjoy playing in this style. I think that the
I was just wasted. I had to learn about power and endur- best way to approach it is to set a pattern with a foot or
ance so I spent hours in the hotel rooms practicing on a hand, and build around it.
mattress, building up my chops, working on my wrists and MUSICIAN: Do.you think that the approach which we are
fingers so that I could simply survive the concerts. I had talking about comes more easily from a rock concept or a
to play loud with Don Ellis, but never as loud as with Zappa. jazz one?
MUSICIAN: ln other conversations, you have mentioned HUMPHREY: I can't say that either style is responsible
that around the time you worked with Zappa, your lech- for the approach, although straight-eighth note music such
nique took a radical turn. as rock is definitely more prevalent today than swinging.
HUMPHREY: Actually, towards the end of my stay with You can hear the possibilities in much ot Tony Williams'
Don Ellis, I switched to matched grip. That helped a lot in work with Miles in the mid-sixties. He threw the traditional
many respects, I wanted to cross over into the rock and use of bass drum and hi-hat out the window. The feet were
latin elements. The matched grip gave my left hand power like the hands
and equality with my right. Before that I had a right-hand-
- all one big circle.
MUSICIAN: How do you develop the right drum part for a
lead concept most of the time. But watching players like session?
Tony Williams or Billy Copham go both ways made me HUMPHREY: A lot of times it is self-explanatory. By lis-
want to get into that more. I worked really hard on the left tening you just know what to play. Other times it is written
hand and brought it to a point where at times it would even on the part.
feel better than the right. MUSICIAN: Exactly as they want it played?
MUSICIAN: Even in a ride situation? HUMPHREY: Pretty close. They'll give you an idea. lf
HUMPHREY: Not so much in that context, although I will you have the time and, most importantly, the ability to pull
occasionally switch ride hands. lt was great for left hand off something special,rthen. the producer or artist might let
articulation and for going around the toms. you try it. He might love rt or he might feel it detracts from
MUSICIAN: Would you say that in contemporary drum- the intent,of the music, be it top forty or art. lf the producer
ming, a matched grip is superior to conventional? says to the musicians, "l just want you guys to play your
HUMPHREY: No. At one time I thought that, but now I best and create," on that basis everyone will feel like ex-
think that a person can develop his left hand as much as ploring more. lf a producer says, "We want this tune on the
he wants. lf he spends enough practice trme on his hands, charts; let's keep it refined, simple, and no tricky stuff,"
he will gain equality regardless of the grip. Some guys feel then l'll do it that way. And that's an art in itself. Learning
better with matched, others with conventional. I personally how to do that this is what separates the studio musician
like what matched grip does for my playing. Steve Gadd
from the regular musician, no matter how well he plays.
uses conventional grip
- and he's no slouch! He puts it
right where it needs to be. lt sounds like each hand is equal,
You have got to adapt to the situation at hand or you don't
get that kind of work. This is why I have made it a point to
he doesn't have a weakness in the left. get to know different kinds of music.
MUSICIAN: That is interesting. Just irom hearing him, I MUSICIAN: Since you are well acquainted with a large
had always assumed that he was a matched grip player. number of styles and idioms, could you give us your con-
HUMPHREY: So did I because of the nature of his playing. cept of what fusion music is?
When I saw him, I saw an incredible left hand. HUMPHREY: Well, it seems that rhythm plays a primary
MUSICIAN: lt seems.that your playing style and approach role in what is being fused lsuppose i\ is jazz and rock
are very similar to Steve Gadd's. What are some of the
- continued on page 47

'soo3ou'Alros 'MOU 'Oq crsnu oLll pue oulqceat qloq qceold
o/og PPP sluaprso.l elulolllec -de oI a>ill I Moq sl slqf u^ o lnol
ol ]q6no Jo 'sl aull s,uoslnc pal 'llaM
crsnur sll..l pue ueul aql qloq poqslM uo eleol3 o] pue oleaJcal ol ocueqc
auo 'sltlt lle ol 6utua1st1 'lla/il os Jauaq e puels no'( 'ldacuoc s,clsnu B
raqtoool 0ur{e|d ouo^la^o ol puB 'rr]lq olul o0 leql stuaulala aql lle lo aJe/sE
qlrrvr dn 6u1dae1 slJqc puB lclN ol oq uEc no^ tl 'lo slslsuoc ll teq/v\ -
'.lapio lo lcaqc ul $ asolcua pue 'erdselIg Azaq p apls slql tod crsnu aL|} lo sluauoduloc otll lo aleME
eq ol lueuodut {|;eel sl }! leLl} lao}

^auouj - -urnrl lsaq aql lo snloLlc loue sn.loqc

'aoueinsut pue 6ullpueq '6utddtqs lenoc
{eld pat o} 0urue1sr1 'Aes I elaql 6u11 I ll o)1!l lllM otlM lo Llolpl lelnclued
ol OO [$ ellxa ue papnlsul a^,l a^oqe
-IS ;6uolls AlsnoaDetlno dn 6utxtul E lnoqB 6ut>lult,ll lnoL{llM'}no sol'Iloc
pel9aqc aA,l salll) aq) ouJ puas aseald tr
sB/v\ lepuaueq aq] tPl.ll sIUllp aq] lno SALUoC lO^aleq/v\ 'oUlM I uaLlM
vc 'r{1t3 otpn15 'araLll ]ou alB salsel leuoslad [u 1nq
P^|8 Plnluan ?9121
lo auo laqloue io SlleqlBarU qslpa/v\S 'alqlssod sE ,,punoq-llt-],, se ll aIBu,
JO xol lo aleld laqloue ol sa^lasLtlall}
l. tl1,,1
sNol.l-vcllSnd SAouc vclo pue ,t1 PUE clsnul s,osla auoauos
0urd;aq '6ur1;e1 sel euollana alaq/v\
'aclllo ]sllnol leuollBN uel^eulp ,{eld tt,t ctsnul poo6 ueql laqte: ,,}1q,,
0o tt$ :sa6ed 8ze
'looq -uecs aLll lo u.looj uolldacal papMoJc e lBo0 Jno^ a)ieul ol at! ol llo-uJnl
aqt u! alar.ll oullus 'A1u1eye3 uod e s,ll 1 a>1r1 1 Aqm sl Llcltlm 'slsnul lloLll
ar.ll rl6norLll soss€l60ld all sE lEl.laleul
aql lo dsel6 sltl lcaLlc o] uelclsnut -dns pue Outop s1 oq ieLlm ol dn olel ur ssolce auJoc l,usaop ll 'ssaulsnq
aLllolqeua sluaulu6lsse 31^al 6ullcexS uor.Ilssoulsnq aql aJolaq 'Ieql lo qcnu lsnl st ll ]l clsnul our,{e1d lsnf oJe
'sIaI a^lai l ul polpnls^ sl 6ulql^lo^a lou puB 'ou]ll Io .lolleul e r(|uo st 1t ieql AeqI 'telteu clllcads B lo lacnpold
puv 'paranoc ale splor1c 1;e q6nolql sadoq euo Pue 'asuodsal acualPnB e aseald ol 6ul^Jl lou '6urql traql 6ut
,{eld teq} salE3s aqi lle 'uor}rppe ul ,{eI -op aJE Aaql e>1t1 SSOICe SOUIOC CISnl.U
uolrO e ol dtt1suotlela.l ul uollcun] splotlc
pue ssa.ld cllselsnqluo uallo6 sBt|
/rAOLl i\ OqS Ol SallluJBl ploLlc lo eH '6utlBuJ sl aq clsnu aqt ]o raql anJl sl slql lulr..ll I :A3UHdnnH
'crsnu llaql
e q6no:q1 palEllsnlll uaql'passncslp aLll ua^lo 'uaaq s,ll se palllau ^lllenb
se oul
aJp sprotlcAlod pue sploqc lollalul -oq uo o6 llm JOolEc s,pal lBLll 'ole lo uotlncaxa puE uollElldsul aql u!
'sarlrlEuol loultLl puP .ro[eu 'Ilt1eln1d s6urtll AueL! lnq 'au ol alqB^lacuocu! crlcalca Alan ale pauolluau nor{ leq}
'sproqc uollnlllsqns 'sproqc qloL puP sr U 610 lelnclued e lol oq {eu Pueq sdnorO tlioq leLl] sLuoos ]l :NVIClSnn
rlll I alll sldacuoc lueuodu.tl ilallen ol ',!o6alec oLll lou
ur/v\rlsra0 uolJ clsnui u.lapouj Jo] slsPq aql llELus lo aolBl /'AOtl lailBu-l ou 'lsal
-ln] slt ]e zzel la]unocua ol Ala^ 'crsnu oql tol 6uto6 ole AaLll qOnoq1
cruouJreLl aqlalP ]eql sdlqsuoltPlal lpuol
slql - SdIHS
aLlI saztueE.lo aulnlo^ ol qonoua
are no^ ll leaq pue lno o0 ^lo)ill -lP 'uolllullap slL]l iu .uec ,i1aa15 pue
-Notrvlfu SlNotiluvH Nufoot/'{ tr {lOuotls no^ oO.ln }ouue3 I PUB yodag leLllqaM e1r; 'sdnol6 ieq] ,{es
0u1>lrorvr pueq slq sdoal eH umolg plnoM | 'zzel 6ut,(e1d uelclsnu.l lcoJ ot-]]
69 71,9 :sa6ed 2;7 plotlllc oI alnqlll P ul lB^llsoj zzef pue lcol 6ur{e1d uelclsnu zzel aq] s,tl
'uercrsnur 6uruutOaq ,{lena lo1 lsnu
e srql oleul sastc.lexa ectlceld aAlsualxa IrodMaN s,lea^ slql le 0ulp]ocol oq
'arar-l} lno s,lBt-ll clsnu lo pul)'l ,{ue pue
f, '6d wo4 Penuluoc
puB soldu,lExa lPclsnu Jo spalpunH
:,(aq ,{rana ur uA oqs aiP sp.lotlc ued IIM pue 'sr.lluoL! outttloc aLl] ul dn oul ^arqdurnH
,urnl uels plnoqs L|clt]/v\ salEp .lBls-lle
a^rl pue rnol 'aarql lo IUauldola^ap pue auros outop uaaq sBil 3q 'Alatel, ,,Mou ll lo0 oM,, s^BS uBuS ,,'sLunqle
ainl3nr].s aq1 sleldeqc laiPl ul SaIECS 6e ls,trl aql uo aiaqdsoulle lodold aLll peu
OuOI alOq/v\ pUe paqSlulullp 'lUpulLl.lop .la^ou aM,, auell 6ullalcill s,.re6ny
'lppour'sanlq 'touttu 'lolBtu a.lP papnlcul JBaddBstP ,{eq1 arolaq dn Paqqel6
'ror.lloue auo ol alelal Aaql lroq pue lllnq eq o] lq6no pue plpuec/r{qeuleg uo ol l.lEds l au E SoulJq pue e,{a ct;qnd
alE SOIeCS UOuJl.lloC lsoul Aql /r\Ot.l Siv\OtlS ule6e lno outuu.oc lsnI a]e AqdloC pue et|l ol Apel tulleulcseJ E sulnlal 'ulnqle
uaq] 'pJoL.lcP.llal oql socnporlul Islll snOury\ qUM sapls s,paf 's0ulploco.l lo
'sol8 rauleM Mou llaql 'elocul sleu
I 'sdrtlsuotlela.r .pue sulaped lPclsntx lcalqns aql uo al,aM allqM puv sun.l -r6uo a^tssatoold pue poced-lsel ol
lo scrspq aq1 6urP;o1u6 - ANOY\UVH pue srallnll paceld Alppo stq lo LUSlu.lo splBpuBls ouoL.uls eulN Asenlq uJoll
NUf OOY^{ IO S]V.LN3YIVONNJ tr -pour Aplnb oq] ol doq pleLl clsselc Durqy{lane Outuootc sloof e^eq slBS
uorl '41,{1s slq lo }nrilB6 elt}ua eql -rBoL{al uJnqle pue }ce a^ll aq1 1o Spod
OO Sl$ isauassBc e puE lxal a6ed-99!
'drrlsuetctsnul ur llrls stseq lueuodul sunr oq qotq^ uo 'paI Iq uallll/v\ sBM -au autoua s,r{poqr{ue uels plnoc s[ad
lsor.! aql 6utltnbce.lol looq aql ozrleor lou prp Alqeqord noA qolL1M -dl1 sy\ puB 'uolle^llotlJ o.loul elllll e
sr s!r.lf suorssas actlce.ld sltl a.lnlcnlls pleoLl lsnI papoau sseldx3 uol^llqO oLll otul]
pup sastctaxa aLll teeLl lnq aroloq ssulll a^eLl
uercrsnuJ aql d;eq sallossec ^llcal.loc
6uolE ^ueuj uo olos ouol
no^ aunl e ,,'ecl lqorells,, lq6u et1l le lsnl sauoc la0ny uettg qltm
-r(e;d eerql sluouJuEtsse ualltl,\ .lolpuP srq lo puol {uelnctued ulB I o^ll )l.loM uorunor ocslcuBlj ues s,llocsllc allnf
sosrcJaxo u/r^o sll sulBluoc uossal qcga leduJntl stLl lo laMod ,{leutptoellxe ancseu
'/t^er^er puB uollezllouJaul plB 01 slol oql ouunldEc ol Isasolc sauloc ll soul
o^le^ l ur polpnls sr 6urqlr(la,r3 sdlPqs -pJooal s,pal lle lo pue 'oulBC ellz Aq 1o elqedec
puP stell alqnop pue scluouJJstluo alll
paJocs pueq Otq uBl^Elso6n1 B qllm llrls sr uot^tlqg 1eq1 qOnolqUBoJq a^!s
sldecuoc llncllllp alou lano5 sJaldPtlc -ser6ord aql alrnb lou lnq 'enoot6 lot]
.relP-l sloqulls puP su6ls 'salEcs lolBt-ll llocuog ut uJtq sluosaid apls puocas
'soinleu6ts Aal 'saut1 laopal '.slalc sseq or.ll splo3al uMo slq 6uoue o}lJo^el e Ournetqce A1e1ur1ep 'llam se sarrolD
puE alqerl er.ll'san lB^ ultlt^q.l'soJ nlBu 6ls lBuosrad s,pal sl 'uopeatSTelsuy Aq lsed 1o [qs lsnt llal uot^llqo lo uols
eult'slBlueprccP'soillBU laqeqdl? urnleJ s,pa1 raUB pasealot 'do1 d111 -rel puy uotsseldxa 1o lalrod
:scrsBq arll slo^oc puB'06Pn6uel pue aloul 'ocuapl^a ul seM
puBlsropun-ot-r{sea'aldutts ul uollll/v\ leql uoseal sltll lol sl ll ll leaLl ol alqe
aq ol e^ol plnoM auo Jo] | pue 'pueq zzel eroyl ulnldn o^tleoJc B )'loo]
sr ll 'rBo Aq luaunllsul ue siBld oql lo
Otq ttnl e 'sooeld o^laml Inoqe o^Btl ol Durlrm cu,{1 oql pue 'sJaulnq lsotlJ lo
ilsnur lnoqp 6urr.llou siv\oul oqiv\ uosJad
eql rol sr looq slql - su3NNl038 olrl plnoM pal 'Ino su.ml ll 'r{11eap| lle uo.looc ol olqe sem dnol6 aql saqce
UOJ CNIOV3UI-HOIS 'IVCIICVHd tr ,'ouop -lteeH sseuddeg s,tee,{ lsel uO 'uieals
uer.ll plES lotseo st 6urlceq oql laO dn palod ute6e ssaJdxf s,leOny ''solg
'ilsnu.l lnoA lo lalsPtu otll otuo3aq
ol lnq 'sa^, ,(ueduoc plocal E rLloll Jaureg ol qc1^^s eq1 snld 'ueueq3
ol paau no^ a6pal^ oul puP slllls a^rl3 pue elrqM r{uuel to pte euutl-ped
or.ll r.lu/r noI aptrold pue alqelIEAB slooq 0urlceq oqt laO io leql laqlla s,ll ,'cll
poqlaul tsaull otll alP asnPca8 ool -srlea.l lou s,leLll ln8 'o^ll a^Etl ol no{ eLll qllm pue 'poulnlal PoomPabtl
'let,lolBL.lJ plo to saLlsBtlal pecnpold
'noI o1 lueuodult aq^aql
llliv\ suollecllqnd lue/v\ | 'p41, 's^es luaoe 6u11ooq Ay1
alo:g IcrO uaql 'sal st lar sue aql ll '6d wul Penu\uoc uo$nC Pel -r{11eusr{qe aJa/v\ }eLll sunqle uolAll
Lt -qO a^ll 1o aldnoc e lno lnd VOU 'qqe
ano^ or lNvruodulll pa^lo^ul lJe I qclqM ul ol ue6eq /v\oll altleaJc aql sV 'sulnlp

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