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PDF Sisters Work
PDF Sisters Work
To make reparation for the sins of blasphemy against our Lord’s Holy Face through His five Senses………
Let us Pray.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.
O God come to my assistance:
O God, make haste to help me.
Glory be to the Father………
First Mystery - In honor of the sense of Touch of Jesus.
My Jesus mercy
Glory be to the Father
Arise. O Lord! And let thy enemies be Scatered,
and let those that hate thee flee from before thy Face. 6X
My Jesus mercy, Glory be ……..
Second Mysterey – In honor of the sense of Hearing of Jesus.
My Jesus Mercy, Glory be……..
Arise. O Lord! And let thy enemies be Scatered,
and let those that hate thee flee from before thy Face. 6X
My Jesus mercy, Glory be ……..
Third Mystery - In honor of the sense of sight of Jesus.
My Jesus mercy. Glory be to the Father…….
Arise. O Lord! And let thy enemies be Scatered,
and let those that hate thee flee from before thy Face. 6X
My Jesus mercy, Glory be ……..
Fourth Mystery - In honor of the sense of smell of Jesus.
My Jeusu mercy, Glory be to the Father……..
Arise. O Lord! And let thy enemies be Scatered,
and let those that hate thee flee from before thy Face. 6X
My Jesus mercy, Glory be ……..
Fifth Mystery - In honor of the sense of TASTE of Jesus.
My Jesus mercy, Glory be to the Father…….
Arise. O Lord! And let thy enemies be Scatered,
and let those that hate thee flee from before thy Face. 6X
My Jesus mercy, Glory be ……..
O loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I miserable sinner, salute and worship the Most Secred wound of thy
shoulder on which thou didst bear thy heavy Cross, which so tore thy flesh and laid bare thy Bones as to inflict on thee
an anguish greater than any other wound of thy most Blessed Body. I adore thee O Jesus most sorrowful, I praise and
glorify thee and give thee thanks for this most secred and painful wound, beseeching thee by that exceeding pain, and
by the crushing burden of thy heavy cross, to be merciful to me, a sinner, to forgive me all my mortal and venial sins,
and to lead me on towards Heaven along the way of thy Cross. Amen. Three our Father, Three Hail Mary (Three
thousand year indulgence).
- O most beautiful flower of mount carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed mother of the son of God,
immaculate Virgin, assist me in this my necessity. O star of the sear, help me and show me here in that you are my
- O Holy mary mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the botton of my heart, to
succor me in this my necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. O show me there in that you are my
- O Mary concieved without sin, pray for us that have recourse to thee (3X)
Let us Pray
Our Lady of mount carmel gracious queen of Angels, channel of God tenderest mercy to man, refuge and advocate of
sinners, with confidence I prostrate myself before thee, beseeching thee to obtain for me (Pray your request here). In
return, I solemnly promise to have recourse to thee in all my trails, sufferings and temptation and I shall do all in my
power to induce others to love and reveren You and to invoke you in all their needs. I thank you for the numbless
blessings which I have received from thy mercy and powerful intercession. Continue to be my shield in danger, my
guide in life, and my consolation at the hour of death. Amen.
O Admirable Face of Jesus, we are attrected to your sweet gaze a Divine magnet captivating our hearts, even
though we are poor sinners,O Jesus, we wish to dry your adorable face and console you for the injuries and to beg
pardon for sinners. O Beautiful face, the tears coming form your eyes resemble precious pear which we wish to gather
and with them the souls of your brethen Having heard the loving sighs which came from your life on the cross, and
knowing that your burning thirst was one of love, we wish to possess an infinite love never to be extinguished. O dear
Jesus, if we could be for you! Send, Lord souls, above all apostolic souls and martyrs to burn in your love for the
multitude of great sinners.
O Adorable Jessu, while we await the day when we will contemplate your infinite glory. Our desire is to
venerate your Holy Face, to which we consecrete now and forever, Our souls, our bodies our senses, O Jesus, may
your bruised face be here below our joy and our Heaven, Amen.
“ Lord show us thy Face, and we shall be saved.
Enternal Father, we offer thee the precious Blood, the suffering and death of our lord Jesus Christ and
everything He did and suffered for us while on earth, for the poor souls in purgatory and for the conversation of
sinners through mary’s heart pierced by the seven fold sword, with Her sorrows and Her tears. We lay it in the wounds
of Jesus, and also offer up the wounds, each single wound, For the poor souls in purgatory and for the conversion of
sinners, For the return of all priestly souls, for catholic Church and the whole world until the world’s end. As often as
God mercy can be counted, is the offering to be made, even when we are not thinking of it Amen.
Pray the Rosary of the tears of Blood, and spread it devotion. The devil is put to Flight when it is said.
“Crucified Jesus, prostrrate at thy Feet, we offer thee the tears of blood of her, whp with devotional sympathetic love
accompanied thee on thy painful way to calvary. Grant, o good master, that we take to heart the lessons which the
blood stained tears of thy most Mother taught us, So that we may fulfill thy Holy will on earth and become worthy to
praise and bless thee in Heaven for all eternity. Amen.
At the end, say three times: “O Jesus, look” - - - and then, “O Mary mother of love, of sorrows and of mercy, we beg
thee, join thy prayers with ours so that Jesusd thy divine son, to whom we turn, will gracoiusly hear our prtitionsd in
the of thy maternal tears of blood, and together with the graces we impolre, grant us finally the reward of eternal life.
With thy tears of blood , o sorrowful mother, destroy the rule of satan.Through thy divine tenderness, o bound and
fathered Jesus, defend the world from the errors which threaten it”.
In honour of the three years mission of our Lord public mission on earth . My Jesus mercy golry be to the Fathet- - - -.
Arise, o lord! And let they enemies be scattered and let those who hate thee we before the race.(3x).
My Jesus mercy. Glory be to the Father - - - -.
Enternal Father I offer yhee the Holy race of Jesus covered with blood , sweet dust and spit in reparation for the crime
communist blasphemens and for the profanes of the holy name, holy days and of the holy sunday.Amen.
May the most Holy, most sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible and unutterable name of Gop be always
praise blesses , love, and glorified in heaven and under the earth by all the creatures of God and by the sacred heart of
our Lord Jesus christ in the most holy sacrament of the altar Amen (3x).
Membership card
Baptismal card
A letter of recommendation from a traditional Catholic priest.
Consent letter from parent or guidance
Certificate of academic qualifications.
Duoay – Rheims Bible
Life of saint.
Roman Missal
The imitation of christ
Traditional Divine office
Copy of catechism of Trent
Dictionary, Table small clock and wristwatch
Writing materials= Dozen of book, Hard cover, pens, pencils, rulars and erasers.
Underwear =>Dozen of white panties,sanitary towels instead of pad, 2 white towels, sanitary bucket (1), one iron
bucket, white tight, whitefoamless brace, Dozen of white handkerchief, (2) Brown colours, bedsheets, sweater shirt
brown, (4) pairs of black socks, 2 pairs of black shoes, 2 pair of sandals, A pair of bathroom slippers, rain boot,
umbrella, hangers.
Toiletries=> Bathing soap affordable one
Cream => Vaseline or mild cream, laundry, soap, sewing kit, hair food, pegs, 2 touch rechargable, extension,
pressing iron, shaving kit pack, Tooth brush & paste, nail cutters, Rubber jug, Rubber bowl, A hoe, cutlass.
=> Medical report from approved comprehensive lab or hospital………….
Habit Money Pocket money Unrefundable contribution moneyN60,000
In the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Enternal Father, I offer thee the cross of our Lord Jesus christ and all the other instrument of this Holy passion that
thou may put division in the camp of thy enemies for us thy loving son has saved. A kingdom divided against himself
shall fall. May God arise and let His enemis be scattered and let those who hate Him flee before His face.
May the just Holy name of God overthrown their plan, may the Holy name of the living God put all by
disagreements, may the terrible name of God of the eternity stand against their midst, Lord I do not desire the death of
the sinner but he may convert and hine. Father forgive them for they know not what they do. May the most Holy, most
sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible and unutterable name of God be always praise and blessed, love and
glorified in Heaven and under the earth by all the creature of God and by the sacred heart of our Lord Jesus christ in
the most Holy sacrament of the alter. Amen.