X-Plane G530 Manual
X-Plane G530 Manual
X-Plane G530 Manual
Pilot Operating
Author: Julian Lockwood (julian@x-plane.com)
The information contained in this document is for simulation use only, within the X-Plane flight simulator. This document is not
subject to revision, and has not been checked for accuracy. This document is intended for entertainment only, and may not to be
used in situations involving real-life aircraft, or real-life aviation.
This document may be copied and distributed by Laminar Research customers for entertainment only.
The Garmin 530............................................................................................................................................. 4
The X-Plane 11 G530 ..................................................................................................................................... 5
The “Pop-Up” G530....................................................................................................................................... 5
Invoking, moving, sizing, and closing the “Pop-Up” G530 ............................................................................ 6
G530 Controls ............................................................................................................................................... 9
COM / VLOC Rotary Control .................................................................................................................... 11
GPS Rotary Control ................................................................................................................................. 11
Setting the COM1 Frequency ...................................................................................................................... 12
Setting the NAV 1 Frequency ...................................................................................................................... 13
Enabling and Squelching the NAV 1 Morse Code Identifier ....................................................................... 14
“Nav” Page Group ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Shortcut to the Nav Page Group ............................................................................................................. 15
The Active Page ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Map Page with Track Up (default) .......................................................................................................... 16
Map Page – North Up ............................................................................................................................. 16
VNAV Page .............................................................................................................................................. 17
Programming a VNAV Scenario........................................................................................................... 17
Flying a VNAV Scenario ....................................................................................................................... 18
“Waypoint” Page Group ............................................................................................................................. 19
Shortcut to the Waypoint Page Group ................................................................................................... 19
The Active Page ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Airport Location Page ............................................................................................................................. 20
Airport Runway Page .............................................................................................................................. 20
Airport Frequency Page .......................................................................................................................... 21
Airport Approach Page............................................................................................................................ 21
Airport Arrival Page................................................................................................................................. 22
Airport Departure Page........................................................................................................................... 22
“Nearest” Page Group................................................................................................................................. 23
Shortcut to the Nearest Page Group ...................................................................................................... 23
The Active Page ....................................................................................................................................... 23
Nearest Airport Page............................................................................................................................... 24
Nearest Intersection Page....................................................................................................................... 24
Nearest NDB Page ................................................................................................................................... 25
Nearest VOR Page ................................................................................................................................... 25
Nearest Airspace Page ............................................................................................................................ 26
“Flight Plan” Page Group ............................................................................................................................ 27
Shortcut to the Flight Plan Page Group .................................................................................................. 27
The Active Page ....................................................................................................................................... 27
Active Flight Plan Page ............................................................................................................................ 28
Flight Plan Catalog Page .......................................................................................................................... 28
Programming a Flight Plan .......................................................................................................................... 29
Initializing the G530 / Deleting a previous Flight Plan ............................................................................ 29
The Initial Waypoint ................................................................................................................................ 30
Activating the Cursor .............................................................................................................................. 30
Inserting Waypoints ................................................................................................................................ 31
Deleting Waypoints................................................................................................................................. 33
Selecting a Standard Instrument Departure (SID) .................................................................................. 34
Selecting a Standard Terminal Arrival (STAR) ......................................................................................... 38
Selecting an Approach ............................................................................................................................ 42
Direct To (a waypoint) ............................................................................................................................ 45
Activating a Leg ....................................................................................................................................... 46
Activating an Approach ........................................................................................................................... 47
Activating Vectors to Final ...................................................................................................................... 48
Loading a (saved) Flight Plan....................................................................................................................... 49
The OBS Function ........................................................................................................................................ 50
SUSPEND (SUSP) Mode ............................................................................................................................... 52
Messages..................................................................................................................................................... 53
Autopilot Operations .................................................................................................................................. 54
The Garmin 530
The X-Plane 11 G530
The Laminar Research / X-Plane 11 G530 has been
developed by our team to resemble the Garmin 530, both in
appearance and function. However, the capability and
operation of this device in the simulator may differ in some
areas to the real product.
Invoking, moving, sizing, and closing the “Pop-
Up” G530
Invoking the pop-up G530
To invoke the pop-up CDU panel, position and click the mouse-pointer anywhere inside the DISPLAY area of the G530 panel in the
3D cockpit.
Moving the pop-up G530
Closing the pop-up G530
G530 Controls
This section identifies the control features of the G530. Where relevant, these are discussed in more detail later in the guide.
Toggles between stand-by comm radio frequency and
6 Comm / VLOC Flip-Flop Key
stand-by VLOC (VOR / Localizer) frequency
11 Flight Plan (FPL) button Used to create, edit, and activate flight plans.
21 Range (RNG) button (up or down). Selects the desired map scale.
COM / VLOC Rotary Control
Setting the COM1 Frequency
The G530 features built-in comm and nav radios, replacing the dedicated units that would normally be designated COM1 and NAV1
in the instrument panel.
Setting the NAV 1 Frequency
The G530 features built-in comm and nav radios, replacing the dedicated units that would normally be designated COM1 and NAV1
in the instrument panel.
Enabling and Squelching the NAV 1 Morse Code
“Nav” Page Group
This is a group of three pages that collectively provide positional awareness to the pilot, via a plan view of the route and flight plan (if
any). A VNAV flight profile may also be input here.
3. VNAV Page.
Map Page with Track Up (default)
Let’s consider a scenario whereby, at the end of a flight to KSFO San Francisco International, the pilot wishes to descend at a rate
of 500 feet per minute to a pattern altitude of 1,000 MSL, three miles before arrival.
Flying a VNAV Scenario
“Waypoint” Page Group
This is a group of three pages that collectively display information about the origin and destination airports.
Airport Location Page
Airport Frequency Page
Airport Arrival Page
“Nearest” Page Group
Shortcut to the Nearest Page Group
5. Nearest Airspace.
Nearest Airport Page
Nearest NDB Page
Nearest Airspace Page
“Flight Plan” Page Group
Shortcut to the Flight Plan Page Group
Active Flight Plan Page
Programming a Flight Plan
In this section of the guide, the steps associated with programming a flight plan will be discussed. The sample flight plan used here
will be:
Note: Loading a previously-saved flight-plan into the G530 is discussed later in this guide, in the section entitled Loading a (saved)
Flight Plan.
Before inputting a new flight plan, it’s important to initialize the G530 - by deleting any existing flight plan that may be present. To
accomplish this:
The Initial Waypoint
Inserting Waypoints
Click the ENT (Enter) button
twice to save the waypoint.
Deleting Waypoints
Selecting a Standard Instrument Departure (SID)
[From Wikipedia] A SID is an air traffic control coded departure procedure that has been established at certain airports to simplify
clearance delivery procedures.
Although a SID will keep aircraft away from terrain, it is optimized for air traffic control route of flight and will not always provide the
lowest climb gradient. It strikes a balance between terrain and obstacle avoidance, noise abatement (if necessary), and airspace
management considerations.
Click the GPS Inner Rotary at
the 3 O’clock and 9 O’clock
positions to select the desired
Click the GPS Inner Rotary at
the 3 O’clock and 9 O’clock
positions to select the desired
transition waypoint.
A graphical representation of
the chosen departure
procedure is displayed.
The chosen departure
procedure is now converted to
the individual waypoints it
comprises. These appear in the
appropriate order at the start of
your flight plan.
Selecting a Standard Terminal Arrival (STAR)
[From Wikipedia] A Standard Terminal Arrival (STAR) is a flight route defined and published by the air navigation service provider
that usually covers the phase of a flight that lies between the last point of the route filled in the flight plan and the first point of the
approach to the airport, normally the initial approach fix (IAF). Hence, a STAR connects the en-route phase with the approach phase
of the flight.
Click the GPS Inner Rotary at
the 3 O’clock and 9 O’clock
positions to select the desired
Click the GPS Inner Rotary at
the 3 O’clock and 9 O’clock
positions to select the arrival
A graphical representation of
the chosen departure
procedure is displayed.
The chosen arrival procedure is
now converted to the individual
waypoints it comprises. These
appear in the appropriate order
at the end of your flight plan.
Selecting an Approach
[From Wikipedia] An instrument approach, or instrument approach procedure (IAP), is a series of predetermined maneuvers for the
orderly transfer of an aircraft under instrument flight conditions from the beginning of the initial approach to a landing or to a point
from which a landing may be made visually.
Click the GPS Inner Rotary at
the 3 O’clock and 9 O’clock
positions to select the desired
approach procedure.
A graphical representation of
the chosen departure
procedure is displayed.
Direct To (a waypoint)
At any time during the execution of a Flight Plan, the pilot may elect to proceed directly to a given waypoint. The chosen waypoint
need not be in the existing Flight Plan (although it can be), and hence ‘Direct To’ differs from ‘Activate Leg’ (see next page).
Activating a Leg
Use the “Activate Leg” menu option to resume navigation at a specific leg (waypoint to waypoint) within your flight plan, bypassing
previous legs.
Activating an Approach
Use the “Activate Approach” menu option once ATC clears you for an instrument approach via a transition or an initial approach fix.
This will switch from en-route (ENR) or terminal (TERM) navigation to approach (APR) navigation. Flight plan navigation is
canceled, and approach navigation is activated. Instead of flying to the center of the airport from an arbitrary direction, the GPS will
now guide you according to the (previously) selected approach procedure.
Activating Vectors to Final
Use the “Activate Vectors to Final” menu option when you are vectored to the approach by ATC. When you select this, the GPS
removes all approach transitions and instead shows you an extended line-up for the final approach course to the final approach fix
(FAF) for the selected approach procedure.
Loading a (saved) Flight Plan
Flight plans that have been created previously (and saved in the appropriate format for X-Plane) may be loaded into the G530
(replacing the currently active flight plan). The following file (extension) types are acceptable:
The OBS Function
The Omni Bearing Selector (OBS) button provides the pilot with the capability to fly to, or from, any waypoint or fix via a chosen
Let’s assume we are starting from KLAX, and the next waypoint in the Flight Plan is KTOA. Due to circumstances during the flight,
the pilot wishes to approach KTOA on a bearing of North (360 degrees).
Click the OBS Button to place
the G530 in OBS mode.
To approach KTOA on a
bearing of 360 degrees, the
pilot would intercept the
magenta line, and follow it to
“Suspend” mode is invoked by the G530 when there is a requirement to delay the automatic sequencing to the next leg of the flight
“Suspend” mode becomes active when executing a published approach procedure, and a missed approach decision is
required. The G530 cannot make this decision for the pilot, because it is dependent on the visibility conditions, and
therefore invokes “Suspend” mode. If the pilot makes the decision to continue with the approach, the G530 remains in
“Suspend” mode, and continues to fly the procedure to a landing. If the pilot initiates a missed-approach, he must click the
“OBS” button, to deactivate “Suspend” mode, at which time the G530 will sequence to the first leg of the missed
The G530 features a 'MSG' annunciator at the bottom of the display panel to alert the pilot to information that is pertinent to the
flight. Most messages are advisory in nature, but some may require pilot intervention.
Autopilot Operations
The Autopilot can be coupled to the G530, to automatically steer the aircraft according to a programmed flight plan. Autopilot
operations differ from aircraft to aircraft, and the example here applies specifically to the X-Plane 11 default King Air C90B.
The King Air autopilot is located between the pilot and co-pilot seats.
Using the King Air Autopilot Panel: