B. Materials Used
1) Cement
Ordinary Portland cement of 53 Grade was
used for casting all thespecimens. To produce a high
strength concrete, the usage of high strength cements is
necessary. The selection of brand and type of cement is
the most important to produce a good quality concrete.
Different types of cement needs different quantities of
water to produce pastes of standard consistence.
Different types of cement also will produce concrete
have a different rates of strength development. The type
of cement affects the rate of hydration, so that the Fig. 2.1: Polypropylene fiber
strengths at early ages can be considerably influenced
by the particular cement used. It is also important to
ensure compatibility of the chemical and mineral
admixtures with cement
2) Polypropylene Fiber
Fig. 3.1 shows the crimpled steel fibers used in Table 2.12: Properties of polypropylene fiber
this study. The fibers were purchased from M/S. MJ
suppliers, Madurai. The properties of polypropylene
fibers are given in Table 3.12.
2 Length 3,4,5,12,15,18,20,24,26,40,110 mm
4 Dispersion Excellent
9 Absorption Nil
10 UV Stability Excellent
B. Mixing Process
It is essential that the mix ingredients such as
cement, fine aggregate, coarseaggregate, water and
fibers are properly mixed. The first problem we
encountered inthe mixing is that the balling effect of
fibers. If the fiber does not mix properly, theproblem
will occur and fiber does not dispersed randomly. By
using concretemixture and by hand mixing problem
will be reduced.
4) Super Plasticizer
The super plasticizer is purchased from M/S.
MJ suppliers, Madurai.Conplast SP 430 is used to Fig. 4.1: Preparation of concrete mixture
reduce the frictional properties of concrete.
C. Casting
The freshly mixed concrete was poured into
III. EXPERIMENTAL WORK the mould and the top surfacefinished smooth with
trowel. The specimens were left in the mould for 24
A. General hours andthen it is de-moulded. Identification marks
This chapter will explain in detail about the were made on the exposed face ofspecimens.
experimental works that will beconducted in this study.
It also included explanation about the methods to
A. Introduction
The present study aims to investigate the
engineering properties of Hybrid fiber reinforced
concrete with steel and polypropylene fibers. The
specimens were cured and tested at 7th and 28th days.
The fiber content added to the concrete was based on
volume fraction. This information may be very useful
for future study and future development of building
B. Compressive Strength
Fig. 4.3: Curing of concrete specimens Determination of compressive strength of the
concrete is an importantparameter. For each volume
E. Tests On Hardened Concrete fraction four standard cubes were cast to determine
7thand 28thdays compressive strength after curing. And
1) Compressive Strength also four number of control cubes are casted to know
The compressive strength of concrete is one of the original strength of the concrete. The cube size is
the most important and usefulproperties of concrete. In 150X150X150mm as per the IS 10086 – 1982. The
most structural applications concrete is employed compressive strength of concrete cubes are given in
primarily to resist compressive stress. Compressive
strength is also used as aqualitative measure for other
properties of hardened concrete. The compressive
strength of concrete was determined at the age of 7 and
28 days. The specimenswere cast and tested as per IS
456-2000. The cubes for testing were casted with fiber
Compressive Strength of Concrete cubes the mode of failure. However, thecracks do not have
SI.NO Specimen Percentage Of Compressive much influence in compressive strength.
designation Fiber Adding In StrenthIn N/Mm2
Conrete 7th day 28th day C. Tensile Strength
1 Cu S0 P0 0%(C.C) 21.36 40.57 It is very difficult to directly measure the
2 Cu S1% P0.2% 1%SF+0.2%PP 24.23 43.66 tensile strength of concrete; therefore the splitting
3 Cu S1% P0.3% 1%SF+0.3%PP 23.88 42.98 tensile test, an indirect method, was adopted. To
4 Cu S1% P0.4% 1%SF+0.4%PP 23.05 40.56 determine the split tensile strength the cylinders were
Note: C.C- Control Concrete cast. The size of the cylinder is 150mm of diameter and
300mm of length. The cylinder are cured properly and
tested on 7thand 28th day. Control concrete cylinder
50 specimen is also cured and tested as per IS
45 specification. Combinations of test results are compared
40 with control concrete specimens.
30 Split Tensile Strength of Cylinders
SI.N Specimen Percentage Of Fiber SPLIT TENSILE
25 O Designation Adding In STRENTH IN N/mm2
7th day
20 Conrete
7th day 28th day
15 28th day
10 1 Cy S0 P0 0%(C.C) 2.35 3.17
5 2 Cy S1% P0.2% 1%SF+0.2%PP 2.52 3.58
0 3 Cy S1% P0.3% 1%SF+0.3%PP 2.76 4.26
Cu S0 Cu S1% Cu S1% Cu S1% 4 Cy S1% P0.4% 1%SF+0.4%PP 2.65 4.03
P0 P0.2% P0.3% P0.4% Note: C.C- Control Concrete
Based on experimental investigation and In this chapter the design mix for the study
analysis of results obtained, thefollowing conclusions will be prepared and discussed.Design procedure from
may be drawn broadly: “Recommended Guidelines for Concrete Mix Design”
(IS: 10262-1982).
i. Steel – polypropylene hybrid fiber reinforced
concrete shows a slight increase in the compressi8ve Design Stipulations
strength and significant increase in tensile strength as 1. Characteristic compressive strength required
compared with the plain or control concrete. in the Field in 28 days - 30MPa
ii. Among the Hybrid fiber combination, 1% steel fiber 2. Max size of aggregate - 20mm
and 0.2% polypropylene fiber combination gives higher 3. Degree of workability - 0.9
compressive strength than other combinations reported 4. Degree of quality control - good
in this study. 5. Type of exposure - mild
iii. Similarly, among the hybrid fiber combinations, 1%
steel fiber and 0.3% polypropylene fiber combination Test data for material
gives higher tensile strength than other combinations i) Specific gravity of cement - 3.14
reported in this study. ii) Specific gravity
iv. The maximum gain in compressive strength of a. coarse aggregates - 2.84
concrete achieved for 0.2% of polypropylene fiber b. fine aggregates - 2.65
along with 1% of steel fiber at the age of 7 and 28 days iii) Water absorption:
of curing are 9.34% and 5.88%, respectively. a. Coarse aggregates - 0.5%
v. Similarly, the maximum gain in tensile strength of b. Fine aggregates - 1%
concrete achieved for0.3% of polypropylene fiber along iv) Free moisture:
with 1% of steel fiber at the age of 7 and 28 days of a. Coarse aggregates - nil
curing are 21.98%% and 27.38%, respectively. b. Fine aggregates - 2%
vi. From the beam tests, it is evident that the fiber The zone of the coarse aggregates is II
volume has little or no effect on the load-deflection Target mean strength of concrete
response of the beam. But, there is relatively stiffer fck = fck+ t s
response after the first cracking stage for all the beams fck = characteristic compressive strength in 28 days
tested in this study when compared with reference or t = 1.65 (risk factor)
control beam. S= Standard deviation as per IS 456-2000
= 30 + (1.65x6)= 39.9 MPa
REFERENCE Selection of w/c ratio
[1] IS 10262 – 1982, “Recommended guidelines for concrete w/c ratio = 0.4
mix design”, PP 5 – 15, Bureau of Indian Standards, New
Selection of Sand and Water Content
[2] IS 5515-1983, “Indian standard specification for compacting 20mm aggregate size
factor apparatus”, pp3-6, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Water content including surface water per cubic = 186
Delhi. ml
[3] IS 7320-1974, “Indian standard specification for slump test
apparatus”, pp3- 6, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi
Sand as percent of total aggregate by absolute volume =
.IS 3495 (Part 1) – 1976, “Part 1- Determination of 3
compressive strength”, PP 28 – 35, Bureau of Indian Adjustment of values in water content and sand
Standards, New Delhi. percentage for otherConditions
[4] IS 5816-1999, “Indian standard specification for splitting
tensile strength of concrete-method of test” pp 1-4, Bureau of
Indian Standards, New Delhi. Change In Adjustment Required In
Water % Sand In Total
Content Aggregate
For decrease in 0 -4%
w/c ratio by
(0.6 – 0.4 ) then in
For increase in 3% _
compacting factor
(0.9-0.8) that is 0.1
For sand _ _
conforming to
zone II
Total 3% -4%
479 1 𝑓𝑎 1
0.98m3 = 191.61 + + 𝑋 𝑋
3.14 0.295 2.66 1000
0.98m3 =
191.61 + +
1 𝐶𝑎 1
0.295 2.83 1000
or fa = 522
ca= 1249.58 Kg/m3