Chapter 2 Financial Analysis
Chapter 2 Financial Analysis
Chapter 2 Financial Analysis
Every project has to be first analyzed in terms of its timely implementation and financing.
Commercial profitability analysis or Financial analysis of a project amounts to reviewing it from
the angle of the entity (private or public) that will be responsible for its execution. The necessity
to determine the financial profitability of a project to the project implementer calls for
undertaking financial analysis. It aims at verifying that under prevailing market conditions the
project will become and remain viable. It is concerned with assessing the feasibility of a new
project from the point of view of its financial results. It will be worthwhile to carry out a
financial analysis if the output of the project can be sold in the market or can be valued using
market prices. The project’s direct benefits and costs are, therefore, calculated in pecuniary terms
at the prevailing (expected) market prices. This analysis is applied to appraise the soundness and
acceptability of a single project as well as to rank projects on the basis of their profitability.
In other words, the financial analysis is all about the assessment, analysis and evaluation of the
required project inputs, the outputs to be produced/generated/ and the future net benefits,
(expressed in financial terms) with the aim of determining the viability of a project to the private
investor or the executing entity public body.
The two types of analysis are complementary and not substitutable. In fact in the relevant
literature commercial analysis and financial analysis are used interchangeably. Whatever the
terminology, the investment profitability analysis is the measurement and assessment of the
profitability of the resources put into a project, more directly the return on the capital no matter
what the sources of financing. Thus, investment profitability analysis is an assessment of the
potential earning power of the resources committed to a project without taking into account the
financial transactions occurring during the project’s life.
On the other hand, financial analysis (ratio analysis) has to take into account the financial
features of a project to ensure that the disposable finances shall permit the smooth
implementation and operation of the project.
Commercial/financial analysis applies to private and public investments. A private firm will
primarily be interested in undertaking a financial analysis of any project it is considering and
seldom will it undertake an economic analysis.
The issue of financial sustainability of a public project justifies the need for undertaking financial
analysis. But commercially oriented government authorities that are selling output such as
railway, electricity, telecommunications, etc., will usually undertake a financial and an economic
analysis of any project it is undertaking. Even non-commercially oriented government
institutions may sometimes wish to choose between alternative facilities on the basis of
essentially financial objectives. In the case of a hospital service the management of the hospital
may be required to provide the cheapest services. Under such circumstances a cost minimization
or cost effectiveness exercise will be undertaken.
Commercial profitability analysis is the first step in the economic appraisal of a project. A
comprehensive financial analysis provides the basic data needed for the economic evaluation of
the project and is the starting point for such evaluation. In fact economic analysis mainly
involves of adjustments of the information used in financial analysis and of a few additional
ones. The procedure and methodology in financial analysis is basically the same with that of
economic analysis. Yet one has to recognize and realize the differences between the two.
It has to be noted that the financial analyst should be able to communicate and know what to ask
from the different team members to collect relevant information on:
1) Revenue, both forecasted sales and selling price; (from the chapter on Demand and Market
2) Initial investment costs distributed over the implementation of the project; (from the
chapters on Engineering, Site Development as well as Materials and Inputs);
3) Operating costs of the envisaged operational unit/firm/ over its operating life. (from the
chapters on Engineering, Site Development as well as Materials and Inputs);
Planning is understood as a consciously programmed activity having as its focus the objective
consideration of the future. The anticipations and assumptions about the future need to be
explicit and should be analyzed in order to find the optimal development path.
The project planning horizon of a decision maker may be defined as the period of time over
which he/she decides to control and manage his/her project-related business activities, or for
which he/she formulates his/her investment or business development plan. The planning horizon
must consider the life time of a project.
The economic life, that is, the period over which the project would generate net gains, depends
basically on the technical or technological life cycle of the main plant items, on the life cycle of
the product and of the industry involved, and on the flexibility of a firm in adapting its business
activities to changes in the business environment. When determining the economic life span of
the project various factors have to be assessed, some of which are as follows:
It is evident that the economic life of a project can never be longer than its technical life or its
legal life; in other words it must be less than or equal to the shorter of the latter.
In project analysis, the identification of costs and benefits is the first step. This involves the
specification of the costs and benefit variables for which data should be collected, identification
of the sources of information, collection of the same and then assessment of the quality and
reliability of the collected information. The costs and benefits of a project depend on the
objectives the project wants to achieve. So, the objectives of the analysis provide the standard
against which cost and benefits are defined. A cost is anything that reduces an objective, and a
benefit is anything that contributes to an objective. However, each participant in a project has
many and different objectives.
Whatever the nature of the project, its implementation will always reduce the supply of inputs ("
consumed" by the project). Without the project, the supply of these inputs and outputs to the rest
of the economy would have been different. (Examining this difference between the availability
of inputs and out puts with and without the project is the basic method of identifying its costs and
benefits.) In many cases the Situation without the project is not simply a continuation of the
status quo, but rather the Situation that is expected to exist if the project is not under taken,
because some increases in output and costs are often expected to occur any way. Different
participants in a project have many and different objectives.
For example:
i) For a farmer, a major objective of participating may be to maximize family income. But
this is only one of his objectives. He may also wish his children to be educated, which
reduces the available labor force for farm work. Taste preferences may force the farmer
to continue growing a traditional variety although a new and high yielding variety may be
available. He may also wish to avoid risk and thus continue cropping a variety, which he
knows well.
ii) For a private business firm or government corporations a major objectives is to maximize
net income, yet both have significant objectives other than simply making the highest
possible profit. Both will want to diversify their activities to reduce risk. A public
corporation bus may for instance decide to maintain Services even in less densely
populated areas or at off peak hours and thereby reduce its net income.
iii) A Society as a whole will have as a major objective increased national income, but it
clearly will have many significant, additional objectives. One of the most important of
these is income distribution. Another may be to increase the number of productive job
opportunities so that unemployment may be reduced- which may be different from the
objective of income distribution. Another may be to increase the number of productive
job opportunities so that unemployment may be reduced - which may be different from
the objective of income distribution itself. Another objective may be to increase the
proportion of saving for future investment, or there may be other broader objectives such
as increasing regional integration, raising the level of education, improve rural health, or
safeguard national security. Any of these may lead to the choice of a project that is not
the alternative that would contribute most to national income narrowly defined.
No formal analytical technique could possibly take in to account all the various objectives of
every participant in a project. Some selection will have to be made. Most often the maximization
of income is taken as the dominant objective of the firm because the single most important
objective of an individual economic agent is to increase income and increased national income is
the most important objective of national economic policy. Anything that reduces national income
is a cost and anything that increases national income is a benefit. Thus anything that directly
reduces the total final goods and services is obviously a cost, and anything that directly increases
them is a benefit. The task of the economic analyst will be to estimate the amount of the increase
in national income available to the society i.e. to determine whether, and by how much, the
benefits exceed the costs in terms of national income.
Once costs and benefits are enumerated the next step is accurate prediction of the future benefits
and costs which then is quantified in Dollars and cents. Thus, quantification involves the
quantitative assessment of both physical quantities and prices over the life span of the project.
The financial analysis of projects is typically based on accurate prediction of market prices, on
top of quantity prediction. It is worth thinking about the impact of the project itself on the level
of prices; and the independent movement of prices due other factors. The same principle applies
in the Sense of economic analysis the only difference being the price needs to be changed to
reflect net efficiency benefits to the nations at large. One widely accepted" efficiency" measure is
its actual or potential value as an import or export; similarly the opportunity cost of any input is
related to the question of its potential contribution to foreign exchange. In other words, world
prices are considered as efficiency price indicators compared to domestic prices. However, to
take account of the distribution impact of project further adjustment of such price is required.
This lends itself to the social cost-benefit analysis.
There are alternative ways of classifying costs and benefits of a project. One is to categorize both
costs and benefits into:
A) Tangible and
B) Intangible once
Another classification of cost is in terms of:
Pre-Production expenditures;
In almost all project analyses costs are easier to identify (and value) than benefits. In examining
costs the basic question is whether the item reduces the net benefit of a farm or the net income of
a firm. The prices that the project actually pays for inputs are the appropriate prices to use to
estimate the project’s financial costs. These prices may include taxes, tariffs; monopoly or
monopsony (seller monopoly) rents, or be net of subsidies. Some of the project costs are tangible
and quantifiable while many more are intangible and non-quantifiable. The costs of a project
depend on the exact project formulation, location, resource availability, or objective of the
project. In general, the cost of a project would be the sum of the total outlays on the following
The initial fixed investments constitute the major resources required for constructing and
equipping an investment project.
Another component of the initial investment cost which includes both tangible and intangible
costs is the pre-production expenditures. In every project, certain expenditures are incurred prior
to commercial production/ inauguration and commencement of service delivery for public
service rendering projects/.
1) Intangible assets: these assets represent expenditures which yield benefits extending over a
long time period. These include:
a) Patents, licenses, lump sum payments for technology, engineering fees, copy rights, and
b) Preparatory studies, like feasibility studies, specific functional studies and investigations,
consultant fees for preparing studies, supervision costs, project management services, etc.
2) Preliminary expenses: these costs include preliminary establishment expenses, (registration
and formation expenses), legal fees for preparation of memorandum and articles of
associations and similar documents. In addition it includes costs of advertisements, brokerage
for mobilizing resources, shareholders, expenses for loan application and its processing.
1) All pre-production expenditures may be capitalized and amortized over a period of time
that is usually shorter than the period over which equipment is depreciated, say five
2) A part of the pre-production expenditures may be initially allocated where attributable to
the respective fixed assets and the sum of both amortized/depreciated/ as a the fixed
asset, machinery and/or equipment.
Plant and Equipment Replacement Costs
Every machinery and equipment does not have equal economic life. There are machineries and
equipment that productively be operated for many years, 20 years in the case of industrial
technologies, about 50 years in the case of agricultural and infrastructural works. On the other
hand there are equipments, machinery components and parts which need to be regularly replaced
for smooth operation of the same technology. So sound project planning work should adequately
provide for replacement of components and parts. In fact the first thing to do would be to identify
such items and then estimate the costs for replacement and then the same should be reflected in
the financial and economic analysis.
Though firms may be institutionally organized to live and operate for unlimited period of time
and hence unlimited age, technologies, machineries and equipment do have limited
operational/economic/ life. During the end of the economic life of a good/machinery, equipment,
building, etc) there is some salvaged value and the salvation may involve incurring of costs. The
costs of associated with the decommissioning of fixed assets at the end of the project life, minus
any revenues from the sale of the assets, are end-of-life costs. Major costs are the costs of
dismantling, disposal and land reclamation.
Net working capital is part of the total investment outlays. It is defined to embrace current assets
(the sum of inventories, marketable securities, prepaid items, accounts, receivable and cash)
minus current liabilities (accounts payable). This investment is required for financing the
operation of the plant. Any change in the current assets and/or current liabilities will have an
impact on the net working capital requirements.
Any increase in net working capital/NWC/ corresponds to a cash outflow to be financed, and any
decrease would set free financial resources (cash inflow for the project). Working capital is
generally categorized into gross working capital and net working capital (NWC).
The gross working capital consists of all the current assets, including:
a) raw materials;
b) stores and spares;
c) work-in-process;
d) finished goods inventory;
e) Debtors/accounts receivable/;
f) Cash and bank balance.
Net working capital is defined as gross working capital less current liabilities. Current liabilities
consist of creditors, provisions, accrued expenses, and short-term borrowings. For the purpose of
financial analysis and even financial management of operational firms, it is net working capital
which is the center of decision makers.
Commercial banks and trade creditors provide the principal support for working capital.
However, a certain part of working capital requirement has to come from long-term sources of
finance. Referred to as the "margin money for working capital" this is an important element of
the project cost.
However, to meet the cost of project the following means of finance are available:
Share capital
Term loans
Debenture capital
Deferred credit
Incentive Sources
Miscellaneous Sources
Share capital: There are two types of Share capital- equity capital and preference capital. Equity
capital represents the contribution made by the owners of the business, the equity shareholders,
who enjoy the rewards and bear the risks of owner ship. Equity capital being risk capital carries
no fixed rate of dividend. Preference capital represents the contribution made by preference
shareholders and the dividend paid on it is generally fixed.
Term loans: Provided by financial institutions and commercial banks, term loans represent
secured borrowings, which are a very important source for financing new projects as well as
expansion, modernization, and renovation schemes of existing firms.
Debenture capital: Debentures are instruments for raising debt capital. There are two broad
types of debentures: non-convertible debentures and convertible debentures. Non-convertible
debentures are straight debt instruments. Typically they carry a fixed rate of interest and have a
maturity period of 5 to 9 years. Convertible debentures, as the name implies, are debentures,
which are convertible, wholly or partly, in to equity shares. The conversion period and price are
announced in advance.
Deferred credit: Many a time the suppliers of plant and machinery offer a deferred credit facility
under which payment for the purchase of plant and machinery can be made over a period of time.
Incentive sources: The government and its agencies may provide financial support as incentive
to certain types of promoters or for setting up investment in certain location.
Miscellaneous sources: A small portion of project finance may come from miscellaneous
sources like unsecured loans, public deposits, and leasing and hire purchase finance.
Once the project idea has been accepted and the project is being implemented the cost of
production may be worked out: For instance, for an agricultural project the following may be
• Material cost: This comprises the cost of raw materials, chemicals, components, fertilizer and
pesticides for increasing agricultural production, concrete for irrigation canal construction,
material for the construction of homes etc and consumable stores required for production. It is
not the identification that is difficult in this case but the problem of finding out how much is
needed from each.
• Utilities: consisting of power, water, and fuel are also important cost components.
• Labor: this is the cost of all manpower employed in the enterprise. it will not be difficult to
identify and quantify the labor required for the production process. From the highly skilled
manager to the unskilled factory worker the labor input can easily be identified. Problems in the
case of valuing unskilled labor and family labor might arise in the economic analysis of projects.
• Factory Overhead: the expense on repairs and maintenance, rent, taxes, insurance on factory
assets, etc. are collectively referred to as factory overheads.
• Land to be used for the project can also be easily identified and quantified. It will not be
difficult to know who much land is need and about the location. Yet problems might arise in
valuing land because of the special kind of market conditions that exist when land is transferred
from one owner to another.
• Contingency allowances are usually included as a regular part of the project cost. In general
project costs estimates are assume that there will be no relative changes in domestic or
international prices and no inflation during the investment period or there will no be any
modification in design, no exceptional conditions such as unanticipated environmental
conditions (flood, landslides, or bad weather). It would be unrealistic to base project cost
estimates only on these assumptions of perfect knowledge and complete price stability. Sound
project planning requires that provision be made in advance for possible adverse changes in
physical conditions or prices that would add to the baseline cost.
Contingency allowances may be divided into those that provide for physical contingencies and
those for price contingencies. In turn price contingencies comprise two categories, those for
relative cages in price and those for general inflation. Physical contingency allowances and price
contingency allowances for relative changes in price are expected and form part of the cost base
when measures of project worth are calculated. To avoid the problem of inflation on the other
hand it is advisable to work with constant prices instead of current prices. This approach assumes
that all prices will be affected equally by any rise in the general price level. So, contingency
allowances for inflation will not be included among the costs in project accounts other than the
financing plan.
• Taxes: payment of taxes including tariffs and duties is treated as a cost to the project
implementer in financial analysis. But they are considered as transfer payments in economic
• Debt service: the same approach applies to debt service - the payment of interest and the
repayment of capital. Both are treated as an outflow in financial analysis. In economic analysis
debt service is treated as a transfer payment within the economy even if the project will actually
be financed by a foreign loan and debt service will be paid abroad.
Sunk costs
Sunk costs are those incurred in the past and upon which the proposed new investment will be
based. Such costs cannot be avoided however, poorly advised they may have been. When we
analyze a proposed investment, we consider only future returns to future costs; expenditures in
the past, or sunk costs do not appear in our account.
Often it is necessary to engage technical consultants or collaborators from local or abroad for
advice and help in various technical matters like preparation of project report, choice of
technology, selection of plant and machinery, detailed engineering, and so on. While the amount
payable for obtaining technical know-how and engineering services for setting up the project is a
component of project cost, the royalty payable annually, which is typically a percentage of sales,
is an operating expense taken in to account in the preparation of the projected profitability
Services of foreign technicians may be required for Setting up the project and supervising the
trial runs. Expenses on their travel, boarding, and loading along with their Salaries and
allowances must be shown here. Likewise, expenses on local technicians who require training
abroad must also be included here.
Tangible benefits can arise either from increased production or form reduced costs. The specific
forms, in which tangible benefits appear, however, are not always obvious and valuing them
might be difficult. In general the following benefits can be expected.
Increased production
Quality improvement
Changes in time of sale changes in location of sale
Changes in product form
Cost reduction through technological advancement
Reduced transport costs
Loses avoided
Other kinds of tangible benefits
There may be some costs and benefits that are intangible. These may include the creation of new
employment opportunities, better health and reduced infant mortality as a result of more rural
clinics, better nutrition, reduced incidence of waterborne diseases, national integration, or even
national defense. Such intangible benefits. However, do not readily lend them to valuation.
Under such circumstances one may have to resort to the least cost approach instead of the normal
benefit cost analysis.
Although the benefits may be intangible most of the costs are tangible. Construction costs for
schools, hospitals, pipes for rural water supply, etc are all quantifiable. However, cost such as the
disruption of family life, the increased pollution as a result of the project, ecological imbalances
as the result of the project, etc, are difficult to capture and quantify. But effort should be made to
identify and quantify wherever possible.
This is an issue of pricing/valuing/ of the project’s inputs and outputs. The inputs and outputs of
a project appear in physical form and prices are used to express them in value terms in order to
obtain common denominator.
Ideally, for the purpose of the feasibility study prices should reflect the real economic values of
project inputs and outputs for the entire planning horizon of the decision makers.
The financial benefits of a project are just the revenues received and the financial costs are the
expenditures that are actually incurred by the implementing agency as a result of the project. If
the project is producing some goods and services for sale the revenue that the project
implementer expects to receive every year from these sales will be the benefits of the project.
The costs incurred are the expenditures made to establish and operate the project. These include
capital costs, the cost of purchasing land, equipment, factory buildings vehicles, and office
machines, working capital as well as its ongoing operating costs; for labor, raw material, fuel,
and utilities.
In financial analysis all these receipts and expenditures are valued as they appear in the financial
balance sheet of the project, and are therefore, measured in market prices. Market prices are just
the prices in the local economy, and include all applicable taxes, tariffs, trade mark-ups and
commissions. Since the project implementers will have to pay market prices for the inputs and
will receive market prices for the outputs they produce, the financial costs and benefits of the
project are measured in these market prices. In a freely perfectly competitive market, without
taxes or subsidies the market price of an input will equal its competitive supply price at each
level of production. This is the price at which producers are just willing to supply that good or
service. The supply curve will reflect the opportunity cost, or the value in their next best
alternative use, of the resources used to produce that input. In equilibrium the supply price of an
input will equal to its demand price at the market-clearing price for that input.
The financial benefit from a project is measured in terms of the market value of the project’s
output, net of any sales taxes. If the project’s output is sold in a competitive market with no
rationing or price control for the good concerned, and the project is small and does not change
the good’s price, its market price will equal its competitive demand price. This is a minimum
measure of what people are willing to pay for a unit of the good or service (produced by the
project, at each level of output demanded.
Market or explicit prices are those present in the market, no matter whether they are determined
by supply and demand or by the government. They are the prices at which the firm will buy the
inputs and sell the outputs. In financial analysis market prices are applied. In economic analysis
we raise the question whether market prices reflect real economic value of project inputs and
outputs. In economic analysis, if the market prices are distorted, then shadow or imputed prices
will have to be used for economic analysis.
Absolute prices reflect the value of a single product in an absolute amount of money, while
relative prices express the value of one product in terms of another. For instance, the absolute
price of 1 tone of coal may be 100 monetary units and an equivalent quantity of oil may be 300
monetary units. In this case the relative price of coal in terms of oil would be 0.33, meaning that
the relative price of oil is three times the price of coal. The level of absolute prices may vary over
the lifetime of the project because of inflation or productivity changes. This variation does not
necessarily lead to a change in relative prices, in other words, relative prices may sometimes
remain unchanged despite variations in absolute prices. Both absolute and relative prices can be
used in financial analysis.
Current and constant prices differ over time due to inflation, which is understood as a general
rise of a price levels in an economy. If inflation can have a significant impact on project inputs
and output prices, such an impact must be dealt with in the financial analysis. Wherever relative
input and output prices remain stable, it is sufficiently accurate to compute the profitability or
yield of an investment at constant prices. Only when relative prices change and project input
prices grow faster (or slower) than output prices, or vice versa, then the corresponding impacts
on net cash flows and profits must be included in the financial analysis. If inflation impacts are
negligible, the problem of choosing between current and constant prices does not exist, since
they are equal and the planner may use either.
Some entries in financial accounts represent shifts in claims to goods and services from one
entity in the society to another and do not reflect changes in national income. So the definition of
costs and benefits might be confusing. These payments are called direct transfer payments. These
direct transfer payments include taxes, subsidies, loans, and debt services.
Taxes: taxes that are treated as a direct transfer payment are those representing a diversion of net
benefit to the society. A tax does not represent real resource flow; it represents only the transfer
of a claim to real resource flows. In financial analysis a tax is clearly a cost. When a firm pays
taxes its net income reduces. But the payment of taxes does not reduce national income. Rather it
transfer income from the firm to the government so that this income can be used for social
purposes presumed to be more important to the society than the increased individual
consumption (or investment0 had the firm retained the amount of the tax. So, in economic
analysis taxes will not be treated as a cost in project account.
No matter what form a tax takes, it is still a transfer payment - whether a direct tax or an indirect
taxes such as sales tax, an excise tax, or tariff or duty on an imported input for production.
Whether a tax should be treated as a transfer payment or as a payment for goods and services
needed to carry out the project or merely a transfer, to be used for general purposes, of some part
of the benefit from the point to the society as a whole.
Subsidies: are simply direct transfer payments that flow in the opposite direction from taxes.
Direct subsidies represent the transfer of a claim to real resources from one enterprise, sector or
individual to another. Subsidies may be open or disguised and are provided on the input or
output side. On the input side subsidies reduce costs to the project, e.g. subsidies to fertilizers. If
the subsidy is granted on the output side i.e., increase the revenue of the project; we should
deduct the amount of the subsidy from the revenue that includes subsidy. If a firm is able to
purchase an input at a subsidized price that will reduce his costs and thereby increase his net
benefit, but the cost of the input in the use of the society’s real resources remains the same. The
resources needed to produce the input or to import it from abroad reduce the national income
available to the society. Hence, for economic analysis of a project we must enter the full cost of
the input.
Again it makes no difference what form the subsidy takes. One form is that which lowers the
selling price of the input below what otherwise would be their market price. But a subsidy can
also operate to increase the amount the owner receives for hat he sells in the market, as in the
case of a direct subsidy paid by the government that is added to what the he receives in the
market. A more common means to achieve the same result does not involve direct subsidy. The
market price may be maintained at a level higher than it otherwise would be by; say levying an
import duty on competing imports or forbidding competing imports altogether. Although it is not
a direct subsidy, the difference between the competing imports that would prevail without such
measure does represent an indirect transfer from the consumer to the producer.
Credit Transactions: these are the other major form of direct transfer payments. A loan
represents the transfer of a claim to real resources from the lender to the borrower. When the
borrower repays loans or pays interest he is transferring the claim to the real resource back to the
lender - but neither the loan nor the repayment represent in itself, use of the resources. From the
standpoint of the producer, receipt of a loan increases the production resources he has available;
payment of interest and repayment of principle reduces them. But from the standpoint of the
national economy loans do not reduce the national income available. It merely transfers the
control over resources from the lender to the borrower. The loan transaction from one enterprise
to another would not reduce the national income; it is rather, a direct transfer payment.
Repayment of a loan is also a direct transfer payment.
The three basic steps in determining whether a project is worthwhile or not are:
A) Estimate project cash flows; (you can get the note for this section in the appendix part).
B) Establish the cost of capital; and
C) Apply a suitable decision or appraisal rule or criterion.
Thus once, costs and benefits have been identified, priced and valued, the project analyst should
work out to determine on which project (s) to invest. To this effect, the project analyst should
have ways and means/methods, tools, approaches/ to select more profitable from less profitable
or unprofitable projects.
A wide range of criteria have been suggested for choosing investment proposals, which are
suitable for both financial and economic analysis. These criteria may be classified into two
Projects, which are powerful means of development, have to be appraised by multiple criteria. In
order to appraise a project idea we need operational criteria applicable in evaluating alternatives.
Technical criteria are used to compare the merits of alternative technical solutions. It should be
noted that there might be no one best technique for estimating project worth although some may
be better than others. We should also note that these are only tools to improve decision-making.
There are other non-quantifiable and non-economic criteria for making project decisions. The
tools are only used to improve the decision making process. Before we discuss the discounted
project appraisal criteria we need to consider some common undiscounted measures.
1) Ranking by Inspection
It is possible, in certain cases, to determine by mere inspection which of two or more investment
projects is more desirable. There are two cases under which this might be true.
A) Two investments have identical cash flows each year up to the final year of the short-lived
investment, but one continues to earn cash proceed (financial results or profits) in subsequent
years. The investment with the longer life would be more desirable.
Accordingly, project B is better than investment A, since all things are equal except that B
continues to earn proceeds after A has been retired. More analysis is required to decide between
C & D,
B) Two investments have the same initial out lay (the total net value of incremental production
may be the same), the same earning life and earn the same total proceeds (profits) but one
project has more of the flow earlier in the time sequence, we choose the one for which the
total proceeds is greater than the total proceeds for the other investment earlier. Thus
investment D is more profitable than investment C; Since D earns 2000 more in year 1 than
investment C, which does not make up the difference until year 2.
2) Urgency
According to this criterion projects which are deemed to be more urgent get priority over
projects which are regarded as less urgent.
The problem with this criterion is: how can the degree of urgency be determined? In certain
situations it may not be practically difficult to determine the urgency of a certain project
proposal. For instance the project could be bottleneck alleviation bottleneck of an ongoing
operation/firm/ etc.
Since it is not a systematic decision, this is not something that can be encouraged. Rather it is a
practice that should be discouraged.
The payback period also called the payoff period is one of the simplest and apparently one of the
most frequently used methods of measuring the economic value of an investment. Since it
addresses the prime concern of an investor in terms of reclaiming/recovering the initial outlay, it
is frequently used method of project evaluation. The recovered money can be reinvested in
something else. If the investor recovers its initial outlay, then in a way it is minimizing the risk it
faces in the subsequent operation of the project.
The payback period is defined as the length of time required for the stream of cash proceeds
produced by the investment (project) to be equal to the original cash outlay required by the
investment (capital investment). It is defined as the number of years it is expected to take from
the beginning of the project until the sum of its net earnings (receipts minus operating costs)
equals the cost of the projects initial capital investment. It is the period of time that the investor
recovers its initial total outlay. This criterion is most often used in the business enterprises.
However, its use in agricultural projects is limited.
Example: if a project requires an original outlay of Birr 300 and is expected to produce a stream
of cash proceeds of Birr 100 per year for 5 years, the payback period would be 300/100 = 3
Note: if the expected proceeds are not constant from year to year, then the payback period must
be calculated by adding up the proceeds expected in successive years until the total is equal to
the original outlay.
Example: consider the previous project C. 10,000 − 3762 = 6238. Then = 0.8 So the
Investment A and B are both ranked as 1, since they both have shorter payback periods than any
of the other investments, namely 1 year. But investment B which has the same rank as A will not
only earn 10,000 Birr in the first year but also 1,100 Birr a year later. Thus investment B is
superior to A. But a ranking procedure such as the payback period fails to disclose this fact.
i) It fails to give any considerations to cash proceeds earned after the payback date. It simply
emphasizes quick financial returns, ignoring the performance of the project over its economic
ii) It fails to take into account differences in the timing of receipts and earned proceeds prior to
the payback date. For instance, if we have two projects with the same capital cost and if they
have the same payback period then they are equally ranked. Yet we know by the inspection
method the project with earlier benefits should be desirable and should be preferred since the
earlier benefit is received the earlier it can be reinvested or consumed.
4) Proceeds per Unit of Outlay
Under this method, investments are ranked according to their total proceeds divided by the
amount of the corresponding investments. In other words the total net value of incremental
production divided by the total amount of the investment gives us the proceeds per unit of outlay.
Accordingly project C and D must be implemented. However, both projects are given the same
rank. Although we know by inspection that project D is superior because D generates Birr 2000
of proceeds in year 1.
This method is again deficient because it still fails to consider the timing of proceeds. In other
words, the method considers that 1 Birr of proceeds received in year 2 is equal to 1 Birr received
in year 1. This is inconsistent with the generally accepted economic principle that 1 Birr today is
more valuable than 1 Birr at some future date.
This is another crude index of investment efficiency. It is defined as the average (undiscounted)
value added produced per unit of capital expenditure. Under this criterion we select the project
with the highest output capital ratio or the lowest capital output ratio (capital coefficient).
The main problem with this approach is that it ignores other factors of production such as labor
and land and concentrates only on the productivity of capital. Accordingly the criterion favors
those projects that use large quantities of labor and land in place of capital. Further it does not
consider the timely spread of costs and proceeds.
This is similar to the proceeds per unit of outlay except that the average proceeds per year is
expressed as a ratio of the original investment. The total proceeds are first divided by the number
of years during which they are received, and this figure (the average proceeds per year) is then
expressed as a ratio of the original outlay. In other words;
− =
, =
This method fails to take properly into considerations the timing of proceeds and exhibits a built
in bias for short-lived investment with high cash proceeds.
We know that project D is superior to c although this method gives them equal ranks. Investment
A and B are also incorrectly ranked by ranking A above B in spite of the fact that the latter is
obviously superior. No weight is given to the time distribution. For instance, a project that earns
10000 Birr for 10 years would also have an average proceed of 10000 per year and it would be
given the same rank as project A.
This is the ratio of the income to the book value of its assets. The value of assets as recorded in
the operation’s financial account books.
The undiscounted measures discussed so far share common Weakness. They fail to take into
account adequately the timing of benefits. Thus, it is an accepted principle in economics that
inter-temporal variations of costs and benefits influence their values and a time adjustment is
necessary before aggregation. Therefore a time dimension should be included in our evaluation.
That means we need to express costs and benefits in terms of value by discounting all items in
the cash flows back to year 0. The need for such a procedure will be apparent if one considers the
following simple argument.
Suppose one is offered the choice between receiving birr 100 today and receiving the same
amount in a year's time. It will be rational to prefer to receive the money today for several
a) One may expect inflation to reduce the real value of birr 100 in a year's time
b) If there were no inflationary effect, it would still be preferable to take the money today and
invest it at some rate of interest, r, hence receiving a total of birr 100 (1+r) at the end of the
c) Even if no investment opportunities are available, one might reason that birr 100 today would
still be preferable on the grounds that there is a finite risk to collect the money next year.
d) Even where inflation, investment opportunities and risk are ignored, there is pure time
preference, which would lead one to prefer the immediate offer.
For all these reasons we say there is a positive rate of discount, which leads us to place a lower
present value on a given sum of money the further in the future one expects it to accrue. The
accepted method for this adjustment amounts to bringing them to a common time denominator.
This principle is called discounting.
Discounting is a technique or a process by which one can reduce future benefits and costs to
their present worth or present value. This is the method used to revalue future cost and benefits
are discounted by a factor that reflects the rate at which today's value of a monetary unit
decreases with the passage of every time unit.
Any costs and benefits of a project that are received in future periods are discounted, or deflated
by some factor, r, to reflect their lower value to the individual (society) than currently available
income. The factor used to discount future costs and benefits is called the discount rate and is
usually expressed as a percentage. Hence, discounting is very important for project analysis. The
discount rate is usually determined by the central authorities.
Note that in order to clearly understand the principles of discounting it will be helpful to have a
clear understanding of the principle of compounding. Compounding is the technique of
calculating the future worth (F) of a present amount (P) at the end of some period T at a given
interest rate. On the other hand finding the present worth of a future Stream of value is called
discounting. Hence, if there is an initial amount p at present, then if this investment was
borrowed from the bank at an interest rate of "r" birr then after one period it becomes:
A (1 r ) t
The term (1+r)t in the denominator or (1+r)-t in the numerator is referred to as discounting
factor, a factor used to estimate the present value of a stream of future values. The ‘r’ in this
term is referred to as discounting rate. So the discount factor tells us how much Br 1 at a
future date is worth today at a certain discount rate.
The most widely used and straightforward discounted measure of project worth is the net present
value (NPV). This value is obtained when a stream of cost and benefits accruing over a period of
time are discounted to the present is called the present value of the stream. The NPV is defined
as the difference between the present value of benefits and the present value of costs. The NPV
can be obtained by discounting separately for each year, the difference of all cash outflows and
inflows accruing throughout the life of project at a fixed, pre-determined interstate rate.
The discounting period should normally be equal to the life of the project. This period is the
economic life of the project and varies from project to project.
Having set the discount rate, an investment project is deemed acceptable if the discounted net
benefits (benefits minus costs) are positive. The economic criterion of project appraisal is to
accept all projects that show positive NPV at the predetermined discount rate and reject all
projects that show Negative NPV. Thus, the decision is to accept if NPV > 0. We can also
discount benefits and costs separately, and if B>C then NPV >0.
Example 1: Consider the following Discounted Cash Flows for a Fertilizer Project in million Birr
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Year Costs Benefits Net benefits Discounted factors Discounted Net Discounted factor Discounted Net
(Cash flow) (10 %) = benefits (Net cash (20%) = benefits (Net cash
( . ) ( . )
= (2-1) flow) (10%)= flow)
(3*4) (20%)=(3*6)
0 20 0 -20 1/(1+0.10) =1.00
0 -20.0 1/(1+0.20) =1.00
0 -20.0
1 10 14 4 1/(1+0.10)1=0.909 3.64 1/(1+0.20)1=0.833 3.33
2 10 14 4 1/(1+0.10)2=0.826 3.30 1/(1+0.20)2=0.694 2.78
3 10 14 4 =0.751 3.00 =0.579 2.32
4 10 14 4 =0.683 2.73 =0.482 1.92
5 10 14 4 =0.621 2.48 =0.402 1.61
6 10 14 4 =0.564 2.26 =0.335 1.34
7 10 14 4 =0.513 2.05 =0.279 1.12
8 10 14 4 =0.467 1.87 =0.233 0.93
9 10 14 4 =0.424 1.70 =0.194 0.78
10 10 14 4 1/(1+0.10) =0.386
10 1.54 1/(1+0.20) =0.162
10 0.65
NPV 4.57 -3.21
Note: the values for discount factors for r = 10% and r = 20% can be obtained from any standard
set of discount tables.
Since discounting the cash flow at 10 percent produces a positive NPV of 4.57 million Birr we
conclude that the project should be undertaken. Suppose now that the cost of capital were to be
raised to 20 percent, the project produces a negative NPV of 3.21 million Birr. In this event the
project would have to be rejected. This shows that the NPV is critically dependent upon the level
of the discounting rate, r.
It is also possible to discount costs and benefits separately (individually) and now the decision
rule becomes that the discounted benefits should exceed the discounted costs, i.e., B > C and
NPV = B - C >0.
Example 2: what would be the present value of 1000 Birr received five years in the future
assuming a 9 percent discount rate?
We consider the discount factor for the 5th period under the 9 percent table. The discount factor
is 0.6499. Then we multiply the amount due by the discount factor.
Example 3: what would be present value of a stream of income of 5000 Birr received each year
for nine years assuming a discount rate of say 10 percent?
We use the table that gives the annuity factors to be used to derive the present value of a stream
of uniform values over a number of years. Thus the annuity factor for 9 years at 10 percent
discount rate is 5.759.
Thus if the going rate of interest is 10 percent then we could afford to invest Birr 28795 in an
enterprise that would yield us an annual return of Birr 5000 for each of the 9 years.
If there are alternative projects, how do you select from the available alternative projects? The
NPV does not indicate the rate of return, in the sense that it does not directly indicate the
magnitude of investment that generates the NPV.
If one of several project alternatives has to be chosen, the project with the largest NPV should
be selected. But we should know how much investment would be required to generate these
positive NPVs if there are two or more alternatives. The ratio of the NPV and the present value
of investment (PVI) should be considered and we get the net present value ratio (NPVR) when
comparing alternative projects.
Given alternative projects, the one with the highest NPVR should be chosen. When comparing
alternative projects, care should be taken to use the same discounting period and rate of discount
rate for all projects.
Independent projects are projects that are not in any way substitutes for each other. In such cases
the decision rule is to accept the project if the NPV is greater than 0 (approve any project for
which NPV>0). If two projects have positive NPV and there is no budget constraint both should
be accepted and you do not need to choose the one with higher NPV.
For example, if two independent projects road and fisheries development projects in different
locations are being considered and both have a positive NPV, then both should be undertaken.
Both will increase community’s welfare if they were undertaken and hence both should be
undertaken. If there is resource constraint and the decision maker is forced to make choices, then
one will have to choose the project with the highest NPV.
A mutually exclusive project is defined as a project of that can only be implemented at the
expense of an alternative project as they are in some sense substitutes for each other. The
decision rule for such projects is to accept the project with the highest NPV.
Example: Consider two hypothetical dams, which may be proposed for one prime site in a
locality in a fast flowing river (in million birr). All the benefits and costs are discounted figures.
Alternative Years
Dam A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cost 5
Benefits 0 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Net benefits -5 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Dam B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cost 500
Benefits 0 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 100
Net benefits -500 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 100
If the two projects were independent and there was no budget constraint, the country could
therefore construct both, and then it should do so as they both have positive NPVS. However,
since the projects are mutually exclusive the dam with the higher NPV should be selected, that is
dam B.
The practical application of the present value criterion as a means of evaluating investment
proposals for project planning implies the following assumptions.
a) Annual out lays and receipts from each investment are known for the entire life of the
b) That the project life span is known.
c) That there is a rate of discount, which can be applied to every proposal and for every time
However, the information required (the assumptions) made above is not always available for
every project. That means the NPV criterion may be applicable only to a limited number of
project proposals on which relevant data as indicated above could be computed or imputed. In
some projects investment outlays are difficult to estimate.
Conceptually sound, the net present value selection criteria have considerable merits:
It is simple to use and does not rely on complex conventions about where costs and
benefits are netted out.
It is the only selection criteria that can correctly be used to choose between mutually
exclusive projects, without further manipulation
It takes in to account the time value of money
The net present value of various projects, measured as they are in today's birr, can be
added. For example, the net present value of a package consisting of two projects, A and
B, will simply be the sum of the net present value of this projects individually:
Some projects could be deferred from implementation although they show positive NPV,
due to scarcity of funds. Thus passing the NPV test may be a necessary condition but not
a sufficient condition
If some projects were mutually exclusive then the implementation of one would naturally
exclude the execution of the other. This will lead both the central authorities and the
sponsoring agency in to a dilemma which project should be implemented. If funds are
unlimited then both could be implemented, but this is not always the case
For some projects the required information/data/ for computing the NPV may not be
available, or cheaply accessible.
It assumes the same class (type and degree) of risk for both the costs and revenue sides of
the cash flow of a project.
When it is used to select among projects, it implicitly assumes that all projects share
common type and degree of risk.
This is a second measure of the long- term profitability of an investment. It is also called the
Yield of an Investment Method or simply the Yield Method. The IRR of a project is probably
the most commonly used assessment criterion in project appraisal. This is because the concept of
an IRR is in some way comparable to the long-term profit rate of a project and is therefore
easily conceivable for non-economists. In fact, IRR is defined as the “earning rate of a
Unlike NPV, it does not rely on the selection of a predetermined discount rate. The method
utilizes present value concept but seek to avoid the arbitrary choice of a discount rate. Hence an
attempt is made to find that discount rate, which, just make the net present value of the cash flow
equal to zero. It is possible to think a level of interest rate that could result in NPV of zero. This
rate of interest rate is termed as the Internal Rate of Return (IRR). The IRR is the rate of
discount, which makes the present value of the benefits exactly equal to the present value of the
costs. Thus, it is the discount rate at which it is worthwhile doing the project. This is the interest
rate that a project could pay for the resources used if the project is to recover its investment and
operating cost and still can be at the break-even point. Denoting it by R, it is the solution to the
definition of the NPV when the latter is set to zero,
( − )
(1 + )
For financial analysis it would be the maximum interest rate that the project could afford to pay
on its funds and still recover all its investment and operating costs. While calculating the NPV
we have used a pre-determined discount rate and a table. But the calculation of the IRR amounts
to Searching for the discount rate that gives a zero NPV. This is achieved through trial and error
using the standard discounting table. This rate if determined will represent the exact profitability
of the project.
If the IRR is computed for financial appraisal in which all values are measured in market prices,
it is called the financial internal rate of return (FIRR). When economic prices are used instead, it
will be termed as economic internal rate of return (EIRR).
Calculation of IRR
The calculation procedure begins with the preparation of a cash flow table. Estimated discount
rate is then used to discount the net cash flow to the present value. If the NPV is positive a higher
rate is applied. If it is negative at this higher rate the IRR must be between those two rates.
By iterations it is possible to determine the discount rate that just makes the project’s NPV equal
to zero. This rate is the IRR of the project. Fortunately spreadsheet programs such as Lotus 123
and excel can calculate the IRR of project’s net benefit flow once starting value for the iteration
is provided.
Example: To illustrate the calculation of internal rate of return, consider the cash flows of a road
project (million Birr):
We try different values of r till we find that the right-hand side of the above equation is equal to
100,000. Let us, to begin with, r = 12 percent.
Since this is more than 100,000, we have to try a higher value of r. (In general, a higher r lowers
the right-hand side value and a lower r increases the right-hand side value.) Let r = 14%
Since this value is higher than the target value of 100,000, we have to try a still higher value of r.
Let r = 15%
This value is a shade higher than our target value, 100,000. So we increase the value of r from
15% to 16%. The right-hand side becomes:
Since this value is now less than 100,000, we conclude the at the value of r lies between 15
percent and 16 percent
(target present value) is 802= (100,802-100,000). This difference will correspond to a percentage
difference of: x 100 0.37 percnet
Adding this number to 15 percent, we get the interpolated value as 15.37 percent.
Note: If the positive and negative NPVs are close to zero, a precise and less time consuming way
to arrive at the IRR is using the following interpolation formula.
( − )
= +
Where: I1 = the lower discount rate
I2 = the upper discount rate
Pv=NPV (positive) at the lower discount rate of I1
Nv = NPV (negative) at the higher discount rate of I2
Note: I1 and I2 should not differ by more than one or two percent.
Another approximate solution to IRR is to plot the NPVs corresponding to several discount rates
to give what we call the NPV curve. The present values are plotted on the Y - axis and the
discount rates on the x-axis. A curve is then drawn to connect the various points on the graph.
The point at which the curve cuts the x-axis represents the rate at which the present value of the
investment is equal to zero.
Example: By experimenting with discount rates between 10 and 20 in our hypothetical project,
the IRR for the project is fractionally above 15%. The simplest way of getting this is by plotting
the NPV (y-axis) against different level of discount rates (x-axis); three points are usually
sufficient. The point at which this curve (called the NPV curve) crosses the x - axis provides the
IRR value.
4 (4.57)
NPV in million Birr
0 Discount rate
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
-3 (3.21)
According to the IRR Version of economic criterion we implement all projects that show an IRR
greater than the predetermined discount rate (opportunity cost of capital), i.e. accept all
independent projects having an IRR greater than the opportunity cost of capital (cut off rate). The
reference discount rate, which is also called the target rate, is predetermined by the central bank.
Once the IRR is identified, the decision rule is accept the project if the IRR is greater than the
cost of capital, say r. Note also that:
All projects with an internal rate of return greater than some target rate of return r, should be
accepted. The target rate is usually the same rate used as the financial or social discount rate
employed in the computation of the projects net present value.
While the IRR cannot be directly used to choose between mutually exclusive projects it can be
employed for further manipulation. This manipulation entails the subtracting the cash flow of the
smaller project from the cash flow of the larger one and calculating the internal rate of return of
the residual cash flow. It the residual cash flow's internal rate of return exceeds the target
discount rate, which could only occur if the larger project has a higher NPV, then the larger
project should be under taken.
Form the foregoing discussions it is clear that both the NPV and the IRR methods can and do
rank investment projects in more rational manner than the other methods previously considered.
Thus it is advisable to calculate these measures so that easily understandable information is
provided to the authorities. In general it can be said that the NPV method is simpler, easier, and
more direct and more reliable.
In some situations both the NPV and the IR criteria give the same accept- reject decision.
However, there are two probable reasons why all acceptable projects cannot be under taken. One
is that inventible funds (capital funds) may be limited. The second real problem is that the
discount rate has not been set correctly.
When the capital requirements of all acceptable projects exceed the available funds, the central
authorities should raise the discount rate up to that level where the projects passing the test are
just enough to exhaust the available funds. But if too few projects are acceptable then the
discount rate should be reduced. Hence as long as capital funds are "unlimited" it is argued that
NPV should be the relevant criterion. But the function of the discount rate is to ration capital in
such a manner, as eventually to pass just sufficient projects as well use up available investment
resources. Hence the argument is not whether NPV or IRR should be preferred as a criterion, but
whether planners have set the discount rate correctly.
The IRR and NPV might suggest different projects for similar level of discount rate.
Cash flows
Year Project A Project B Project C
0 -20 -40 -20
1 4 8 14
2 4 8 14
3 4 8 -
4 4 8 -
5 4 8 -
6 4 8 -
7 4 8 -
8 4 8 -
9 4 8 -
10 4 8 -
NPV at 10% 4.57 6.08 4.36
IRR 15.1% 13.7% 25.8%
As it can be observed from the table above the three projects by their NPVs (at 10% discount
rate) results in project B heading the list, while ranking them according to their IRRs would lead
the planners to prefer C. 25.8% is better because a project with 25.8% economic rate of return is
likely to a better investment than with a project with 15% economic rate of return. That is, it
contributes more to the national income relative to the resources used.
There are two possible reasons for not to undertake all the above projects. The first is there may
not be enough capital funds the second problem is related to the fact that two or more projects
could be mutually exclusive. If there are enough budget resources, both NPV and IRR give the
same accept-reject decision. However, ranking the projects using the two methods will lead to
the choice of different projects: project B on NPV basis and project C on the IRR basis.
Note however, that 10% is not an appropriate discount rate because it passes all the three projects
more than can be accommodate by the given capital. Hence we have to set the discount rate
correctly up to the level where the project passing the test are just enough to exhaust the
available funds as shown below.
Project A B C
NPV 15% 0.08 -1.84 2.76
NPV 10% 4.57 6.08 4.36
NPV 20% -3.23 -7.75 1.39
In general if funds are unlimited and the projects are not mutually exclusive, the NPV is the
relevant criteria. All projects with positive NPV should go ahead. But, the function of the
discount rate is to ration capital in such a way that eventually to pass just sufficient projects that
will exhaustively use up available inevitable funds. Thus, the important question is not whether
NPV or IRR is to be preferred, but whether planners have set the discount rate correctly or not.
Example: Assume that the total investment budget is birr 80 million. The projects above are all
projects in the economy. In this case planners can implement all projects. If the budget is birr 40
million however can implement all projects. If the budget is birr 40 million however, the planner
has to make the choice of carrying B alone or A and C together. Since the combine NPV of A
and C is larger B is the least choice at 10 discount rate.
1) The IRR is inappropriate to use for mutually exclusive projects and independent projects
when there is a single period budget constraint.
2) A project must have at least one negative cash flow period before it is possible to calculate its
internal rate of return. This is because the NPV will always be positive to matter how high
the discount rate used to discount it, unless the project has at least one negative cash flow
3) Certain cash flows can generate NPV = 0 at two different discount rates. If a project has more
than one IRR, then neither can be reliably used and another decision rule such as the NPV
must be used rather than the IRR.
The following cash flows generates NPV = 0 at both (-50% & 15.2%)
Co C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
-1000 + 800 + 150 + 150 + 150 + 150 - 150
Multiple IRRs
IRR = 15.2%
IRR = -50%
It is the ratio of the present value of the projects benefits, net of operating costs, to the present
value of its investment costs. This is given by,
( )
( )
( )
The NBIR shows the value of the projects discounted benefits, net of operating costs, per unit of
The decision rule using NBIR is to accept the project if its value is greater than 1. This criterion
is especially important for ranking investments that shows the benefit per unit of investment.
When we have a single period budget constraint projects with the highest NBIR should be
selected up to the point where the budget exhausted.
The main advantage of the NBIR is its capacity to determine the group of priority projects if
there is a single period budget and investment constraint. Its limitation is however, that it is not
suitable for choosing between mutually exclusive projects, for the same reason that the IRR
cannot be used for this purpose. That is a project with highest NBIR could have the lowest
absolute net present value. The other disadvantage of NBIR is that the convention used for
dividing costs in to operating and investment may vary from institution to institution and may
render problems of comparability.
This ratio is often used in trade oriented projects or trade policy. In its simple form the DRCR
(sometimes referred as Bruno ratio (Bruno, 1967) is an undiscounted measure of project worth
calculated for a single typical year of project operation.
If the DRC for a commodity is greater than the appropriate accounting price of foreign exchange
(OER or SER) a comparative cost advantage exists in producing the commodity in question and
vice versa. From this:
DRC < 1 implies that the productivity is economically profitable because its production yields
more than enough international value added to compensate for the cost of domestic factors used.
DRC > 1 indicates that the cost of domestic resources needed to generate one unit of foreign
exchange exceeds the value of the foreign exchange. This means the country is internally not
competitive in the production of the commodity or the country is better off to import rather than
to produce the commodity.
Undiscounted measures, as we noted, are excessively crude and most invariably inaccurate.
Thus, the discounted version is the most appropriate one. It is given as,
( − )
∑ ( )
(1 + )
( − )
∑ ( )
(1 + )
When undertaking a financial appraisal a project should be accepted if it’s DRCR is less than or
equal to the official exchange rate, OER. This means a project should proceed if it uses less
domestic resources, measured in local prices, to earn 1 unit of foreign exchange than is the norm
for the whole economy (the norm here being represented by the official exchange rate.) The
modified DRCE (Modified because it is discounted which traditionally was not the case) is
sometimes referred as the internal exchange rate approach to emphasize the fact that the
computation of DRCR is independent of any predetermined exchange rate as that of IRR, which
do not immediately, require a discount rate. It produces own internal exchange rate, which is
internal to the project.
Example: Estimation of the domestic resource costs ratio, special economic zone project -
foreign exchange component (denominator) million us dollar.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 30
Local costs
Investment 40 60 30 10
Production 0 50 75 90 100 100 100 100
Total local costs 40 110 105 100 100 100 100 100
Local Sales 0 0 20 25 25 25 25 25
Net local costs 40 110 85 75 75 75 75 75
PV of net local costs Birr 711.6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 30
Foreign exchanger earnings
Exported output 0 3 20 30 30 30 30 30
Foreign exchange costs 2
Imported investment goods 20 40 12 8 10 10 10 10
Other imported items 0 5 7
Net foreign exchange earnings -20 -42 1 20 20 20 20 20
PV of net foreign exchange Us $ 86.7
= = . $
The main advantage of this approach is that non-economists can readily understand its decision
rule. More substantially in economics with serious balance of payment problem the DRCR
clearly show the potential of a project to earn foreign exchange.
However, its disadvantages includes, like that of IRR it cannot be used to rank projects. It cannot
also be used to choose between mutually exclusive projects if both use less domestic resource to
earn a unit of foreign exchange. This is because it does not show which of the two, or more,
mutually exclusive projects will generate the greatest net benefits for the country.
The benefit cost ratio is the earliest discounted project assessment criterion to be employed. The
BCR is defined as the ratio of the sum of the project’s discounted benefits to the sum of its
discounted investment and operating costs. This is given as,
(1 + )
(1 + )
A project should be accepted if its BCR is greater than or equal to 1 (i.e. if its discounted
benefits exceed its discounted costs). But if BCR is less than 1 , the project should be rejected.
The BCR will be less than, equal to, and greater than one when the discount rate used is greater,
equal to, and less than the IRR.
One possible advantage of the BCR, on top of being easy to show to non-economists is that it is
easy to show the impact of a percentage change in cost or benefits on the projects viability. Its
major disadvantage is the need to specify and adhere to conventions regarding the designation of
expenditures as costs and benefits.
Example: cost of transporting finished goods (say Br. 25) may be figured as cost in one project
(other costs are Br. 25 + transport cost Br. 25 = Br. 50; if sales price is Br. 100 the BCR will be
2) but price may be given net of transport cost (Br.100- Br.25=Br.75; compare to cost Br. 25 will
give a BCR of 3) in the other and the two projects, thus, are incomparable. Clear convention on
such issues will be necessary for comparison purposes.