Gypsy Jazz Licks-Volume 1

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YOzitten nnd comyilcd by P a u l A e a d e z and X o 6 i n


S w e e t Cjcoi5ia 73iown Chan5es, Cicks

- 1.


5. ....................... 30

~ L j ~ i p m e n t A m m u ~ i t i o ................... . . and f~ . ................................ 36 .

C o n c e p t , ' B e s i p , C a y o r ~ t C t e x t , 'ZSZP - P a u l fieades , C o u e t a ~ ~ n s i d e l l r ~ s t t a t i o n sC a z o l y n R i d s d a l e d ~ 13NC 7:;nu6Lishinq, 2003, fimstezdavri, ' T h e N e t h e ~ l a n d s

RACES C o p y t i 5 h t O f i l l ti5hts zesezved

Welcome to Ljypsy $xz Cicks. q h i s book pzesents a collection oif licks played ove? #ive q$ the $enri: most populawtanda?ds. Cike all gieat licks they have stood the test O# time, evdving, passin5 $70,: pldyct to playe~,ofien oai$inatin$ in a distant 'ajango phtase ifrom a aecoadinq some #i#tyyeaas 450.

T h e #ive sets O# choad chanqes wc have chosen atle {eatuted in the ji'tst book oif our &psy ,/la;: P l a y along seaies (sec pa5e 38.) S i v a licks are played ove? a chorus each oif these hatmo~li pro5ressiuns a t 60th a slow and medium tempo. W h e n you jeel com#ortable with a lick yor~cap t a y tutninq the balance dial on youa steteo t o the tiqht aiid that will dade orkt the solo guitri7

Eeifore you be5in soloin? over the these pntlticular c h a q e s it i s A sood idea t o reuiew y o u ~ Gyp% g a z z ahythm playinfj. you need t o be able t o heaa and sec the telationship betwecn the chords ah. the soloin5 ideas that are p~esented.3t is the q y p s y a a z z c h o ~ d#ingezin5s and unique uoiciri~ that $ive the $ente it's distinctive sound. Qhese cho~dal inversions sug9cst a di##erent kind O# sol ing # ~ o m othetl jazz SuitAtl styles oiften emphasixing the 6th and 9th toiies within the harmony.

cthe m o ~ e pldyers you see solinq in the style O# CJypsy a z z the mote you iealize thnt theie is no set a #in5eriii5 pattean oz system used t u 5enetnte the o#ten awesome soloing techiiique and iluid if~cility witnessed ntound the metapho'tical camp#ire. ~ T O Y Y B j a n $ o S ma4ical 2 #in$ms and a thumb to I RiveLi's 4 #ingea wixarday and eveay othes 5ypsy jazzes in between, the ifaetboaad is open tu limitlcss intetptctation. T h e desite t u conquer it is r~niueisal, how you $et theae is teally u p tu you.
you aie a 5 u i t a t i s t new t o G y p s y g a z z you atle invaaiably cornin5 ifrovvi anothet 5 ~ i t

style where you have nlrcady inuested time lenanin5 a #ingea6oard appaoach. <Zhe thin5 y o don't want t o have t o do is t e - l e a ~ n siii51e note #iii5erin5 technique j r ~ s tt u enjoy the w;r*sic a 74pply what you alteadil knom. 7 0 h a t wotks #or you i s 6y jar the bcst way t u appaouch th, m u s i c . 3t 1311 irons itselif o u t ajter a couple O# thousand houes.

C h e same can be said #or the pick hand. U s e down strokes, u p stnokes a n d / o t a combination O; both. 3 n time yout own personnel technique will deuelop and you m o n t evcn thirik about the pick ZOhat i s com#oatable and what wozks $0'1you niill6e the ri5ht way. q h e Test i s just prnctice.


g y p s y gazz is indebted t o D j a n p Reinhaadt and Steyhane giappelli #oi th; minoa blues chaqes and this son5 still stands alone as the most played, morr ieqrxested standavd in the qefite. Cick 1. is a c h s i c g u z yhiase in Pminot. J t is made up O# only ei&t notes and piuyed ouea only two sttinqs. 3t is ueiy simpk to h a f i and wotks wU at a fast tempo. e


Guitar tablature


gn the example on paqe 7. haue applied Cick 1 . t o euety two bats O$ the 16 bat we minor 61ues 6oti.m. Ey simple melodic adjustment Cick 1. fits ovea the flminoi chozd, the Dmirioz chozd and the 27 choad. 3% 6i5$ea haimonic pictuie these the choids iepiesent O n e , 3 o u a and S i u e of the dminoa scale (the blues). A s with any 2ood tick it all comes down to two basic iequiaements. One; the lick has t o haue a hi? swinqinq ahythm pattein and Ctwo; it has t a #it hatmonically ouei the choid chanqes. Without 60th 08 these #~ctoas workinli t o p t h e i it simply won't become a lick. Cicks stand the test 06 time. Cthq $et passed on as common cuaiency {tom muician t o musician and bccome patt


the basic languae O# the music.

Guitar tablature

8 L L

b 9 8

9 L V L

P b 9 S 9 9

6 8 L L

9 L V L

V P 9 9 9

D a t k Z y e s , C u e x y e u x Noizs, the gypsy antheux is second only t o flinoa S w i n 5 as the most played Gypy gazz standatd in the tepeztoiie.

Cick 1.

Guitar tablature

Zick I . is anothei classic GYpsY gazr phiase this time ovei an f i 7 . 3t is made ap O# only eight notes and played ovet only thiee stiin5s. Cthe simple choid changes 06 D a t k Z y e s make it a velry populalr jam tune. J t is often played nt tempos O# 300 6.p.m. and apwaids. q h a t ' s when licks like this one come in handy. Django iecotded the song sevetal times duiing his caieei and his 1947 electiic suitat solo is 61x11 06 amazin5 ideas and juicy licks.



Guitar tablature





Cick 4. (page 16) is a lick that uses a diminished choid taiad (sec the above diagtam). 'Zhis deuice is vezy e##ective and you will heai it played time and time again in the gypsy jazz style. Ey moving this ttiad shapc u p the neck 3 iiets at a time you can build vety staong musical tension ovei the domlnant 7 t h cholrd.

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