Javascript Assignment Operators
Javascript Assignment Operators
Javascript Assignment Operators
One of the
key features of JavaScript is its ability to assign values to variables using assignment operators. These
operators allow you to assign, modify, and manipulate values in your code. In this article, we will
explore the different assignment operators in JavaScript and how to use them effectively.
The basic assignment operator (=) is used to assign a value to a variable. It is the most commonly
used assignment operator in JavaScript. For example:
var x = 10;
This assigns the value 10 to the variable x. You can also use this operator to assign the value of one
variable to another variable:
var y = x;
The addition assignment operator (+=) is used to add a value to a variable and assign the result to the
same variable. For example:
x += 5;
The subtraction assignment operator (-=) is used to subtract a value from a variable and assign the
result to the same variable. For example:
x -= 3;
The multiplication assignment operator (*=) is used to multiply a variable by a value and assign the
result to the same variable. For example:
x *= 2;
The division assignment operator (/=) is used to divide a variable by a value and assign the result to
the same variable. For example:
x /= 4;
The modulus assignment operator (%=) is used to find the remainder after dividing a variable by a
value and assign the result to the same variable. For example:
x %= 2;
This is equivalent to x = x % 2; and will result in the value of x being the remainder after
dividing by 2.
Assignment operators are essential in JavaScript for assigning and modifying values in your code.
They provide a convenient and efficient way to manipulate variables. If you want to learn more about
JavaScript and how to use assignment operators, we recommend checking out for
helpful resources and tutorials. Happy coding!
December 2022 (85) The delete Operator Jira (10) Break Time – 10 minutes All copyrights reserved
by C.C. Cheung 2003. Package Management (4) Using the confirm() Method • This box is used to
give the user a choice either OK or Cancel. • It is very similar to the “alert()” method. • You can also
put your message in the method. All copyrights reserved by C.C. Cheung 2003. Prometheus (11)
The subtraction assignment operator (-=) allows you to decrease the left variable by the right value.
The biggest advantage of this operator is that it allows you to write cleaner code. April 2022 (98)
This shorthand operator is the same as a = a >>> b. It does a zero-filled right shift and assigns the
right-side variables’ values and to the right side variable. 10. ‹#› Unary
operators Name Description + Converts its operand to Number type - Converts its operand to
Number type and then negates it ++exp Increment the value by one and store back in variable.
Returns new incremented value --exp Decrement the value by one and store back in variable. Returns
new decremented value exp++ Returns the old value. Increment the value by one and store back in
variable. exp-- Returns the old value. Decrement the value by one and store back in variable. What
do you think about these new operators being added to JavaScript? Do you like them/hate them? Let
us know in the comments section below! In this case, the variable on the left is divided by the right-
hand operand. The remainder from this division is assigned back to the left-side variable. JavaScript
Source File • SRC– specifies the location of an external script • TYPE– specifies the scripting
language of the script • LANGUAGE– specifies the scripting language of the script • TYPE and
LANGUAGE have a similar function, we use LANGUAGE to specify the language used in the script
All copyrights reserved by C.C. Cheung 2003. Logical NOT: true if the operand is false and vice-
versa. This operator doesn't have much practical usage in the real world, although they are not
useless. But, this is something you are not going to use daily. In computers, the numbers are stored in
binary format. Bitwise operators work on 32-bit numbers. January 2022 (16) April (2) Similarly, in
computer programming, an operator refers to a character that tells the machine to perform a particular
operation. For example, the (+) sign is used to add two numerical values. In any programming
language, this (+) sign is an operator that performs the task of adding two values. The preceding
script segment displays two alert boxes with the following strings: The assignment operator is one of
the simplest to understand in JavaScript. All this operator does is assign the right-side value to the
variable on the left side of the operator. var y; // Variable with no value February 2013 (1)
Monday Exam on Web Dev and Data Comm Study Guides on D2L Bring Small Scantron.
Introduction to JavaScript. Why Do We Need JavaScript. With HTML and CSS your web site can’t:
Accept user input Perform arithmetic operations Can’t alter their actions based on a logic
Bamboo (12) November 2018 (9) November 2020 (48) VSS (4) document.write(typeof(x)+"
"); // Return number November 2022 (72)
March 2011 (1) The void operator, like typeof, is quite extraordinary. It specifies an expression to be
evaluated without returning a value. Take a look at the following script: Lifetime Access April 2019
(2) The followings are the assignment operator in javascript: The exponential assignment operator
**= assigns the result of exponentiation to the left operand after exponentiating the value of the left
operand by the value of the right operand. September 2021 (50) November 2014 (2) URelease (1)
This assignment operator is working based on the right hand side operand logic. This logic resultant
will be saved in the left hand side operand variable. 32. ‹#› Primitive
data type (Number) Position Bit No of Bits Value 31 0 30 0 29 0 28 0 27 0 26 0 25 0 24 0 23 0 22 0
21 0 20 0 19 0 18 0 17 0 16 0 15 0 14 0 13 0 12 0 11 0 10 0 9 0 8 0 7 0 6 0 5 0 4 0 3 1 2 1 1 0 0 1 ●
Integers are like whole numbers, but allow negative numbers and no fraction ● An example of 1310
in 32 bit system would be January (2) document.write(x > 4 && y > 7) // Return True Because
both the conditions are True Gitlab (14) Code Coverage (7) The bitwise XOR assignment operator
^= assigns the result of bitwise XOR to the left operand after XORing the value of the left operand
by the value of the right operand. It evaluates division first in the above example, followed by
multiplication because both the operators have the same precedence. Hence the expression is
evaluated from left to right. Here + is an operator that performs addition, and x and y are operands.
TFS (2) Common calculations include finding the sum of two numbers, combining two strings, or
dividing two numbers. Some common comparisons might be to find out if two values are equal or to
see if one value is greater than the other. A shortcut assignment operator might be used to assign a
new value to a variable so that the variable name does need to be typed twice. December 2019 (33)
Display Floating Point Number • toFixed() function • Example: var number = 2; document.writeln(“
”; • Result: 2.00 February 2012 (2) May 2018 (7) August 2014 (8) Lifetime Access With this, you
have reached the end of this "Operators in JavaScript" tutorial. Package Management (4) JavaScript
provides an operator to check the data type of its operand. The operand can be either a literal or a
data structure such as a variable, a function, or an object. The operator returns the data type. The
expression includes the word typeof followed by the literal or identifier. Here are some examples:
Virtualization (8) In this example, we will start by declaring a variable with the name “x“, and
assign it the value of 10. But it is not! There is a subtle difference. Nexus (1) Arithmetic operators
are used to perform arithmetic between variables and/or values. Ansible (57) Senior Software
Developer at Cotocus Pvt. Ltd. **Note: The (+) operator in JavaScript is also used to concatenate
two Strings. You'll get to know more about it in upcoming sections. Assignment operators are used
to assign any particular values to variables. For example, CATEGORIES Following are the examples
of assignment operator in java script are given below: July 2018 (1) With Live Class Programs For
the XOR gate, the value will be true only when 1 of the two values is true. If both values are true,
then the final value will be false. Implementation of string operators. var age = 20; //Age of
person is 20 The left shift assignment operator <<= assigns the result of the left shift to the left
operand after shifting the value of the left operand by the value of the right operand. Archive 2000+
Hour of HD Videos Note: A truthy value is a value that is considered true when encountered in a
boolean context. The latest version of ECMAScript introduced three new logical assignment
operators: nullish, AND, and OR operators. These are supported from Firefox 79 onwards, Chrome
85 onwards, and naturally there is no IE support but since Edge is now chromium based, it is
available there too. They are not available in Node.js quite yet either. February (16) 29. ‹#› The void operator ● The void operator is used to evaluate a
JavaScript expression without returning a value Syntax : void (expression) void expression
DevSecOps (14) Trainers (10) September 2015 (8) Verifiable Certificates To showcase this, we will
start the example script by defining a variable called “x” and assigning it the value “5“. JavaScript:
Introduction to Scripting. COMP 205 - Week 4 Dr. Chunbo Chu. Overview. JavaScript Syntax
Functions Objects Document Object Model Dynamic HTML. JavaScript. JavaScript is a scripting
language A scripting language is a lightweight programming language
dart (1) Configuration Management Tools (16) var x = (age >=18) ? "Old enough" : "Too
Young"; // variable x will hold the value AnthillPro (1) console.log(x**=y); // Returns x =
x**y var x = 5; // Declaring variable x May (150) Vagrant (1) document.write(typeof(y)); // Returns
undefined //comparing c with different values April (1) Lifetime Access JavaScript: Introduction to
Scripting . Part:2. 6.4.1 Dynamic Welcome Page (cont.). Keywords are words with special meaning
in JavaScript Keyword var Used to declare the names of variables A variable is a location in the
computer’s memory where a value can be stored for use by a script Hacking & Security (2) The
remainder assignment operator divides a left operand by the value of the right operand and assigns
the remainder to the left operand. Here's How to Land a Top Software Developer Job 120+ Online
Courses 41. ‹#› Bitwise operator (8-bit system examples) Operator
Example Same as Result Same as & 5 & 1 0000 0101 & 0000 0001 1 0000 0001 | 5 | 2 0000 0101 |
0000 0010 7 0000 0111 ~ ~ 5 ~0000 0101 -6 1111 1010 ^ 5 ^ 1 0000 0101 ^ 0000 0001 4 0000 0100
<< 5 << 2 0000 0101 << 2 20 0001 0100 >> -5 >> 2 1111 1011 >> 2 -2 1111 1110 >>> -5 >>> 2
1111 1011 >>> 2 62 0011 1110 document.write("Decrement = "+(x--)+"
"); May 2021 (44) In this case, the variable on the left is divided by the right-hand operand. The
remainder from this division is assigned back to the left-side variable. document.write("
");// Using
for space. This assignment operator is working based on the right hand side operand logic. This logic
resultant will be saved in the left hand side operand variable. document.write(x); // Return "Old
enough" The function evaluates to the quotient of its arguments, with the remainder discarded. The
sign of the result is the sign of the quotient. 1050+ Courses It is important to remember that Boolean
expressions are equivalent to 1 and 0 in certain situations. The following statements show the effect
of incrementing Boolean variables: Real Time Scenario: In general, if we want to add the same
variable to other variables then we use a=a+b. But we have other alternative way to write the same
logic with the same result by using assignment operator a+=b. Chapter 13 - JavaScript/JScript:
Introduction to Scripting. Outline
Artificial Intelligence (10) October 2009 (9) How to assign values to a variable, and do basic math
assignment. Number of users: 36 ISO 10004:2018 & ISO 9001:2015 Certified Incident and Bug
Tracking Systems (2) Hexadecimal notation is convenient for representing binary data because each
hexadecimal digit represents four binary bits. Bitwise operators enable the scripter to work on
individual bits. The bitwise (bit) javascript operators are listed in Table Big Data (15) September
2023 (232) Introduction to JavaScript. Topics. What is JavaScript? Why JavaScript? Including
JavaScript in HTML Hello World Example Script JavaScript Comments. What is JavaScript?.
Created by Netscape Originally called LiveWire then LiveScript Primarily, a client-side scripting
language document.write(x < 7 || y > 8); // Return true because one condition holds true March (2)
typeof operator • It is an unary operator. • Return either: Number, string, Boolean, object, function,
undefined, null All copyrights reserved by C.C. Cheung 2003. Training (70) Issue-Bug Tracking
System (5) Strict not equal to: true if the operands are equal but of different type or not equal at all
var flag = false; // Boolean Value Github (13) Introduction to JavaScript. Topics. What is
JavaScript? Why JavaScript? Including JavaScript in HTML Hello World Example Script JavaScript
Comments. What is JavaScript?. Created by Netscape Originally called LiveWire then LiveScript A
client-side scripting language What it is? It is NOT Java It is NOT Server-side programming Users
can see code It is a client-side programming tool It is embedded within an HTML page JavaScript is
case-sensitive What it does? Allows interactive computing at the client level Supported by IE,
Netscape, Firefox, etc. Dynamically changes HTML Reacts to events Read and write HTML
elements Validates data JavaScript INTRODUCTION TO JAVASCRIPT. JAVASCRIPT. JavaScript
is used in millions of Web pages to improve the design, validate forms, detect browsers, create
cookies, and much more. 22. ‹#› The delete operator ● The delete
operator removes an object's property completely ● Delete operator removes an element from array;
array length does not get affected ● The operator returns true on successful deletion, else false will
be returned Prometheus (11) Bit Manipulation operators • Perform operations on the bit
representation of a value, such as shift left or right. All copyrights reserved by C.C. Cheung 2003.
CS 345. Introduction to JavaScript. Vitaly Shmatikov. What’s a Scripting Language?. Language
used to write programs that compute inputs to another language processor One language embedded
in another Embedded JavaScript computes HTML input to the browser August (1) By running this
example, you will see how the “x” variable is assigned the value of 10 modulus 8 (2). December
2015 (4) Build Management & Tools (5)