A Universal Framework For Accurate and Efficient Geometric Deep Learning of Molecular Systems

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A Universal Framework for Accurate and Efficient

Geometric Deep Learning of Molecular Systems

Shuo Zhang1, 2 , Yang Liu1 , and Lei Xie1,2,3,*
1 Department of Computer Science, Hunter College, The City University of New York, New York, 10065, USA
2 Helen & Robert Appel Alzheimer’s Disease Research Institute, Feil Family Brain & Mind Research Institute, Weill
Cornell Medicine, Cornell University, New York, 10065, USA
3 Ph.D. Program in Computer Science, The Graduate Center, The City University of New York, New York, 10016,

* lei.xie@hunter.cuny.edu
arXiv:2311.11228v1 [cs.LG] 19 Nov 2023


Molecular sciences address a wide range of problems involving molecules of different types and sizes and their complexes.
Recently, geometric deep learning, especially Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), has shown promising performance in molecular
science applications. However, most existing works often impose targeted inductive biases to a specific molecular system,
and are inefficient when applied to macromolecules or large-scale tasks, thereby limiting their applications to many real-world
problems. To address these challenges, we present PAMNet, a universal framework for accurately and efficiently learning
the representations of three-dimensional (3D) molecules of varying sizes and types in any molecular system. Inspired by
molecular mechanics, PAMNet induces a physics-informed bias to explicitly model local and non-local interactions and their
combined effects. As a result, PAMNet can reduce expensive operations, making it time and memory efficient. In extensive
benchmark studies, PAMNet outperforms state-of-the-art baselines regarding both accuracy and efficiency in three diverse
learning tasks: small molecule properties, RNA 3D structures, and protein-ligand binding affinities. Our results highlight the
potential for PAMNet in a broad range of molecular science applications.

The wide variety of molecular types and sizes poses numerous challenges in the computational modeling of molecular systems
for drug discovery, structural biology, quantum chemistry, and others1 . To address these challenges, recent advances in
geometric deep learning (GDL) approaches have become increasingly important2, 3 . Especially, Graph Neural Networks
(GNNs) have demonstrated superior performance among various GDL approaches4–6 . GNNs treat each molecule as a graph
and perform message passing scheme on it7 . By representing atoms or groups of atoms like functional groups as nodes, and
chemical bonds or any pairwise interactions as edges, molecular graphs can naturally encode the structural information in
molecules. In addition to this, GNNs can incorporate symmetry and achieve invariance or equivariance to transformations such
as rotations, translations, and reflections8 , which further contributes to their effectiveness in molecular science applications. To
enhance their ability to capture molecular structures and increase the expressive power of their models, previous GNNs have
utilized auxiliary information such as chemical properties9–12 , atomic pairwise distances in Euclidean space7, 13, 14 , angular
information15–18 , etc.
In spite of the success of GNNs, their application in molecular sciences is still in its early stages. One reason for this is
that current GNNs often use targeted inductive bias for modeling a specific type of molecular system, and cannot be directly
transferred to other contexts although all molecule structures and their interactions follow the same law of physics. For example,
GNNs designed for modeling proteins may include operations that are specific to the structural characteristics of amino
acids19, 20 , which are not relevant for other types of molecules. Additionally, GNNs that incorporate comprehensive geometric
information can be computationally expensive, making them difficult to scale to tasks involving a large number of molecules
(e.g., high-throughput compound screening) or macromolecules (e.g., proteins and RNAs). For instance, incorporating angular
information can significantly improve the performance of GNNs15–18 , but also increases the complexity of the model, requiring
at least O(Nk2 ) messages to be computed where N and k denote the number of nodes and the average degree in a graph.
To tackle the limitations mentioned above, we propose a universal GNN framework, Physics-Aware Multiplex Graph
Neural Network (PAMNet), for the accurate and efficient representation learning of 3D molecules ranging from small molecules
to macromolecules in any molecular system. PAMNet induces a physics-informed bias inspired by molecular mechanics21 ,
which separately models local and non-local interactions in molecules based on different geometric information. To achieve
this, we represent each molecule as a two-layer multiplex graph, where one plex only contains local interactions, and the other
Figure 1. Overview of PAMNet. a, Based on the 3D structure of any molecule or molecular system, a two-layer multiplex
graph G = {Gglobal , Glocal } is constructed to separate the modeling of global and local interactions. b, PAMNet takes G as
input and learns node-level or graph-level representation for downstream tasks. PAMNet contains stacked message passing
modules that update the node embeddings z in G, and a fusion module that learns to combine the updated embeddings. In each
message passing module, two message passing schemes are designed to encode the different geometric information in G’s two
layers. In the fusion module, a two-step pooling process is proposed. c, Calculation of molecular energy E in molecular
mechanics. d, An example of the geometric information in G. By considering the one-hop neighbors { j} and two-hop
neighbors {k} of atom i, we can define the pairwise distances d and the related angles θ . e, Detailed architecture of the
message passing module and the attention pooling in PAMNet.

plex contains additional non-local interactions. PAMNet takes the multiplex graphs as input and uses different operations to
incorporate the geometric information for each type of interaction. This flexibility allows PAMNet to achieve efficiency by
avoiding the use of computationally expensive operations on non-local interactions, which consist of the majority of interactions
in a molecule. Additionally, a fusion module in PAMNet allows the contribution of each type of interaction to be learned and
fused for the final feature or prediction. To preserve symmetry, PAMNet utilizes E(3)-invariant representations and operations
when predicting scalar properties, and is extended to predict E(3)-equivariant vectorial properties by considering the geometric
vectors in molecular structures that arise from quantum mechanics.
To demonstrate the effectiveness of PAMNet, we conduct a comprehensive set of experiments on a variety of tasks involving
different molecular systems, including small molecules, RNAs, and protein-ligand complexes. These tasks include predicting
small molecule properties, RNA 3D structures, and protein-ligand binding affinities. We compare PAMNet to state-of-the-art
baselines in each task and the results show that PAMNet outperforms the baselines in terms of both accuracy and efficiency
across all three tasks. Given the diversity of the tasks and the types of molecules involved, the superior performance of PAMNet
shows its versatility to be applied in various real-world scenarios.

Overview of PAMNet
Multiplex graph representation. Given any 3D molecule or molecular system, we define a multiplex graph representation
as the input of our PAMNet model based on the original 3D structure (Fig. 1a). The construction of multiplex graphs is
inspired by molecular mechanics21 , in which the molecular energy E is separately modeled based on local and non-local
interactions (Fig. 1c). In detail, the local terms Ebond + Eangle + Edihedral model local, covalent interactions including Ebond
that depends on bond lengths, Eangle on bond angles, and Edihedral on dihedral angles. The non-local terms EvdW + Eelectro
model non-local, non-covalent interactions including van der Waals and electrostatic interactions which depend on interatomic
distances. Motivated by this, we also decouple the modeling of these two types of interactions in PAMNet. For local interactions,
we can define them either using chemical bonds or by finding the neighbors of each node within a relatively small cutoff

distance, depending on the given task. For global interactions that contain both local and non-local ones, we define them by
finding the neighbors of each node within a relatively large cutoff distance. For each type of interaction, we use a layer to
represent all atoms as nodes and the interactions as edges. The resulting layers that share the same group of atoms form a
two-layer multiplex graph G = {Gglobal , Glocal } which represents the original 3D molecular structure (Fig. 1a).
Message passing modules. To update the node embeddings in the multiplex graph G, we design two message passing
modules that incorporate geometric information: Global Message Passing and Local Message Passing for updating the node
embeddings in Gglobal and Glocal , respectively (Fig. 1b). These message passing modules are inspired by physical principles
from molecular mechanics (Fig. 1c): When modeling the molecular energy E, the terms for local interactions require geometric
information including interatomic distances (bond lengths) and angles (bond angles and dihedral angles), while the terms for
non-local interactions only require interatomic distances as geometric information. The message passing modules in PAMNet
also use geometric information in this way when modeling these interactions (Fig. 1b and Fig. 1e). Specifically, we capture the
pairwise distances and angles contained within up to two-hop neighborhoods (Fig. 1d). The Local Message Passing requires the
related adjacency matrix Alocal , pairwise distances dlocal and angles θlocal , while the Global Message Passing only needs the
related adjacency matrix Aglobal and pairwise distances dglobal . Each message passing module then learns the node embeddings
zg or zl in Gglobal and Glocal , respectively.
For the operations in our message passing modules, they can preserve different symmetries: E(3)-invariance and E(3)-
equivariance, which contain essential inductive bias incorporated by GNNs when dealing with graphs with geometric informa-
tion8 . E(3)-invariance is preserved when predicting E(3)-invariant scalar quantities like energies, which remain unchanged
when the original molecular structure undergoes any E(3) transformation including rotation, translation, and reflection. To
preserve E(3)-invariance, the input node embeddings h and geometric features are all E(3)-invariant. To update these features,
PAMNet utilizes operations that can preserve the invariance. In contrast, E(3)-equivariance is preserved when predicting
E(3)-equivariant vectorial quantities like dipole moment, which will change according to the same transformation applied to
the original molecular structure through E(3) transformation. To preserve E(3)-equivariance, an extra associated geometric
vector ⃗v ∈ R3 is defined for each node. These geometric vectors are updated by operations inspired by quantum mechanics22 ,
allowing for the learning of E(3)-equivariant vectorial representations. More details about the explanations of E(3)-invariance,
E(3)-equivariance, and our operations can be found in Methods.
Fusion module. After updating the node embeddings zg or zl of the two layers in the multiplex graph G, we design a fusion
module with a two-step pooling process to combine zg and zl for downstream tasks (Figure 1b). In the first step, we design an
attention pooling module based on attention mechanism23 for each hidden layer t in PAMNet. Since Gglobal and Glocal contains
the same set of nodes {N}, we apply the attention mechanism to each node n ∈ {N} to learn the attention weights (αgt and αlt )
between the node embeddings of n in Gglobal and Glocal , which are ztg and ztl . Then the attention weights are treated as the
importance of ztg and ztl to compute the combined node embedding zt in each hidden layer t based on a weighted summation
(Figure 1e). In the second step, the zt of all hidden layers are summed together to compute the node embeddings of the original
input. If a graph embedding is desired, we compute it using an average or a summation of the node embeddings.

Results and discussion

In this section, we will demonstrate the performance of our proposed PAMNet regarding two aspects: accuracy and efficiency.
Accuracy denotes how well the model performs measured by the metrics corresponding to a given task. Efficiency denotes the
memory consumed and the inference time spent by the model.

Performance of PAMNet regarding accuracy

Small molecule property prediction. To evaluate the accuracy of PAMNet in learning representations of small 3D molecules,
we choose QM9, which is a widely used benchmark for the prediction of 12 molecular properties of around 130k small organic
molecules with up to 9 non-hydrogen atoms24 . Mean absolute error (MAE) and mean standardized MAE (std. MAE)15 are
used for quantitative evaluation of the target properties. Besides evaluating the original PAMNet which captures geometric
information within two-hop neighborhoods of each node, we also develop a "simple" PAMNet, called PAMNet-s, that utilizes
only the geometric information within one-hop neighborhoods. The PAMNet models are compared with several state-of-the-art
models including SchNet13 , PhysNet14 , MGCN25 , PaiNN26 , DimeNet++16 , and SphereNet27 . More details of the experiments
can be found in Methods and Supplementary Information.
We compare the performance of PAMNet with those of the baseline models mentioned above on QM9, as shown in Table 1.
PAMNet achieves 4 best and 6 second-best results among all 12 properties, while PAMNet-s achieves 3 second-best results.
When evaluating the overall performance using the std. MAE across all properties, PAMNet and PAMNet-s rank 1 and 2
among all models with 10% and 5% better std. MAE than the third-best model (SphereNet), respectively. From the results, we
can observe that the models incorporating only atomic pairwise distance d as geometric information like SchNet, PhysNet,

Property Unit SchNet PhysNet MGCN PaiNN DimeNet++ SphereNet PAMNet-s PAMNet
µ mD 21 52.9 56 12 29.7 24.5 11.3 10.8
α a30 0.124 0.0615 0.030 0.045 0.0435 0.0449 0.0466 0.0447
εHOMO meV 47 32.9 42.1 27.6 24.6 22.8 23.9 22.8
εLUMO meV 39 24.7 57.4 20.4 19.5 18.9 20.0 19.2
∆ε meV 74 42.5 64.2 45.7 32.6 31.1 32.4 31.0
R2 a20 0.158 0.765 0.11 0.066 0.331 0.268 0.094 0.093
ZPVE meV 1.616 1.39 1.12 1.28 1.21 1.12 1.24 1.17
U0 meV 12 8.15 12.9 5.85 6.32 6.26 6.05 5.90
U meV 12 8.34 14.4 5.83 6.28 6.36 6.08 5.92
H meV 12 8.42 16.2 5.98 6.53 6.33 6.19 6.04
G meV 13 9.40 14.6 7.35 7.56 7.78 7.34 7.14
cv molK 0.034 0.0280 0.038 0.024 0.0230 0.0215 0.0234 0.0231
std. MAE % 1.78 1.37 1.89 1.01 0.98 0.91 0.87 0.83

Table 1. Performance comparison on QM9. The best results are marked in bold and the second-best results with underline.

and MGCN generally perform worse than those models incorporating more geometric information like PaiNN, DimeNet++,
SphereNet, and our PAMNet. Besides, PAMNet-s which captures geometric information only within one-hop neighborhoods
performs worse than PAMNet which considers two-hop neighborhoods. These show the importance of capturing rich geometric
information when representing 3D small molecules. The superior performance of PAMNet models demonstrates the power of
our separate modeling of different interactions in molecules and the effectiveness of the message passing modules designed.
When predicting dipole moment µ as a scalar value, which is originally an E(3)-equivariant vectorial property ⃗µ, PAMNet
preserves the E(3)-equivariance to directly predict ⃗µ first and then takes the magnitude of ⃗µ as the final prediction. As a
result, PAMNet and PAMNet-s all get lower MAE (10.8 mD and 11.3 mD) than the previous best result (12 mD) achieved by
PaiNN, which is a GNN with equivariant operations for predicting vectorial properties. Note that the remaining baselines all
directly predict dipole moment as a scalar property by preserving invariance. We also examine that by preserving invariance in
PAMNet and directly predicting dipole moment as a scalar property, the MAE (24.0 mD) is much higher than the equivariant
version. These results demonstrate that preserving equivariance is more helpful than preserving invariance for predicting dipole

RNA 3D structure prediction. Besides small molecules, we further apply PAMNet to predict RNA 3D structures for
evaluating the accuracy of PAMNet in learning representations of 3D macromolecules. Following the previous works28–30 , we
refer the prediction to be the task of identifying accurate structural models of RNA from less accurate ones: Given a group
of candidate 3D structural models generated based on an RNA sequence, a desired model that serves as a scoring function
needs to distinguish accurate structural models among all candidates. We use the same datasets as those used in30 , which
include a dataset for training and a benchmark for evaluation. The training dataset contains 18 relatively older and smaller
RNA molecules experimentally determined31 . Each RNA is used to generate 1000 structural models via the Rosetta FARFAR2
sampling method29 . The benchmark for evaluation contains relatively newer and larger RNAs, which are the first 21 RNAs
in the RNA-Puzzles structure prediction challenge32 . Each RNA is used to generate at least 1500 structural models using
FARFAR2, where 1% of the models are near-native (i.e., within a 2Å RMSD of the experimentally determined native structure).
In practice, each scoring function predicts the root mean square deviation (RMSD) from the unknown true structure for each
structural model. A lower RMSD would suggest a more accurate structural model predicted. We compare PAMNet with four
state-of-the-art baselines: ARES30 , Rosetta (2020 version)29 , RASP33 , and 3dRNAscore28 . Among the baselines, only ARES
is a deep learning-based method, and is a GNN using equivariant operations. More details of the experiments are introduced in
Methods and Supplementary Information.
On the RNA-Puzzles benchmark for evaluation, PAMNet significantly outperforms all other four scoring functions as
shown in Figure 2. When comparing the best-scoring structural model of each RNA (Figure 2a), the probability of the model to
be near-native (<2Å RMSD from the native structure) is 90% when using PAMNet, compared with 62, 43, 33, and 5% for
ARES, Rosetta, RASP, and 3dRNAscore, respectively. As for the 10 best-scoring structural models of each RNA (Figure 2b),
the probability of the models to include at least one near-native model is 90% when using PAMNet, compared with 81, 48, 48,
and 33% for ARES, Rosetta, RASP, and 3dRNAscore, respectively. When comparing the rank of the best-scoring near-native
structural model of each RNA (Figure 2c), the geometric mean of the ranks across all RNAs is 1.7 for PAMNet, compared with
3.6, 73.0, 26.4, and 127.7 for ARES, Rosetta, RASP, and 3dRNAscore, respectively. The lower mean rank of PAMNet indicates
that less effort is needed to go down the ranked list of PAMNet to include one near-native structural model. A more detailed

Figure 2. Performance comparison on RNA-Puzzles. Given a group of candidate structural models for each RNA, we rank
the models using PAMNet and the other four leading scoring functions for comparison. Each cross in the figures corresponds to
one RNA. (a) The best-scoring structural model of each RNA predicted by the scoring functions is compared. PAMNet in
general identifies more accurate models (with lower RMSDs from the native structure) than those decided by the other scoring
functions. (b) Comparison of the 10 best-scoring structural models. The identifications of PAMNet contain accurate models
more frequently than those from other scoring functions. (c) The rank of the best-scoring near-native structural model for each
RNA is used for comparison. PAMNet usually performs better than the other scoring functions by having a lower rank.

analysis of the near-native ranking task can be found in Supplementary Figure S1.

Protein-ligand binding affinity prediction. In this experiment, we evaluate the accuracy of PAMNet in representing the
complexes that contain both small molecules and macromolecules. We use PDBbind, which is a well-known public database of
experimentally measured binding affinities for protein-ligand complexes34 . The goal is to predict the binding affinity of each
complex based on its 3D structure. We use the PDBbind v2016 dataset and preprocess each original complex to a structure
that contains around 300 nonhydrogen atoms on average with only the ligand and the protein residues within 6Å around
it. To comprehensively evaluate the performance, we use Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE),
Pearson’s correlation coefficient (R) and the standard deviation (SD) in regression following18 . PAMNet is compared with
various comparative methods including machine learning-based methods (LR, SVR, and RF-Score35 ), CNN-based methods
(Pafnucy36 and OnionNet37 ), and GNN-based methods (GraphDTA38 , SGCN39 , GNN-DTI40 , D-MPNN12 , MAT41 , DimeNet15 ,
CMPNN42 , and SIGN18 ). More details of the experiments are provided in Methods and Supplementary Information.
We list the results of all models and compare their performance in Table 2 and Supplementary Table S1. PAMNet achieves
the best performance regarding all 4 evaluation metrics in our experiment. When compared with the second-best model, SIGN,
our PAMNet performs significantly better with p-value < 0.05. These results clearly demonstrate the accuracy of our model
when learning representations of 3D macromolecule complexes.
In general, we find that the models with explicitly encoded 3D geometric information like DimeNet, SIGN, and our PAMNet
outperform the other models without the information directly encoded. An exception is that DimeNet cannot beat CMPNN.
This might be because DimeNet is domain-specific and is originally designed for small molecules rather than macromolecule

Model RMSE ↓ MAE ↓ SD ↓ R↑
LR 1.675 (0.000) 1.358 (0.000) 1.612 (0.000) 0.671 (0.000)
ML-based SVR 1.555 (0.000) 1.264 (0.000) 1.493 (0.000) 0.727 (0.000)
RF-Score 1.446 (0.008) 1.161 (0.007) 1.335 (0.010) 0.789 (0.003)
Pafnucy 1.585 (0.013) 1.284 (0.021) 1.563 (0.022) 0.695 (0.011)
OnionNet 1.407 (0.034) 1.078 (0.028) 1.391 (0.038) 0.768 (0.014)
GraphDTA 1.562 (0.022) 1.191 (0.016) 1.558 (0.018) 0.697 (0.008)
SGCN 1.583 (0.033) 1.250 (0.036) 1.582 (0.320) 0.686 (0.015)
GNN-DTI 1.492 (0.025) 1.192 (0.032) 1.471 (0.051) 0.736 (0.021)
D-MPNN 1.493 (0.016) 1.188 (0.009) 1.489 (0.014) 0.729 (0.006)
MAT 1.457 (0.037) 1.154 (0.037) 1.445 (0.033) 0.747 (0.013)
DimeNet 1.453 (0.027) 1.138 (0.026) 1.434 (0.023) 0.752 (0.010)
CMPNN 1.408 (0.028) 1.117 (0.031) 1.399 (0.025) 0.765 (0.009)
SIGN 1.316 (0.031) 1.027 (0.025) 1.312 (0.035) 0.797 (0.012)
Ours PAMNet 1.263 (0.017) 0.987 (0.013) 1.261 (0.015) 0.815 (0.005)

Table 2. Performance comparison on PDBbind. We report the averaged results together with standard deviations. For the
evaluation metrics, ↓ denotes the lower the better, while ↑ denotes the higher the better. The best results are marked in bold and
the second-best results with underline.

Dataset Model Memory (GB) Inference Time (s)

DimeNet++ 21.1 11.3
SphereNet 22.7 11.1
PAMNet-s 6.0 7.3
PAMNet 6.2 11.0
ARES 13.5 2.1
PAMNet 7.8 0.6
SIGN 19.7 12.0
PAMNet 13.1 1.8

Table 3. Results of efficiency evaluation. We compare PAMNet with the best-performed baselines in each of the three tasks
regarding memory consumption and inference time. The most efficient results are marked in bold.

complexes. In contrast, our proposed PAMNet is more flexible to learn representations for various types of molecular systems.
The superior performance of PAMNet for predicting binding affinity relies on the separate modeling of local and non-local
interactions. For protein-ligand complexes, the local interactions mainly capture the interactions inside the protein and the
ligand, while the non-local interactions can capture the interactions between protein and ligand. Thus PAMNet is able to
effectively handle diverse interactions and achieve accurate results.

Performance of PAMNet regarding efficiency

To evaluate the efficiency of PAMNet, we compare it to the best-performed baselines in each task regarding memory consumption
and inference time and summarize the results in Table 3. Theoretically, DimeNet++, SphereNet, and SIGN all require O(Nk2 )
messages in message passing, while our PAMNet requires O(N(kg + kl 2 )) messages instead, where N is the number of nodes,
k is the average degree in a graph, kg and kl denotes the average degree in Gg and Gl in the corresponding multiplex graph
G. When kg ∼ k and kl ≪ kg , PAMNet is much more efficient regarding the number of messages involved. A more detailed
analysis of computational complexity is included in Methods. Based on the results in Table 3 empirically, we find PAMNet
models all require less memory consumption and inference time than the best-performed baselines in all three tasks, which
matches our theoretical analysis. We also compare the memory consumption when using a different largest cutoff distance d
of the related models in Figure 3. From the results, we observe that the memory consumed by DimeNet and SIGN increases
much faster than PAMNet when d increases. When fixing d = 5Å as an example, PAMNet requires 80% and 71% less memory
than DimeNet and SIGN, respectively. Thus PAMNet is much more memory-efficient and is able to capture longer-range
interactions than these baselines with restricted resources. The efficiency of PAMNet models comes from the separate modeling
of local and non-local interactions in 3D molecular structures. By doing so, when modeling the non-local interactions, which

Figure 3. Memory consumption vs. the largest cutoff distance d on PDBbind. We compare PAMNet with the GNN
baselines that also explicitly incorporate the 3D molecular geometric information like pairwise distances and angles.

Figure 4. Ablation study of PAMNet. We compare the variants with the original PAMNet and report the differences.

make up the majority of all interactions, we utilize a relatively efficient message passing scheme that only encodes pairwise
distances d as the geometric information. Thus when compared with the models that require more comprehensive geometric
information when modeling all interactions, PAMNet significantly reduces the computationally expensive operations. More
information about the details of experimental settings is included in Methods.

All components in PAMNet contribute to the performance

To figure out whether all of the components in PAMNet, including the fusion module and the message passing modules,
contribute to the performance of PAMNet, we conduct an ablation study by designing PAMNet variants. Without the attention
pooling, we use the averaged results from the message passing modules in each hidden layer to build a variant. We also remove
either the Local Message Passing or the Global Message Passing for investigation. The performances of all PAMNet variants
are evaluated on the three benchmarks. Specifically, the std. MAE across all properties on QM9, the geometric mean of the
ranks across all RNAs on RNA-Puzzles, and the four metrics used in the experiment on PDBbind are computed for comparison.
The results in Figure 4 show that all variants decrease the performance of PAMNet in the evaluations, which clearly validates
the contributions of all those components. Detailed results of the properties on QM9 can be found in Supplementary Table S2.

Analysis of the contribution of local and global interactions

A salient property of PAMNet is the incorporation of the attention mechanism in the fusion module, which takes the importance
of node embeddings in Glocal and Gglobal of G into consideration in learning combined node embeddings. Recall that for

Attention QM9 RNA-
Weight Puzzles PDBbind
µ α εHOMO εLUMO R2 ZPVE U0 U H G cv
αl 0.64 0.53 0.50 0.50 0.29 0.54 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.57 0.58 0.22 0.34
αg 0.36 0.47 0.50 0.50 0.71 0.46 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.43 0.42 0.78 0.66

Table 4. Comparison of the average attention weights αl and αg for local and global interactions in attention pooling.
The higher attention weight for each target is marked in bold.

each node n in the set of nodes {N} in G, the attention pooling in the fusion module learns the attention weights αl and αg
between n’s node embedding zl in Glocal and n’s node embedding zg in Gglobal . αl and αg serve as the importance of zl and zg
when computing the combined node embedding z. To better understand the contribution of zl and zg , we conduct a detailed
analysis of the learned attention weights αl and αg in the three tasks we experimented with. Since the node embeddings are
directly related to the involved interactions, such analysis can also reveal the contribution of local and global interactions on the
predictions in different tasks. In each task, we take an average of all αl or αg to be the overall importance of the corresponding
group of interactions. Then we compare the computed average attention weights αl and αg and list the results in Table 4. A
higher attention weight in each task indicates a stronger contribution of the corresponding interactions on solving the task.
For the targets being predicted in QM9, we find that all of them have αl ≥ αg except the electronic spatial extent R2 ,
indicating a stronger contribution of the local interactions, which are defined by chemical bonds in this task. This may be
because QM9 contains small molecules with only up to 9 non-hydrogen atoms, local interactions can capture a considerable
portion of all atomic interactions. However, when predicting electronic spatial extent R2 , we notice that αl < αg , which
suggests that R2 is mainly affected by the global interactions that are the pairwise interactions within 10Å in this case. This
is not surprising since R2 is the electric field area affected by the ions in the molecule, and is directly related to the diameter
or radius of the molecule. Besides, previous study43 has demonstrated that graph properties like diameter and radius cannot be
computed by message passing-based GNNs that rely entirely on local information, and additional global information is needed.
Thus it is expected that global interactions have a stronger contribution than local interactions on predicting electronic spatial
For the RNA 3D structure prediction on RNA-Puzzles and the protein-ligand binding affinity prediction on PDBbind, we
find αl < αg in both cases, which indicates that global interactions play a more important role than local interactions. It is
because the goals of these two tasks highly rely on global interactions, which are necessary for representing the global structure
of RNA when predicting RNA 3D structure, and are crucial for capturing the relationships between protein and ligand when
predicting binding affinity.

In this work, we tackle the limitations of previous GNNs regarding their limited applicability and inefficiency for representation
learning of molecular systems with 3D structures and propose a universal framework, PAMNet, to accurately and efficiently
learn the representations of 3D molecules in any molecular system. PAMNet explicitly models local and non-local interaction
as well as their combined effects inspired by molecular mechanics. The resulting framework incorporates rich geometric
information like distances and angles when modeling local interactions, and avoids using expensive operations on modeling non-
local interactions. Besides, PAMNet learns the contribution of different interactions to combine the updated node embeddings
for the final output. When designing the aforementioned operations in PAMNet, we preserve E(3)-invariance for scalar output
and preserve E(3)-equivariance for vectorial output to enable more applicable cases. In our experiments, we evaluate the
performance of PAMNet with state-of-the-art baselines on various tasks involving different molecular systems, including small
molecules, RNAs, and protein-ligand complexes. In each task, PAMNet outperforms the corresponding baselines in terms of
both accuracy and efficiency. These results clearly demonstrate the generalization power of PAMNet even though non-local
interactions in molecules are modeled with only pairwise distances as geometric information.
An under-investigated aspect of our proposed PAMNet is that PAMNet preserves E(3)-invariance in operations when
predicting scalar properties while requiring additional representations and operations to preserve E(3)-equivariance for vectorial
properties. Considering that various equivariant GNNs have been proposed for predicting either scalar or vectorial properties
solely by preserving equivariance, it would be worth extending the idea in PAMNet to equivariant GNNs with a potential to
further improve both accuracy and efficiency. Another interesting direction is that although we only experiment PAMNet
on single-task learning, PAMNet is promising to be used in multi-task learning across diverse tasks that involve molecules
of varying sizes and types to gain better generalization. Besides using PAMNet for predicting physiochemical properties of
molecules, PAMNet can be used as a universal building block for the representation learning of molecular systems in various

molecular science problems. Another promising application of PAMNet is self-supervised learning for molecular systems with
few labeled data (e.g., RNA structures). For example, we can use the features in one graph layer to learn properties in another
graph layer by utilizing the multiplex nature of PAMNet.

Details of PAMNet
In this section, we will describe PAMNet in detail, including the involved features, embeddings, and operations.
Input features. The input features of PAMNet include atomic features and geometric information as shown in Figure 1b. For
atomic features, we use only atomic numbers Z for the tasks on QM9 and RNA-Puzzles following13–16, 30 , and use 18 chemical
features like atomic numbers, hybridization, aromaticity, partial charge, etc., for the task on PDBbind following18, 36 . The
atomic numbers Z are represented by randomly initialized, trainable embeddings according to13–16 . For geometric information,
we capture the needed pairwise distances and angles in the multiplex molecular graph G as shown in Figure 1d. The features (d,
θ ) for the distances and angles are computed with the basis functions in15 to reduce correlations. For the prediction of vectorial
properties, we use the atomic position⃗r to be the initial associated geometric vector ⃗v of each atom.
Message embeddings. In the message passing scheme7 , the update of node embeddings h relies on the passing of the related
messages m between nodes. In PAMNet, we define the input message embeddings m of message passing schemes with the
following way:

m ji = MLPm ([h j |hi |e ji ]), (1)

where i, j ∈ Gglobal or Glocal are connected nodes that can define a message embedding, MLP denotes the multi-layer perceptron,
| denotes the concatenation operation. The edge embedding e ji encodes the corresponding pairwise distance d between node
i, j.
Global message passing. As depicted in Figure 1e, the Global Message Passing in each hidden layer of PAMNet, which
consists of a message block and an update block, updates the node embeddings h in Gglobal by using the related adjacency
matrix Aglobal and pairwise distances dglobal . The message block is defined as below to perform the message passing operation:

hti = ht−1
i + ∑ j∈N (i) mt−1
ji ⊙ φd (e ji ), (2)

where i, j ∈ Gglobal , φd is a learnable function, e ji is the embedding of pairwise distance d between node i, j, and ⊙ denotes
the element-wise production. After the message block, an update block is used to compute the node embeddings h for the
next layer as well as the output z for this layer. We define the update block using a stack of three residual blocks, where each
residual block consists of a two-layer MLP and a skip connection across the MLP. There is also a skip connection between the
input of the message block and the output of the first residual block. After the residual blocks, the updated node embeddings h
are passed to the next layer. For the output z of this layer to be combined in the fusion module, we further use a three-layer
MLP to get z with desired dimension size.
Local message passing. For the updates of node embeddings h in Glocal , we incorporate both pairwise distances dlocal and
angles θlocal as shown in Figure 1e. To capture θlocal , we consider up to the two-hop neighbors of each node. In Figure 1d, we
show an example of the angles we considered: Some angles are between one-hop edges and two-hop edges (e.g. ∠i j1 k1 ), while
the other angles are between one-hop edges (e.g. ∠ j1 i j2 ). Compared to previous GNNs15–17 that incorporate only part of these
angles, our PAMNet is able to encode the geometric information more comprehensively. In the Local Message Passing, we also
use a message block and an update block following the design of the Global Message Passing as shown in Figure 1e. However,
the message block is defined differently as the one in the Global Message Passing to encode additional angular information:

m jit−1 = mt−1
ji + ∑ mt−1
j′ i ⊙ φd (e j′ i ) ⊙ φθ (a j′ i, ji ) + ∑ mt−1
k j ⊙ φd (ek j ) ⊙ φθ (ak j, ji ), (3)
j′ ∈N (i)\{ j} k∈N ( j)\{i}

hti = ht−1
i + ∑ m jit−1 ⊙ φd (e ji ), (4)
j∈N (i)

where i, j, k ∈ Glocal , e ji is the embedding of pairwise distance d between node i, j, ak j, ji is the embedding of angle θk j, ji = ∠k ji
defined by node i, j, k, and φd , φθ are learnable functions. In Equation (3), we use two summation terms to separately encode
the angles in different hops with the associated pairwise distances to update m ji . Then in Equation (4), the updated message
embeddings m′ji are used to perform message passing. After the message block, we use the same update block as the one used
in the Global Message Passing for updating the learned node embeddings.

Fusion module. The fusion module consists of two steps of pooling as shown in Figure 1b. In the first step, attention pooing
is utilized to learn the combined embedding zt based on the output node embeddings ztg and ztl in each hidden layer t. The
detailed architecture of attention pooling is illustrated in Figure 1e. We first compute the attention weight α p,i on node i that
measures the contribution of the results from plex or graph layer p ∈ {g, l} in multiplex graph G:

exp(LeakyReLU(W tp ztp,i ))
α p,i = , (5)
∑ p exp(LeakyReLU(W tp ztp,i ))

where W tp ∈ R1×F is a learnable weight matrix different for each hidden layer t and graph layer p, and F is the dimension size
of ztp,i . With α p,i
t , we can compute the combined node embedding zt of node i using a weighted summation:

zti = ∑ p α p,i
(W pt ztp,i ), (6)

where W pt ∈ RD×F is a learnable weight matrix different for each hidden layer t and graph layer p, D is the dimension size of
zti , and F is the dimension size of ztp,i .
In the second step of the fusion module, we sum the combined node embedding z of all hidden layers to compute the final
node embeddings y. If a graph-level embedding y is desired, we compute as follows:
y = ∑i=1 ∑t=1 zti . (7)

Preservation of E(3)-invariance & E(3)-equivariance. For the operations described above, they preserve the E(3)-invariance
of the input atomic features and geometric information and can predict E(3)-invariant scalar properties. To predict E(3)-
equivariant vectorial property ⃗u, we introduce an associated geometric vector ⃗vi for each node i and extend PAMNet to preserve
the E(3)-equivariance for learning ⃗u. In detail, the associated geometric vector ⃗vti of node i in hidden layer t is defined as:

⃗vti = fv ({ht }, {⃗r}), (8)

where {ht } denotes the set of learned node embeddings of all nodes in hidden layer t, {⃗r} denotes the set of position vectors of
all nodes in 3d coordinate space, and fv is a function that preserves the E(3)-equivariance of ⃗vti with respect to {⃗r}. Equation (8)
is computed after each message passing module in PAMNet.
To predict a final vectorial property ⃗u, we modify Equation (6) and (7) in the fusion module as the following operations:

⃗uti = ∑ p α p,i
(W pt ztp,i )⃗vtp,i , (9)
⃗u = ∑i=1 ∑t=1 ⃗uti , (10)

where ⃗vtp,i is the associated geometric vector of node i on graph layer p in hidden layer t, ⃗uti is the learned vector of node i in

hidden layer t, and W pt ∈ R1×F is a learnable weight matrix different for each hidden layer t and graph layer p. In Equation (9),
we multiply ⃗vtp,i with the learned scalar node contributions. In Equation (10), we sum all node-level vectors in all hidden layers
to compute the final prediction ⃗u.
For predicting dipole moment ⃗µ , which is an E(3)-equivariant vectorial property that describes the net molecular polarity
in electric field, we design fv in Equation (8) as motivated by quantum mechanics 44 . The conventional method to compute
molecular dipole moment involves approximating electronic charge densities as concentrated at each atomic position, resulting
in ⃗µ = ∑i⃗rc,i qi , where qi is the partial charge of node i, and ⃗rc,i =⃗ri − (∑i⃗ri )/N is the relative atomic position of node i.
However, this approximation is not accurate enough. Instead, we use a more accurate approximation by adding dipoles
onto atomic positions in the distributed multipole analysis (DMA) approach22 . This results in the dipole moment equation:
⃗µ = ∑i (⃗rc,i qi + ⃗µi ), where ⃗µi is the associated partial dipole of node i. The equation can be rewritten as ⃗µ = ∑i fv (⃗ri )qi , where
qi is the scalar atomic contribution that can be modeled by an invariant fashion. By treating fv (⃗ri ) as ⃗vti , the equation has a
similar format as a combination of Equation (9) and Equation (10). We update ⃗vti in the following way:

⃗vti = ∑ j∈N (i) (⃗ri −⃗r j )∥mti j ∥, (11)

where ∥·∥ denotes the L2 norm. Since ⃗vti as well as ⃗µ are computed by a linear combination of {⃗r}, our PAMNet can preserve
E(3)-equivariance with respect to {⃗r} when performing the prediction.

Computational Complexity. We analyze the computational complexity of PAMNet by addressing the number of messages.
We denote the cutoff distance when creating the edges as dg and dl in Gg and Gl . The average degree is kg in Gg and is kl
in Gl . In each hidden layer of PAMNet, Global Message Passing needs O(Nkg ) messages because it requires one message
for each pairwise distance between the central node and its one-hop neighbor. While Local Message Passing requires one
message for each one-hop or two-hop angle around the central node. The number of angles can be estimated as follows: For
k edges connected to a node, they can define (k(k − 1))/2 angles which result in a complexity of O(Nk2 ). The number of
one-hop angles and two-hop angles all has such complexity. So that Local Message Passing needs O(2Nkl 2 ) messages. In total,
PAMNet requires the computation of O(Nkg + 2Nkl 2 ) messages in each hidden layer, while previous approaches15–18, 27 require
O(Nkg 2 ) messages. For 3D molecules, we have kg ∝ dg 3 and kl ∝ dl 3 . With proper choices of dl and dg , we have kl ≪ kg .
In such cases, our model is more efficient than the related GNNs. We here list the comparison of the number of messages
needed in our experiments as an example: On QM9 with dg = 5Å, our model needs 0.5k messages/molecule on average, while
DimeNet++ needs 4.3k messages. On PDBBind with dl = 2Å and dg = 6Å, our model needs only 12k messages/molecule on
average, while DimeNet++ needs 264k messages.

Data collection and processing

QM9. For QM9, we use the source provided by24 . Following the previous works15–17 , we process QM9 by removing about
3k molecules that fail a geometric consistency check or are difficult to converge45 . For properties U0 , U, H, and G, only the
atomization energies are used by subtracting the atomic reference energies as in15–17 . For property ∆ε, we follow the same
way as the DFT calculation and predict it by calculating εLUMO − εHOMO . For property µ, the final result is the magnitude
of the predicted vectorial µ when using our geometric vector-based approaches with PAMNet. The 3D molecular structures
are processed using the RDKit library46 . Following15 , we randomly use 110000 molecules for training, 10000 for validation
and 10831 for testing. In our multiplex molecular graphs, we use chemical bonds as the edges in the local layer, and a cutoff
distance (5 or 10Å) to create the edges in the global layer.
RNA-Puzzles. RNA-Puzzles consists of the first 21 RNAs in the RNA-Puzzles structure prediction challenge32 . Each RNA
is used to generate at least 1500 structural models using FARFAR2, where 1% of the models are near native (i.e., within a
2Å RMSD of the experimentally determined native structure). Following30 , we only use the carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen
atoms in RNA structures. When building multiplex graphs for RNA structures, we use cutoff distance dl = 2.6Å for the local
interactions in Glocal and dg = 20Å for the global interactions in Gglobal .
PDBBind. For PDBBind, we use PDBbind v2016 following18, 36 . Besides, we use the same data splitting method according
to18 for a fair comparison. In detail, we use the core subset which contains 290 complexes in PDBbind v2016 for testing.
The difference between the refined and core subsets, which includes 3767 complexes, is split with a ratio of 9:1 for training
and validation. We use logKi as the target property being predicted, which is proportional to the binding free energy. In each
complex, we exclude the protein residues that are more than 6Å from the ligand and remove all hydrogen atoms. The resulting
complexes contain around 300 atoms on average. In our multiplex molecular graphs, we use cutoff distance dl = 2Å in the
local layer and dg = 6Å in the global layer.

Experimental settings
In our message passing operations, we define φd (e) = W e e and φα (α) = MLPα (α), where W e is a weight matrix, MLPα
is a multi-layer perceptron (MLP). All MLPs used in our model have two layers by taking advantage of the approximation
capability of MLP47 . For all activation functions, we use the self-gated Swish activation function48 . For the basis functions, we
use the same parameters as in15 . To initialize all learnable parameters, we use the default settings used in PyTorch without
assigning specific initializations except the
√ initialization
√ for the input node embeddings on QM9: h are initialized with random
values uniformly distributed between − 3 and 3. In all experiments, we use the Adam optimizer49 to minimize the loss. In
Supplementary Table S3, we list the typical hyperparameters used in our experiments. All of the experiments are done on an
NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU (32 GB).
Small molecule property prediction. In our experiment on QM9, we use the single-target training following15 by using a
separate model for each target instead of training a single shared model for all targets. The models are optimized by minimizing
the mean absolute error (MAE) loss. We use a linear learning rate warm-up over 1 epoch and an exponential decay with a ratio
0.1 every 600 epochs. The model parameter values for validation and testing are kept using an exponential moving average
with a decay rate of 0.999. To prevent overfitting, we use early stopping on the validation loss. For properties ZPVE, U0 , U, H,
and G, we use the cutoff distance in the global layer dg = 5Å. For the other properties, we use dg = 10Å. We repeat our runs 3
times for each PAMNet variant following50 .
RNA 3D structure prediction. PAMNet is optimized by minimizing the smooth L1 loss51 between the predicted value and
the ground truth. An early-stopping strategy is adopted to decide the best epoch based on the validation loss.

Protein-ligand binding affinity prediction. We create three weight-sharing, replica networks, one each for predicting the
target G of complex, protein pocket, and ligand following52 . The final target is computed by ∆Gcomplex = Gcomplex − Gpocket −
Gligand . The full model is trained by minimizing the mean absolute error (MAE) loss between ∆Gcomplex and the true values.
The learning rate is dropped by a factor of 0.2 every 50 epochs. Moreover, we perform 5 independent runs according to18 .
Efficiency comparison. In the experiment on investigating the efficiency of PAMNet, we use NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU (32
GB) for a fair comparison. For small molecule property prediction, we use the related models for predicting property U0 of
QM9 as an example. We use batch size=128 for all models and use the configurations reported in the corresponding papers. For
RNA 3D structure prediction, we use PAMNet and ARES to predict the structural models of RNA in puzzle 5 of RNA-Puzzles
challenge. The RNA being predicted has 6034 non-hydrogen atoms. The model settings of PAMNet and ARES are the same as
those used for reproducing the best results. We use batch size=8 when performing the predictions. For protein-ligand binding
affinity prediction, we use the configurations that can reproduce the best results for the related models.

Data Availability
The QM9 dataset is available at https://figshare.com/collections/Quantum_chemistry_structures_and_properties_of_134_kilo_
molecules/978904. The datasets for RNA 3D structure prediction can be found at https://purl.stanford.edu/bn398fc4306. The
PDBbind v2016 dataset is available at http://www.pdbbind.org.cn/ or https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleHelix/tree/dev/

Code Availability
The source code of our model is publicly available on GitHub at the following repository: https://github.com/XieResearchGroup/

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This project has been funded with federal funds from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of National Institute of
Health (R01GM122845) and the National Institute on Aging of the National Institute of Health (R01AG057555).

Author Contributions
L.X. and S.Z. conceived and designed the method and the experiments. S.Z. and Y.L. prepared the data. S.Z. implemented the
algorithm and performed the experiments. All authors wrote and reviewed the manuscript.

Additional Information
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.

Details of baselines
The following methods are being compared with our PAMNet in experiments:
Small molecule property prediction

• SchNet13 is a GNN that uses continuous-filter convolutional layers to model atomistic systems. Interatomic distances are
used when designing convolutions.

• PhysNet14 uses message passing scheme for predicting properties of chemical systems. It models chemical interactions with
learnable distance-based functions.

• MGCN25 utilizes the multilevel structure in molecular system to learn the representations of quantum interactions level by
level based on GNN. The final molecular property prediction is made with the overall interaction representation.

• PaiNN26 is a GNN that augments the invariant SchNet into equivariant flavor by projecting the pairwise distances via radial
basis functions and iteratively updates the geometric vectors along with the scalar features.

• DimeNet++16 is an improved version of DimeNet15 with better accuracy and faster speed. It can also be used for non-
equilibrium molecular structures.

• SphereNet27 is a GNN method that achieves local completeness by incorporating comprehensive 3D information like
distance, angle, and torsion information for 3D graphs.

RNA 3D structure prediction

• ARES30 is a state-of-the-art machine learning approach for identifying accurate RNA 3D structural models from candidate
ones. It is a GNN that integrates rotational equivariance into the message passing.

• Rosetta29 is a molecular modeling software package that provides tools for RNA 3D structure prediction.

• RASP33 is a full-atom knowledge-based potential with geometrical descriptors for RNA structure prediction.

• 3dRNAscore28 is an all-heavy-atom knowledge-based potential that combines distance-dependent and dihedral-dependent

energies for identifying native RNA structures and ranking predicted structures.

Protein-ligand binding affinity prediction

• ML-based methods include linear regression (LR), support vector regression (SVR), and random forest (RF). These
approaches use the inter-molecular interaction features introduced in RF-Score35 as input for prediction.

• Pafnucy36 is a representative 3D CNN-based model that learns the spatial structure of protein-ligand complexes.

• OnionNet37 is a CNN-based method that generates 2D interaction features by considering rotation-free element-pair contacts
in complexes.

• GraphDTA38 uses GNN models to learn the complex graph and utilizes CNN to learn the protein sequence. We use the
best-performed variant (GAT-GCN) for comparison.

• SGCN39 utilizes atomic coordinates and leverages node positions based on graph convolutional network53 .

• GNN-DTI40 is a distance-aware graph attention network23 that considers 3D structural information to learn the intermolecular
interactions in protein-ligand complexes.

• D-MPNN12 is a message passing neural network that incorporates edge features. The aggregation process addresses the
pairwise distance information contained in edge features.

• MAT41 utilizes inter-atomic distances and employs a molecule-augmented attention mechanism based on transformers for
graph representation learning.

• DimeNet15 is a message passing neural network using directional message passing scheme for small molecules. Both
distances and angles are used when modeling the molecular interactions.

• CMPNN42 is built based on D-MPNN and has a communicative message passing scheme between nodes and edges for
better performance when learning molecular representations.

• SIGN18 is a recent state-of-the-art GNN for predicting protein-ligand binding affinity. It builds complex interaction graphs
for protein-ligand complexes and integrates both distance and angle information in modeling.
For small molecule property prediction, we use the baseline results reported in their original works for baselines. For RNA
3D structure prediction, we use the baseline results in30 . For protein-ligand binding affinity prediction, we use the baseline
results in18 . When performing efficiency evaluation in our experiments, we adopt the public-available implementations of the
related models: For DimeNet and DimeNet++, we adopt the implementation by PyTorch Geometric54 at https://github.com/
rusty1s/pytorch_geometric/blob/73cfaf7e09/examples/qm9_dimenet.py. For SphereNet, we use the official implementation at
https://github.com/divelab/DIG. For ARES, we use the official implementation at https://zenodo.org/record/6893040. For SIGN,
we use the official implementation at https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleHelix/tree/dev/apps/drug_target_interaction/sign.

Detailed analysis of near-native ranking task on RNA-Puzzles

For each RNA in RNA-Puzzles, we rank the structural models using PAMNet and four baseline scoring functions. For each
scoring function, we select the N ∈ {1, 10, 100} best-scoring structural models for each RNA. For each RNA, scoring function,
and N, we show the lowest RMSD across structural models in Figure S1). The RMSD results are quantized to determine if each
RMSD is below 2Å, between 2Å and 5Å, between 5Å and 10Å, or above 10Å. From the results, we find that for each RMSD
threshold (2Å, 5Å, or 10Å) and for each N, the number of RNAs with at least one selected model that has RMSD below the
threshold is greater when using PAMNet than when using any of the other four baseline scoring functions.

Statistical significance between SIGN and PAMNet on PDBbind

We use p-value to compute the statistical significance between SIGN and PAMNet on PDBbind. As shown in Table S1, PAMNet
performs significantly better than SIGN on all four metrics with p-value < 0.05.

Detailed results of ablation study on QM9

In Table S2, we list the results of all properties on QM9 in our ablation study.

Figure S1. Detailed analysis of near-native ranking task on RNA-Puzzles. The results of the lowest RMSD among N
best-scoring structural models of each RNA predicted by each scoring function are compared.

Model RMSE ↓ MAE ↓ SD ↓ R↑
SIGN 1.316 (0.031) 1.027 (0.025) 1.312 (0.035) 0.797 (0.012)
PAMNet 1.263 (0.017) 0.987 (0.013) 1.261 (0.015) 0.815 (0.005)
Significance (p-value) 0.0122 0.0156 0.0242 0.0212

Table S1. Statistical significance (p-value) between PAMNet and SIGN on PDBbind. The best results are marked in bold.

Model µ α εHOMO εLUMO δε R2 ZPVE U0 U H G cv

PAMNet 10.8 0.0447 22.8 19.2 31.0 0.093 1.17 5.90 5.92 6.04 7.14 0.0231
PAMNet w/o Attention Pooling 11.1 0.0469 24.2 20.3 32.8 0.094 1.22 6.12 6.15 6.29 7.44 0.0234
PAMNet w/o Local MP 13.9 0.0512 27.8 23.3 37.6 0.104 1.27 7.55 7.57 7.74 9.13 0.0262
PAMNet w/o Global MP 21.8 0.0887 41.5 34.9 56.4 5.53 1.52 8.80 8.81 9.01 10.6 0.0316

Table S2. Results of all properties on QM9 in ablation study.

QM9 RNA-Puzzles PDBbind
Batch Size 32, 128 8 32
Hidden Dim. 128 16 128
Initial Learning Rate 1e-4 1e-4 1e-3
Number of Layers 6 1 3
Max. Number of Epochs 900 50 100

Table S3. List of typical hyperparameters used in our experiments.


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