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flat evaporator
B. Siedel, V. Sartre, F. Lefèvre
A steady-state analytical model has been developed to determine the thermohydraulic behaviour of a loop heat pipe
with a flat evaporator. Its main originality lies in the combination of energy balance equations for each component of the
system with 2D analytical solutions for the temperature field in the evaporator. Based on Fourier series expansion, heat
transfer in the wick as well as in the evaporator casing are accurately modelled, enabling a thorough consideration of the
parasitic heat fluxes. The model is based on the thermal contact resistance between the wick and the casing, the thermal
conductivity of the wick and the accommodation coefficient. This analytical method offers a simple solution that can
be implemented in LHP design analysis without the need of large computational resources. A sensitivity analysis has
been carried out to evaluate the influence of several parameters on the LHP behaviour. The results show that the main
parameters of the model are independent. Therefore, they could be experimentally determined using an appropriate test
bench with only few temperature measurements. The model has been validated with a set of experimental data from
the literature. A good agreement is found between the theoretical and the experimental results.
Keywords: Loop Heat Pipe, Analytical, Modeling, Sensitivity analysis
Liquid line
The total heat load to be dissipated by the evaporator Thermodynamic
∆P relationship
Qin is conducted through the wick or through the evapo- Text Fluid thermal
rator body so that:
Qin = Qw + Qb (1) Conduction
The wick is assumed to be fully saturated with liquid. The Tc,o Convection
thermal heat flux Qw is transversally conducted through
the evaporator wall, the wall-wick interface and then di- Phase-change
vides up: a part Qev is evaporated at the wick-groove inter- Tsink
face whereas the rest is dissipated by conduction and con- Contact
vection with the liquid flowing through the porous struc-
ture and with the liquid in the reservoir. Qb is conducted
longitudinally through the evaporator wall to the reservoir Tv
and a part of it, Qext,e , is given by convection to the am-
bient. Both the heat flux through the wick Qw and the
heat flux conducted through the evaporator casing Qb are Figure 1: LHP schematic nodal network
functions of the reservoir, the groove, the wick and the
evaporator temperatures Tr , Tv , Twe and Te . The same
dependence applies for Qev and Qext,e :
reservoir whereas the rest is dissipated by convection due
Qw = f (Tr , Tv , Te ) (2) to the liquid flow inside the porous structure. At the inter-
Qev = ṁl hlv = f (Tr , Tv , Twe ) (3) face between the wick and the evaporator envelope, there
is a temperature gap Te -Twe due to a contact resistance Rc
Qb = f (Tr , Te ) (4)
defined as:
Qext,e = f (Tr , Te ) (5) Te − Twe
Rc = Sc (7)
Qext,e is also a function of Text , which is a given data of where Sc is the contact surface between the wick and the
our model. As a result, the heat load Qin can also be evaporator body and Te and Twe are the temperatures on
expressed as a function of these four temperatures: the envelope side and on the wick side, respectively.
A global heat balance on the evaporator/reservoir gives
Qin = f (Tr , Tv , Twe , Te ) (6)
the following equation:
An analytical expression of Qin will be derived in subsec- Qin = Qev + Qsen + Qsub + Qext,e + Qext,r (8)
tions 2.2 and 2.3. The part of Qw that is not dissipated by
evaporation is the transversal parasitic heat flux. Part of where Qsen is the sensible heat given to the liquid, Qsub
this flux is conducted through the wick and released to the is the subcooling due to the liquid entering the reservoir
and Qext,r is the heat flux dissipated to the ambient by the are calculated considering a convective heat transfer hsink
reservoir. The determination of Qsen and Qsub leads to: and hext , respectively:
Qsen = ṁl cp,l (Tv − Tr ) (9) Tc,o = Tsink + (Tv − Tsink ) (16)
Qsub = ṁl cp,l (Tr − Tr,in ) (10) −πDc,i (Lc − L2φ )
× exp
ṁl cp,l (1/hl + Dc,i /(hsink Dc,o ))
where Tr,in is the temperature of the liquid coming from
the condenser and flowing back to the reservoir. where Tc,o is the temperature of the liquid at the condenser
To evaluate the heat transfer given by the reservoir to the outlet, Lc and L2φ are the lengths of the condenser and
ambient, it is assumed that its surface is at a uniform of the two-phase region respectively. Dc,i and Dc,o are the
temperature equal to Tr . Heat transfer with the ambient inner and outer condenser diameters. In a similar way, the
Qext,r is then approximated by: liquid line heat balance is:
Tr,in = Text + (Tc,o − Text ) (17)
Qext,r = hext Sr (Tr − Text ) (11)
−πDl,i Ll
× exp
where Sr is the total external surface of the reservoir. A ṁl cp,l (1/hl + Dl,i /(hext Dl,o ))
single expression of Qin can be derived by combining equa-
where Dl,i and Dl,o are the inner and outer diameters of
tions (3), (5) and (7) to (11):
the liquid line and Ll its length. Additionally, in the con-
Qin = f (Tr , Tv , Twe , Te , ṁl , Tr,in ) (12) denser, the heat exchange with the heat sink in the two-
phase zone is equal to the latent heat of the condensing
In some cases, the reservoir can be full of liquid. This phe- vapour:
nomenon has been extensively studied by Adoni et al.[12]. 1
In the present model, the existence of a two-phase equilib- ṁl hlv = 1 1 πL2φ (Tv − Tsink ) (18)
rium in the reservoir is assumed. As shown by Launay et hcond Dc,i hsink Dc,o
al. [8], a thermodynamic relationship exists between the Equations (3), (7), (8), (12), (15) to (17) and (18) form
saturation temperature inside the grooves and the one at a set of 8 independent equations with 8 unknowns: Twe ,
the liquid-vapour interface in the reservoir: Te , Tr , Tr,in , Tc,o , Tv , ṁl and L2φ . Their solution leads
to the determination of the complete thermal state of the
∆T = Tv − Tr = (∆Pv + ∆Pl − ρl g∆H) (13) LHP. The values of Qb , Qw and Qev (equations 2-4) can
be calculated using several methods. In the large majority
where ρl is the liquid density and ∆H is the elevation of of LHP models from the literature, heat transfer in the
the condenser compared to the evaporator. The slope of evaporator is simply described using equivalent thermal
the pressure-temperature saturation curve is given by the resistances based on the geometrical characteristics and
Clausius-Clapeyron equation: the thermophysical properties of the evaporator. However,
such a method does not take into account adequately the
∂T T (1/ρv − 1/ρl ) heat flux in the wick and the evaporator body since the
= (14)
∂P hlv determination of the thermal resistances requires a 2D or
3D approach. Thus, in the present study, an accurate
The model can also cope with non-condensable gases
thermal analysis of the evaporator has been conducted,
(NCG), which can be generated for various reasons in the
based on an analytical approach.
LHP and accumulate in the reservoir, as explained by
Singh et al. [13]. We assume that in operating condi- 2.2. Analytical Thermal Model of the Wick
tions, these NCG are drained to the reservoir. In order to
The first part of the analytical model of the evaporator
take into account the overpressure generated by the NCG
deals with heat and mass transfer inside the porous struc-
PNCG , equation (13) is modified:
ture. As shown in Figure 2, a part of the porous wick is
modelled, bordered on one side by the liquid bulk of the
∆T = Tv − Tr = (∆Pv + ∆Pl − ρl g∆H + PNCG ) reservoir and by half of a fin and half of a groove on the
(15) other side.
The vapour line is considered adiabatic so that the The 2-D stationary heat equation in the wick is expressed
vapour enters the condenser with a temperature equal to as:
∂ 2 Tw ∂ 2 Tw
Tv . Furthermore, the condensation temperature Tc and + =0 (19)
the vapour temperature Tv are linked with the thermody- ∂x2 ∂y 2
namic relationship (14). Since the pressure drops in the where Tw is the temperature of the porous structure and x
vapour line are low, it is assumed that condensation occurs and y are the axis coordinates (Fig. 3). A non-dimensional
at temperature Tv (Tc ≈ Tv ). temperature is defined as:
In the part of the condenser where liquid subcooling oc- λeff (Tw − Tr )
curs, heat transfer with the heat sink and with the ambient Tw∗ = (20)
φ0 b
Thus equation (23) becomes:
Reservoir vapour
liquid Tw∗ (X, Y ) = Am (Y )cos(mπX) (25)
– – – b– – – – – – – – – – – – –
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Combining equations (21) and (25) yields:
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ∂ 2 Am (Y )
– wick − (mπB)2 Am (Y ) +
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
∂Y 2
=0 (26)
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Solving the previous differential equation leads to:
– – – – – – – – –
a – – – – – –
groove A0 (Y ) = A01 Y + A02 if m = 0 (27)
wall Am (Y ) = Am1 e + Am2 e −mπBY
otherwise (28)
– – – – – – – – – Text
dr T =0
Te r r
hext r
r r
r Tb2 (x, y) Second solution r
r r
c0 0 c0 φ=0 c x
φin φin
Using the same mathematical procedure as previously, The combination of equations (46) to (53) and the addition
the heat equation becomes: of both solutions lead to the non-dimensional temperature
field in the evaporator body:
∂ 2 Tb∗ 1 ∂ 2 Tb∗
+ =0 (46) Tb∗ (X, Y ) = C01 Y + C02
∂X 2 D2 ∂Y 2 (54)
+ Cm1 e + Cm2 e −mπDY
x y d
λb (Tb − Tr )
X= ; Y = ; D= ; Tb∗ =
c d c φ0 d with
The boundary conditions for the first solution Tb1
are: Bib λb c0 + c1
C01 = (Te − Tr ) + (Tr − Text )
Bib + 1 φ0 d 2c
c0 φin
= =0 (symmetry) (48) − (55)
∂X X=0 ∂X X=1 c φ0
1 λb c0 + c1
hext C02 = (Te − Tr ) − Bib (Tr − Text )
= Bib Tb1
+ (Tr − Text ) Bib + 1 φ0 d 2c
∂Y Y =0 φ0 c0 φin
(49) + (56)
dhext c φ0
with Bib =
λb cos mπ cc0 − cos mπ cc1
λb Te − Tr c
Cm1 = 2 2 2 mπD+Bib −mπD
λ (T − Tr ) c0 φ0 d m π c1 − c0 emπD + mπD−Bi e
b e
if 0 < X 6
φ0 d c φin 1 c0 1
−2 2 2
sin mπ (57)
φ0 m π D c 1 + e2mπD
(X, 1) = λb c1 − cX c0 c1
(Te − Tr ) if 6X<
cos mπ cc0 − cos mπ cc1
φ0 d c1 − c0 c c λb Te − Tr c
Cm2 = 2
c1 φ0 d m2 π 2 c1 − c0 e−mπD + mπD−Bi
b mπD
mπD+Bib e
if <X<1
c φin 1 c0 1
(50) +2 sin mπ (58)
φ0 m π D 2 c 1 + e−2mπD
whereas for the second solution Tb2
The heat dissipated to the ambient in the evaporator
∗ section of the body is:
= =0 (51)
∂X X=0 ∂X X=1 Z c0
φ Qext,e = hext πx (Tb (x, 0) − Text ) dx (59)
in c0
∂Tb2∗ −
if 0 < X 6 Z 0c1
= φ 0 c (52)
∂Y Y =0 c 0
+ hext πc0 (Tb (x, 0) − Text ) dx
0 if X > c0
c c0
φ0 d
(X, 1) = 0 (53) = hext πc0 c1 − Tr − Text + C02
2 λb
φ0 d X c Parameter initialization, Qin (1)
+ hext π (Cm1 + Cm2 )
λb m=1 mπ
c mπc c0 c1
× −1 + cos + sin mπ Setting of the two-phase
mπ 2 mπ c length in the condenser
L2φ according to Eq. (18)
The heat transferred by thermal conduction through the
evaporator body to the reservoir section is calculated by Calculation of the thermophysical
integrating the Fourier’s law at y = c1 (Fig. 4). Thus, the properties and the pressure drops
total heat losses through the body is:
Calculation of the K-
d coefficients (See Appendix A)
Qb = Qext,e + −πc0 λb dy (60)
0 ∂x x=c1
Determination of the vapour
∞ temperature Tv (Eq. B.1)
X c1
= Qext,e + dc0 φ0 π sin mπ
× Cm1 emπD − 1 − Cm2 e−mπD − 1
Is the energy balance in no
the condenser (Eq. 18)
2.4. Solving procedure
The solving procedure is presented in Figure 5. The set yes
of equations is not linear. Thus an iterative procedure is
Qin (i + 1) = Qin (i) + ∆Qin
used to solve it. After initialisation of the parameters of
the model, the two-phase length in the condenser L2φ is
set, according to the energy balance for a given heat input
Qin (18). L2φ has a major influence on the determination no
Qin (i + 1) > Qmax
of the temperature of the liquid entering in the reservoir
Tr,in (equations 16-17). Then, the thermophysical prop- yes
erties are calculated, as well as the pressure drops in the
transport lines. Plot of the operating curve
K-coefficients can be defined to reformat the expression
Figure 5: Solving algorithm flowchart
of Qw , Qev , Qb and Tr,in as functions of Tr , Tv , Te and
Twe :
latent heat of vaporization of water, pressure drops in the sink temperature. Above this point, Tc,o starts to increase
loop are not significant. Therefore, the saturation temper- and the shape of all the temperature curves in the LHP is
atures in the reservoir and in the grooves, Tr and Tv , are quasi-linear.
almost equal. The values of Tc,o and Tr,in are also very Figure 7 shows the temperature in the porous structure
similar because the heat transfer between the liquid line in the standard case, for a total heat load Qin of 50 W. For
and the ambient is limited. y = 0 mm, the temperature profile shows a sharp discon-
tinuity at the transition between the groove and the fin.
160 The intense evaporation occurring at x = 0.5 mm causes
Te the convergence of the heatlines toward this point and a
sharp distortion of the lines in its neighbourhood. As y in-
140 Twe
creases, the temperature profile flattens until the temper-
Tv ature is uniform in the x-direction for y > 2 mm. Then,
120 Tr the alternation between the fin and the groove does not
have any influence and the temperature field in the wick
Tc,o in contact with the liquid bulk of the reservoir is uniform.
T (°C)
1.5 acteristics inside and outside the LHP and the pressure
80.7 °C losses in the system. Most of these parameters are easy
80.7 °C to determine if the LHP geometry and the working fluid
1 properties are known. However, some parameters are very
81.2 °C difficult to determine precisely theoretically as it has been
seen in the previous section: the effective thermal con-
0.5 81.7 °C °C
80.7 ductivity of the wick λeff , the contact resistance between
82.2 °C the wick and the evaporator envelope Rc and the accom-
83.2 °C °C
82.7 80.2 °C
0 79.7 °C modation coefficient aev . Furthermore, the heat sink heat
0 Twe 0.5 Tv 1 transfer coefficient hsink and the heat transfer coefficient
x (mm) with the ambient hext are also calculated using correlation
being inherently inaccurate. Thus, in the present section,
a sensitivity analysis is conducted on these parameters to
Figure 7: 2-D temperature field in the wick
see their influence on the model.
The sensitivity coefficient of the function T =
f (xi , xj , xk , ...) in relation to the parameter xi is defined
of the pressure drops in the whole loop. The influence of
NCG becomes then important at low heat input, leading ∂T
to a significant increase of the evaporator temperature. As Si = (72)
∂xi xj ,xk ,...
a consequence, the shape of the characteristic curve of the
LHP is flattened. In order to compare several parameter sensitivities, it is
convenient to define relative sensitivities:
140 ∂T
Si∗ = xi Si = xi (73)
No NCG ∂xi xj ,xk ,...
130 1 µg NCG
10 µg NCG This coefficient enables to quantify the variation ∆T
120 100 µg NCG caused by a relative variation ∆xi /xi of the parameter xi .
The greater the absolute value of the coefficient, the more
200 µg NCG
the function is sensitive to the parameter.
110 400 µg NCG
Unless otherwise mentioned, the sensitivity analysis is
Te (°C)
(dTv/dxi)*xi (K)
-2 -20
-4 -30
-6 λeff
-8 Rc
-50 aev
-10 T
-12 Tr,in
20 40 60 80 100
-14 Tc,o Qin (W)
Figure 9: Relative sensitivity of the LHP temperatures to hext λeff is discussed in the following; it requires a more detailed
analysis on the effect of λeff on the LHP thermal behaviour.
In many experimental configurations, an adequate ther-
mal insulation of the entire LHP enables to reduce con- 20
siderably the heat losses to the ambient. In the following,
this parameter is set to zero in order to better highlight
the effect of the other parameters on the LHP.
The relative sensitivity of the vapour temperature to
the other parameters is shown in Figure 10. It is clear
that heat transfer inside the evaporator (function of the
(dTe/dxi)*xi (K)
Q/Q (%)
λeff exceeds 1 W · m−1 · K−1 , the increase of the heat flux Qev
entering the wick Qw is smaller, leading to an increase of Q -Q
w ev
the transversal parasitic heat flux at the expense of Qev ,
15 Q
that decreases as λeff becomes larger. The maximum evap- b
oration heat flux leads to a minimum vapour temperature
(Figure 12). The same conclusion has been drawn in the 10
numerical study of Siedel et al.[15].
Q=10W 0.5 1 2 3 5 10 20
140 Q=30W λ
-1 -1
(W.m .K )
Q=50W eff
130 Q=70W Figure 13: Distribution of heat transfer in the evaporator (Qin =
Q=90W 50 W)
120 Q=110W
0.5 1 2 3 5 10 20 Q=10W
-1 -1
(W.m .K ) 70 Q=30W
eff Q=50W
Figure 12: Influence of λeff on Tv 60 Q=70W
50 Q=110W
The evolution of the temperature difference Te −Tv with
T -T (K)
ductivity of the wick increases. Indeed, a higher value of
fluence can be differentiated from each other. Thus, the Te experimental
availability of precise experimental data of several repre- 95
sentative temperatures of the LHP for various heat inputs
Tv experimental
may theoretically lead to a precise determination of these 90 Te model
parameters and provide the model with adequate input
Tv model
parameters. This sensitivity analysis also shows the large 85
influence of the tested parameters on the LHP operation.
Their inaccurate determination can lead to a major error 80
T (°C)
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Appendix A. Detailed expression of the K-coefficients
a0 + a1 λeff 6
K 1 = Sw − + ṁl cp,l 2
2a b πDw
" ∞
X λeff 1 a0 + a1 mπa
1 −1 −1
K 2 = Sw 2 2 2
sin mπ cos − cos 1 − e2mπB − 1 − e−2mπB
a1 − a0 m π 2a a a
a0 + a1 λeff a0 + a1 6
+ 1− − ṁl cp,l 2
2a b 2a πDw
" ∞
X λeff 1 a0 + a1 mπa
1 2mπB −1
−2mπB −1
K3 = −Sw 2 sin mπ cos − cos 1 − e − 1 − e
a 1 − a 0 m2 π 2 2a a a
2 #
λeff a0 + a1
− (A.3)
b 2a
a0 + a1 λeff 6
K 4 = Sw 1 − − ṁl cp,l 2
2a b πDw
" ∞
X λeff 1 a0 + a1 mπa
1 2mπB −1
−2mπB −1
K 5 = Sw 2 sin mπ cos − cos 1 − e − 1 − e
a 1 − a 0 m2 π 2 2a a a
a0 + a1 λeff a0 + a1 6
− 1− 1− − ṁl cp,l 2
2a b 2a πDw
" ∞
X λeff 1 a0 + a1 mπa
1 −1 −1
K6 = −Sw 2 2 2
sin mπ cos − cos 1 − e2mπB − 1 − e−2mπB
a1 − a0 m π 2a a a
λeff a0 + a1 a0 + a1
+ 1− (A.6)
b 2a 2a
c0 − c02c +1
K7 = hext πc0 c1 −
2 Bib + 1
X c 1 mπc
− 2λb 2 2
cos − cos
c1 − c0 m π c c
mπc mπc
1 mπD
πhext c c mπc
0 1
c0 π sin e −1 + −1 + cos + c0 sin
c λb mπ mπ c c
mπD + Bib
emπD + e−mπD (A.7)
mπD − Bib
mπc mπc
1 πhext c c mπc
0 1
+ −c0 π sin e−mπD − 1 + −1 + cos + c0 sin
c λb mπ mπ c c
−1 #!
+mπD mπD − Bib
e −mπD
mπD + Bib
c0 c0 + c1
K8 = hext πc0 c1 −
2 2c Bib + 1
X c 1 mπc
+ 2λb 2 2
cos − cos
c 1 − c 0 m π c c
mπc mπc
1 πhext c c mπc
0 1
c0 π sin emπD − 1 + −1 + cos + c0 sin
c λb mπ mπ c c
−1 !
mπD −mπD mπD + Bib
e +e (A.8)
mπD − Bib
mπc mπc
1 πhext c c mπc
0 1
+ c0 π sin e −mπD
−1 + −1 + cos + c0 sin
c λb mπ mπ c c
−1 #!
+mπD mπD − Bib
e −mπD
mπD + Bib
c0 φ0 d c0 φin 1
K9 = hext πc0 c1 − − Text
2 λb cφ0 Bib + 1
X 1 mπc
+ 2φin c 2 2 sin
m π c
mπc mπc
1 πhext c c mπc
0 1
−c0 π sin emπD − 1 − −1 + cos + c0 sin
c λb mπ mπ c c
1 + e2mπD (A.9)
1 πhext c c mπc
+ −c0 π sin e−mπD − 1 + −1 + cos + c0 sin
c λb mπ mπ c c
−1 i
1 + e−2mπD
c0 − c02c +1
K10 = hext πc0 c1 −
2 Bib + 1
X c 1 mπc
mπc πh
1 ext c
c mπc
− 2λb 2 π2
cos − cos −1 + cos + c 0 sin
c 1 − c 0 m c c λ b mπ mπ c c
" −1 −1 #!
mπD −mπD mπD + Bib +mπD mπD − Bib
× e +e + e −mπD
+e (A.10)
mπD − Bib mπD + Bib
c0 c0 + c1 1
K11 = hext πc0 c1 −
2 2c Bib + 1
X c 1 mπc
mπc πh
1 ext c
c mπc
+ 2λb 2 π2
cos − cos −1 + cos + c 0 sin
c 1 − c 0 m c c λ b mπ mπ c c
" −1 −1 #!
mπD −mπD mπD + Bib +mπD mπD − Bib
× e +e + e −mπD
+e (A.11)
mπD − Bib mπD + Bib
c0 φ0 d c0 φin 1
K12 = hext πc0 c1 − − Text
2 λb cφ0 Bib + 1
X 1 mπc0 πhext c c
− 2φin c 2 2 sin −1 + cos + c0 sin (A.12)
m π c λb mπ mπ c c
h −1 −1 i
× 1 + e2mπD − 1 + e−2mπD
π (Lc − L2φ ) πLl
K13 = exp − exp − (A.13)
ṁl cp,l (1/hl Dc,i + 1/hsink Dc,o ) ṁl cp,l (1/hl Dl,i + 1/hextDl,o )
πLl π (Lc − L2φ )
K14 = exp − 1 − exp − Tsink
ṁl cp,l (1/hl Dl,i + 1/hextDl,o ) ṁl cp,l (1/hlDc,i + 1/hsinkDc,o )
+ 1 − exp − Text (A.14)
ṁl cp,l (1/hl Dl,i + 1/hextDl,o )
0 =Tv2 [cp,l (1 − K13 ) (K6 (K1 + K2 + K7 ) − (K4 + K5 ) (K3 + K8 ) + K8 Rc /Sc (K6 (K1 + K2 ) − K3 (K4 + K5 )))]
+ Tv [cp,l (1 − K13 ) ((K3 + K8 ) K4 ∆T + (K3 K4 − K1 K6 ) K8 ∆T Rc /Sc + K6 (−K1 ∆T − K7 ∆T + K9 − Qin ))
+ (hlv − cp,l K14 ) (K6 (K1 + K2 + K7 + K8 (K1 + K2 )) − (K4 + K5 ) (K3 + K8 + K3 K8 Rc /Sc )) (B.1)
+hlv (K11 (K1 + K2 + K7 + K3 K7 Rc /Sc ) − (K3 + K8 + K3 K8 Rc /Sc ) (K10 + hext Sr ))]
+ cp,l K14 (K6 (Qin − K9 ) + ∆T (K6 (K1 + K7 + K1 K8 Rc /Sc ) − K4 (K3 + K8 + K3 K8 Rc /Sc )))
+ hlv ∆T ((K3 + K8 ) (K4 + K10 ) − (K6 + K11 ) (K1 + K7 ) + K3 K8 (K4 + K10 ) Rc /Sc − (K3 K7 K11 + K1 K6 K8 ) Rc /Sc )
+ hlv ((K3 + K8 + K3 K8 Rc /Sc ) (Qin − K12 + hext Sr (∆T + Text )) − (K6 + K11 + K3 K11 Rc /Sc ) (Qin − K9 ))