LEA3 Terminologies Guidelines
LEA3 Terminologies Guidelines
LEA3 Terminologies Guidelines
6.Security Culture -Security culture refers to the collective attitudes, beliefs, and
behaviors within an organization regarding security practices and protocols.
Cultivating a strong security culture involves promoting awareness, accountability,
and a shared commitment to security among employees at all levels of the
7.Supply Chain Security -Supply chain security involves protecting the flow of
goods, materials, and information throughout the supply chain from potential threats
such as theft, tampering, counterfeiting, and disruption.
10.Access Control - Access control refers to the measures put in place to regulate
and monitor entry to physical spaces, digital systems, and sensitive information
within an industrial facility. This can include technologies such as keycards, biometric
scanners, PIN codes, and security checkpoints, as well as policies and procedures
governing who has access to what resources and under what conditions.
Other Instructions:
1. Use A4 size bond paper, 1.5 spaces, Arial font 12
2. Margin: 1” all sides
3. Submit every week starting February 26, 2024 until suspended by the
4. CRIM 2H (to be submitted Monday)
CRIM 2F (to be submitted Wednesday)
CRIM 2I (to be submitted Tuesday)
CRIM 2M (to be submitted Thursday)
CRIM 2K (to be submitted Friday)
CRIM 2O (to be submitted Saturday)
CRIM 2C (to be submitted Saturday)
CRIM 2P (to be submitted Sunday)
CRIM 2N (to be submitted Sunday)
CRIM 2R(to be submitted Sunday)