Orignal Test Papers of PHP

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Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s

Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara

Practical Examination Question 1
CO6I WBP(22619) Marks - 50
1: Title:
1)Install and configure PHP web server xampp ,mysql
2) Write a program to print welcome to php
3) write a simple php program using expressions and operators

Part A: Install and configure PHP web server xampp ,mysql

a. how to execute php program on xampp write down the steps

b. What are the different operators supported by php
c. Explain and execute array operator and logical operators of php
d. why php is called as server side scripting language ?

Part B: Oral

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s

Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara
Practical Examination Question 2

CO6I WBP(22619) Marks - 50

2: Title: Write a php program to demonstrate the use of decision making control structures
using if statement, if-else statement,switch statement

Part A: Write and execute php decision making control statements

a. Enlist different php decision making control statements

b. Write a php script for even or odd number
c. Write a php script for calender program using switch statement
d. Write a php script to make use of logical operators to grade the students as per percentage.

Part B: Oral
Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s
Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara
Practical Examination Question 3
CO6I WBP(22619) Marks - 50

3:Title: write a php program to demonstrate the use of looping structures sing while,do while ,for ,

Part A: To execute php script using looping control statements

a. What is looping structures in php? Explain them with their syntax
b. Difference between for and foreach loop
c. Write a program to display pyramids of stars using increment and decrement
d. Write php script for calculating factorial of a number

Part B: Oral

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s

Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara
Practical Examination Question 4
CO6I WBP(22619) Marks - 50

4: Title: Write a php program for creating and manipulating a) index array b) Associative
array c) Multidimensional array

Part A: write a php program for an array and its types

a) Define array and enlist array types with their syntax

b) Develop a program using associative array
c) Develop a program using multidimension array
d) Explain and execute any 4 operations on array ( implode, explode, arrayflip,array-merge,array -
sort, compact,extract etc)

Part B: Oral
Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s
Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara
Practical Examination Question 5
CO6I WBP(22619) Marks - 50
5: Title: Write
a php program to - a) calculate length of string
b) count the number of words in string without using string functions

Part A: Write and execute php script for manipulation of string

a. Define string.how we declare string in php ?
b. Enlist different php inbuilt string functions
c. Difference between string and array?
d. Write a program to demonstrate math functions in php

Part B: Oral

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s

Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara
Practical Examination Question 6
CO6I WBP(22619) Marks - 50
6: Title: write
a simple program to demonstrate use of simple function and parameterized functions

Part A: Write and execute php function

a. Define function and enlist its advantage
b. Write a program to demonstrate variable function using simple arithmetic operations
c. Write a program to demonstrate anonymous functions.

Part B: Oral
Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s
Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara
Practical Examination Question 7
CO6I WBP(22619) Marks - 50

7:Title - Write a simple php program to create PDF document by using graphics concept

Part A: Write a simple php program to create PDF document by using graphics concept

a. Enlist different pdf generator library functions in php? Explain FPDF with its advantages
b. Write a program and execute to create a pdf file using php
c. How you can scale the image in php?
d. Write use of various graphics functions in php

Part B: Oral

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s

Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara
Practical Examination Question 8
CO6I WBP(22619) Marks - 50

8: Title:write a php program to - 1) inherit members of superclass in subclass

2) create constructor to initialize object of class by using object oriented

Part A: Write and execute program for object oriented concepts in php

a. Define inheritance ? enlist its types .

b. Demonstrate multiple inheritance using interface?
c. Difference between constructor and destructor
d. Write a program to demonstrate parameterized constructor in php
e. Create a class circle and calculate area of circle for two objects in php
Part B: Oral
Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s
Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara
Practical Examination Question 9
CO6I WBP(22619) Marks - 50
9: Title: write
a php program on introspection and serialization

Part A: write and execute program on serialization and introspection

a. Explain introspection and enlist diferent functions of it

b. Define serialize and unserialize functions. How we can perform serialization on array implement
the php script for it?
c. Develop a program on introspections and use any 3 methods of it

Part B: Oral

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s

Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara
Practical Examination Question 10
CO6I WBP(22619) Marks - 50
10:Title: Design a web page using following form controls : a) text box b) radio button c)
checkbox d) buttons

Part A : Design a webpage using form controls

a. Write a program to design a registration form using above mentioned form controls
b. Write the use and syntax of text box, radio buttons, check box and buttons
c. Develop web page and Do validation using above mentioned form controls

Part B: Oral
Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s
Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara
Practical Examination Question 11
CO6I WBP(22619) Marks - 50

11: Title: Design a web page using form controls a) list box b) combo box c) hidden field

Part A: Design a webpage using form controls

a. Write a program to design a form using list box , combo box and hidden field box
b. Write the use and syntax of following above form controls
c. Why there is need for creating and validating forms?

Part B: Oral

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s

Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara
Practical Examination Question 12
CO6I WBP(22619) Marks - 50

12: Title: Develop web page with data validation

Part A: Write and execute web page with data validation

a. Write a simple php program to check that emails are valid

b. Enlist and explain different methods provided by php for web page validation
c. Define superglobal variable ? function of post and get method in php

Part B: Oral
Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s
Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara
Practical Examination Question 13
CO6I WBP(22619) Marks - 50

13: Title: Write a simple program to a)- set cookies and read it
b) Demonstrate session management

Part A: Write and execute program for cookie and session in php

a) What is cookie and session in php ?

b) Enlist attributes of cookie and difference between cookie and session
c) Write a program to create,modify and delete a cookie in php
d) Write a program to start and destroy a session

Part B: Oral

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s

Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara
Practical Examination Question 14
CO6I WBP(22619) Marks - 50

14: Title:Write a php script for sending and receiving plain text message email

Part A: Write and execute php script for sending and receiving plain text message email

a) Explain the use of mail() function in php

b) Explain different parameters used to pass in mail function
c) Write a program to send and receive mail using php

Part B: Oral
Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s
Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara
Practical Examination Question 15
CO6I WBP(22619) Marks - 50

15: Title: Develop a simple application to- a) enter data into database b) retrieve and present
data from database

Part A: Develop a simple application to- a) enter data into database b) retrieve and present data
from database

a) What is mysql? How it is used in php?

b) How to create database in mysql? Write a php code to insert data into employee table
c) Name to functions of php to connect mysql database and explain mysqli_connect function
d) Develop a program to retrieve and present data from database

Part B: Oral

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s

Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara
Practical Examination Question 16
CO6I WBP(22619) Marks - 50

16:Title: Develop a simple applications to update,delete table data from database

Part A: Develop a simple applications to update,delete table data from database

a) Enlist different database operations in php

b) Write a php program to update table data from student database
c) Write a syntax for update and delete data in php
d) Write any 4 data types in mysql

Part B: Oral

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