2.-ChinmayaSmrithi 19 Mar Vol29No2
2.-ChinmayaSmrithi 19 Mar Vol29No2
2.-ChinmayaSmrithi 19 Mar Vol29No2
Editor’s Note: [Our beloved resident Swamiji, Swami Dheerananda is continuing his
weekly classes on Vivekachoodamani. Please find below an excerpt from his class on
verse 6].
• April 5-13: A complete recital of Ramacharitmanas • April 18: Marga Darshana Dashakam – The glory of
(Tulsi Ramayan) by members at Chinmayam, Silver Swami Chinmayananda at Chinmaya Somnath from 7
Spring. to 8:15 p.m.– a talk by Swami Ishwarananda.
• May 19: Guru Charane – a musical showcase by Purvi • April 20 -21st: An interactive workshop by Swami
Nanavaty from 5 to 7 p.m. at Chinmayam. Ishwarananda at Chinmayam, Silver Spring based on
• May 4th: Chinmaya Jayanti celebrations at his book “The Life of I”. See flyer for more details
Chinmayam, Silver Spring. around registration.
• July 29th to August 4th: Discourses on Shri Krishna • April 26 – 27th: Shishu Vihar training camp for Sevaks
Leela by Swami Swaroopananda during the 26th and Sevikas conducted by Swamini Supriyananda at
Chinmaya Mahasamadhi Camp at Pittsburgh PA. Chinmaya Somnath.
• April 19th : Hanuman Jayanti celebrations at • May 11: Adi Shankara Jayanti at Chinmayam.
Chinmayam. • July 8 -12 – CHYK summer youth camp led by Vivekji
• May 18: Balavihar Graduation Tilak ceremony at 3 at Chinmaya Somnath.
p.m. at Chinmayam.
Study Groups
• Please contact Sri Ravi Ravichandran ji by email at ravi5211@yahoo.com , if you are interested in forming or learning
more about study groups.
• Browse Books, CDs, DVDs, etc. online at www.chinmayapublications.com Contact Sevak to order (Vijay Singh at
Chinmayam, Subbarao Kari at Chinmaya Somnath and Bijay Dash at Frederick)
Useful Links:
Central Chinmaya Mission Trust www.chinmayamission.com
Chinmaya Mission West www.chinmayamission.org
Chinmaya International Foundation, E-Vedanta Courses www.chinfo.org
Chinmayam Chapter – Silver Spring MD website http://chinmayam.chinmayadc.org/chinmayam-chapter/
Chinmaya Somnath Chapter – Chantilly VA website www.chinmayasomnath.org
Chinmaya Frederick Chapter –Urbana MD website http://www.frederick.cmwrc.org/
Chinmaya Richmond Chapter – Richmond VA website www.chinmayarichmond.org
CMWRC – Washington Regional Center www.chinmayadc.org
Please Note
The opinions expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of
Chinmaya Mission or CMWRC
Editorial Staff: (smrithi-editor@chinmayadc.org)
Editor: K.A. Lakshmanan
Advisers: Sri Raju Chidambaram, Acharya Vilasiniji, Pujya Swami Dheeranandaji. Sitaram Kowtha
BV students – Bhuvan Devarsu
Please contact us if you are interested in joining the editorial staff!
Please refer to the CMWRC website to learn more about
this exciting new program. It offers the Chinmaya family
an opportunity to donate at various levels on an on-
going basis to support the current and future growth of
CMWRC. Inspired by Gurudev’s message that true loving
is not in passive taking but in dynamic giving, the
program is expected to help the mission pay down its
debt while also positioning it for future growth to
continue to spread the spiritual message of Vedanta.
Donors making an Arpanam pledge may fulfill the pledge
during the calendar year, and all tax-deductible
offerings, such as Gita chanting registration,
membership, Bala Vihar, enrichment, Guru Dakshina,
event sponsorship, etc. are recognized towards the
fulfillment of the pledge.
Bhajan Sandhya
A melodious Bhajan Sandhya “Devotionally Cinematic”
was presented at Chinmayam on Saturday Feb 2nd by
Deeti and Krishanu Majmundar. This was part of the
fund raising efforts for Chinmayanandam, the facility
being conceived and planned on the recently acquired
plot of land adjacent to Chinmayam.
Table of Contents
Sannyasa Deeksha
By Swami Swaroopananda
Mahashivarathri at Frederick
Gayatri Thirumala
Chinmaya Somnath Mahashivarathri – A Collage
Photos submitted by Rajaram
Shraddhanjali to Swamini Mangalananda
By Swami Swaroopananda
Messages from an autobiography of a Mahatma - 11 (Iswara Darshana)
Sitaram Kowtha
Mar 2019
Chinmaya Smrithi – Bi-Monthly News Magazine of Chinmaya Mission Washington Regional Center
Dear All,
Hari Om!
“When tired, I retire into my Self, which is Shiva,” said Pujya Gurudev.
To celebrate Shivaratri we share the documentary prepared by Chinmaya Archives and Chinmaya Mission Mumbai,
on the occasion of the Suvarna Mahotsava of the temple on November 10, 2018. The presiding deity of the first ever
temple built by Pujya Gurudev is Lord Shiva.
Pujya Gurudev in the attached message directs us to the supreme state of perfection of the all auspicious Lord Shiva.
Pujya Swami Swaroopananda pays homage to the most worshipful Lord Shiva and seeks His blessings to remove the
sorrow and suffering from our lives. His video message is available at:
May Lord Shiva be pleased and shower us with His grace and blessings.
Manisha Khemlani
Chief Executive Officer
Sannyasa Deeksha
Hari Om! Greetings on this auspicious day of the 50thMahashivaratri celebrations at the Jagadeeshwara temple!
Today, in the holy precincts of Pujya Gurudev’s kutia, in Sandeepany Sadhanalaya, Mumbai, 4 of our Brahmacharis took
the holy vows of Sannyasa. They changed the colour of their robes to orange and dedicated themselves to spread Pujya
Gurudev’s message. I am happy to announce their new names:
May Lord Jagadeeshwara and Pujya Gurudev's grace and blessings be upon one and all.
A small video of the announcement of their new names can be viewed on the YouTube channel of Chinmaya Mission
At His Feet
Swami Swaroopananda
Gayatri Thirumala
Dear All,
Hari Om!
Swamini Mangalananda took final refuge at the lotus feet of Pujya Gurudev, at 5.05 pm today, 24th March, while on
her way to the Akola ashram from Pune.
Devoted to the Chinmaya Mission, Swamini Mangalananda served as a Trustee of CST Maharashtra and Managing
Trustee of CST Akola.
Born in Akola, to a pious and educated family, she held a Masters Degree in Ayurveda. Drawn to the halls of satsang
from a very young age, Swamini Mangalananda lived a life of austerity and spiritual sadhana. She was fortunate to be
blessed by many saints.
In 1972 Swamini Mangalananda came in contact with Chinmaya Mission through Swami Purushottamanandaji. Under
the guidance of Swami Tejomayanandaji she completed the Vedanta Course in Sandeepany Sadhanalaya, Powai.
Subsequently, as Brni Aditi Chaitanya she continued to spread the knowledge of Vedanta, through Jnana Yajnas, which
she had begun even before doing the course.
Much sought after, Swamini Mangalananda was a leading pracharak in Maharashtra. She successfully conducted more
than 750 Jnana Yajnas, 11 shravan sadhanas and several camps at various places in India and Sri Lanka.
On the auspicious day of Mahashivaratri, on 4th March 2002, Brni Aditi was initiated into the Sannyasa Ashram and
became Swamini Mangalananda. She assisted Swami Purushottamanandaji in the conduct of the Vedanta course in
Marathi from 2008 - 2010, at Kolhapur.
At His Feet
Swami Swaroopananda
Sitaram Kowtha
Editor’s Note: In this series, selected excerpts from the As qualifications differ, duties too differ. Those who
book “Iswara Darshan” by Pujya Swami Tapovan Maharaj renounce worldly things, do not remain mute and
of Uttar Kashi, are provided by Sitaram Kowthaji to inspire motionless. On the contrary, their life is full of ceaseless,
the students of Vedanta to delve deeply into the glories of tireless activity.
a mahatma who inspired our sadhguru, Swami
Chinmayananda. The fourth ashrama is thus the noblest as it concentrates
itself on the realization of Truth by observance and
propagation. Subramania had chosen it deliberately for
himself, and in pursuit of his ideal, he had renounced
everything and got into the train.
Pangs of Separation
An Exchange between Subramania and Swami path with untiring, single-minded devotion. Mentally you
Hridayanandaji are already a Sannyasin. Physically too you can embrace
Sannyasa, if you so desire.
S: I left hearth and house out of desire to enter sannyasa
which alone can lead to ultimate good. Kindly instruct me Subramania to Tyagananda
as to when, where and from which Guru I should accept
Sannyasa. With such continued discussions with Swamiji and his
own reflections on those who successfully took up
Swamiji: If a person like you, rich in the spirit of Sannyasa never to turn back regardless of whether they
renunciation, dispassion and other noble qualities, went through sacred rites and rituals, and those who may
accepts Sannyasa, it will be a matter of pride and joy to have gone through sacred rites, but failed miserably,
the institution of Sannyasa and to the circle of Sannyasins. Subramania decided to no longer wait to take up
That is our view. We need not add that it will bring untold Sannyasa. He informed Swamiji of his decision and plan
blessings. We are very happy to find how blessed you are. and took leave of the ashram after receiving his blessings.
The rule regarding the acceptance of Sannyasa as laid
down by the scriptures is, One should be initiated He traveled Northward towards the town of Jabalpur on
according to rules into Sannyasa, during the sacred the banks of river Narmada. There he spent a few days in
Uttarayana period, by a Guru who is not only well-versed the company of a Swami Sankarananda. With the
in the scriptures but knows Brahman Himself. But such blessings from this venerable Swamiji, he set out to the
rules do not bind you. You have already known all that is banks of Narmada. On arriving at the banks of the holy
to be known. At your will, you can take up Sannyasa, river, which is dear to Lord Shiva, Subramania danced
when and where you will. with joy; his heart was full of devotion.
S: That may be true. But this is my request. You will be The very next day, before nine O’ clock, he went to
pleased to be my Acharya and order Brahmins to perform Narmada, prostrated to her with devotion like a child
all necessary rites and get everything ready for the saluting its mother and bathed in her sacred waters which
initiation. wash away all sins. He performed all necessary acts of
worship in due form and then according to the rules of
Swamiji: How! We do not desire to accept the status of Vidvat Sannyasa keeping the visible god, the Sun, as
your Acharya. Besides, you have already served several witness, and initiating guru, and repeating the secret
great masters like Sri Sankaracharya who know Brahman praisha mantra put on the ochre colored robe, with
and who are fully qualified to be gurus. Apart from him, trembling hands but with deep feeling of satisfaction.
why do you require another Guru? From your Having assumed the garb of Paramahamsa, he called
appearance as well as your character anybody can easily himself ‘Tyagananda’. He had already given up his
see that you were born in a rich and honorable family. spectacles and such things conducive to physical comfort
Who will light-heartedly dare give Sannyasa to a person as encumbrances. So now he had no possessions except
of such high qualifications? If you desire to enter his robe and his water pot (kamandala). Shorn of all other
Sannyasa at once, you can do so by yourself. As for you worldly possessions, he shone brightly.
who have cast off thoughts like “I” and “mine”, you are
fully entitled to “Vidvat Sannyasa”. It was to reach this goal that he had left his hearth and
home and today he initiated himself into the life of
In Vidvat Sannyasa, it is not necessary to bother about Sannyasin. Filled with joy at the consummation of his
scriptural rules or rites and ceremonies. Whether the time desire and intoxicated with it, he thought to himself “I am
or place is apt or inapt. Whether a Guru is present or really blessed today; so are my parents; so is my race; so
absent. So, with the Sun as who witnesses all actions and is Kerala, the land of my birth”.
who is the Veda incarnate, as your witness, pronounce
the matras like “Om Bhuh Sannyastam Maya”, don Paramahamsa Tyagananda
yourself devoutly in ochre-colored robes which is an
For the ignorant, poverty is the source of sorrow; for the
emblem of Sannyasa and accept your bhiksha (food) from
enlightened, it appears as a means to peace and self-
some person who honors and respects Sannyasins. In this
way, you can start upon the holy life of ‘tapas’, rarely
accessible even to the Gods; you can so follow the path of After leaving the bathing ghat, he went out in search of
Brahma Vidya which alone gives the true bliss. Follow the food (bhiksha). It was for the first time in his life and being
altogether new to the process, failed completely in the surrounded by the river Sarayu, was rendered holy by the
business. So, for the first day, he had to fall back upon a dust of the feet of Sri Ramachandra and Sita Devi.
feeding house for mendicants to appease his hunger. A Tyagananda felt the purpose of his life fulfilled on visiting
life among beggars helps remove the proud feeling “I am the city, which is teeming with temples, ashrams and
noble; I am high-born; I am learned”. sannyasins. He found comfortable lodging in a large
empty house. He spent time in satsang and meditation.
Though now a paramahamsa, Tyagananda’s outlook did His food needs were taken care of.
not change. His mind remained fixed on the idea of
equality between man and man. Superiority complex did A Vaishnava pundit challenged Swamiji on the Truth of
not taint him. He did not look down on fellow sannyasins Brahman with attributes and Brahman without attributes.
or house-holders. Difference in religion or in the stages Swamiji, with his characteristic humility met all such
of life did not diminish his respect for fellow men. Only arguments with remorseless logic and scriptural
fools regard Hinduism as the very best religion and all authority, firmly establishing in the end the existence of
other religions inferior to it. It is these erroneous ideas Brahman without attributes.
that lead to mutual hatred and bloody communal riots.
Well aware of this Truth, he always thought of harmony He set out journey northward on foot. He reached the
among religions. town of Faizabad and sought bhiksha. At a palatial
mansion, a Bengali officer told him light heartedly, “You
Tyagananda left the banks of Narmada via Jabalpur and see, I am a Sudra. It is well known that food served by
made his way to Prayag. At the holy confluence of the Sudra is unacceptable to sannyasins. How can I, therefor,
three great rivers, he had his ceremonial bath and sitting give you any food?”. Immediately, Swamiji answered,
down at the banks of Ganga, he repeated holy names and “You are a Sudra, you say. Be it so. It is not food given by
recited hymns with devotion. His mind got easily a Sudra, that is forbidden to the sadhus. So you may give
concentrated and he soon entered into a state of Brahmana (satwik) food, if you will”.
Samadhi. He spent several days at a nearby mutt and had
a portrait made in his Sannyasin garb. This he sent home He journeyed to Lucknow and then on to Haridwar, and
to his brother so this picture can be kept next to the one arrived at Hrishikesh, the abode of the hermits. This
taken while he was still a Brahmacharin. Along with the sacred neighborhood of the Himalayas, praised so
portrait, he sent a loving note to assuage separation, unreservedly by so many, was the goal of his journey.
“only by the grace of God can one enter the noble fold of
Tyagananda now embarked upon a regular routine of life.
Sannyasa; it is attainable only by persons of great merit.
Every morning he bathed in the Ganga and then engaged
If I have been able to become a Sannyasin, it is certainly
himself in worship, meditation, satsanga, scriptural study,
by the grace of the Ocean of Mercy. Don’t be worried
eating bhiksha, and remaining undisturbed in a world of
about it; don’t be saddened by it. Only fools will allow
divine experience.
themselves to be stricken with sorrow by such a
consummation. For years my mind has been laboring To Be Continued
hard to reach this goal. Now that I have reached it, I
expect you and other relations to pacify your minds,
abandoning all anxiety and sorrow on my score. From this
moment on, give up all though about this Self, abandon
all search and enquiry, live your span of life, abiding in
truth, doing your dharma, engaging yourself in your
rounds of worldly duties, always surrendering yourself to
the Divine Will”. To cut off a reply, he deliberately
withheld his address. He never more reverted to the
subject. He did not even try to guess whether this letter
of his brought relief to the sorrowing relations or only
added fuel to the fire.
Himalaya Bound
Gurudev Uvacha