Log Sheet 4
Log Sheet 4
Log Sheet 4
Placement: IM-P3
1. introduction to ward management (Head Nurse) and a comprehensive orientation to the ward.
2. Establish connections through meet-and-greet sessions with assigned staff, articulating our clinical
3. Choose patients, introduce them, and explain the rationale behind history-taking and assessment.
4. Perform exhaustive systemic and head-to-toe assessments for each patient.
5. Distinguish and address patient needs through customized management strategies.
6. Deliver education tailored to individual patient needs, employing formal and informal methods.
7. Integrate pertinent laboratory and investigative findings about the patient's health status.
8. communicate both pharmacological and surgical management plans to patients.
9. Implement care practices firmly rooted in evidence-based approaches, seamlessly blending
theoretical knowledge.
10. Undertake the responsibilities characteristic of an advanced practice nurse throughout the continuum
of patient care.
Patients Details & Demographics and Chief Complain
A patient named Thebo Naseer Ahamd, 45 years old, under the care of Dr. Amber Sabeen, with
admission dates 25-11-23, came into the ER with a complaint of general body weakness and low
BP. According to the patient attendant at home, he was in his usual state of health when he
developed a low BP of 55/60 and Pulse of 60bpm on the following day; he became cold clammy
had difficulty in breathing and orthopnea.
On assessment, HR= 66/min, SPO2=96%, RR=26/min, BP=122/76.
Bilateral Crept and wheezing were present on auscultation; the abdomen was soft and non-tender,
and bowel sounds were in the normal range, S1 and S2 sound positive.
End-stage renal disease
Diabetes Mellitus and hypertension
WBC 11.9 Cl 98
TropI 1770
Current Labs
Na 140
K 4.2
Cl 97
Cr 8.6
TropI 2157
Hb 11
WBC 10.3
Neu 81.5
Lym 7.4
Plt 149
PH 7.15
PCO2 32
PO2 36
HCO3 10.9
CA 1.5
O2 SAT 47.2
Interventions- Pharmacological
Clopidogrel 75mg
Ceftriaxone 2000mg
Humalog 2IU
Calcium Acetate 2 tabs
Atorvastatin Calcium 20mg
Pregablin 50mg
Glargine 20U
Omeprazole 40mg
Planning to mobilize up to chair.
Discharge teaching given as patient will discharge after 24 hrs.
Fluid Management.
Blood Pressure Monitoring.
Regular Follow-up and Monitoring.
Discharge teaching given and home health care services explained to patient
Importance of monitoring fluid intake from both beverages and foods.
Importance of regular blood glucose monitoring.
Medication adherence and insulin administration.
Recognizing and managing hypo/hyperglycemia symptoms.
Maintain blood pressure within the target range to prevent cardiovascular complications.