ME2135 Part2 Review

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ME2135 Part 2 Review Guideline

April 2, 2024

Viscous flows
• Understand the definition and significance of viscosity and Re. Know how to calculate Re.
• Understand the difference between Eulerian and Lagrangian frameworks.
• Know the definition of substantial derivative.
• Understand how to apply the conservation of mass and conservation of momentum. Be able to use them to
derive the continuity equation and Navier-Stokes (NS) equations.
• The tensor calculus will not be tested, but you should get used to the tensor form of the NS equations. The
definition of the streamfunction is important.
• Simplification of NS equations, including the creeping flow equations and the exact solutions such as Poiseuille
flow, Couette flow and Taylor-Couette flow.
• Know how to perform the nondimensionalisation of an equation.
• Understand what a stress tensor is, including the pressure stress and the viscous stress.
• Be able to describe the difference between laminar and turbulent flows, as well as the transitional process.

Boundary layer flows

• Understand the spatial development of boundary layer flows over a flat plate or over a curved plate.
• The difference between the laminar boundary layer and turbulent boundary layer is important.

• Know the definitions of the three boundary layer thicknesses in incompressible flows. Be able to calculate the
boundary layer displacement thickness and momentum thickness when the velocity profile is given.
• Understand how Prandtl’s boundary layer equations are derived (what are the assumptions?).
• Be able to derive the Blasius equation and know how to use the Blasius solution to calculate boundary layer
thicknesses for the laminar boundary layer flows.
• Understand that the laminar flow will transition to turbulence as long as the local Re is larger than a threshold
value. Also understand that the transitional region is sensitive and dependent on many different factors.
• Know the turbulent boundary layer structures in the wall-normal direction and the characteristics of each layer.

• Understand the concepts of Reynolds decomposition, time averaging and Reynolds stress.
• Be able to calculate the boundary layer thicknesses in turbulent boundary layer flows using Prandtl’s one-
seventh power law.
• Be able to use von Karman momentum integral equation to calculate the flow quantities related to a boundary
layer flow.
• Know the reason for the flow separation and the methods to prevent or delay it. Know how to tell a flow profile
is separated, attached or on the verge of separation.
• Be able to explain the application of boundary layer theory in reality (golf balls, vortex generators, airfoil
design, flow control methods, etc.)

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