Chapter - 79 Checked...
Chapter - 79 Checked...
Chapter - 79 Checked...
R.D. Lele
Wound healing
Apart from pluripotent embryonic stem cells, which Myocardial
can differentiate into an endoderm—gastrointesti- Bone marrow infarction
nal (GI) tract, liver, lungs, mesoderm-hematopoietic transplantation
(currently established)
and mesodermal/ ectoderm—skin and central ner- dystrophy
vous system, (Fig. 79.1), there are resident stem Spinal cord injury
cells in adults in all tissues which are capable of
generating the cell type of the tissue in which they Osteoarthritis Multiple sites:
reside. The skin, mucosa and endometrium are Rheumatoid arthritis Cancers
constantly renewing systems due to resident stem
cells. Fig. 79.2: Potential uses of stem cells.
STEM CELL THERAPY FOR INTRACTABLE Generation of new elastic fibers was evident
SKIN DISEASE by both special stains and antibodies to human
elastin and stimulated closure of full thickness
Bone marrow provides fibroblast-like cells in the
wounds. Tracking of green fluorescent protein
dermis and keratinocytes in the epidermis. Both
(GFP) showed GFP in blood vessels.
embryonic and postnatal transplantation of bone
marrow cells in mouse models of epidermolysis
Graft Versus Host Disease
bullosa (EB), a heritable blistering skin disease
due to a genetic mutation of cutaneous basement Dermatologic manifestations of graft versus host
membrane components, promote skin wound heal- disease (GVHD) have been reviewed by Scheinfeld
ing and correct the intrinsic basement membrane et al.7 MSCs can be used for the treatment of
defect. The source of epithelial progenitor cells in therapy—resistant GVHD. Factors involved in
bone marrow was the nonhematopoietic, platelet- GVHD are shown in Fig. 79.3.
derived growth factor receptor α (PDGFRα) posi-
tive mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) population.2
SOMATIC CELL NUCLEAR TRANSFER (SCNT) stem cell therapy without the risk of immune
rejection. During SCNT, patient-specific donor cell
Human embryonic stem cells (hES) are a promis-
is fused into an enucleated donor oocyte to pro-
ing source for transplantation to replace diseased
duce blastocyst.
or damaged tissue, but their differentiated progeny
expresses human leukocyte antigens (HLA) that
Chris Mason,10 Director of London Regenerative
will probably cause graft rejection. Taylor et al8
Medicine Network in United Kingdom has esti-
have estimated that a bank of 150 consecutive
mated that more than 323,000 patients worldwide
blood group compatible donors, 100 consecutive
have received cell-based therapies, and has pre-
blood group donors provided a full match at HLA-A,
dicted that the market for stem cell and regenera-
HLA-B, and HLA DR match for approximately 85%.
tive therapy will rival drugs and medical devices.
A new technique involving reprogramming of adult
There are a handful of products in the market,
skin cells to induce pluripotent stem cells (iPS)
including a synthetic skin.
has become feasible.9 Amazing things like bone
regrowth, formation of teeth, retinal repair, cure
of deafness, skin replacement have been dem-
onstrated in animal models of iPS. Four factors
(OCT4, SOX2, NANO6, and LIN28) are sufficient Stem cells have proven to be of significant benefit
to reprogram human somatic cells to pluripotent in the management of chronic wounds, GVHD and
stem cells exhibiting the essential characteristics EB. Varieties of products containing stem cells are
of embryonic stem cells. being marketed of late for androgenetic alopecia,
facial rejuvenation and other indications. There is
SCNT is an approach to create autologous plu- no evidence as yet for the therapeutic effect of
ripotent stem cell lines, to enable patient-specific these products.
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