7 Questions With MR and Ms Mfa

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1. Tell us about yourself

Ms - I love crocheting and playing hockey. I am also deeply fascinated by fashion and design and
making things look more attractive and fashionable and to me human resource is the most valuable
resource, i just like having people around me.

Mr- I have an INTJ personality which often makes people think that I am rude and arrogant but in
a real sense I am a caring and a friendly person who believes that discipline and consistency are the
key towards success.

2. What motivated you to start modelling?

Ms- I have always seen modelling as a platform to build confidence and to express oneself in a
fashionable and creative way. I have watched a lot of models and I decided to try out what I have
always been interested in.

Mr- I am a nerd so I wanted to step out of my comfort zone and challenge myself and beat shyness
by advocating for fitness through modelling.

3. What is your best moment on stage?

Ms - When I was modelling on stage and then the winnowing tray fell but then I continued walking
confidently as if nothing had happened and it taught me to always be ready for anything in life and
it's how you deal with circumstances after they occur that determines your limits.

Mr - The physical activity that I performed on stage and the admiration that I received from the
audience remains the best moment on stage.

4. Most embarrassing moment in modelling?

Ms - That moment when you’re waiting for the Q&A session so you just stand onstage and the
audience is staring at you sheepishly which evokes mixed emotions in you.

Mr- Being crowned the champion and then there is a lot of excitement all over and within no time
celebrations end and you feel normal once more, it is somehow disgusting.

5. What is that important new thing that you have learnt since your first experience in

Ms - Modelling is not just about beauty and being fashionable but it also depends on your
personality and how fast and critical you are able to think.

Mr - In order to win, win in mind first and be deliberate about what you want to achieve.

6. How do you cope with work in DP?

Ms- Wise subject selection and having a clear plan really helps in reducing the academic stress
and pressure.

Mr - Rigorous plan and discipline is important and most importantly resilience because for example
even if I get a 1 in Physics, I know through proper planning and discipline, things will eventually
work out.

7. A challenge that you would like to pose to fellow DP students?

Ms- DP students should take more risks and opportunities that have been provided in the
academy.A lot of clubs go well with the subjects that students do like entrepreneurship and
subjects like Business and Economics. Let them utilise the opportunities fully as it is not just about
academics and reading all the time.

Mr- Ensure they check out the Willpower challenge- A plan that runs only for a week and makes
hit your maximum productivity and achieve your goals.

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