10 G
10 G
10 G
Define refractive index...Ii define power of lens iii define farsightedness..iv ..what are the uses of
ultrasound in medicine..v ..you can listen to your friend round a corner.but you cannot watch her.why?
Vi...will two separate 50db sounds together constitute a 100 db sounds explain?
3.Long Questions:
Write a detail note on simple microscope?
An object 10.0cm in front of a convex mirror forms an image 5.0cm behind the mirror.what is the focal
length of the mirror?
A sounds wave has a frequency of 2khz and wavelength 35 cm .how long will it take to travel 1.5 km?
Class: _______10__________ Subject: ________physics_______________
Instructor: _______javeria sarfraz_______ Total Marks: 30
1.MCQS Marks Division: (MCQS_6 S.Q: 6 (12) L.Q 3 (12)= 30 )
Sr. Question A B C D
1 Wave transfer Energy Frequency Wavelength Velocity
2 In vacuum,all electromagnetic Speed Frequency Amplitude Wavelength
waves have the same
3 At mean position velocity is Zero Maximum Minimum Infinite
4 Unit of capacitence is Farad Ohm Volt None
5 Columbus law is applicable only Point charge Single charge Double No.of
for charge charges
6 Unit of electric field intensity N/C J/c V/m V/m2
2.Short Question:
,I .why types of waves don't require any material medium for their propagation?Ii...does increasing the
frequency of a wave also increase its wavelength?..iii define mechanical wave?
Define electric field intensity?..what is electrostatic potential..define variable capacitor
3.Long Questions: write a detail note on riple tank...
Write a note on Columbus law
A capacitor holds 0.06 Columbus of charge when fully charged by a 9volt battery.calculate capacitance of
the capacitor..
Class: _10 g________________ Subject:
_______physics________________ Instructor: ____javeria
sarfraz__________ Total Marks: 30
1.MCQS Marks Division: (MCQS_6 S.Q: 6 (12) L.Q 3 (12)= 30 )
Sr. Question A B C D
1 The particles emitted from a hot Positive ion Negative ion Protons Electrons
cathode surface are
2 AND gate can be formed by using NOT gate OR gate NAND gate NOR gate
3 X=A.B then X is 1 when A and B are A or B is 0 A is 0 and B A is 1 and B
1 is 1 is 0
4 Release of energy by the sun is due Nuclear Nuclear fusion Burning of Chemical
to fission gases reaction
5 Isotope are atoms of same Atomic mass Atomic Number of Number of
element with different number proton electrons
NAND gate is the resiprocal of AND gate discuss..2..name two factors which can enhanced thermonic
emission..3 define nor gate..4what do u understand by half life of a radioactive element..5is it possible
for an element to have different types of atoms?.6 define nuclear fusion
Class: _______10 g__________ Subject:
_____physics__________________ Instructor: ______javeria
sarfraz________ Total Marks: 30
1.MCQS Marks Division: (MCQS_6 S.Q: 6 (12) L.Q 3 (12)= 30 )
Sr. Question A B C D
1 In computer terminology Any data Raw data Processed Large data
information means data
2 Brain of computer is Cpu Monitor Cu Memory
3 What does the E-mail stand for Electronic Emergency Extra mail External
mail mail mail
4 An electric current in conductor is Positive ion Negative ion Positive Free
due to flow of charge electron
5 When we double the voltage in a Current Power Resistance Both a and
simple circuit we double the b
6 Unit of current is Ampere Volt Ohm Watt
2.Short Question:
Which is more reliable floppy disk or a hard disk,2... What is the difference between ram and rom?3..
why optical fibre is more useful for communication process?4 define electric current..5.what is the
difference between cell and battery..6.can current flow in a circuit without p.d?
3.Long Questions:what is the difference between hardware and software?name different software?
4..a current of 3mA is flowing through a wire for 1 minutes..what is the charge flowing through the wire?
Write a detail note on ohms law?
Class: _____10 g____________ Subject:
____physics___________________ Instructor: ___javeria
Sarfraz___________ Total Marks: 30
1.MCQS Marks Division: (MCQS_6 S.Q: 6 (12) L.Q 3 (12)= 30 )
Sr. Question A B C D
1 Which statement is true about the Monopole Same pole Opposite None of
magnet poles? doesn't exist atract reper these
2 D.c motor convert Electrical Electrical Mechanical Electrical to
energy to energy to to electrical chemical
mechanical chemical energy
3 Step up transformer Inc input Inc. input More turns in Less turns
curent voltage primary in
4 Lenz law is the manifestation of Energy Momentum Power Current
5 Unit of mutual induction is Henry Volt Ohm Ampere
6 Origin of electromagnetism is Charge Curent Volt None of
2.Short Question:
Define electromagnetic induction..2..in which factor affects the e.m.f..3..mutual induction..4.. step up
transformer..5..define really...6..what is the difference between generator and motor?