Rubber Design-0-COMM
Rubber Design-0-COMM
Rubber Design-0-COMM
Flexible suspension.
RD MP 2 / RD MP 3 RD MP 4 / RD MP 5
Rubber Design silencers are available in a standard design (types These silencers are also available in other materials such as
NCS, NAS and NRS) and can also be made to a custom size upon AISI304 and AISI316 as an option.
request. The technical department at Rubber Design has an The silencers can be mounted both in a horizontal and
extensive knowledge of acoustics and flow-dynamics which vertical position and are optionally available with an
enables us to select the ideal configuration, considering available integrated spark arrester.
space, position of the silencers in the system, pressure fall and
the required sound reduction. The following information is required for the design of these
Design: • Sound level/pressure (Lw/Lp) of the
The standard range of the silencers are manufactured from ST37- • Desired noise reduction
2 and are provided with a heat-resistant preservation. • Exhaust volume
• Maximum acceptable pressure loss
• Available space.
50 2
1,27 xQv 293
P = 0,18 x x
d t + 273
31,5 63 125 250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K
Frequency •Hz•
N.B. 050 065 080 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
A (mm) 60,3 76,2 88,9 114,3 139,7 168,3 219,1 273,0 323,9 355,6 406,4 457,2 508,0
B (mm) 150 200 200 250 300 350 400 550 600 700 800 800 900
C (mm) 750 750 1000 1000 1250 1250 1500 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3000
D (mm) 900 900 1150 1250 1500 1500 1750 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3250
Weight (kg) 10 15 20 30 45 70 95 200 275 350 425 475 575
Flanges up to NB 350 according to DIN 2576 PN10, above NB 350 according to DIN 86044, other flanges on request.
45 2
1, 27 xQv 293
40 P = 2,7 x x
d t + 273
30 Qv = exhaust flow in M³/s
dB 25 d = nominal bore in m
20 t = temperature in °C
31,5 63 125 250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K
Frequency (Hz)
N.B. 050 065 080 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
A (mm) 60,3 76,2 88,9 114,3 139,7 168,3 219,1 273,0 323,9 355,6 406,4 457,2 508,0
B (mm) 250 300 300 400 400 480 600 700 800 950 950 1100 1200
C (mm) 750 750 1000 1250 1500 1500 1750 2250 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
D (mm) 900 900 1250 1500 1750 1750 2000 2500 2750 3250 3750 4250 4750
Weight (kg) 25 35 40 80 90 130 200 300 400 625 800 1250 1500
Note: This type of silencer can optionally be provided with a side inlet and also with a side outlet.
Flanges up to NB 350 according to DIN 2576 PN10, above NB 350 according to DIN 86044, other flanges on request.
35 2
1, 27 xQ v 293
P = 2, 4 x x
30 d t + 273
Qv = exhaust flow in M³/s
dB 20
d = nominal bore in m
t = temperature in °C
31,5 63 125 250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K
Frequency (Hz)
N.B. 050 065 080 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
A (mm) 60,3 76,2 88,9 114,3 139,7 168,3 219,1 273,0 323,9 355,6 406,4 457,2 508,0
B (mm) 250 300 300 400 400 480 600 700 800 950 950 1100 1200
C (mm) 750 750 1000 1250 1500 1500 1750 2250 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
D (mm) 900 900 1250 1500 1750 1750 2000 2500 2750 3250 3750 4250 4750
Weight (kg) 20 30 35 70 80 100 180 275 350 550 700 1100 1350
Note: This type of silencer can optionally be provided with a side inlet and also with a side outlet.
Flanges up to NB 350 according to DIN 2576 PN10, above NB 350 according to DIN 86044, other flanges on request.
Single bellows
N.B. 050 065 080 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 900 1000
A 195 210 250 290 305 305 310 320 320 330 340 340 340 350 350 350 360 360
J 60 76 89 114 140 168 219 273 324 356 406 457 508 608 - - - -
K 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 5.6 5.6 5.6 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 - - - -
Max axial 35 38 32 32 32 32 32 40 40 40 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64
Max lat. 18 16 22 28 22 20 16 17 15 14 13 11 10 9 7.5 7 6 5.5
On page 12, 13, and 14 you can find the dimensions of the standard flanges.
Combined movements at reduced rates.
Twin bellows
N.B. 080 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 900 1000
B 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600
Max axial 80 69 70 75 75 55 64 64 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
Max lat. 35 40 60 70 70 32 43 39 75 69 62 52 45 39 35 31
On page 12, 13, and 14 you can find the dimensions of the standard flanges.
Combined movements at reduced rates
- +
To calculate the maximal axial and lateral movement you can use
the following formula.
max lateral movements −
max axial movements
x max = Determine
x max =
max max
N.B. A B C D E F G Weight
N.B. A B C D E F G H I Bolts for Bolts for
Type 1 Type 2
050 60.3 171 240 285 171 240 285 180 16 M12 x 55 (8x) M12 x 55 (8x)
065 76.1 171 240 285 222 295 340 180 16 M12 x 55 (8x) M12 x 55 (8x)
080 88.9 171 240 285 222 295 340 200 16 M12 x 55 (8x) M12 x 55 (8x)
100 114.3 171 240 285 222 295 340 200 16 M12 x 55 (8x) M12 x 55 (8x)
125 139.7 196 270 315 276 350 395 200 16 M12 x 55 (8x) M12 x 55 (12x)
150 168.3 222 295 340 327 395 440 200 16 M12 x 55 (8x) M12 x 55 (12x)
200 219.1 276 350 395 355 445 490 200 16 M12 x 55 (12x) M12 x 60 (12x)
250 273.0 327 395 440 411 495 540 200 16 M12 x 60 (12x) M12 x 60 (16x)
300 323.9 411 495 540 461 550 595 200 16 M12 x 60 (16x) M12 x 60 (16x)
350 355.6 411 495 540 512 600 645 200 16 M12 x 60 (16x) M12 x 60 (20x)
400 406.4 461 550 595 614 700 754 200 16 M12 x 60 (16x) M12 x 60 (20x)
450 457.2 512 600 645 614 700 754 200 16 M12 x 60 (20x) M12 x 60 (20x)
Other dimensions on request.