International Marketing C2
International Marketing C2
International Marketing C2
After completing this chapter, students can:
1. Understand the international environmental factors
2. Identify the global trends
3. Be able to apply the environmental analysis model
1. The impact of international environmental factors
2. Global trends
3. Environmental Analysis Model
1.1 Overview
“For now, the world seems to be characterized by relatively strong
growth in the United States, disappointing but improving growth in
Europe and Japan, slowing growth in China and weakness in many
other emerging markets—the one big exception being India, where
growth is actually quite impressive” (Deloitte, 2016)
• Pace of change increasing • Need to understand global trends &
trends within individual markets
Monetary barriers
- these place monetary restrictions on trade, e.g. availability of foreign exchange for
Market barriers
3. operational/resource-based limitations.
State trading
- Natural Resources
- Taxation
- Infrastructure: communications, energy, & transportation facilities.
“Chinese consumers and companies save too much, while the West saves too
Roach, cited on BBC, 2012
Market development
•WORLD BANK CLASSIFICATION Source - World Development Indicators 2022. World Bank
•1. low-income economies (GNI per capita <US$1,135)
•(Burundi, Tanzania, Rwanda, Chad)
•2.lower middle-income economies (GNI per capita US$1,136 - US$4,465) (India, Egypt,
Nigeria, Vietnam)
•3.upper middle-income economies (GNI per capita US$4,466 - US$13,845) (Botswana,
Bulgaria, Mexico, Romania, Thailand)
high-income economies (GNI per capita >US$ 13,845) (Argentina, Croatia, Panama,
Bahrain, France, Israel, Japan)
- The US, the EU, Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea are the five top major markets
- Latin America (Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Colombia, and Peru) – are growing rapidly and economic conditions
have improved significantly.
- Middle East and North African (MENA) region has lagged behind in economic growth and
“Sixty per cent of the global population lives in Asia (4.7 bill)” (Statista, 2023)
Population trends
Population of the world and regions in 1950, 2000, 2050 and 2100, according to the
medium-variant projection
Source: based on United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, World Population Prospects 2019
Population trends
2.2 Tech trends
Tech trends
• # 4.1 bn. Internet uses in 2019
# Take-up of tech products varies across countries
# Asia-Pacific region most growth in new internet users
# 2.5 bill smartphone users in 2019 (Statista, 2019)
# Use of social media
# Worldwide retail E-commerce sales reach 5.7 trill. (Statista, 2023)
Facebook had 3.03 billion monthly active users in 2023
“The online FMCG market is set to grow by 17% between now and
2022” (Forrester, 2018)
3. Environmental Analysis Model
SWOT analysis
Helpful Harmful
Political Technological
Economic Legal
Social Environmental
PEST analysis vs SWOT analysis
Strengths Political
Weaknesses Economic
Opportunities Social
Threats Technological
International institutions
• General lack of familiarity with markets
• Every market different – don’t make assumptions
• A wide range of factors to take into consideration
• Fast changing global marketplace
• Importance of continuous monitoring of international markets to
identify changes
• Very difficult to eliminate risk, but can manage it
• What are today’s current issues potentially affecting international
marketing and what impact are they likely to have?