Day 2 Conde DLP

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School TABACO Grade Level 11

Teaching March 6-10, 2023 Quarter 3rd

The learner demonstrates understanding of fitness and exercise in optimizing one’s health as a habit; as requisite
A. Content Standard for physical activity assessment performance, and as a career opportunity.
The learner leads sport events with proficiency and confidence resulting in independent pursuit and in influencing
B. Performance Standard others positively.

C. Learning Competencies/ Observes personal safety protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion, hypo and hyperthermia during
Objectives MVPA participation.
 Explain the concept of sport injuries.
 Present and classify the different sports injuries.
 Show the body part where these injuries occur.
 Analyze the causes of each sports injuries.
II- CONTENT Sports Injuries and its causes

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

 Good morning, everyone! Please arrange your  Good morning,Sir.
chairs. Please stand as well for the opening

A. REVIEWING  I need to check the attendance sheet; where is

PREVIOUS the monitor? Please hand over the attendance
LESSON OR sheet.
NEW LESSON  What did we discuss last week?  Technical and tactical skills.

 Very good. We talked about the concept of

technical and tactical skills.
 Before proceeding to out lesson, I will share
an experience about my teammate who
encountered an unexpected injury.

Like most Filipinos, the game of basketball is

close to my heart . It is my father who taught it
to me. One time, our competitors are highly
skilled so the game was intense so it involves
a lot of physical plays. During this game, my
teammate called for a screen and sprinted to
the paint area, he tried to layup the ball but
unfortunately he was blocked and he
awkwardly fell. He was holding his legs and
was obviously hurt. When he was rushed to
the hospital, the doctor told that he tore his
anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). How do
you feel after hearing my story? Why? How  I felt sad for him.
about you, have you exprerienced the same

 The reason I let you recall those experience is

because today we will be having a new lesson
which is about sports injuries. You will, as
anticipated, have a range of new knowledge
after these series of discussion.
C. PRESENTING  Individuals who engage in various types of
EXAMPLES/ INSTANCES physical activities such as sports and exercise
OF THE NEW LESSON have a higher risk of getting. Most of the
injuries are preventable and awareness of the
risk factors will help in reducing the risk.

Injuries are damaged tissues or organs which  Injuries are caused by a trauma or physical force.
occur when it encounters trauma or physical
force that is greater than what it can resist or
absorb. What can you infer from this

The tissues are able to withstand varying

degrees of stress and strain but it will break
down if it experiences an impact that is
stronger than what it can tolerate.

Factors influencing the ability of our tissues or

organs to effectively resist or absorb forces
include inherent abnormality, age, technique,
fitness level, equipment, and environmental
aspects. Tissues and organs react to the impact
and direction of the force.

Tensile forces are those that act away from

the center of the structure, causing a pull or
Compressive forces impact the center causing
it to bend or fold.
Shear forces are opposing forces toward the
different ends of the structure.

Who can recall the three types of force? How  Tensile forces are those that act away from the
would you describe a tensile force? How center of the structure, causing a pull or stretch.
about a compressive force? And shear force? Compressive forces impact the center causing it to
How do they differ? bend or fold.
Shear forces are opposing forces toward the
different ends of the structure.

Aside from the knowledge of the forces that

cause injury, it is important to understand the
ability of the structures to resist or absorb
forces. Injuries in sports and fitness commonly
affect the musculoskeletal structures. The
ligaments, tendons, muscles, and bones have
inherent strength that helps withstand strong
forces. The strength properties of each
musculoskeletal structure vary according to
the density of collagen and elastin fibers
Everyone, please stand. Can you please point  The students will point these body parts.
your ligaments? Tendons? Muscles?

How about your bones and joins?

Very good! I will once again show these

different structures.

In general, sports injuries can be classified

into two: acute and chronic/ overuse. Acute
injuries have signs and symptoms (e.g., pain,
swelling) that manifest immediately after
force application.

What are the two classifications again?  Acute and chronic.


An excessive stretching force can cause the

fibers of the ligament, muscle, or tendon to
break. An overstretched ligament is called a

Do you have an idea what a sprain is?

Sprains can be classified as mild, moderate,

or severe, depending on the loss of function
and the number of torn fibers. A similar
classification is used for a strained muscle. A
strain is also caused by excessive stretching
that causes tears in the muscle-tendon unit.

Using your own words how can you describe  A fracture is a break of a bone .
fracture ?

Fractures are breaks in the continuity of the

bone. It usually occurs as a result of high
impact forces that cause the bone to bend or

Dislocations are bones that are pushed out

from their joint capsule.

Why do dislocations occur ?  A dislocation is an injury in which the ends of your

bones are forced from their normal positions.
Overuse injuries are common among
individuals who have been training for a long
period of time with minimal rest and recovery
between sessions. During training, the
musculoskeletal structures receive higher
loads than what it is used to.

How would you differentiate overuse injuries  Acute injuries happen suddenly, such as when a
from acute injuries? person falls, receives a blow, or twists a joint, while
chronic injuries usually result from overuse of one
Classification of Sprains and Strains area of the body and develop gradually over time
According to Severity

 Mild (First Degree) , Moderate (Second Degree),

What are the 3 classicfication of sprain and
Severe ( Third Degree)

Are certain individuals at more risk of getting

 Yes, some individuals are more prone to risk.
injured? What factors increase the risk of
Probably, those at their young and old age.

Children and older people are also the

likelihood of injury. These risk factors
increase the susceptibility structures. There are
certain characteristics or factors that increase
of the individual to injury but it does not cause
the injury. Risk factors are classified as non-
modifiable (i.e., age, gender) and modifiable
(i.e., tournament rules, apparel). Some experts
classify risk factors as intrinsic (i.e., individual
factors) or extrinsic (i.e., environmental

During acute injuries, the body will initiate the

healing process through the inflammatory
response. The inflammatory response removes
the damaged tissue by increasing blood flow
and activating the lymphatic system to the
injured site. Swelling occurs due to fluid
accumulation as a result of
increased blood flow and blood vessel
permeability. Aside from swelling,
inflammation is also characterized by pain,
redness, and warmth. The muscles
surrounding the area contract to guard the
injured site and prevent aggravation.

Why does a body part swell after getting  Swelling occurs due to fluid accumulation as a result of
injured? increased blood flow and blood vessel permeability.

 To evaluate your understanding, identify their

type. Write ACUTE if it’s an acute injury and
D. DEVELOPING OVERUSE if it is an overuse injury.
(LEADS TO 1. Sprain 6. Osteoarthritis
FORMATIVE 2. Strain 7. Dislocation
ASSESSMENT) 3. Stress Fracture 8. Fracture
4. Bursitis
5. Tendinophaty
E. FINDING  Why are these concepts relevant to you? How  Injury prevention should be an important part of every
PRACTICAL can these ideas help you as a student? physical activity, because it not only helps you achieve
APPLICATIONS your training goals but also keeps you healthy and safe.
F. MAKING  What are the concepts we discussed today?  We discussed about the different sport injuries and
GENERALIZATIONS what causes such.
 On the front part of your paper identify what
G. EVALUATING injury could become the outcome of the given
LEARNING situations.
1. The player fell while driving to the basket.
2. The player had an excessive stretching.
(Strain and Sprain)
3. Throwing a baseball or lifting something
over your head repeatedly with a poor
technique. (Tendinopathy, Bursitis)
4. A volleyball player smashed the ball with
high impact and heard a cracking sound.
5. A football player runs full speed and been
tackled by the competitors the bone in his
hand was deformed. (Dislocation)

 At the back, write 3 ways on how to prevent

sport injuries.

 We don’t have much time left. Please turn in  Goodbye, Sir.

your papers. Goodbye, everyone.


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