PhysioTools Exercises
PhysioTools Exercises
PhysioTools Exercises
scoala spatelui
Reha Clinic
Reha Clinic
Provided by Reha Kineto
Start: Lie on your stomach, propped up on your elbows. Elbows are in line
with the shoulders and wrists. Arms are parallel to each other.
Movement: Relax and drop your chest between your shoulders.
Return: Press your arms into the floor to lift your upper body back up into a
strong position with your neck in line with your spine. Hold for a count of 5.
Posture cue:
Sensation cue:
Key words:
Upper Back Extension
Lie on your stomach with your arms bent and hands behind your head.
Slightly raise your upper body off the floor and hold the position.
Lie on your stomach with one arm by your side and the other in an
overhead position.
Slightly raise your upper body and arms off the floor and hold the position of
your trunk. Then start to alternate the position of your arms while keeping
your arms straight.
Lie on your stomach, with your arms out to your side with elbows bent.
Slightly raise your upper body and arms off the floor.
Hold the position and keep your hands higher than your elbows. In turns,
straighten your arms to an overhead position and bend back to the starting
Repeat 10 times.
Squeeze your shoulder blades in and down. Return to the starting position.
Repeat 10 times.
Supine Passive Hip Flexion
Start by lying on your back with a rolled towel under your head.
Pull your knee to your chest helping with your hands. Push your other leg
down towards the floor. Hold and relax.
Bridge with Arms Crossed
Start by lying on your back with your legs bent and feet flat on the floor.
Cross your arms over your chest.
Lift your buttocks off the floor and straighten your hips. Return to the starting
Repeat 20 times.
Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
Tighten your lower abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. Tilt the pelvis
backwards so that your lower back flattens into the floor and lift your bottom
Repeat 10 times.
Upper Back Strengthening and Active Shoulder Mobility
Start on all fours and shift your weight backwards. Maintain neutral position
in your back and shoulders relaxed.
Control the position of your back and lift one leg and opposite side arm.
Return to the starting position and repeate with the other side.
Lower Back Flexion/Extension
On your hands and knees, hands under your shoulders and knees under
your hips.
Maintaining neutral position in your upper and mid back, round and arch
your lower back by tilting your pelvis.
Stand or sit. Hold an exercise band with both arms straight in front of you.
Pull the band with both arms and tighten your shoulder blade muscles. Do
not lift your shoulders.
Stand or sit. Hold an exercise band in front of you with your hands shoulder
width apart and lift your arms up.
Bring your hands down behind your head pulling the band.
Trapezius Stretch
Stand and take one hand behind your back to grasp the wrist with your
other hand.
Gently bend your head to the side and feel a stretch in your neck.
Bend your head towards one shoulder. Stretch more by using the weight of
your arm and reaching the other arm towards the floor.
Shoulder Flexion and Thoracic Extension
Kneel and place your hands on a bench in front of you, with straight elbows.
Move weight backwards and press your chest towards the floor. Focus on
straightening your upper back and opening your chest.
Alternatively this can be done in lying by bringing your knee up to your chest
and turning out at the hip, engaging pelvic floor, deep transverse
abdominals and gluteus medius/maximus. An easier way is to have your
left foot resting on the floor.
Sit on a chair with one foot on the floor. Lift your other foot onto your
opposite thigh.
Start: Lie on your stomach, propped up on your elbows. Lie on your stomach with your arms bent and hands
Elbows are in line with the shoulders and wrists. Arms are behind your head. Slightly raise your upper body off the
parallel to each other. floor and hold the position.
Movement: Relax and drop your chest between your
shoulders. Squeeze your shoulder blades together so that your
Return: Press your arms into the floor to lift your upper elbows raise. In a controlled manner lower your elbows
body back up into a strong position with your neck in line down.
with your spine. Hold for a count of 5.
Posture cue: Repeat 10 times. 3 serii
Sensation cue:
Key words:
Note. Keep your chin tucked in. Repeat 10 times. Pe fiecare, si dupa duci amable
picioare la pieza, simultan, 10 repetari
Start by lying on your back with your legs bent and feet Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the
flat on the floor. Cross your arms over your chest. floor.
Lift your buttocks off the floor and straighten your hips. Tighten your lower abdominal and pelvic floor muscles.
Return to the starting position. Tilt the pelvis backwards so that your lower back flattens
into the floor and lift your bottom slightly.
Repeat 20 times.
Repeat 10 times.
Upper Back Strengthening and Active Shoulder Mobility Arm and Leg Lift
Start on all fours and shift your weight backwards. On your hands and knees.
Maintain neutral position in your back and shoulders
relaxed. Control the position of your back and lift one leg and
opposite side arm. Return to the starting position and
Alternating sides lift your arms. repeate with the other side.
Trapezius Stretch
Stand or sit. Hold an exercise band in front of you with
your hands shoulder width apart and lift your arms up. Stand and take one hand behind your back to grasp the
wrist with your other hand.
Bring your hands down behind your head pulling the band.
Gently bend your head to the side and feel a stretch in
Repeat 10 times. 2 serii your neck.
Sit on a chair with one foot on the floor. Lift your other
foot onto your opposite thigh.
Gently lean forward. Feel the stretch in your buttock.