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NIM : 200202722



1. Understanding Obesity

Obesity or very fat is a condition where fat accumulates or accumulates in

adipose tissue which can disrupt health. It is also called obesity if a person's body
weight is 20% greater than the normal weight according to their height and age. The
impacts that can be caused by someone who is obese include insulin resistance which
can cause hyperinsulinemia, glucose intolerance or diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and
hypertension. Obesity is excess fat in the body, which is generally deposited in the
subcutaneous tissue (under the skin), around the body's organs and sometimes
extends into the organ tissue (Misnadierly, 2017).
According to Myers (2018), someone is said to be obese if their body fat cells
increase or enlarge. Obesity is a condition that shows an imbalance between height
and weight due to fat tissue in the body resulting in excess body weight that
exceeds the ideal size (Sumanto, 2020). Obesity can occur because of an imbalance.
Obesity is a body condition where there is excess fat content in adipose tissue .
Physiologically, obesity is defined as a condition with abnormal or excessive fat
accumulation in adipose tissue so that it disrupts a person's health (Sugondo, 2019).
Obesity can occur over a period of time where the body absorbs more kilocalories
through food than is used to meet the body's energy needs. The excess energy will
be stored as triglyceride compounds in fat tissue (Sherwood, 2020). Risk factors

because obesity is an increase in diabetes, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular

disorders and some cancers (Agustin, 2018).
According toWHOObesity is an event where there is excessive fat
accumulation that is more than normal limits, excessive fat accumulation in a
person will cause disease. It can be concluded that obesity is a body condition in
which there is excessive or abnormal fat accumulation which can result in a person
experiencing problems with their body's health.

2. Causes of Obesity

There are several researchers who explain the causes of obesity, namely as follows
A. According to Firman (Richard, 2012), there are 6 factors that cause obesity in a
person's body. However, most of the causes are genetic factors and other factors which
are environmental factors (such as lack of physical activity, lifestyle, socio-economic and
nutritional factors and diet). The factors that cause obesity are as follows: 1). Genetic
Heredity turns out to be a big factor in someone becoming obese. As many
as 80% of obese people have both parents who are also obese. As many as 40% of
obese people have only one parent who is obese. Only 14% of obese people have
both obese parents. Genetic factors are divided into three (3), namely:

a. Parental fatness: The hereditary factor of parents who have a history of obesity will be passed
on to their children even when they are babies and there is around an 80% chance that it
will persist into adulthood.
b. Disruption of the leptin signaling pathway: Leptin resistance is common and is
associated with obesity. The function of leptin is to suppress appetite, thereby
reducing food consumption and ultimately weight loss. Leptin works
by inhibiting Neuropeptide Y (NPY) signals (appetite stimulants) and stimulating the
release of melanocortin signals (appetite suppressants). In leptin resistance, the
brain does not detect leptin signals which function to reduce appetite.
c. Specific genes that regulate obesity: In experimental animals that were obese, a
mutation was found in an ob gene (Leoob). Mutations in this gene caused
hunger and satiety signals to be disrupted and mice tended to eat more due to
mutations in this gene. Several genes can also cause very severe obesity, such
as mutations in the gene that codes for propiomelanocortin (POMC), mutations
in this gene cause failure in the synthesis of α melanocyte-stimulating hormone
which has the function of suppressing appetite.

2). Physical activity factor

The main factor of energy expenditure is a person's physical activity.
Technological progress is one of the factors that causes a person's lack of physical
activity, for example with the invention of motorized vehicles, many people are
reluctant to go somewhere on foot or by bicycle. With advances in technology,
children's activities have also decreased, children spend more time in front of
computers and television. In obese children
physical activity will also tend to decrease, this is because it takes a lot of energy to
carry out an activity. Apart from that, in children who are super obese, when they
move, there will be friction between the two groins so that the child tends to reduce
their activity. Obesity occurs due to lack of physical activity which results in excess
energy. This excess energy will be stored by the body for a long period of time,
becoming fat tissue which will accumulate in the body. Physical activity is defined as
body movement, especially muscles, that require energy and exercise is a form of
physical activity. Recommendations from Physical Activity and Health state that
moderate physical activity should be done for around 20-30 minutes or more a
Moderate physical activity includes walking, jogging, swimming and cycling.
Physical activity carried out every day is beneficial not only for achieving a healthy body
condition but is also beneficial for mental health, entertainment and preventing stress.
Low physical activity is the main factor that influences obesity. Children who do not
exercise regularly have a risk of obesity of 1.35 times compared to children who
exercise regularly. Apart from that, it turns out that children who don't exercise
regularly tend to have higher energy intake than children who exercise regularly. Food
and physical activity can influence the emergence of obesity both together and
individually (Ayu, 2011).
There is a relationship between obesity and genetic factors, dietary factors, lack of movement or
exercise, and school and family environmental factors (Dian, 2011). There is a relationship between
diet and obesity and there is also a relationship between physical activity and obesity. The
relationship between diet and physical activity and obesity is 80.1%, while the remaining 19.9% is
influenced by other factors (Luthfiana Arifatul Hudha, 2006).
3). Nutritional factors and diet
The body needs balanced nutrition in the body. However, it is very common for
us to find that someone cannot control every food intake and the amount of energy
that enters the body. Excess nutritional content, especially carbohydrates, fat and
protein, will be stored in the body as fat reserves. A diet that is not balanced and
appropriate for consuming junk food and fast foods encourages an increase in fat
deposits, this is because the content of junk foods and fast foods contains around
40-50% fat. The tendency to consume more formula milk
fast can also result in the emergence of obesity, reducing the consumption of fruit,
vegetables and other fibrous foods is also a factor that triggers the emergence of
obesity. Negative influences (related to excessive food intake) can cause or worsen
obesity and positive influences (adequate food intake) can reduce the possibility of
obesity. Eating patterns that change with the times are suspected to be a factor that
often triggers the emergence of obesity. The decline in the price of vegetable oil
and sugar is one factor, with easy access to these food ingredients there will be an
increase in energy consumption. The world population is currently becoming higher
and the per capita income of each country is starting to increase. This causes
people to increasingly consume sugar, fat (especially from junk food), and animal
products so that their intake of complex carbohydrates and fiber decreases,
resulting in an increase in energy consumption. If the increase in energy
consumption is not balanced with appropriate energy expenditure, a positive
energy balance will occur, meaning that the remaining energy will be stored and
this is a factor in obesity. Apart from that, the level of stress due to work also affects
a person's eating habits, a person who is stressed tends to eat more so that energy
balance will occur in this case if it is not balanced with appropriate energy
expenditure. Therefore, a person's eating behavior is the easiest factor to control so
that through this factor obesity can be prevented. Eating behaviors that can cause
obesity include the following.

a. Uncontrolled frequency of eating snacks. Eating snacks between meals can

indeed prevent hypoglycemia, but consuming snacks while watching television or
after a main meal can cause a significant increase in energy consumption. Not
only the frequency, the content of the ingredients in the snack is also a factor.

b. Eat outside the house. Food that can be obtained outside the home tends to have
higher levels of energy, fat, saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium than home-
cooked food. Apart from that, the portions of food served are usually larger and
do not suit each individual's portion. Larger portions increase energy
consumption per day, resulting in energy balance and triggering obesity.
c. The composition of the food content is not appropriate. The composition of food
content plays an important role in the process of obesity. Foods that contain high
levels of saturated fat can potentially cause obesity and other diseases. Foods
that contain artificial sugar have a high glycemic index so that the hunger
process becomes faster and a person will eat again in a short time. The lack of
complex carbohydrates and fiber also quickly triggers hunger so that people
tend to eat at close intervals too.
4). Socioeconomic
Socioeconomics can influence a person's lifestyle. Even though you have a
high lifestyle, not paying attention to one's health will have a negative impact on
one's life. Someone can easily get various types of consumption

delicious but not necessarily healthy nowadays with the ease of existing technology. 5).
Health factors
Examples of health factors that cause obesity include:
a. Suffering from hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is a disease that causes the
process of burning calories to slow down, resulting in weight gain and
b. Nervous disorders that can cause a person to consume food with
large amount.
c. Consuming drugs such as anti-depressants and steroids. These drugs can
cause significant weight gain.
6). Psychological factors.
Obesity can occur due to the impact of channeling emotions by consuming
excess food. Stress is one of a person's psychological factors that can influence
weight gain. The act of laughing at, annoying, playing with, and ridiculing obese
people causes them to increasingly withdraw from social interactions and physical
activity. So the lack of physical activity will result in significant weight gain.

B. According to Misnadiarly (2007), age and gender factors can influence obesity in
general in middle age, but it cannot be denied that obesity can occur at any age. A
person who has been obese since childhood tends to remain obese as a teenager
and adult.

3. Prevention and Control of Obesity

The Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control of the Indonesian Ministry of
Health (2017) in the Archipelago Movement to Suppress Obesity (GENTAS) determined that
there are four (4) important things that a person must do in preventing and controlling obesity.
These four things are as follows:
1). Setting correct food consumption patterns
Arranging an appropriate diet to reduce and control obesity can be done in
the following ways. For food consumption patterns, it is best to use a T-shaped
dinner plate. This dinner plate model can regulate the consumption of vegetables
twice as much as foods that contain carbohydrates. The amount of food containing
protein consumed is the same as the amount of food containing carbohydrates. The
amount of fruit consumed is at least the same as the amount of food consumed as
a source of carbohydrates or food as a source of protein.

2). Daily physical activity

Actively move every day according to your ability and body condition. The
main principle in physical activity in someone who is obese is to increase energy use
and fat burning. Physical activity and physical exercise are an inseparable part of
therapy for losing weight and maintaining an ideal body weight.

In general, physical activity is divided into three activities, namely: a.

Light physical activity
Light physical activity does not use much force and does not cause changes
in breathing. When doing light physical activity, a person can still carry out singing
and speaking activities. The energy produced if someone does this physical activity
is <3.5 cal/minute. Examples of these activities are: taking a leisurely walk, doing
homework, office work, making crafts, drawing, playing billiards, etc.

b. Moderate physical activity

Moderate physical activity will produce a little sweat, increase heart rate and
make breathing frequency faster, but if someone does moderate activity they can
still talk but can no longer sing. The energy produced when doing this physical
exercise is between 3.5 – 7 calories/minute.
Examples of moderate physical activity are: walking fast (speed 5 km/hour) on a flat road, taking
a leisurely walk, walking the dog, cleaning the grass, mopping the floor, gardening, washing the
car, playing bowling, volleyball, badminton, skateboarding, sailing and etc.
c. Heavy physical activity
Heavy physical activity will cause the body to sweat a lot, make the heart rate
very high and the respiratory rate increases so much that you can almost run out of
breath. Strenuous physical activity can produce energy
> 7 cal/minute. Examples of activities in this category are: housework such as moving
furniture, digging, lifting, playing with children, cycling at a speed of 15 km/hour on
climbing terrain, walking very fast (more than 5 km/hour), jogging at a minimum speed
8 km/hour, running and others. The recommended physical activity can be done
regularly for
One can prevent and control obesity by doing moderate physical activity for at least
150 minutes per week or doing vigorous activity for at least 75 minutes per week or
a combination of both.
3). physical training
Physical exercise is a structured, regular, planned and continuous body activity
carried out repeatedly with the aim of improving health and physical fitness. Physical
exercise is useful for preventing and overcoming obesity as long as it is done according
to good, correct, measurable and regular principles. Physical exercise can be applied in
four aspects, namely regular exercise frequency 3-5 times per week or if possible 5-7
times per week, moderate exercise intensity in accordance with maximum heart rate, a
person can still talk during physical exercise but not sing and type of exercise The
physical exercise carried out is aerobic type exercise.
4). Enjoy the day
One should enjoy his days with enjoyable activities such as
recreation, hobbies, holidays with family, worship and enough sleep. Enjoying life
can also be done by doing whatever actions or methods that you like and that can
make you happy and happy. For example, going for a walk or healing to a place you
have never visited before with your family, friends, girlfriend or you can do it by just
going for a walk alone. Small examples of things you can do to enjoy the day are
shopping, playing, fishing for those who like fishing and swimming for those who
like swimming. All these things can be done to enjoy every day. The purpose of
enjoying the day is to make yourself relaxed and peaceful so you don't feel anxious
or stressed about yourself. Because stress can also cause obesity, therefore it is
very necessary for individuals to enjoy life so as not to cause stress to themselves or
not cause obesity that is not expected by themselves.

5). Exercise regularly

Sport is a form of physical activity that should be a necessity for every
individual and can be done by everyone. In this modern life, humans really need
exercise. We can do various types of exercise to keep the body healthy and at the
same time prevent or overcome the problem of obesity, for example by playing
football, basketball, swimming, badminton, volleyball, tennis, and so on. However,
there is one sport that is currently popular and quite popular without using
expensive equipment and can be done anytime and anywhere. The sport is jogging.
Jogging is a form of exercise that is easy to do and also cheap. Jogging does not
require expensive special equipment, just by using running shoes and clothes that
easily absorb sweat, jogging can be done comfortably. Jogging is also possible
carried out in various places, such as in the field, jogging track, fitness center, or on the
road. Apart from that, jogging can also be done in the morning, afternoon, evening and
even at night. However, to get the best benefits for the body, jogging should be done in
the morning. This activity can be a fun activity and is no longer done alone, but can also
be done with friends or with the community. There are 8 types of jogging according to
Mutmainah (2017), namely:
(1). Recovery Run
Recovery run is a short distance run at low speed and the most relaxing among
other runs. The goal is to get the body fitter and used to running while considering
recovery. This type of running is usually done immediately after a long distance run, such as
an interval run. This run should be done as relaxed as possible.
(2). Base Run
This is a type of short-medium distance running. The goal is to build body endurance.
This exercise is needed regularly so that the body becomes more flexible, has the ability to
breathe, running technique, and a good heart rate.
(3). Long Run
Long run is a type of base run with a longer time. When doing a long run, you are
required to run for a long time so that the body does not feel tired. Long runs can train
stamina. The distance and duration of long runs are usually adjusted to each person's
ability and endurance.
(4). Progressive Run
This type of running begins with a base run with increasing speed as time
increases. The highest speed is at the end and this is the challenge.

(5). Interval Run

Interval running is perfect for those who want to train speed, stamina and
endurance at the same time. During exercise, this exercise can combine full speed,
walking slowly, and staying in place. Staying in place is the right time to make your
body regain stamina again. The advantage is that the body can avoid the excessive
fatigue experienced by runners during high-speed running during training.
(6). Fartlek
The word "fartlek" comes from Swedish which means speed game. This is a type of running that
combines base runs with interval runs without any particular structure. When fartlek, you can set your own
speed and distance. This running is quite effective in increasing the body's resistance to fatigue at the
beginning of the long distance running training cycle.
(7). Hill Repeats
This is a type of running on a hill or track with a slope of 4-6%. This type of
exercise can train strength, breathing ability and stamina at high intensity. (8). Tempo
Tempo runs are performed at a higher speed than base runs but are constant.
Running speed in this sport can be increased every time you practice. The aim of this
exercise is to maintain speed for a minimum of 20-60 minutes continuously, according
to physical ability when running.

Directorate General of Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (2012).

Implementation Guide for the Archipelago Movement to Suppress Obesity (GENTAS). Jakarta:
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia.

Misnadierly. (2017).Obesity Nursing Research Methods Data Analysis.

Jakarta : Salemba Medical

Richard. (2017).Management of Control of Non-Communicable Diseases.

Jakarta : Rineka Cipta.

Sherewood, Sunita., Soetardjo, Susirah., Soekatri, Moesijanti. (2020).Balanced nutrition

in the Life Cycle.Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Sugondo. (2013).Obesity Nursing Research Methods. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta 2013

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