Energies 14 04741 v2
Energies 14 04741 v2
Energies 14 04741 v2
Minimum Number of Experimental Data for the Thermal
Characterization of a Hot Water Storage Tank
María Gasque 1 , Federico Ibáñez 2 and Pablo González-Altozano 2, *
Abstract: This paper demonstrates that it is possible to characterize the water temperature profile and
its temporal trend in a hot water storage tank during the thermal charge process, using a minimum
number of thermocouples (TC), with minor differences compared to experimental data. Four experi-
mental tests (two types of inlet and two water flow rates) were conducted in a 950 L capacity tank.
For each experimental test (with 12 TC), four models were developed using a decreasing number of
TC (7, 4, 3 and 2, respectively). The results of the estimation of water temperature obtained with each
of the four models were compared with those of a fifth model performed with 12 TC. All models
were tested for constant inlet temperature. Very acceptable results were achieved (RMSE between
0.2065 ◦ C and 0.8706 ◦ C in models with 3 TC). The models were also useful to estimate the water
temperature profile and the evolution of thermocline thickness even with only 3 TC (RMSE between
0.00247 ◦ C and 0.00292 ◦ C). A comparison with a CFD model was carried out to complete the study
with very small differences between both approaches when applied to the estimation of the instanta-
Citation: Gasque, M.; Ibáñez, F.; neous temperature profile. The proposed methodology has proven to be very effective in estimating
González-Altozano, P. Minimum several of the temperature-based indices commonly employed to evaluate thermal stratification in
Number of Experimental Data for the water storage tanks, with only two or three experimental temperature data measurements. It can also
Thermal Characterization of a Hot be used as a complementary tool to other techniques such as the validation of numerical simulations
Water Storage Tank. Energies 2021, 14,
or in cases where only a few experimental temperature values are available.
4741. https://doi.org/10.3390/
Keywords: thermal energy storage; experimental tests; water temperature evolution; thermocline
thickness; thermal stratification; charge process
Academic Editor: Andrea Frazzica
Concerning numerical approaches, many simulation studies are proposed in the lit-
erature for the purpose of characterizing and improving thermal performance in a water
storage tank. Thus, [3,8], among others, provided a comprehensive overview of the nu-
merical studies that contributed to the current state of the art of thermal storage systems,
many of which were carried out with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques.
Among the more recent numerical studies, Bouhal et al. [9] performed 2D-CFD simulations
to assess the thermal stratification in an HWST and the impact of flate plates position
within a tank. Moncho-Esteve et al. [10] implemented a 3D-CFD model to study the flow
field and thermal stratification during charging. Once validated, the model was used to
accomplish slight modifications of the inlet devices with the intention of optimizing system
efficiency. Wang et al. [11] designed a novel equalizer and performed a 3D-CFD model,
studying the influence of operating parameters on thermal stratification. In Chandra and
Matuska [8], various CFD models were developed and proved that tank working condi-
tions during the dynamic cycle can be optimized by proper selection of the inlet device.
These investigations gave rise to valuable results since they allowed the prediction and
analysis of fluid behavior and thermal performance in the storage tank with high spatial
and temporal resolution, especially three-dimensional CFD techniques [12]. However,
the CFD approach has the drawback of requiring the use of high computational resources
and time, even if a one-dimensional CFD model is used [13,14]. A compromise must, there-
fore, be established between accuracy and computational time and resources. On the other
hand, numerical models must necessarily be evaluated and validated against experimental
tests, which, in turn, must have a sufficient number of measurement points.
Many methods and parameters were proposed to estimate stratification efficiency or
to evaluate the level of stratification during the dynamic/static mode [15–18]. Some of
these methods are based on determining the thermocline gradient or the thickness of
the thermocline region [15], which, in a stratified thermal storage tank, is the region of
steepest temperature gradient separating the hot and cold fluid zones [19] and is a common
indicator of the effectiveness of stratification [20]. In this matter, the degree of stratification
was evaluated in terms of thermocline thickness in several studies, both in chilled water
energy storage [21–24] and in hot water tanks [11,14,25,26], as the same phenomenon
occurs in both types of thermal storage tank systems, although the charge and discharge
flow directions are reversed [19].
With the aim of avoiding the limitations and drawbacks of discrete temperature mea-
surements in experimental tests, González-Altozano et al. [27] developed a new method
called Virtual TC (VTC) that allows the estimating of water temperature at any depth and at
any time in a storage tank during the charging process. The suitability of the methodology
proposed was verified with its application to determine the instantaneous temperature
profile and also to estimate the thermocline thickness and its evolution over time during
thermal charging. The results obtained with these applications were comparatively an-
alyzed against those obtained by linear interpolation. In this way, its effectiveness was
demonstrated under experimental conditions.
The present study attempts to evaluate the sensitivity of the VTC procedure to the
decrease in the number of temperature data points employed. It is also intended to verify
the minimum amount of experimental temperature data (the number of thermocouples
used) that allows to instantly estimate the temperature at any point without affecting the
accuracy or the quality of the results.
The assessment of the reliability of the method is carried out by applying it to the
estimation of both the instantaneous temperature profile and the thermocline thickness
evolution throughout the charge cycle, using a decreasing number of measurement points.
This study also attempts to demonstrate that the models implemented with fewer measure-
ment points are suitable for the analysis of thermal performance and the determination of
several of the temperature-based thermal stratification indices.
The study is completed with a comparison between the VTC method when using
fewer measurement points and a numerical 3D-CFD approach, previously developed
Energies 2021, 14, 4741 3 of 16
and validated in [10] with the same storage tank and experimental tests. Specifically,
a comparison is made between the results obtained with the two methods when applied to
the estimation of the instantaneous temperature profile.
2. Research Background
In this section, the key issues of the VTC method are reviewed.
Figure Dimensionlessthermocline
determinedby byVirtual
(5PL), four-parameter logistic function (4PL) and linear interpolation (LI) during the thermal charge process through
(5PL), four-parameter logistic function (4PL) and linear interpolation (LI) during the thermal charge process through the CD the
CD inlet at low flow rate (CDL, left side) and high flow rate (CDH, right
inlet at low flow rate (CDL, left side) and high flow rate (CDH, right side). side).
Although the
Although the thermocline
thermocline thickness
thickness evolution
evolution isis estimated
estimated from fromthe theexperimental
measurements provided by 12 TC in all cases, the
measurements provided by 12 TC in all cases, the results obtained by LI, 4PLresults obtained by LI, 4PLandand5PL 5PL
show a characteristic oscillation, the amplitude of this oscillation
show a characteristic oscillation, the amplitude of this oscillation being greater in the case being greater in the case
of LI.This
oscillation,not notappreciated
appreciated when
when thethe estimation
estimation is made
is made withwith
is dueis due
to theto
the temperature
temperature sensors
sensors providing
providing discontinuous
discontinuous temperature
temperature data, data,
althoughalthough the temper-
the temperature
isature is a continuous
a continuous parameter. parameter. Consequently,
Consequently, the thermocline
the thermocline thickness thickness value deter-
value determined
by by LI,
LI, 4PL or4PL
5PL depends on the ongiven
the given
timetime at which
at which it is
it is estimated.Additionally,
estimated. Additionally,
the frequencyof ofoscillation
directlyon onthe
numberof ofTC.
TC.The Thelarger
largerthe thenumber
of TC
of TC employed,
employed, the the higher
higher the the oscillation
oscillation frequency,
frequency, which
which reduces
reduces estimation
estimation errors.
For this reason,
reason, the
thermoclinethicknessthickness estimated
estimated with
with thetheVTC VTC
methodmethod (using (using the
the same
number number
of TCofasTC theasresttheof rest
the methods but considering
but considering a much a muchlargerlarger
number number of
of tem-
perature values values in total)
in total) presents
presents a much a much
pattern. pattern. Specifically,
Specifically, in thisinstudy,
study, 177 temperature
177 temperature valuesvaluesare usedare used
with with
the VTC the VTC
methodmethod (12 real
(12 real TC and TC and165 165 virtual
virtual TC)
TC) compared to the 12 temperature values used in
compared to the 12 temperature values used in the LI, 4PL and 5PL cases. the LI, 4PL and 5PL cases.
thicknessvalues valuesof ofgreater
magnitudeare areobtained
obtainedwhen whenestimated
estimatedby by
LI rather than by the other methods. This is a consequence of the error made considering
rather than by the other methods. This is a consequence of the error made in in consider-
ing temperature
the temperature variation
variation between
between twotwoconsecutive
consecutive TCTC(which
(whichare arerelatively
relativelyfar farapart)
as being
being linear. Theevolution
linear. The evolutionofofthe thethermocline
thermocline thickness
thickness determined
determined from from
4PL4PL andand5PL
5PL oscillates around that obtained by VTC, presenting a similar
oscillates around that obtained by VTC, presenting a similar trend in both cases, although trend in both cases,
although the oscillation
the oscillation is less with is less
This5PL. This oscillation
oscillation increasesincreases the uncertainty
the uncertainty in the
in the punctual
punctual determination of the thermocline thickness and
determination of the thermocline thickness and gives a clear advantage to the VTC gives a clear advantage to the
VTC method over the rest of the methods by showing a uniform
method over the rest of the methods by showing a uniform pattern throughout the ther- pattern throughout the
thermal charging
mal charging process. process.
inlet atata low
a lowflow rate,
flow similar
rate, similarresults are obtained
results are obtained to those with the
to those with CDtheinlet.
Conversely, with the E inlet at a high flow rate, no method (LI,
inlet. Conversely, with the E inlet at a high flow rate, no method (LI, 4PL, 5PL or VTC) 4PL, 5PL or VTC) provides
acceptable results owing
provides acceptable to the
results turbulence
owing generated atgenerated
to the turbulence the inlet, at which causes
the inlet, the mixing
which causes
of the water inside the water tank. However, these are not the usual
the mixing of the water inside the water tank. However, these are not the usual operating operating conditions in
an HWST, where stratification is generally favored. Therefore, under the normal operating
conditions in an HWST, where stratification is generally favored. Therefore, under the
conditions of water storage tanks, the VTC method allows the thermocline thickness
normal operating conditions of water storage tanks, the VTC method allows the thermo-
evolution to be obtained throughout the thermal charge process with more spatial precision
cline thickness evolution to be obtained throughout the thermal charge process with more
and temporal stability than other methods. Similar conclusions can be drawn related to the
spatial precision and temporal stability than other methods. Similar conclusions can be
Energies 2021, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 17
Energies 2021, 14, 4741 5 of 16
Figure 2. Number and position of the thermocouples used in the 5 models performed for each
Figure 2. Number and position of the thermocouples used in the 5 models performed for each ex-
perimental testtest to evaluate
to evaluate thethe sensitivity
sensitivity of of
VTCVTC method
method toto thenumber
the numberofofTC
circles represent the TC used, and the blue circles represent the positions at which the temperature
circles represent the TC used, and the blue circles represent the positions at which the temperature
prediction wasmade
Table showsaasummary
summary of
of the
the models
models carried
carried out
out in
and location of the TC employed in each case and the model designation.
ber and location of the TC employed in each case and the model designation.
As discussed in García-Marí et al. [28], when the elbow inlet at a high flow rate is
used, the effect of the flow rate negatively affects stratification, and the greater flow rate
translates into greater turbulence leading to a higher degree of water mixing during thermal
charging of the tank. Nevertheless, the EH test, as well as the models developed from it
(MEH models), are included in the present study because they represent the limit case to
establish the correct operation of the method.
Energies 2021, 14, 4741 6 of 16
Table 2. Models performed to analyze the sensitivity of the VTC method to the number of TC used.
Number of Model
Inlet Device Flow Rate TC Location
TC Used Designation
12 MDL-12 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
7 MDL-7 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12
CD L 4 MDL-4 1, 5, 9, 12
3 MDL-3 1, 6, 12
2 MDL-2 1, 12
12 MDH-12 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
7 MDH-7 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12
CD H 4 MDH-4 1, 5, 9, 12
3 MDH-3 1, 6, 12
2 MDH-2 1, 12
12 MEL-12 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
7 MEL-7 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12
E L 4 MEL-4 1, 5, 9, 12
3 MEL-3 1, 6, 12
2 MEL-2 1, 12
12 MEH-12 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
7 MEH-7 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12
E H 4 MEH-4 1, 5, 9, 12
3 MEH-3 1, 6, 12
2 MEH-2 1, 12
CD: Conical Diffuser inlet. E: Elbow inlet. L: low water flow rate (6 L/min). H: high water flow rate (16 L/min).
where xi and x̂i are the experimental and estimated values of temperature or thermocline
thickness, respectively, and n is the number of observations.
3.3. Comparison between VTC Method When Using Fewer Measurement Points and a 3D-CFD
Model. Practical Application to the Estimation of the Instantaneous Temperature Profile
In a previous publication [10], CFD techniques were applied to the study of ther-
mal stratification during charging in the same facility used in the present study. Thus,
three-dimensional Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes (URANS) simulations
were carried out with the commercial software STAR-CCM+, ver. 6.04.014 (CD-Adapco,
Energies 2021, 14, 4741 7 of 16
Siemens Digital Industries Software) [30]. The model was based on the mass and momen-
tum conservation equations and on a finite-volume method for solving the Navier–Stokes
equations [31]. To ensure the conservation of mass, a standard pressure correction algo-
rithm (SIMPLE) was used. A standard two-layer k-ε model, which offers the most mesh
flexibility, was selected, solving the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations in integral
form for continuity and momentum.
Regarding the boundary conditions, the inflow was set using a uniform velocity
profile, while a convective condition was applied for the outflow. The incoming water
temperature was set at 325.7 K.
Concerning the mesh, several structured grids were developed and tested to check
the grid dependency of the solution. In the water body, a structured grid of 1,506,840 cells
was selected based on a sensitivity analysis that considered comparison between simula-
tions and experiments, convergence criteria and simulation time. The Grid Convergence
Index (GCI), as calculated in Celik et al. [32], was used to estimate the convergence error.
The maximum GCI was 0.01% between the selected grid and the finer one. The geometrical
variation between cells was kept to a value of around 4%. A structured grid was also
defined for the steel (tank wall) and fiberglass (insulating material) domains, and the same
procedure was followed to verify the grid dependency of the solution.
The simulations were validated with the four thermal charging tests shown in Table 1.
The validation was performed by comparing the evolution of the water temperature at
each thermocouple position inside the tank determined experimentally and estimated from
the CFD model, and a high correlation was found between experimental and numerical
results. Three different statistical parameters, specifically the mean squared error MSE (K2),
the root mean square error RMSE (K) and the relative error RE (%), were used to determine
error rates.
To compare the CFD results with those obtained with the methodology proposed in
this paper (VTC when using a minimum number of measurement points) in a practical
way, the temperature profile was determined with both techniques at a given time during
thermal charge.
number of TC used in the models decreased. Moreover, the accuracy of the models also
a high flowon
depended rate
theshowed a similar
water flow, pattern.
the errors in However, it was
the cases with notflow
low the case
E inlet
MEL at
a high flow
models) rate.
being lower than in the rest.
Temperature (ºC)
Temperature (ºC)
Figure 3. Temperature
Figure Temperatureprofile
each TCTC
each position. Results
position. withwith
Results CD (a)
(a) Eand
low at
mental data, models
experimental with 12
data, models TC12
with and
TCmodels with 3with
and models TC. 3 TC.
The resultsthe Pearson
obtained correlation
when estimatingcoefficient (r), the data
the temperature with are7 not detailed and
TC (MDL-7 in a MEL-
7) and withvery similar
4 TC values
(MDL-4 andwere found
MEL-4) arein
It should be noted
since theythat, with MDL
showed much
less MDH (models
appreciable with an inlet
differences andthrough
matchedthe theCD both at highvalues
experimental and low flowthan
better rates), as well
those ob-
as with MEL (models with
tained with 3 TC, as expected. an inlet through the elbow at low flow rate), the value of the
Table r3was
coefficient always
shows (in all TC)
the RMSE greater
values than
(in °C) 0.99. Conversely,
obtained with MEH
for each model in the (models
estimation with
theinlet through evolution
temperature the elbowat atthe
a high
12 TCflow rate), this
locations value
during thedropped
0.69, confirming a
weak correlation between experimental and estimated temperature values under these
Table 3. RMSEIt(°C)
should beobtained
values noted that the model
for each models thatestimation
in the provided of athe
good estimate
temperature of the
at the 12 TC locations.
temperature evolution were those with a Re < 10,000 at the inlet devices (MDL, MDH and
MEL models). Conversely, MEH models with a Reynolds number at the inlet significantly
Inletthan the restFlow
Device (Re =Rate
24,489.1) did
Modelnot give acceptable results.
Min Max
In view of these results, it can be stated that by reducing the number Mean of ±TCSDused
in experimental tests to three, the MDL-12
VTC procedure 0.2065 0.3525
allows estimation of0.2344 ± 0.0391
the temperature
MDL-7 0.2065 0.3525
evolution at any height in the tank located between the thermocouples used for 0.2403 ± 0.0385
the estimation with greatL accuracy.MDL-4
It was found 0.2065
that it is0.3525
even possible 0.2488
to use± 0.0438
the data
provided by only 2 TC (minimum number MDL-3 of TCs in the models
0.2065 0.3525 proposed in this
0.2511 work),
± 0.0475
which could be placed near the inletMDL-2 and outlet,0.2065
assuming the small
0.5765 increase in error
0.3776 ± 0.1306 that
occurs. It is important to highlight that
MDH-12 the method
0.2726 is valid if
0.4861 applied under operating
0.4168 ± 0.0519
conditions with no excessive turbulence at the inlet.
MDH-7 0.2726 0.5199 0.4254 ± 0.0597
MDH-4 0.2726 0.4963 0.4148 ± 0.0570
MDH-3 0.2726 0.5306 0.4155 ± 0.0583
Energies 2021, 14, 4741 9 of 16
Table 3. RMSE (◦ C) values obtained for each model in the estimation of the temperature evolution at
the 12 TC locations.
RMSE (◦ C)
Inlet Device Flow Rate Model
Min Max Mean ± SD
MDL-12 0.2065 0.3525 0.2344 ± 0.0391
MDL-7 0.2065 0.3525 0.2403 ± 0.0385
CD L MDL-4 0.2065 0.3525 0.2488 ± 0.0438
MDL-3 0.2065 0.3525 0.2511 ± 0.0475
MDL-2 0.2065 0.5765 0.3776 ± 0.1306
MDH-12 0.2726 0.4861 0.4168 ± 0.0519
MDH-7 0.2726 0.5199 0.4254 ± 0.0597
CD H MDH-4 0.2726 0.4963 0.4148 ± 0.0570
MDH-3 0.2726 0.5306 0.4155 ± 0.0583
MDH-2 0.2726 0.5560 0.4059 ± 0.0626
MEL-12 0.2500 0.6934 0.4986 ± 0.0988
MEL-7 0.2500 0.7422 0.5060 ± 0.1086
E L MEL-4 0.2500 0.7664 0.5080 ± 0.1148
MEL-3 0.2500 0.7897 0.5057 ± 0.1243
MEL-2 0.2500 0.8706 0.5680 ± 0.1676
MEH-12 0.5358 1.1627 0.9370 ± 0.1772
MEH-7 0.6696 2.2961 1.1065 ± 0.4039
E H MEH-4 0.8582 3.5876 1.6722 ± 0.9011
MEH-3 0.8582 11.9128 4.3881 ± 3.5252
MEH-2 0.8582 5.7062 3.9027 ± 1.7227
SD: Standard deviation. CD: Conical Diffuser inlet. E: Elbow inlet. L: low water flow rate (6 L/min). H: high water
flow rate (16 L/min).
Arias et al. [33] investigated, by means of simulations, the sensibility of the long-term
performance of solar energy systems equipped with an HWST to the number of discrete
sections or nodes used to model the storage system temperature distribution and the degree
of stratification. Their findings diverge from those reported here as the research approach
showed significant differences. The authors simulated a complete solar domestic water
heating system over a long period of time (one year), considering the effect of the annual
variability in climatic conditions (solar fraction). In addition, the influence of several
system parameters (e.g., tank size, collector flow rate, etc.) on the sensitivity of the results
to the number of nodes was analyzed, and simulations were carried out with different
time steps. They concluded that in long-term simulations, the level of detail in which
the temperature inside the tank is represented is less important than the overall energy
balance on the system. Therefore only a small number of nodes (five in the case study)
are needed to accurately simulate the annual performance of a solar system, this result
being not applicable in short-term simulations or experiments as those reported in the
present paper.
CDL (Experimental data)
Hot water front
0.9 MDL-12
0.8 MDL-3
Dimensionless tank height
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Temperature (ºC)
profileat att*t*==0.5058
in CD at low flow rate. Experimental data (CDL) and results derived from the five MDL models
CD at low flow rate. Experimental data (CDL) and results derived from the five MDL models
from 12,
12, 7,
7, 4,
4, 33 and
and 22 TC,
TC, respectively.
can be observed,
the VTC the results
Method obtained
with Fewer with the five models
Measurement were
Points to very similar, alt-
hough the model
Thermocline accomplished with two measuring points (MDL-2) showed slightly less
accuracy in the
Figure regionthe
5 shows between thermocouples
evolution 5 and 8,thickness
of the thermocline which coincide in this
estimated case
with thewith
the zone
inlet where
devices andthere
the is
rates atand
points change
where thein temperature in a very
TCs were located, small
using the
space (thermocline
data recorded gradient
by 12, region).
7, 4, 3 and 2 TCs. As can be seen, the method worked correctly under
the usual operating conditions in this type of tank (MDL, MDH and MEL) but not so
muchApplying the VTC of
under conditions Method withturbulence
excessive Fewer Measurement Points to
at the inlet (MEH). Estimate
The elbow with a high
Thermocline Thickness
flow rate did not yield satisfactory results due to the mixing produced by the turbulence
Figure at the inlet,
5 shows theasevolution
of the by García-Marí
thermocline et al. [28].
thickness In accordance
estimated with the with
inlet and and
devices Ghajarthe[19],
two the hydrodynamic
flow and thermal
rates at the points characteristics
where the of the flow
TCs were located, could
using the
be detrimental to the formation of a thin thermocline in this case.
data recorded by 12, 7, 4, 3 and 2 TCs. As can be seen, the method worked correctly under
It was proven that in the MDL, MDH and MEL cases, the evolution of the dimension-
less thermocline thickness was quite similar in the models performed with more than two
TC (Figure 5). Furthermore, the greatest differences found when determining the evolution
of the thermocline thickness using less than 12 TC, with respect to that estimated with the
12 measurement points, occurred at the beginning of the thermal charge. The zone where
these greatest differences were detected coincided with the region in which the evolution
of temperature during charging was the worst fit with the sigmoidal shape (Figure 3).
The evolution of the instantaneous temperature profile estimated with the five mod-
els of both MEL and MDH cases during the charging period is depicted in two videos
available as Supplementary Materials (Video 1 with MEL models and Video 2 with MDH
models). Simultaneous with the evolution of temperature profiles, the evolution of thermo-
cline thickness during the same period is displayed in a separate frame also for all MEL
Energies 2021, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 17
the usual operating conditions in this type of tank (MDL, MDH and MEL) but not so much
Energies 2021, 14, 4741 under conditions of excessive turbulence at the inlet (MEH). The elbow with a high 11 flow
of 16
rate did not yield satisfactory results due to the mixing produced by the turbulence gen-
erated at the inlet, as demonstrated by García-Marí et al. [28]. In accordance with Zurigat
and Ghajar [19], the hydrodynamic and thermal characteristics of the flow could be detri-
(Video 1) and MDH (Video 2) models. These videos intend to visualize the results shown
in to the
Figures formation
4 and of a thinintuitive
5 in a dynamic, thermocline in thisdetailed
and more case. way, as discussed below.
(a) (b)
Dimensionless thermocline thickness
0.1 0.1
0.08 0.08
MDL-12 MDH-12
0.06 MDL-4 0.06 MDH-4
0.04 0.04
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Dimensionless time Dimensionless time
(c) (d)
Dimensionless thermocline thickness
MEL-12 MEH-12
0.06 MEL-4 0.1 MEH-4
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Dimensionless time Dimensionless time
Figure 5. Evolution of the thermocline thickness at the points where the thermocouples were located. Estimation with MDL
Figure 5. Evolution of the thermocline thickness at the points where the thermocouples were located. Estimation with
(a), MDH (b), MEL (c) and MEH (d) models.
MDL (a), MDH (b), MEL (c) and MEH (d) models.
In the videos, the thermocouples used in each model (see Figure 2) were highlighted
with It a was provenAccording
red circle. that in the toMDL,
once andthe MEL cases, the
thermocline is evolution
formed, itoftravels
the dimension-
down as
the charging continues until it is destroyed, indicating full charge. It is more
less thermocline thickness was quite similar in the models performed with thanthat
observed two
TC (Figure 5). Furthermore, the greatest differences found when
the temperature estimation at the locations of the thermocouples not used in each model determining the evolu-
tion of the thermocline
(thermocouples thickness with
not highlighted usingthelessredthan 12 TC,
circle) with precise
is very respect to
andthat estimated
differs with
very little
the 12 measurement points, occurred
from the ones that were actually registered. at the beginning of the thermal charge. The zone
where these
Table greatest
4 shows thedifferences
RMSE values were(◦detected
C) in thecoincided
estimationwith the region in
of thermocline which the
thickness at
evolution of temperature during charging was the worst fit with the
the TC locations calculated with 7, 4, 3 and 2 TC, with respect to those calculated with sigmoidal shape (Fig-
12 3).in MDL, MDH, MEL and MEH. The maximum difference (expressed as a percentage)
betweenThe the
evolution of the thickness
thermocline instantaneous temperature
determined with 12profile estimated to
TC, compared with
thatthe five mod-
els of7,both
with MEL2 TC,
4, 3 and and respectively,
MDH cases in during
MDL,the MDH,charging
MEL andperiodMEH,is depicted in two
is presented videos
in Table 5.
The Reynoldsas Supplementary
number at theMaterials
inlet device(Video 1 with
is also MELinmodels
depicted and Video
both Tables 4 and25.with MDH
models). Simultaneous with the evolution of temperature profiles, the evolution of ther-
Table 4. RMSE (◦ C) in
thickness during the sameofperiod
the estimation is displayed
thermocline thicknessinata the
separate frame calculated
TC locations also for allwith
MEL 7,
4, 3 and 1) and
with (Video
respect 2) models.
to those calculatedThese
with videos
12 TC inintend to visualize
MDL, MDH, MEL andtheMEH.
results shown
in Figures 4 and 5 in a dynamic,◦
intuitive◦ and more detailed ◦
way, as discussed
Models RMSE_7TC ( C) RMSE_4TC ( C) RMSE_3TC ( C) RMSE_2TC ( C) Re (-)
MDL 0.00060 0.00104 0.00292 0.01505 1898.6
MDH 0.00091 0.00113 0.00247 0.00565 5062.9
MEL 0.00073 0.00131 0.00276 0.01312 9183.4
MEH 0.23932 0.21410 0.23085 0.10208 24,489.1
Energies 2021, 14, 4741 12 of 16
Table 5. Maximum difference (%) between the thermocline thickness determined with 12 TC com-
pared to that determined with 7, 4, 3 and 2 TC, respectively, in MDL, MDH, MEL and MEH.
Without considering the MEH models in the comparative analysis for the reasons
already argued, the values shown in Tables 4 and 5 indicate that the evolution of the
thermocline thickness determined with fewer measurement points was similar to that
obtained with the 12 thermocouples available in this study.
When applying the VTC method with less than 12 TC, the RMSE values increased
slightly, this increase (and therefore the error in the estimation) being higher the lower
the number of thermocouples used. In any case, very small RMSE values were always
obtained, with a maximum of 0.01505 ◦ C in MDL-2 and a minimum of 0.00091 ◦ C in
MDH-7, the RMSE average value being 0.0039 ◦ C.
The maximum difference (expressed as a percentage) between the thermocline thick-
ness determined with 12 TC and that determined with 7, 4 and 3 TC was obtained with
CD inlet at a high flow rate (MDH models, Table 5). Although the differences logically
increased in all cases as the number of thermocouples used decreased, they were very
acceptable. The worst cases were 1.84% (MDH-7), 3.55% (MDH-4) and 7.37% (MDH-3),
compared to the determination with the model performed with 12 TC (MDH-12). With the
use of 2 thermocouples, the differences moderately increased (MDL-2 being the most
unfavorable model), with a maximum difference of 21.57% in the thermocline thickness
compared to the determination with 12 TC (MDL-12).
In view of these results, it can be stated that by applying the VTC method with only
3 TC, it is possible to obtain the temperature profiles and thermocline thickness evolution
throughout a charge cycle with great precision and without the result being affected by
the instant in which it is determined. It should be noted that the determination of the
thermocline gradient or the thermocline thickness is only applicable under constant inlet
flow rate at a uniform temperature [19,20]. However, study and analysis under these
operating conditions can be decisive when characterizing the thermal storage tank with a
view to developing models that allow the improvement of the design of the tank geometry
(e.g., aspect ratio), or inlet/outlet devices, leading to an optimal storage configuration.
4.3. Comparison between VTC Method When Using Fewer Measurement Points and a 3D-CFD
model. Practical Application to the Estimation of the Water Temperature at a Given Time
during Charging
The instantaneous temperature profile at t* = 0.5734 (57.34% of the total tank vol-
ume replaced) was obtained for CD at a low flow rate with the MDL-3 model, with the
CFD model previously developed and validated, and with the experimental data (CDL),
are shown on the left-hand side of Figure 6. The right-hand side shows the temperature
distribution also at t* = 0.5734, and for CD at a low flow rate, obtained with the CFD
approach, the temperature contours being presented in the symmetrical XZ-plane.
Very small differences were observed between the CFD and VTC models in Figure 6.
CFD is undoubtedly a useful tool that allows the analysis of three-dimensional flows with
high spatial and temporal resolution. With CFD approaches, very detailed insights and
understanding of the behavior of the fluid are achieved, providing additional information
as compared to experimental measurements. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that CFD
analysis is a computationally intensive and time-consuming technique, as it requires the
completion of certain stages (geometry creation, mesh generation, the study of grid depen-
dency of the results, fluid physics boundary conditions and model selection, validation,
etc.). By contrast, it takes very little time to perform an analysis with the VTC method and
obtain an instantaneous temperature profile with good accuracy, as shown in Figure 6.
The instantaneous temperature profile at t* = 0.5734 (57.34% of the total tank volume
replaced) was obtained for CD at a low flow rate with the MDL-3 model, with the CFD
model previously developed and validated, and with the experimental data (CDL), are
shown on the left-hand side of Figure 6. The right-hand side shows the temperature dis-
Energies 2021, 14, 4741 tribution also at t* = 0.5734, and for CD at a low flow rate, obtained with the CFD approach,
13 of 16
the temperature contours being presented in the symmetrical XZ-plane.
T (K)
Z (m)
Z (m)
CDL 324
MDL-3 322
1.5 CFD 1.5 320
1.0 1.0 312
0.5 0.5 304
0.0 296
300 310 320 294
-0.4 0.0 0.4
T (K) X (m)
Figure Leftside: Instantaneoustemperature
side:Instantaneous temperatureprofile
(blue line),the
CFDmodel model(green
the experimental
red marker).
Rightside: Temperature
distribution alsoatatt*t*==0.5734
It cansmall
Very be stated that thewere
differences VTCobserved
method is complementary
between to other
the CFD and VTCtechniques, as from6.a
models in Figure
CFD is undoubtedly a useful tool that allows the analysis of three-dimensional flowspoints
few experimental points, the temperature value can be extrapolated to many other with
that spatial
high can be used both for validation
and temporal resolution.ofWith
CFDCFDsimulations and for
approaches, calculating
very temperature-
detailed insights and
dependent stratification
understanding indices.
of the behavior of the fluid are achieved, providing additional information
as compared to experimental measurements. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that CFD
5. Conclusions
analysis is a computationally intensive and time-consuming technique, as it requires the
This study
completion evaluated
of certain stagesthe sensitivity
(geometry of themesh
creation, VTC generation,
method developed
the studybyofGonzález-
grid de-
Altozano et al. [27] to a decrease in the number of temperature
pendency of the results, fluid physics boundary conditions and model data points employed
selection, to
assess the thermal performance of an HWST. It also determined the minimum number
tion, etc.). By contrast, it takes very little time to perform an analysis with the VTC method of
experimental temperature data (number of thermocouples used) that allows the estimation
of the temperature at any point and instant without affecting the accuracy or the quality of
the results.
The facility and experimental tests described in González-Altozano et al. [27] were
also used in the present work. Thus, four experimental tests were conducted in a 950-
L tank during the charging process, in which two different inlet devices (elbow, E and
conical diffuser, CD) and two water flow rates (high, H and low, L) were tested, and the
water temperature was recorded with 12 thermocouples evenly placed along the tank’s
vertical axis.
Four models were developed for each experimental test, with the data recorded by
7, 4, 3 and 2 TC, respectively. The temperature values at the locations of the TC not used
in each model were estimated by extrapolating the parameters of the 5PL function at
these points. The results of the four models were compared with a fifth model performed
for each experimental test with the data provided by the 12 TC. A total of 20 models
were performed.
The temperature profile evolution at the TC locations, when estimated with 7, 4 and
3 TC, using MDL, MDH and MEL models, showed a pattern similar to the respective
Energies 2021, 14, 4741 14 of 16
determinations with 12 TC. The RMSE values in the temperature estimations with these
models were, on average, less than 0.6 ◦ C and, at most, 0.87 ◦ C, with MEL-2 being the worst
case. The differences found in MEH models were higher due to the greater turbulence
generated with the E inlet at a high flow rate, with an average RMSE less than 4.39 ◦ C and
a maximum of 11.91 ◦ C in MEH-3. The values of the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) were
uniform in all cases, being higher than 0.99 in all TC of the MDL, MDH and MEL cases.
It was, therefore, verified that by reducing the number of TC used in experimental tests
to three, the VTC procedure allows estimation of the temperature in the tank with great
accuracy. These 3 TC could be located next to the entrance, close to the exit, with the third
somewhere between them. It was found that it is even possible to use the data provided by
only 2 TC, which could be placed near the inlet and outlet, assuming a small increase in
error. It is noteworthy that models which yielded good results were those with Re < 10,000
at the inlet devices.
To verify the suitability of the procedure using a smaller number of measurement
points, its application to the estimation of both the instantaneous temperature profile and
the thermocline thickness evolution throughout the charge cycle was carried out. Thus,
the instantaneous temperature profile obtained using the data provided by 7, 4, 3 and even
2 TC, gave excellent results except for MEH models, showing a great correspondence with
experimental data. Concerning the determination of the thermocline thickness, the method
also yielded very acceptable results under the usual working conditions in this type of
tank (MEL, MDL and MDH models). The dimensionless thermocline thickness was similar
in the models performed with more than 2 TC, the greatest differences being found with
respect to those estimated with the 12 measurement points observed at the beginning of
the thermal charge. Very small RMSE values were always obtained, with a maximum of
0.01505 ◦ C in MDL-2 and a minimum of 0.00091 ◦ C in MDH-7, the RMSE average value
being 0.0039 ◦ C. The maximum differences in thermocline thickness value compared to the
determination with 12 TC (expressed as a percentage) increased as the number of TC used
decreased, with maximum values in the MDH models: 1.84% (MDH-7), 3.55% (MDH-4)
and 7.37% (MDH-3). The most unfavorable model was MDL-2, which showed a maximum
difference of 21.7%.
Finally, the comparison between the VTC method with a reducing number of mea-
surement points and a 3D-CFD approach developed in a previous study was performed,
and very small differences were observed between both models when applied to the
estimation of the instantaneous temperature profile.
In view of the above, the main conclusions arising from this study are as follows.
The VTC model, implemented with as few as 2 or 3 experimental temperature data
measurements, results in a suitable method for the analysis of the thermal performance
and for the determination of several of the temperature-based indices used to quantify the
stratification efficiency in HWSTs during thermal charge.
Under usual working conditions (with no excessive turbulence at the inlet, Re < 10,000),
the virtual TC method provides these estimations with more spatial precision and tempo-
ral stability than other methods. On the other hand, the validity of the obtained results
is limited to experimental conditions in which the initial temperature inside the tank is
uniform and with water flow rate and the temperature kept constant during thermal
charge. However, the study and analysis under these operating conditions can be decisive
in characterizing the thermal storage tank with a view to developing models that allow
improvement of the design of the tank geometry (e.g., aspect ratio), or inlet/outlet devices,
leading to an optimal storage configuration.
It is also important to point out that the proposed methodology may be a comple-
mentary tool to other techniques or methods, as from a few experimental points and
requiring low experimental resources and time, the temperature values can be extrapolated
to many other points. Therefore, it could be employed both for validation of numerical
simulations and also to properly evaluate the thermal performance in cases where only a
few experimental values are available.
Energies 2021, 14, 4741 15 of 16
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