Estudo Transversal HPV e Cancer - Lancet 1987
Estudo Transversal HPV e Cancer - Lancet 1987
Estudo Transversal HPV e Cancer - Lancet 1987
We have shown that 90% of responding patients have We thank Dr Joe Tomita and Dr Louise Przywara from Diagnostic
ER-positive cells in aspirates; by contrast only 39% of Division, Abbott Laboratories, Chicago, USA, for interest and support; and
Dr Elwood Jensen for encouragement and advice.
non-responders had ER-positive cells. Thus, our method is
as predictive as the standard biochemical assay.! Correspondence should be addressed to R. C. C., Clinical Oncology
A particularly important advantage of the technique is Group, Room 122, Level 2, Jenner Wing G1, St George’s Hospital Medical
School, Cranmer Terrace, Tooting, London SW17 ORE.
that we can detect the receptor in samples from patients who
have recently discontinued tamoxifen therapy: this has not
been possible before since with the standard assay false REFERENCES
negatives are often obtained because tamoxifen binds to the 1. McGuire WL, De La Garza M. Improved sensitivity in the measurement of estrogen
available receptor sites, thus blocking the binding of tritiated receptor in human breast cancer. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1973, 37: 986-89.
2. King WJ, Greene GL. Monoclonal antibodies localize estrogen receptor in the nuclei
of target cells Nature 1984; 307: 745-47.
Some samples contained too few cells and thus we could 3. McClelland RA, Berger U, Miller LS, Powles TJ, Coombes RC.
not adequately assess receptor status. The repeated Immunocytochemical assay for estrogen receptor in patients with breast cancer:
relationship to a biochemical assay and to outcome of therapy J Clin Oncol 1986; 4:
procedure, since it does not cause much pain, is acceptable to 1171-76
most patients, and we now recommend that two aspirates 4. McClelland RA, Berger U, Wilson P, et al. Presurgical determination of estrogen
receptor status using immunocytochemically stained fine needle aspirate smears in
are done if immediate cytological confirmation is not
patients with breast cancer Cancer Res (in press).
available. The number of unassessable samples would then 5. Hayward JL, Rubens RD, Carbone PP, Heuson J-C, Kumaoka S, Segaloff A.
Assessment of response to therapy in advanced breast cancer. A project of the
be reduced.
programme on clinical oncology of the International Union Against Cancer,
Thus, the simple technique of fine-needle aspiration for Geneva, Switzerland. Br J Cancer 1977; 35: 292-98.
6. Stemberger LA, Hardy PH, Cuculis JJ, Meyer HG. The unlabeled antibody enzyme
immunocytochemical detection of ER provides a useful test method of immunohistochemistry. Preparation and properties of soluble antigen-
for the prediction of breast cancer response to endocrine antibody complex (horseradish peroxidase-antihorseradish peroxidase) and its use
in identification of spirochetes. J
Histochem Cytochem 1970; 18: 315-33.
therapy. Immunocytochemical tests for other antigens, such 7 Taylor RE, Powles TJ, Humphreys J, et al. Effects of endocrine therapy on
as the progesterone receptor and growth factors, should be
steroid-receptor content of breast cancer. Br JCancer 1982; 45: 80-85.
possible with this technique. Furthermore, the receptor 8. Mansi JL, Berger U, Easton D, et al Bone marrow micrometastases in patients with
primary breast cancer. an early predictor of bone metastases. Br Med J (in press).
content in the normal breast and other metastatic sites such 9. Berger U, Mansi JL, Wilson P, Coombes RC. Detection of estrogen receptor in bone
as liver and bone marrow could also be assessed.8,9 marrow from patients with metastatic breast cancer. J Clin Oncol (in press).
HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS INFECTIONS IN in-situ hybridisation underestimates the total rate of HPV
WOMEN WITH AND WITHOUT ABNORMAL infections by a factor of 2 to 3.
E.-M. DE VILLIERS1 D. WAGNER2 EXPERIMENTAL data suggest that specific types of HPV
A. SCHNEIDER3 H. WESCH4 infection influence the development of human genital
H. MIKLAW5 J. WAHRENDORF6 cancer. Types 16 and 18, and also types 31, 33, and 35, have
U. PAPENDICK7 H. ZUR HAUSEN1 been identified in biopsy specimens from cervical, penile,
and vulvar cancer. The viral DNA becomes integrated into
Refereuzzentrum für humanpathogene Papillomviren, Deutsches
Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg;1 Evangelisches the host celF and expresses specific functions3,4 such as the
Diakoniekrankenhaus, Freiburg,2 Labor für Gynäkologische synthesis of viral proteins.There is increasing evidence that
Zytologie und Histologie, Universitäts-Frauenklinik, Ulm;3 Institut disturbances in the complex interaction between specific
fur Nuklearmedizin, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, cellular genes and persisting viral DNA influence cervical
Heidelberg;4 Salem Krankenhaus, Heidelberg;5 Institut für carcinogenesis.6 Existing data suggest that HPV type affects
Epidemiologie und Biometrie, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, risk of maligant change in HPV infection, low risk being
Heidelberg;6 and Dr K. Thomae Pharmaceuticals, Biberach7 associated with types 6 and 11 and high risk with types 16
and 18.’
Summary 9295 smears, obtained from women
There is little information on the distribution of HPV
attending three gynaecological hospitals infection in women without cytologically or colposcopically
for routine screening, were examined for human
visible dysplastic lesions or carcinomas. A high prevalence of
papillomavirus (HPV) types 6 and 11 and HPV 16 and 18 HPV 16 infections has been reported in healthy women,
infections by filter in-situ hybridisation. The data were
especially in those aged > 40 years.’ We have examined
compared with cytological findings. In women with normal smears obtained from three different regions in southern
cytological smears HPV infection was identified in about Germany for the presence of HPV infection by filter in-situ
10% of women aged between 15 and 50 years and in less
than 5% of those aged over 50. In women with abnormal hybridisations,8 and report here the distribution of HPV
infection in various age-groups, the correlation between
smears (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia [CIN] I, II, and
HPV infection and cervical neoplasia in relation to the age of
III and invasive cancer) HPV infection was detected in
the affected women, and the sensitivity of the test system
35-40%; this rate seemed to be age-independent. The peak used.
incidence of CIN appeared several years after that of HPV
infection. In women aged > 30 years it also declined earlier Subjects and Methods
than did HPV positivity. The age-group distribution of
The subjects were 9295 patients attending the outpatient clinics
women with CIN I, II, and III differed significantly from
of the Evangelische Krankenhaus, Freiburg, the Frauenklinik of
that of patients with invasive cancer. Only about a third of the University ofUlm, and the Salem-Krankenhaus in Heidelberg,
HPV-positive patients remained virus-positive, probably mostly for a routine gynaecological examination.
because of fluctuations in virus production and the A cotton swab was used to obtain a combined endocervical and
insensitivity of the test system used. It is possible that filter ectocervical sample. When a regular cytological smear had been
prepared the cotton swab was put into 5 ml of phosphate buffered finding, and as positive for an HPV infection if the
saline, frozen, and then transported to the HPV-laboratory at the hybridisation results were positive on one occasion. Follow-
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg.
up examinations 3 to 6 months later of patients initially
After being thawed, the suspension was mixed on a ’Vortex’
machine and filtered - through a nitrocellulose filter. After HPV-positive revealed only approximately 30% positivity
denaturation, neutralisation, and baking of the cell residue, the filter (data not shown). Hybridisation results were given as
was cut in half. One half was hybridised with a combination of positive, negative, and intermediate. It was not possible to
radiolabelled HPV 6 and 11 (HPV 6/11) DNA and the other with determine whether intermediate hybridisation results were
radiolabelled HPV 16 and 18 (HPV 16/18) DNA.8 Only conditions due to very low copy numbers of papilloma viral DNA or to
of high stringency (T m - 18OC) were used for hybridisation and viral non-specific binding of radioactivity to the filter because of
DNA without vector DNA was used for labelling. After being the presence of material such as mucus or blood. The
washed (under stringent conditions, ie, TJ the filters were
exposed to X-ray film for 5 days and the results were without prior
knowledge of the cytological findings.
94% (8755) patients had normal smears. 2% (196) were
classified as having koilocytotic HPV infection, 2% (162)
showed signs of mild or moderate dysplasia (cervical
intraepithelial neoplasia [CIN] I or II), 1% (120) had
carcinoma in situ (CIN III), and in 1 % (62) had an invasive
carcinoma (table I). When filter halves were hybridised with
HPV 6/11 or HPV 16/18 DNA some filters were positive for
one or other of the groups of viruses and the rest were
DNA POLYMORPHISM OF HUMAN enzyme deficiency will have symptoms. So far, detection of
PORPHOBILINOGEN DEAMINASE GENE IN gene carriers and avoidance of precipitants is the most
At present, determination of erythrocyte PBG-deaminase
N. A. KALSHEKER O. W. M. MARSH activity is the best method to detect gene carriers,5,6 but this
P. R. HARRISON B. GRANDCHAMP approach has limitations imposed by overlap of enzyme
activities between patients and controls,’ dependence of
P. H. ROMEO enzyme activity on red cell age,8 and the apparent restriction
of some AIP mutations to the liver.9 These difficulties are
Department of Medical Biochemistry, University of Wales College likely to be resolved by detection of mutations at the DNA
of Medicine, Cardiff; Beatson Institute for Cancer Research, level.
Bearsden, Glasgow; Molecular Genetics Laboratory, Faculty of Two isoenzymes of PBG-deaminase, which differ in their
Medicine Xavier Bichat, Paris, France; Biochemistry Laboratory, N-terminal aminoacid sequences, have been identified in
Hôpital Louis Mourier, Colombes, France; and INSERM U-91, mammals; one is present in erythroid and the other in
Hôpital Henri Mondor, Créteil, France non-erythroid tissues. A single gene codes for both
two-allele isoenzymes. In man, it is situated on the long arm of
Summary A common MspI restriction chromosome 1111 and seems to be transcribed from two
fragment length polymorphism of the different promoters to produce erythroid and non-erythroid
human erythroid porphobilinogen (PBG)-deaminase gene
mRNAs that differ at their 5’ ends.l° The alterations in
was investigated in 33 unrelated patients with acute
DNA sequence that underlie AIP have not been identified,
intermittent porphyria (AIP) and 20 controls. The
but immunochemical studies of the erythrocyte enzyme
polymorphism was tightly linked (lod score 3.14; no have revealed crossreacting immunological material
recombinants) to the locus for AIP as identified by (CRIM)-negative and CRIM-positive mutations,9,12 the
measurement of erythrocyte PBG-deaminase activity. The
former being present in about 85% of affected families.9
frequency of the polymorphism in the AIP patients did not We have investigated an Msp restriction fragment length
differ significantly from that in the controls. No common
polymorphism (RFLP)13 of the human PBG-deaminase
polymorphisms for eight other restriction endonucleases gene in AIP.
were found in either group. In 30 of the AIP patients no