Working Document BR Continental Training ENG March19
Working Document BR Continental Training ENG March19
Working Document BR Continental Training ENG March19
Working Document
Ernest Ruzindaza
CAADP Team leader, African Union Commission
i). Background
Description of Under the process of implementing the Malabo Declaration agricultural
the meeting: transformation in Africa, the African Union Commission (AUC), the NEPAD
Planning and Coordination Agency (NPCA) and the Regional Economic
Communities (RECs) are conducting the Biennial Review (BR) mechanism for
regular country progress reporting to the AU Assembly. The inaugural biennial
review report and its Africa Agriculture Transformation Scorecard have been
presented and approved by the Heads of State summit in January 2018. AUC, NPCA
and RECs are now leading the development of the 2nd BR Report.
The BR mechanism aims at strengthening mutual accountability, peer review and
peer learning that will motivate increased performances of each member state to
deliver on targets set for the Malabo Declaration, through a well-designed,
transparent and performance-based Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) and Biennial
Sector Reporting to the AU Assembly, that should in turn, trigger evidence based
planning and implementation at all appropriate levels (national, regional and
continental) for the expected agricultural growth and transformation in Africa.
During, the recent BR Peer to Peer Learning and Experience Sharing Conference,
held in Nairobi in November 2018, Member States reviewed the indicators with the
support of the Technical Working Groups and requested AUC to provide the
regional trainings early enough in 2019 to allow sufficient time for data collection,
quality reporting and validation. The common agreement was to conduct the
regional trainings at one venue taking into consideration the languages issues.
In this context TWGs reviewed the indicators and methodologies and came up with
a final set of 47 indicators categorized in 23 performance categories under the 7
performance areas (themes) for reporting on the Malabo Declaration. The related
reporting tools were finalized are ready to be disseminated to member states through
the Regional Trainings.
This training will follow a training of trainers conducted in December 2018. AUC
is able with the trained experts to conduct the regional trainings and deploy the
experts in the countries to provide back up support for data collection and reporting.
Wrap Up Day 2:
Wrap Up Day 3
M42- Introduction to the Temporary e-BR: Presentation of the Structure of the e-BR Assigned Experts
Wrap Up Day 4
Workshop Wrap Up