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Int. J. Adv. Multidiscip. Res. (2020).

7(8): 83-92

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research

ISSN: 2393-8870
DOI: 10.22192/ijamr Volume 7, Issue 8 -2020
Research Article DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22192/ijamr.2020.07.08.013

The Impact of Digitalisation on Indian Banking Sector

Mr. Ahsan Ahmed

Research Scholar School of Social Science, GNDU, Amritsar,India
E. Mail: aahsanwani786@gmail.com


A key component in the growth of a country’s economy is financial system which plays
vital role in the development of the country by capital accumulation and technological
progress by increasing savings rate, mobilizing and pooling savings, producing information
about investment, facilitating and encouraging the inflows of foreign capital as well as
optimizing the allocation of capital. But on the other hand this system contributes
Keywords significantly in air, water, land fill and other types of pollution thereby damaging the
environment and become the biggest contributor to climate change. the The concern for
Development, environmental sustainability by the banks has given rise to concept of green banking. Green
environment, banking means promoting eco-friendly practices and reducing carbon footprint from
financial system, banking activities by making use of online banking instead of branch banking. it aims at
sustainability, banking processes and the use of IT and physical infrastructure as efficient and effective as
digitization. possible. Green banking avoids paper work and focuses on use of electronic transactions by
customers. The introduction of digital banking has revolutionized the banking sector and
modified the whole procedure of simple bank transfers. It has facilitated the customer
assisting them them to check their account details, pay online bills and transfer money from
one account to the others I as faster way. Though the purpose of introduction of digitization
in financial system was to transit from conventional to convenience for both the customers
and banks itself but it also plays its role in protecting environment by making less use of
papers. Paper less banking helps in controlling deforestation thereby helps in achieving
sustainable development goals by contributing in protecting cutting of trees as well as
provides convenience to the customers and banks. The paper attempt to analyse the impact
of transition of financial system of India from traditional to digitization on environment.
Also paper focus to analyse the contribution of increased digitization of Indian banking
system in environmental sustainability thereby making contribution in the achievement of
sustainable development goals over the years since its inception in India.

Digitization is the process of converting information samples. The result is called digital representation or,
into a digital (i.e. computer-readable) format, in which more specifically, a digital image, for the object, and
the information is organized into bits. The result is the digital form, for the signal. In modern practice, the
representation of an object, image, sound, document or digitized data is in the form of binary numbers, which
signal (usually an analog signal) by generating a series facilitate computer processing and other operations,
of numbers that describe a discrete set of its points or but, strictly speaking, digitizing simply means the
Int. J. Adv. Multidiscip. Res. (2020). 7(8): 83-92

conversion of analog source material into a numerical 2001 -Online banking hits 20 million users, with 8
format; the decimal or any other number system that different U.S. banks achieving at least a minimum of1
can be used instead. Digital banking is the move to million online users.
online banking where banking services are delivered
over the internet. The advantages for banks and 2002 -Avoka was founded to help banks and financial
customers are providing more convenient and faster institutions in their digital transformations.
banking services.
2007 -The launch of I phone begins shifting digital
History of Digital Banking banking from desktop computers to smart phones.

The earliest forms of digital banking trace back to the 2009 -Online banking hits 54 million users in the
advent of ATM machines and cards launched in the United States.
1960s. As the internet emerged in the 1980s with early
broadband, digital networks began to connect retailers 2016 -Millennial succeed in fundamentally shifting
with suppliers and consumers to develop needs for digital banking preferences.
early online catalogue and inventory software systems.
By the 1990s the Internet emerged and online banking 2021 -Online banking users in India currently are 47
started becoming the norm. The improvement of million in India.
broadband and ecommerce systems in the early 2000s
led to what resembled the modern digital banking Digital banking in India:
world today. The proliferation of smartphones through
the next decade opened the door for transactions on Banks in India have witnessed a radical change from
the go beyond ATM machines. Over 60% of conventional baking to convenience banking. Today
consumers now use their smartphones as the preferred they are poised for digital banking rapid pace.he need
method for digital banking. for computerization was felt I the India Banking sector
in late 1980s, in order to improve the customer
The challenge for banks is now to facilitate demands service, book keeping &MIS reporting. In 1988, RBI
that connect vendors with money through channels set up a committee on computerization inn banks
determined by the consumer. This dynamic shapes the headed by Dr.C Rangarajan. Banks began using
basis of customer satisfaction, which can be nurtured information Technology initially with the introduction
with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) of standalone PCs and migrated to Local Area
software. Therefore, CRM must be integrated into a Network (LAN) connectivity. With further
digital banking system, since it provides means for advancement, banks adopted the core Banking
banks to directly communicate with their customers. platform. Thus branch banking changed to banking.
Core Banking Solution(CBS) enabled banks to
There is a demand for end-to-end consistency and for increase the comfort feature to the customers as a
services, optimized on convenience and user promising step towards enhancing customer
experience. The market provides cross platform front convenience through anywhere and anytime Banking.
ends, enabling purchase decisions based on available Different Core Banking platforms such as Finacle
technology such as mobile devices, with a desktop or designed by Infosys, BaNCS by TCS, FLEXCUBE yi-
Smart TV at home. In order for banks to meet flex gained popularity.
consumer demands, they need to keep focusing on
improving digital technology that provides agility, The process of computerization gained pace withe
scalability and efficiency. opening of the economy in 1991-92.A major driver for
this change was propelled by rising competition from
1994 -Online banking is built into Microsoft money. 1, private and foreign banks. several commercial banks
00,000 households begin accessing their bank started moving towards digital customer services to
accounts online. remain competitive relevant in the races.

Stanford Credit Union begins offering banking Banks have benefited in several ways by adopting
services via their website, paying the way for credit newer technologies. E- banking has resulted in
unions and banks across the country. reducing costs drastically and has helped generate
revenue through various channels. The number of

Int. J. Adv. Multidiscip. Res. (2020). 7(8): 83-92

customer base has also increased because of the Statement of the problem
convenience in anywhere banking. Digitization has
reduced error. It is possible to access and analyse the Banks have embraced computerization and
data anytime enabling a strong reporting system.RBI subsequently digitization, in slightly various degrees
has been a guiding force for the banks in forming though they have invested in physical infrastructure
regulations and giving recommendations to achieve and human resources for the purpose. But such
various objective. Commercial banks in India have investment in itself is not the end. Periodically, the
moved towards technology by way of bank transformation engendered by the investment should
mechanization and automation with the introduction to be gauged to ascertain if the outlay has translated into
MICR based cheque processing, electronic funds outcome.
transfer, inter- connectivity among bank branches and
implementation of ATM channel have resulted in the Review of literature
convenience of anytime banking. Strong initiatives
have been taken by the reserve bank of India in Jarunee Wonglimpiyarat (2006) is concerned with
strengthening the payment and settlement systems in the technological learning and capabilities of Thai
banks. banking. The results show that the use of technology
in the mass automation regime is carried through to
The Indian govt is aggressively promoting digital the smart automation regime, showing that the
transactions. The launch of united payment technological change in the banking sector is not
interface(UPI) and Bharat interface of money(BHIM) revolutionary but evolutionary.
by national payment corporation of India(NPCI) are
significant steps for innovation in the payment system Vadlamani Ravi (2007) defines the term “banking
Domain.UPI is mobile interface where people can technology” refers to the use of sophisticated
make instant funds transfer between accounts in information and communication technologies together
different banks on the basis of virtual address without with computer science to enable banks to offer better
mentioning the bank account. Today banks aim to services to its customers in a secure, reliable, and
provide fast, accurate and quality banking experience affordable manner and sustain competitive advantage
to their customers. Today, the top, most agenda for all over other banks.
the banks in India is digitization.
Costas Lapavitsas and Paulo L. Dos Santos (2008)
Banks have benefited in several ways by adopting argued technological innovation has Contributed to
newer technologies. E- banking has resulted in recent changes in th conduct and character of banking,
reducing costs drastically and has helped generate but its impact has been Contradictory. First, money-
revenue through various channels. The number of dealing transactions have become cheaper, but
customer base has also increased because of the investment costs have increased and a broader range
convenience in anywhere banking. Digitization has of services had to be provided. The cost efficiency of
reduced error. It is possible to access and analyse the banks has not improved.
data anytime enabling a strong reporting system.RBI
has been a guiding force for the banks in forming Bhattacharya, H (2015) “analyses contrast among
regulations and giving recommendations to achieve online and digital banking for the most part. These two
various objective words are options, be that as it may, web based
banking can be characterized more barely as-web
Objectives of study: based banking principally accentuates on money
transfer, charge pay and fundamental online
1. To know the impact of growth of digitization on administration of accounts. Different equivalent words
banking system in India. for web based banking incorporate virtual banking,
2. To know the opportunities Indian banking system internet banking and e-banking. Along these lines,
got by switching to digitization. web based banking centers around digitizing the
3. To study the challenges Indian banking system is “core” highlights of banking. Yet digital banking
facing with the adaptation of digitization. incorporates digitizing each program and action
attempted by financial establishments and their

Int. J. Adv. Multidiscip. Res. (2020). 7(8): 83-92

George , A. and Kumar, G (2016) concluded that G Shainesh and Avijit Choudhary in their article
mobile telephone are probably going to lead the digital study the role of technological changes and
development in India, in light of the fact that the advancements in the form of automated teller
young of India want to utilize smart telephones instead machines, internet banking, tele-banking, mobile
of remain in long lines to benefit banking services. banking, internet banking, etc Invalid source
Mobile view of around 90% is probably going to drive specified.. They conclude that reaching the customers
financial inclusion. The current and unsurprising through various channels contribute a lot to meet the
boundless for every one of smart telephones in the competitive challenges.
nation gives a disruptive and easy medium, to expand
the achieve of banking and payments services Research methodology
Khandelwal, A.K. (2017) According to banks assume The present study is descriptive in nature and is based
a huge job in our day- to-day lives. For endless on secondary data. The data has been extracted from
individuals, in any event a solitary financial exchange Various sources like research articles, publications
is done in a solitary day. In this manner banks from Government of India, various bulletins of RBI
dependably endeavor to execute most recent and Authenticated websites.
technologies to improve customer experience.
Digitization is definitely not a decision for banking Digital banking trends in India
industry, rather it is sure in light of the fact that each
industry is being digitized and banking part is no Digital India in the banking sector has grown sharply
exclusion. in recent times. Some trends in digital banking in India
China and India boast of the highest percentages (55-
60 per cent) of Gen Y and tech-savvy Increase in Customers: The government’s
Customers that use financial services from non- encouragement to use electronic wallets has
traditional firms (The Hindu Business Line, 2017). contributed much to people adopting the use of
technology in financial transactions. There is a rapid
The governments of the two countries continue to increase in the use of credit/debit cards as well as
priorities digital initiatives. Hence, the tech-savvy electronic wallets and the trend will continue.
individuals will become more relevant. Affordable,
small but powerful computers and other hand-held Chat bots: A number of banks have already employed
gadgets and higher Internet bandwidth gradually chat bots in their customer care operations. There is
facilitated easy access to banking products and steady increase in the number of chat bots employed
effortless banking transactions (The Banking & as well as improvements in their speed of response,
Finance Post, 2017). The rise of call centers and phone quality of interaction and the quality of services
banking services added to customer comfort. A major rendered.
change in banking practices was facilitated by
directing banking transactions through different Merge Physical and Digital Process: Many banks
electronic channels and by helping customers access today offer a mixed physical and digital process to
their bank accounts directly. their Customers. The customers could walk into the
bank and then use devices there to carry out their
Hema Divya and Suma Vally (2018) in the article transactions. In the Indian context we will certainly
entitled “A study on digital payments in India with see a steady increase in this kind of service especially
perspective of consumer’s adoption” focus on the in the rural areas.
analysis of the adoption level of the digital payment
systems by customers. Primary data was collected Mobile Technology: The proliferation of mobile
from 183 respondents in Hyderabad. The collected phones and the easy and cheap availability of internet
data through questionnaire were analyzed by using have meant that the banking sector had to provide
Chi-Square technique. The study found that, the digital services via mobile phones. A number of banks
deployment of technology for digital payments have have developed apps to help customers handle banking
improved the performance of banking sector and able transactions on their mobile phones. This trend will
to achieve the motive cashless country. only continue.

Int. J. Adv. Multidiscip. Res. (2020). 7(8): 83-92

End to End Digital Banking in India: A number of of banks have already started on the path of end to end
customers are already using devices to handle their digitization in their effort to provide all kinds of
banking tasks. Banks have come to realize that services over the internet resulting in paperless
digitization is the only way forward. Hence a number transactions.

Technological Milestones in Indian Banks

S.No 1980 1990 2010 2020

IMPS Bio Metrics

Electronic Funds
2 Standard cheque RTGS Mobile Banking
3 Encoders Branch Connectivity NEFT Banking Cheque
Truncation UPI
4 - Computerization NECS
5 - - Online Banking
6 - - Tele Banking E-Wallet
Source: ICMAI

Indian government is aggressively promoting digital Unified Payment Interface (UPI): Suitable for
transactions. The launch of United Payments Interface instant transfer. Transaction limits up to 1 Lakh.
(UPI) and Bharat Interface for Money (BHIM) by Virtual payment ID (VPA) of recipient is required.
National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) are
significant steps for innovation in the payment systems Unstructured Supplementary Service Data
domain. UPI is a mobile interface where people can (USSD): Suitable for feature phones without internet
make instant funds transfer between accounts in connectivity. Aadhar number, IFSC or code allotted by
different banks on the basis of virtual address without banks on registration is required.
mentioning the bank account. Today banks aim to
provide fast, accurate and quality banking experience E-Wallet: Suitable for small ticket transactions.
to their customers. Now a day the topmost agenda for Transaction limits 20,000 per month (1 Lakh for KYC
all the banks in India is digitalization. compliant wallet holders. Login ID is required.

As part of encouraging cashless transactions and Growth of digital payments

transforming India into less cash society, various
modes of digital payments are available. The acceptance and growth of digital payments has
been exponential over the years. From 498 crore
Debit/Credit Card: Suitable for online/offline transactions with a value of 96 lakh crore handled
merchant sale. Transaction limit set by card issuer. during FY 2010-11, digital payments have grown to
Card number details required. 1623 crore transactions with a value of 3435 lakh
crore in the FY 2019-20. This represents a CAGR of
RTGS/NEFT: Suitable for high value online 12.54% and 43.01% interms of volume and value,
transactions. Transaction limits minimum 2 Lakh, no respectively.
upper limit. Account number, password, beneficiary
registration, IFSC code are required.

Immediate Payment Service (IMPS): Suitable for

instant transfer. Transaction limits up to 2 Lakh per
day. Account number, password, beneficiary
registration, IFSC code are required.

Int. J. Adv. Multidiscip. Res. (2020). 7(8): 83-92

Global Data, a data and analytics company, in its 2017 Digital Payments in India
Consumer Payments Insight Survey, observed that
India is one of the top markets globally in terms of Within the digital payments, retail electronic payments
digital cash adoption with 55.4% survey respondents comprising credit transfers {NEFT, fast payments
indicating usage of digital cash. India is followed by (IMPS and UPI)} and direct debits (ECS, NACH)
China and Denmark. The adoption level in India is have shown a rapid growth over the past ten years at a
much higher compared to many of the developed CAGR of 55% and 43% interms of volume and value,
markets such as the US and the UK, where consumers respectively. e-Money issued in the form of wallet
predominantly use cards. sand prepaid cards demonstrated an increased
adoption with a CAGR of 91% and 56% interms of
volume and value, respectively in the past 9y ears.

Payment System Data-2010, 2015 and 2020

Volume (Lakh) Value (` ‘000 Crore)

2010-11 2015-16 2019-20 2010-11 2015-16 2019-20

Payment Systems
1. Large Value Credit
493 983 1507 48487 82457 131156
Transfers – RTGS
Retail Segment
2. Credit & Debit
4064 31415 215619 1194 9140 29398
2.1 NEFT 1323 12529 27445 939 8327 22946
2.2 IMPS 2208 25792 162 2338
2.3 UPI 125186 2132
2.4 NACH 14041 36979 380 1976
2.5 ECS 2741 2638 19 255 271 5
2.6 Others 198 1
3. Card Payments 5022 19593 73013 114 399 1535
3.1 Credit Cards 2652 7857 21773 75 241 731
3.2 Debit Cards 2371 11736 51240 39 158 804
4. Prepaid Payment
7480 53317 48 215
5. Paper-based Instruments 13873 10964 10414 10134 8186 7824
Total Retail Payments
22959 69452 352363 11442 17775 38974
Total Payments
23452 70435 353870 59930 100233 170130
Total Digital Payments
9579 59472 343456 49795 92046 162305

Int. J. Adv. Multidiscip. Res. (2020). 7(8): 83-92

Source: RBI

The most effective way to exponentially increase the payments in the financial year (FY) 2010-11, shrunk
digital payments is to target the generation which is to 3% in the FY 2019-20. This striking shift in
most responsive to technology and digital age7 . Since payment preference has been due to the creation of
India has a large population of millennium children robust electronic payment systems such as RTGS,
(individuals born between 1982 and 2004) or currently NEFT and ECS that has facilitated seamless real time
referred to as the "heads down" generation, the or near real time fund transfers. In addition, this
aptitude for digital products is large. This generation decade has witnessed introduction of innovative
has little brand loyalty and is ready to try out new payment systems that provide instant credit to the
payment systems / channels when the rewards are beneficiary, with the launch of fast payment systems
good. PSPs will have to design products and plans such as IMPS and UPI that are available to consumers
which would help drive and sustain mass adoption and round the clock for undertaking fund transfers, and
engagement. introduction of mobile based payment systems such as
Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS), PPIs to facilitate
The digital revolution is taking the world by storm and payment of bills and purchase of goods and
no other area has witnessed a metamorphosis as has servicesandNationalElectronicTollCollection(NETC)to
been seen in the payment and settlement arena, facilitateelectronic toll payments. The convenience of
resulting in a myriad of payment options for the these payment systems ensured rapid acceptance as
consumer. In the last 10 years, India has witnessed an they provided consumers an alternative to the use of
exponential growth in payment systems and a cash and paper for making payments. The facilitation
significant shift in payment preference. of non-bank FinTech firms in the payment ecosystem
as PPI issuers, BBPOUs and third-party application
The shift in payment preference in the last 10 years is providers in the UPI platform have furthered the
evidenced by the fact that the volume of paper adoption of digital payments in the country.
clearing, which comprised of 60% of total retail

Int. J. Adv. Multidiscip. Res. (2020). 7(8): 83-92

India's payment systems country has resulted in significant shift towards use of
mobile / internet- based payment systems for effecting
The advent of innovative electronic payment systems payments for purchase of goods and services.
that leverage on technology which can be used Introduction of lightweight acceptance infrastructure
through internet and mobile, has led to electronic (QR codes) has further facilitated the use of mobile
payment systems dominating the retail payment space based payments across the country. Data shows that
with around 61% share in terms of volume and 75% low value payments dominate the volume / turnover,
share in terms of value during the FY 2019-20. and products that afford real time, instantaneous
Increased mobile and internet penetration in the transfers are the most preferred modes of payment.

Share of payment systems:

Source: RBI

The last decade, therefore, has seen an explosion of sizeable populace of the country, the endeavour is to
payment systems with consumers having multiple make the payments space a large-volume, low-
options to choose from. In the approach towards average-value and low-cost game for sustained
payment system development in the country, safety presence and continuance.
and security has been of paramount importance to
RBI; followed by efficiency, accessibility, A study on payment systems is incomplete without
affordability and convenience. Payment systems have touching some of the institutions which contributed
always been regarded as a public good and an to the efficacy and efficiency of the systems, notable
ancillary activity of banks which can be leveraged as among them being the Institute for Development and
a base to provide various other services. Given the Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT) and the
Int. J. Adv. Multidiscip. Res. (2020). 7(8): 83-92

National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) which great foresight that RBI not only established these
have contributed to making India's payments institutions but also nurtured them till they were able
ecosystem the showpiece that it is today. It is with to stand on their feet.

Table 2:The Volume of Transactions in Digital Banking

Prepaid Payment
Retail Electronic
Instruments (M-
Year RTGS Clearing
Wallets, PPI Cards,
Paper Vouchers)
2011-12 512.4 30.6
2012-13 55.1 694.1 66.9
2013-14 68.5 1108.3 133.6
2014-15 81.11 1687.4 130
2015-16 92.78 3141.5 310
2016-17 98.34 4222.9 750
2017-18 107.86 3607.59 1960
2018-19 124.46 6374.96 3460
2019-2020 136.63 12463.58 4600
2020-2021 150.7 18578.1 5330
2021-22 159.2 29664.8 4930
Source: RBI
Digital Population in India as of January, 2022
Particulars Number of Users (in Million)
Active internet users 825.30
Active mobile internet users 799
Active social media users 467

Source: TRAI & MEITY

Top 3 devices percentage
mobile phones 75.91%
laptop and desktop 23..67%
tablet 0.42%

Digitalization has made it easier for individuals and monitoring, empowering customers to identify and
businesses to access credit in India. Online loan report any suspicious activities promptly.
applications and digital lending platforms have
simplified the loan approval process, reducing Digitalization has paved the way for the emergence of
paperwork and enabling faster decision-making. This numerous fintech startups in India. These companies
has facilitated credit availability for small and leverage technology to offer innovative financial
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and individuals who products and services, including peer-to-peer lending,
may have struggled to access traditional banking digital payments, robo-advisory, and automated
channels. While security concerns exist in the digital investment platforms. Fintech collaborations with
realm, digitalization has also brought advancements in traditional banks have fostered innovation and brought
banking security measures. Banks have implemented about new customer-centric solutions. Digitalization
robust security protocols, such as two-factor has helped banks reduce operational costs. By moving
authentication, encryption technologies, and fraud transactions and services online, banks can minimize
detection systems, to protect customer information and expenses associated with physical infrastructure, such
transactions. Additionally, digital platforms offer as maintaining brick-and-mortar branches and
features like real-time transaction alerts and account handling cash. The adoption of digital channels has
enabled banks to streamline processes, reduce
Int. J. Adv. Multidiscip. Res. (2020). 7(8): 83-92

paperwork, and achieve cost efficiencies, which can perform various banking operations such as fund
translate into better value for customers. While transfers, bill payments, and account management
digitalization has brought numerous benefits to the with just a few clicks, eliminating the need for
Indian banking system, it has also posed challenges paperwork and reducing processing time.
related to cybersecurity, digital literacy, and data Digitalization has played a crucial role in promoting
privacy. Banks and regulators must continue to financial inclusion in India. With the advent of mobile
address these issues to ensure a secure and inclusive banking and digital wallets, a large segment of the
digital banking ecosystem in India. population that was previously unbanked or under
banked now has access to basic financial services.
Conclusion This has helped in reducing the dependence on cash
transactions and promoting a digital economy.
Digitalization has had a significant impact on the
Indian banking system, transforming various aspects References
of the industry. Here are some key ways in which
digitalization has influenced banking in India; 1. DIGITAL PAYMENTS: Trends, Issues
And Opportunities, report of NitiAayog, July2018
Enhanced Accessibility: Digitalization has made 2. https://www.dsci.in/sites/default/files/Securing-
banking services more accessible to a larger India%E2%80%99s-Digital-Payment-Frontiers.pdf
population. Through internet banking, mobile banking 3. http://www.forbesindia.com/article/weschool/digit
applications, and online platforms, customers can al-revolution-in-the-indiabanking-sector/47811/1
access their accounts, make transactions, and avail 4. https://www.happiestminds.com/wp-n
banking services from anywhere at any time, reducing content/uploads/2016/11/ banking Digitalization-
the need for physical visits to the bank. Convenience Revolution-A-way-forward.pdf
and Efficiency: Digitalization has brought about a 5. http://niti.gov.in/writereaddata/files/Digital%20Pa
significant improvement in the convenience and yments%20-%20Progress%20Report-April.
efficiency of banking processes. Customers can

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How to cite this article:

Ahsan Ahmed. (2020). The Impact of Digitalisation on Indian Banking Sector. Int. J. Adv. Multidiscip. Res.
7(8): 83-92.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22192/ijamr.2020.07.08.013


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