English: QP Code:19UT95NEEG1 BDP Term End Examination December-2018 & June-2019
English: QP Code:19UT95NEEG1 BDP Term End Examination December-2018 & June-2019
English: QP Code:19UT95NEEG1 BDP Term End Examination December-2018 & June-2019
BDP Term End Examination 2. Answer any three of the following questions :
December-2018 & June-2019
10 × 3 = 30
Elective Course
a) Briefly discuss why Middle English lyric is
ENGLISH considered to be one of the significant
1st Paper forms of English poetry ?
( New Syllabus ) b) Describe Grendel and his attack upon
From the Beginnings to Chaucer : Literature and Heorot.
Language in Evolution : EEG-1
c) Write a brief essay on the use of irony and
( Enrolled from July, 2015 )
humour in the portrayal of Wife of Bath.
Time : 4 Hours
d) With references to the Second Shepherd’s
Full Marks : 100
Play, show how the miracle plays
Weightage of Marks : 70%
humanised Christian liturgy.
Special credit will be given for precise and correct e) Discuss the significance of the Anglo-Saxon
answer. Marks will be deducted for spelling mistakes,
untidiness and illegible handwriting. The figures in the
margin indicate full marks. f) Discuss briefly the features of
Shakespeare’s use of the English Language.
3. Answer any two of the following questions :
1. Answer any two of the following questions :
5 × 2 = 10
20 × 2 = 40
a) Discuss the growth of Middle English a) Discuss very briefly Alfred’s contribution to
drama. What are the three major groups of Old English Poetry.
Middle English drama ?
b) Comment very briefly on the religious
b) Do you think Beowulf is an epic ? Justify.
elements in the Second Shepherd’s Play.
c) In what ways does the ‘General Prologue’
reflect Chaucer’s contemporary life ? c) What is ‘Johnsonese’ ? Discuss with
d) How did the Scandinavian and French examples.
influences contribute to the development of d) Write a brief note on ‘The Dream of The
modern English from old English ? Rood’.