An Integrated Account of Expert Perspectives On Fu
An Integrated Account of Expert Perspectives On Fu
An Integrated Account of Expert Perspectives On Fu
Clinical Medicine
An Integrated Account of Expert Perspectives on Functioning
in Schizophrenia
Laura Nuño 1,2, * , Georgina Guilera 2,3 , Emilio Rojo 4,5 , Juana Gómez-Benito 2,3 and Maite Barrios 2,3
Abstract: An integrated and interdisciplinary care system for individuals with schizophrenia is
essential, which implies the need for a tool that assesses the difficulties and contextual factors of
relevance to their functioning, and facilitates coordinated working across the different professions
involved in their care. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Core Sets
(ICF-CS) cover these requirements. This study aimed to evaluate the content validity of the ICF-CSs
for schizophrenia from the perspective of experts. Six three-round Delphi studies were conducted
with expert panels from different professional backgrounds which have played a significant role in the
treatment of individuals with schizophrenia (psychiatry, psychology, nursing, occupational therapy,
social work and physiotherapy). In total, 790 experts from 85 different countries participated in the
Citation: Nuño, L.; Guilera, G.; Rojo,
first round. In total, 90 ICF categories and 28 Personal factors reached expert consensus (reached
E.; Gómez-Benito, J.; Barrios, M. An
consensus from four or more professional perspectives). All the categories in the brief version of the
Integrated Account of Expert
ICF-CS for schizophrenia reached consensus from all the professional perspectives considered. As
Perspectives on Functioning in
for the comprehensive version, 89.7% of its categories reached expert consensus. The results support
Schizophrenia. J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10,
the worldwide content validity of the ICF-CSs for schizophrenia from an expert perspective and
jcm10184223 underline the importance of assessing functioning by considering all the components implied.
Academic Editor: Agata Szulc Keywords: schizophrenia; rehabilitation; mental disorders; public mental health; Delphi studies
in their daily functioning, their personal characteristics and the environmental factors that
J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 4223 affect them. 2 of 17
In the case of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia, the literature has shown
that the inclusion of psychiatrists [2,4], psychologists [8,9], nurses [10,11], occupational
therapists [12,13],
In the case ofsocial workers
individuals [14,15] and
diagnosed withphysiotherapists
schizophrenia, the [16,17] in interdisciplinary
literature has shown
mental health teams providing integrative care to this population has
that the inclusion of psychiatrists [2,4], psychologists [8,9], nurses [10,11], occupational substantial effects
therapists clinical, socialworkers
[12,13], social and assistance outcomes
[14,15] and [18–20]. [16,17] in interdisciplinary
shift inteams providing integrative
the therapeutic approachcare to this population
highlights the need for hasa substantial effects
tool that can assess
improving clinical, social and assistance outcomes [18–20].
the full spectrum of difficulties in functioning that a person may have, and all the contex-
This shiftinvolved
tual variables in the therapeutic
and which approach highlights
facilitates the need for and
the coordination a tooljoint
that work
can assess
among the all
full spectrum of difficulties in functioning that a person may have,
the professions involved in the recovery process. Moreover, achieving integrated care and all the contextual
variables involved and which facilitates the coordination and joint work among all the
goals requires a common language and an understanding of the patient’s functioning
professions involved in the recovery process. Moreover, achieving integrated care goals
problems among interdisciplinary team members. The International Classification of
requires a common language and an understanding of the patient’s functioning problems
Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF [21]) covers all these requirements. The ICF, and
among interdisciplinary team members. The International Classification of Functioning,
the integrated
Disability andbiopsychosocial
Health (ICF [21])modelcoverson allwhich it is based, represent
these requirements. The ICF,aand comprehensive
the integratedand
universally accepted framework for describing functioning, disability
biopsychosocial model on which it is based, represent a comprehensive and universally and health in per-
sons with all types of health conditions. The ICF considers that problems
accepted framework for describing functioning, disability and health in persons with all associated with
a types
disease of can be conditions.
health related to Body functions,
The ICF Bodythat
considers structures,
problems and Activitieswith
associated andaParticipation
disease can in
be related to life,
Bodywhich in turn
functions, arestructures,
Body influenced byActivities
and Environmental factors andinPersonal
and Participation communityfactors.
life, of these
which incomponents is structured
turn are influenced hierarchically
by Environmental factorsinand
Personaland categories
factors. Each of(see
ure 1). is structured hierarchically in chapters and categories (see Figure 1).
2.1. Participants
We aimed to obtain a sample of experts that reflected the worldwide variability
of different variables considered to be interest: gender, age, years of experience and
demographic region of origin. To this end, experts from around the world were recruited
from a variety of sources, including through international associations of the analyzed
professions, universities with internship programs for health professionals, and hospitals.
Potential participants were also searched through a variety of bibliographical searches,
LinkedIn contacts, and personal recommendations of the contacted experts. All of them
were sent an initial invitation letter stating the criteria for participating in the study (i.e.,
being professionals in the specific profession of each Delphi study with at least one years’
experience in treating people diagnosed with schizophrenia). Specific knowledge of ICF
was not required, as the responses had to be based on clinical experience. They were
informed through a detailed description of the goals and the Delphi process, and they were
asked for their socio-demographic and professional information.
In total, 1555 healthcare professionals agreed to participate, and from this set, those
who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were invited to participate in the study (specifically,
443 psychiatrists, 223 psychologists, 160 nurses, 127 occupational therapists, 135 social
workers and 22 physiotherapists).
In the first round of Delphi studies, 790 experts participated (71.2% of whom were
invited to participate in the first round) from 85 different countries covering the six WHO
regions. Table 1 shows the details of their socio-demographic and professional char-
acteristics. A total of 638 participants (303 psychiatrists, 137 psychologists, 79 nurses,
73 occupational therapists, 36 social workers and 10 physiotherapists) completed the third
round (80.8% compared to the first round).
J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 4223 4 of 17
Table 1. Socio-demographic and professional characteristics of the total sample of participants in the Delphi studies.
2.2. Procedure
The six Delphi studies were conducted between 2016 and 2018. All studies followed
the same design to ensure a high level of comparability between the results of each, and it
has been detailed in the previous studies which describe the results obtained from each
perspective: psychiatry [27], psychology [28], nursing [29], occupational therapy [30],
social work [31] and physiotherapy [32]. Anonymity was guaranteed as the process was
coordinated by a research team using an online platform or email, thus avoiding any
interaction between the participants. The identity of the experts was not revealed to anyone
but the research team and the feedback given was anonymous (the percentage of yes/no
answers considering the expert panel as a whole), in order to ensure the independence of
the participants’ opinions.
Each of the studies lasted two months, from the beginning of the first round to the
end of the third round. The participants had two weeks to respond to each round. All the
material and questionnaires were presented in five different languages (namely Chinese,
English, French, Russian, and Spanish) in order to minimize potential language barriers
and encourage maximum participation in different world regions. The answers for each
Delphi round were collected via an online survey system (, accessed on
1 July 2021).
For the first round, each participant was sent an email with a link to the survey
webpage, asking them to list all aspects they considered relevant when assessing and/or
treating people diagnosed with schizophrenia. To facilitate this, they were asked six open-
ended questions covering all the ICF-CS components. Responses were not limited in terms
of word length, although respondents were instructed to be brief and concise, and to avoid
using abbreviations and vague technical terms. The general procedure followed in each
Delphi study and the verbatim questions asked in the first round can be consulted in
Figure 2.
Responses to the first round were linked to ICF categories by two health professionals
following standardized rules [33,34]. Any disagreement between the two independent
coders was reviewed and discussed by two other health professionals in order to reach
a consensus. As Personal factors are not yet categorized in the current ICF system, the
proposed categorization of Nuño et al. [27] was followed. Those ICF categories and
Personal factors reported by at least 5% of the participants were selected for inclusion in
the second and third Delphi rounds. If any category of ICF-CSs for schizophrenia was not
included in this list, it was added.
In the second round, all the panelists who had responded in the first round were
sent a list of the selected ICF categories, as well as a list of the categories proposed for
Personal factors, together with their respective definitions. For example, for the category
b140 Attention functions, the ICF definition (i.e., specific mental functions of focusing on an
external stimulus or internal experience for the required period of time) and inclusions of
the category (i.e., functions of sustaining attention, shifting attention, dividing attention,
sharing attention; concentration; distractibility) were detailed. Participants were asked
to judge, for each category, whether or not they considered the category to be relevant
from their professional perspective for the evaluation and/or treatment of persons with
schizophrenia. They were reminded that the aim was to obtain a final list short enough to be
applicable in clinical practice and sufficiently comprehensive to cover the most important
needs of people with schizophrenia.
Finally, in the third round, participants were asked to re-evaluate the same list of
categories, this time taking into account the feedback they had received on the responses
from the expert group as a whole and their own in the previous round.
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Med. 2021,
2021, 10,
10, 4223
x 66 of 18
of 17
3. Results
3.1. Selected Categories from the Experts’ Perspective
In the first round, 20,551 concepts were extracted from the responses of the experts,
which were linked to ICF categories and Personal factors. As a result of this process, different
sets of categories were presented to each professional group according to the categories
they had identified in the first round. Specifically, in the second and third rounds, between
110 and 135 ICF categories and between 24 and 35 Personal factors were presented to each
expert group. Of these, 90 ICF categories and 28 Personal factors achieved expert consensus
(reached consensus from the perspective of four or more professions).
3.2. Correspondence between Categories Which Reached Expert Consensus and the ICF-CSs for
All the categories in the brief version of the ICF-CS for schizophrenia achieved con-
sensus from all professional perspectives considered. Therefore, we will mainly focus on
the comprehensive version of the ICF-CS for schizophrenia. All categories of the ICF-CS
achieved consensus from the perspective of at least one professional group, and 89.7%
(87 categories) achieved expert consensus.
More detailed information on the categories that achieved expert consensus and their
correspondence with the categories present in the ICF-CS for schizophrenia can be found in
Table 2. Moreover, the discrepancies between the results and the ICF-CS for schizophrenia
are shown in Table 3, which details the specific categories that did not match between the
set of categories that achieved expert consensus and the whole categories present in the
ICF-CS for schizophrenia.
Table 2. Number of categories that reached expert consensus and comparison with the categories included in the complete
version of the ICF-CS for schizophrenia.
Table 3. Categories that did not match between the set of categories that achieved expert consensus and the ICF-CS
for schizophrenia.
Number of
Perspectives from
Perspectives from
ICF Component ICF Category Achieving
Which Achieved
b126 Temperament and
Categories that Body functions All 6
personality functions
achieved expert
Body structures s110 Structure of brain All 6
consensus a and are not
present in the ICF-CS e135 Products and technology
Environmental factors PC, PS, NS, OT 4
for employment
b530 Weight maintenance
Body functions PC, NS, PH 3
d330 Speaking SW, PH 2
ICF-CS categories for d475 Driving OT, PH 2
schizophrenia that did d510 Washing oneself OT, SW 2
not achieve expert d540 Dressing NS, OT 2
Activities and
consensus d166 Reading PH 1
d210 Undertaking a single task OT 1
d470 Using transportation OT 1
d860 Basic economic
OT 1
d930 Religion and spirituality OT 1
aExpert consensus: consensus by four or more expert perspectives regarding that category. PC: psychiatry; PS: psychology; NS: nurses;
OT: occupational therapy; SW: social work; PH: physiotherapy.
4. Discussion
Through these studies, we identified the problems, resources, and environmental
factors that health professionals most frequently encounter when treating people with
schizophrenia. All the categories that form part of the ICF-CSs for schizophrenia achieved
agreement from the perspective of at least one profession, and 89.7% of the categories of the
comprehensive version achieved expert consensus. Moreover, 100% of the categories that
make up the brief version of the ICF-CS achieved consensus from all of the perspectives
considered. All this supports the high relevance of the categories that form part of the brief
version. The following discussion will therefore focus on the joint analysis of the expert
perspective in comparison with the comprehensive version of the ICF-CS for schizophrenia.
functions), and other typical alterations such as cognitive deficits (b140 Attention functions
and b164 Higher-level cognitive functions) and psychosocial functions (b122 Global psychosocial
functions), are crucial to consider when evaluating and treating this population.
These results also highlight the need for an interdisciplinary approach to all these
functions. Interventions from the different professional profiles have proved to be effective
for improving these areas of functioning. For example, antipsychotic treatment is the
first-choice treatment for reducing positive symptoms and achieving remission of 80%
of symptoms after the first year of treatment [38], but cognitive behavioral therapy [39],
interventions of occupational therapy [12] and nursing [40] or exercises promoted by
physiotherapists [41] have also been shown to be effective in reducing such symptoms.
In this regard, social workers may also contribute to alleviating psychotic symptoms
by conducting appropriate assessments and referrals [42]. Cognitive function is mainly
improved through cognitive remediation therapy [43,44], but it has also been proven
that it can improve through medical interventions [45], occupational therapy [46] and
physiotherapeutic interventions [16]. These are some examples of how interventions
carried out from each professional perspective can produce effects in these affected areas.
However, these positive effects are even higher when applied by means of an integrated
care approach, in which professionals from the different areas work together in a systematic
way with the same objective [19,20].
It is also worth noting that the category b126 Temperament and personality functions
achieved consensus from all of the perspectives considered, yet it is not represented in the
ICF-CS for schizophrenia. This high rate of agreement is consistent with many studies in
the literature that support the fact that this area may be affected in this population [47–49],
and, therefore, its addition to the ICF-CS for schizophrenia should be considered.
Only one category from the Body functions component represented in the ICF-CS did
not achieve consensus from the majority of the perspectives considered. This category was
b530 Weight maintenance functions, which only reached consensus from the perspective of
psychiatrists, nurses and physiotherapists. This suggests that this category is relevant to the
assessment of, and interventions for, persons with schizophrenia, but may not be the most
common target of the interventions of certain professionals, such as psychologists, which
focus primarily on mental rather than other body functions, or OTs, which focus mainly
on helping people recover and participate in significant life roles. However, weight gain
and obesity are very prevalent in this population, increase the risk of weight-related health
problems, such as adult-onset diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disorders, and are
related to reduced adherence with pharmacological interventions and quality of life [50].
Professionals such as psychologists, occupational therapists and social workers could
play a significant role in reducing its incidence by promoting healthy habits and lifestyles
in individuals with schizophrenia. In fact, first choice interventions to decrease and
manage weight gain in this population are psychoeducation, diet, and physical activity
interventions [51]. Therefore, these results show the need to raise awareness in certain
professions about the relevance of weight-related health problems and the importance of
intervening in them.
visits [59]. Neurocognitive and social cognitive interventions also aim to improve cerebral
functioning [60–62]. Psychological interventions produce changes in brain structure and its
functioning [63,64], this being the goal of interventions such as cognitive remediation. The
interventions have also been related to improvements in neurocognitive functioning [46],
and could therefore influence these brain structures. Exercise also has important neuro-
biological effects [65]. The coordination of all these services and professionals by social
workers will be crucial for improving cognitive outcomes [66]. Enhancement of this kind,
in turn, leads to improved neurocognition and social cognition and a reduction in the
negative symptoms [67–69], which is essential for functional recovery in individuals with
schizophrenia. Therefore, from the expert perspective, the inclusion of this category (s110
Structure of brain) in the ICF-CS for schizophrenia should be considered. Nevertheless, we
must bear in mind that many other categories that form part of the ICF-CS for schizophre-
nia do indirectly take this structure into account (for example, cognitive functions), given
the correspondence between these functions and the underlying structures.
workshops [70]. Moreover, the knowledge of which personal factors may increase one’s
vulnerability to having a psychotic episode is very important given that it will facilitate
the identification of individuals who are at clinically high risk for schizophrenia as well
as then the application of preventive approaches [96]. In such cases, social work holds a
unique position when it comes to identifying these individuals and making appropriate
referrals [97].
Consequently, it would be useful for the ICF system to incorporate the classification of
this component, in order to enable the systematic identification of all personal factors that
influence the functioning of people with different health conditions, so that professionals
can describe them in a detailed and exhaustive manner. Most of the categories regarded
as important in our study coincide among the different perspectives of the various health
professions, which suggests that the proposed list of Personal factors captures the aspects
that merit particular consideration in this population.
5. Conclusions
Overall, the present study provides important support for the worldwide content
validity of the ICF-CSs for schizophrenia from an expert perspective. The results high-
J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 4223 13 of 17
light the relevance, in the evaluation and treatment of individuals with schizophrenia,
of assessing functioning by considering the body functions, participation in activities,
environmental aspects and personal factors that experts have identified. All this suggests
that the ICF and these ICF-CSs provide an effective framework within which to evaluate
and describe functioning in people with schizophrenia and therefore may be a useful tool
in the comprehensive treatment of this population.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, L.N.; Data curation, L.N.; Formal analysis, L.N.; Funding
acquisition, J.G.-B.; Investigation, L.N., G.G., E.R. and M.B.; Methodology, L.N., G.G., E.R. and M.B.;
Project administration, J.G.-B.; Supervision, E.R. and M.B.; Validation, L.N.; Visualization, J.G.-B.;
Writing—original draft, L.N.; Writing—review & editing, G.G., E.R., J.G.-B. and M.B. All authors
have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by Spain’s Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, grant
number PSI2015-67984; Spain’s Ministry of Science, grant number PID2019-109887GB-100 and
Agency for the Management of University and Research Grants of the Government of Catalonia,
grant number 2017SGR1681.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the
Declaration of Helsinki, and approved by the Institutional Review Board Committee of University of
Barcelona (IRB00003099).
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to containing information that could
compromise the privacy of research participants.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or
in the decision to publish the results.
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