Private Org. Pension Form Ayanyu
Private Org. Pension Form Ayanyu
Private Org. Pension Form Ayanyu
Pension Contribution Declaration Form
Proclamation No. 715/2011
Ethiopian Revenues & (Private Organization Employees Pension
Custom Authority Proclamation) Bureau of Revenues
1. Taxpayer Name.(Company Name Your Name ,Father’s 3. Taxpayer Identification Number 4. Tax Account Number 8. Tax Period: Page 1 of ___
Name, Grandfather’s Name 0015208622 MonthMeg Year
9865900922 abit 2013
Ayantu Kenea
2a. Region 2b. Zone/K-Ketema 5. Tax Center Burayu Document Number (Official Use Only)
14 Liyu Zone
2c. 2d. Kebele/Farmers 2e. House No. 6. Telephone Number 7. Fax Number
Woreda Association
Pension Contribution
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Declaration Form The National Regional Government of
Ethiopian Revenues & Proclamation No. Oromia
Custom Authority (Private Organization Employees Bureau of Revenues
Pension Proclamation)
Section 1 – Taxpayer Information
1. Taxpayer Name.(Company Name Your 3. Taxpayer Identification Number 8. Tax Period:
Name ,Father’s Name, Grandfather’s Name 0015208622 Month Megabit Year 2013 Page 1 of ___
Ayantu Kenea
Section 2 – Declaration Detail
g) Pension
f) Pension h) Total Amount of the
d) Start Date of e) Basic Contributio
c) Employee Name(Name, Father’s Name Contribution of contribution __% /Birr/
a) Seq Num b) Employee TIN Employment Salary n of
and Grandfather’s Name) Employee __ (f + g )
(DD/MM/YY) /Birr/ Employer
% /Birr/
__% /Birr/
Zelalem Jeno 1500 106 165 270
Transfer Totals
from All
Taxpayer name & Seal Continuation
Sheets to this
Line >
(line 20) (line 30) (line 40) (line 50)
The National Regional Government of Oromia Bureau of Revenue (as of /5/2011) OBR Form _____ (1/2011)