Pillar 2A1 Ecology Ecosystem Biome
Pillar 2A1 Ecology Ecosystem Biome
Pillar 2A1 Ecology Ecosystem Biome
Sudarshan Gurjar
Ecology & Ecosystem 70
Introduction 70
What is the Environment ? 71
Levels of Ecological Organization 71
Ecology, Ecosystem and Environment 74
Ecosystem:Concept, Types & Functions 74
Components of an ecosystem 75
Abiotic components (Nonliving) 75
Biotic components 77
Ecotone 78
Edge effect 79
Functions of an Ecosystem 79
Introduction 79
Energy Flow 79
Food chain 80
Food web 80
Ecological Pyramids 82
Pyramid of numbers 82
Pyramid Of biomass 82
Pyramid of energy 83
Limitations of pyramids 84
Ecological Succession 86
Orderly sequence of primary succession 86
Process of Ecological succession 87
Different types of Succession 90
Biotic Interactions 90
Some characteristics of Interaction: 94
Biogeochemical cycles 95
Water cycle/hydrological cycle 95
Carbon cycle 96
Phosphorus cycle 98
Nitrogen cycle 99
Biome 102
Introduction 102
● The term ‘ecology’ was first coined in 1869 by the German biologist Ernst Haeckel.
● It was derived from two Greek words, ‘Oikos’, meaning home or estate and ‘logos’ meaning
● Ecology may be defined as the scientific study of the relationship of living organisms with
each other and with their environment.
● It studies the interactions among organisms and their environment.
● Study of interaction between populations and intraspecific relationships.
● Study of structure and composition of the community and interspecific interactions between
members of the community.
1. Individual/ Organism
● An individual (organism) is a living being that has the ability to act or function independently.
● Individuals make the basic unit of study in ecology.
● The organisms of a similar type have the potential to interbreed and produce fertile offspring,
which are called species.
● An organism is fully adapted to its environment.It has a definite series of stages like birth,
hatching, growth, maturity, aging, and death.
Autecology the ecological study of a particular species.
2. Species
● A group of similar organisms which is capable of interbreeding and producing offspring are
referred to as species.
● Interbreeding and reproduction are possible only for organisms belonging to the same species.
⇒ Habitat of an organism
● The physical environment in which an organism lives is called its habitat.
● Each organism has specific needs for its survival and lives wherever the surroundings provide
for those wants.
● Ecosystem is a unit which has living and nonliving components and their interactions while
being dependent on one another.
● Ecology is the study of ecosystems. It studies the organisms and their relations with each other
and the environment.
● Environment usually refers to the physical surroundings in which an organism lives. An
ecosystem functions with the environment to make a big unit.
Biotic components
Edge effect
● Sometimes in an ecotone, the number and population density of some of the species is much
greater than either community. This is called the edge effect.
● The organisms which occur primarily or most abundantly in this zone are known as edge species.
● In terrestrial ecosystems, the edge effect is especially applicable to birds.
● For example, the density of birds is greater in the mixed habitat of the ecotone between a forest
and a desert.
● Areas with small habitat fragments exhibit pronounced edge effects.
● As the edge effects increase, the ecotone allows for greater biodiversity.
Functions of an Ecosystem
● Ecosystems are complex dynamic systems. They perform certain functions.These are:
(i) Energy flow through food chain
(ii) Nutrient cycling (biogeochemical cycles)
(iii) Ecological succession or ecosystem development
Energy Flow
Food web
● The remaining amount is called Net Primary Production (NPP). It is stored by the plant and is
made available to the consumers.
Pyramid of numbers
● This pyramid represents the total number of individuals at each trophic level in an ecosystem.
● Depending upon the size and biomass, the pyramid of numbers can be either upright or inverted.
● Upright pyramids are generally seen in a grassland ecosystem where grasses are in abundance
and top carnivores are the least in numbers.
● Inverted pyramid: In a forest, trees (producers) form the base and provide food to herbivore
birds. Parasites and hyperparasites form the widertipof pyramid.
Pyramid Of biomass
● In the pyramid of biomass, individuals in each trophic level are weighed (total dry weight)instead
of being counted.
● It represents the total standing crop biomass at each trophic level.
● Standing crop biomass is the amount of the living matter at any given time. It is expressed as the
gm/unit area or kilo cal/unit area.
Pyramid of energy
● Energy pyramid is the most common parameter to compare the functional roles of the trophic
levels in an ecosystem.
● An energy pyramid reflects the conversion of
solar energy to chemical energy and heat energy
at each trophic level.
● As there is loss of energy at each trophic level,
the pyramid is always upward, with a large energy
base at the bottom.
● Energy pyramid concept helps in explaining the
phenomenon of biological magnification, the
tendency for toxic substances to increase in
concentration progressively at higher levels of the
food chain.
● The amount of energy decreases at each subsequent trophic level due to two reasons:
1.At each trophic a part of the available energy is lost in respiration or used up in metabolism.
2.A part of energy is lost at each transformation, i.e. when it moves from lower to higher trophic
level as heat.
● It is defined as the efficiency of transfer of energy from one trophic level to the next trophic
● Lindman in 1942 defined these ecological efficiencies for the 1st time and proposed a 10%
● E.g. If autotrophs produce 100 cal, herbivores will be able to store 10 cal. and carnivores 1 cal.
Limitations of pyramids
➔ Pioneer stage: Pioneer species / community; High growth rate but short life span; Ex-Bare
rock & Lichens.
➔ Intermediate stage: Seral community/ temporal community. Ex- grasses, shrub
➔ Climax community: Terminal or final community; stable, mature and more complex and
long lasting. Ex- Shade tolerant trees.
1. Nudation: the development of bare areas is the initial prerequisite. The cause of nudation
may be topographic (soil erosion, landslide, volcanic activity etc.), climatic and
biotic(human being and pathogen)
2. Invasion: This is the successful establishment of a species in a bare area. The species
actually reaches this new site from any other area.
3. Competition and coaction: After aggregation of a large number of individuals of the
species at the limited place, there develops competition mainly for space and nutrition.
Individuals of a species affect each other’s life in various ways and this is called coaction.
The species, if unable to compare with other species, if present would be discarded.
4. Reaction: This is the most
important stage in succession.
The mechanism of the
modification of the
environment through the
influence of living organisms
on it, is known as reaction. As
a result of reaction, changes
take place in soil, water, light
conditions, temperature etc of
the environment. Due to all these the environment is modified, becoming unsuitable for
the existing community which sooner or later is replaced by another community (seral
communities). The whole sequence of communities that replaces one another in the given
area is called s sere, and various communities constituting the sere as seral communities.
Biotic Interactions
2. Predation: Predators act as conduits for transferring energy from one trophic level to
another. They keep prey populations under control. The introduction of an exotic species
into an area may become invasive if there are no natural predators. Predators also help in
maintaining species diversity in a community, by reducing the intensity of competition
3. Parasitism: One species is harmed and the other benefits. The parasite lives in/on another
living species called the host from which the parasite gets its nourishment and often shelter.
The parasite is benefited and the host is harmed. Parasites have special adaptations to
counteract and neutralise the mechanisms of the host species. Eg. The cuscuta plant has no
leaves. Tapeworm, roundworm,
malarial parasite, many bacteria,
many bacteria, fungi, and viruses
are common parasites of humans.
Ex- fleas and mosquitoes feed on
blood from other organisms. In this
type of parasitic relationship, the
host needs to stay alive and it is not
damaged greatly. Ectoparasites-
Parasites that feed on the external surface of the host organism are called ectoparasites.
Eg.- lice on humans and ticks on dogs. Endoparasites- Endoparasites are those that live
inside the host body at different sites such as a tapeworm that lives inside
its host. Brood Parasitism- Brood parasitism in birds is fascinating.
⇒ example of parasitism in which the parasitic bird lays its eggs in the
nest of its host and lets the host incubate them. Eg.- cuckoo and crow.
4. Competition: This is an interaction between two populations in which
both species are harmed to some extent. Competition occurs when two
populations or species, both need a vital resource that is in short supply. The vital resource
5. Commensalism: The interaction where one species is benefitted and the other is neither
nor harmed is called commensalism. Some species benefit by utilizing the shelter or
transport of another species. For example, epiphytes live on the surface of other plants like
ferns, mosses and orchids and use the surface of trees for support and for obtaining sunlight
and moisture. The tree does not benefit from this relationship and is not harmed as well.
1. Both the species benefit in mutualism and both lose in competition in their interaction
with each other.
Biogeochemical cycles
● The movement of nutrients from the environment into plants and animals and again back to the
environment is known as nutrient cycling.
● Nutrients are absorbed from the soil by green plants which are passed onto primary consumers
and thereafter to secondary and tertiary consumers.
● When the producers and consumers die, nutrients are released back into the soil by detritivores
from the dead remains of organisms.
● Nutrient cycle can be of two types
1. Gaseous - atmosphere or the hydrosphere is the main reservoir
2. Sedimentary - earth's crust is the main reservoir.
Carbon cycle
● Almost all the carbon in nature is derived from carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere.
● It is highly soluble in water. Therefore, oceans also contain large quantities of dissolved carbon
● It is vital for the production of carbohydrates through photosynthesis by plants.
Steps in global Carbon cycle
1. Photosynthesis:
● Green plants in the presence of sunlight utilize CO2 in the process of photosynthesis.
● A part of the food made is used by plants for their own metabolism.
● Rest of the food is stored as their biomass which is available to various herbivores, heterotrophs,
including human beings and microorganisms as food.
● Forests act as reservoirs of CO2 as carbon fixed by the trees remain stored in them for long due
to their long life cycles.
Phosphorus cycle
● Phosphorus is a major constituent of biological membranes, nucleic acids and cellular energy
transfer systems.
● Many animals also need large quantities of this element to make shells, bones and teeth.
● The natural reservoir of phosphorus is rock, which contains phosphorus in the form of
Nitrogen cycle
● Nitrogen is an essential component of protein required by all living organisms including human
● Our atmosphere contains nearly 78% of nitrogen but it cannot be used directly i.e in its elemental
form by the majority of living organisms.
● Therefore, the atmospheric nitrogen needs to be fixed i.e converted to ammonia, nitrites and
nitrates so that it is taken by various organisms.
● Like carbon dioxide, nitrogen also cycles from gaseous phase to solid phase then back to gaseous
phase through the activity of a wide variety of organisms.
(i) Day and night hours which are responsible for the duration of photosynthesis.
(ii)Mean temperature as diurnal and annual variation which decides the extreme conditions.
(iii) Length of growing season.
(iv) Precipitation, its total amount and spatio-temporal variation
(v) Wind speed, direction, duration and frequency.
(vi) Soil types
(vii) Slope
(viii) Drainage Types of biomes Biomes are classified in various ways.
There are five major biomes in the world.
1. Forests
2. Grasslands
3. Deserts
4. Tundra
5. Aquatic
⦁ Forest
• Taiga or Boreal Biome (Evergreen Coniferous forests)
• Temperate Deciduous Biome (North Western Europe – British Type Climate)
• Sub-Tropical Deciduous Biome in Eastern China, South Eastern USA
• Temperate Shrub Biome (Mediterranean Climate)
• Tropical Deciduous Biome (Monsoon Climate)
• Tropical RainForest Biome
Tundra Biome
• Boreal forest soils are characterized by thin podzols and are rather poor. This is because:
✓ The litter derived from conifer needles (leaf) decomposes very slowly and is not rich in
• conifers do not shed their leaves frequently. The predominant vegetation is an evergreen coniferous
forest with species such as spruce, fir and pine.
• The conifers require little moisture and are best suited to this type of subArctic climate.
• The productivity of boreal forest is lower than those of any other forest ecosystem.
• Animals found in this region include Siberian tiger, wolverine, lynx, wolf, bear, red fox, squirrel,
and amphibians like Hyla, Rana, etc.
• Trees with small broad leaves are widely spaced and never very tall.
• Regions with adequate rainfall are inhabited by low, broad-leaved evergreen trees (mostly
evergreen oaks).
• Fire is an important hazardous factor in this ecosystem, and the adaptation of the plants enables
them to regenerate quickly after being burnt.
• Plants are in a continuous struggle against heat, dry air, excessive evaporation and prolonged
• They are, in short, xerophytic (drought tolerant).
• Tropical Monsoon Forests are also known as a drought-deciduous forest; dry forest; dry deciduous
forest; tropical deciduous forest. Teak, neem, bamboos, sal, shisham, sandalwood, khair, mulberry
are some of the important species
Desert Biome
• The predominant vegetation of both hot and mid-latitude deserts is xerophytic or drought-resistant.
• This includes the cacti, thorny bushes, long-rooted wiry grasses and scattered dwarf acacias.
● Grasslands are characterized as lands dominated by grasses rather than large shrubs or trees.
● There are two main divisions of grasslands:
(1) tropical grasslands or savannas
(2) temperate grasslands
● A savanna or savannah is a mixed woodland grassland ecosystem.
● They are also known as tropical grasslands and found in a wide band on either side of the equator
on the edges of tropical rainforests.
● Savannah can also be said to be a transitional zone between forest and desert or grassland.
● Primarily they are situated in South America, Africa andAustralia.
Tropical Grassland (Savannah)
● African Savannah- West African Region surrounding Sudan.
● South American Savannah- Called Cerrado (Brazil), Llanos (Colombia and Venezuela) and
Campos (Southern Brazil).
● Australian Savannah- Situated adjacently southward to the Northern monsoon line of
● Indian Savannah- Parts of North Karnataka, Telangana and South Maharashtra region
temperate grasslands