Business Continuity Management Report-KPMG
Business Continuity Management Report-KPMG
Business Continuity Management Report-KPMG
The Euro and Its Central Bank
The Euro and Its Central Bank
Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa
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Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso.
The euro and its central bank : getting united after the union /
Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-262-16222-9 (alk. paper)
1. Euro. 2. European Central Bank. 3. Monetary policy—European Union
countries. I. Title.
HG925.P33 2004
332.4¢94—dc22 2003070615
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
To Paolo Baffi and Franco Modigliani
Preface ix
Acknowledgments xix
7 The Eurosystem in the Global Arena: A New Actor in a New Play 139
7.1 The Euro outside Euroland 139
7.2 Fall and Rise of the Euro 143
7.3 Three Floating Currencies 147
7.4 Pegs and Corners 151
7.5 The Euro as an Anchor 154
7.6 Cooperation for Financial Stability 157
Abbreviations 183
Notes 185
Bibliography 231
Index 243
This book goes to the press thirty-five years after I entered the profession
of central banking, which I have practiced almost without interruption. I
was hired by the Bank of Italy in 1968, and in the 1980s and 1990s my
work involved active participation in the making of the European mone-
tary union. In 1998 I joined the European Central Bank to serve a yet to
come currency and an institution that almost no one expected to see
evolve from the rarefied empyrean of utopian projects to the bumpy
ground of factual reality.
The main purpose of this book is to offer a guided tour of the euro and
its central bank (the Eurosystem) to readers who, due to the novelty of the
enterprise, are unfamiliar with it. It is to be expected that people’s infor-
mation about institutions adjusts slowly, and that any profound change
takes time to become common knowledge. My purpose is to explain in
simple terms the euro, the structure and activities of its central bank, its
economy, the financial system to which it refers, its monetary policy, the
way its monetary policy interacts with the overall process of economic
policy, and its international dimension. The historical process that led to
the adoption of a single currency is reviewed in the first chapter. The main
challenges facing this young institution, today and for the years to come,
are identified throughout the course of the book and specifically addressed
in the final chapter.
Although the guided tour is limited to the territory of Europe, the road
map used is a general paradigm of what I believe central banking involves.
I gradually developed this, not quite standard, belief over the course of my
banking career, when searching for a single and consistent conceptual
order in which all the activities of a central bank would have their place.
To each of these multiple activities—from monetary analysis and policy,
to banknote printing and handling, to market operations, banking super-
x Preface
vision, payment systems, relations with other policies and other public
institutions, and international cooperation—I had been assigned at differ-
ent stages of my professional life. And for some of these functions I had
discovered that I lacked the powerful support of a university background
I had for monetary policy, because these activities were scarcely treated
both by the literature and by ordinary textbooks on money and banking.
Indeed, what I had not realized as a young economist and only came to
understand through practice is how much central banking is about issues
other than monetary policy.
As I explain in chapter 2, the paradigm proposed is drawn from the three-
stage evolution of modern central banks over the last two hundred years.
This evolution began with the invention of a new medium of exchange—
paper currency replacing, but backed by, gold. It continued with the devel-
opment of commercial bank money (deposits replacing, but backed by,
banknotes) and culminated when the currency severed all links with a
precious metal to back its value.
The monetary system emerging from this evolution is one in which the
currency has no other value than its purchasing power, which is in turn
exclusively based on trust, whence the expression fiduciary money. The
stock of money is composed by liabilities of both the central bank and
commercial banks, and its total is determined by the response of a profit-
driven market to the policy-driven action of the central bank.
Modern central banks are the institutions in charge of the public
interests associated with the currency in a regime of fiduciary money.
Central banking thus consists of a range of highly interdependent activi-
ties, whereby the public interest involved in currency-related matters is
pursued. Such activities have technical and policy aspects and are strongly
influenced by institutions. No doubt, they involve economic analysis in
the first place, but cannot be fully understood if their legal, technological,
organizational, and political dimensions are not considered.
The three historical stages have generated and shaped the triadic
configuration whereby any central bank operates for the functioning of
payment circuits, the stability of the banking system, and the conduct of
monetary policy. And it is worth noting that the three activities are respec-
tively related to the three well-known functions of money as medium of
exchange (an efficient payment system), store of value (the safety of bank
deposits), and unit of account (the stability of prices).
There are reasons why the European experience provides a very conve-
nient case for expounding the central bank paradigm I’ve outlined above.
Indeed, in the move from the old ground of the nation-state to the still
Preface xi
Over the last thirty years I have seen central banking change profoundly
everywhere in the world. The profession I joined in 1968 was one where
currencies were anchored to gold and the issuing institutions strictly
obeyed, in most countries, the nation’s executive power. With few excep-
tions, the Treasury thus was de facto the real maker of monetary policy.
Insofar as the link to gold left some scope for a discretionary monetary
policy, this was often committed to pursue full employment together with,
and sometimes even more than, price stability. Indeed, back then many
central bankers and a large part of the academic profession were convinced
that monetary policy could durably elevate the growth rate of the economy
by appropriately balancing low inflation and high employment, and pos-
sibly by partially sacrificing the former to have more of the latter.
Most central banks were in charge of bank supervision. While no sig-
nificant banking crisis had occurred since the 1930s, supporting an ailing
bank—not only with liquidity but also with capital—was seen as a hall-
mark of the good central banker. Deposit insurance was an American spe-
ciality, and the notion of moral hazard was confined to the jargon of
private insurers.
Payment practices were based on the hand-to-hand transmission of cash
and on orders to transfer deposits imparted to banks through checks or
giros. The technology used—paper, hand-written signatures, and the postal
service—had settled decades earlier and was widely accepted as a stable, if
not immutable, component of the monetary system. Banks’ chief execu-
tives and top central bank officials had since long stopped devoting much
attention to payment system matters.
In that not too distant era, monetary policy, financial stability, and
banking supervision formed a single composite whose parts were difficult
to disentangle. It was the national currency itself, with its multiple func-
xii Preface
tions, that unified the constituent parts. Central banks were seen by
the public, and were in fact, the creators and the overall custodians of the
currency. Seemingly generic expressions like “to secure the currency” could
be read in the charter of many central banks.
In many respects, and notably from an institutional point of view, that
world of thirty years ago was closer to what central banking had been 100
or 150 years earlier than to what it is today.
Today currencies are no longer anchored to gold. Central banks are
granted independence, albeit in various degrees in different places. They
have been assigned the mission of preserving price stability. Economic
theory has firmly re-established the long-term neutrality of money. Mean-
while a new combination of information and communication technolo-
gies, coupled with the explosion of financial transactions in both volume
and value, has brought payment system issues back to the highest con-
sideration for both commercial and central bankers. Finally, the financial
industry has been transformed by the powerful waves of innovation, dereg-
ulation and globalization, and instability has come back. Recently the task
of supervising banks has been taken away from the central bank in a
number of countries. Some wonder if financial stability—a “land in
between” monetary policy and prudential supervision—still ranks among
the tasks of a contemporary central bank. All these changes were accom-
panied, and to a certain extent fostered, by the emergence of ideas and
policy attitudes strongly oriented to reduce the role of government rela-
tive to markets. After moving for many decades toward expanding inter-
vention of public powers in economic activity, the pendulum reversed its
direction in the late 1970s. The emancipation of central banks from the
tutelage of the political power, the narrowing and focusing of their
mandate, and, in many countries, the assignment of banking supervision
to a separate agency were part of this evolution.
These developments seem to have altered the old composite to the
point that one may question whether the old triadic configuration is still
a valid description of central banking. I think it is. The triadic framework
is derived from the inner structure of monetary and banking systems,
which recent changes have not wiped out. Central banks are most pro-
minently involved in monetary policy and payment system issues. As to
financial stability, despite the recent creation of separate supervisory
agencies, no central bank in the world regards it as lying outside its sphere
of interest. Commercial banks are critically close to central banks as
primary creators of money, providers of payment services, managers of the
stock of savings, and counterparties of monetary policy operations. In
point of fact, no central bank stays out of the management of a financial
Preface xiii
crisis when one occurs. The triadic paradigm is indeed a leitmotiv of the
book and is used to organize its structure. A consequence of this choice is
that compared to other books on central banking, this one devotes a
relatively small proportion to monetary policy (chapter 4) and larger
proportions to the financial system and the payment system (chapters 5
and 6 respectively).
E pluribus unum is the title I first proposed for the book. The publisher
objected that such a title would mislead a computer, or even a person in
a bookstore, making them believe that the book is about the United States,
whose seal carries this motto. I reluctantly surrendered to the needs of com-
Preface xv
merce, but I recall this little episode to highlight a leitmotiv of the whole
book. This leitmotiv is the process of effectively making the Eurosystem—
composed as it is by the European Central Bank and the national central
banks of the countries that have adopted the euro—the single, strong, effec-
tive, publicly recognized central bank of the euro. Through its chapters the
book shows that, five years after the birth of the euro, this process is still
at an early stage and proves dauntingly arduous.
As the Eurosystem is for the euro what the Federal Reserve System is for
the dollar, common sense suggests that it should rapidly and forcefully
organize itself as a system across the full range of the multiple central bank
activities reviewed above. Indeed, I extensively explain how inextricably
linked such activities are in practice. However, I also show how distant
the Eurosystem still is from achieving a full and balanced blend of these
activities into a single central bank.
Anyone who compares the central bank of the euro with a traditional
central bank is struck by the fact that while for monetary policy this con-
dition has been reached, for most other activities the single, excellent
(effective and efficient) central bank of the euro is still in the making. Each
of its national components maintains the full infrastructure of a stand-
alone central bank and endeavours to keep it active. Each has its own bank-
note printing process, a proprietary system for transferring central bank
money, a dealing room, and a foreign exchange reserve management
capacity. Each defines its own position and speaks its view in most inter-
national forums, offers (or can offer) to other central banks around the
world to manage their reserves in euro, and entertains (or can entertain)
its own representative offices abroad. These various activities are hardly
harmonized, shared, or pooled.
Reflection can mitigate the surprise caused by this state of affairs. The
fact is that for a very long time each national central bank had separately
performed the full range of central bank activities reviewed in this book.
Each bank has joined the Eurosystem with the full-fledged—and often
quite overstaffed—structure it needed to operate as a stand-alone central
After the euro, this organization entails heavy economic costs, difficult
problems of internal coordination, creeping competition between national
central banks, and the risk of giving contradictory signals to the outside
world. It also entails that the Eurosystem as a whole lacks the control or
the information a central bank normally has over its area of jurisdiction.
For example, it lacks a comprehensive and integrated picture of the main
financial institutions operating in the euro area.
xvi Preface
The central bank running the euro is thus, for the moment, a very special
one. A normal central bank perform in an integrated way the three central
banking functions, involving monetary policy, payment systems, and
banking supervision. It exerts operational and regulatory powers, interacts
with other public authorities, practices a special magistery over the finan-
cial community, intervenes in crises, works with other central banks, and
takes clear-cut positions on international monetary and financial matters.
It does all that in one way, with one style, under a single command, not
in a variety of ways across its organization. From the point of view of the
perceptions of people and markets, all such activities refer to one and the
same public good, confidence in the currency. And we know that in a
modern market economy, confidence—rather than intrinsic value—is the
foundation of the value of money. A normal central bank is a monopolist.
Today’s Eurosystem is, instead, an archipelago of monopolists.
Could e pluribus unum then be taken as the guiding motto for the
evolution the Eurosystem has just started and is bound to pursue in the
coming years? Philologists say that the right interpretation of the motto
on the seal of the United States should not be derived from classical Latin,
where it means “one among many,” but rather from a later tradition where
it means making “a union out of many.” The book indeed argues that the
“unum” should be the Eurosystem, not the European Central Bank.
The Eurosystem should evolve from the present archipelago to a single
central bank, but it should not do so by transferring all activities from the
national central banks to the European Central Bank. It should do so by
organizing, rationalizing, consolidating, and controlling activities from the
center, while letting the conduct of activities be performed by national
central banks or groups thereof. The various chapters of the book explain
how this could gradually happen. In sum, the American version of the
motto, rather than the classical Latin one, should be adopted for the
A paradigm of central banking, not the Treaty, should be the road map
to perfection. It would indeed be an illusion to expect, or pretend, to obtain
a full and satisfactory answer solely from legal interpretations. And while
the Treaty provides useful guidance, those who carry the responsibility to
manage the euro and are accountable for that responsibility have known
for years what a central bank is and how vague the wordings of central
bank statutes have historically been.
and imagination*. Paolo Baffi was the governor for whom I closely worked
in 1975 to 1979, and he ranks among the distinguished and internation-
ally respected monetary economists of his generation. For the Bank of Italy,
where he served for more than fifty years, Paolo Baffi has been above all
the founder and the inflexible applicant of principles, which are essential
preconditions for the integrity and effectiveness of any institution. To
innumerable officials, including me, he taught that decisions require
rigorous analysis though the product is mechanical, that analysis
and internal debate must be completely free, and that the hierarchy of
the grades must never eclipse the quality of the arguments.
* Franco passed away in September 2003, a few days before receiving the manu-
script of this book and reading this dedication.
In the two years in which work on this book almost exhausted my free
time, I have received precious help and support by many persons, to whom
I want to express my warm gratitude here. Two stand on the top of the
list. The first is Pierre Petit, my counsellor at the ECB, who assisted me
indefatigably from the elaboration of the first outline to the final comple-
tion of the manuscript. Pierre has been an independent and congenial
daily interlocutor, providing enormous background work, comments,
suggestions, checks and critical remarks, that were rigorous, penetrating,
careful, and precise. The second is Elizabeth Murry, economics editor at
The MIT Press, who decisively contributed to this book becoming what it
is. She guided me in identifying the appropriate structure and language of
the book and in getting me to come close to the best I could do. The great
deal I have learned from her about writing will remain with me beyond
this book. C. Randall Henning, Charles Wyplosz, and several anonymous
reviewers have thoroughly and carefully read the manuscript, providing
a host of precious comments and suggestions. A number of colleagues in
the Bank have assisted me in putting together materials for the book and
contributed to checking the facts and the literature. I am particularly grate-
ful to Ignazio Angeloni, Thierry Bracke, Ettore Dorrucci, Andrea Enria,
Koenraad de Geest, Gabriel Glöckler, Peter Hördhal, Arnaud Marès, Ignacio
Terol, and Christian Thimann. Els Ysewyn has patiently and carefully
assured the handling of the manuscript and the thorough check of bi-
bliographical references. Early and decisive encouragement to undertake
the project came from Rudi Dornbusch and Olivier Blanchard. Alan Blinder
gave me precious advice at a critical juncture. By reading the manuscript,
Franco Continolo, Wim Duisenberg, and Barbara Spinelli have comforted
me that I was not sinking in the muddy waters of abstruseness, platitudes,
or personal hobbyhorses, while providing me with precious comments.
Needless to say, neither these persons nor the European Central Bank bear
any responsibility for the content of the book.
The Euro and Its Central Bank
1 The Roads to the Euro: A Historical Overview
Table 1.1
General chronology
2001, February Treaty of Nice signed, amending the Treaty on European Union
and the Treaties establishing the European Communities
2002, January Introduction of the euro bank notes and coins
2002, February Convention on the Future of Europe opens in Brussels
2003, April Accession Treaty signed by the existing fifteen member states
and the ten acceding countries (the Czech Republic, Estonia,
Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia,
and Slovakia)
2003, October Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) convened to discuss and
agree on a new treaty for a Constitution for Europe
2004, May The Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania,
Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia, and Slovakia become
members of the European Union
decade. Not less, it was due to the prolonged political stability that pre-
vailed in most countries and to the strongly pro-European Union leader-
ship of Helmut Kohl, François Mitterrand, and other national figures in
various countries.14 As president of the European Commission, Jacques
Delors played a decisive role.15 Under these favorable circumstances, new
impetus was given to old projects and new ones were launched.
In 1986, a treaty (the Single European Act) amended the Treaty of
Rome.16 To finally achieve a single market without internal frontiers (end
1992 was set as deadline), it introduced extensive recourse to majority
voting for the adoption of the necessary legislation. The long standstill
came to an end and in about five years hundreds of new EU laws were
passed that implemented freedom of circulation not only for goods but
also for capital, services and persons.17 The single market started on January
1, 1993.
use the term “the Treaty” for the integrated European charter formed by
the Single European Act, the Treaty of Maastricht, and the Treaty of Rome.
After Maastricht, the political process of advancing the union by way of
Treaty changes continued. In Amsterdam (1997) and in Nice (2000) two
new treaties were stipulated, mainly focused on political and institutional
aspects of the European Union. Attempts were made to strengthen the
second and third pillars set up in Maastricht as well as to prepare the EU
institutions for future enlargements to up to twelve new members. The
results were modest. In particular, the Treaty of Nice produced rather com-
plicated, and possibly unworkable, compromise formulas. Thus, while the
member states declared the European Union ready for enlargement
anyway, they also implicitly recognized the need to strengthen the Union
and decided to launch, by 2004, yet another round of constitutional
reform. In February 2002 a Convention on the Future of Europe, made up
of government representatives and parliamentarians, comparable, in a
sense, to the Philadelphia Convention back in 1787, was put in charge of
preparing a new treaty reform.24
Throughout the process leading to the euro, a special element, one that
has often been in the limelight, is the position of the United Kingdom.
Those who focus exclusively on the economic and monetary significance
of the euro may fail to see that behind the nonparticipation of the pound
sterling in the euro there are strong political motivations, before the eco-
nomic and monetary ones.
Indeed, the reluctance to a single currency, and the final request to be
exempted from a firm commitment, were just another instance of the cau-
tious attitude toward European integration the United Kingdom has main-
tained over half a century. This attitude consisted in resisting and even
opposing any transfer of national powers to a jointly governed suprana-
tional institution. At the same time, however, and in line with traditional
British pragmatism, this attitude comprised a disposition to join EU
arrangements and institutions, once implemented and proved successful.
Some prominent examples illustrate the point. The United Kingdom tried
to stop (in 1956–57) the stipulation of the Treaty of Rome, but asked to
join the EEC three years after the start. With Greece and Denmark in 1984
it opposed calling the conference that negotiated the Single European Act,
but adhered to it in the end. It stayed out of the EMS in 1979, but joined
it eleven years later. It opposed the Social Charter in 1989, but signed it in
10 Chapter 1
the Treaty of Maastricht was prepared; others are more specific to the con-
tingent or structural situation of the UK economy. Important as they are,
however, economic arguments are perhaps not the crux of the matter.
Eventually, and rightly so, the British élite and the voters will decide on
the basis of the deeper, albeit less precisely formulated, political and his-
torical considerations that are governing the relationship between the
United Kingdom and the European continent.
What we have followed so far is the political road to the euro. We take
now the economic road.
Although its principal objective was to establish freedom of circulation
of goods, services, capital and persons, the Treaty of Rome was more than
that. Referring to the classic taxonomy proposed by Richard Musgrave
(1958) for fiscal policy—allocation (aimed at efficiency), stabilization
(aimed at stability), redistribution of resources (aimed at equity)—we can
say that the full spectrum of economic policies was indeed covered by the
As for allocation, not only the market mechanism was contemplated but
also other more command-directed methods. First and foremost these were
in the field of agriculture through the CAP.
As for stabilization, member countries committed themselves to “treat
[their] exchange rate policy as a matter of common interest”25 and to
“regard their economic policies as a matter of common concern and . . .
co-ordinate them.”26 In the mid-1950s these loose prescriptions were
deemed sufficient because other powerful arrangements were in place. In
the monetary field, the key stabilizer was the dollar-based fixed exchange
rate system founded at Bretton Woods.27 In the budgetary field, public
sector budgets were broadly in equilibrium and did not threaten overall
economic stability as large deficits were to do in the 1970s and afterward.
As for redistribution, the task of helping less developed members and
regions to catch up was entrusted to the European Community from the
outset and extended considerably afterward. The instruments for this have
been the so-called structural funds, the borrowing and lending activity of
the European Investment Bank (EIB), and, more recently, the Cohesion
Although the Treaty of Rome hardly mentioned money, it would be an
error to think that its authors forgot to consider what monetary order was
required by a single market. Rather, they knew that the yet to be created
12 Chapter 1
single market had from the outset an exogenous monetary order and even
an implicit single currency, which was the US dollar. The regime of Bretton
Woods forbade countries to act unilaterally to gain competitive advantages
through a devaluation. And in the mid-1950s, with Europe just emerging
from the war and the United States dominating the world economy, that
regime was seen as an everlasting one.
The dollar-based fixed exchange rate regime was not everlasting, and it
is noteworthy that as soon as it began to falter in the late 1960s, a debate
started about how to replace it with a European arrangement.29 The eco-
nomic road from Rome 1957 to Maastricht 1992 is the road from a dollar
anchor to a “proprietary” anchor called euro.
Two economic paradigms have led Europe along this road. The first is
the theory of optimum currency areas and the second, the proposition of
the “inconsistent quartet.”
Robert Mundell’s path-breaking theory of optimum currency areas
(OCA), by questioning the one-to-one correspondence between monies
and states, made a monetary union spanning over several countries an
institutional arrangement conceivable to economists. The theory identi-
fied several properties, namely the conditions under which an area would
gain from adopting a single currency, regardless of the political borders. In
the formulation developed in the 1960s by Mundell (1961), McKinnon
(1963), and Kenen (1969), those conditions included, among others, the
mobility of factors of production (notably labor and capital), price and
wage flexibility, economic openness, and the diversification in production
and consumption. Such conditions happened to largely coincide with the
economic project underlying the Treaty of Rome and with the effective
implementation of the four freedoms. After the 1960s the OCA theory
further evolved through an academic debate that is still underway and has
accompanied the main steps that led to the adoption of the euro. On the
one hand, no conclusive case could easily be made ex ante to establish
whether OCA properties were sufficiently present to warrant the adoption
of a single currency, namely the euro.30 On the other hand, it has been
increasingly recognized that the very adoption of a single currency can
significantly contribute to fulfilling the optimality conditions on an ex
post basis (the so-called endogeneity of OCA) by removing barriers and
catalyzing the implementation of the Single Market Program and its four
The second paradigm is embodied in the proposition that free trade,
mobility of capital, fixed exchange rates, and independence of national
monetary policies are mutually incompatible. This proposition was put
The Roads to the Euro: A Historical Overview 13
The third road to the euro concerns the history of central banks and mon-
etary policy. Indeed, it just happened that the forty-year period between
1958 and 1998 was a key period in that history too, not only in the process
of European integration. It was a coincidence, but a strategically impor-
tant one. This section explains how this period in the history of central
banking helped the move toward the euro and how its outcome was
embodied in the Maastricht Treaty.
Until about the last third of the twentieth century central banks were
tied to two, not always mutually consistent, anchors. The first was the
state, and the second was gold. As the holder of political power had always
considered the striking of coins as its own prerogative, the right to print
notes (what the jargon calls the “printing press”) was granted to central
banks by the sovereign government itself. As to the gold anchor, since
central banks were expected to stand ready to convert banknotes into gold
on request, the amount of money they could create was, or should have
been, dependent on the amount of gold in their vaults.
16 Chapter 1
The Eurosystem is the entity that performs the central banking functions
for the euro and the euro area. It is for the euro what the Federal Reserve
System (the Fed) is for the US dollar and, until 1998, the Bundesbank was
for the Deutsche mark. The name “Eurosystem” was chosen to indicate the
construct formed by the European Central Bank (ECB) and the national
central banks (NCBs) of countries that have adopted the euro. The Treaty
of Maastricht gives no name to this entity and refers only to the wider
European System of Central Banks (ESCB) that includes also the central
banks of the EU countries not adhering to the euro, namely Denmark,
Sweden, and the United Kingdom. However, the prospect of all EU member
states—including the ten that joined in 2004—adopting the euro remains
a remote one.1
Before illustrating the way the Eurosystem is organized, makes decisions,
and relates to other EU institutions, it is necessary to cast its functions in
22 Chapter 2
linkages explain why the three functions have most often been entrusted
to the same institution, which is the central bank.
The paradigm of the triadic function provides the key to reading the
Treaty of Maastricht from a central banking point of view. In the follow-
ing sections of this chapter, and in chapters 4, 5, and 6, the functions of
the Eurosystem will not be presented in the order derived by the historical
development just reviewed. Rather, a reversed order will be followed to
reflect the fact that monetary policy is today the dominant function.
The Treaty unambiguously assigns to the Eurosystem the task of con-
ducting the single monetary policy. It states that its primary objective
“shall be to maintain price stability” and also indicates that “without
prejudice of the objective of price stability, the [Eurosystem] shall support
the general economic policies in the Community.”2 In the field of pay-
ments, the Treaty gives the Eurosystem the task to “promote the smooth
operation of payment systems”3 and states that “the ECB and national
central banks may provide facilities, and the ECB may make regulations”
to this end.4 As to prudential supervision, it is left to national authorities,
but, in view of the link and complementarity between prudential supervi-
sion and other central banking functions, the Eurosystem is asked to “con-
tribute to the smooth conduct of policies pursued by the competent
authorities relating to the prudential supervision of credit institutions and
the stability of the financial system.”5 The ECB also has a consultative
and advisory role when new legislation and regulation are adopted in
the financial field.
The Eurosystem, like any central bank, also conducts other activities
related to the public interest of maintaining a sound currency, trusted by
both the market and the general public. These activities include the exer-
cise of operational and regulatory powers, relationships with other public
authorities and the financial community, contacts and cooperation with
other central banks, participation in international fora and institutions
responsible for monetary and financial matters.
Being monopolists and being placed at the center of the monetary system,
central banks have historically been characterized by a high concentration
of power and a centralized organization. A central bank with a federal
structure and a collective decision-making only appeared more than a
century after modern central banks first took shape (Federal Reserve Act
of 1913).
24 Chapter 2
the extent deemed possible and appropriate, the ECB shall have recourse
to the national central banks to carry out operations that form part of the
tasks of the [Eurosystem].”11 This distinction shows that the “center versus
periphery” relationship has two features, both based on the Treaty. Fol-
lowing subsidiarity, NCBs perform functions that do not fall within the
jurisdiction of the Eurosystem, and indeed remain rooted in national
legislation.12 Following decentralization, they have a claim “to carry out
operations” of the System, acting “in accordance with the guidelines and
instructions of the ECB.”13
Subsidiarity and decentralization are quite different concepts and should
not be confused. The constitutional decision, whether a particular policy—
such as the prudential supervision of banks—should be national or Euro-
pean (state or federal in the US constitutional vocabulary) was made by
the authors of the Treaty. It was not left to the discretion of the Eurosys-
tem. On the contrary, the organizational decision whether “the operations”
related to a particular Eurosystem (i.e., federal) function—be it the print-
ing of banknotes or the management of foreign exchange reserves—
should be carried out by the center or by the periphery was left to the
Eurosystem. The Treaty recommends decentralization “to the extent
deemed possible and appropriate,” but this recommendation of course
does not impinge upon the European nature of that activity, which indeed
remains directed by the ECB.
In practice, defining the relationship between center and periphery is a
crucial challenge for the Eurosystem at this early stage of its life. NCBs,
specially the largest ones, tend to preserve the role, functions, and struc-
ture they had before the euro, and to operate outside the authority of the
ECB. To this end they gear the interpretation of both subsidiarity and
decentralization. Except for tasks directly related to monetary policy, they
tend to read the Treaty as, first, conferring only minimal functions to the
Eurosystem and, second, favoring decentralization over overall efficiency
in the conduct of the conferred functions. The “possible and appropriate”
formula used by the Treaty is thus interpreted extensively, and what is
decentralized is often seen as still belonging to a national responsibility
rather than a European one. The distinction between the constitutional
and the organizational issue (i.e., between subsidiarity and decentraliza-
tion) is thus often blurred, as numerous examples will show in chapters 5
to 8.
In defining the working process of the policy-making, the Treaty of
Maastricht uses three different words for successive steps: decision, imple-
mentation, and execution. It assigns decisions to the Governing Council
26 Chapter 2
The ECB Council and the ECB Board are the two decision-making bodies
of the Eurosystem. Both are part of the ECB and chaired by its president.
Both derive their authority directly from the Treaty of Maastricht. The
Board consists of six members (including the president and the vice pres-
ident) appointed for a nonrenewable eight-year term of office.16 The
Council is composed of the six members of the Board and the governors
of all the national central banks that have adopted the euro. National
governors are appointed according to national laws.
The Council takes the decisions that are necessary to perform the
tasks of the Eurosystem, notably to “formulate the monetary policy of
the Community” and to “establish the necessary guidelines for [its]
The Board manages the day-to-day business of the ECB, prepares the
decisions of the Council, and looks after their implementation. It has the
charge to “implement monetary policy in accordance with guidelines and
28 Chapter 2
decisions laid down by the ECB Council.” Doing so means that the Board
should give the necessary instructions to national central banks. In addi-
tion the “[Board] may have certain powers delegated to it where the
[Council] so decides.”18
Decision-making was the stake around which the struggle for central
bank independence developed over much of the last fifty years. For the
ECB, as for any other central bank, it lies at the heart of the institution.
Its credibility ultimately depends on its ability to make decisions that
achieve the assigned objectives—price stability in the first place—and
hence to convince the markets and the general public that the efficiency
and stability of the currency are assured, and will continue to be assured.
The Treaty provisions undoubtedly embody all the institutional precon-
ditions for good decisions to be possible. The quality of decisions, however,
depends on many more factors than just institutional provisions. Particu-
larly for collective bodies, it depends on traditions, procedural rules, prac-
tices, “social” behavior, personalities, and so on. And if the institution
is young and the tradition yet to be established, all outcomes, good and
bad, are possible. Every episode or act may have a lasting constitutional
influence, even those that in a mature institution would be immaterial.
In central banking, independence has meant different things in differ-
ent periods, depending from whence the main threat to achieving the
public interest of a sound currency came. At an early stage of the debate
over the single currency, the founders of the Maastricht Treaty understood
that independence had to be safeguarded not only from such familiar
contenders as the financial and business community, labor organizations,
and fiscal and political authorities. Being the central bank of a group of
countries with deeply rooted national—and sometimes even nationalis-
tic—traditions, retaining their sovereignty in a number of relevant fields,
the Eurosystem needed, first and foremost, independence from national
interests or, more broadly, from national interpretations of the public inter-
est. For the Eurosystem, “public” had to unambiguously mean the euro
area, not just the interest of one nation, or some combination of national
interests, each represented by a member of the ECB Council.
In the Treaty, two important principles shelter the decision-making
process of the ECB from the risk of becoming hostage to national interests
being negotiated against each other. The first is that the ECB Council can
act by a simple majority; the second is that each member of the ECB
Council has one vote.19 From a conceptual standpoint, these look like
obvious stipulations. Politically, however, they were not. Seen in the
framework of the still nationally oriented EU institutions, it is remarkable
A Profile of the Eurosystem: The Newest Central Bank 29
that they were easily agreed upon in the preparation of the Treaty of
Maastricht.20 As it will be explained in chapter 8, neither of the two
principles have been challenged by the reform of voting modalities in an
enlarged ECB Council.
The majority principle marks the divide between a true union and occa-
sional agreements, between a domestic and an international order. If a
single policy line is only possible when all the parties involved agree on
the same course of action, a “true union” does not exist. What exists under
the unanimity rule is a “spurious union,” one formed on a case by case
basis, in which only ex post can it be ascertained whether the precondi-
tions for a single policy have been met. Rather than a better way to take
all views into consideration, unanimity is a way to nondecisions or to
decisions biased by the motivations of a minority or, possibly, a single
member; two evils that any central bank should avoid. Like the Fed and
any other central bank, the Eurosystem has been constructed to function
on the basis of the majority rule.
As to the principle “one person, one vote,” there is no doubt that with
its adoption the authors of the Treaty took the decisive step in establish-
ing the independence of the Eurosystem.
To fully appreciate its fundamental significance, a distinction should be
made between the motivation underlying two very different types of
collegial decisions, which could respectively be called interest-based and
wisdom-based. The former are collegial because different interests have to
be reconciled and hence represented. The latter are collegial because—
although all participants are entrusted with, and share, the same interest—
the wisdom of more than one person is needed to reach the best decision.
In an interest-based collegial body members have different objective func-
tions and negotiate; in a wisdom-based collegial body all members maxi-
mize the same objective function and simply discuss how best to do it. In
the former, people bring their problems to the meeting and there are as
many problems as persons or interests. In the latter, there is only one
problem and everyone is addressing it to the best of his or her judgment.
At the decision-making table of an interest-based forum members are
not, and should not be, independent from the interests they represent and
to which they are accountable. As interests can be weighted, votes can, and
indeed should, be weighted. No one would recommend, for example, the
one person, one vote principle for the shareholders assembly of a listed
company.21 In contrast, since wisdom cannot be weighted, each person has
one vote in a wisdom-based forum. No one would imagine that the jury
in a court could decide on a murder case otherwise than on the basis
30 Chapter 2
Over the last two decades the debate over monetary policy has resulted in
a consensus that the central bank must be at the same time independent,
accountable, and transparent. In this section attention will be confined to
the first two of these notions which, unlike the third, identify the institu-
tional profile of the Eurosystem and are therefore directly addressed by the
Treaty. Although independence, accountability, and transparency inter-
relate and even overlap, their conceptual distinctiveness should not be
ignored. Independence and accountability form a critical pair, the latter
being the natural complement and counterweight of the former. As to
accountability and transparency, they are often seen as interchangeable,
disregarding that they originate from rather different requirements. Trans-
parency will be discussed in chapter 4, devoted to monetary policy.
In a society where the polity and the economy are based on the two
principles of democracy and the market, the institutional profile of the
central bank has to satisfy two different and even partially conflicting
requirements: policy effectiveness and democratic control. Between them,
the authors of the Treaty, like other legislators before, had to strike an
appropriate balance.
First and foremost, the Eurosystem had to be put in the position to effec-
tively fulfill its mission to “safeguard the currency.”26 This postulates inde-
pendence from politics. Independence should not imply the absence of
democratic control, but the need to effectively fulfill the assigned policy
tasks qualifies, and limits, the way in which democratic control is
It should also be borne in mind that, until the 1990s, central bank inde-
pendence was, in Europe and elsewhere, the exception, not the rule. In
France, Italy, and Spain the central bank became legally independent only
after the stipulation of the Treaty of Maastricht. The Bank of England was
granted operational independence only in 1998, the Bank of Japan in 1997.
The Treaty states that “neither the ECB, nor a national central bank, nor
any member of their decision-making bodies shall seek or take instructions
from Community institutions or bodies, from any government of a
member state or from any other body.”27 In recognition of the specific
requirements of policy effectiveness the Treaty thus removed monetary
management from the realm of actions directly conducted by govern-
ments, and hence from the pressures of the day-to-day political process.
Moreover, through its inscription in the Treaty, central bank independence
was given the most solid constitutional basis. Its repeal not only would go
A Profile of the Eurosystem: The Newest Central Bank 33
beyond the power of individual member states, it would also have to pass
the hurdles of the procedure designed for amending the Treaty.28
Independence is a means to a circumscribed end, explicitly assigned to
the institution. Just as the military may be assigned a strategic objective
and given discretion in the conduct of operations, so the specific decisions
pertaining to the actual management of the currency can be considered as
instrumental to the effective attainment of the assigned objective. The
objective has been previously agreed upon in a constitutional process,
when stipulating and ratifying the Treaty.
The intellectual and political consensus on the primacy of price stabil-
ity thus underpins the consensus on the independence of the central bank.
It is not accidental that the two have emerged in parallel in the same his-
torical phase. Independence would indeed be harder to justify if monetary
policy, instead of being entrusted with the task of pursuing one primary
objective, were given the power to balance two objectives, say price sta-
bility and full employment. In this case the decisions of the central bank
would cease to be predominantly technical and would become eminently
political. It would then be natural, and perhaps justified, for elected politi-
cians to reserve those decisions to themselves.
The above suggests that there is a nexus between the institutional
arrangement and the economic paradigm underlying the action of the
central bank. The era when central banks were not independent was indeed
an era when it was deemed possible for monetary policy to promote effec-
tively, and lastingly, growth and employment in ways other than by ensur-
ing price stability.
The current nexus could change again if the present consensus on the
primacy of price stability were to vanish, and the old paradigm to come
back. If this should happen, the ECB Council could be seen as a genuinely
political body and the claim that monetary policy should be taken away
from independent nonelected officials to be given back to the politics
could regain ground.
Independence has, as stated above, a counterweight in accountability.
As a precondition for the successful pursuit of the given mission indepen-
dence shields the Eurosystem from short-term political considerations, but
it is by no means the same as the absence of democratic control. In a demo-
cratic system independence and accountability are two sides of the same
Accountability means that institutions with the power to affect the lives
of the people are subject to the scrutiny by the elected representatives of
the people. As such it is an essential and constituent element of our
34 Chapter 2
political order, and indeed this scrutiny is necessary also in those fields—
such as central banking—where policy decisions are consciously removed
from the day-to-day influence of the political arena. The entrustment of
such momentous decision-making power to independent, nonelected
central bankers could be considered legitimate only on the condition that
a form of democratic control also be put in place.
Thus accountability pertains to a civic and moral obligation inherent in
the political order and is not exclusively related to the economic order. It
is because it has been given a precise statutory mission and granted inde-
pendence to pursue it effectively, that the Eurosystem has to be held
accountable for the fulfillment of its mandate, and is obliged to explain
and justify its decisions.
Ultimately the Eurosystem is accountable to the European people at
large. They are the ultimate addressee of accountability because they are
the true interested party in the Eurosystem’s ability to “safeguard the cur-
rency” and to “defend their savings.”29
In practice, the provisions of the Treaty make the Eurosystem account-
able to the European Parliament, because this is, in the EU political order,
the only body that derives its role and legitimacy directly from the people.
It is elected by a popular vote, and its deliberations are public. Unlike
national governments or parliaments, it is mandated to pursue the inter-
ests of the people of Europe. Although the dialogue with the European Par-
liament represents the principal means to fulfill the duty to be accountable,
the ECB is also engaged in a dialogue with other European institutions.
Comparing the ECB with the Fed, one should note that the similarity of
the two formal procedures for relating to an elected Chamber conceals a
difference in substance. Compared to the US Congress, the EU Parliament
lacks the power to change the charter and mandate of the central bank, a
difference that makes the ECB more independent than the Fed (and, in the
view of some, even too independent). Such difference depends on the
nature of the political construct of the European Union, not on a deliber-
ate choice concerning the status of the central bank. Accountability is thus
limited today by the incompleteness of political union in Europe.
Independence sets a limit to the role that can be played by the political
bodies to which the central bank is accountable. If, say, the European Par-
liament could exercise a direct influence on specific monetary policy deci-
sions, this would lead to a shared responsibility for the actual conduct of
policy. Consequently the Eurosystem’s obligation to explain and justify its
action would lose meaning, as the Parliament itself would have determined
the actions for which the central bank is accountable to it.
A Profile of the Eurosystem: The Newest Central Bank 35
The EU Council of Ministers brings together the ministers from all the
member states and works under the rotating presidency of a member state.
Like the US Senate, it comprises the representatives from the states.
However, unlike the US Senate, and more comparable to the upper house
of the German parliament (the Bundesrat), it brings together the govern-
ments of the member states. Moreover the diverse size of the EU member
states is taken into account and embodied in provisions for weighted
voting. Thus, unlike the Commission and the Parliament, the Council acts
more as a body where national interests are represented and reconciled
than as an institution truly entrusted with the “European general inter-
est.” This is due not only to the fact that its members’ quasi-full-time job
is to work, at home, on a national agenda but also to the still widespread
inclination to base decisions on consensus.
The Council has both legislative and executive functions. In operational
terms, although it is a single institution, it works in many formations. For
different policy areas respective ministers in charge (economic and finan-
cial matters, trade, agriculture, telecommunications, environment, etc.)
meet, negotiate, and decide as the EU Council of Ministers. It is the upper
chamber of a bicameral legislature, with the European Parliament repre-
senting the lower house. Beyond its role as legislator, the Council also ful-
fills substantial executive functions.
The national heads of state or government and the president of the Com-
mission form the European Council, which meets on average four times a
year and acts as the principal guiding body of the Union. It provides the
main strategic orientations for the political development of the European
Union and has been, for more than twenty-five years, the principal driving
force of European integration. It indeed constitutes the highest level of
governance of the European Union.
The European Court of Justice is akin to a Supreme Court for Europe. Its
twenty-five judges and eight advocates general ensure that the law is
observed in the interpretation and applications of the treaties and the
provisions adopted by the EU institutions. It adjudicates, upon appeal,
whether a European institution has overstepped the limits of its responsi-
bilities or whether the public authorities or private undertakings in the
member states fail to obey the EU rules. Its judgments take precedence over
those of national courts. It has the power to impose fines and sanctions
(e.g., payback of illegal state subsidies).
The European Union has a budget of almost €100 billion (2004) to
finance its activities. Some 80 percent of funds is spent on the common
agricultural policy and aid for regional development, with the rest going
A Profile of the Eurosystem: The Newest Central Bank 39
In the years that preceded the introduction of the euro, the powerful incen-
tive of the Maastricht process helped Europe restore macro stability in all
respects but one, indeed a most important one, growth and hence unem-
ployment. This is illustrated in an appendix to this chapter, which com-
pares the European overall economic performance with that of the United
States. For the “land of the euro” (often called euroland1, or euro area),
the challenge for the years to come is not simply to preserve nominal
stability but to couple it with sustained growth and the re-absorption of
To meet this challenge all the levers of economic policy will be called to
action. Although the economic performance of a country or region is due
to a wide number of causes, not all susceptible to economic analysis, the
crucial importance of economic policy is undeniable. Economic policy, in
turn, is crucially dependent on the institutional framework within which
it is conducted.
This chapter discusses whether the economic policy framework of
euroland is a suitable basis to match, in the years to come, the economic
dynamism that the American experience of the 1990s has proved to be
possible even for a mature economy.
The chapter starts with an illustration of the assignment of policy func-
tions to different levels of government: European, national, and regional
(section 3.1). Sections 3.2 and 3.3 are devoted to a discussion of the special
interplay of policies in the euro area, namely the issue of policy coordina-
tion. In the four sections that follow (sections 3.4 to 3.7), I examine
policies one by one: market, monetary and exchange rate, fiscal, and
employment policies. My overall assessment concludes the chapter
(section 3.8).
42 Chapter 3
Table 3.1
Matrix of policies in the constitution of euroland
Levels of government
Single market rules ¥¥¥ ¥ ¥
Other structural policies ¥ ¥¥¥ ¥¥¥
Monetary ¥¥¥ — —
Exchange rate ¥¥¥ — —
Fiscal ¥¥ ¥¥¥ ¥
Employment ¥ ¥¥¥ ¥
3.2 Interplay
Common rule The rule acts as a permanent constraint on independent
decision-makers. This is sometime referred to as “hard coordination” as it
effectively limits potential negative externalities.
Consultative forum Independent actors meet in a forum where joint
decisions are possible but not obligatory. This is often referred to as “coop-
eration” or “soft coordination.”
Policy competition Policy-makers pursue the interests of their local con-
stituencies and do not consider the wider interests of the entities of which
they are a part.
From the point of view of the extent of coercion they entail for a dis-
senting party, the first two modalities are hard and the second two soft.
In the European context there are often heard calls for separate actors
to comply with joint decisions. This so-called “ex ante coordination”
among separate policy actors may be identified, depending on the cir-
cumstances and the precise procedural arrangements, with either the single
institution or the consultative forum. If rigorously interpreted, it ends
up in the “single institution.” If loosely interpreted, it is a “consultative
forum.” Either the coordinative procedure is so strong that the joint deci-
sion is always taken and implemented, in which case the many actors have
effectively been replaced by a new, single, albeit collegial, one; or joint
decisions are only taken occasionally, if and when consensus is reached.
Because of its ambiguity and even contradictory character, ex ante co-
ordination does not explicitly appear in the taxonomy.
The proposed taxonomy does not suggest that the joint institution mode
is always the optimal solution for the problem of interdependence. The
reason is that there is no guarantee that the outcome of a joint decision
will be superior to that resulting from separate and even competing
3.3 Coordination
In euroland, the need for coordination exists across countries, and across
policies, because spillover effects may result within a given area (e.g.,
between fiscal and monetary policy) or between countries (e.g., between
different employment policies in different countries).10 Table 3.2 shows the
ways policy is being coordinated in euroland.
As the table shows, the single institution mode applies first and foremost
to market policy, where the European Union has the power to legislate
the four freedoms, to enforce compliance, and to repress anticompetitive
48 Chapter 3
Table 3.2
Modes of policy coordination in euroland
Modes of coordination
Single market rules Single institution
Other structural policies Policy competition
Monetary Single institution
Exchange rate Single institution
Fiscal Common rule
Employment Consultation
practices. It now also applies to monetary policy. The common rule mode
is exemplified by the fiscal rules introduced in the Treaty of Maastricht and
further specified through the so-called Stability and Growth Pact (SGP).
The consultative forum mode is adopted for a number of structural policies,
such as reforms of tax and benefit systems, and research and development,
where nonbinding common positions are being taken.11 Last, policy com-
petition plays a large role because of the many functions left to the national
The four modes are not mutually exclusive. In market policies, for
example, the common rules (called Directives) adopted through the single
institution mode (the EU legislative process) leave wide room for compe-
tition among policies.
A distinctive feature of the EU policy coordination scheme is that it is
internally consistent. For many years the inconsistencies in free trade,
capital mobility, stable exchange rates, and the autonomy of national mon-
etary policies had hindered the full establishment of the four freedoms
and relapse was an eminent threat to the integration already achieved. By
explicitly recognizing that a single market could only be sustained by a
single currency, a single monetary policy, and a single central bank, the
Treaty of Maastricht corrected the lame constitution founded in Rome.
This has put the edifice of European economic integration on two solid
legs, “one market” and “one money.”12
The four modes outlined above represent the full set of possible
approaches to policy coordination both within most countries and in their
relationships with other countries. Within a country policy arrangements
indeed combine a full set of these approaches to varying degrees: (1) central
Economic Policies: A Special Economic Constitution 49
a large extent, but not entirely. Member countries still pursue the strategic
objective of self-sufficiency and hence protect national champions in many
sectors, ranging from energy, to finance, to key industries. Often they use
meetings in Brussels to implicitly or explicitly agree on delaying the full
opening of their respective markets.
The high degree of policy competition in the European Union is regarded
by some as a fundamental weakness, the sign that the EU construct still
falls short of the requirements of a typical “domestic economy.” There is
ground, however, for a more balanced view.
In general, competition provides a stronger incentive to optimization
than monopoly, not only in the field of business but in that of policies as
well. In society and communities, collective ambitions and community
bonds are stronger on a local than on a continental scale. If this is the case
in the United States, as one rises from county, to state, to national level,
even more it is the case in Europe, where regional (or even town) loyalties
have long roots and the nation-state a strong historical tradition. The
overall quality of policies may thus benefit from an environment in which
policies are set to compete and national ambition acts as an incentive.
Policy competition also permits useful experimentation and corrections.
As it is often difficult to design the “right” policy from the outset, and to
avoid introducing perverse incentives, the simultaneous implementation
of alternative approaches may trigger feedback from the market and thus
help policy-makers. This applies to areas like regulation, taxation, incen-
tives to business investments, and research. Policy competition is, on the
whole, closer to the domestic cooperative model than to the international
conflictual one. That said, the European Union is not immune from the
inefficiencies and drawbacks of conflictual rather than competitive rela-
tionships. For example, the nurturing of national champions in public util-
ities, energy, public procurements, and financial markets is undoubtedly
harmful to the consumer. It is still widespread and insufficiently discour-
aged by the European Union, which has only limited rule making and
enforcement powers.
In sum, the modalities of policy coordination in euroland exhibit, just
as the assignment of policy functions discussed in section 3.1, a twofold
characteristic. For one thing they are a blend of the same archetypes that
can be found within an ordinary federal system. For another they reflect
the fact that the European Union is only a polity in the making, lacking
important functions and constitutional characteristics of a political union
and retaining some features of an old model of strategic contest between
independent states. Despite its limits and incompleteness, this framework
Economic Policies: A Special Economic Constitution 51
This and the next three sections examine the policies one by one, focus-
ing on their missions and on the interplay between different actors. We
will see how, under their current design, these coordination mechanisms
can contribute to the pursuit of the three goals of efficiency, stability, and
As we saw before, the responsibility for market policy is predominantly
entrusted to the European Union, although national (and even subna-
tional) governments also play a critical role. The European Union has the
task of ensuring the singleness of the market, and the other levels of gov-
ernment are free to act within that constraint. In practice, the EU task has
been defined and interpreted as requiring very detailed uniform EU legis-
lation to avoid distortions in trade and the maintenance of nontariff bar-
riers. Rules are enforceable by national courts. Since the market is one, the
competition policy is a responsibility of the Union.
For this reason the vast body of legislative and regulatory provisions con-
cerning the production and exchange of goods and services now mainly
originates from Brussels. Such provisions range from safety standards of
electric appliances to brandname labels on wines and cheeses, to minimum
periods of maternity leave.
Despite the vast spread of EU legislation, the economic conditions of
countries and regions in euroland continue to be largely influenced by
national and local governments. In the first place national governments,
in implementing EU rules can, by variously combining efficiency with
equity considerations, enhance or undermine the competitive position of
their economy.13 They have ample residual regulatory powers rooted in the
principle of mutual recognition of national regulations, whereby any
authorization or license issued by one country to a local producer grants
access to the entire EU market.14
Mutual recognition of national regulations thus generates competition
among rules, and rewards the countries and producers with the “best
rules.” Over time this process raises the standards of all countries and pro-
ducers, and gradually levels the playing field.
Finally, and more generally, all national authorities—be they central,
regional, or municipal—are free to “do what they want” provided that
52 Chapter 3
what they do is compatible with the EU framework. The levers thus left to
them are sufficient to attract or, on the contrary, discourage new invest-
ment, businesses, workers, tourists, and students. Examples of such levers
are the tax structure and the practices of national administrations or super-
visory authorities, the planning of the territory and the efficiency of the
judiciary in settling litigation, the preservation of law and order and the
climate of industrial relations.
In sum, EU market policy is firmly committed to the allocation efficiency
in the Europe-wide single market. To achieve this goal, the EU economic
constitution assigns the primary policy role to itself. National and local
governments, however, retain significant discretionary power to shape
business conditions within this policy and are free to pursue other objec-
tives than pure allocation efficiency. Competition is the coordination
mode that applies to the market policies of national and local authorities.
The purpose of the Treaty and the single market is not to eradicate national
ambitions but rather to channel them in a system of agreed rules, where
competition replaces conflict and the animal spirits of private and public
ambitions service wealth and prosperity.
has the exclusive responsibility for the operational side, namely for the
buying and selling of foreign exchange, and cannot be obliged by the Min-
isters to intervene in the market even less to put exchange rate considera-
tions above monetary policy considerations. The central bank thus plays a
greater role in the European Union than in the United States and Japan,
where the Treasury decides and the central bank only advises and executes.
Concerning the policy objectives, the Treaty explicitly prescribes price sta-
bility as the priority, not only for monetary policy but also for exchange
rate policy. It indeed stipulates that in all circumstances the Community
will conduct an “exchange rate policy the primary objective . . . of which
shall be to maintain price stability.”16
The Treaty also implicitly recognizes that in a large, relatively closed
economy there is virtually no room for an independent exchange rate
policy. It thus leaves to the ECB the task of integrating exchange rate con-
siderations in the conduct of monetary policy, as well as the decision on
whether and how to operate in the foreign exchange market.
The Treaty, however, also envisages the possibility of more activist
approaches to the exchange rate.17 In particular, it does not exclude such
arrangements as a system of target zones, or the periodical formulation of
coordinated exchange rate objectives by the authorities of the major cur-
rencies of the world. The European Council, however, after discussing these
Treaty provisions, decided in 1997 and 1998 to leave the external value of
the euro to be determined by the market. It declared the exchange rate of
the euro to be “the outcome” of all relevant economic policies, rather than
an independently set objective. It also decided that “general orientations”
for the exchange rate policy of the euro area would only be formulated
in “exceptional” circumstances, for example, in the case of clear
In sum, and again in terms of the objectives of efficiency, stability, and
equity—monetary and exchange rate policies, which are an exclusive euro
area responsibility, are both geared to macroeconomic stability. The EU
economic constitution leaves no room for stimulating growth and employ-
ment through monetary expansion or currency devaluation. Moreover it
recognizes that exchange rate policy cannot be set independently of, or in
contradiction with, monetary policy.
3.6 Fiscal
In the fiscal field, the European Union sets a rule that limits the magni-
tude of public deficits and public debts, while national authorities decide
54 Chapter 3
about the size and composition of public budgets. This section will first
describe such two-tier responsibility, then discuss its aptness to pursue the
policy objectives set for the Union.
The European budgetary rule results from the combined provisions of
the Treaty of Maastricht19 and the Stability and Growth Pact of 1997.20 The
rule orders that national budgets, which are the major component of
the EU fiscal framework,21 to be “close to balance or in surplus” over the
medium term, a period interpreted as the length of a business cycle. In the
event of a recession, the deficit is allowed to grow to 3 percent of GDP.22
The ratio of public debts to GDP must be kept below 60 percent and, when
in excess, reduced.
To ensure that the rule is enforced, national fiscal policies are subject to
a detailed procedure of multilateral surveillance, and specific sanctions
apply in case of noncompliance.23 The political procedure is comple-
mented by the disciplinary effect of the financial market, which differen-
tiates, albeit in a muted manner, among sovereign borrowers.24
While subject to European rules, budgetary policy remains predomi-
nantly national. Because of their large size relative to other public budgets,
national budgets provide for almost the totality of fiscal impulses. National
authorities are also free to choose the overall dimension of their budgets
and the structure of their expenditure and taxation.25
The Treaty emphasizes national responsibility for fiscal policy in various
ways. There is a “no-bail-out-clause” that states that under no circum-
stances will the Union intervene in support of a country or other public
body that fails to meet its financial obligations. It prohibits credit institu-
tions from granting public authorities privileged access to credit, and
it forbids any form of monetary financing of fiscal deficits by the
Will this fiscal structure meet the challenges facing the European
economy? At this early stage of EMU, only a very preliminary assessment
is possible, and only in terms of the three policy objectives of stability, effi-
ciency, and equity.
As for stability, the fiscal framework of the Stability and Growth Pact
seems to be searching, in these early years of the euro, for an adequate
combination of discipline and flexibility in the conduct of effective fiscal
policies. In many countries fiscal discipline has worked in a fairly satisfac-
tory way so far. At the end of 2001 seven of the twelve euro area members
had reached the “close to balance or in surplus” condition prescribed by
the Pact. In 2002 most countries remained below the 3 percent limit
despite significantly lower growth. However, Portugal exceeded the limit
Economic Policies: A Special Economic Constitution 55
in 2001, and so did Germany and France in 2002. The budgetary positions
of Germany and France deteriorated further in 2003, leaving little
prospects for a significant improvement before 2005. The disciplinary
effect of the Pact is thus still uncertain.
With regard to flexibility, the question is whether the EU rule grants suf-
ficient compensation for the loss of national levers in the monetary and
exchange rate fields. Additional fiscal flexibility is needed, for example,
to stem inflationary pressures while the rest of euroland is faring below
capacity. Such a shift from monetary to fiscal stabilization is undoubtedly
permitted by the rules of the Pact. Indeed, once the transition is completed,
the Pact allows a country to counter—within the 3 percent limit—cyclical
fluctuations with automatic stabilizers as well as with discretionary
The Stability and Growth Pact has been intensely discussed by policy-
makers and within academic circles since it was proposed and negotiated
in 1995 to 1997. In 2002, the slowdown in the EU economy and the con-
sequent difficulty encountered by France and Germany in complying with
the Pact opened a new round of discussion. Radical critics of the Pact, such
as Wyplosz (2002), advocated a complete overhaul of the EU fiscal frame-
work. Others, including Fitoussi (2002), de la Dehesa (2002), and Horn
(2002) suggested replacing the existing rule—which targets the nominal
overall budget balance—with one focusing on a cyclically adjusted balance
or some form of a golden rule that computes the balance net of invest-
ment expenditures. After discussing these issues in some detail, the policy-
makers concluded that the rules of the Pact should remain unchanged.
They also determined that the Pact should be implemented in a way that
takes account of the effects of the cycle, the need for appropriate structural
budget adjustment, and contingencies.28
The discussion was re-opened when, in November 2003, the ECOFIN
Council decided not to follow the procedures foreseen in the Treaty and
the Pact for bringing the deficits of Germany and France back below the
3 percent limit. Earlier that year the ECOFIN Council had issued recom-
mendations to the two countries requiring them to correct their excessive
deficits in 2004. When it became clear that these recommendations had
not been fully complied with, the ECOFIN Council should have proceeded
to the next step of the procedure. As this would have brought France and
Germany only one step away from sanctions, the Council instead opted
for the much softer approach. The Council “conclusions” adopted new
recommendations giving France and Germany until 2005 to bring their
deficits back below the 3 percent limit.
56 Chapter 3
Only time will tell if policy-makers will be able to avoid both excessive
laxity and excessive rigidity.
Second, so far the allocation and redistribution of resources have remained
predominantly national functions that are being performed in ways that
do not foster economic efficiency and growth. For one thing, certain classic
public goods, such as security or protection of the environment, have not
been moved from the national to the European domain, entailing a dupli-
cation of resources. For another, the traditional continental European
strata of politically active society, with only minor variations, deliberately
forgoes even a quantum of efficiency and growth in favor of greater equal-
ity and social protection.
EU economic and monetary integration has extended the scope of com-
petition from private to public agents, from products, services, and factors
of production to policies and, more generally, administrative, political, and
legal systems.32 To the extent that slow growth depends on structural rigidi-
ties rooted in the social, political, and cultural tradition of Western
European nation-states, it can be said that European integration has been
a corrective factor. With more determined implementation of both sub-
sidiarity and policy competition, some dynamism might be imparted to
the European economy.
As for the EU budget, only a new transfer of policy tasks from the
member states may in time increase the size and make it a suitable instru-
ment for macroeconomic policy. For example, in time internal security and
defense may become EU responsibilities, requiring common budgetary
resources. In the case of equity and solidarity, the existing EU regional and
structural funds may be increased or a system of intercountry fiscal trans-
fers, comparable to the German Länderfinanzausgleich, may be created.33
Historically public budgets were not created to make macro fiscal policy
possible but to provide goods and services recognized as “public” by a given
political community. Their usability as macroeconomic policy instruments
came as a by-product. There is no reason to think that the European Union
will follow a different path.
3.7 Employment
The fourth and final policy area is employment policy, namely the actions
(public and private) whereby the remuneration and the use of labor ser-
vices are determined. In the European Union this policy is overwhelmingly
national, largely entrusted to the social partners (employers and labor
unions) and subject only to a consultative European framework.
60 Chapter 3
In sum, the special features of the EU policy constitution are the strong
emphasis on macroeconomic stability, the ample role left to subfederal
levels of government, a practice of guidance through consultation forums,
and an unusually large scope for policy competition. Euroland has emerged
from a decade of mixed results. Success in reducing inflation and fiscal
deficits has been countered by defeat in fostering growth and employment.
The question is whether the EU economic constitution embodied in the
Rome–Maastricht Treaty is conducive to the policies needed to combine
price stability with growth.
The jury is still out. The EU constitution is too recent for a considered
judgment to be possible. Like any constitution it will be shaped through
62 Chapter 3
Comparisons help our understanding of reality. The facts and figures for
euroland are in this appendix matched with those of the United States.
While the two economies are broadly similar in economic size and struc-
ture, some immediate noteworthy differences are recognized (table 3.3).
Euroland and the United States have populations of 308 and 289 million,
respectively, and account, respectively, for 16 and 21 percent of world GDP,
converted on the basis of purchasing power parities.40 Average per capita
income in the euro area, calculated in purchasing power parity terms, rep-
resents 71 percent of the US level.41 The industrial sector of the euro area
is somewhat larger (27 against 23 percent of GDP) and the service sector
(70 against 76 percent) smaller. In euroland agriculture produces 2.3
percent of GDP and occupies 5.2 percent of the labor force, against 1.6
percent and 1.7 percent, respectively, in the United States.
The government sector presents significant disparities between the two
economies, reflecting differences in history, tradition, social structure, and
attitudes toward the role of the state. Total public expenditures amount to
48 percent of GDP in the euro area, against 34 percent in the United States,
reflecting the fact that the role of government in the economy is consider-
ably larger in the former than in the latter.42
The financial sector in euroland is mainly centered on banks: bank
deposits and loans amount, respectively, to about 81 and 107 percent of
GDP in the euro area, significantly more than the shares in the United
States (63 and 52 percent). In contrast, debt securities amount to only 99
percent of GDP, while in the United States the same ratio reaches 156
percent. In the United States stock market capitalization, in relation to the
GDP, is around double that in euroland, where it reaches around 51
Looking at the external sector, we see that both euroland and the
United States are relatively closed economies, with openness measured
by the average of exports and imports of goods and services relative to
Within euroland, Germany accounts for about 30 percent of the area’s
output, followed by France (22 percent), Italy (18 percent), and Spain (10
64 Chapter 3
Table 3.3
Structural comparison of euroland with the United States
Population (millions) 307.7 288.6
Gross domestic product
GDPa 15.7 21.1
GDP per capitab 23.8 33.4
Sectors of the economy
Agriculture, forestry, and fishery 2.3 1.6c
Industry (including construction) 27.3 22.8c
Services 70.4 75.6c
General government sector
Total revenue 46.0 30.8
Total expenditure 48.3 34.2
Net lending (-) or borrowing (+) -2.3 -3.4
Gross debt 69.0 61.4
Financial sector
Amounts outstanding of debt securitiesd 99.4 156.3
Stock market capitalizatione 51.5 103.0
Bank deposits 81.1 63.5
Bank loans 107.5 51.8
External sector
Current account balance 0.9 -4.7
Opennessf 14.6 11.7
Table 3.4
Euroland and US performance over the long term
percent); the two smallest economies are Portugal (1.8 percent) and Lux-
embourg (0.3 percent).43 Germany, France, and Italy are members of the
Group of Seven (G7) leading industrial nations.44
Economic and structural differences exist also within countries, for
example, between western and eastern Germany or between northern and
southern Italy. Moreover cross-country differences have declined over
time. Actually, in many respects, the euro is the currency of an entity that
is not significantly less homogeneous than some of its members were
before its introduction.
The economic policy challenges with which euroland will be confronted
in the years ahead become more visible when moving from photographic
stills to cinematography.
If one compares the behavior of the euro area and the American
economy over the last decade, a sharp difference in dynamism stands out.
While, during the 1991 to 2002 period, the United States grew at an
average annual rate of 2.9 percent, euroland has only achieved 1.9. In per
capita terms, the difference is smaller but still exists (1.7 and 1.5 percent,
respectively). Over the same period 22 million new jobs were created in
the United States, against 9 million in the euro area (table 3.4).45
66 Chapter 3
If one looks farther back, however, it is clear that the 1990s mark a pause
in a four-decade-long trend that followed World War II. From the early
1950s to the early 1990s, the European economy performed as well as, and
sometimes even better than, the United States in terms of GDP per capita
growth. In purchasing power parity terms, euroland’s GDP per capita was
at 41 percent of the US level in 1950, when a remarkable catch-up phase
started, reaching 70 percent in 1991. Since then the gap in GDP per capita
terms has remained broadly constant, as it stood at 71 percent in 2000.
4 Monetary Policy: As Strong as the Deutsche Mark
Table 4.1
Approaches to monetary policy in the G7 countries in 1974 to 1998
In the view of some, counting years of policy may give too much weight
to the past and not do full justice to more recent developments in policy-
making and academic research. In particular, it does penalize inflation tar-
geting, which, since its introduction by New Zealand in 1989, has been
adopted by about 20 countries (depending on how strictly one defines
inflation targeting), has gained the support of academic consensus, and
is actively recommended by the IMF to many countries. One should,
however, not underestimate the value of a strong long-term record as well
as the uncertainties inherent in an approach like inflation targeting that
has not yet withstood the test of time.9 (We will return to inflation tar-
geting in the next section.)
Against this background it is possible to assess the choice made by the
ECB in 1998. The exclusion of exchange rate targeting should be no sur-
prise. Since the collapse of the Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate system,
no leading currency has subordinated its monetary policy to an external
anchor. For the ECB the exchange rate is merely one of several indicators
in the second pillar, given the information it offers about future price
As to money targeting, inflation targeting, and discretion, it may be said
that while not choosing any of these strategies, the ECB drew something
from each. It did not choose money targeting, but recognized in the first
pillar the prominent role of money in the preparation, transmission, and
communication of decisions. Likewise, while not pursuing an inflation fore-
cast that is conditional on a certain (usually constant) policy rate time
path, the ECB adopted a quantitatively defined objective of price stability,
one of the key features of inflation targeting. As to discretion, the ECB
rejected the unwillingness to publicly disclose a decision-making method
but nevertheless took much of the analytical substance.
The ECB strategy may effectively be seen as one that combines two views.
The first is avoidance of tying monetary policy to a single variable as the
decision driver. The ECB recognizes in this way the merits of the rather
eclectic approach prevailing over a quarter century among leading indus-
trial economies and notably preferred by the US Fed. Indeed, the nature
of the ECB strategy (i.e., the role attributed to a wide range of nominal and
real variables) is primarily supported by the desire to base monetary policy
on a broad set of indicators, rather than on a restricted number of
pre-selected indexes. Inflation expectations, in particular, which are the
dominant driver of policy decisions in inflation targeting, were not seen
as sufficient to exhaustively depict the state of the economy. Furthermore,
to secure the robustness of monetary policy actions, the ECB felt that
72 Chapter 4
The ECB policy strategy stirred a debate that is still ongoing. Both criti-
cism and appreciation have been voiced.10 Appreciation was expressed for
the breadth of the assessment on which policy decisions are based and for
the ample communication.
Key features of the strategy have received positive recognition. First,
market reactions to the establishment of the new rules of the game were
swift, a sign that the new monetary policy environment was perceived as
transparent and operational. For example, since 1999 overnight rates have
limited their fluctuations on the dates of monetary policy announcements
to less than five basis points on average, a sign that policy was reasonably
Second, the ECB’s systematic avoidance of short-term economic fine-
tuning has been found consistent with a renewed interest in the academic
Monetary Policy: As Strong as the Deutsche Mark 73
debate for less activist approaches to monetary policy. The idea behind
these approaches is simple. The more drawn out the central bank’s reac-
tion to a given shock, namely the more persistent its compensating reac-
tion to the original perturbation, the quicker private expectations—
discounting this persistent reaction—will adjust to the shock in an equili-
brating direction. As private expectations are incorporated in long-term
yields, and demand conditions are influenced primarily by changes in
long-term interest rates, persistence in monetary policy strengthens the
central bank’s leverage on the economy via an expectation channel.12
Third, the notion that price stability should be maintained over the
medium term has made some headway among other central banks, once
committed to shorter and more rigid forms of quantification concerning
the horizon relevant for policy.13 Having to compensate adverse shocks to
inflation over the medium term allows a more measured response to the
original source of disturbance, which avoids injecting unnecessary volatil-
ity into economic activity.
Finally the important but not all-encompassing role assigned to infla-
tion forecasts within the strategy has gathered consensus among those
observers who are more alerted to the risks of elevating a single summary
indicator to the sole guide for policy (e.g., see Vickers 1999).
Along with this appreciation, criticism has persisted and, to some extent,
intensified. In one way or another, the failure to opt for full inflation tar-
geting seems to have constituted in the eyes of some observers the fatal
sin in the ECB’s original experiment in mechanism design. It should be
recalled that the ECB strategy was adopted at a moment when both the
academic consensus and the choice of central banks were heavily leaning
toward inflation targeting.
This source of criticism has taken various forms and has been articulated
at various levels. At a less fundamental level, the ECB has been accused of
imprecision in the communication of those elements of its strategy that it
shares with inflation-targeting central banks. For example, the quantita-
tive definition of price stability has been described as “ambiguous and
asymmetric” and less than effective in anchoring expectations if compared
with the numerical targets adopted by inflation-targeting central banks.
Likewise the lack of precision in the characterization of the time horizon
over which monetary policy ought to restore price stability has been found
incompatible with the best practices of inflation targeting. These would
impose a binding form of commitment to a detailed time frame for action.
Lars Svensson, in a series of interventions, has heralded this technical form
of dissatisfaction among academics.14
74 Chapter 4
But the dissonance in reasoning that has emerged between the ECB and
sympathizers of strict inflation targeting has a deep-seated origin. It was
the ECB’s idea, embodied in the dual-pillar approach, that monetary policy
needs a diversified (as distinguished from unified) analytical framework. The
underlying fact is that there exists a great deal of uncertainty regarding the
correct specification of the transmission mechanism of monetary policy.
Because of uncertainty about which specification best reflects the true
structure of the economy and the true transmission mechanism of mone-
tary policy, a unified reference model to inform policy decisions was con-
sidered to be hazardous. Hence arose the need for a diversified perspective
of the economy.
It is precisely this diversification that many critics reject. They see no
justification for it and seem to opt for a unified-perspective approach. Jordi
Galí, a prominent contributor to the unified-perspective model, has been
a representative voice expressing scepticism about the ECB strategy.15
One could venture to say that the unified-perspective approach uses as
its reference model of the economy a re-interpreted version of the tradi-
tional Keynesian IS-LM-plus-Phillips curve model that was the fundamen-
tal analytical workhorse in macroeconomics for much of the postwar
period.16 To be sure, the framework advocated by ECB critics such as Lars
Svensson and Jordi Galí differs from its postwar predecessor in one impor-
tant respect. Unlike its original Keynesian prototype, the new Keynesian
model is fundamentally forward-looking. Indeed, the model derives its
structural conditions for demand and supply from the optimizing choices
of a representative agent and a representative firm, both of which enter-
tain expectations about the future and over time smooth out demand and
production decisions accordingly. This forward-looking dimension lends
the model a center of gravity, which the old Keynesian version lacked: the
natural rate of unemployment. In other words, the model allows a short-
term form of nonneutrality of monetary policy, in the sense that a non-
systematic (i.e., unexpected) monetary policy impulse can have an impact
on real activity in the short term. Nevertheless, the model has a tendency
to return to a long-run equilibrium situation, which is independent of the
monetary policy. This means that the model incorporates neutrality in
the long run.17
This is, of course, an important difference with respect to the old Key-
nesian model, which assumed that the structure of the economy was essen-
tially static, that expectations about the future (including future policy
moves) played no role in determining the private economy’s behavior in
the present. This assumption, joined with the wide conviction that the
Monetary Policy: As Strong as the Deutsche Mark 75
should be spent. The adoption of the ECB strategy in 1998 was just one
step into that process. It was preceded by the stipulation of a mission in
the Treaty and followed by the monthly preparation of documents by ECB
staff, their discussion and approval by the Board, the discussion, and finally
the decision, by the Council.
Seen in this way, a strategy is not a tool that mechanically links action
to information, thereby exhausting the set of degrees of freedom. Even
“tighter” policy rules, such as the unified model approach of inflation or
monetary targeting, do not mechanically make such a link. They leave
degrees of freedom, that is, room for discretion, up to the moment of
action. For example, judgment enters in the specification of the relevant
behavioral relations that best describe the working of the economy. Judg-
ment and discretion also guide the assumptions concerning the exogenous
variables, namely those economic variables, like foreign demand, that are
considered as given in a policy simulation exercise. Finally judgment is
crucial in the interpretation of the results and, in particular, in the assess-
ment of risks.
A strategy, useful as it is for good decisions, does not yield decisions. Its
role is to identify relevant information, help interpret it, and connect it
with possible actions, but not to mechanically produce a decision. Ulti-
mately this is due to the fact that a decision is an act of will, not an act of
knowledge.23 No strategy can change the voluntary nature of decision-
making. An act of will is not only required by imperfect knowledge, nor
is it only a remedy to ignorance and risk. It is the very nature of a deci-
sion on any matter. After all, just as scholars debate about research issues,
policy-makers debate about policy issues. No matter the field, humans hold
different views, and they also weigh arguments differently and rarely
adhere to a conclusion without some residual doubt. In areas of policy the
questions of how to act and when to act are not, and cannot be, unam-
biguously prescribed by a rule. The strategy of the ECB leaves room for dis-
cussion, judgment, and disagreement, and it would be insufficient if it did
not. If information were as perfectly connected to action as it is sometimes
hoped, why involve a decision-maker, and why create a council, where
differing views, based on shared adherence to a strategy, can be aired
to consent to an action?
A final point to be stressed before concluding this section is that in the
monetary policy field, the deliberation style of the ECB Council fully cor-
responds to that of the collegial decision-making that led to the Maastricht
Treaty and described in chapter 2. From the very start, in hammering out
a single monetary policy, each participant brought to the table his or her
78 Chapter 4
own view of how best to effect price stability in euroland, and not the par-
ticular needs of his or her country of origin. The dynamics of prices of
course, is not the same in every euro country, just as it is not the same in
every region of a country. It was thus tempting for a national central bank
governor of a country with lower than average inflation to resist an inter-
est rate hike that might be called for by the overall state of the euro
economy. Indeed, we will see, in other chapters, that, in areas other than
monetary policy, national or “periphery” considerations still very much
influence the Eurosystem’s deliberations. That this is not happening in the
exercise of monetary policy, which is the central and foremost function of
the System, is all the more remarkable. The collective view by now estab-
lished is that an introduction into a discussion of national bias would be
very badly received by the peers gathered at the table. This is a significant
achievement in this early stage of the new institution.
five years. In the ECB’s view the specific causes of both of these trespasses
were such that no specific corrections were needed. Inflation had been
pushed up by a rather unusual sequence of supply price shocks in 1999 to
2003.24 The notion that price stability is “to be maintained over the
medium term” had been expounded precisely to acknowledge that mon-
etary policy cannot be expected to counter the first round effect of a supply
shock. With regard to M3, the main cause of the very high expansion was
found to be protracted portfolio shifts. Investors showed a sustained pref-
erence for liquidity because of the high uncertainty in financial markets
and in the general macroeconomic outlook.
Over the first four years, a gradual change occurred both in the conduct
of monetary policy and in communication. First, in early 2002, the ECB
ceased to claim that it was aiming at an inflation rate “safely below 2
percent.” It can be observed today that initially the aim reflected the special
circumstances of the economy during the second part of the 1990s, when
inflation was exceptionally low and no fears of deflation or a liquidity trap
had yet plagued any of the major economies, with the exception of Japan.
Second, month-to-month monetary policy decisions became increasingly
related to the real sector analysis of the indicators of future price develop-
ments as captured by the second pillar of the strategy, instead of to the
dynamics of monetary aggregates. The ECB had to consistently explain
why failing to react to money growth above 41/2 percent, albeit prolonged
in time, did not contradict its belief that “money matters.” However, the
Bank did show, in both words and deeds, that the analysis of the first pillar
was more a controlling device than an operational guide for short-run
decisions. Third, the consideration of the important role of money was
gradually broadened beyond M3, to include a full range of indicators of
the liquidity conditions of the economy, in the form of money and
credit aggregates.
The 2002 re-evaluation concentrated on the quantitative definition of
price stability and the role of money. As to the former, three main con-
cerns arose from the experience of the early years, and they were amply
debated in the course of the re-evaluation. First was the concern that an
underlying, or core, inflation should be preferred to the HICP. In its favor
was the argument that if one removes the more volatile components of
prices, the core inflation provides a better assessment of the trends. Second
was the concern that a less ambitious upper threshold than 2 percent
should be adopted. As 2 percent had been chosen at a moment when infla-
tion was particularly low in many European countries, and shortly after
the Bundesbank had lowered from 2 percent to the 1.5–2.0 percent range
80 Chapter 4
its stated “price norm,” it was below the long-term average inflation in
Germany (2.9 percent in 1949–98) and had been repeatedly exceeded in
the early years of the euro. Third was the concern that the 1998 defini-
tion, which lacked the explicit indication of a lower bound, was asym-
metrical and ill-suited to deal with the risk of deflation. From 1998 to 2002
several critics had claimed that the ECB seemed to wish an inflation rate
as low as possible in the zero to 2 percent range and that it was insensi-
tive to the difficulty of conducting monetary policy in such a very low
inflation environment.
The second focus was on the role of money. Here the critique was based
both on the instability shown by the money demand function in the early
years and on a recent trend in academic literature that considered money
to be largely irrelevant as an indicator of inflationary pressures. In these
theoretical models the transmission mechanism was shown to operate pri-
marily through aggregate demand (e.g., see Svensson 1999).
With the announced outcome of the evaluation in May 2003, the ECB
affirmed again the importance of HICP to the definition of price stability
based on its transparency and reliability, but it indicated that measures of
core inflation were to be used as indicators in its policy-making. The Bank
also expanded its 1998 definition of price stability (“below 2 percent . . . to
be maintained over the medium term”), but at the same time specified that
it will aim to maintain inflation rates close to 2 percent. It confirmed that
its monetary policy will continue to be based on two pillars, but at the
same time specified that monetary analysis would mainly serve as a means
of cross-checking, from a medium to long-term perspective, the short to
medium-term indications coming from economic analyses. Moreover, the
ECB announced a new structure of the monthly Press Statement, whereby
the economic analysis would be presented first and the monetary analysis
second (figure 4.1).25
All in all, the re-evaluation did not lead to a change in strategy, but rather
to a clarification, which made explicit the evolution occurred in the early
All along the issue whether the strategy needed a change or a clarifica-
tion was debated extensively within the ECB. Of course, a change in strat-
egy would have been effected if the ECB Council had felt that by a different
strategy better decisions could have been taken in the previous years.
Rightly or wrongly, the ECB did not have such regrets, which of course
does not preclude the fact that better decisions could have been taken with
the given strategy. The Council thus did not see any compelling reason for
change; it only found the need for clarification.
Monetary Policy: As Strong as the Deutsche Mark 81
Figure 4.1
Monetary policy strategy
The change versus clarification issue, however, had also deeper implica-
tions. Just as legislation operates as a blend of written law and jurispru-
dence, so the policy profile of every central bank is a combination of a
posted strategy and a track record. Depending on the history and practice
of each institution, the two components weigh in different proportions.
In the case of the Fed, for example, the track record has traditionally had
the dominant role, with the exception of the 1979 to 1982 Volcker years
when, partly to correct the negative track record of the previous decade, a
monetary target was adopted to halt inflation. In contrast, because the ECB
had no track record, it had to rely almost entirely on a posted strategy from
its start. In part the ECB borrowed the track record of the Bundesbank by
the adoption of some features of its strategy (M3 in particular), the Frank-
furt location, and by relying on some of its high officials. When the
re-evaluation took place in 2003 a track record, though of only four years,
did exist, and it was very positive to the point of curbing the early scepti-
cism from many quarters. What is truly remarkable was that long-term
inflation expectations, as measured both by Consensus Forecast and the
ECB Survey of Professional Forecasters, have been consistently below 2
percent since the start of the euro, and that this was achieved despite the
actual figures often exceeding 2 percent (figure 4.2).
Moreover, from the distribution of the inflation rates across countries in
the euro area, it was clear that the first years of single monetary policy had
82 Chapter 4
5.5 5.5
5.0 5.0
4.5 4.5
4.0 4.0
3.5 3.5
3.0 3.0
2.5 2.5
2.0 2.0
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
0.0 0.0
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Figure 4.2
Euro area inflation expectations since 1990. Sources: Consensus Forecasts; ECB
not induced any noticeable increase in the dispersion. Since the start of
the euro, the degree of inflation dispersion in the euro area countries has
remained in line with that of US regions where the common currency has
had the benefit of centuries of experience (figure 4.3). Clearly, any change
in strategy would have meant a restart of the jurisprudence and hence
some waste of the little, and all the more precious, capital of a track record
built in the early years. Had the ECB Council been convinced that the strat-
egy was flawed, a change would have no doubt imposed itself. Since,
however, this was not the case, continuity was seen as a positive factor.
A segment of the academic community was disappointed to see the ECB
willing only to clarify, and not alter, its strategy. In view of the large intel-
lectual support for inflation targeting, that segment of academe had wished
the ECB to follow its preferred approach and abandon the two pillars. As
I explained in the previous section, the divide between the Bank and this
academic group ran deep, and beyond a purely scholarly dispute. The Bank
has maintained its approach not so much, and not only, because of a
difference as to what might be the “right” model, but rather because of
Monetary Policy: As Strong as the Deutsche Mark 83
Euro area
6 (12 countries)
United States
(14 MSAs)
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Figure 4.3
Dispersion of annual inflation across euro area countries compared with fourteen
US metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs). Note: Data up to February 2003 for the
euro area and to January 2003 for the US MSAs. Sources: Eurostat and US Bureau of
Labor Statistics.
4.4 Operations
Central bank operations—the term of policy that follows the mandate and
the framework—is where NCBs come into play. Like the framework, oper-
ations were decided in 1998, just before the start of the euro. They consist
of (1) the operational target, (2) the instruments, and (3) the mechanics of
policy implementation and execution.
84 Chapter 4
of the location of the bank. The central bank counterparty of a bank estab-
lished in Italy is Banca d’Italia, while, for the same operation, it is the
Finnish central bank for a Finnish bank.
It is often asked whether the implementation and execution of mone-
tary policy in euroland are as “single” as the framework and the decision-
making. The answer is unambiguously positive. There is in fact no single
instrument of policy left to the discretion of national central banks. In this
way the Eurosystem is more integrated than the Fed.32 In the weekly tender,
as in occasional operations, national central banks act as collectors of the
bids and formal counterparties of commercial banks, but they cannot add
to, subtract from, nor change the distribution of the liquidity provision
decided in Frankfurt.33 It is at the ECB that the allotment is distributed
after ranking the bids in a single ordering, which disregards the national
origin and location of the bidding banks. The singleness of the operational
phase results—ex post—from the fact that there is a single overnight rate
across euroland.34
The decentralization of the mechanics has had, so far, no negative impli-
cation for the effectiveness of monetary policy. Indeed, in the few instances
experienced so far, in which an extra provision of liquidity had to be
urgently decided, the Eurosystem has operated as effectively and promptly
as the Fed (e.g., in the aftermath of 9/11). Yet decentralization may com-
plicate the logistics and bring some extra cost. For example, the monitor-
ing of the overall liquidity situation requires a potentially cumbersome
aggregation, in the early hours of each working day, of twelve (and, in the
future, up to twenty-seven) national central bank inputs.
That the execution of policy operations is done via the NCBs reflects not
only the principle of decentralization but also the fact that despite the sin-
gleness of the currency, euroland is still a fragmented area. It has many
financial centers, and still largely country-based banking communities,
that relate to the Eurosystem through the local central bank and via local
channels of communication in which the national language is essential.
The legal and technical instruments required to settle the operations
remain national. It should also be noted that decentralization of policy
execution is not unprecedented in central banking, nor is it an exclusive
characteristic of a central bank with a federal structure. In the past decen-
tralization was practiced in many countries, where discount operations
were decided by the local branch of the central bank. In its early years the
Deutsche Bundesbank fully decentralized the execution of policy.
On the operations of the Eurosystem, the Statutes set another, and
potentially a more important, constraint than just decentralization. They
86 Chapter 4
4.5 Transmission
mally very long period during which economic, social, cultural, political,
and legal life develop within a single state. Cohesiveness is the crucial
factor because, in the economy as in any other field, “transmission” from
one part (in this case the central bank) to the whole (the economy)
presupposes, by definition, a “sticking together” of the parts. In the case
of euroland the transmission mechanism is complicated by the fact that
cohesiveness, and hence the transmission mechanism, is in a process of
change, partly due to the advent of the euro and the single monetary
The special features of policy transmission in euroland can be better
understood by taking a closer look at two of its aspects concerning the
financial and the real side of the economy respectively.
Consider financial aspects first. Prior to the euro there were significant
cross-country differences in the way movements in central bank rates pro-
duced changes in the overall structure of interest rates. In Germany, for
instance, where the Deutsche Bundesbank used to set its rates very much
in the same way in which the ECB does today, interbank interest rates
directly reflected changes (and expectations of changes) in the main policy
rate. By contrast, in France, the most relevant rate for banks, corporations,
and households was not the official policy rate but the overnight rate,
which was tightly controlled by the central bank and usually different from
the official rate. In Italy the deposit and lending rates of commercial banks
continued to respond to changes in the official discount rate, so that the
liquidity and rate conditions on the money market, determined by the
daily operations of the Banca d’Italia, had little bearing on the real
economy. Likewise in Finland a large proportion of bank loans were
indexed on an interest rate set administratively and not relevant to mon-
etary policy operations.
Important diversities appear also for the business and household sectors.
Across Europe, for example, investment decisions are unequally dependent
on external finance and hence unequally responsive to monetary policy
due to the diversity of the balance sheet structure of firms. The importance
of credit rationing, namely the tendency of credit institutions to set
quantitative limits to the credit supplied to individual clients, depending
on their standing, was high in certain economies and low in others. In
Belgium or Italy, where households were large holders of government secu-
rities, the wealth effect produced by the central bank via changes in the
price of government bonds was more sizable than elsewhere. Similarly
a highly indebted household sector is more responsive to a change in
monetary and credit conditions than a balanced one.
88 Chapter 4
answers session. The transcript of the press conference appears on the ECB
Web site. The ECB also publishes a monthly bulletin, containing an analy-
sis of economic and monetary developments as well as longer-term studies
and other background information. Quarterly the ECB president appears
before the European Parliament. Twice a year staff forecasts on inflation
and growth are published. The president and other members of the Board
speak frequently in public and, occasionally, on television. Through their
own publications, speeches, and interviews, NCBs explain monetary policy
to a national audience in the national language.
There are differences between the ECB and other main central banks of
the world, the Fed, the Bank of England, and the Bank of Japan.
The Eurosystem provides real-time information that no other major
central bank offers today. The day of the meeting, the Fed and the Bank
of England issue a brief press release without meeting the press. The Bank
of Japan holds a press conference one to two days after the second
monetary policy meeting of the month. On the other hand, minutes of
meetings and individual voting behavior are published by the three other
central banks but not—for the reasons explained below—by the ECB.43
Macroeconomic forecasts are published quarterly by the Bank of England
in an inflation report. They represent the “best collective judgment” of the
Monetary Policy Committee and staff. Consistent with the fact that the
policy-making body takes responsibility for the inflation forecast, the Bank
of England is required by statute to publicly justify—in a letter to the Trea-
sury—marked deviations from it.44 For the ECB the projection of growth
and inflation rates, which is published twice a year, does not involve the
responsibility of the Board or the Council and is merely an element in the
second pillar of the strategy. As to the Fed, it treats the subject as very
confidential and refrains from publishing either forecasts or the underly-
ing models, while members of the Federal Open Market Committee
members are not entitled to witness the process by which the staff
forecast is derived.
If monetary policy is dubbed as an art rather than as a science or a tech-
nique, this is largely due—in our days—to the difficulty and nature of
its communication. The never equal circumstances, the multiplicity of
purposes, its unavoidable personalization, the diversity of channels and
addressees make it an arduous task for any central bank and for the
Eurosystem in particular.
In the euro area both the sending and the receiving side of communi-
cation are still in the process of learning the features that differentiate them
from ordinary countries and central banks.
94 Chapter 4
Banks are the creators of the largest component of the money stock and
the main providers of payment services. Together with financial markets,
they play a key role in central bank operations and in the transmission of
monetary policy. Crises in banking and finance may disrupt both the
economy and monetary policy. These are the reasons why, as described in
chapter 2, financial stability is an integral part of the tasks of central banks.
The Eurosystem can be no exception. However, the task is specially chal-
lenging for it because of two, potentially conflicting, developments trig-
gered by the advent of the euro. On the one side, euroland’s financial
markets and institutions are receiving an impressive impulse to consoli-
dation, prompted by the disappearance of currency segmentation. On the
other side, at the very moment in which such impulse is imparted, national
competence is preserved in the field of prudential supervision.
This chapter reviews both market developments and policy arrange-
ments. After an explanation of why currency specificity is crucial to iden-
tify a single banking and financial system (section 5.1), in section 5.2, I
outline the features of the continental European model and in section 5.3
the impact of the euro. In sections 5.4 and 5.5, I then examine the exist-
ing arrangements for financial regulation and supervision and in section
5.6 the role of the Eurosystem. For the purpose of this chapter, I define the
financial system as encompassing all financial intermediaries and markets,
as well as the market infrastructures and the regulatory and supervisory
system impinging on their functioning.
argue that all that really matters for the policies concerning the financial
system is the single market, and not the single currency.
In January 1999, at the launch of the euro, the single market had already
produced many of the intended effects. From the 1980s onward the finan-
cial system had gone through a massive legislative change and reorgani-
zation. Already before the euro, capital could move freely across the
European Union and financial institutions were allowed to provide services
in all member states, with a single license and under the sole supervision
of the home-country authority.
However, harmonization of rules and lifting of barriers to entry in
national markets were not enough to create a single “domestic” market.
The permanence of different currencies was a powerful factor preserving
national segmentation.
Currency segmentation prevents neither the free movement of capital
nor the free provision of financial services across national frontiers. Yet,
for financial intermediaries and markets, the currency is a crucial element
in the organization of activities. In fact in the single market financial activ-
ities remained segmented by currencies even within a single bank, and
institutional investors used to allocate their global portfolio to currency
lines. Accordingly financial centers were specialized in financial products
denominated in their national currency.
With the advent of the single currency and the Eurosystem, this seg-
mentation started to fade away. The extensive restructuring of the finan-
cial system in euroland—the wave of mergers and acquisitions and, what
is more important, the reorganization of activities at an areawide level
within large financial groups—is a major demonstration that currency seg-
mentation mattered. The introduction of the euro also affected the cur-
rency composition of the business undertaken with residents outside the
euro area. While at the beginning of 1999 dollar denominated assets of
euro area financial institutions towards non–euro area counterparts were
almost twice as large as euro-denominated ones, the gap narrowed sub-
stantially by end-2002. Significant effects are also visible in those segments
of the European financial market where issuance in US dollars was dom-
inating (the so-called euro-dollar market). For instance, in the European
commercial paper market the share of euro-denominated debt instruments
increased from less than 20 percent at the beginning of 1999 to almost
50 percent in 2003, while the dollar-denominated share fell from almost
60 percent to less than 30 percent in the same period.
Regardless of the empirical evidence, it might be argued that, at least for
banks, the very creation of the Eurosystem has ipso facto determined the
Financial System: The Euro as Unifier 99
banks’ activities are limited to core functions, but a wider range of finan-
cial services may be provided by a banking group by means of subsidiaries.
Bank-assurance, the third distinctive feature, may be viewed as a further
extension of the universal banking model. Operational linkages between
banks and insurance companies have traditionally been more developed
in Europe than in either the United States or Japan. Ownership linkages
between the two sectors used to be subject to several constraints in
Belgium, France, and the Netherlands, but the restrictions were generally
alleviated at the beginning of the 1990s and also previously they did not
prevent the establishment of close operational relations. More recently
close linkages between banking and life insurance have further developed
in fully integrated groups providing the whole range of financial services,
the so-called financial conglomerates.
The freedom enjoyed by European banks in developing their business
beyond traditional deposit taking and lending was often balanced by the
strong involvement of government in the financial sector, through both
public ownership and a “hands-on” regulation and supervision.
In continental Europe, public ownership of banks is rooted in history
and predates the industrial revolution and the development of modern
market economies. It originates from the often nonprofit and charitable
nature of lending and pawnbroking. Public ownership was further
extended in the last century as a way to rescue banks that failed in the
crisis of the 1930s, or, later, as part of nationalization programs imple-
mented by leftist governments.3 In many European countries the wide-
spread presence of central or regional governments in the ownership
structure of banks was also seen as a way to alleviate the risk of systemic
instability in the financial system.
In the last decade of the twentieth century, public ownership of banks
became less relevant in Europe and privatization programs were adopted.
This reflected a change in prevailing economic ideas as well as the creation
of the single market, which dismantled regulatory barriers, tightened com-
petition rules, and eroded the “game reserves” of public banks, usually
endowed with special charters.4 Admittedly, however, privatization does
not per se create a smoothly functioning market for corporate control,
where inefficient owners and corporate governance structures are replaced
through shifts of control rights, such as via a takeover bid. The ownership
structure may be engineered in such a way as to prevent shifts in control,
and public authorities may continue to interfere to some extent with moral
suasion or other instruments.
102 Chapter 5
identifies the domain of a market with the ownership structure of the firms
operating in it, and fails to adequately consider the integration of activi-
ties. In reality the ownership structure has only a modest significance for
assessing the degree of market integration. For example, in key manufac-
turing industries, which are undoubtedly competing in a European-wide
market for much longer, only few cross-border mergers have taken place.
That cross-border mergers are not the decisive indicator of the emergence
of a single industry, is also suggested by the US experience. After the
removal of barriers to inter-state banking in 1991 mergers and acquisitions
mainly took place within states, while concentrations across states were
rare and generally confined to neighbouring states.9 Only at a later stage
did nationwide operations become more frequent. This resembles what is
happening in Europe today, with a large number of intrastate mergers and
very few interstate cross-border mergers between banks in close proximity
to one another (e.g., in Scandinavian countries and in the area including
Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg).
To assess whether the removal of currency segmentation has unified the
market, attention should focus on financial products and services, rather
than on the ownership structure. To this end, the simple, most frequently
used, criterion is the so-called law of one price, stating that if the same
product is sold at different prices within a competitive market, arbitrage
activities will eliminate price differences.10 A market is thus identified as
the space where, under the forces of competition, the same good or service
is sold at the same price. In the field of finance, however, the law of one
price is—for two reasons—of limited help.
First, finance is a field where a given product is often not sufficiently
homogeneous for its price to be equalized through arbitrage. Quality com-
petition—as distinguished from price competition—is crucial for most
financial products and services. Second, in finance there is a plurality of
products and services, ranging from asset management to insurance policy,
from loans, to mergers and acquisition (M&A) services, to privatization.11
This implies that markets where different products and services are
exchanged differ in size and geographical span.
These features make it very difficult to apply the law of one price and,
more generally, to find a unifying empirical measure of the degree of inte-
gration of the market. To overcome the difficulty, the discussion of overall
financial activity will be divided in three main categories—wholesale,
capital market, and retail—to be considered separately.
Wholesale activity is the one where the two sides of the transaction are
not the end users—say, households or firms—but financial institutions. It
104 Chapter 5
constitutes the inner core of the monetary and financial system and also
the part closest to the central bank. It is the main channel for transmis-
sion of both monetary policy and potential financial instability. In this
segment of the system product standardization is high and the law of one
price can be applied.
The key component of the wholesale market is the transfer of liquidity
among banks, which takes place mostly in the market for unsecured
deposits (almost 50 percent of total interbank activity).12 In this market the
law of one price began to work almost immediately after the launch of the
euro, on January 4, 1999, when interest rates became virtually identical in
all countries, signaling that market segmentation had disappeared. Market
integration was somewhat less prompt for secured transactions, where legal
discrepancies and practical difficulties in the cross-border management of
collateral tend to obstruct the arbitrage mechanism.13
The second set of products and services comes under the heading capital
market activity. It is so denominated because the counterparty of the finan-
cial institution is the capital market. This activity—constituting the essence
of investment banking—comprises corporate finance and asset manage-
ment services. The former consists of services offered to firms, which are
in a position to tap capital markets, such as bond and equity issuance,
privatization, syndicated lending, mergers and acquisitions, and corporate
restructuring. The latter relates to managing asset portfolios of savers,
which can be individuals, corporations, pension funds, or other institu-
tional investors. It should be noted that the management of assets is kept
distinct from the distribution of the products to final investors (i.e., the
collection of savings), which is a retail activity, to be considered below.
In capital market related activity, quality competition is very strong,
since the reputation of the intermediary and its relationship with other
market participants—for example, in terms of placing power—play a major
role. Hence the law of one price applies only to a limited extent.
Bond issuance is the field of corporate finance where both prices and
amounts show that the unification of the market has come about rather
quickly after the start of the euro. Indeed, the volume of funds denomi-
nated in euro raised by private entities (i.e., nongovernmental, but includ-
ing banks) doubled in the first year of EMU and international operations
grew consistently more than domestic ones. This reflected the fact that
international bonds could be issued in the debtor’s own currency, the euro.
The spreads narrowed significantly, demonstrating increased liquidity.
More difficult is to gather evidence for other corporate finance services
such as underwriting services, syndicated lending, structured finance for
Financial System: The Euro as Unifier 105
start-ups, and the various advisory services relating to mergers and acqui-
sitions and corporate restructuring. However, it should be noted that, since
these services are highly sophisticated and clients large in size, the market
was already tending toward a high integration before the euro.
Turning to asset management, important economies of scale and bene-
fits from spreading risks push toward the concentration of actual man-
agement of assets and trading activity, while enhancing international
diversification. To show how fast asset management has moved away from
purely domestic investments, suffice it to recall that from 1997 to 2002 the
share of domestic stocks in European equity mutual funds fell from 49 to
29 percent.
Both in corporate finance and asset management services, currency seg-
mentation has been an impediment to exploiting the high potential for
economies of scale. The advent of the euro has thus triggered a significant
movement toward consolidation. More than twenty of the largest forty
banks in euroland have been involved in important mergers as the euro
was being introduced, between 1998 and 2000. While rarely on a cross-
border basis, mergers were largely triggered by the fact that markets—in
particular, capital markets—were no longer national in any meaningful
For the financial system of the euro a particular aspect is the role of
London. Not surprisingly a bulk of wholesale and capital market activities
in euro, involving euro area investors, issuers, and intermediaries takes
place in London, which is the prime financial place in Europe as well as
the center where most US and other non-European institutions are located.
For example, large value interbank flows are about equally shared between
London and Frankfurt, and even many large euro area banks conduct
investment banking activities through specialized subsidiaries located in
London. Strong cooperation between the Eurosystem and the Bank of
England alleviates the anomaly that a significant portion of financial busi-
ness denominated in euro takes place outside the area of jurisdiction of
the central bank issuing that currency.
The third set of products and services goes under the heading of retail
activity. This is the most visible part of the financial system and the one
that reaches the largest number of clients, mainly households and small
firms. The retail market maintains a strong geographical segmentation
because, with counterparties scattered and not very mobile, the crucial
factor is proximity. The high visibility of retail banking contributes to the
erroneous impression of a persistent division of euroland into national
markets. It is interesting to note that euroland and the United States have
106 Chapter 5
of regulation and supervision in the United Kingdom, and the rapid pace
of change of the financial industry.
Before entering the subject, a clarification in the terminology may be
useful. Regulation and supervision are the two words commonly used to
name the intervention of public authorities in the financial system. Regu-
lation consists in issuing rules for banks, other intermediaries or other
market participants. Such rules can be written in national or EU law, or in
so-called secondary legislation, namely in norms issued by technical com-
mittees or agencies. Supervision is the activity aiming at ensuring compli-
ance with the rules. It has an executive and judiciary (as distinguished from
legislative) nature and is concerned with implementing and enforcing—
often with a large degree of discretion—the rules. The two main public
interests pursued through regulation and supervision are financial stabil-
ity (for which the comprehensive term of prudential controls is often used)
and protection of the investor. Depending on institutional arrangements,
regulation and supervision may be entrusted to the same authority or be
assigned to different authorities.
Against this background, the regulatory and supervisory framework set
up for the single market of banking and other financial services was based
on coupling European regulation with national supervision. More specifi-
cally, the following four arrangements were adopted: (1) essential EU-
harmonized regulation; (2) mutual recognition of nonharmonized,
national, rules; (3) national competence for supervision in the implemen-
tation and enforcement of the rules; and (4) close cooperation among
national authorities.
Of the four, the first two are the general arrangements that preside over
the whole structure of the single market. They were adopted in the mid-
1980s to accelerate the program of establishing freedom of circulation of
goods, services, capital, and persons in the European Union. Taken
together, they have permitted to combine a simplification of the legisla-
tive program required to launch the single market with the benefits of
policy competition.
According to the third principle—national competence for supervision—
every financial institution (which has the right to do business in the whole
area on the basis of a single license) operates under the authority of the
country where the license was issued. This principle, called home-country
control, allows the unambiguous identification of the supervisor responsi-
ble for each institution.
Cooperation among national authorities is the fourth and last principle.
Clearly, in an integrated market that retains a plurality of “local” (national)
Financial System: The Euro as Unifier 109
As indicated earlier, a much debated issue triggered by the euro was the
structure of supervisory agencies or, in simpler terms, “Who does what.”
In some ways this was the hardest and most complex part of the whole
debate, because not a single, but a cluster of often entwined issues was
involved and because any assignment of policy functions stirs hot con-
troversy. In the background there was the fact that the institutions of
supervision differ widely from country to country (see table 5.1) and that
no conclusive theoretical argument points to a single optimal setup. Trans-
formation of the industry called, at any rate, for a reconsideration of exist-
ing arrangements. Moreover the adoption of a quite new approach by such
a major financial center as London in 1998, and the active efforts to sell
the formula around the world undertaken by the new UK agency, have
further moved the spirits.19
Giving Europe a single currency and a single central bank naturally leads
one to ask whether supervision should remain national or become itself
European. This was the question explicitly addressed in 1988 to 1992 when
EMU was designed and inscribed in the Treaty of Maastricht. In recent
years two other issues were added to the debate on the institutions of
supervision. To see the overall picture, let us begin by adumbrating these
other questions.
The first question is whether the various sectors of the financial system—
banking, securities, and insurance—should be supervised by a single
agency or by separate agencies. Advocates of the creation of the Financial
Services Authority (FSA) as an all-purpose supervisor stressed that sector
segmentation is increasingly disappearing. Critics emphasize that the
112 Chapter 5
Table 5.1
Institutional arrangements for supervision in euroland
Number of
supervisory Supervisory
authorities modela Role of the central bank
responsibility for large banks and financial groups with a nationwide busi-
ness. It is somewhat surprising, then, that the transfer of supervisory com-
petencies to the euro area level has not been put forward more strongly in
the recent debate.
The drawbacks associated with a plurality of national supervisors go from
slowness in responding to problems, to use of national discretion for the
protection of the national industry, to aggravation of the regulatory
burden. It is not by accident that in past historical experience, a single cur-
rency area with a single financial system has almost always been comple-
mented with a single supervisor.23 For large intermediaries with significant
cross-border business a “one-stop only” relation with public authorities sig-
nificantly reduces the costs of compliance. Also the changing dimension
of systemic risk speaks in favor of shifting supervisory competence to
euroland. Indeed, financial institutions are increasingly exposed to shocks
originating outside national boundaries, while channels for contagion
imply enhanced cross-border spillover effects in case of crises. Individually,
national supervisors—which by construction lack the whole picture of the
industry—may neglect important developments in the risk profiles of the
entities they supervise. Collectively they may fail to provide an optimal
control of systemic risk.
On the other hand, defenders of national competence observe that since
the final responsibility to decide whether to intervene with taxpayers’
money in case of a crisis lies with national governments, a supranational
agency would lack clear lines for reporting and accountability. They also
stress the benefits of proximity to the financial institutions, which grants
supervisors a closer access to information and market rumors. Furthermore
they observe that some policy competition between national systems may
favor experimentation and comparison of different approaches. Finally
they maintain that a European agency could hardly function without
further harmonization of the legal and regulatory framework. This should
include, in addition to traditional prudential rules, such fields as company
laws and corporate governance rules, judiciary system for appeals against
supervisory decision and settling controversies.
Only time will tell whether the chosen approach will meet the euro
areawide public interests generated by the emergence of euroland’s finan-
cial system. At this stage it can only be observed that a time measurable in
years, not in months, will be needed for amending the existing framework.
This requires redrawing the dividing line between primary and secondary
legislation, which in turn involves rewriting the existing directives (there
are about forty of them for the various sectors of finance) and, after that,
Financial System: The Euro as Unifier 115
This final section deals with the specific role and concerns of the Eurosys-
tem, the central bank that identifies the financial and banking system of
Past and recent systemic crises show that financial strains developing
outside the banking field can only be overcome if banks are capable of sup-
porting the liquidity needs of other intermediaries, letting the insolvent
ones face their own destiny and countering the risk of the whole financial
system collapsing. As to the central bank, it has to be in a position—as
“last” lender to banks—to ascertain the real financial conditions of its
counterparts and to actively intervene if needed. Having a responsibility
for the stability of the system as a whole, the central bank must carefully
assess the impact of bank insolvency. This is why all central banks monitor
the state of health of the financial system and strive to prevent adverse
Since, in case of a crisis, they are the ultimate line of defense before bank-
ruptcy, central banks are subject to come under strong pressures to inter-
vene and bail out ailing institutions and markets. For this reason they need
116 Chapter 5
Payment practices are as old as the exchange of goods and services among
human beings. Since ancient times their evolution has been driven by the
search of ever more efficient ways of organizing trade, leading from barter
120 Chapter 6
in the second half of it. The payment system became gradually a non-
strategic front for central banks, an area rarely looked at by governors or
board members.
The long standstill ended in the 1980s, mainly as a result of two develop-
ments. The first was the growing risk of a collapse in netting systems due
to the exponential increase in the number and value of financial transac-
tions; the second was the advent of new money transfer techniques com-
bining electronic data processing with telecommunication technology.
In traditional netting systems the problem posed by a participant’s
inability to settle at the end of the day used to be solved by excluding from
the netting the payments due by the defaulter and recalculating net bal-
ances. As the total volume of payments grew much faster than the amount
of central bank money necessary to settle it, this solution (called “unwind-
ing”) became unworkable. The exclusion of one participant increasingly
risked changing the net position of other participants, thus triggering a
chain reaction of defaults. Settlement risks became liable to cause finan-
cial crises.
Central banks were concerned by these developments because the
increased vulnerability of netting arrangements—so-called systemic risk4—
was a potential threat for the orderly functioning of the monetary system.
In 1990 efforts to improve the resilience of netting systems led the major
central banks to set minimum standards for their functioning. Netting
systems were asked to adopt provisions ensuring that the settlement phase
would be completed even in the case of the failure of the participant with
the highest debit position.5 Following this initiative, most systems
amended their operational rules and procedures.
Meanwhile a historical change was made possible by the revolution in
information and communication technology (ICT). By allowing to trans-
fer money in real time from one account to another, ICT increased almost
without limit the velocity of circulation of central bank money. This dra-
matically reduced the need to economize holdings of fruitless balances in
central bank money, namely the rationale for using netting procedures.
Settlement in central bank money on a “gross” basis, namely by ensuring
immediate finality of each and every payment, became economically
possible, and thereby eliminated the intra-day balances between banks
and radically reduced systemic risks.
The Payment System: The Plumbing of Euroland 123
the central bank refers to the totality of the money stock and the entirety
of the monetary mechanism, and not just to the parts the central bank
directly issues or runs. In a regime of fiduciary currency, where both the
money and the payment services are simultaneously supplied by a public
interest-driven central bank and by profit-driven commercial banks, trust
and stability rest on the complementary and mutual reinforcing character
of the two roles.
Against the historical and functional background described in this and
the previous section, the rest of this chapter will illustrate the issues and
challenges the Eurosystem is facing in the field of payment systems. It will
consider in turn the three components into which modern payment
systems usually are classified, namely retail, large-value, and securities
settlement systems.
Between retail and large-value payments the distinction should be made
on the basis of the entity making or receiving the payment, rather than on
the size of the payment. Retail payments concern the circuit of consumers
and businesses, while large-value payments are mainly exchanged between
banks. Since the respective requirements are different, these two categories
of payments have different architectures and supporting systems. In par-
ticular, payments between banks have to be settled on a specific day, and
increasingly even in a specified time slot of the day, in order to allow for
the settlement of interdependent operations. Retail payments are less time
critical. As to securities settlement systems—used to discharge the mutual
obligations assumed by market participants when buying or selling bonds
or equities—they provide for the final delivery of securities from the seller
to the buyer and of money from the latter to the former. They are the
“plumbs” on which both securities and cash flow. Due to the phenome-
nal pace at which financial transactions have grown, both in volume and
number, they have become, in the last three decades, a critical area where
risks, as well as the requirement of a speedy and reliable service, have risen
at the same pace.9
In the course of the 1990s, prior to the launch of the euro, payment and
securities settlement systems underwent fundamental changes everywhere
in the European Union, under the financial and technological impulses
described above. Central banks played a key role in promoting and guiding
the change; they restructured and modernized their own operations, pro-
moted cooperative arrangements among market participants, introduced
The Payment System: The Plumbing of Euroland 125
Table 6.1
Key indicators on payment instruments in euroland and the United States, 2001
Sources: Payment and securities settlement systems in the European Union (Blue
Book), Addendum incorporating 2001 figures, ECB, September 2003. Statistics on
payment and settlement systems in selected countries (Red Book), figures for 2001,
BIS, April 2003.
a. In circulation outside credit institutions.
the transferability of central bank money in real time across euroland, but
the condition of indifference was not met either, as the price of a transfer
was very different from country to country. Euroland was largely seg-
mented in twelve country-specific components, with seventeen large-value
payment systems, twenty-three securities settlement systems, and count-
less overseers. This compares with two large-value payment systems, two
securities settlement systems, and two overseers in the United States.
Only with the advent of the single currency have the conditions, the
incentives, and the need arisen for the emergence of a single payment
system for euroland. As shown in the previous sections, the first and fore-
most condition is the singleness of the currency. The incentives consist of
the enormous increase in economies of scale and network externalities
offered by the move from a high number of systems of limited size to a
single, huge, euro areawide space. The need is strong for the private sector,
which requires payment services to be rapid, safe, and inexpensive. More-
over there is a need from the point of view of the public interest, because
a single and efficient system is part of the Eurosystem’s mandate and a con-
dition for the efficient transmission of monetary policy.10 This is the back-
ground against which to assess the strategies and perspectives of euroland’s
payment system.
Despite the needs and the incentives, and despite the provisions of the
Treaty, in the early years of EMU the movement toward a single, efficient,
and secure payment area for the euro has been slowed by difficulties and
impediments. One could wonder why market forces did not smoothly lead
to the optimal configuration. Historically the evolution of payment systems
has never been driven by competition alone, but by a peculiar combina-
tion of cooperation, public action, and competition. Moreover cooperation
among market participants rarely materializes without the public authori-
ties actively playing the catalyst role. And the task of drawing the bound-
aries between the respective camps of the three driving forces has rarely
been fulfilled by the invisible hand of market forces.
Now, while none of this would be a problem in a “normal” country, it
is one in euroland, where the initial segmentation of financial systems and
infrastructures is strong and the vested interests defending the status quo
are often as powerful as the advocates of change. An efficient and safe
single payment system of euroland would immensely benefit all the users,
but it would advantage only some of the service providers now operating
in the field. Even in a positive sum game there may be losers. The payment
industry is not made of a mass of small operators individually unable to
influence market conditions. It is made of powerful entities, often semi-
The Payment System: The Plumbing of Euroland 127
security features, type of paper, and metal. It continued with the decision
of the amount to be printed and minted, and then with the actual pro-
duction. Around 14.9 billion banknotes and 51.6 billion coins were pro-
duced. Banknotes were produced in fifteen printing works, of which five
are owned and run by central banks. Complex quality control procedures
were put in place to ensure that the same, say, 10 euro banknote produced
in fifteen printing works would be identical. On a given banknote there are
no recognizable signs allowing the bearer to understand whether it was
printed in Italy, or Finland, or any other country.
Prior to, or immediately after, the actual changeover over two hundred
thousand cash dispensers and about ten million so-called vending
machines (supplying food, gasoline, train or parking tickets, and other
goods or services against cash) had to be converted to the euro. Moreover
notes and coins were pre-distributed to banks and retailers for them to be
adequately supplied from day one.
Since national currencies also circulated abroad, an important cash
changeover had also to be organized outside euroland. It was estimated
that between 30 and 40 percent of the total Deutsche mark currency in
circulation was outside Germany. In some countries or territories, like
Bosnia or Kosovo, the Deutsche mark was the legal tender. Other national
currencies such as the Austrian schilling, the French franc, and the Spanish
peseta also circulated outside the respective countries, albeit in much
smaller proportions.
The changeover implied a change in unit of account, not only in the
medium of exchange. Indeed, although goods and services could have
been priced in euro as of January 4, 1999, for goods and services widely
traded by the general public the new pricing (unit of account) came only
with the change in payment practices (medium of exchange). Although
less visible, the logistics of the change in unit of account was a not less
complex operation than the change of notes and coins, as it required
millions of producers and shopkeepers to convert accounting practices,
computer programs, forms, price lists, and so on.
Even more subtle is the change in unit of account that has to occur in
the mind of every person (be it a consumer, a retailer, an industrialist, or
a Minister of Finance). Indeed every person—including the author of this
book—carries in his memory a sort of price list for a vast number of goods,
services, and magnitudes. On the basis of such list reflexes have been
trained to gauge the adequacy of a price or the realism of a figure. The
“changeover” of this human memory from the old to the new unit of
account is slow and presumably still far from completed.
The Payment System: The Plumbing of Euroland 129
After years of preparation the final act (the actual replacement of notes
and coins), initially planned to spread over a six-month period, then short-
ened to two months, was consummated in a matter of days if not hours.
In a majority of countries the changeover was virtually completed in the
first days of January 2002. By the end of January national currencies had
practically disappeared from everyday use. In all countries ordinary people
proved keen to enter the new standard as rapidly as possible.
In the foreign exchange market, in monetary policy, in stock exchanges,
in the denomination of public debts, national currencies had ceased to
exist three years before the cash changeover. For economists and central
bankers the euro had started then. Yet, in the imagination and psychology
of the people, the much talked about single currency became a reality only
when it could be seen and touched in the form of notes and coins. That
was a moment of enthusiasm and emotion, marked by the popular senti-
ment that a major step in the half century long process of constructing a
united Europe was then accomplished.
Turning to the condition of indifference, the second requirement for a
single payment area, while for central bank money this was achieved in
early 2002, it was still unfulfilled for commercial bank money. The speed
and fees of transfers of deposits remained grossly different depending on
whether the transfer was made within or across countries.13 This is despite
the fact that the banking industry was given the opportunity to run ahead
of the central bank with its own form of money. As the spontaneous play
of market forces failed to provoke any perceptible movement toward the
formation of a single payment area, the ECB gradually stepped up its
pressure, acting as a catalyst for change rather than getting operationally
involved. In 1999 it set as an objective for the year 2002 that in parallel
with the introduction of the new notes and coins, the banking commu-
nity should substantially improve cross-border payment services in terms
of cost and execution time.
Since the situation was not improving, by mid-2001 the European Com-
mission proposed a Regulation on Cross-Border Retail Payments in euro,
obliging banks to bring their cross-border charges down to the level of
domestic ones. Only then did banks present a proposal for a stepwise
elimination of the additional charges for cross-border credit transfers. The
Regulation was nevertheless adopted in December 2001.
As to the third accomplishment—the preservation of fungibility—the chal-
lenge did not come from the advent of a single currency in euroland but
from innovation brought about by new technologies in the field of retail
payments. The 1980s had seen the spreading of automated teller machines,
130 Chapter 6
debit and credit cards, point-of-sale terminals, and home banking. Trans-
action costs in commercial bank money shrank, and the share of cashless
payment instruments grew at the expense of banknotes and other paper-
based instruments. However, important as these developments were, the
retail payment industry did not modify its fundamental feature of being
based on commercial bank money.
More recently the challenge of innovation has come under a new form—
called electronic money or e-money—whereby, for the first time, money
can circulate independently of any book entry in the banking system in a
form differed from notes or coins. Electronic money can in fact be defined
as a payment instrument allowing monetary value to be electronically
stored on a technical device; the amount stored is decreased or increased
whenever the owner uses the device to settle a transaction. This new form
of money has the potential to become an attractive alternative to both
bank deposits and banknotes. The spreading of its use could change sub-
stantially the traditional structure of retail payments based on commercial
bank money. It could also challenge the provision of payment instruments
and settlement services by banks.
Although its spreading has so far been slow, the use of e-money could
accelerate, once a critical mass is reached. If redeemability of e-money into
commerical bank money and central bank money were not guaranteed,
monetary systems would go back to where they were before a single issuer
of banknotes was established. If the same path is followed, multiple units
of account would emerge, competition between them would give rise to
excessive circulation, leading to the collapse of the value of the overissued
currencies, crises of public confidence, and systemic contagion through the
rest of the financial system. A policy to address these concerns was set out
by the ECB in 1998. The core of this policy was that issuers of electronic
money should stand ready to redeem e-money in commercial bank money
or in central bank money at par. The ECB urged that to ensure this, only
credit institutions should be entitled to issue e-money. This requirement
became the cornerstone of the new Community regulatory framework pro-
posed by the European Commission in 2000.14
Table 6.2
Evolution in the value of transactions in euroland and the United States, 1990–2001
The move to the single currency has not produced, in the payment system
field of central banking, the sharp break in continuity that has character-
ized monetary policy. While an instantaneous regime shift occurred in
monetary policy on the night of December 31, 1998, in the financial
system and in payment services change has been much slower and even
In the field of payments, the Eurosystem is now facing a specific chal-
lenge, unlike other challenges it shares with other central banks of the
world. This challenge consists in shaping itself as a single—albeit decen-
tralized and federally structured—central bank, reaching the highest stan-
dards of effectiveness, efficiency, and safety. To successfully meet this
challenge, years, rather than annual quarters, will be needed. We have seen
in the previous sections how the Eurosystem is dealing, in the early years
of its life, with this challenge, which is specific to the peculiar nature of
its charter and of the “country of the euro.”
At this historic juncture the Eurosystem also faces more general chal-
lenges, which it shares with other central banks in the world. Four of them
are particularly relevant.
The first arises from privatization. Most monetary and financial systems
are encountering a rising trend to shift the dividing line between the public
and the private sector toward an enlargement of the latter area. Systems
that used to be seen as public utilities have been transformed into privately
136 Chapter 6
sible solution, one closer to the traditions of continental Europe and Japan,
leans toward setting up ex ante a firm regulatory framework within which
market forces are free to play. It is based on the conviction that the
payment and settlement services, the rules, and the oversight offered by
central banks are indispensable to the smooth functioning of the economy
and cannot be supplied by the market alone. The harmful effects of market
failure have been sufficiently experienced in the past and cannot be
allowed a chance to recur.
The Eurosystem brings to the debate its continental European tradition,
which is based on two components: the distinct role of central bank money
and the strict requirement of a license to conduct banking business.
A look at past monetary systems without central banks may help in dis-
cerning the future. As we saw earlier in this chapter, the plumbing was a
factor from the start of modern monetary systems. In Europe, central banks
developed when the production and management of a new medium of
exchange—paper currency—was recognized as a public function and
entrusted to an institution oriented to the public interest rather than profit
making. Earlier experiences indicate that in a free banking regime the
payment system overtakes the other central bank functions, including
monetary policy and banking supervision. In the absence of a formal
central bank, the plumber becomes the governor.
7 The Eurosystem in the Global Arena: A New Actor in a
New Play
The Economic and Monetary Union was not conceived to address an exter-
nal challenge. The challenge was rather intra-European. It meant comple-
menting the single market with a single currency, setting price stability on
a EU basis, and bringing forward the unification of Europe. Preparations
for the single currency were inwardly focused and the euro came to life
without program, ambition, or doctrine for its international role. Yet the
implications of EMU go well beyond the borders of Europe.
This chapter is devoted to the international role of the euro and the
Eurosystem in the current global architecture for monetary and financial
cooperation. After assessing the quantitative relevance and the policy
issues related to the role of the euro as an international currency (section
7.1), I move to exchange rate relationships, which—as the primary link
between currencies, economies, and countries—constitute the main
theme of the chapter. Four sections deal, respectively, with the perfor-
mance of the euro in the foreign exchange market in the first years (section
7.2), the exchange rate relationships between the three key world curren-
cies (section 7.3), and the role of the euro for those third currencies, which
seek an external anchor (sections 7.4 and 7.5). In the final section (section
7.6), I discuss cooperation for financial stability.
Table 7.1
Functions of international currencies
Source: ECB.
mark) and compares with 64.8 and 4.5 percent for the US dollar and the
Japanese yen.
As to the anchor role, at the end of June 2003 about fifty countries in
the world had an external anchor where the euro played some role, a fact
that will be further analyzed in section 7.5. Finally the intervention role
is mainly related to the anchor role, although, also for currencies not
pegged to the euro such as the Japanese yen, the euro was partly used for
intervention purposes.
Turning to private users, they have been quite active in borrowing or
investing in euro, namely in the store of value function. Since it holds a
total amount of financial assets far exceeding official reserve holdings, and
since it usually adjusts its asset and liability positions more frequently than
central banks, the private sector exerts a dominant influence on market
In 1999 to 2002 the average share of the euro in bond issuance by non-
residents was around 28 percent, while pre-euro currencies had a share of
19 percent in the period 1994 to 1998. The key driver of this expansion
has been the greater liquidity of the euro-denominated bond market
arising from the pooling of demand from the twelve member states as well
as the desire by non–euro area borrowers to enlarge their investor base for
the euro. In the same four years the performance of the euro in the issuance
of paper on the international money market has been even stronger.1 As
to investors, at the end of 2002 the euro accounted for an estimated 26
percent of bond portfolios of major global asset managers (against 51 and
14 percent for the US dollar and the Japanese yen respectively). At the same
date, equity holdings accounted for 22 percent (52 and 8 percent for the
United States and Japan).2
Turning to the uses as a unit of account and medium of exchange, the
available evidence suggests that, at the global level, the euro currently plays
a more limited role. Internationally traded goods and services are pre-
dominantly priced and paid in US dollars, regardless of their origin or
destination. Foreign exchange operations between not widely traded cur-
rencies are largely conducted via the US dollar, namely by splitting the
trade in two transactions against the US dollar. The predominance of the
dollar is unshaken, mainly because of inertia in market practices, network
externalities, and economies of scale.
What is the Eurosystem policy concerning the international use of the
euro? Part of the public opinion frequently holds the view that the inter-
national role of a currency is the result of a deliberate strategy. To many
people around the world, the dollar is the very epitome of the American
142 Chapter 7
Well before the launch of the euro, its exchange rate developments started
to attract some interest among both the specialized and the general public.
Among specialists, speculations abounded about the most likely course of
the euro and a widespread view was that the exchange rate would have
appreciated in its early years, mainly because international portfolios
would have been diversified from US dollars into euro.3 The general public
was led to share this expectation. To many ordinary people the promise of
“a euro as strong as the Deutsche mark,” to which we referred in chapter
4, was interpreted as the promise of a strong exchange rate.
Actual developments rapidly contradicted these expectations. For an
initial period of about seven quarters, the euro declined, losing 23 percent
in nominal effective, trade-weighted, terms between January 1, 1999, and
October 26, 2000. The decline vis-à-vis the US dollar—which accounts
for 25 percent of the trade-based basket used to calculate the effective
exchange rate of the euro—has been, over the period, in the order of 30
percent (figure 7.1).
The long descent of the euro produced wide disappointment. When the
euro went below parity to the US dollar on January 27, 2000, part of the
144 Chapter 7
120 1.4
115 1.3
85 0.8
80 0.7
75 0.6
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
110 250
95 150
80 50
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Euro real effective exchange rate (lhs) (average 1975–2003)
Exchange rate vis-à-vis the Japanese yen (rhs) (average 1978–2003)
Figure 7.1
Exchange rates. Sources: ECB and BIS.
The Eurosystem in the Global Arena: A New Actor in a New Play 145
press and analysts talked of a scorching defeat of the new currency by the
market. Put on the racetrack, the announced winning horse did not seem
fit to run. The unsophisticated public considered that the promised strong
currency was not being delivered.
It is not quite surprising that perceptions about the strength and quality
of the new currency have been—and to some extent still are—strongly
influenced by the exchange rate. In most European countries the general
public used to consider the exchange rate as the prime indicator of overall
stability and strength of the national currency. Moving from the Bretton
Woods regime, to the snake, to the EMS (see chapter 1), most countries in
Europe—the relevant exception being Germany—had lived almost perma-
nently in a world of fixed exchange rates. Because of the very large size of
the external sector compared to the overall size of the national economy,
the price dynamics of most countries was largely determined by the
exchange rate. In most European countries, a devaluating or depreciating
currency was considered a sign of general weakness, a defeat, an event asso-
ciated with inflation, often coupled with wage restrictions and budgetary
The transition to the single currency should have wiped out these “open
economy” or “fixed exchange rate” instincts, which were no longer sub-
stantiated by the new economic reality of euroland, much less open than
its component states. Not surprisingly, however, the change of instincts
did not come immediately, as entrenched habits and the absence of a float-
ing exchange rate culture could hardly be corrected in a few quarters.
The early reaction also explains the asymmetry between European and
American attitudes. The concerns for the weak euro indeed failed to be
matched by an equivalent concern for the strong US dollar, although the
US economy was running a sizable external deficit, while euroland was in
balance, and despite the similarities between the two economies. Euro-
peans look at the external value of their currency much more closely, and
even anxiously, than the Americans. For Americans “a dollar is worth a
dollar.” For a French or an Italian citizen a franc or a lira used to be worth,
first, “that many dollars” or, since the mid-1970s, “that many Deutsche
In the host of explanations brought forward while the euro weakened,
the one to which analysts and market participants returned most fre-
quently was the actual and expected growth differential in euroland and
the United States.4 However, also fancier arguments were put forward, such
as the claim that an “invisible currency,” meaning a currency that did not
circulate in the form of notes and coins, could not generate confidence
146 Chapter 7
among the people and was therefore bound to fall. In a similar vein it was
suggested that the decline came from sales of stocks of illegally held and
earned, or simply circulating outside euroland, banknotes to be converted
in dollars for lack of euro notes.5 It was also noted that the decline of the
euro was magnified by the fact that euro started from a position that, com-
pared with its average over 1997 and 1998, was relatively high in nominal
effective terms.6
In spring 2000, Wim Duisenberg, the then president of the ECB,
publicly commented that “The exchange rate of the euro does not reflect
the ongoing improvement in domestic fundamentals in the euro area
economy.” In less diplomatic language, this could be interpreted as meaning
“the market is wrong,” in more academic language that the market was
“overshooting.”7 The view that the market was going too far was repeated
by the ECB in subsequent months and was widespread also among analysts
and observers, although most did not expect the trend to reverse soon.
The Treasuries and central banks of the G7 took the same view in Sep-
tember 2000 and jointly intervened in the foreign exchange market,
buying euro and selling other currencies, at the end of that month. A
second round of intervention was made by the ECB at the beginning of
November 2000.
Seen in retrospect, part of the decline of the euro appears just as another
episode of exchange rate overshooting, a type of event periodically exhib-
ited by the post–Bretton Woods floating regime. That the market “over-
shoots” does not mean, of course, that it has no story to explain its
behavior, nor that its story is factually false (in the case of the euro, as we
noted, there were quite real differentials in income and productivity
growth). Rather, it means that the story is partial; it overlooks factors that
over time do concur in the determination of the exchange rate but, for
some reason, are temporarily disregarded. Market participants are often the
first to be aware of their “partiality,” but they also know—or believe—that
putting their money on a bet with stronger and more complete analytical
foundations would cause a loss.
It is thus not surprising that the “traditional” determinants of exchange
rate developments—focusing on fundamental and permanent factors of
influence—did not succeed in providing a satisfactory explanation. For
example, compared to the United States, the euro area had better price sta-
bility and no significant macroeconomic imbalances like the exorbitant
accumulated US external debt and deficit.8 Similarly several econometric
models, tested to link the exchange rate to a range of macroeconomic fun-
The Eurosystem in the Global Arena: A New Actor in a New Play 147
damentals, were generally unable to account for the full decline of the
The long descent of the euro ended shortly after the concerted G7 inter-
vention, in the fall of 2000. The descent was followed, for about five quar-
ters until spring 2002, by a prolonged stability in a range comprised
between 0.85 and 0.95 to the US dollar, a level that most analysts still
judged “low.”
In April 2002 the euro started to move sharply up vis-à-vis the US dollar
and passed the parity on July 15, 2002. Over a period of fifteen weeks—
between April 1, 2002, and July 15, 2002—it gained 6 percent in nominal
effective terms and 14 percent to the US dollar. Following another phase
of relative stability, the euro strengthened again between November 2002
and January 6, 2004, when it reached its historical record at 1.2858 against
the US dollar.
One could say that with the rise back above parity the euro had come
of age. Its movements are now likely to be seen as those of a normal cur-
rency, not as indicators of whether or not it was a good idea to adopt a
single currency, whether or not euroland is a success story. Markets have
accepted that a currency, rather than being the expression of a full-fledged
state construct, can be issued and managed by the central bank of what in
previous chapters I called a polity-in-the-making.
It should be recalled, once again, that measuring the success of the new
currency on the yardstick of the exchange rate is a misconception. The
adoption of this yardstick was a prolongation of the fixed exchange rate
mentality that had characterized most euro area countries before the single
currency, and also reflected the desire of the media and communication
system for a daily indicator. However, it was not the yardstick used for
major international currencies, including the Deutsche mark prior to EMU,
which in the 1980s had fallen well under the low level later reached by
the euro. Nor was it a goal set by the Treaty.
For a largely accidental reason, the advent of the euro coincided with a
new round in the international debate over the appropriate exchange rate
regime among the main international currencies. The debate was triggered
in the fall of 1998 by the German Finance Minister Oscar Lafontaine.
Tighter exchange rate arrangements among the US dollar, the euro, and
the Japanese yen were proposed, in the form of so-called target zones,
148 Chapter 7
namely predefined fluctuation bands. Rates would move freely within the
targeted zone, but action should be taken to prevent them from trespass-
ing. The proposal was discussed and eventually discarded.10
The key arguments that won the case can be recapitulated as follows:
Establishing a formal scheme would require the leading industrial coun-
tries to agree on desirable exchange rate levels, which would prove
extremely difficult, in view of the lack of strongly based criteria for esti-
mating equilibrium exchange rates. Indeed, while for price stability (the
value of money in terms of goods and services) there exists a sufficiently
precise and widely accepted quantitative measure, for the value of money
in terms of another money there is no reliable compass. Assessing the equi-
librium exchange rate on the basis of the underlying fundamentals is
difficult and controversial.11 Moreover, while there is little disagreement
about the desirability of stable prices, exchange rate variations are regarded
by many as a useful, even indispensable, adjustment mechanism for an
Perhaps more important is the argument that none of the leading central
banks—mandated as they are to pursue domestic objectives for which they
are accountable to their domestic constituencies—would now be willing
to forgo domestic policy objectives in order to keep the exchange rate
within the agreed range. The experience with what, in chapter 1, I have
called the inconsistent quartet (i.e., the incompatibility between free trade,
capital mobility, stable exchange rates, and independent monetary poli-
cies) has repeatedly indicated that conflict can hardly be avoided. Difficult
to reach, an agreement on the level of the exchange rate would be
even more difficult to enforce in today’s highly integrated international
capital markets. In theory, the system could function if all countries agreed
to give one of them the anchor role, as it happened under the Bretton
Woods and EMS regimes. Such a hierarchy, however, would be economi-
cally unfeasible and politically unacceptable in today’s circumstances. This
is why both the Eurosystem and the US authorities expressed serious reser-
vations about any scheme to enforce stability between the three main
That early debate has shown that the advent of the euro is unlikely to
lead to new attempts to take back from the market—to which it has been
entrusted in the early 1970s—the task of determining the exchange rates
of the key currencies. Yet this conclusion, which tends to be accepted with
greater or smaller satisfaction depending on one’s degree of “market opti-
mism,” does not cross out exchange rates from the list of policy concerns.
Nor does it exonerate monetary authorities and economists from the task
The Eurosystem in the Global Arena: A New Actor in a New Play 149
Besides the three countries discussed so far, many of the nearly two
hundred countries remaining have a good many reasons to pursue an
exchange rate objective. These reasons range from the size and openness
of the economy, to the quest for credibility, to the strong trade links with,
and financial dependence on, a large neighboring country.
For many decades the instrument most frequently chosen to integrate
the exchange rate objective in the monetary policy strategy consisted in
anchoring or “pegging” the national currency to a major currency, gener-
ally the US dollar.16 The instruments used to this end included setting
domestic interest rates, buying and selling the national currency against
the anchor currency, and imposing restrictions on foreign exchange trans-
actions. Of course, in a wider sense, all domestic macro- and microeco-
nomic policies contribute to the determination of the exchange rate and
hence to sustain, or to undermine, the pegging strategy.
With a large global financial market, capital easily flows into, and out
of, countries, in pursuit of high returns but retreats as soon as it detects
152 Chapter 7
default in the debtor. Obviously, the countries that offer high return are
precisely those for which the risk of default is sizable, so-called emerging
or transition economies. The former seek to take off as fast growing, export-
oriented economies, and the latter seek to construct a market economy
after the collapse of the Soviet system. Both types rely heavily on external
trade, both are capable of high-growth performances and prone to sudden
crises, given their fragile economic and political institutions and the weak
and weakly regulated financial system.
In such circumstances pegging the national currency to another currency
is no longer the simple and powerful strategy that it used to be when
the international financial market was small, and various restrictions on
foreign exchange transactions worked effectively. Indeed, in the last
decade, financial crises such as those in Mexico (1994–95), East Asia
(1997–98), Russia (1998), Brazil (1999), Turkey (2001), and Argentina
(2001–2002) have shown that the requirements for sustaining pegged
exchange rates have become increasingly demanding. A pegging strategy
is under the constant risk of defeat because, in the present world, the
policy-maker often lacks the instruments to win the confrontation, and
pegging is, relative to the market, considerably weaker than it used to be
under Bretton Woods.17
It should be pointed out that what is said here for a pegging strategy
applies also—albeit in a lesser degree—to other strategies in which, mon-
etary policy, while retaining a degree of discretion, pursues an exchange
rate objective and adopts an external anchor. Among such strategies are
the so-called crawling pegs, exchange rates within crawling bands, and
managed floats.18 All of these strategies fall under the rubric of intermedi-
ate strategies, however.
Recently the view has gained ground that intermediate strategies are very
vulnerable and so should be avoided in all circumstances. Policy-makers
must therefore restrict themselves to free floating currency or completely
abandon any idea of monetary sovereignty, that is, to implicitly or explic-
itly adopt a currency of another country (so-called hard pegs in the form
of currency board arrangements, dollarization, or euroization). This view
has become popular in academe, and in some international circles, where
it is termed “corner solution theory.”19 Corner solution theory invokes the
same inescapable logic as that behind the “inconsistent quartet” proposi-
tion illustrated in chapter 1 of this book.
It is undeniable that in a world of capital mobility, intermediate strate-
gies, which are harder to sustain, should be handled more carefully and
may not be practicable in all the cases in which they were successful in
The Eurosystem in the Global Arena: A New Actor in a New Play 153
the not so distant past. The merit of intermediate regimes, however, for
many countries still is that a float is often seen as too destabilizing and a
hard peg as unacceptable.20
Mainly a floating strategy can incur perverse cycles of bubbles and bursts
caused by the alternating over- and undershootings to which markets are
prone.21 This is the reason behind a so-called fear of floating present in
many emerging markets experiencing weakness, and it cannot be disre-
garded. Openness of the economy, hence key role of the external sector in
promoting both economic activity and price stability, and the risk of too
rapid financial integration with the outside world are reasons to reject
the option of pure float. Moreover, as exemplified by euroland and the
European Union vis-à-vis other European and Mediterranean countries,
regional integration of neighboring countries may determine the emer-
gence of a predominant trade partner with a stable currency, which may
induce countries with free floats to move to a peg.
The complete surrender of a national currency and monetary policy,
however, may be economically unsound and politically unacceptable.
Many countries are too large and their economies too dependent on
endogenous impulses for blind adoption of a monetary policy designed for
a different economy to be a rational solution. Even when a country is very
open and foreign-dependent, there may be no single outside economy to
which it is so tightly integrated for the currency and monetary policy of
that outside economy to be the optimal choice. Argentina is a case in point.
Short of completely adopting the name and the banknotes of another cur-
rency—a process called dollarization—no hard peg may be hard enough to
prevent a crisis. It also suggests that for a medium-sized country dollar-
ization—or euroization—can be politically and technically bad for either
side.22 What is unavoidable, or works, for Panama or Monaco is not nec-
essarily good or applicable for Brazil or Russia.
Not many countries are ready to surrender monetary sovereignty alto-
gether and accept an external anchor. While there may be the claim that
a “hollowing out” of the middle range of the fixed-flexible continuum in
favor of extreme solutions is the trend, this is only partly borne out by
evidence. The majority of studies of actual regimes have discredited the
notion that the middle ground has been abandoned, and that exchange
rate policies are shifting outward from the middle of the continuum. Espe-
cially in East Asia, many of the countries declaring to pursue a float policy
in fact manage, in varying degrees, their exchange rates.23
The discussion of country attitudes toward exchange rate strategies
should not minimize the importance of a change in strategy or, as it is
154 Chapter 7
Euroland and the Eurosystem are not only (with the United States and
Japan) part of the triad of key currencies and economies, they have also
engaged bilateral relations with a wide range of other currencies and coun-
tries, both inside and outside Europe. The exchange rate has special impor-
tance for the Eurosystem as it is the prime monetary link to these other
For the reasons explained in the preceding section, many countries still
choose an intermediate regime, hence entered the role for the euro as
anchor. In the spring of 2004, about fifty countries world wide had an
exchange rate regime involving the euro (see table 7.2.). These countries
were distributed over a well-defined part of the world, which covers
Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, and comprises around 100 countries,
not counting the 25 EU member states. It can be named as the European
The Eurosystem in the Global Arena: A New Actor in a New Play 155
Table 7.2
Exchange rate regimes involving a link to the euro
Number of
territorial Countries/territorial and
Exchange rate regime communities overseas communities
a. Since January 1, 2001, the euro has accounted for 29 percent of the SDR basket.
156 Chapter 7
hemisphere since, for virtually all of them, the European Union is by far
the largest trading partner, the base of their financial systems, and is coun-
terparty to important agreements in the fields of trade. It also is the source
of technical assistance and support for economic development. To the
extent that these countries have sought an external monetary anchor, the
euro has become the natural choice. The anchorage strategies range from
very close or even full links—such as through currency boards, euroiza-
tion, or formal entitlement to use the euro as legal tender—to loose
forms—such as pegs, crawling pegs, or managed floating.
What is remarkable is that no such comparable regional clustering is
observed around the United States, and even less around Japan, in their
respective parts of the world. In the American hemisphere, regional coop-
eration is still at an early stage, and mainly confined to trade arrangements.
So far only a loose institutional structure exists and does not involve
binding legislation or supranational decision making. The US dollar, of
course, plays and will continue to play a strong role, although differently
than in the European hemisphere, where adoption of the euro has become
the aspiration of medium-sized economies such as Poland. In the Ameri-
can hemisphere only very small countries (e.g., Ecuador and El Salvador)
have opted for full dollarization thus far. As to the East Asian and Pacific
region, the prospects for the Japanese yen to play the role of a reference
currency are still remote, despite some progress already being made in
regional integration in that part of the world.24
The present attitude of the Eurosystem toward the euro’s role of anchor
is cautious and even reluctant. The euro may be an anchor currency due
to unilateral decisions by third countries, but not as a result of any con-
tractual relationship with the ECB. This attitude arises from different con-
cerns, and is partly rooted in the historical misgivings of the Bundesbank
about any form of external commitment. The main concern that the objec-
tive of price stability could be weakened by any constraint deriving from
a contractual relationship is pushed to the point of shying away from any
such relationship. The culture of floating rates of the Bundesbank is much
more in line with the present prevailing view over exchange rate regimes
than the traditional French attitude, which was much more inclined to see
the advantages of enacting policy discipline over exchange rates.
Such concerns, however, should not be blown out of proportion as the
experience of postwar Germany bears little resemblance with today’s
world. The Eurosystem is incomparably stronger and even more indepen-
dent, and the euro area incommensurably larger, than any European pre-
decessor. Hence the ECB is more equipped to cope with the euro’s increased
The Eurosystem in the Global Arena: A New Actor in a New Play 157
For many long years monetary policy through exchange rate relationships
was virtually the only policy field where international cooperation was
firmly established. Over time, however, the two other central banking
functions described in chapter 2—financial stability and payment
systems—became relevant internationally as a new international monetary
system emerged out of the collapse of the Bretton Woods regime. This
section traces the profile of such a system and shows how the Eurosystem
participates in the related policy functions.
Understandably, as the world has moved rapidly toward global capital
mobility, global regulation has lagged behind. The asymmetry between the
market, which is world wide, and policy making, which is national, reflects
the fact that with Europe excluded, economic and political realities have
not evolved in parallel. Such an asymmetry can impair financial stability,
and therefore calls for increased cooperation.
Unlike the Bretton Woods regime, the present global system is neither
the outcome of a formal conference nor does it correspond to a grand
design. It has evolved unplanned, driven by continual interaction between
policy decisions and market forces. Although it has often been dubbed
a nonsystem, it can be better defined as a market-led system, unlike the
previous system, which was government led.25
The benefits of the market-led system can hardly be underestimated.
World economic relations have been freed from the macroeconomic
inconsistencies that undermined the fixed exchange rate regime with the
advent of capital mobility. Greater efficiency has been gained in the inter-
national allocation of resources. The practice of financial repression, used
to shelter domestic economies from competitive pressures and national
policies from market discipline, has been largely discarded.
Such a system, however, has also brought with it new challenges and
new requirements. The dominant forces of the market in both the deter-
mination of exchange rates and the international allocation of savings has
extended from the national to the international arena the whole range of
158 Chapter 7
Area of work Internationally Securities firms and Insurance companies Payment and Accounting
active banks markets settlement systems
Members G10 countries, Spain 84 countries, with Over 100 G10 countries, Hong 14 accounting
and Luxembourg ordinary or associate jurisdictions Kong SAR, Singapore, experts, whose
(central banks and member status (insurance ECB (central banks) selection is not
other institutions with (securities commissions) supervisory based on
banking supervisory authorities) geographical criteria
responsibilities), FSF
Other Observers: ECB, Affiliate members: 7 Observers: 60 Non-G10 central banks —
participants European Commission international including are associated on an
organizations and 53 international ad hoc basis
national organizations organizations,
(mainly stock industry and
exchanges) professional
Year of 1974 1983 1994 1990 2001, as a result of
establishment the restructuring of
IASC (established in
Decision-making Committee in regular Presidents’ committee Association in Committee in regular Board
Chapter 7
achievements (1988, amended in Standards for principles (1997) settlement systems accounting
1996; a new Accord Securities Firms Principles for the (1997) standards
is expected to be (1989) conduct of insurance Core principles for
finalized in 2004) Objectives and business (December systemically
Core principles for principles of 1999) important payment
effective banking securities regulation systems (2001)
supervision (1997) (1998)
162 Chapter 7
At the age of five an institution is, like a human being, just out of infancy.
It is impossible to predict how the adult will turn out and how he will look
back on his early years. To shape the adult, childhood and adolescence are
as important as infancy. How the euro and its central bank will mature
over time will depend greatly on factors and events that are outside the
control of the Eurosystem. Economic developments in euroland, person-
alities at the top of the ECB and the national central banks, the further
constitutional change of the European Union, the overall evolution of the
state of the world, are among such factors.
The euro and the Eurosystem have overcome the risky trials of infancy
in a matter of weeks and months. The design of the strategy and opera-
tional framework for monetary policy, the construction of a euro areawide
payment circuit, the road test of these arrangements, the production and
distribution of the new banknotes, are among the things that could have
gone wrong at the very beginning with catastrophic consequences.
Predicting the future is impossible, but looking ahead is necessary for
both the analyst and the policy-maker. This final chapter is an attempt to
look ahead on the basis of the few things we know. We know that the euro
and the Eurosystem are only children. We know that it is an unprecedented
experience for which no ready-made manual exists. We know that the
forthcoming trials will take years or even lusters, not just weeks or months.
We finally know, or presume to know, what the main trials for the years
to come are likely to be, although we do not know precisely what conduct
of affairs will permit to win. The following five sections review the trials I
regard as most decisive for the years to come.
The foremost standard on which the ECB and the Eurosystem will be
judged in the years to come will continue to be the ability to maintain
166 Chapter 8
price stability. On the other hand, the success of EMU and euroland will
be judged on a different and more ambitious standard: the combination
of price stability with growth, and the creation of enough new jobs to reab-
sorb unemployment and reach the forefront of economic and technolog-
ical progress. The problem lies in the fact that the noncoincidence of these
two standards represents, in itself, a challenge and a potential risk for the
In the 1990s the United States showed to the world that growth rates of
the order of 4 percent a year are not the preserve of catching-up economies
but can be achieved by the leading countries.1 By contrast, we saw in
chapter 3 that the same decade was, overall, disappointing for Europe
despite the success stories of some countries.
Is a golden decade within Europe’s reach? Pessimists point to the rigid-
ity of the social structure, the high unemployment benefits, the generous
provisions of the social safety net, the ageing population, the high cost of
the welfare system, the overexpanded role of the state, the persistent eco-
nomic nationalism, and the defense of inefficient national industries.
Under the influence of these factors—they say—the old continent has lost
its drive and its economic energies have atrophied. Only with a thorough
change in mentality, economic incentives, and social institutions can old
Europe emulate young America.
Optimists think that a substantial improvement in the overall European
economic performance is possible without changing the nature of the
European model, and perhaps is not so far away. They point to the fact
that all the factors recalled by the pessimists were already in place in a not
distant past, in which the European economy outperformed the American
economy. If anything—they say—the last ten or fifteen years have been
marked by substantial, albeit admittedly insufficient, structural reform that
may bear more fruits. Rigidities in the labor market were generally stronger
in the 1980s and early 1990s than today in most countries. The launch-
ing of the single market, the adoption of the euro, and the structural cor-
rection of public budgets were, after all, no small structural reforms. To
enter a golden path the Europeans do not have to adopt an American
model any more than the Americans had to copy the Japanese model in
the early 1980s—as some suggested at the time—in order to redress the for-
tunes of their economy.
The debate is inconclusive because knowledge over the ultimate deter-
minants of economic growth is not sufficiently complete for economists
to predict—and for policy-makers to engineer—the growth process of a
country or region. What matters here, however, is to explain why keeping
The Trials Ahead: From Infancy to Maturity 167
the rate of price increase consistently “below 2 percent over the medium
term” is to be regarded as a necessary, but not as a sufficient, condition for
the new institution to feel comfortable. Major real imbalances do disquiet
a central bank also when its statute unambiguously ranks price stability as
the top objective. The reason is that if a current account deficit, or a fiscal
deficit, or the unemployment rate reach such a large dimension as to be
unsustainable, the adjustment that will eventually be set in motion is likely
to have adverse implications for the central bank and its policy.
Adjustment of any imbalance of course will involve in the first place the
economic variables that were out of equilibrium. However, it will normally
also involve key economic variables whose values looked previously in
good shape, and may even reach institutional arrangements, policy orien-
tations, and political processes. Inflation, for example, may shoot up, if,
for too long, the market mechanism had been repressed or the exchange
rate held artificially stable. Similarly the exchange rate may collapse and
capital may take flight out of the country, when the market suddenly real-
izes that the external debt had gone too far. Or, a perverse combination of
current account deficit and high unemployment may arise in a country
that had for long insulated itself from international trade and competition.
Unemployment can also soar as a result of a privatization process. Popular
and political support for fiscal discipline may vanish if public services are
too deficient and economic activity stagnates.
The unsustainable imbalance from which euroland has been suffering
now for many years is high unemployment with slow growth. And, if such
imbalance were to persist, risks for the Eurosystem would grow regardless
of its ability to maintain price stability. The ultimate reason is that the state
of health of the currency cannot, in the end, fundamentally diverge
from the state of health of the economy. For the central bank the risk
with insufficient growth and prolonged unemployment is functional and
On a functional ground, a chronically weak economy is one in which
expectations deteriorate, investments stagnate, and spending declines.
Structural unemployment also increases the risk of a deflationary spiral
because a longer than expected duration of unemployment may lead
households to respond more conservatively to a deflationary shock. And
we know that monetary policy is much less effective in countering defla-
tion than it is in countering inflation.
The most insidious threat, however, arises on the institutional ground,
through a possible chain of causation involving social, economic, politi-
cal, and cultural factors. Attitudes of society respond to economic
168 Chapter 8
system for transferring central bank money in real time across its banking
community, and each maintains its own dealing room and foreign
exchange reserve management capacity. Each NCB offers (or can offer) to
other central banks around the world to manage their reserves in euro,
each entertains (or can entertain) its own representative offices abroad, and
each defines its own position in the main international forums. These
activities are neither shared nor pooled. Each NCB is confronted with a
problem of excess capacity.
The Eurosystem is thus a very special federal and decentralized central
bank.3 The structures of national central banks, historically designed to
perform the full range of central banking functions, underwent only
modest changes when they became integrated in the Eurosystem. Self-
sufficiency is still the style. We could call this the “one-to-one-
correspondence” between member countries and central banking
Seen from the angle of the Eurosystem, this situation generates simul-
taneously insufficiency and redundancy. Redundancy (i.e., lack of effi-
ciency, or excessive costs), because many of the activities that are
multiplied across the system involve high fixed costs and economies of
scale, that could only be removed by abandoning the one-to-one corre-
spondence. Insufficiency (i.e., lack of effectiveness, or inadequate perfor-
mance), because the present segmentation sometimes leaves out what
could be called “the whole.” For example, there is no comprehensive and
integrated picture of the main financial institutions operating in the euro
area. Because of confidentiality concerns the central banks are reluctant to
regularly pool information about their individual institutions.
While unavoidable at the start, the one-to-one-correspondence model
will likely prove to be unsustainable over time. In many cases it entails not
only a duplication of tasks and coordination problems within the Eurosys-
tem, but also a creeping competition among central banks as well as the
risk of giving contradictory signals to the outside world. Different national
central banks have different practices in such areas like procurements, out-
sourcing, and market relationships. Eventually with the present configu-
ration the Eurosystem will suffer a loss of credibility in its attempts at
efficiency and structural reform in the EU economy.
A traditional central bank is a monopolist, it holds an exclusive fran-
chise for supplying a range of goods and services. Today’s Eurosystem is,
instead, an archipelago of monopolists. As for the ECB, to which the Treaty
entrusts overall authority over the system, it is understandably hesitant on
the course to take as a way to unify the system.
The Trials Ahead: From Infancy to Maturity 171
A third impending trial for the Eurosystem is the accession of ten coun-
tries to the European Union and subsequently to the euro.
The Trials Ahead: From Infancy to Maturity 173
three stages. These are the very stages that the current members of euroland
experienced over the forty-year history of the European Union. In a first
stage, which is entered on the day of accession, the new member state
agrees to regard its exchange rate policy “as a matter of common interest”8
and participate in the procedures of policy coordination (described in
chapter 3). In a second stage, membership is acquired in the exchange rate
mechanism (called ERM II), which provides a framework for monetary
cooperation with the euro area and prepares the state for the adoption of
the euro.9 At the third and final stage comes membership in the euro,
which is obtainable only after at least two years of tension-free member-
ship in the ERM II and proven compliance with the other convergence
criteria set by the Treaty.
Within this general framework of EU enlargement, the Eurosystem
is being confronted with an important trial in the first decade of its life.
The challenge has to do with economic and policy-making aspects, and
also, more important, with the functioning and organization of the insti-
tution itself. The economic problem due to enlargement lies in the
discrepancies in income and price levels between the new member states
and the euro area. These discrepancies are of a type and magnitude not
observed in previous experiences. On average, GDP per capita in the new
member states is, in terms of purchasing power parity, around 46 percent
of that of the European Union. The least wealthy country that joined
the Union in the past (Greece in 1981) had a per capita income of 62
percent of the community average. The catching up process required
to close this gap is set to be a difficult one and will involve a profound
transformation of both the economic system and the price structure in
the incoming countries. Given the limited growth differentials between
them and the euro area, it will likely be a lengthy process. In the mone-
tary field, the countries in a march to catch up and interact in the pro-
cess toward adopting the euro face unknown economic risks and policy
From the point of view of the euro area, the equalization of income and
price levels is not a prerequisite of an effective integration of new coun-
tries in the single currency. Indeed, the relatively small economic size of
the group of prospective members suggests that euroland and the ECB
should not see enlargement as a threat to their overall economic and mon-
etary equilibrium. Suffice it to consider that at the moment of German
reunification, Eastern Germany represented, in terms of GDP, 10 percent
of Western Germany, whereas for the ten new entrants, the proportion to
euroland is 7 percent.
The Trials Ahead: From Infancy to Maturity 175
countries exceed 15, the voting rights in the ECB Council will be shared
among governors on a rotation scheme.10 The reduction in the number of
voting members of the ECB Council will leave unchanged the right to
attend meetings and speak in them, so the amelioration would be modest.
Other changes are needed in the working and deliberation procedures of
the Eurosystem. Such changes could be autonomously decided by the ECB
Council and could address both the rules of procedure for the conduct of
the meetings and the division of labor between the Council and the Board.
Another issue concerns the organization of the Eurosystem and the
“center versus periphery” concept. As was argued in the previous section,
the present system, characterized by self-sufficiency and one-to-one-
correspondence between members and central bank infrastructures, is an
already cumbersome structure. The enlargement with a large number of
small countries aggravates the problem and makes rationalization of the
Eurosystem all the more urgent. In fact almost all of the ten new members
have such small size, and such overall scarcity of national resources, as to
make the costs of a full-fledged infrastructure even more heavy to sustain
than for old members.
Challenges may, of course, be viewed as opportunities. For the Eurosystem
the very trial consists in making challenge an opportunity. The accession of
new members simply makes more acute an already present need for insti-
tutional and organizational reform. While today some members of the
Eurosystem wax nostalgic over past splendors of unrestricted national mon-
etary sovereignty and decry the ambition of perfecting the Eurosystem as
the strong, efficient, authoritative, globally influential central bank of the
European Union, enlargement may compel the young institution to shrug
off reticence and to accelerate its coming of age.
laid down between the 1940s and 1960s, only modestly complemented
with ad hoc additions suggested by specific events and urgencies. These
arrangements have coped with the challenges of a number of crises, but
have fallen short of the need to complement the development of a global
market with global, effective, and legitimate governance. What in
chapters 3 and 7 was called the “soft mode” of cooperation, namely vol-
untary and nonbinding statements of policy, is still predominant and
severely limits effectiveness in international governance.
The introduction of the euro brings three concomitant elements to the
existing institutional arrangements: simplification, complication, and a
potential for innovation and reform.11 The simplification consists in reduc-
ing to three (United States, euroland, and Japan) the number of key players,
a change that makes international macroeconomic debates more efficient
and possibly facilitates the formulation of agreements.12 It also contributes
to achieving more balanced relations among the three players.
A complication that looms over the positive effect is the difficulty of
fitting the euro into the present pattern of international representation
and institutional arrangements for policy cooperation. Such a pattern was
appropriate decades ago, when a policy–government–country nexus pre-
vailed and the responsibility for economic policy was almost entirely con-
centrated in the hands of the central governments of nation-states. In
those years no supranational European power existed and central banks
were generally dependent on their own Treasuries.
Although the gradual loosening of the nexus had started before13 the
advent of a common currency, the euro, represents a major step in the
loosening process. Instead of a country, euroland is a regional entity and
has a dispersed matrix of policies (as was shown in chapter 3).
The international representation of euroland and the Eurosystem has
been handled so far in a way that adds to the composition of existing
groups and bodies, without attempting at redesigning them.14 The role
of the European Commission has been downgraded, although it is the
body in charge of EU interests. Only minimal adjustments were adopted
to make existing arrangements compatible with the charters and inter-
nal rules of the relevant international institutions, organizations, and
It is somewhat paradoxical that, in the process of stipulating ad hoc
arrangements on who should speak or act on behalf of euroland, the main
advocates of a minimalized role were the Europeans themselves. There
were more divisions among them than between them and the Americans.
Paradoxically, a unified—and hence potentially more influential—
178 Chapter 8
We could define the fifth and last trial for the Eurosystem as the practice
of an appropriate relationship between policy, politics, and polity.17 It con-
sists, in other words, in coping with the lack of a full political union.
Whether monetary union can be achieved despite the lack of political
union has been central in the European debate prior to the Delors Com-
mittee and the EMU negotiation in 1988 to 1991. Although throughout
this book the European Union has been defined mainly as a “polity-in-the-
making,” the expression “lack of political union” is also so often used that
a clarification is needed.
It would be a misconception to assert, without any qualification, that
political union is lacking altogether in Europe today. It is not because the
content and the competence of the European Union are mainly economic,
that its nature and historical role are not political. Even before the single
currency, EU competence extended over virtually the whole body of eco-
nomic legislation, from the establishment of “the free movement of goods,
persons, services and capital” (the four freedoms proclaimed by Article 3
of the Treaty) to external economic relationships. To understand how very
political these issues are, it should suffice to consider the place they take
in the US political debate today, or have taken in the politics of our coun-
tries before the creation of the European Community. Moreover the
institutional architecture of the European Union is entirely that of a polit-
ical system, not that of an international organization based on soft coop-
eration: a legislative capacity that prevails over that of member states, a
judicial power, a directly elected—albeit with limited power—Parliament.
Also it would be a misconception to assert that Monetary Union has devel-
180 Chapter 8
Chapter 1
1. Jean Monnet (1888–1979), French businessman and politician, was the main
architect of European integration in the twentieth century. He was deputy secretary
general of the League of Nations in 1919, and during World War II the chairman of
the committee coordinating Franco-British war production. He also inspired, and
became the first president of the European Coal and Steel Community (1951). In
1955 he created, and led until 1975, the Action Committee for the United States of
Europe, that promoted most of the initiatives taken by governments in the field of
European integration. Altiero Spinelli (1907–1986), Italian politician, was a member
of the European Commission (1970–76), member of the European Parliament
(1976–1986), and founder, in 1941, of the European Federalist Movement. He co-
authored the 1943 “Ventotene Manifesto,” which sought the establishment of a
European Federation to supersede the nation-states that had led Europe into
internecine wars twice within thirty years. Jacques Maritain (1882–1973), French
philosopher and theologian, had already in the early 1940s advocated the unifica-
tion of Europe and the reconciliation between enemies of the two World Wars as
the only way to establish justice and peace in Europe. Luigi Einaudi (1874–1961),
Italian economist and politician was governor of the Banca d’Italia (1945–1948) and
the first president of the Italian Republic (1948–1955). In 1918, and again in 1943,
he advocated the creation of a federal European state and a single European cur-
rency as the solution to the problem of war and economic disorder in Europe.
Helmuth James Graf von Moltke (1907–1945), German lawyer and resistance fighter
against the Nazi regime, founded the “Kreisauer Kreis,” a group of German intel-
lectuals. Together they worked in the 1930s and early 1940s toward the overthrow
of Hitler and the development of a European postwar order based on a Franco-
German understanding.
2. Robert Schuman (1886–1963), French lawyer and politician, was born in Clausen
(Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg) in a family whose roots were in Lorraine. He was a
German national, and then a French national after 1918 when Lorraine reverted to
France. On May 9, 1950, as minister of foreign affairs in the French government,
186 Notes to Pages 3–4
Schuman proposed to Germany that it should join on an equal footing a new body
responsible for the joint management of coal and steel. In 1958 Robert Schuman,
member of the Christian Democrat parliamentary group, was unanimously elected
the first president of the Joint Assembly (EEC, ECSC, Euratom), now the European
Parliament. Konrad Adenauer (1876–1967), a German politician, was opponent to
the Nazi regime. As chancellor of postwar Germany (1949–1963), he reconstructed
the country and led the process on European integration. Alcide de Gasperi
(1881–1954), an Italian politician who contributed to the material and moral recon-
struction of his nation after World War II, was the chief architect of Franco-German
reconciliation after World War II. In foreign affairs he strove to restore an influen-
tial role in international politics for Italy. During his government Italy entered
the NATO. A leading proponent of the formation of a federation of democratic
European states, he helped organize the Council of Europe and the European Coal
and Steel Community (1951).
6. Many European institutions and bodies are located and work in Brussels, so that
Brussels has as its synonym the “capital of Europe.” Outside Brussels are located the
official seat of the European Parliament (in Strasbourg), which holds in Brussels most
Notes to Page 4 187
of its working sessions, the European Court of Justice, the Court of Auditors, the
European Investment Bank (in Luxembourg), and the European Central Bank (in
7. Most of the national leaders who created the EEC had little expertise in the eco-
nomic field and were predominantly interested in political and strategic objectives.
On some occasions they even acted against the advice of their economic experts.
For example, German chancellor Konrad Adenauer strongly pressed for the stipula-
tion of the Treaty of Rome despite the negative advice of Ludwig Erhard, his
influential and highly reputed minister of economics. Ludwig Erhard (1897–1977),
German politician, economics minister (1949–1963), and chancellor (1963–1966) of
the Federal Republic of Germany, is widely acclaimed as the father of the German
“social market economy” and the postwar “economic miracle.” Erhard, as a fervent
advocate of global free trade, was originally opposed to the establishment of a
European common market that was limited only to its six founding members,
fearing that this would force the export-dependent German economy into a pro-
tectionist corset, especially given the exclusion, at that time, of the United Kingdom
from the Community.
9. In a customs union, tariffs and quotas are abolished for imports from partici-
pating countries. In addition all members of the customs union apply the same
duties and other commercial regulations to trade with nonmembers, which implies,
in practice, a common external tariff and trade policy. It therefore represents a step
beyond a free trade area where the tariffs and other restrictive regulations of com-
merce are eliminated between the participating countries, but where each partner
retains its national tariffs and quotas vis-à-vis third countries. A common market
comprises an area with no obstacles to the free movement of goods, persons, ser-
vices, and capital, which is accompanied by a range of common policies, such as
trade and customs policies, and competition policy.
188 Notes to Pages 5–6
10. This practice followed the so-called Luxembourg compromise, which was
stipulated in 1966. This compromise did not have formal legal status but was only
a political text in which the member states essentially agreed to disagree. France
insisted that whenever important national interests were at stake, a unanimous deci-
sion should be sought. The other (at the time) five member states only conceded
that they would “within a reasonable time” try to reach unanimity whenever very
important interests of one or more member states were at stake. If unanimity proved
elusive, they would insist on qualified majority. Over the years, however, the French
reading of the Luxembourg compromise came to be accepted, as also other members
states invoked the veto right.
11. The 1965–66 crisis was an episode that was to go down in history as the “empty
chair crisis,” deriving its name from the refusal of the French government repre-
sentatives to participate in meetings of the Council of Ministers.
12. Under this amendment to the Treaty all customs duties on products imported
from non-member countries, all levies on agricultural imports and resources deriv-
ing from value-added tax go into the coffers of Brussels. In accordance with the
century-old democratic maxim of “no taxation without representation,” the bud-
getary powers of the European Parliament were progressively strengthened. In addi-
tion a Court of Auditors was established in 1977 as a full-fledged Community
13. The EMS was based on the so-called exchange rate mechanism (ERM). Within
the ERM currencies had to be kept within a fluctuation band of plus or minus 2.25
percent around fixed central rates. Countries were committed to unlimited inter-
ventions in the foreign exchange market once their currencies had reached the
limits of the band. Central rates could not be changed unilaterally but had to be
agreed upon by the partners. A number of mutual credit facilities were established
among central banks to assist participating countries in fulfilling their obligation to
14. Helmut Kohl (1930–), German politician, was chancellor of the Federal
Republic of Germany between 1982 and 1998. He was the chief architect of German
reunification in 1990 and a forceful and consistent promoter of European integra-
tion. François Mitterrand (1916–1996), French politician and president of the French
Republic from 1981 to 1995, was, together with Kohl, the main driving force behind
the progress made by European integration in the 1980s and early 1990s.
15. Jacques Delors (1925–), French politician. He was French minister of finance
from 1981 to 1984 and president of the European Commission from 1985 to 1994.
During his tenure at the European Commission he was, with Kohl and Mitterrand,
the chief driving force of European integration. The so-called Delors Committee
(Committee for the Study of Economic and Monetary Union) was created in June
1988, and the Committee presented its report in April 1989. It was formed by the
Notes to Pages 6–7 189
twelve governors of the EEC central banks and three independent members. The
author of this book was co-secretary of the Committee.
16. The Single European Act was adopted after the European Parliament had, in the
years 1981 to 1984, elaborated a new treaty transforming the, still mainly economy-
oriented, EEC into a full-fledged political union. As the European Parliament lacked
the constitutional power to implement it, this project had no direct consequences,
but it created the political climate that paved the way to the Single European Act.
17. Complementing the progress toward the four freedoms, Germany, France, and
the Benelux countries entered in 1985 in the Luxembourg town of Schengen into
an international agreement (i.e., outside the Community’s treaty framework) that
abolished all border controls for people traveling between their countries. By 1997
the “Schengen agreement” had been incorporated into the EU Treaty, and today it
covers thirteen member states (the United Kingdom and Ireland having been
granted an exemption).
18. Giulio Andreotti (1919–), Italian politician, was prime minister in 1972–73,
1976–79, and 1989–91. From 1988 to 1992 he played a decisive role in the prepa-
ration and stipulation of the Maastricht Treaty. Felipe Gonzalez Marquez (1942–),
Spanish politician and lawyer, was prime minister of Spain from 1982 to 1996. He
is widely regarded as having been a key proponent of the institutionalization of the
concept of European citizenship in the Maastricht Treaty.
19. For Kohl, at least, monetary union was not simply about pushing forward, it
was about making integration irreversible, about creating a barrier against a possi-
ble rollback of integration, and more fundamentally, as a kind of “insurance policy”
against intra-European wars.
20. Unlike the other member states of the European Union, the United Kingdom
and Denmark are not subject to the general obligation to adopt the euro once they
fulfill all the necessary conditions. Specific provisions included in protocols annexed
to the Treaty of Maastricht allow these countries to “opt out” of economic and
monetary union.
21. The Treaty had in fact set two dates: an earlier one for January 1, 1997, on con-
dition that a majority of member states fulfill the criteria. If that condition was not
met, monetary union would start on January 1, 1999, even if only a minority of
member states was ready.
22. There was also a one-off devaluation of the Irish punt in early 1993.
24. The Convention on the Future of Europe was a body of 105 members, which
brought together European parliamentarians and members from the national
governments and parliaments of current EU member states as well as from thirteen
countries expected to join the European Union in the future. The Convention pre-
pared and submitted to the EU governments a draft “Constitution for Europe.” At
the time of writing, this draft was still discussed in view of a final approval by an
Intergovernmental Conference. A first attempt to draw negotiations to a conclusion
failed in December 2003. Among the contentious issues that divided member states,
the definition of the voting modalities in the European Council featured most
27. Bretton Woods is a small town in New Hampshire where, in July 1944, an inter-
national conference was held to design the key features of the international mone-
tary and financial system to be established after the end of World War II. Under that
system, participating countries agreed to keep their currencies pegged to the US
dollar at rates that could be adjusted, but only to correct a “fundamental disequi-
librium” in the balance of payments. The US dollar, in turn, was convertible into a
fixed amount of gold. The Bretton Woods conference also decided to create the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.
28. The structural funds (mainly, the European Regional Development Fund and
the European Social Fund) allow the European Union to grant financial assistance
to address structural, economic, and social problems. The European Investment
Bank finances investment projects that contribute to balanced growth in the
European Union. The Cohesion Fund finances projects linked to the environment
and transport infrastructure of member states whose GDP per capita is less than
90 percent of the European average.
29. The Bretton Woods regime collapsed as confidence in the convertibility of the
US dollar into gold eroded in the 1960s due to inflationary policies in the United
States and the accumulation of external deficits by that country. The pressure on
the system became such that the United States decided, in 1971, to abandon the
convertibility of the US dollar into gold. The IMF then established a regime with
central exchange rates and wide fluctuation margins (the so-called Smithsonian
Agreement), but that regime was abandoned in 1973.
30. Eichengreen (1990) notes that the literature on the optimum currency areas
does not provide a formal test through whose application the hypothesis that a
group of countries form an OCA can be accepted or rejected. Tavlas (1993) notes
that it is still difficult to weigh and reconcile all OCA properties.
31. After the pioneering contributions of the 1960s, in the 1970s several other
authors brought up several additional OCA properties including the similarity in
Notes to Pages 12–13 191
inflation rates, fiscal and political integration, and the similarity of shocks. In the
1980s and early 1990s several theoretical and empirical advancements led to reassess
the main benefits and costs from monetary integration. The long-run ineffective-
ness of monetary policy was asserted. The issue of credibility came to the fore. The
effectiveness of exchange rate adjustments was questioned. It became clear that
there are lower costs from the loss of autonomy of domestic macroeconomic poli-
cies and more benefits, for some countries at least, due to credibility gains. The view
on currency unions improved, and their borders could be drawn larger than by
mechanically testing for the sharing of OCA properties. A lot of this research was
catalyzed by the very influential One Market, One Money report by the EU Commis-
sion, which was completed in 1990 and published in 1992. In the late 1990s a new
debate started on the effects of monetary integration, namely on whether currency
unions would bring about an “endogeneity of OCA,” meaning that the fulfillment
of the OCA properties could take place ex post even if some properties were not
satisfied ex ante (Frankel and Rose 1998 and Rose 2000). The intuition is that sharing
a single currency is “a much more serious and durable commitment” (McCallum
1995). This line of thinking is still being scrutinized and is being weighed against
other forces.
32. The Mundell-Fleming model was the first to integrate international capital flows
into macroeconomic analysis. In the early 1960s the model had foreseen the impor-
tance of these flows in determining key macroeconomic variables, such as real
national income, unemployment, price level, and the interest rate. By extending the
standard macroeconomic model—the IS-LM model of the Hicks-Hansen synthesis—
to the open economy, Mundell (1963) and Fleming (1962) developed, inter alia, the
basic macroeconomic principle usually named as the “impossible trinity.” With
perfect capital mobility, they argued, only fiscal policy affects output under fixed
exchange rates, while monetary policy serves only to alter the level of international
reserves. In Padoa-Schioppa (1982) this trio has been turned into the “inconsistent
quartet” by adding a fourth element, free trade, which is a pillar of the Treaty of
Rome. As Henry C. Wallich has observed, the incompatibility of these elements is
“a fact well known to economists but never recognised in our institutional arrange-
ments or avowed principles of national policy” (Wallich 1972).
33. Krugman suggested (1987, p. 139) that “as a simple matter of feasibility, Europe
cannot have at the same time (a) stable exchange rates, (b) integrated capital
markets, and (c) independent monetary policies. The experience of the post-1973
period seems to indicate that (a) is not something that can be dispensed with. Given
the already close integration of European markets for goods and services, large
exchange rate fluctuations associated with divergent monetary policies seem to be
unacceptable. Thus creation of a unified capital market will also require adoption
of a common monetary policy.”
34. Given a range of possible outcomes (e.g., the different possible values at which
the exchange rate can stabilize in the long run between two extreme values), a
192 Notes to Pages 13–17
“corner solution” is one that involves either one of the two extremes and excludes
any intermediate solution. In the context of exchange rate regimes, which can span
an interval between full flexibility and irrevocable fixity, a corner solution is either
the abandonment of any exchange rate arrangement or the move toward a currency
union. For more references, see Eichengreen, Masson et al. (1998), Mussa et al.
(2000), and Fischer (2001).
35. The term “snake” is due to the fact that that arrangement resembled a snake
moving within a “tunnel,” the tunnel being the larger fluctuation band vis-à-vis the
dollar. Planned for all European currencies, the snake was soon reduced to the cur-
rencies of some small open economies pegged to the Deutsche mark. By March 1979
only the Dutch guilder, the Danish krone and the Belgian/Luxembourg franc had
remained in the snake.
36. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832), German poet, scholar, geologist,
painter, and politician, became together with Friedrich Schiller the intellectual
figurehead of the classical period of German literature. In his most important oeuvre,
Faust, Goethe produced a drama of remarkable poetic skill, philosophical depth, and
even political vision, including a premonition of the dangers of unbridled prolifer-
ation of paper money. The latter is suggested by Mephistopheles: “Der Zettel hier
ist tausend Kronen wert, ihm liegt gesichert, als gewisses Pfand, Unzahl vergraben
Guts im ganzen Land” (Faust, part II, lines 6057–6062). [Who hath this note, a thou-
sand crowns doth own. As certain pledge thereof shall stand vast buried treasure in
the Emperor’s land (trans. George Madison Priest).]
38. The result that money could have permanent effects on the economy—namely
that money can be nonneutral even in the long run—was driven by the concomi-
tant assumptions that (1) the economy was originally in a state in which factors of
production were not fully employed (i.e., there was equilibrium unemployment)
and (2) expectations did not play a major role in shaping agents’ behavior. If expec-
Notes to Pages 17–18 193
tations are rigid and the economy is not operating at full employment, then an
increase in money supply would help finance the employment of idle resources and
would not put pressure on prices.
39. Although several people had made similar observations before him, Alban W.
H. Phillips, a New Zealander economist, published a study in 1958 that represented
a milestone in the development of macroeconomics. Phillips discovered that there
was a consistent inverse, or negative, relationship between the rate of wage infla-
tion and the rate of unemployment in the United Kingdom from 1861 to 1957.
When unemployment was high, wages increased slowly and, when unemployment
was low, wages rose rapidly.
40. Don Patinkin (1922–1995), an American-Israeli economist, was one of the main
contributors to the theory of money and monetary policy, which was to become
central to the economic debate since the 1970s. Milton Friedman (1912–), an
American economist, is the recognized father of modern monetarism, the theory
that has emphasized the role of central banks’ (mis)management of money supply
as the primary cause of short-run volatility in output. He has argued that monetary
policy, while effective in the short run, can in the long run only affect inflation.
Robert E. Lucas (1937–), an American economist, is the father of the so-called ratio-
nal expectations revolution in macroeconomics. His work has proposed a new model
formalizing the way economic agents form expectations of the future.
41. In an influential paper, George T. McCandless Jr. and Warren E. Weber (1995)
examine data for 110 countries and 30 years. They find that there is an almost-unity
correlation between the rate of growth of money (in three alternative definitions)
and the rate of inflation, but there is no correlation between the rate of growth of
money, on the one side, and real output, on the other. They conclude that: “First,
the fact that the correlation between money and inflation is close to one implies
that we can adjust long-run inflation by adjusting the growth rate of money. . . .
Second, the fact that the growth rates of money and real output are not correlated
suggests that monetary policy has no long-run effects on real output. . . . If the long
run effect of monetary policy on real economic activity is truly zero, then any short-
run successes in reducing downturns can only come about at the expense of reduc-
ing upturns” (p.6).
42. Contrary to previous models, the rational expectations literature builds on the
premise that agents know the basic structure of the economy and solve the “true”
model when constructing their anticipations about key macroeconomic variables.
This has been proved (by Lucas) to imply that only unanticipated changes in policy
can affect economic decisions and thus real economic variables.
43. Paul Volcker (1927–), an American economist, was chairman of the Fed from
1979 to 1987.
44. Margaret Hilda Thatcher (1925–), a British politician, led, as prime minister of
the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990, the so-called Thatcher revolution that
194 Notes to Pages 18–24
strongly turned the country to more market-oriented policies and less intervention
of the state in the economy.
Chapter 2
1. Two present EU members (United Kingdom and Denmark) have an “opt out”
clause, and the first attempt to remove it was defeated by the Danish voters in 2000.
(Sweden, where adoption of the euro was rejected by referendum in September 2003,
does not qualify, as it does not meet the exchange rate and legal criteria defined in
the Maastricht Treaty.) As to the new EU members, from central and eastern Europe
and the Mediterranean Sea, they will join the euro only some years after joining the
EU. As long as the Eurosystem and the ESCB do not coincide, the latter will remain
a scarcely relevant entity, because neither does it refer to the single currency area
nor does it have significant policy tasks.
7. A discussion of how the national central banks of the Eurosystem may still differ
in their tasks, organizations, and cultures would go much beyond the scope of this
book. One can, however, give a few examples. Within the Eurosystem, not all central
banks are in charge of supervising the banks. The number of branches in relation
to total population differs considerably from country to country. Some central banks
provide services that are private in nature to the general public, the financial
markets, or the public authorities; others do not. This is reflected in the varying
degrees of involvement of the central bank in, or outsourcing of, matters such as
banknote printing, the level of banking services provided to the government, and
retail payment services.
8. For example, national central banks may act as the fiscal agent or debt manager
for their government or they may collect statistical information that is not related
to the tasks of the Eurosystem.
12. This is so unless the ECB Council finds that such functions conflict with the
objectives and tasks of the Eurosystem. Article 14.4 of the ECB Statute lays down
that “national central banks may perform functions other than those specified in
this Statute unless the Governing Council [of the ECB] finds, by a majority of two
thirds of the votes cast, that these interfere with the objectives and tasks of the
14. The field of competence of the central bank differs in the United States and
Europe mainly because the Fed, contrary to the Eurosystem, has a key responsibil-
ity for prudential supervision.
16. They are appointed by “common accord” of the EU heads of state or govern-
ment, on a recommendation of the EU Council of Ministers after it has consulted
with the European Parliament and the ECB Council.
20. In major policy fields—be they defense, foreign policy, or fighting international
crime—the EU still sacrifices its capacity to act to the rule of unanimity, even when
the solution to problems no longer lies at the individual country level. And where
the majority rule is accepted, the choice of the criterion for vote weighting still stirs
the hottest controversy. The EU system works on the basis of a “qualified majority.”
Each member state is given a number of votes, ranging from 29 for the largest
member states (Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom) to 3 for the smallest
(Malta). A decision is adopted if a simple majority of the member states support it,
and if this majority also represents a certain threshold number of votes (around 72
percent). Since the latest Treaty revision, there is a third requirement: upon the
request of a member state, it has to be verified whether the assembled majority rep-
resents at least 62 percent of the total EU population. If not, the decision is not
21. For patrimonial decisions concerning, inter alia, the capital of the ECB, the
transfer of foreign reserve assets to the ECB, and the allocation of net profits and
losses of the ECB, the votes in the ECB Council are weighted according to the
national central banks’ shares in the ECB capital.
22. In the International Monetary Fund, which is not in charge of a single policy
in the way the Eurosystem is, voting power of the member countries is allocated in
proportion of financial contributions, not on the basis of “one country, one vote.”
196 Notes to Pages 30–36
23. In the European Monetary Institute (EMI), which operated between 1994 and
1998 to prepare the technical and organizational foundations of the Eurosystem’s
policy framework, unanimity was required for any binding decision. Institutions
and countries (rather than persons) were sitting at the table, and meetings were
negotiations rather than deliberations. After the most influential central bank, the
Bundesbank, had firmly stated its position, the course of the discussion was set.
24. Hans Tietmeyer (1931–) was president of the Deutsche Bundesbank from 1993
to 1999.
25. Admittedly there is, beyond the word of an insider such as the author of this
book, little hard evidence that national interests do not prevail in the field of mon-
etary policy. It has to be considered, however, that the opposite contention, made
by some outsiders, also lacks hard evidence. One may argue that publication of the
minutes of the meetings of the ECB Council could resolve the doubt and settle the
issue. The reasons why the ECB has decided not to publish those minutes are
explained in chapter 4, section 4.6.
26. “To safeguard the currency” (“die Währung zu sichern”) was the primary func-
tion of the Bundesbank, as laid down in the Bundesbank Act of 1957.
29. “Defend their savings” derives from the statutory tasks of the Banca d’Italia,
which is “la difesa del risparmio.”
32. Perhaps the crucial element that makes the European Union a statelike con-
struct rather than a conventional international organization is the increasing (albeit
still partial) recourse to the majority principle in decision-making. When adopting
majority voting, and only then, there is full acknowledgment of a common inter-
est that supersedes the national interests of member states. Conversely, the una-
nimity rule and right to veto decisions mark the gulf that separates the European
Union from a full-fledged union.
stitution needs ratification in all member states in accordance with their respective
constitutional requirements.
34. In 2004 the EU budget amounted to 99.7 bn euro, or 1 percent of the EU GDP.
Chapter 3
1. For so long have currencies been associated with countries that, as soon as the
advent of the euro became certain, a name was invented for the country of the euro.
Euroland was the name chosen by the media, “euro area” the name more often used
in official documents of the ECB. The Académie Française, since 1635 the custodian
of the purity of French lexicon, was concerned that “Eurolande” could sound too
much like a true country and opted for “zone euro.” In the following, the terms
euroland and “euro area” will be used interchangeably to refer to the economic area
formed by the EU countries (twelve at the moment of writing this book) that have
adopted the euro as their currency.
2. The Treaty provides, so stated the European Court of Justice in 1963 in the Van
Gend and Loos judgment (Case 26/62, Van Gend en Loos v. Nederlandse Administratie
der Belastingen), a “new legal order for the benefit of which the States have limited
their sovereign rights, albeit within limited fields.” The “limited fields” essentially
refer to the economy. In the same judgment the Court also established the princi-
ple that certain provisions of Community law—if they are unconditional and suffi-
ciently precise—are directly effective in that they create “individual rights which
national courts must protect” without there being any need for further imple-
menting legislation in the member states (often referred to as the doctrine of “direct
effect”). This direct impact of the Community is also evidenced in particular by the
“establishment of institutions endowed with sovereign rights, whose exercise affects
member states and also their citizens. On the basis of the legislative capacity created
by the Treaty, an ample body of European legislation has been produced. Directives,
regulations, and decisions are the types of legally binding EU acts produced by the
European Union, depending on whether they are applicable directly and in their
entirety in all member states of the Community, or are binding with regard to the
result to be achieved, but allow each member state to choose its own means of
implementation, or are directly binding, but only on the individual(s), enterprise(s),
or member states to which they are addressed. EU legislation is enforced by the
European Court of Justice and by national courts. From the 1960s onward a jurispru-
dence of national constitutional and ordinary courts has stated the supremacy of
European law over national law.
7. It is interesting to note that the three goals of efficiency, stability, and equity also
underlie the system of international cooperation developed after World War II.
Indeed the World Trade Organization, the IMF, and the World Bank can be seen as
the three global agencies to which the three objectives are respectively assigned,
with the United Nations acting as the overall political structure. Article 1 of the IMF
Articles of Agreement refers to purposes like “expansion and balanced growth of
international trade,” “promotion and maintenance of high levels of employment
and real income,” and “to promote exchange stability.” A similar threefold involve-
ment can be traced in the stated goals of agreements for regional groups of coun-
tries, like NAFTA (for North America), ASEAN (for Southeast Asia), and MERCOSUR
(for Latin American countries). In international settings, however, the institutional
arrangements created to pursue those goals are softer and looser than in national
systems, where the full power of the state is available. Thus, although efficiency, sta-
bility, and equity are often stated as common objectives, the decision-making capac-
ity, the resources, the direct reference to the citizens, the legal system, and the
enforcement power that characterize international institutional frameworks are
weak and often missing altogether.
8. These features are common to all sovereign states. They are most pronounced in
the highly centralized states that took shape in Europe over the last three centuries
(particularly in France, United Kingdom, and Spain). They are also present in fed-
erally structured states, such as the United States, Canada, and Switzerland.
10. A number of studies have considered the theoretical rationale for policy
coordination in EMU. See, for example, Buti and Sapir (1998), and Jacquet and
Pisani-Ferry (2001).
11. Deliberations occur in several bodies such as the ECOFIN Council, the
Eurogroup, the Economic and Financial Committee. The Eurogroup is an informal
body within which the Finance Ministers of the euro area meet to discuss issues
connected with their shared responsibility for the single currency. The Commission
Notes to Pages 48–53 199
and the ECB are also invited to participate. The Economic and Financial Commit-
tee is comprised of two senior officials from each member state (one from the finance
ministry and one from the central bank), the Commission and the ECB. It plays an
advisory role and helps prepare meetings of the EU Council when the latter is to
discuss economic and financial issues. For these occasions the EU Council brings
together the specialized Ministers of Economy and Finance and is then referred to
12. Emerson and Gros (1992). In examining the costs and benefits of a single cur-
rency, the Commission pointed out that, with the completion of the single market,
continuing with a peg but adjustable exchange rate system (what it called the “1992
+ EMS” scenario) would not be a stable alternative to economic and monetary union.
This was because “complete capital liberalization requires virtually a unified mone-
tary policy if exchange rates are to be stable.” This argument was captured in the
phrase “one market, one money.”
13. For instance, in Italy workers receive unemployment insurance payout for six
months after becoming unemployed, whereas in France and in the Netherlands such
transfers can continue up to sixty months.
14. This principle was formally adopted in the mid-1980 to ensure the singleness
of the market in a way that would both avoid overextending EU harmonized legis-
lation and impede discriminatory action by national authorities. The principle of
mutual recognition was first applied in a famous ruling of the Court of Justice of
1979 (the Cassis de Dijon ruling of Case 120/78, Rewe-Zentrale v. Bundesmonopolver-
waltung für Branntwein), stating that “[t]here is therefore no valid reason why, pro-
vided they have been lawfully produced and marketed in one of the member states,
alcoholic beverages [i.e., Cassis de Dijon for this case, but, by extension, applicable
to all kinds of products] should not be introduced into any other member state.”
Based on the logic of mutual recognition, the Commission presented a “New
Approach” to lawmaking in 1985, which sought to restrict the harmonization mea-
sures (necessary for the completion of the single market) to “essential requirements”
(e.g., consumer safety), thereby avoiding the need for excessively detailed rules.
15. Prior to the start of the euro the Treasury–central bank relationship differed
between the countries that now form euroland. In France, for example, decisions
were taken by the Treasury, with the Banque de France in charge of an execution
role. In Germany and Italy, by contrast, the key role was played by the central bank.
17. In particular, Article 111 of the Treaty contemplates two so-called arrangements
and sets ground rules for the Treasury–ECB shared competence. The first type of
arrangement is “formal agreements on an exchange rate system.” An adjustable peg
or a target zones system—under which exchange rates can move freely but only
within predefined fluctuation bands—would fall into this category. The second type
is the formulation of more ad hoc, less structured “general orientations” for
200 Notes to Pages 53–54
exchange rate policy. With regard to the latter, however, the Treaty itself stipulates
that they should be without prejudice to the primary objective of the Eurosystem
to maintain price stability.
19. Article 104 of the Treaty states that “Member States shall avoid excessive gov-
ernment deficits.”
20. The idea of a “Stability Pact” was first presented by German Finance Minister
Theo Waigel in 1995. It aimed to ensure that the member states continue on the
path of fiscal discipline (and avoid lapsing into the old profligate behavior of earlier
decades) even after they had reached the 3 percent deficit target set by the conver-
gence criteria for entry into EMU. The Stability Pact was to become an essential com-
plement to monetary union since it represented an “insurance policy” against
negative spillovers on all countries sharing the euro that might arise if overspend-
ing governments generate pressure on the common interest rate. Legally the later
renamed (on French insistence) “Stability and Growth Pact” consists of a European
Council Resolution stating the member states’ commitment to the rules and objec-
tives of the Pact and two Council Resolutions laying down the precise details for
multilateral surveillance and speeding up the Treaty procedure to deal with exces-
sive deficits in particular member states.
21. National public budgets play the largest role in the EU fiscal framework. They
account for about 97 percent of the totality of public expenditures from all levels
of government. The macroeconomic relevance of the EU and the subnational
budgets is, instead, quite negligible. The EU budget is subject to a stringent upper
limit (presently of 1.27 percent of the aggregate GDP of the Union), which can only
be raised through a lengthy and difficult procedure, while deficit spending is pre-
cluded. As to subnational budgets, they vary in size and importance, depending on
the constitutional set up of each country, but are generally small relative to those
of central governments.
22. The Pact also states that in case of a “severe economic downturn” with an
“annual fall of real GDP of at least 2 percent,” this limit would not apply.
23. According to this procedure, member states of the euro area submit every year
so-called stability programs, where the envisaged development of national public
finances for the years to come are set out. The programs are received and analyzed
by the European Commission, then discussed by national Treasury officials in the
Economic and Financial Committee, prior to formal deliberations by the ECOFIN
Council. In the event that the fiscal policy of a member state is seen as incompati-
ble with the Pact, the Council can adopt a recommendation, and make it public.
Member states are also obliged to transmit the relevant data of national public
Notes to Pages 54–55 201
accounts (budget deficit, overall public debt) twice a year to the European Com-
mission in order to assess actual—as opposed to merely intended—conduct of
national fiscal policies. Governments failing to respect the upper deficit limit can
be subjected to the payment of fines of up to 0.5 percent of the offending country’s
24. Despite a universal AAA rating small, but persistent, spreads are quoted by the
market among sovereign borrowers. For example, Italian ten-year bond yields were
on average around 20 basis points over the German benchmark in the first half of
25. This freedom is subject to the sole condition of complying with European
macro rules and with some micro restrictions related to the single market. An
example of the latter is the provisions for harmonized taxation. In 1992 the EU
Council agreed on a revised VAT directive which, among other things, sets a
minimum standard VAT rate of 15 percent for all EU countries (though reduced
VAT rates can continue to apply to a commonly agreed list of specific products and
26. Article 102 of the Treaty states that “Any measure, not based on prudential
supervision, establishing privileged access by Community institutions or bodies,
central governments, regional, local or other public authorities, other bodies gov-
erned by public law, or public undertakings of Member States to financial institu-
tions, shall be prohibited.” Article 101 of the Treaty states that “Overdraft facilities
or any other type of credit facility with the ECB or with the central banks of the
Member States (hereinafter referred to as “national central banks”) in favour of Com-
munity institutions or bodies, central governments, regional, local or other public
authorities, other bodies governed by public law, or public undertakings of Member
States shall be prohibited, as shall the purchase directly from them by the ECB or
national central banks of debt instruments.”
27. Allowing the automatic stabilizers to operate means that little or no action is
taken to counteract the shortfall of tax revenues and increase of government spend-
ing on social benefits which occurs naturally during a downturn. Examples of dis-
cretionary measures are social security spending, lower taxation, and public
spending on infrastructure.
28. A useful overview of the different views and proposals made in the context of
the discussion on the Stability and Growth Pact in 2002 can be found by consult-
ing the briefing papers prepared for the exchange of views between the ECB presi-
dent and the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee on
December 3, 2002. While some of the briefing papers, including those prepared by
Guillermo de la Dehesa (Centre for European Policy Research, CEPR), Charles
Wyplosz (CEPR), Jean-Paul Fitoussi (Centre for European Reform, CER), and Gustav
Horn (Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung) went in the general direction of
202 Notes to Pages 55–59
making the Pact more flexible, other papers, including those prepared by Sylvester
Eijffinger (CEPR), Giampaolo Galli, Daniel Gros (Centre for European Policy
Studies, CEPS), and Niels Thygesen argued that the rules of the Pact needed to be
strengthened. As far as policy-makers are concerned, the proponents of a more flex-
ible Stability and Growth Pact have included, notably, the British government and
Commissioner Mario Monti.
29. To use the words of Article 2 of the Treaty, the goal of economic policy is to
promote “a harmonious, balanced and sustainable development of economic
30. For example, the European Commission (2002) Communication “The Euro area
in the world economy—developments in the first three years” mentions that “the
aggregate policy mix of the euro area is what matters for the rest of the world.”
Recital 9 of the European Parliament’s Report on the 2001 Annual Report of the
ECB states that “a right ‘policy mix’ between monetary and fiscal policy presupposes
sound public finances.”
31. The Broad Economic Policy Guidelines and the Excessive Deficit Procedure are
the two EU procedures. The so-called Broad Guidelines of the Economic Policies of
the Member States and of the Community are adopted by the EU heads of state
or government on an annual basis. They contain a joint analysis of the current eco-
nomic situation and set out the main orientations for the conduct of economic poli-
cies for the coming year, including country-specific recommendations that clearly
identify the policy measures that each national government needs to take in order
to remedy specific economic deficiencies. The Excessive Deficit Procedure regulates
how the EU governments act collectively in the event that a member state breaches
the upper deficit limit of 3 percent of GDP. Over the period of a year, the procedure
foresees a gradual buildup of collective pressure on the offending country to mend
its ways, starting with warnings and policy recommendations, which—in order to
maximize their disciplining effect—can be made public. They can ultimately lead
to the imposition of sanctions, including the payment of fines of up to 0.5 percent
of the respective country’s GDP.
32. In reality, EMU has enhanced not only competition but also cooperation in the
field of budgetary policies, largely because, by cooperating, national budgetary
authorities, and specially Finance Ministers, can better overcome political and social
resistance to structural reforms. Thus, in addition to the monitoring of the macro-
economic profile of fiscal policy, a practice has been started to assess the quality of
national budgets. The structural features of revenues and expenditures are jointly
examined, so as to learn from each other how best to address longer-term challenges,
like the budgetary impact of aging populations.
34. Corporatism, in this context, refers to a form of social partnership between the
government and centralized interest groups (usually employers and organized labor)
giving the latter a privileged role in economic and social policy making. In return
for favorable policies, the leaders of labor unions and employers’ organizations
undertake the implementation of policy by delivering the cooperation of their
members. Even though generally in retrenchment in Europe since the 1960 and
1970s heydays, this kind of tripartite negotiation also has recent examples, such as
the 1998–2002 “Alliance for Jobs” between the German government, employers, and
trade union organizations or recurrent tripartite agreements under the Italian “Patto
Sociale,” or the (until recently) usual consultation between the Spanish government
and Social Partners on most major social and economic policy initiatives (e.g.,
changes to the labor laws or pension reform).
35. The Economic and Social Committee is an organ of the European Union that
offers advice to the EU institutions on the potential economic and social impact of
pending legislation. It consists of 344 part-time members who are appointed by
national governments and who represent employers, trade unions, consumers, and
other interested groups.
36. The single currency deprives national policy-makers of the key exchange rate
instrument that, until recently, was used to gain (or regain) competitive advantage
and sustain employment. So there will be no way to correct the consequences of
inconsistent labor cost dynamics in different countries (e.g., see Feldstein 1997).
There is, however, disagreement in the literature as to whether EMU would be con-
ducive to labor market reforms that could reduce the risks of lost competitiveness.
Some authors suggest that once the easy option for an EMU country to devalue its
currency is lost, it will have no alternative but to proceed with labor market reforms
(Bean et al. 1998). Others, however, worry about the risks of open-ended transfers
within the euro area, which could serve to stabilize but may finance regional non-
adjustment indefinitely (Obstfeld and Peri 2000).
37. See, for instance, Decressin and Fatas (1995) and Boeri, Layard, and Nickell
38. In the run-up to monetary union, the European Union has set up a number of
so-called processes to develop this consultative mode in the fields of employment
and structural policies. Specifically, a new chapter on Employment has been inserted
into the Treaty in 1997, which provides for the elaboration of annual Employment
Guidelines. These Guidelines set out recommendations and priority areas of action,
especially with regard to labor market reform, development of labor skills, and job
creation through the encouragement of business start-ups. National Employment
Action Plans transpose these orientations into policy proposals operable at national
level, taking into account the specific conditions of the country. Together with the
regular exchanges of views and the reciprocal learning from good as well as bad
experiences, this has become known as the “Luxembourg process,” given its elabo-
ration at the European Council meeting in Luxembourg on November 20–21, 1997.
204 Notes to Pages 61–65
39. The labor force participation rate is the percentage share of the economically
active (employed or unemployed) population over the total population.
41. At market exchange rates, GDP per capita in the euro area was at 61 percent of
the US level. This higher gap in exchange rate terms rather than in PPP terms reflects
essentially the relatively high valuation of the US dollar exchange rate in the refer-
ence year (2002).
42. A few examples may be indicative of the difference. In euroland the public sector
pays almost 75 percent of total health care expenditure, whereas in the United States
only 45 percent is carried by the public sector. The respective roles of the govern-
ment and the private sector also differ substantially with regard to the educational
system, especially university education, for which the sector bears around 87 percent
of the costs in euroland against 47 percent in the United States.
43. In cross-country comparisons it appears that the lowest income per capita
(Greece) is at 67 percent of the euro area average, while income per capita reaches
123 percent of the areawide average in Ireland and even 190 percent in Luxem-
bourg. Total government expenditures are 34 percent of GDP in Ireland and 54
percent in France; public debt ranges from 6 percent of GDP in Luxembourg to 107
percent in Italy.
45. The strong economic performance of the United States in the 1990s can be
attributed to a combination of growing employment with strongly increasing pro-
ductivity. Over the period 1991 to 2000, productivity increases in the United States
were above those in the euro area, especially when measured in terms of total factor
productivity (1.2 percent in the United States against 0.9 percent in the euro area).
Notes to Pages 67–69 205
Chapter 4
1. This was quite a different situation from that of any other financially sophisti-
cated industrial economy, where this highly complex and integrated basis is the
outcome of a long process of trial and error, known to market participants, well
understood by analysts, and familiar to the general public. It is true that the ECB
Board and Council greatly benefited from the preparatory work conducted by the
EMI over the three preceding years. However, since the EMI had virtually no deci-
sion-making power, almost no concrete steps had been taken before June 1998. For
a description of the differences between the setup of central banking and monetary
policy prior to the start of the single currency, see Padoa-Schioppa and Saccomanni
3. The reason why the lag is long is that while monetary policy has a relatively
quick impact on very short term interest rates, it takes time for this impact to be
transmitted to the entire structure of interest rates and, through this channel, to
consumption and investment decisions. The lag is variable because the institutional
setting (bank regulations, various provisions on financial markets, etc.) may change
over time, thus having an impact on the flexibility of financial intermediaries in
response to policy stimuli and on the sensitivity of other agents vis-à-vis changes
in the interest rate.
5. For M3, which is the key variable selected to look at the relationship between
money and prices, a quantitative reference value of 41/2 percent annual growth, to
be re-examined every year, was announced by the ECB in October 1998. The refer-
ence value is identified as the M3 growth rate that would be consistent with price
stability in the medium term. It is derived from a simple quantity relation, linking
money growth to price stability, potential output and changes in the velocity of
6. Lucas (1996).
7. For a more in-depth discussion of the reasoning behind the formulation of the
monetary policy strategy (e.g., see Issing et al. 2001; ECB 1999).
206 Notes to Pages 70–74
8. In 1997 the newly elected British government (led by Prime Minister Tony Blair)
introduced a major institutional reform of monetary policy and financial regulation
and supervision. As a result of this reform the Bank of England was given opera-
tional responsibility for setting interest rates in order to meet the Treasury’s stated
inflation target that had been introduced following Britain’s departure from the
Exchange Rate Mechanism in 1992. With the same reform, the competence for
banking supervision was taken away from the Bank of England and transferred to
a new institution (the Financial Services Authority), where all the competencies for
financial regulation and supervision of individual financial organisations in all
sectors of finance were concentrated. However, the Bank of England continues to
have statutory responsibility for the stability of the financial system as a whole.
9. See, for example, Bernanke et al. (2001), Loayza and Soto (2002), and Bernanke
and Woodford (2003) for further reading on the conceptual issues of inflation tar-
geting, as well as an implementation and evaluation of inflation targeting.
10. See, for example, the annual reports in the series “Monitoring the European
Central Bank” by the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) in London, or
the reports by the Macroeconomic Policy Group of the Centre for European Policy
Studies (CEPS) in Brussels. In addition Buti and Sapir (2002) provide a collection of
contributions by academics and policy-makers that assess the early years of EMU.
12. Some recent studies have focused on optimal policy frameworks for a smooth
and measured response to shocks by the central bank; see, for example, Woodford
13. The Policy Target Agreement between the treasurer and the governor of the
Reserve Bank of New Zealand has recently adopted the notion of ‘over the medium
term’ when specifying the time horizon over which the Reserve Bank has to guar-
antee price stability.
14. Svensson (2002) questions the alleged lack of clarity over the ECB’s inflation
objective and suggests to specify a point value within the 0–2 percent region indi-
cated by the ECB as consistent with its definition of price stability. In his opinion,
having a point target is more important than the precise level of the target. See also
Svensson (1999) for an early critical appraisal of the monetary policy strategy of the
ECB, as it was originally conveyed to the public in 1998.
16. The Keynesian theory of demand determination was cast into an analytical
framework for policy analysis and became widely known as the IS-LM model. Hicks
(1937) published the original version of the model. During the 1960s and 1970s this
model was enriched by a condition for price determination, which in the original
version had been left unspecified. By this additional condition, which came to be
Notes to Pages 74–76 207
known as the Phillips curve (after a 1958 empirical study by A. W. Phillips), wage
inflation, and implicitly, price inflation, was postulated to be determined by the pre-
vailing situation in the labor market; high unemployment was associated with low
wage inflation, and vice versa. A very influential article by Samuelson and Solow
(1960) interpreted the evidence as indicative of a persistent trade-off between unem-
ployment and inflation, which the policy-makers could exploit. In their own words:
“In order to achieve the non perfectionist’s goal of high enough output to give us
no more than 3 percent unemployment, the price index might have to rise by as
much as 4 to 5 percent per year. That much price rise would seem to be the neces-
sary cost of high employment and production in the years immediately ahead” (p.
17. This nonneutrality in the short term but neutrality over the long term of the
reference model is reflected in the Phillips curve, which has a finite slope in the
short term but drifts in the long run as private expectations adjust to the monetary
policy. Over the long run as adjustments are made to a higher expected rate of infla-
tion, the intercept of the Phillips curve drifts upward, and the trade-off between
inflation and unemployment disappears.
18. See De Long (1997) for a colorful discussion of the attempts to stem high infla-
tion in the 1970s in the United States. In his view, it was the happy reception of
the Samuelson-Solow conception of an exploitable Phillips curve within the politi-
cal circles surrounding President Nixon that introduced in 1969 the permanent
upward bias to inflation.
19. Interest rate rules of this kind are now proliferating in macroeconomics. One
such rule was proposed by John Taylor in 1993. The so-called Taylor rule prescribes
that the short-term real interest rate be set to equal the “natural rate,” on average,
and to deviate from it in response to deviations of inflation from the central bank’s
target and output from the level that is sustainable in the long run.
20. Gerlach and Svensson (2002) and Trecroci and Vega (2001) find, for example,
that a “real money gap,” which is the difference between the actual level of real
money balances and the level that would be consistent with a long-term equilib-
rium money demand, helps predict future inflation in a way that cannot be
explained on the basis of the new-Keynesian real sector model.
21. Orphanides (2000) argues that the high inflation plaguing the 1970s in the
United States was caused by a severe mismeasurement of the economy’s productive
capacity. The dramatic fall in productivity that took place in the early 1970s was
misread by the Federal Reserve as a fall of output below its “natural” level and thus
responded by a reflationary policy.
22. At the two extremes of the “rules versus discretion” spectrum, in the “decisive”
(or decision-making) meeting, the set is, respectively, empty or full.
208 Notes to Pages 77–84
23. Due to the postulate of rationality, the difference between knowledge and will
is not recognized in theoretical economic research. It is, however, a distinction that
is well known in the fields of psychology and philosophy.
24. The exogenous price shocks included an oil price shock in 1999 to 2001 (more
than 60 percent increase in the average oil price of 2001 relative to 1999), the “mad
cow” and foot-and-mouth diseases in late 2000 and 2001 (7.2 percent increase in
unprocessed food prices in 2001), the 1999–2000 depreciation of the euro (16.6
percent in nominal effective terms), the freeze in January 2002 (plus 8.4 percent
increase in the price of unprocessed food), the cash changeover in early 2002 (an
estimated effect of up to 0.3 percent increase in the total euro area HICP), the
increase in indirect taxation in 2003 (sources: ECB Monthly Bulletin and Annual
Report, various issues; Eurostat).
25. For more information on the outcome of the evaluation of the monetary policy
strategy, see the ECB press release “The ECB’s monetary policy strategy” of May 8,
2003. A number of background studies prepared by ECB staff, which served as input
into the Governing Council’s evaluation of the strategy, were also made public
at the same time. These background studies are available on the ECB Web page
( For additional information, see also the article entitled “The outcome
of the ECB’s evaluation of its monetary policy strategy,” which appeared in the June
2003 issue of the ECB Monthly Bulletin.
26. Bank reserves are held by the banks at the central bank for the purpose of
meeting the minimum reserve requirement (see below) and for the clearing of inter-
bank balances. With the control of bank reserves, the central bank sets a target for
the amount of bank reserves and is ready to accept whatever interest rate is needed
for the banks to absorb that amount. With the control of the interest rate, the central
bank sets a target for the level of short-term interest rate and stands ready to supply
the market with the amount of bank reserves needed for the market to clear at that
level of the interest rate.
27. A case in point is the decision, taken by the Bank of Japan in 2001, to target
the amount of bank reserves rather than a short-term interest rate.
28. The interest rate applied to open market operations is the most important policy
rate of the ECB. The weekly frequency of the operations, lower than that custom-
ary to several national central banks prior to the euro, and the practice of full
publicity were chosen to enhance the strength and clarity of the signaling effect.
Repurchase agreements are reverse transactions whereby the central bank purchases
a given amount of admissible instruments on the understanding that these will be
repurchased by the counterparty at a specific price on a future date or on demand.
29. The deposit and the marginal lending rates constitute, respectively, the floor
and the ceiling for the overnight interest rate in the money market.
30. Since compliance is determined on the basis of the average of the daily balances
of the banks’ accounts with the Eurosystem over a so-called maintenance period of
Notes to Pages 84–86 209
one month, the reserve funds act as an automatic buffer for liquidity shocks, and
hence as a stabilizer for very short-term interest rates. Banks can postpone the con-
stitution of their reserves in the event of a temporary shortage of liquidity at any
point of the maintenance period; they can also front load the constitution of their
reserves in the event of a temporary surplus.
31. The most obvious example is the situation of countries that followed a stable
exchange rate policy. For those countries the day-to-day control of the interest
rate was key, so they had a practice of daily operations. The Banque de France, for
instance, used daily fine-tuning operations that allowed a tight control of the
overnight interest rate. Another example is that of Portugal, where for historical
reasons the central bank had accumulated massive amounts of domestic assets, gold,
and foreign exchange reserves. Accordingly there existed a large liquidity surplus
and the central bank implemented monetary policy by withdrawing liquidity
(issuance of debt certificates). See Borio (1997).
32. While the charter of the Fed allowed the Federal Reserve District Banks to
provide extra central bank money to the economy via rediscount operations, the
Eurosystem has fully centralized all decisions that have an impact on the overall
liquidity. Originally each Federal Reserve District Bank set its discount rate inde-
pendently, to reflect banking and credit conditions in its own district. Over the
years, reflecting the integration of regional credit markets into a national market,
the discount rate has become homogeneous across the country. Today the discount
rate used by all Reserve Banks is identical, except for the days around a change, as
not all Reserve Banks implement the change on the same day. The decision to
provide liquidity at the discount window remains at the discretion of each Reserve
Bank. The collateral accepted is also decided independently by each Reserve Bank.
However, Regulation A of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, which defines the
conditions under which the discount window is to be used, specifies that “the
lending functions of the Federal Reserve System are conducted with due regard to
the basic objectives of monetary policy and the maintenance of a sound and orderly
financial system.” In May 2002 the Board of Governors published a proposed
amendment to Regulation A. Under this proposal, each Reserve Bank would retain
its discretion over (1) the type of collateral used and (2) whether it accepts to lend
to bidding banks. See Madigan and Nelson (2002) and Borio (2001).
33. As it will be further explained in chapter 5, each national central bank remains
responsible for the provision of emergency liquidity if a credit institution belong-
ing to its jurisdiction runs into a crisis. Even in this case, if the liquidity to be created
is of an amount that can influence the stance of monetary policy, the ECB Council
will be involved.
34. Dispersion of short-term interest rates in euroland has been negligible from the
very first days of EMU.
36. Two features of the US financial structure are relevant in this respect. The first
feature is the huge depth and liquidity of the repo markets in which the operations
are conducted, and the second is the depth and organization of the market for bank
reserves, which ensures that central bank money attributed to few institutions is
channeled efficiently through the entire system.
38. The importance of central bank credibility was first introduced by Kydland and
Prescott (1977), who stressed the tension between ex ante and ex post optimal mon-
etary policy, and pointed out the importance that central banks are able to pre-
commit to policies. Their key result—and of Barro and Gordon (1983)—is that
discretionary monetary policy (i.e., when a central bank can freely alter its policy)
is time inconsistent and that it therefore produces an inflation bias. In essence, this
problem arises because in a low-inflation environment there may be an incentive
for a discretionary central bank to unexpectedly pursue an expansionary monetary
policy in the short term. This incentive, however, will be known by the public,
which will adjust wages and prices accordingly, thereby introducing an upward bias
in inflation without any positive effects on output. Calvo (1978) focuses on a closely
related credibility problem due to the incentive of increasing inflation in order to
obtain revenue from the private sector in the form of seignorage. In subsequent
development of the literature, the importance of the central bank’s reputation has
been stressed. In particular, the possibility that the central bank will suffer a loss
to its reputation if it deviates from its announced low-inflation policy has been
suggested as a potential solution to the inflation bias problem, since a loss of
reputation will entail significant future costs (e.g., see Backus and Driffill 1985).
Alternatively, Rogoff (1985) suggests that the inflation bias problem may be solved
by appointing an independent “conservative central banker” to conduct monetary
policy. This central banker should be conservative in the sense of having more than
society as a whole preferences placed on maintaining low inflation. Because the
public will realize that this type of central banker has little desire to pursue an expan-
sionary monetary policy, it will also expect inflation to be low in the future. Walsh
(2003) provides a more detailed overview of the academic literature on the inflation
bias and possible solutions to it.
39. The general equilibrium mode of representing the workings of the transmission
mechanism of monetary policy is dominant in today’s macroeconomics. For a com-
prehensive treatment, see Woodford (2003).
40. This is a “game” in which there may be two solutions (i.e., two different, though
plausible outcomes): one in which the rate of growth of money is low, and wage
and price inflation are low; and the other one in which wage inflation is set at a
high level and the central bank accommodates wage claims with a high rate of
money growth, thus yielding high inflation. A “tough” central bank, meaning a
central bank that is consistently committed to an objective of stable prices and is
not prepared to deviate from it under any circumstances, can be shown to coordi-
Notes to Pages 89–100 211
nate expectations (and thus wage claims and inflation) on the low-inflation equi-
librium. See, among others, Horn and Calmfors (1985).
41. This was epitomized by such expressions as “le silence de la monnaie” (the silence
of money) or “Rumore” (noise) used by Jacques Rueff and Luigi Einaudi respectively.
Jacques Rueff (1896–1978), one of France’s most influential liberal thinkers and
economists of the twentieth century, owes his reputation to his career in public
administration (director of Treasury, vice-governor of the Banque de France, magis-
trate of the Court of Justice of the European Communities) and his persuasive talent.
The formula “the silence of money” attributed to him has been used for years in
France to epitomize the appropriate noncommunicative behavior of those in charge
of monetary policy. In his 1960 article “Rumore” (Noise) Luigi Einaudi (see endnote
1 in chapter 1) stated that, rather than acting through policy decisions visible to
the media and the markets, a good central bank governor should seek to influence
monetary conditions through informal advice to bankers on whether to expand or
to constrict credit.
42. This can be illustrated by the following two quotes of what Chairman
Greenspan is reported to have said: “I know you believe you understand what you
think I said. But I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”
And, on another occasion, “If I say something which you understand fully in this
regard, I probably made a mistake.”
43. The Fed and the Bank of England publish the minutes with a delay of respec-
tively around six and two weeks, the Bank of Japan in the week after the next
meeting of its monetary policy committee.
44. The justification is required if for two consecutive quarters the forecast deviates
by more than 1 percent from the inflation target set by the Treasury.
46. As Blinder (1998, pp. 69–70) puts it: “In a democratic society, the central bank’s
freedom to act implies an obligation to explain itself to the public. Thus, indepen-
dence and accountability are symbiotic, not in conflict. The latter legitimises the
former within a democratic political structure. While central bankers are not in the
public relations business, public education ought to be part of their brief.”
Chapter 5
2. The harmonized regulatory framework set out in the Second Banking Coordina-
tion Directive combines a general definition of banking with a list of activities that
licensed banks are allowed to conduct. While the definition is narrow, the list is
212 Notes to Pages 100–102
broad. Banks are thus defined, much in the same way as the US legislation does, as
institutions that couple deposit taking with the granting of loans. Meanwhile the
list of activities comprises other financial services, including among others the
trading of financial instruments for own account and for account of customers, par-
ticipation in securities issues and provisions of related services, portfolio manage-
ment and advice, financial leasing and advice to undertakings on capital structure,
industrial strategy, mergers and acquisitions. See Articles 3 and 18 of the Directive
2000/12/EC (so-called consolidated banking directive).
3. The responses by the United States and some continental European countries to
the banking crises of the 1930s are another sign of the difference between two intel-
lectual and policy traditions. While Europe largely responded by extending public
ownership, the United States responded by strictly limiting the scope of banking
activities and by introducing Federal Deposit Insurance. After the Great Depression,
the belief prevailed that the combination of banking and securities business created
much room for conflict of interest and made banks more vulnerable to sharp adjust-
ment in asset prices.
4. In the past publicly owned banks were not chartered as shareholding companies
and were thus not subject to ordinary company law. They often had special tailor-
made charters defining status, field of activity, and controls on an ad hoc basis. They
had special obligations to finance public entities and programs at preferential con-
ditions, while at the same time enjoying privileged market position in the form of
exclusive right to operate in certain geographical or business areas, or in the form
of government guarantees for their liabilities. In recent years this special status has
been gradually reduced under the influence of both a change in national policies
and the pressure of the EU to apply uniform competition to the banking sector.
5. In the American free banking era (1837–1863) entry into the banking industry
was unrestricted. Banks issued their own notes and had to satisfy collateral require-
ments, which differed across states. They were not subject to extensive supervision,
although some public controls (e.g., limits to the aggregate amounts of notes) were
enforced at state level to prevent unsound issues. Accordingly the system did not
include any access to public lending of last resort facilities in times of stress. Fail-
ures and losses on notes differed significantly by state, but have been generally inter-
preted as being excessive.
7. See Padoa-Schioppa (1999). True to style, an EU directive was passed in 2000 spec-
ifying that the issuance of electronic money should be subject to bank-like licens-
ing and prudential controls, with all new tools for delivering de facto banking
services included in the realm of supervised business. In the United States, in con-
trast, e-money is still viewed as falling outside the area that requires a banking
8. See, for instance, Danthine, Giavazzi, von Thadden and Vives (1999).
9. The removal of barriers to interstate banking in 1991 with the Federal Deposit
Insurance Reform Act occurred at about the same time as the creation of the single
market in the European Union.
10. Arbitrage is a trading activity aimed at profiting from differences in prices as the
same security, currency, or commodity is traded in two or more markets.
11. Mergers and acquisitions services are the services investment banks provide to
corporations engaged in taking over another corporation or in merging into a single
entity. Included among such services are search of a counterparty, advice on the
required financial package, valuation, and placing new equities on the market.
12. In the market for unsecured deposits, credit institutions exchange liquidity
without the guarantee of collateral. The largest part of the turnover in this market
is represented by very short-term transactions.
13. In particular, repo transactions were conducted on the basis of various local
master agreements, and only recently a European standard has been developed.
Moreover a Directive had to be issued in June 2002 and is presently being imple-
mented at the national level, in order to ensure the legal reliability of collateraliza-
tion techniques and practices, including the validity and effectiveness of the transfer
of title arrangements, especially in cases of insolvency.
15. The expression “unwarranted strategic objective” is used here to shorten what
would otherwise be a lengthy treatment of a complex issue that goes beyond the
scope of this book. In brief, it can be said that the EU economic constitution, ana-
lyzed in chapter 3, sets common objectives that are incompatible with the pursuit
of economic self-sufficiency as an admissible strategic goal for a member country.
16. The long controversy over state aid to the German Landesbanken epitomizes
the complexity of competitive game in the European Union. A Landesbank is an
institution under public law, often established by a special law of the German
Bundesland or the region concerned. Shareholders are, as a rule, the Bundes-
land and regional savings banks. A Landesbank acts as a central institution for the
local savings banks in matters such as liquidity management and the clearing of
payment transactions, and supplements the banking services of the savings banks.
It further acts as a public sector bank. With a market share of more than a third,
214 Notes to Pages 107–113
the savings banks and Landesbanken represent a very significant proportion of the
German banking market. This strong market position is to a large extent the result
of public support through public guarantee mechanisms, allowing the Landes-
banken to fund themselves cheaply on the market. The large German commercial
banks, such as Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, Dresdner Bank, and Hypovereins-
bank, had complained for years to both national and European authorities that they
were being victimized by unfair competition. Any swift resolution of the problem
was hampered, inter alia, by the strong political ties of the Landesbanken. In late
1999, the European Banking Federation lodged a complaint with the European
Commission about the unfair state aid. The European Commission confirmed that
the system of public guarantees did not comply with EU competition law. In July
2001, the Commission reached an agreement with the German government on the
gradual phasing out of the public support system. It is expected that this will have
a major structural impact on the German banking sector.
17. The legislative procedure required to adopt or amend a EU directive takes three
to four years. Member states have traditionally preferred to inscribe European rules
in directives rather than in secondary legislation, which is more flexible, in order
to keep closer control over the process.
18. The so-called Committee of Wise Men, chaired by Alexandre Lamfalussy, was
created in July 2000. Its tasks were to assess the conditions for implementation of
EU securities regulation, study how the mechanisms for regulating securities markets
in the EU can best respond to market developments, propose scenarios to adapt
current practices in order to ensure greater convergence and cooperation in day to
day implementation. The Committee’s report, known as the Lamfalussy Report, was
submitted to the Ecofin Council in February 2001. Alexandre Lamfalussy (1929–),
professor emeritus at the University of Louvain-la-Neuve, has been general manager
of the Bank of International Settlements in Basel (1985–1993) and president of the
European Monetary Institute from 1994 until 1997.
19. Before the UK reform, the single-agency approach had been adopted by Norway
(1986), Canada (1987), Denmark (1988), and Sweden (1991). After 1997 Japan and
Korea followed suit. In the United Kingdom, the competencies of eight preexisting
regulatory and supervisory bodies (including the Bank of England) were
20. Full disclosure to the market of information on a bank’s condition was not tra-
ditionally part of the tool kit of a banking supervisor. This potential conflict is not
eliminated by the single-agency approach. To deal with it, certain countries, for
example, Italy and the Netherlands, have preferred the solution of specializing
supervisory agencies by objective: one agency is entrusted with the goal of stability
for both banks and securities firms, while another is assigned transparency and
investor protection. This solution, sometimes referred to as the “twin peaks”
approach, may prove to be effective, as it allows maintaining prudential supervision
Notes to Pages 113–117 215
close to the monitoring of systemic risk and to other functions related to financial
22. On the pros and cons of attributing supervisory responsibilities to the central
banks, see Goodhart and Schoenmaker (1995), Ferguson (2000), Briault (1999),
Padoa-Schioppa (2003a), and Goodhart (2002).
23. The word “almost” is used here because there are indeed a few exceptions. One
of them is supervision and regulation of the insurance industry in the US, which
is still a state competence. Another example has been banking supervision in
Germany, which for a short period in the 1950s was a competence of the regions.
It is symptomatic, however, that the latter system was abandoned after few years.
25. The Treaty also gives the Eurosystem a twofold (consultative and advisory) role
in the rule-making process. The ECB must be consulted on any draft legislation (both
Community and national) in the fields of banking supervision and financial stabil-
ity. Moreover it can provide, on its own initiative, advice on the scope and imple-
mentation of Community legislation in these same fields.
26. According to Article 105.6 of the Treaty, the Council may, acting unanimously
on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the ECB and the European
Parliament, confer upon the ECB specific tasks concerning policies relating to the
prudential supervision of credit institutions and other financial institutions with the
exception of insurance undertakings.
27. The main forum to coordinate the central banking function with the supervi-
sory one is the Banking Supervision Committee. Created in 1989 by the then central
bank governors of the EU and re-established by the ECB Council, the Committee is
composed of high-level representatives of banking supervisory authorities and
central banks of the EU countries. It has the task of addressing all the financial sta-
bility issues raised by the introduction of the euro. It so fulfills the twin functions
of bridging the central banking and supervisory tracks to banking and financial sta-
bility in euroland and of working as a forum for cooperation among banking super-
visors. Most of the recommendations issued by the Brouwer report and the demands
for enhanced cooperation raised by the Eurosystem are being addressed within this
28. See, for instance, Begg et al. (1998), Prati and Schinasi (2000), and Vives (2001).
216 Notes to Pages 117–121
29. As Charles Goodhart and Dirk Schoenmaker (1993) have shown, in most
banking crises central banks have been actively involved.
30. Lending of last resort is generally defined as the central bank facility providing
short-term loans to illiquid but solvent banks hit by a liquidity shock. The term is
often used extensively to include any form of central bank support to ailing banks.
31. The classic theory of the lender-of-last-resort function of the central bank in the
nineteenth century was formulated by the British economist and constitutionalist
Walter Bagehot (1826–1877). According to this theory, the central bank should pub-
licly announce its readiness to provide freely liquidity support in times of need, but
only to solvent institutions, at a penalty rate and assisted by good quality collateral
valued at pre-crisis prices. See Bagehot (1873).
32. A less unlikely event is a rapid withdrawal of deposits and other funds by unin-
sured wholesale creditors, in particular, in the interbank market. However, since
interbank counterparties are much better informed than depositors, this event could
not occur without raising in the market a strong suspicion that the bank is actually
insolvent. If such a suspicion were to be unfounded and not generalized, the breadth
and depth of today’s interbank market is such that other institutions would proba-
bly replace (possibly with the encouragement of public authorities) those that with-
drew their funds. In this regard the emergence of the areawide money market lowers
banks’ liquidity risks because the number of possible sources of funds has become
considerably larger than in the past.
Chapter 6
1. The first monetary use of gold has been traced back to the reign of Pharaoh Menes
in Egypt (2850 BC) by the discovery of small gold bars stamped with the name of
the pharaoh that circulated as money. The first circulation of gold coins is believed
to date from around 635 BC, and was first used in Lydia (Bernstein 2001).
2. This model was not always welcomed as it was viewed as opening a road to
monopoly, and some countries (the United States, in particular) challenged the
model for many years. Over time, however, central banks spring up everywhere.
4. Systemic risk is the risk that failure of one participant in a transfer system, or in
financial markets generally, to meet its required obligations will cause other partic-
ipants or financial institutions to be unable to meet their obligations (including
settlement obligations in a transfer system) when due. Such a failure may cause sig-
nificant liquidity or credit problems and, as a result, might threaten the stability of
financial markets.
5. Recommendation to this end were made in the 1990 “Report of the Committee
on Interbank Netting Schemes” (so-called Lamfalussy Report). In 2001, the G10 gov-
ernors endorsed a report on “Core Principles for Systemically Important Payment
Systems,” which complements the 1990 standards and extends their applicability
globally (CPSS 2001a).
6. Fedwire is the Federal Reserve funds transfer system. Fedwire is used for trans-
ferring reserve account balances of depository institutions and government securi-
ties. Fedwire is also used for the settlement of other clearing systems, such as CHIPS.
8. Safety is, in the perception of the general public, the foremost attribute of central
bank money. For a regime of paper currency, central bank money is what gold used
to be for a commodity currency regime. People’s confidence in the central bank as
issuer of the currency derives in part from legal tender status, in part from the way
it is managed by the central bank. Availability means that since it “owns the print-
ing press,” the central bank can produce money in unlimited amounts. It should
not be forgotten that for a long time deflation rather than inflation was the major
threat to monetary stability and therefore availability in potentially unlimited
amounts was a key antidote to financial crises. As ultimate provider of liquidity, the
central bank is indeed able to address unexpected liquidity shocks or coordination
failures in the interbank market. Efficiency comes from the fact that instead of estab-
lishing a transactional relationship with every other bank, each bank can hold its
reserves in one place, the central bank, where its debit items are cleared against its
credit items. This is what made central bank money an essential cog of the mone-
tary mechanism. Neutrality consists in the fact that the central bank remains exter-
nal to banking system, does not compete with it, and does not operate directly with
the public. Finality, an economic manifestation of the legal tender status, means
that the discharging of a pecuniary obligation has been completed at the moment
of settlement in central bank money. Since, in a world of fiduciary currency, money
is always a promise rather than a good, the dividing line between money and credit
is both essential and hard to draw. It is the “outside” position in the monetary
system that makes central bank money the final means of settlement.
9. In the past central banks were operationally involved in the field of securities
settlement systems only for the management of government debt. However, as
the trend is for debt and equities to be settled under the same “roof,” securities
218 Notes to Pages 124–130
settlement systems have progressively moved to private hands and tend to be user-
owned or owned by an exchange. Exchange-for-value settlement system is a system
that involves the exchange of assets, such as money, foreign exchange, securities,
or other financial instruments, in order to discharge settlement obligations. These
systems may use one or more funds transfer systems in order to satisfy the payments
obligations that are generated. The links between the exchange of assets and the
payments system(s) may be manual or electronic.
11. The United States and euroland give similar interpretations to the role of the
central bank in retail payments. In the United States a key provision of the 1913
Federal Reserve Act imposes that all checks should be cleared nationwide under the
same conditions. More recently, in 1998, a committee headed by the then vice chair
of the Board of Governors of the Fed, Alice Rivlin, revisited the role of the Fed in
retail payments and confirmed its operational involvement in the field. It strongly
recommended that the Fed should play a leading role toward enhancing the
efficiency, effectiveness, and convenience of retail payments in cooperation with
market participants (Rivlin 1998)
12. One of the attractiveness of the name “euro” was that it had the same spelling
in all languages of the European Union (apart from the Greek alphabet).
13. While the fees charged to customers for domestic credit transfers rarely exceed
between euro 0.10 and euro 0.20, a survey conducted by the European Commission
in 2001 showed that the average fee for cross-border transfers is euro 24, with peaks
exceeding euro 60 in some countries. As to the speed of execution, while for domes-
tic transfers it is sometimes less than a day, cross-border transfers take several days,
occasionally even more than a week.
14. This approach is not shared by all central banks worldwide. In the United States,
the Fed is inclined to allow e-money to be issued by nonbank entities and to refrain,
for the time being, from setting strict requirements of redeemability. This difference
in approach reflects the more general difference in policy attitudes toward financial
innovation highlighted in chapter 5. Compared to others, the European approach
is liberal in allowing licensed banks to conduct a wide range of activities, but strict
in requiring a license to enter the banking business. As a result reserving the right
to issue e-money to credit institutions is equivalent to inviting its issuers to adopt
a specific legal structure, not a way of creating a privilege for a particular group of
Notes to Pages 131–136 219
15. One reason for the decision was that TARGET was developed well before the
start of EMU, with the participation of all EU central banks and before knowing
which member states would be in it. Therefore it would not have been fair to exclude
the central banks of Denmark, Sweden, and the United Kingdom from participation
in its operations. The arrangement was made subject to special conditions that
prevent the intra-day liquidity in euro to banks outside the euro area from spilling
over into overnight credit.
16. While the fees for cross-border TARGET transactions are harmonized, domestic
TARGET payments are priced on the basis of national decisions and differ consid-
erably in terms of both fee structure and fee level. Domestic prices per payment can
be lower than euro 0.20 in some countries and higher than euro 2 in others. The
problem of cost recovery for many RTGS systems in TARGET is illustrated by the
fact that seven out of sixteen TARGET components process each less than 1 percent
of the overall number of TARGET payments. Full-fledged competition between
national RTGS systems would imply that every commercial bank is free to choose
through which national system to enter TARGET. This would in turn imply that
national central banks no longer retain an exclusive business relationship with the
banks of their national jurisdiction, but rather compete to attract any euro area com-
mercial bank. The need to plan for the second generation of TARGET is also based
on the experience of both the United States and the pre-euro German system. In
these two systems, which started with composite systems similar to TARGET, the
various components have converged, over time, toward a single infrastructure.
17. The initiative was taken by the Basel-based Committee on Payment and Settle-
ment Systems (CPSS).
19. Of course, the emergence of a euro area infrastructure would not conflict with
the development of “international” or “global” infrastructures in the field of secu-
rities settlement, analogous to the Continuous Linked Settlement Bank in the field
of payment systems.
21. Recently some authors (notably King 1999; Friedman 1999; Bengtsson 1999a,
b) have suggested that the further development of e-commerce and associated com-
puterization will attenuate, or even remove altogether, the demand for central bank
money, notably for currency, and that such vanishing demand for monetary base
will in turn limit, or even prevent, the central bank from setting nominal interest
rates in such a system. Others (notably Goodhart 2000; Woodford 2000b; Freedman
2000) suggest that the IT revolution is not going to remove the demand for cur-
rency, and even if it did so (as a theoretical matter), the central bank would still be
able to set the country’s nominal interest rate. They argue that the ability of the
220 Notes to Pages 136–146
central bank ultimately depends on the fact that it is the government’s bank, and
thus has the power to intervene in financial markets without concern for prof-
itability. It can buy or sell the relevant assets in any amount needed to obtain the
desired interest rate—even at a loss—thereby forcing its profit-seeking commercial
confreres, in the last resort, always to dance to its tune yet in a market-friendly way.
Chapter 7
1. The average share of the euro in the international money market issues by non-
residents of the euro area rose from 8 percent for legacy currencies in the period
1994 to 1998 to 21 percent in the period 1999 to 2002.
2. Figures in this paragraph, as well as in the previous ones, are drawn from ECB
3. This assessment can be found, inter alia, in Bergsten (1997), although the author
clearly emphasized the uncertainties regarding the precise timing and size of the
projected appreciation of the euro.
4. In 1999 to 2000, GDP growth was 4.0 percent per year on average in the United
States against 3.0 percent in the euro area, and growth forecasts were consistently
more favorable for the United States. This was partly due to the favorable produc-
tivity developments in the United States and the perceived superiority of the country
in terms of labor, product, and financial markets.
5. For the “invisible currency” argument it is hard to find any supporting or con-
trary evidence, and there is no academic analysis of it. The “banknote conversion”
argument appears unconvincing when one looks at the figures. Estimates of the total
stock of illegally held banknotes, and of banknotes circulating outside euroland,
suggest that this stock was too small to influence the exchange rate. Indeed, the
order of magnitude of the estimated total—less than euro 40 bn at the time of
the cash changeover (Padoa-Schioppa 2003b)—corresponds to a small fraction of
the volume transacted in the foreign exchange market of the euro in just one
working day—USD 352 bn on average per day in April 2001 (BIS 2002).
6. Comparisons with pre-January 1999 are made by calculating the value of the euro
in term of the pre-euro currencies, the so-called synthetic euro. True, the exchange
of the euro in January 1999 was below the average level of the synthetic euro over
1994 to 1996. It has to be considered, however, that this was a period of exceptional
weakness of the US dollar. If one looks further back, a period in which the synthetic
euro was significantly lower that the minimum reached in October 2000 is the 1984
to 1985 period. In terms of US dollar, the 0.83 minimum level of October 2000 com-
pares with a minimum of 0.68 in February 1985.
7. The statement was issued at a moment when the euro quoted around 0.95 against
the US dollar and the effective nominal exchange rate was 17 percent below the
Notes to Pages 146–149 221
8. Between 1999 and 2001, consumer prices increased on average by 2.0 percent per
year in the euro area against 2.8 percent in the United States.
10. The “target zone” proposal goes back to 1983, when it was formulated by
Bergsten and Williamson (1983). It has been periodically discussed in policy circles,
but no agreement for implementing it has ever been reached. For an account of the
discussions on Oscar Lafontaine’s proposal, see The Economist (1998).
11. See Williamson (1994) for a collection of essays on the determination of the
equilibrium exchange rate and Alberola et al. (1999) for a review of theoretical and
empirical work on equilibrium exchange rates.
12. The high degree of exchange rate variability in the past twenty-five years is
apparent in the movement of the real effective exchange rates of the major cur-
rencies. The real effective exchange rate of the US dollar (1990 = 100) fell from 143.2
in May 1970 to 95.7 in October 1978, peaked at 146.1 in March 1985, and subse-
quently fell back to 91.9 in May 1995. The real effective exchange rate of the Japa-
nese yen (1990 = 100) soared from 57.0 in August 1970 to 110.6 in October 1978,
dropped to 74.5 in October 1982 before rebounding to 154.4 in April 1995.
13. Such change in the European attitude is led by the strong and unsurprising cor-
relation between a country’s openness and its willingness to let exchange rate con-
siderations influence its policy-making. The more a country is open to international
trade, the more a depreciation of its exchange rate is likely to import inflation over
the medium term without any significant improvement in its competitive position.
As shown in Mussa et al. (2000), individual countries of euroland were very open
to international trade prior to EMU. The degree of openness, as measured by the
average of exports and imports of goods and services as a percentage of GDP, was
around 35 percent on average and exceeded 60 percent in small countries like
Belgium and Ireland. This is one reason why the case for exchange rate stability was
strengthened and, in the end, monetary union was adopted within euroland. Con-
versely, economic relations among members of euroland have now become domes-
tic in nature. As a result euroland is much less vulnerable to external shocks and
influences than its constituent countries prior to the establishment of the EMU.
14. As developed in De Grauwe (1988) and Edison and Melvin (1990), two basic
views have been expounded in the economic debate on the effects of exchange rate
fluctuations. The first one, which can be called a “fundamentalist view,” assumes
222 Notes to Pages 149–151
that fluctuations are, at all times, the outcome of disturbances in the economic fun-
damentals. This implies that fluctuations are not economic “costs” but the proper
corrections that grant stability to other economic variables. As a result any attempt
to stabilize exchange rates will eventually lead to greater fluctuations in other key
variables such as domestic production. The second view is that fluctuations may
turn into “misalignments” owing to factors such as irrationality, “bubbles,” and
extrapolative rules in the determination of exchange rates. In this case economic
agents are not necessarily able to assess correctly how fundamentals affect the
exchange rate, unless the latter diverges “too much” from its equilibrium value. In
view of the author, at least some of the large exchange rate movements for both
advanced countries and emerging markets do not plausibly reflect economic fun-
damentals. This means that the implications of exchange rate fluctuations are not
always a “fair price” to be paid in order to gain greater stability in some key vari-
ables but become a cost for the international community.
15. Even in limiting the observation to the last two decades, we can see that a
number of episodes confirm the close relationship between wide exchange rate
swings and disturbances in the world’s economy. For instance, movements in the
US dollar–Japanese yen rate—which exhibited high variability along a rising trend
from 250 Japanese yen per US dollar in mid-1985 to 85 in mid-1995—triggered
recurrent trade frictions. They are among the contributing factors of the rise and
subsequent bursting of the Japanese asset price bubble in the late 1980s. The appre-
ciation of the yen is also one of the factors behind the protracted loosening of mon-
etary policy in Japan in the second half of the eighties, which in turn contributed
to the Japanese asset bubble.
16. “Peg” is the Bretton Woods jargon, which indicates the linkage of all currencies
to the dollar. It indicates an exchange rate regime in which the monetary author-
ity of a country announces an official par value, or “parity,” of its currency vis-à-vis
another currency or basket of currencies and then seeks to maintain the actual
market exchange rate within a band above and below that value. According to IMF
(2001), three types of pegs are consistent with this definition. First, in “currency
board arrangements” (e.g., Bulgaria) the exchange rate is fixed without any possi-
bility to fluctuate within a band around the parity (the width of the band is there-
fore set to zero). This “hard peg” form implies an explicit legislative commitment
to exchange domestic currency for a specified foreign currency at a fixed exchange
rate, combined with restrictions on the monetary authority to ensure the fulfillment
of its legal obligations. Second, in the “conventional fixed peg arrangement” (e.g.,
China) the country pegs its currency at a fixed rate to a major currency or basket
of currencies, where the exchange rate fluctuates within a narrow margin of at most
±1 percent around the parity. Third, in the case of “pegged exchange rates within
horizontal bands” (e.g., Denmark) the band is wider than ±1 percent. The latter was
the case of the multilateral exchange rate mechanism (ERM) of the European Mon-
etary System (EMS), replaced with ERM II on January 1, 1999. See IMF (2001).
Notes to Pages 152–153 223
18. According to IMF (2001), in the “crawling peg” regimes (e.g., Bolivia) the
exchange rate of the currency is adjusted periodically in small amounts at a fixed,
pre-announced rate or in response to changes in selective quantitative indicators.
In the “crawling band” regimes (e.g., Israel) the currency is maintained within
certain fluctuation margins around a central rate that is adjusted periodically accord-
ing to criteria similar to those used for crawling pegs. Finally, in the “managed
floating” regime (e.g., Czech Republic) the monetary authority influences the move-
ments of the exchange rate through active intervention in the foreign exchange rate
market without specifying, or pre-committing to, a pre-announced path for the
exchange rate.
19. Most currency boards in the world are linked either to the euro or to the US
dollar. The euro-based currency boards are in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria,
Estonia, and Lithuania, while the currency boards of the East Caribbean Currency
Union, Hong Kong, and Djibouti are based on the US dollar. The Brunei dollar pegs
to the Singapore dollar also under a currency board arrangement. The countries and
other territorial communities that have “euroized”, meaning they have unilaterally
adopted the euro as their currency, are the European micro-states (e.g., Vatican City),
the French territorial communities (e.g., Mayotte), and, in the Balkans, Kosovo, and
Montenegro. Finally, dollarization has taken place in Ecuador, Panama, Puerto Rico,
San Salvador, and a number of micro-states or territorial communities (e.g., Ameri-
can Samoa). A discussion of the arguments on the corner solution theory is pro-
vided by Fischer (2001). The concept of corner solution is found, for the first time,
in Eichengreen (1994), who observed that the middle ground of exchange rate
regimes located between free floating and the full surrendering of monetary control
at country level (e.g., monetary unions, dollarization, and euroization) is being “hol-
lowed out.” This does not mean, however, that Eichengreen is an advocate of the
corner solution view.
20. In the discussion about the prescription of the corner solution theory, the
Eurosystem has taken the view that intermediate regimes, including pegs and
managed floating, may be appropriate, and therefore should remain an option for
a number of countries.
21. The phases of such cycles can be described as follows: sound policies and favor-
able production conditions (e.g., a high saving rate and low wages for skilled labor)
are rewarded by large inflows of capital, which facilitate further investment;
224 Notes to Pages 153–158
however, it can also cause overinvestment and waste as well as strong appreciation
of the currency. The ensuing loss of competitiveness and exports deteriorates the
overall performance, which causes a loss of confidence by markets, hence capital
outflows, depreciation of the exchange rate, and a rise in inflation. After a crisis the
cycle often starts up again. Throughout a cycle those foreign lenders who are quick
enough to pull out their money in time preserve the benefits of high returns enjoyed
during prosperity. Perhaps more numerous, however, are those lenders whose
money is consumed during the crisis.
22. Calvo and Reinhart (2002) developed the idea that many emerging market
economies do not pursue a fully flexible exchange rate regime for fear of the float,
especially when there are currency mismatches in the external financial position of
a country. In such circumstances such countries remain exposed to financial crises
triggered by an excessive depreciation of the exchange rate. Despite a number of
benefits, currency board arrangements (CBAs) leave economies very exposed to
external shocks, and it is not easy to discontinue them once this becomes evident.
In particular, the experience with CBAs shows that the degree of fiscal discipline
and domestic flexibility that a country can afford in a given point in time may
be insufficient to withstand major external shocks. As the Argentine experience
illustrates, this can lead to a substantial overvaluation of the real exchange
rate of the domestic currency, namely the exchange rate adjusted in order to take
inflation into account. This leads to declining growth and difficulty to service
the country’s debt (so-called currency–growth–debt trap). However, when drawing
lessons from this experience for countries currently adopting CBAs, one should pay
attention to some major differences from Argentina. It is a country different from
countries such as Bulgaria, Estonia, and Lithuania, as it is not a small open economy.
It has a substantial share of its foreign trade with countries whose currencies fluc-
tuate vis-à-vis the US dollar. Also Argentine currency was not being anchored in the
relation to a broader process of regional integration. These structural differences help
show both why the CBA experience failed in Argentina and why it has not in the
mentioned countries.
23. Poirson (2001), for instance, examines the exchange rates of ninety-three coun-
tries over the period 1990 to 1998, and finds that significant discrepancies exist
between de jure regimes (especially free floats) and de facto ones.
26. A list of the main recent episodes of financial instability includes, for industrial
countries, the stock market crash in the United States (1987), the banking crises in
Notes to Page 158 225
28. The BIS commenced its activities in Basel, Switzerland, on May 17, 1930 and is
thus the world’s oldest international financial organization. It fosters cooperation
among central banks and other agencies in pursuit of monetary and financial sta-
bility. The BIS functions as a forum for international monetary and financial coop-
eration, as a bank for central banks, providing a broad range of financial services
and as a center for monetary and economic research.
29. Cooperation in banking supervision started with the establishment of the Basel
Committee on Banking Supervision in 1974, in the aftermath of the collapse of the
Bankhaus Herstatt in Germany and Franklin National in the United States. The result
was the Basel concordat, whereby the responsibilities for supervising foreign
branches were clearly defined in order to avoid any escaped supervision of an inter-
national bank. In 1983, following the crisis of the Italian group Banco Ambrosiano,
the principle of international consolidated supervision was adopted, extending the
agreement of the 1975 concordat to foreign subsidiaries of banks. The first crisis of
the Latin American debt in the 1980s was an incentive to the adoption of interna-
tionally agreed capital requirements, with the Basel Capital Accord of 1988. Simi-
larly, in the payment system field, the concerns raised by the operational difficulties
experienced by the Bank of New York contributed to the launch of the work on
minimum standards for netting systems described in chapter 6. The G7 and the
IMF became actively involved in regulatory and supervisory issues after the 1994
Mexican crisis. The Financial Stability Forum (FSF) was created in 1999 in response
to the 1997–98 Asian crisis.
31. To overcome the former limit, the Financial Stability Forum (FSF) was created,
as a body comprising, for the G7 countries, representatives of Treasuries, central
banks, financial supervisors, and chairs of the main international institutions
and regulatory bodies. To overcome the second limit, a wider forum (called G20)
was created in 1999, which includes a number of major transition and emerging
economies. Although both the FSF and the G20 are in the process of assessing their
role, the structure of the system of international cooperation described in the text
has not fundamentally changed.
33. A telling episode was the discussion among Ministers of Finance and governors
held in spring 2002 about the EU definition of a common European position on
IMF issues. Three possible models were considered: (1) an informal coordination
model whereby EU countries seek to coordinate their positions in the IMF Board
through “common understandings,” (2) a structured coordination model, estab-
Notes to Pages 163–173 227
lishing ex ante both the issues on which common views are requested and the mech-
anism to represent such views at the IMF Board, and (3) the single-chair model,
meaning a single EU or euroland constituency at the IMF. The chosen formula even-
tually was the second one, which is the structured coordination model. It should
be noted that the voting powers of euroland’s countries in the IMF add up to 22.6
percent of the quotas, against 17.2 percent of the United States. It should further
be noted that only three of the twelve countries of euroland are members of the G7
and that these three members are not mandated to speak on behalf of euroland.
Chapter 8
1. In 1994 to 2000, the United States had a growth rate of about 4 percent on
average per year, with GDP growth rate above potential in six out of seven years.
2. As was argued in chapter 2, operating and supervising the payment system refers
to money as a means of payment; ensuring price stability refers to money as a unit
of account and a store of value; pursuing the stability of banks refers to money as
a means of payment and a store of value.
3. Every country and central bank has joined the euro and the Eurosystem with the
full-fledged central banking infrastructure that characterizes the pre-euro situation.
Luxembourg has even gone as far as to newly set up its own full-fledged central
bank (which it did not have on the eve of the euro), as this was a precondition to
be a full member of EMU. National central banks are generally still equipped to
perform all central banking functions as stand-alone institutions (in such fields as
payment services and banknote printing).
4. Article 98 of the Treaty of Paris of 1951 that established the European Coal and
Steel Community (ECSC). A similar accession entitlement is contained in the Treaty
on European Union. Article 49 of the Treaty states that “Any European State which
respects the principles set out in Article 6(1) may apply to become a member of the
Union.” The principles set out in Article 6(1) are liberty, democracy, respect for
human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the rule of law.
5. The four enlargements took place in 1973 (Denmark, Ireland, and the United
Kingdom), 1981 (Greece), 1986 (Spain and Portugal), and 1995 (Austria, Finland,
and Sweden).
6. The Copenhagen European Council also acknowledged in June 1993 the EU’s
capacity to absorb new members with a view to the future accession of central and
eastern European countries. In a protocol attached to the Amsterdam Treaty of 1997,
it was agreed that at least one year before membership of the EU would exceed
twenty, an Intergovernmental Conference should be convened in order to under-
take a comprehensive review of the composition and functioning of the EU insti-
tutions. The Luxembourg European Council in December 1997 emphasized that
the operation of the EU institutions must be strengthened as a prerequisite for
228 Notes to Pages 173–176
enlargement. The Treaty of Nice, signed on February 26, 2001, mainly aims at adapt-
ing the way in which the European institutions operate in order to make it possi-
ble for the European Union to take in new member states. Under the Nice Treaty,
the present configuration of the European Commission (consisting of one or two
commissioners per member state) will be maintained until the European Union has
27 member states. At that point, the Council will have to decide on the number of
commissioners, as well as on a rotation system. Moreover from January 1, 2005, new
provisions will apply with regard to qualified majority decision-making within the
Council. The votes of each member state will be re-weighted and a new threshold
for an act to be adopted will be applied. Additional requirements for an act to be
adopted will also have to be met regarding the number of member states voting in
favor, and the percentage of the population of the EU represented by those member
states. Finally, after the European elections in June 2004, the number of represen-
tatives elected to the European Parliament from each member state was adjusted.
Respecting the relative shares of parliamentarians from each member state, the total
number of members of the European Parliament was maintained as close as possi-
ble to 732. After emerging from the acrimonious and protracted power wrangling
that led to the complex compromise formulas contained in the Nice Treaty, the
heads of state and government declared the European Union ready for enlargement.
At the same time, however, they called for a deeper and wider debate about the
future of the European Union. To this end, at the Laeken European Council in
December 2001, the heads of state and government decided to set up a convention
with the task of elaborating further institutional reform. The convention drew up a
draft Constitution in the form of a Treaty, which was discussed in an Intergovern-
mental Conference opened in Rome in October 2003.
7. The last criterion requires the candidate countries not only to translate into
national legislation the substantive body of EU rules and regulations—what in EU
jargon is dubbed acquis communautaire—but also to ensure their effective imple-
mentation and application.
9. ERM II (the successor of the exchange rate mechanism of the European Mone-
tary System that operated between 1979 and 1998, referred to in chapter 1) pre-
scribes currencies to be kept within a fluctuation band of plus and minus 15 percent
around fixed, central rates. Exchange rate strategies, such as free floats (currently
the policy of Poland) and pegs against anchors other than the euro (e.g., Latvia’s
peg to the SDR) are to be changed before a country can join ERM II and eventually
the euro.
10. Under the rotation system approved by EU leaders (and yet-to-be ratified by
national parliaments), the members of the Board would retain permanent voting
rights, while governors would exercise their voting rights on a rotating basis. Since
the group of governors exercising the voting right should be reasonably represen-
Notes to Pages 176–177 229
tative of the euro area economy as a whole, governors would hold the voting right
with different voting frequencies, with governors from large countries voting more
frequently than those from medium-sized and small countries. Governors would be
placed into three groups, in relation to a country ranking based on the economic
and financial weight of their home countries. In any case the differentiation among
governors on the basis of home countries has only one, purely auxiliary, purpose:
to determine who votes when. For all decisions in the Council, such as on interest
rates, the “one member, one vote” principle would continue to apply to those exer-
cising their voting right. This means that the force of argument will still count in
the deliberations and not a governor’s home country, or whether that country is
large or small.
11. For a full discussion of these three elements, see Padoa-Schioppa (2000b).
12. True, no Group of Three has come into being as yet, nor are there signs that
such a group will emerge in the near future. However, in G7 the deliberations on
macroeconomic policies have already evolved from a round table of many countries
to a focused discussion on the three major economies, their situations, how they
interact, and the implications worldwide.
13. This is shown by the unification of the European trade policy or the increasing
independence of central banks from their Treasuries.
14. The central provisions for the external representation of the Economic and
Monetary Union are laid down in Article 111(4) of the Treaty and Article 6 of the
Statute of the ECB. Building on these provisions, the European Council decided in
1997 and 1998 that two bodies would represent euroland externally, the Eurogroup
and the ECB. On behalf of the former the EU presidency (i.e., one of the twelve
finance ministers of euroland) would speak on a semiannual rotation scheme. On
behalf of the latter the ECB president or his/her nominee would speak, as stated by
the ECB Statute itself (Article 13.2).
15. This explains why both the Eurogroup and the ECB have a somewhat special
position. In the IMF, for example, the ECB was given observer status, to reconcile
the fact that only quota-holders can be members of the IMF Board with the need
to have one of the key policy makers (the central bank of the second largest cur-
rency of the world) at the table. In OECD meetings, the ECB representative is part
of the European Community delegation. At the Bank for International Settlements
(BIS), the ECB is a shareholder and a regular participant in all G10 activities. In the
G7 the president of the ECB attends (like the president of the Eurogroup) the parts
of the meetings that deal with macroeconomic surveillance and exchange rate issues
and speaks on behalf of an area of twelve countries, including nine that are not
members of the G7 itself. In their attempt to reflect the Treasury–central bank
scheme that characterizes all delegations in macroeconomic cooperation, a difficulty
arose in identifying “Who is the Treasury” with the European Union. The difficulty
derives from the multilayered policy structure discussed in chapter 3, but the fierce
230 Notes to Pages 177–181
attempts to keep the Commission out of the action also reflect the persistent
jealousy of member states for the role of Brussels. For a discussion on the adapta-
tion of international organizations after EMU, see Henning and Padoan (2000).
16. NAFTA and MERCOSUR in the Western Hemisphere and ASEAN + 3 in Asia are
noteworthy experiences. However, with the establishment of the single market and
of the single currency, Europe has gone much beyond any other regional arrange-
ment. The relevant economic literature has mainly focused on trade and monetary
aspects of regional integration. See, for instance, Frankel and Wei (1993), Bayoumi
and Eichengreen (1993), Frankel and Rose (1998), Eichengreen (1998), Alesina and
Barro (2002), and Wyplosz (2001).
17. The 1998 edition of the New Oxford Dictionary defines policy as “a course or
principle of action adopted or proposed by a government, party, business, or indi-
vidual”; politics as “the activities associated with the governance of a country or
area, especially the debate or conflict between individuals or parties having
or hoping to achieve power”; and polity as “a form or process of civil government
or constitution, an organized society, a state as a political entity.”
18. As Goethe puts it: “A master shows his powers in limitation, and freedom
follows only law’s direction.”
19. As the case of Switzerland and the Swiss franc shows, a strong polity is not
necessarily the same thing as a strong world power. A stable and well-established
political system, long-lasting independence, and reliable institutions may well be
sufficient to produce a strong polity.
Further Readings
point of the ECB. They provide a comprehensive treatment of the monetary policy
strategy of the ECB, and also describe the operational procedures and institutional
features of the Eurosystem.
Useful reading on the financial system in the euro area includes Goodhart et al.
(1998), who focus on different aspects of financial regulation, including the needs
for regulation, various forms and incentive structures for financial regulation, and
prospects for financial regulation in the future. A recent conference volume edited
by Gaspar et al. (2003) includes a number of papers that investigate the ongoing
transformation of the European financial system. On the topic of the euro area
payment system, ECB (2001) provides an overview (alongside detailed information
on national payment systems). The more specific description of TARGET, the new
European payment system that was designed in preparation for the introduction of
the euro in 1999 is given in ECB (1999).
On the international environment and exchange rate relationships, Corden
(2002) presents a systematic overview of different exchange rate regimes, and how
the regime choice is related to economic policies in general. Corden presents both
theoretical arguments and actual experiences from different countries when dis-
cussing various types of exchange rate regimes. Related to this issue is the topic of
financial crises. Eichengreen (2002) looks at the international financial architecture
and explains what underlying factors may have been behind recent crises in finan-
cial markets. Moreover he goes on to propose various policies aimed at avoiding the
dangers of crises, and to discuss how to manage them better in case they do occur.
In addition to the references mentioned above, a vast amount of useful informa-
tion can be found on official Web sites. For example, the ECB site (
contains official publications relating to monetary policy, payment systems, finan-
cial stability, and other issues of relevance for the ECB. It also contains links to
working papers and occasional papers, as well as speeches, press releases, legal doc-
uments, and euro area statistical data series. Publications related to the general area
of payment systems are also available on the Web site of the Bank for International
Settlements ( More general information on the European Union and
its institutions can be found by accessing the Europa Web site ( This
site provides coverage of EU affairs, European integration, as well as legislation cur-
rently in force or under discussion. It also provides links to the Web sites of each of
the EU institutions, where more information is available about the policies admin-
istered by the European Union.
Alesina, A., and R. J. Barro. 2002. Currency unions. Quarterly Journal of Economics
117: 409–36.
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US dollar (cont.)
and euro, 145
other currencies pegged to, 151
power of, 141–42, 142
proposed fixing of exchange rates for,
and regional clustering, 156
and Vietnam War, 14
US Federal Reserve, 17
and e-money, 218n.14
Eurosystem compared with, xiii, 21
federal structure of, 26–27
and Fedwire, 123, 131, 132, 217n.6
and financial structure, 86, 210n.36
and independence, 34
inflation tamed by, 18
and liquidity transfer, 131
and monetary policy, 70, 71
and 1987 stock market crash, 118
and “one voice versus many voices”
issue, 94
operating procedures of, 86
and publication of forecasts, 93
rediscount operations of, 209n.32
and September 11 aftermath, 118
and target-interest-rate
announcement, 92
track record of, 81
Wage equalization, 60
Wage setting, 89
Walras, Léon, 89
World Bank, 159, 190n.27, 198n.7
World Trade Organization, 198n.7