2020 Denture Base Reinforcing Material
2020 Denture Base Reinforcing Material
2020 Denture Base Reinforcing Material
Review Article
Denture base reinforcing materials - A review
Article history: Poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA) is one of the most widely used materials for fabricating dentures.
Received 18-05-2020 Though it has its success in meeting esthetic requirements, it is still far from ideal to meet mechanical
Accepted 25-05-2020 requirements of a denture. The fracturing of dentures can be caused by mechanical properties of acrylic
Available online 11-06-2020 resin or by a multitude of factors leading to failure of PMMA. The quest for an alternative material or a
chemical modification or use of different denture base material reinforcements of PMMA, provides a clear
picture about various developments that have taken place in this field.
Denture base materials © 2020 Published by Innovative Publication. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license
Reinforcing materials (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/)
Fiber reinforcements
2581-4796/© 2020 Innovative Publication, All rights reserved. 52
Prajwala et al. / IP Annals of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry 2020;6(2):52–59 53
Table 1:
Type of fibers Available as Advantages Disadvantages
1. Metal fiber Thin filaments of Use of full lengths of metal fibers gives Resin becomes unesthetic
diameters from 1 to the best reinforcement for strength. 9 and there is poor adhesion
80 micrometers between metal & resin &
metal is prone to corrosion. 9
2. Carbon/ Graphite Chopped, Flexural, impact strengths are Unesthetic, polishing is
fiber continuous, woven, increased. Addition of these fibers difficult & weakens the
braided & tubular prevent fatigue, strengthens the resin denture.
and is easy to handle. 10
3. Aramid fiber Strength is increased. Unesthetic, polishing is
4. Polyethylene fiber Multifibered strands Impact strength, modulus of elasticity No increase in flexural
(Figure 1). are improved 11 and good esthetics. strength. Placement of fibers
& finishing is difficult.
5. Highly drawn linear High tensile strength, notch
polyethylene fibers insensitivity & cracks do not propagate
through the fibers 12
6. Polypropylene fiber Improved impact strength and highest Wear resistance was highly
is when treated with decreased 13
plasma. 13 Silanized fiber improved its
transverse, tensile, and impact
7. Polyamide fiber Aramid- biocompatible, Increase in Aramid- As fillers increased,
(Nylon and Aramid) flexural strength and modulus. Nylon- hardness decreased. Its
increased fracture resistance and yellow color is a drawback.
resistance to continual stress. 13
8. Glass fibers (Figure 2 Continuous fiber Improved flexural properties and Void formation in
). and roving, staple fatigue resistance. It has good fiber-polymer matrix because
fiber and chopped aesthetics & excellent polishing of poor impregnation of
strand mat. characterstics. They resist extreme fibers and polymerization
temperature and moisture. 14 shrinkage.
9. E Glass fibers Mesh and Fiber They are transluscent thus, providing
(Electrical grade) esthetics. Because of glass fiber
bonding, improved strength. 15
10 Glass nanofibers Improvements in strength, modulus, Incomplete wetting by resin,
Nanofibers and toughness. Crack propagation is which compromises strength
inhibited by the fibers with as the result of air inclusion
simultaneous reinforcement of the and voids 22 . Another
matrix. 16 17 drawback of nanofibers is
11 HA Dispersion of HA nanofibers into a inadequate dispersion into
resin matrix at low mass can the resin matrix that leads to
significantly improve the mechanical the creation of bundles.
properties of the composite. 18 19 These bundles may even act
12 Polyacrylonitrile PMMA is surrounded by a dental resin as defects 23 24
(PAN) and PMMA matrix. After curing, linear PMMA
nanofibers chains become interpenetrated and
entangled with the cross-linked resin
matrix network and produce a strong
nano interface linking force with
strong interfacial adhesion between
nanofibers and resin matrix. 20 21
Prajwala et al. / IP Annals of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry 2020;6(2):52–59 55
Fig. 2: Glassfibers
2.5.1. Advantages
2.4. Hypoallergenic Resins
They provide excellent esthetics with tooth or tissue colored
Addition of hydroxyapatite fillers increases fracture materials and are very comfortable for the patient. These are
toughness. 25 Addition of Al2 O3 fillers increases the flexural stable, have high fatigue endurance, high creep resistance,
strength & thermal diffusivity that could lead to more patient excellent wear characteristics & solvent resistance. They are
satisfaction. 26 The ratio of 2.2:1 by weight of powder non-porous so no growth of bacteria, and even if it is non-
to liquid was found to be the best ratio for mixing the porous, it still retains a slight amount of moisture to keep
material to give the best results in formulation. 27 28 Addition it comfortable against gums. They are unbreakable, flexible,
of ceramic or sapphire whiskers to improve thermal light weight and have very little or no monomer content. 31
56 Prajwala et al. / IP Annals of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry 2020;6(2):52–59 Lucitone frs flexible dental resin. Provides Thermoplastic acrylic. Heat-cure PMMA shows
aesthetic partial dentures and very strong night guards when high water absorption, volumetric changes and residual
used with success injection system (closed flask system). monomer and porosity. 50 Even though Thermoplastic
Advantages are same as of valplast partial resin and it has acrylic has poor impact resistance, it has enough tensile and
more impact resistance. flexural strength. It is available in tooth and gingival colors
and has good esthetics. Acrylic doesn’t wear as much during Thermoplastic acetal. Acetal was first proposed occlusal forces and consequently won’t maintain vertical
as an unbreakable thermoplastic resin removable partial dimension over long periods of your time. 50
denture material in 1971. Rapid injection system developed
the first tooth coloured clasps with thermoplastic fluoropoly- Thermoplastic polycarbonate. It is a polymer
mer. 39 In 1986, Dental ‘D’ reintroduced tooth colored chain of bisphenol-A carbonate. It is similar to Acetal resin,
clasps using Acetal resin. Acetal as a homo-polymer has and is also strong, resists fracture, is flexible and does not
good short-term mechanical properties, but as a co-polymer wear. Polycarbonate is used for temporary crown & bridges.
has better long-term stability. The material has a good translucency and finishes very well,
providing improved esthetics. 39,49,50 Advantages. It doesn’t use monomer and a
catalyst in process so residual monomer doesn’t begin to
melt. It also has lesser water sorption property and so, no
offensive odour and does not cause redness of oral mucous
membrane. 39,49,50 Disadvantages . Complicated processing
equipments with greater distortion from water sorption,
Fig. 7: Single-walled and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) high flexibility, low adhesion to acrylic teeth and low
hardness. Mechanism of action. Resin clasps engage the Applications of thermoplastic resins . Applica-
first third (or origin) of the undercut rather than the terminal tions of thermoplastic resins include:
third as in metal clasps allowing three to four times the
retention of metal. The clasp can then be placed more • Implant abutments
gingival increasing its aesthetic appeal beyond the obvious • Preformed partial denture clasp,
Prajwala et al. / IP Annals of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry 2020;6(2):52–59 57
Table 2:
Nanofillers Advantages Disadvantages
1. Silver They exhibit broad-spectrum bactericidal, fungicidal Discolouration of resin
activities at very low concentrations and strength is
increased. 40
2. Copper Improved antibacterial, anti fungal properties of Discolouration of resin
resin. Increased tensile and flexural strength when
added in minimal concentrations
3. TiO2 Pleasing color, high biocompatibility, excellent
mechanical properties, low cost, high stability, and
appropriate antimicrobial effects 41 . Has great
oxidizing power under UV radiation, and can
decompose organic materials and bacteria 42 - 43
4. Alumina (Al2 O3 ) Improved thermal properties, flexural, tensile,
compressive, impact strengths, and surface hardness
of PMMA and decreased warpage. 13
5. Zirconia Impact, flexural, compressive strengths have Occasionally, low flexural
improved. Thermal conductivity fatigue strength, strength values have been
fracture toughness and hardness have increased. It reported.
also may have antifungal property. 13
6. Gold (Au) Almost doubles the flexural and thermal properties,
which could lead to more patient acceptance.
7. Platinum (Pt) Enhances mechanical properties and provides
antimicrobial properties. Its addition also increases
the bending deflection of denture base resin.
8. Palladium (Pd) Better bending strength than Gold and Silver. 13
9. Silicon Dioxide (SiO2 ) The mechanical properties and thermal properties of Excess amount lead to
PMMA were improved. Impact strength, transverse agglomeration and crack
strength and surface hardness were increased. propagation, which results in
reduced hardness and fracture
toughness. 13
10 Nano diamonds High hardness and thermal conductivity. Nano There is agglomeration of the
Diamonds increased the impact strength of PMMA, nanodiamonds, which may be
and also increased fracture toughness was seen. points of stress
concentration. 13
11 Copper nanotubes CNTs are strong, resilient, and lightweight. They The reinforcing effect of CNTs
have excellent mechanical and electrical may be restricted because of
properties 44 weak interfacial adhesion with
the resin matrix as well as the
tendency of nanotubes for
agglomeration, which causes
poor distribution throughout
the matrix. 45–48
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• Orthodontic and sleep apnea appliances. dimensions less than 100 nm (nanotubes, nanofibers, and
• Provisional crowns and bridges, nanowires); and those that have one dimension less than 100
• Single cast partial dentures 51 nm (thin films, layers, and coatings). 53 Use of nanomaterials
in composites have achieved better esthetics and mechanical
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Cite this article: Prajwala N, Kumar CR, Sujesh M, Rao DC, Pavani L.
022001. doi:10.1088/1748-6041/5/2/022001.
Denture base reinforcing materials - A review. IP Ann Prosthodont
46. Hamouda. Current perspectives of nanoparticles in medical and
Restor Dent 2020;6(2):52-59.
dental biomaterials. Journal of Biomedical Research. 2012;26(3):143–
51. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.7555/jbr.26.20120027.