Crccsa-Cad-Rfi Log - Updated As of April 18, 2024
Crccsa-Cad-Rfi Log - Updated As of April 18, 2024
Crccsa-Cad-Rfi Log - Updated As of April 18, 2024
Mechanical 38 36 0 0 1 37 0 37 0 0 0.00% 34 3 37 0
Telecom 51 51 0 0 0 51 0 42 9 9 0.00% 31 20 51 0
Total 2560 2497 13 38 11 2556 3 2354 205 205 0.51% 1990 569 2559
Wahidur Rahaman QC Civil Inspector 928 917 5 0 6 926 2 909 19 19 0.54% 854 74 928 0
Arif Naveed QC Civil Inspector 428 418 1 9 0 428 0 388 40 40 0.23% 298 130 428 0
Dexter Toroc QC Civil Inspector 256 236 0 20 0 256 0 178 78 78 0.00% 104 152 256 2145 0
QC BatchPlant
Moazzam Yaqoob 265 263 0 1 1 264 1 240 25 25 0.00% 220 45 265 0
Faisal Shahzad QC Coating Inspector 268 265 1 0 2 268 0 248 20 20 0.37% 192 76 268 0
QC Electrical
Aamir Nawaz 165 156 3 6 0 165 0 157 8 8 1.82% 115 50 165 0
QC Plumbing
Mohamed Ismail 137 133 3 0 1 137 0 137 0 0 2.19% 133 4 137 0
QC Plumbing
Saad Jamil 24 22 0 2 0 24 0 18 6 6 0.00% 9 15 24 0
QC Telecom
Abdul Rahman 51 51 0 0 0 51 0 42 9 9 0.00% 31 20 51 0
Total 2560 2497 13 38 11 2556 3 2354 205 205 0.51% 1990 569 2559
Discrepancy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0
Yes No Yes No
Civil 295 289 3 0 3 293 2 293 2
Electrical 6 6 0 0 0 6 0 6 0
Plumbing 8 7 1 0 0 8 0 8 0 need to upload Scanned Copy
TOTAL 309 302 4 0 3 307 2 307 2 0
Update as of Tuesday, April 23, 2024
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-001 1404361608 Civil Geotechnical Investigation Requirements for Corporate Academy Building Geotechnical Investigation Corporate Academy Building Area SATIP-A-113-01 SAIC-A-1007 3-Apr-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-002 1404361612 Civil Geotechnical Field Works Inspection for Corporate Academy Building Geotechnical Investigation Corporate Academy Building Area SATIP-A-113-01 SAIC-A-1008 3-Apr-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-003 1404361675 Civil Laboratory Testing Inspection for Corporate Academy Building Geotechnical Investigation Corporate Academy Building Area SATIP-A-113-01 SAIC-A-1009 3-Apr-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-004 1404361707 Civil Geotechnical Investigation Reports for Corporate Academy Building Geotechnical Investigation Corporate Academy Building Area SATIP-A-113-01 SAIC-A-1010 3-Apr-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-005 1404361758 Civil Shallow Refraction Seismic Soundings Test for Corporate Academy Building (East Wing) Shallow R. test Corporate Academy Building Area SATIP-A-113-01 SAIC-A-1008 3-Apr-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-006 1404361785 Civil Shallow Refraction Seismic Soundings Test for Corporate Academy Building(West Wing) Shallow R. test Corporate Academy Building Area SATIP-A-113-01 SAIC-A-1008 19-Apr-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-007 1404347682 Civil Existing Soil Sampling for East Wing of Corporate Academy Building Area for gridlines S- Existing Soil Sampling Corporate Academy Building Area SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 1-May-23
X / 21-35
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-008 1404372082 Civil Water Sample Collection from Vendor-"Al Bariqa Water Factory, Dammam" for Water Sampling Al-Bariqa Water Factory, Dammam - - 10-May-23
utilization at Site for Corporate Academy Building Project.
Survey Works for Probing and Grouting for Foundation Numbers #64, 65, 66, 67 and 68 East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-009 1404405062 Civil at East Wing of Corporate Academy Building, as per coordinates drawing of Doc Probing and Grouting (survey) CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-001 11-May-23
Transmittal: T-2023-081.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-010 1404368335 Civil Drilling and Probing for for Foundation Numbers #64, 65, 66, 67 and 68 at East Wing of Probing and Grouting East Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-002 11-May-23
Corporate Academy Building, as per coordinates drawing of Doc Transmittal: T-2023-081. Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-011 1404347719 Civil Soil Sampling, Testing and Review of Test Reports for Sand at site for Grout of Probing Soil Sampling Corporate Academy Building Area SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 13-May-23
and Grouting Activity for Corporate Academy Building Area.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-012 1404372170 Civil Water Sample Collection for Grout of Probing and Grouting Activity for Corporate Water Sampling Corporate Academy Building Area - - 13-May-23
Academy Building Area.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-013 1404349270 Civil Existing Soil Sampling for Retaining Walls on Part 5 and Part 6 as per the highlighted IFC Existing Soil Sampling Retaining Wall of Part 5 and 6 SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 14-May-23
Drawing of Retaining Wall Layout Plan of Index-Q, Dwg. No.-HA-02105-001-01.
Survey Works prior to Probing and Grouting activity for Foundation Numbers #69 to East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-014 1404368376 Civil 84(Total 16 Points) at East Wing of Corporate Academy Building, as per coordinates Probing and Grouting (survey) CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-001 14-May-23
drawing of Doc Transmittal: T-2023-081.
Drilling and Probing prior to Grouting for Foundation Numbers #69 to 84(Total 16 Points) East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-015 1404368395 Civil at East Wing of Corporate Academy Building, as per coordinates drawing of Doc Probing and Grouting CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-002 14-May-23
Transmittal: T-2023-081.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-016 1404372238 Civil Estamblishment of new temporary Banchmarks (7 nos) from Existing Saudi Aramco Temporary Benchmark Main Building of Corporate Academy - - 22-May-23
Benchmarks for Main Building of Corporate Academy Dhahran. Dhahran
Existing Soil Sampling for Parking Lot Area between Corporate Academy Main Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-017 1404349989 Civil and Chiller Yard as highlighted in Part 1, 2 and 4 of IFC Drawing, Index-S, Dwg No.:-HA- Existing Soil Sampling Corporate Academy Building Area SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 22-May-23
Survey Works prior to Probing and Grouting activity for Foundation Numbers #85, 86, 87, East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-018 1404368446 Civil 88 and 113(Total 05 Points) at East Wing of Corporate Academy Building, as per Probing and Grouting (survey) CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-001 24-May-23
coordinates drawing of Doc Transmittal: T-2023-081.
Drilling and Probing prior to Grouting for Foundation Numbers #85, 86, 87, 88 and East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-019 1404368457 Civil 113(Total 05 Points) at East Wing of Corporate Academy Building, as per coordinates Probing and Grouting CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-002 24-May-23
drawing of Doc Transmittal: T-2023-081.
Survey Works prior to Probing and Grouting activity for Foundation Numbers #18, 19, 21, East and West Wing of Coporate
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-020 1404368505 Civil 22 and 89 to 96(Total 12 Points) at East and West Wing of Corporate Academy Building, Probing and Grouting (survey) CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-001 25-May-23
Academy Building
as per coordinates drawing of Doc Transmittal: T-2023-081.
Drilling and Probing prior to Grouting for Foundation Numbers #18, 19, 21, 22 and 89 to East and West Wing of Coporate
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-021 1404368499 Civil 96(Total 12 Points) at East and West Wing of Corporate Academy Building, as per Probing and Grouting CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-002 25-May-23
Academy Building
coordinates drawing of Doc Transmittal: T-2023-081.
Grouting for Foundation Probe holes Number #64, 65, 66, 67 and 68(Total-05 nos) at East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-022 cancelled Civil East Wing of Corporate Academy Building, as per coordinates drawing of Doc Probing and Grouting CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-003 30-May-23
Transmittal: T-2023-081.
Soil Sampling for Select Fill material at Source from Vendor: Intelligent Horizon Est. (Al- Intelligent Horizon Est. (Al-khaldi
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-023 1404347952 Civil Khaledi Co. Crusher) at Al-Fadili for backfilling material for Corporate Academy Dhahran Soil Sampling SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 31-May-23
crusher) Al-Fadili
Soil Sampling for General Fill material at Source from Vendor: Intelligent Horizon Est. (Al- Intelligent Horizon Est. (Al-khaldi
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-024 1404350277 Civil Khaledi Co. Crusher) at Al-Fadili for backfilling material for Corporate Academy Dhahran Soil Sampling SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 31-May-23
crusher) Al-Fadili
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-025 1404350562 Civil Soil Sampling for Sand at Source from Vendor: Intelligent Horizon Est. (Al-Khaledi Co. Soil Sampling Intelligent Horizon Est. (Al-khaldi SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 31-May-23
Crusher) at Al-Fadili for backfilling material for Corporate Academy Dhahran Project. crusher) Al-Fadili
Soil Sampling for Sub-Base material(Class-A and B) at Source from Vendor: Intelligent Intelligent Horizon Est. (Al-khaldi
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-026 1404350709 Civil Horizon Est. (Al-Khaledi Co. Crusher) at Al-Fadili for backfilling material for Corporate Soil Sampling SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 31-May-23
crusher) Al-Fadili
Academy Dhahran Project.
Soil Sampling for Base material(Class-A and B) at Source from Vendor: Intelligent Horizon Intelligent Horizon Est. (Al-khaldi
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-027 1404350897 Civil Est. (Al-Khaledi Co. Crusher) at Al-Fadili for backfilling material for Corporate Academy Soil Sampling SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 31-May-23
crusher) Al-Fadili
Dhahran Project.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-029 1404351010 Civil Compaction Testing for #2nos Tower Crane Foundations Excavation as per approved Compaction Testing #2 nos Tower Crane Foundations at SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 4-Jun-23
Shop Drawing of Tower Crane (Ref. Doc No:- CS-000078). Zone-5
Grade and Site Preparation Inspection for Lean Concrete of #2nos Tower Crane #2 nos Tower Crane Foundations at
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-030 1404361853 Civil Foundations Excavation as per approved Shop Drawing of Tower Crane (Ref. Doc No:- CS- Grade and Site Prep. SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 4-Jun-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-031 1404361882 Civil Formwork Inspection for Lean Concrete of #2nos Tower Crane Foundations Excavation as Formwork Inspection #2 nos Tower Crane Foundations at SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 4-Jun-23
per approved Shop Drawing of Tower Crane (Ref. Doc No:- CS-000078). Zone-5
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Lean Concrete of #2nos Tower #2 nos Tower Crane Foundations at
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-032 1404361939 Civil Crane Foundations Excavation as per approved Shop Drawing of Tower Crane (Ref. Doc Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 4-Jun-23
No:- CS-000078).
Survey Works prior to Probing and Grouting activity for Foundation Numbers #3, 7, 111, East and West Wing of Coporate
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-033 1404368673 Civil 112, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119 (Total 10 Points) at East and West Wing of Corporate Probing and Grouting (survey) CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-001 5-Jun-23
Academy Building
Academy Building, as per coordinates drawing of Doc Transmittal: T-2023-081.
Drilling and Probing prior to Grouting for Foundation Numbers #3, 7, 111, 112, 114, 115, East and West Wing of Coporate
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-034 1404368686 Civil 116, 117, 118, 119 (Total 10 Points) at East and West Wing of Corporate Academy Probing and Grouting CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-002 5-Jun-23
Academy Building
Building, as per coordinates drawing of Doc Transmittal: T-2023-081.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-035 1404361813 Civil Shallow Refraction Seismic Soundings Test for Chiller Yard. Shallow R. test Chiller Yard SATIP-A-113-01 SAIC-A-1008 5-Jun-23
Survey Works prior to Probing and Grouting activity for Foundation Numbers #1, 2, 4, 5,
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-036 1404368725 Civil 6, 8, 61, 97 to 106 (Total 21 Points) at East and West Wing of Corporate Academy Probing and Grouting (survey) East and West Wing of Coporate CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-001 8-Jun-23
Building, as per coordinates drawing of Doc Transmittal: T-2023-081. Academy Building
Drilling and Probing prior to Grouting for Foundation Numbers #1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 61, 97 to
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-037 1404368728 Civil 106 (Total 21 Points) at East and West Wing of Corporate Academy Building, as per Probing and Grouting East and West Wing of Coporate CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-002 8-Jun-23
coordinates drawing of Doc Transmittal: T-2023-081. Academy Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-038 1404368793 Civil Grouting for Foundation Probe holes Number #64(Total-01 nos) at East Wing of Probing and Grouting East Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-003 8-Jun-23
Corporate Academy Building, as per coordinates drawing of Doc Transmittal: T-2023-081. Building
Survey Works prior to Probing and Grouting activity for Foundation Numbers #9, 10, 11, West Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-039 1404368815 Civil 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 23, 24, 25, 52, 120, 121 (Total 16 Points) at West Wing of Probing and Grouting (survey) CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-001 11-Jun-23
Corporate Academy Building, as per coordinates drawing of Doc Transmittal: T-2023-081.
Drilling and Probing prior to Grouting for Foundation Numbers #9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, West Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-040 1404368821 Civil 16, 17, 20, 23, 24, 25, 52, 120, 121 (Total 16 Points) at West Wing of Corporate Academy Probing and Grouting CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-002 11-Jun-23
Building, as per coordinates drawing of Doc Transmittal: T-2023-081.
Material Receiving Inspection for Steel Bars (cut and bend) of 12mm dia.(2.194 ton) and
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-041 1404361930 Civil 25mm dia. (19.525 ton) as per Delivery Note No.: DMM1-26506, delivered by Vendor- Material Receiving Tower Crane Foundation SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1007 13-Jun-23
BRC @ Location-Tower crane Foundation No-1 and 2.
Grouting for Foundation Probe holes Number #119, 118, 115, 112, 107, 104, 97(Total-07 East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-042 1404368905 Civil nos) at East Wing of Corporate Academy Building, as per coordinates drawing of Doc Probing and Grouting CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-003 15-Jun-23
Transmittal: T-2023-081.
Grouting for Foundation Probe holes Number #117, 116, 114, 111, 106, 105, 61(Total-07 East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-043 1404375531 Civil nos) at East Wing of Corporate Academy Building, as per coordinates drawing of Doc Probing and Grouting CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-003 15-Jun-23
Transmittal: T-2023-081.
Grouting for Foundation Probe holes Number #65,66,67,68,69,73,74,75,76(Total-09 nos) East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-044 1404369074 Civil at East Wing of Corporate Academy Building, as per coordinates drawing of Doc Probing and Grouting CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-003 18-Jun-23
Transmittal: T-2023-081.
Survey Works prior to Probing and Grouting activity for Foundation Numbers #32 to 51 Atrium Area of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-045 1404369095 Civil and 62,63 (Total 22 Points) at Atrium area of Corporate Academy Building, as per Probing and Grouting (survey) CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-001 20-Jun-23
coordinates drawing of Doc Transmittal: T-2023-081.
Drilling and Probing prior to Grouting for Foundation Numbers #32 to 51 and 62,63 Atrium Area of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-046 1404369137 Civil (Total 22 Points) at Atrium area of Corporate Academy Building, as per coordinates Probing and Grouting CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-002 20-Jun-23
drawing of Doc Transmittal: T-2023-081.
Material Receiving Inspection for Steel Bars (cut and bend) of 12mm dia.(1.801 ton),
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-047 1404362140 Civil 25mm dia. (5.896 ton) and 32mm dia. (0.052 ton) as per Delivery Note No.: DMM1- Material Receiving Tower Crane Foundation SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1007 20-Jun-23
26528, delivered by Vendor-BRC @ Location-Tower crane Foundation No-1 and 2.
Grouting for Foundation Probe holes Number East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-048 1404369161 Civil #70,71,72,81,80,79,78,77,85,86,87,88,92,93(Total-14 nos) at East Wing of Corporate Probing and Grouting CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-003 20-Jun-23
Academy Building, as per coordinates drawing of Doc Transmittal: T-2023-081.
Soil Sampling for General Fill material at Site from Vendor: Intelligent Horizon Est. (Al- Stockpile area at Zone-6(General Fill
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-049 1404351314 Civil Khaledi Co. Crusher) at Stockpile area at Zone-6(General Fill material) for Corporate Soil Sampling SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 20-Jun-23
Academy Dhahran Project.
Survey Works prior to Probing and Grouting activity for Foundation Numbers #26 to 31 West Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-050 1404369240 Civil (Total 6 Points) at West wing of Corporate Academy Building, as per coordinates drawing Probing and Grouting (survey) CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-001 22-Jun-23
of Doc Transmittal: T-2023-081.
Drilling and Probing prior to Grouting for Foundation Numbers #26 to 31 (Total 6 Points) West Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-051 1404369221 Civil at West wing of Corporate Academy Building, as per coordinates drawing of Doc Probing and Grouting CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-002 22-Jun-23
Transmittal: T-2023-081.
Grouting for Foundation Probe holes Number
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-052 1404369356 Civil #82,83,84,91,90,89,96,95,94,100,99,98,101,102,103,110,109,108,113(Total-19 nos) at Probing and Grouting East Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-003 22-Jun-23
East Wing of Corporate Academy Building, as per coordinates drawing of Doc Building
Transmittal: T-2023-081.
Survey Works prior to Probing and Grouting activity for Foundation Numbers #53 to 60 Atrium Area of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-053 1404369413 Civil (Total 8 Points) at Atrium area of Corporate Academy Building, as per coordinates Probing and Grouting (survey) CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-001 24-Jun-23
drawing of Doc Transmittal: T-2023-081.
Drilling and Probing prior to Grouting for Foundation Numbers #53 to 60 (Total 8 Points) Atrium Area of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-054 1404370394 Civil at Atrium area of Corporate Academy Building, as per coordinates drawing of Doc Probing and Grouting CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-002 24-Jun-23
Transmittal: T-2023-081.
Grouting for Foundation Probe holes Number #32 to 51, 53 to 60 and 62,63(Total-30 Atrium Area of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-055 1404370488 Civil nos) at Atrium area of Corporate Academy Building, as per coordinates drawing of Doc Probing and Grouting CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-003 1-Jul-23
Transmittal: T-2023-081.
Grouting for Foundation Probe holes Number #1 to 16, 52,120 and 121(Total-19 nos) at West Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-056 1404370693 Civil West Wing of Corporate Academy Building, as per coordinates drawing of Doc Probing and Grouting CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-003 1-Jul-23
Transmittal: T-2023-081.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-057 1404370764 Civil Grouting for Foundation Probe holes Number #17 to 31(Total-15 nos) at West Wing of Probing and Grouting West Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-003 1-Jul-23
Corporate Academy Building, as per coordinates drawing of Doc Transmittal: T-2023-081. Building
Survey Works prior to Probing and Grouting activity for Foundation Numbers #142 to
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-058 1404370909 Civil 150 (Total 9 Points) at Chiller Yard, as per coordinates drawing of Doc Transmittal: T- Probing and Grouting (survey) Chiller Yard CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-001 4-Jul-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-059 1404370902 Civil Drilling and Probing prior to Grouting for Foundation Numbers #142 to 150 (Total 9 Probing and Grouting Chiller Yard CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-002 4-Jul-23
Points) at Chiller Yard, as per coordinates drawing of Doc Transmittal: T-2023-081.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-061 1404362235 Civil Formwork Inspection for Tower Crane Foundation #1 as per approved Shop Drawing of Formwork Inspection Tower Crane No. Foundations #1 at SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 5-Jul-23
Tower Crane (Ref. Doc No:- CS-000078). Zone-5
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-062 1404362295 Civil Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Tower Crane Foundation Rebar Inspection Tower Crane No. Foundations #1 at SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 5-Jul-23
#1 as per approved Shop Drawing of Tower Crane (Ref. Doc No:- CS-000078). Zone-5
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-063 1404362353 Civil Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Tower Crane Foundation #1 as Concrete Placement Tower Crane No. Foundations #1 at SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 6-Jul-23
per approved Shop Drawing of Tower Crane (Ref. Doc No:- CS-000078). Zone-5
28 Days Compressive Strength Testing for Foundation Probe holes Number #64(Total-01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-064 1404362341 Civil nos) at East Wing of Corporate Academy Building, as per coordinates drawing of Doc Compressive Strength Test Osaimi Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 6-Jul-23
Transmittal: T-2023-081. (Ref. RFI No-CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-038)
Material Receiving Inspection for General Fill Material from Vendor Name: "Intelligent
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-065 1404351483 Civil Horizon Est. and Vendor ID No.:10108955, as per attached Delivery Notes with Total Material Receiving Zone-6 General Fill Stockpile Area SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1002 8-Jul-23
Quantity 2,064 cum. Dating from 12-Jun-2023 to 20-Jun-2023 at Zone-6 Stockpile Area at
Corporate Academy Dhahran Project.
Soil Sampling for Select Fill material at Source from Vendor: Shaheer Abbas Support ShaheerAbbas Support Services
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-066 1404353703 Civil Services Arabian Company Limited(Radayef Crusher) and Vendor No.-10108159 at Al- Soil Sampling SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 8-Jul-23
Arabian (Radayef Crusher) at Al-Fadili
Fadili for backfilling material for Corporate Academy Dhahran Project.
Soil Sampling for General Fill material at Source from Vendor: Shaheer Abbas Support ShaheerAbbas Support Services
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-067 1404353690 Civil Services Arabian Company Limited(Radayef Crusher) and Vendor No.-10108159 at Al- Soil Sampling SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 8-Jul-23
Arabian (Radayef Crusher) at Al-Fadili
Fadili for backfilling material for Corporate Academy Dhahran Project.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-068 1404353786 Civil Review of Test Reports for Soil Sample collected with RFI No- (CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-007) Review of Test Reports Site Office SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 9-Jul-23
dated 01-May-2023 for Existing Material.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-069 1404353809 Civil Review of Test Reports for Soil Sample collected with RFI No- (CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-013) Review of Test Reports Site Office SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 9-Jul-23
dated 14-May-2023 for Existing Material.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-070 1404353875 Civil Review of Test Reports for Soil Sample collected with RFI No- (CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-017) Review of Test Reports Site Office SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 9-Jul-23
dated 22-May-2023 for Existing Material.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-071 1404353923 Civil Review of Test Reports for Soil Sample collected with RFI No- (CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-023) Review of Test Reports Site Office SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 9-Jul-23
dated 31-May-2023 for Select Fill Material.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-072 1404353910 Civil Review of Test Reports for Soil Sample collected with RFI No- (CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-024) Review of Test Reports Site Office SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 9-Jul-23
dated 31-May-2023 for General Fill Material.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-073 1404353979 Civil Review of Test Reports for Soil Sample collected with RFI No- (CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-025) Review of Test Reports Site Office SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 9-Jul-23
dated 31-May-2023 for Sand.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-074 1404374486 Civil Review of Test Reports for Soil Sample collected with RFI No- (CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-026) Review of Test Reports Site Office SATIP-Q-006-02 SAIC-Q-1035 9-Jul-23
dated 31-May-2023 for Sub-Base Material.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-075 1404374489 Civil Review of Test Reports for Soil Sample collected with RFI No- (CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-027) Review of Test Reports Site Office SATIP-Q-006-02 SAIC-Q-1035 9-Jul-23
dated 31-May-2023 for Base Course Material.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-076 1404354221 Civil Review of Test Reports for Soil Sample collected with RFI No- (CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-049) Review of Test Reports Site Office SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 9-Jul-23
dated 20-June-2023 for General Fill Materail.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-077 1404362434 Civil Formwork Inspection for Tower Crane Foundation #2 as per approved Shop Drawing of Formwork Inspection Tower Crane No. Foundations #2 at SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 11-Jul-23
Tower Crane (Ref. Doc No:- CS-000078). Zone-5
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-078 1404362422 Civil Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Tower Crane Foundation Rebar Inspection Tower Crane No. Foundations #2 at SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 11-Jul-23
#2 as per approved Shop Drawing of Tower Crane (Ref. Doc No:- CS-000078). Zone-5
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-079 1404362459 Civil Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Tower Crane Foundation #2 as Concrete Placement Tower Crane No. Foundations #2 at SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 11-Jul-23
per approved Shop Drawing of Tower Crane (Ref. Doc No:- CS-000078). Zone-5
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-080 1404362544 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength Testing for Probe hole no-97, 104, 107 (#3 nos)@ East Compressive Strength Test Osaimi Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 13-Jul-23
wing of CAD main building (Ref Rfi no CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-042)
7 Days Compressive Strength Testing for Tower Crane Foundation #1 as per approved
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-081 1404362556 Civil Shop Drawing of Tower Crane (Ref. Doc No:- CS-000078).Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil- Compressive Strength Test Osaimi Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 13-Jul-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-082 1404372583 Civil Compaction Testing for Existing Layer of Parking Lot area near Tower Crane No-2 of Compaction Testing Parking Lot area b/w CAD main Bldg. SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 13-Jul-23
Zone-6 for the areas as per attached highlighted drawings. and Chiller Yard
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-083 1404362577 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength Testing for Probe hole no-119,118,115,112,117,116 (6 Compressive Strength Test Osaimi Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 15-Jul-23
nos)@ East wing of CAD main building (Ref RFI no CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-042,043)
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-084 1404362567 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength Testing for Probe hole no-114,111,106 (3 nos)@ East wing Compressive Strength Test Osaimi Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 16-Jul-23
of CAD main building (Ref RFI no CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-042)
28 Days Compressive Strength Testing1-Probe hole no-105,61 (2 nos)@ East wing of CAD
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-085 1404362601 Civil main building, Ref RFI noCRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-043,044 2-Probe hole no-73,74 (2 nos)@ Compressive Strength Test Osaimi Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 18-Jul-23
East wing of CAD main building.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-086 1404372646 Civil Compaction Testing for 1st Layer near Tower Crane Foundation No-02 Parking Lot area Compaction Testing Zone-6 Parking Lot area near Tower SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 18-Jul-23
of Zone-6 as per attached highlighted drawings. Crane no-2
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-087 1404372720 Civil Compaction Testing for 2nd Layer near Tower Crane Foundation No-02 Parking Lot area Compaction Testing Zone-6 Parking Lot area near Tower SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 18-Jul-23
of Zone-6 as per attached highlighted drawings. Crane no-2
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-088 1404372710 Civil Compaction Testing for 3rd Layer near Tower Crane Foundation No-02 Parking Lot area Compaction Testing Zone-6 Parking Lot area near Tower SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 18-Jul-23
of Zone-6 as per attached highlighted drawings. Crane no-2
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-089 1404361264 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength Testing for 1-CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-044 Probe hole no- Compressive Strength Test Osaimi Lab SATIP-Q-010 SAIC-Q-1045 19-Jul-23
65,66,67,68,69,76 (6 nos)@ East wing of CAD main building.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-090 1404361260 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength Testing for CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-044,048 Probe hole no- Compressive Strength Test Osaimi Lab SATIP-Q-010 SAIC-Q-1045 19-Jul-23
75,77,78,79,80,81 (6 nos)@ East wing of CAD main building.
7 Days Compressive Strength Testing for Tower Crane Foundation #2 as per approved
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-091 1404362608 Civil Shop Drawing of Tower Crane (Ref. Doc No:- CS-000078).Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil- Compressive Strength Test Osaimi Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 19-Jul-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-092 1404354386 Civil Compaction Testing for 4th Layer near Tower Crane Foundation No-02 Parking Lot area Compaction Testing Zone-6 Parking Lot area near Tower SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 19-Jul-23
of Zone-6 as per attached highlighted drawings. Crane no-2
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-094 1404354446 Civil Compaction Testing for 5th Layer near Tower Crane Foundation No-02 Parking Lot area Compaction Testing Zone-6 Parking Lot area near Tower SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 19-Jul-23
of Zone-6 as per attached highlighted drawings. Crane no-2
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-095 1404371084 Civil Grouting for Foundation Probe holes Number #142 to 150(Total-09 nos) at Chiller Yard, Probing and Grouting West Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-003 19-Jul-23
as per coordinates drawing of Doc Transmittal: T-2023-081. Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-096 1404309636 Civil Compaction Testing for 6th Layer near Tower Crane Foundation No-02 Parking Lot area Compaction Testing Zone-6 Parking Lot area near Tower SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 20-Jul-23
of Zone-6 as per attached highlighted drawings. Crane no-2
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-097 1404310174 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength for CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-048 Probe hole no-72,71,70 (3 Compressive Strength Test Osaimi Lab SATIP-Q-010 SAIC-Q-1045 20-Jul-23
nos)@ East wing of CAD main building.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-098 1404310282 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength for CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-048 Probe hole no-86 (1 nos)@ Compressive Strength Test Osaimi Lab SATIP-Q-010 SAIC-Q-1045 20-Jul-23
East wing of CAD main building.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-099 1404317672 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength for CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-048 Probe hole no-92,93 (#2nos) Compressive Strength Test Osaimi Lab SATIP-Q-010 SAIC-Q-1045 22-Jul-23
@ East wing of CAD main building.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-100 1404317807 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength for CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-048 Probe hole no-85 (#1nos) @ Compressive Strength Test Osaimi Lab SATIP-Q-010 SAIC-Q-1045 22-Jul-23
East wing of CAD main building.
Soil Sampling for General Fill material at Site from Vendor: Intelligent Horizon Est. (Al- Stockpile area at Zone-6(General Fill
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-101 1404317847 Civil Khaledi Co. Crusher) at Stockpile No-02 at Zone-6 for Corporate Academy Dhahran Soil Sampling SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 22-Jul-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-102 1404323789 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength for CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-052 Probe hole no-84,83,82,91,90 Compressive Strength Test Osaimi Lab SATIP-Q-010 SAIC-Q-1045 23-Jul-23
(#6nos) @ East wing of CAD main building.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-103 1404328392 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength for CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-052 -Probe hole no- Compressive Strength Test Osaimi Lab SATIP-Q-010 SAIC-Q-1045 24-Jul-23
89,94,95,96,98 (#5nos) @ East wing of CAD main building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-104 1404328474 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength for CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-052 Probe hole no- Compressive Strength Test Osaimi Lab SATIP-Q-010 SAIC-Q-1045 24-Jul-23
99,100,101,102,103,108 (#6nos) @ East wing of CAD main building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-105 1404344154 Civil Compaction Testing of 1st Layer for Zone-6 Parking Lot area between Corporate Compaction Testing Zone-6 b/w CAD main bldg. And SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 26-Jul-23
Academy Main Building and Chiller Yard as per attached highlighted drawings. Chiller Yard
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-106 1404344182 Civil Compaction Testing of 2nd Layer for Zone-6 Parking Lot area between Corporate Compaction Testing Zone-6 b/w CAD main bldg. And SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 26-Jul-23
Academy Main Building and Chiller Yard as per attached highlighted drawings. Chiller Yard
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-107 1404351589 Civil Compaction Testing of 3rd Layer for Zone-6 Parking Lot area between Corporate Compaction Testing Zone-6 b/w CAD main bldg. And SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 27-Jul-23
Academy Main Building and Chiller Yard as per attached highlighted drawings. Chiller Yard
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-108 1404362628 Civil Lean Concrete Placement Inspection for 1st Lift of Retaining Wall at Part-5 as per Concrete Placement Retaining Wall of Part 5 SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 27-Jul-23
attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001-01.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-109 1404364952 Civil Lean Concrete Placement Inspection for 2nd Lift of Retaining Wall at Part-5 as per Concrete Placement Retaining Wall of Part 5 SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 30-Jul-23
attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001-01.
Material Receiving Inspection for Plain Steel Dowel Bars ASTM A615/A 615M GR.60. of
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-110 1404364812 Civil 1. 32mm X 500mm(166 nos) and Material Receiving Laydown Area of Corporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1007 30-Jul-23
2. 25mm X 450mm(290 nos) Dhahran
with UPVC Sleeves and End Caps as per Delivery Note No.: 15226, delivered by approved
Vendor-Mishal Saud Al Faraj Trading Est.(MAFCO) @ Laydown area.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-111 1404365086 Civil Compaction Testing of 4th Layer for Zone-6 Parking Lot area between Corporate Compaction Testing Zone-6 b/w CAD main bldg. And SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 30-Jul-23
Academy Main Building and Chiller Yard as per attached highlighted drawings. Chiller Yard
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-112 1404365261 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength for Probe hole no-109,110,113,62 (#4nos) @ East Wing Compressive Strength Test Osaimi Lab SATIP-Q-010 SAIC-Q-1045 30-Jul-23
and Atrium Area of CAD main building Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-052
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-113 1404365393 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength for Probe hole no-57,58,59,60,53,54 (#6nos) @ Atrium Compressive Strength Test Osaimi Lab SATIP-Q-010 SAIC-Q-1045 30-Jul-23
Area of CAD main building Ref Rfi No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-055
Review of Test Reports for Soil Sample collected with RFI No- (CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-101)
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-114 1404373591 Civil dated 22-July-2023 for General Fill Material collected from Stockpile No-2 at Zone-6 Review of Test Reports Site Office SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 31-Jul-23
supplied by approved Vendor-Intelligent Horizon Est.
Material Receiving Inspection for General Fill Material from Vendor Name: "Intelligent
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-115 1404373617 Civil Horizon Est." and Vendor ID No.: 10108955, as per attached Delivery Notes with Total Material Receiving Zone-6 General Fill Stockpile No-2 SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1002 31-Jul-23
Quantity 1,848 cum. Dating from 11-Jul-2023 to 20-Jul-2023 at Zone-6 Stockpile No-2 at
Zone-6 of Corporate Academy Dhahran Project.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-116 1404373618 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength for Probe hole no-55,56,63,23,24,25 (#6nos) @ West Compressive Strength Test Osaimi Lab SATIP-Q-010 SAIC-Q-1045 31-Jul-23
Wing and Atrium area of CAD main building Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-055,057
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-117 1404373626 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength for Probe hole no-87 (#1nos) @ East Wing of CAD main Compressive Strength Test Osaimi Lab SATIP-Q-010 SAIC-Q-1045 31-Jul-23
building Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-048
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-118 1404378570 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength forProbe hole no-88,21,22 (#3nos) @ East Wing and West Compressive Strength Test Osaimi Lab SATIP-Q-010 SAIC-Q-1045 1-Aug-23
Wing of CAD main building Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-048,057
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-119 1404386263 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength forProbe hole no-18 (#1nos) @ West Wing of CAD main Compressive Strength Test Osaimi Lab SATIP-Q-010 SAIC-Q-1045 2-Aug-23
building Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-057
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-120 1404393273 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength for for Tower Crane Foundation #1 as per approved Shop Compressive Strength Test SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 3-Aug-23
Drawing of Tower Crane (Ref. Doc No:- CS-000078).Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-063
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-121 1404399493 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength for Probe hole no-10,13,121 (#3nos) @ West Wing of CAD Compressive Strength Test Osaimi Lab SATIP-Q-010-01 SAIC-Q-1045 5-Aug-23
main building.Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-056
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-122 1404405643 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength forProbe hole no-52,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 (#12nos) @ Compressive Strength Test Osaimi Lab SATIP-Q-010-01 SAIC-Q-1045 6-Aug-23
West Wing of CAD main building.Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-056,057
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-123 1404420972 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength Probe hole no-19 (#1 nos) @ West Wing of CAD main Compressive Strength Test SATIP-Q-010-01 SAIC-Q-1045 8-Aug-23
building.Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-057
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-124 1404421034 Civil 28 Days Compressive StrengthProbe hole no-12,120,16,14,15 (#5 nos) @ West Wing of Compressive Strength Test Osaimi Lab SATIP-Q-010-01 SAIC-Q-1045 8-Aug-23
CAD main building.Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-056,057
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-125 1404427339 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength for Tower Crane Foundation #1 as per approved Shop Compressive Strength Test SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 9-Aug-23
Drawing of Tower Crane (Ref. Doc No:- CS-000078).Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-079
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-126 1404430401 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength forProbe hole no-17,20 (#2 nos) @ West Wing of CAD Compressive Strength Test SATIP-Q-010 SAIC-Q-1045 10-Aug-23
main building.Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-057
Compaction Testing of Existing Layer for Corporate Academy Main Building Foundation
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-127 1404431794 Civil Lean Concrete within Gridlines (S-T and 35-26), (U and 34), (U and 31-26), (V and 33-26), Compaction Testing Main Building of Corporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 10-Aug-23
(W-X and 30-26), (P-20), (T-U and 24-25) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index- Dhahran
Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Grade and Site Preparation Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building Foundation
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-128 1404478382 Civil Lean Concrete within Gridlines (S-T and 35-26), (U and 34), (U and 31-26), (V and 33-26), Grade and Site Prep. East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 12-Aug-23
(W-X and 30-26), (P-20), (T-U and 24-25) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index- Building
Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Formwork Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building Foundation Lean Concrete
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-129 1404478456 Civil within Gridlines (S-T and 35-26), (U and 34), (U and 31-26), (V and 33-26), (W-X and 30- Formwork Inspection East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 12-Aug-23
26), (P-20), (T-U and 24-25) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA- Building
CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-130 1404478519 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength forProbe hole no-32,33,34(#3 nos) @ Atrium Area of CAD Compressive Strength Test SATIP-Q-010 SAIC-Q-1045 12-Aug-23
main building.Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-055
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-131 1404479006 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength foProbe hole no-38,37,42,44,51(#5 nos) @ Atrium Area of Compressive Strength Test SATIP-Q-010 SAIC-Q-1045 13-Aug-23
CAD main building.Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-055
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-132 1404479063 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength Probe hole no-48,43,39(#3 nos) @ Atrium Area of CAD Compressive Strength Test SATIP-Q-010 SAIC-Q-1045 13-Aug-23
main building.Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-056
Material Handling, Storage and Preservation Inspection of Termiticide(Biflex TC) for East
Wing of Corporate Academy Main Building Foundation prior to Lean Concrete within
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-133 1405306134 Civil Gridlines (S-T and 35-26), (U and 34), (U and 31-26), (V and 33-29), (P-20), (T-U and 24- Material Receiving East Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-004 14-Aug-23
25) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht Building
No.04, Rev No.-A.
Termiticide Application Inspection for East Wing of Corporate Academy Main Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-135 1405306276 Civil Foundation prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (S-T and 35-26), (U and 34), (U and Termiticide Application East Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-006 14-Aug-23
31-26), (V and 33-29), (P-20), (T-U and 24-25) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Building
Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Lean Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for East Wing of Corporate
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-136 1404485946 Civil Academy Main Building Foundation Lean Concrete within Gridlines (S-T and 35-26), (U Concrete Placement East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 14-Aug-23
and 34), (U and 31-26), (V and 33-29), (P-20), (T-U and 24-25) as per attached highlighted Building
shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-137 1404485951 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength for Probe hole no-40,44,47,36,35(#5 nos) @ Atrium Area Compressive Strength Test Osaimi Lab SATIP-Q-010 SAIC-Q-1045 14-Aug-23
of CAD main building.Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-055
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-138 1404486114 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength for Probe hole no-41,45,50,49(#4 nos) @ Atrium Area of Compressive Strength Test SATIP-Q-010 SAIC-Q-1045 14-Aug-23
CAD main buildingRef RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-055
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-139 1404487132 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength forProbe hole no-31,28,27(#3 nos) @ West Wing of CAD Compressive Strength Test SATIP-Q-010 SAIC-Q-1045 15-Aug-23
main building.Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-057
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-140 1404487192 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength forProbe hole no-26,29,30(#3 nos) @ West Wing of CAD Compressive Strength Test SATIP-Q-010 SAIC-Q-1045 15-Aug-23
main building Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-057
Grade and Site Preparation Inspection for 3rd/Final Lift of Lean Concrete for Retaining
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-141 1404487364 Civil Wall at Zone-3 for excavation level(EL) of 71.50, as per attached highlighted Index-Q IFC Grade and Site Prep. Zone-3 Retaining Wall SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 15-Aug-23
Drawing No: HA-021053, Sht. No.-001, Rev No.-01.
Formwork Inspection for 3rd/Final Lift of Lean Concrete for Retaining Wall at Zone-3 for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-142 1404487432 Civil excavation level(EL) of 71.50, as per attached highlighted Index-Q IFC Drawing No: HA- Formwork Inspection Zone-3 Retaining Wall SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 15-Aug-23
021053, Sht. No.-001, Rev No.-01.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-143 1404487550 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength forProbe hole no-142 to 150(#9 nos) @ Chiller Yard.Ref Compressive Strength Test SATIP-Q-010 SAIC-Q-1045 16-Aug-23
Lean Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for 3rd/Final Lift of Lean
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-144 1404487598 Civil Concrete for Retaining Wall at Zone-3 for excavation level(EL) of 71.50, as per attached Concrete Placement Zone-3 Retaining Wall SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 16-Aug-23
highlighted Index-Q IFC Drawing No: HA-021053, Sht. No.-001, Rev No.-01.
Compaction Testing of Existing Layer for Corporate Academy Main Building Foundation
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-145 1404487694 Civil Lean Concrete within Gridlines (X2 and Y1 to Y21)(Cathodic Protection Area), (V to X and Compaction Testing Main Building of Corporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 17-Aug-23
24 to 25) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Dhahran
Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Grade and Site Preparation Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building Foundation
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-146 1404487763 Civil Lean Concrete within Gridlines (X2 and Y1 to Y21)(Cathodic Protection Area), (V to X and Grade and Site Prep. East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 17-Aug-23
24 to 25) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Building
Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Formwork Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building Foundation Lean Concrete
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-147 1404487789 Civil within Gridlines (X2 and Y1 to Y21)(Cathodic Protection Area), (V to X and 24 to 25) as Formwork Inspection East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 17-Aug-23
per attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Building
Rev No.-A.
Material Handling, Storage and Preservation Inspection of Termiticide(Biflex TC) for East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-148 1405306303 Civil Wing of Corporate Academy Main Building Foundation prior to Lean Concrete within Material Receiving East Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-004 17-Aug-23
Gridlines (V and 24-27), (W-X and 24-30), (X2 and Y1 to Y21) as per attached highlighted Building
shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Termiticide Application Inspection for East Wing of Corporate Academy Main Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-150 1405306280 Civil Foundation prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (V and 24-27), (W-X and 24-30), (X2 Termiticide Application East Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-006 17-Aug-23
and Y1 to Y21) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO- Building
03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Lean Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for East Wing of Corporate
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-151 1404487810 Civil Academy Main Building Foundation prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (V and 24- Concrete Placement East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 17-Aug-23
27), (W-X and 24-30), (X2 and Y1 to Y21) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index- Building
Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Lean Concrete Placement Inspection for 1st Lift of Retaining Wall at West side of Zone-3
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-152 1404488871 Civil below EL-72.00 and 72.40 as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150- Concrete Placement Retaining Wall of Part 5 SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 21-Aug-23
Compaction Testing of Existing Layer for Corporate Academy Main Building East Wing
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-153 1404488974 Civil Foundation prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (V and34-35), (U and 32-33), (M-Q Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 21-Aug-23
and 19), (X1 and 25-30) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S- Building
Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Grade and Site Preparation Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building East Wing
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-154 1404489085 Civil Foundation prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (V and34-35), (U and 32-33), (M-Q Grade and Site Prep. East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 21-Aug-23
and 19), (X1 and 25-30) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S- Building
Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Formwork Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building East Wing Foundation prior
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-155 1404489137 Civil to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (V and34-35), (U and 32-33), (M-Q and 19), (X1 and 25- Formwork Inspection East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 21-Aug-23
30) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht Building
No.04, Rev No.-A.
Termiticide Pre-Application Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building East Wing
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-157 1405306332 Civil Foundation prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (V and34-35), (U and 32-33), (M-Q Termiticide Pre-Application East Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-005 21-Aug-23
and 19), (X1 and 25-30) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S- Building
Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Termiticide Application Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building East Wing
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-158 1405306322 Civil Foundation prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (V and34-35), (U and 32-33), (M-Q Termiticide Application East Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-006 21-Aug-23
and 19), (X1 and 25-30) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S- Building
Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Lean Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Corporate Academy Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-159 1404489179 Civil Building East Wing Foundation Lean Concrete within Gridlines (V and34-35), (U and 32- Concrete Placement East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 21-Aug-23
33), (M-Q and 19), (X1 and 25-30) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, Building
CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
7 Days Compressive Strength for East Wing of Corporate Academy Main Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-160 1404489171 Civil Foundation Lean Concrete within Gridlines (S-T and 35-26), (U and 34), (U and 31-26), (V Compressive Strength Test SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 21-Aug-23
and 33-29), (P-20), (T-U and 24-25)Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-136
Soil Sampling for General Fill material at Site from Vendor: Intelligent Horizon Est. (Al- Stockpile area at Zone-6(General Fill
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-161 1404501050 Civil Khaledi Co. Crusher) at Stockpile No-03 at Zone-6 for Corporate Academy Dhahran Soil Sampling SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 23-Aug-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-162 1404501121 Civil 7 Days Compressive Strength for 3rd/Final Lift of Lean Concrete for Retaining Wall at Compressive Strength Test INAT lab khober SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 23-Aug-23
Zone-3 for excavation level(EL) of 71.50,.Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-144
Material receiving inspection of binuminous concrete primer for water proofing CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-163 1405303161 Civil membrane , manufacturerd by BITUMAT as per approved RTA # (RTA_006_(DOC_0364)), Material Receiving CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-013-Rev 01 23-Aug-23
Rev 01
qty 200 litters at CRCC site .
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-164 1405303177 Civil Pre installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for footing # F2A, Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 23-Aug-23
Axis Uand31 at zone 5 east wing. (Mock-up) Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-165 1405303178 Civil Inprocess installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for footing # Waterproofing In-process CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 23-Aug-23
F2A, Axis Uand31 at zone 5 east wing. (Mock-up) installation Inspection Rev 01
Lean Concrete Placement Inspection for 2nd Lift of Retaining Wall at West side of Zone-3
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-166 1404520644 Civil below EL-72.00 and 72.40 as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150- Concrete Placement Retaining Wall of Part 5 SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 24-Aug-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-167 1404521236 Civil Compaction Testing for 7th Layer of General Fill material near Tower Crane Foundation Compaction Testing Zone-6 Parking Lot area near Tower SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 24-Aug-23
No-02 Parking Lot area of Zone-6 as per attached highlighted drawings. Crane no-2
7 Days Compressive Strength for East Wing of Corporate Academy Main Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-168 1404521221 Civil Foundation prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (V and 24-27), (W-X and 24-30), (X2 Compressive Strength Test INAT lab khober SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 24-Aug-23
and Y1 to Y21) ,Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-151
Compaction Testing of Existing Layer for Corporate Academy Main Building East Wing East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-169 1404521314 Civil Foundation prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (V-X6 and 21-23) as per attached Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 26-Aug-23
highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Grade and Site Preparation Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building East Wing East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-170 1404521359 Civil Foundation prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (V-X6 and 21-23) as per attached Grade and Site Prep. SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 26-Aug-23
highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Formwork Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building East Wing Foundation prior East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-171 1404521394 Civil to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (V-X6 and 21-23) as per attached highlighted shop Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 26-Aug-23
drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Termiticide Pre-Application Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building East Wing East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-173 1405306366 Civil Foundation prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (V-X6 and 21-23) as per attached Termiticide Pre-Application CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-005 26-Aug-23
highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Termiticide Application Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building East Wing East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-174 1405306377 Civil Foundation prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (V-X6 and 21-23) as per attached Termiticide Application CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-006 26-Aug-23
highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Lean Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Corporate Academy Main East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-175 1404521352 Civil Building East Wing Foundation within Gridlines (V-X6 and 21-23) as per attached Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 26-Aug-23
highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Lean Concrete Placement Inspection for 3rd Lift of Retaining Wall at West side of Zone-3
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-176 1404527154 Civil below EL-72.00 and 72.40 as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150- Concrete Placement Retaining Wall of Part 5 SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 27-Aug-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-177 1404533019 Civil Compaction Testing for 8th Layer of General Fill material near Tower Crane Foundation Compaction Testing Zone-6 Parking Lot area near Tower SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 28-Aug-23
No-02 Parking Lot area of Zone-6 as per attached highlighted drawings. Crane no-2
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-178 1404533118 Civil Compaction Testing of 4th Layer for Zone-6 Parking Lot area between Corporate Compaction Testing Zone-6 b/w CAD main bldg. And SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 28-Aug-23
Academy Main Building and Chiller Yard as per attached highlighted drawings. Chiller Yard
Compaction Testing of Existing Layer for Corporate Academy Main Building East Wing
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-179 1404533374 Civil and West Wing prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (S-V and 21-23), (S-U and 24-25), Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 28-Aug-23
(C-E and 4-5), (C and 03) and (H and 20) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index- Building
Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Grade and Site Preparation Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building East Wing
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-180 1404533339 Civil and West Wing prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (S-V and 21-23), (S-U and 24-25), Grade and Site Prep. East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 28-Aug-23
(C-E and 4-5), (C and 03) and (H and 20) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index- Building
Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Formwork Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building East Wing and West Wing
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-181 1404533409 Civil prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (S-V and 21-23), (S-U and 24-25), (C-E and 4-5), (C Formwork Inspection East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 28-Aug-23
and 03) and (H and 20) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S- Building
Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Termiticide Pre-Application Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building East Wing
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-183 1405306846 Civil and West Wing prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (S-V and 21-23), (S-U and 24-25), Termiticide Pre-Application East Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-005 28-Aug-23
(C-E and 4-5), (C and 03) and (H and 20) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index- Building
Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Termiticide Application Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building East Wing and
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-184 1405306856 Civil West Wing prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (S-V and 21-23), (S-U and 24-25), (C-E Termiticide Application East Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-006 28-Aug-23
and 4-5), (C and 03) and (H and 20) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, Building
CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Lean Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Corporate Academy Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-185 1404533473 Civil Building East Wing and West Wing within Gridlines (S-V and 21-23), (S-U and 24-25), (C-E Concrete Placement East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 28-Aug-23
and 4-5), (C and 03) and (H and 20) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, Building
CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
7 Days Compressive Strength for Corporate Academy Main Building East Wing
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-186 1404533558 Civil Foundation Lean Concrete within Gridlines (V and34-35), (U and 32-33), (M-Q and 19), Compressive Strength Test INAT lab khober SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 28-Aug-23
(X1 and 25-30) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-
03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.,Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-159
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-187 1405303220 Civil Final installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for footing # F2A, Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 28-Aug-23
Axis Uand31 at zone 5 east wing. (Mock-up) Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-188 1405303227 Civil Mock-up of water proofing membrane application for footing # F2A, Axis Uand31 at Mock-up Waterproofing CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-014-Rev 01 28-Aug-23
zone 5 east wing. installation Inspection Rev 01
Material Receiving Inspection for Uncoated Steel Bars for 10mm(cut and bend)-0.025ton,
12mm(cut and bend)-10.206ton, 16mm(cut and bend)-37.437ton, 20mm(cut and bend)-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-189 1404547700 Civil 44.728ton, 25mm(cut and bend)-15.089, 12mm(offcut and scrap)-0.144ton, 16mm(offcut Material Receiving Location-Near Retaining Wall of Zone- SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1007 29-Aug-23
and scrap)-0.853ton, 20mm(offcut and scrap)-1.071ton, 25mm(offcut and scrap)- 3
0.166ton as per Delivery Note No.: DMM1-27063, DMM1-27043, DMM1-27037, DMM1-
27029, delivered by Vendor-BRC @ Location-Near Retaining Wall of Zone-3.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-190 1405303229 Civil Pre installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for footing # F2A, Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 29-Aug-23
Axis T34, T33, T32, T31, T29, T27, U34, U33, U31, U29, U27 at zone 5, east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-191 1405303314 Civil Inprocess installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for footing # Waterproofing In-process CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 29-Aug-23
F2A, Axis T34, T33, T32, T31, T29, T27, U34, U33, U31, U29, U27 at zone 5, east wing. installation Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-192 1404547727 Civil Concrete Fill Placement Inspection for 4th Lift of Retaining Wall at West side of Zone-3 Concrete Placement Retaining Wall of Part 5 SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 30-Aug-23
below EL-72.00 as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001-01.
Concrete Fill Placement Inspection for 1st Lift of Retaining Wall at West side of Zone-3
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-193 1404548110 Civil below EL-74.20 and 75.00 as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150- Concrete Placement Retaining Wall of Part 5 SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 30-Aug-23
Compaction Testing of Existing Layer for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-194 1404548193 Civil prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (D-E and 10-13), (C-E and 6-9) as per attached Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 30-Aug-23
highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
1404548212 Grade and Site Preparation Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-195 Civil prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (D-E and 10-13), (C-E and 6-9) as per attached Grade and Site Prep. SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 30-Aug-23
highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Formwork Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing prior to Lean East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-196 1404548218 Civil Concrete within Gridlines (D-E and 10-13), (C-E and 6-9) as per attached highlighted shop Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 30-Aug-23
drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Termiticide Pre-Application Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-198 1405306871 Civil prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (D-E and 10-13), (C-E and 6-9) as per attached Termiticide Pre-Application CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-005 30-Aug-23
highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Termiticide Application Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-199 1405306840 Civil prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (D-E and 10-13), (C-E and 6-9) as per attached Termiticide Application CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-006 30-Aug-23
highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Lean Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Corporate Academy Main East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-200 1404548162 Civil Building West Wing within Gridlines (D-E and 10-13), (C-E and 6-9) as per attached Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 30-Aug-23
highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Review of Test Reports for Soil Sample collected with RFI No- (CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-161)
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-201 1404555092 Civil dated 23-Aug-2023 for General Fill Material collected from Stockpile No-3 at Zone-6 Review of Test Reports Site Office SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 31-Aug-23
supplied by approved Vendor-Intelligent Horizon Est.(Al-Khaledi Co. Crusher).
Material Receiving Inspection for General Fill Material from Vendor Name: "Intelligent
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-202 1404555112 Civil Horizon Est." and Vendor ID No.: 10108955, as per attached Delivery Notes with Total Material Receiving Zone-6 General Fill Stockpile No-2 SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1002 31-Aug-23
Quantity 2,040 cum. Dating from 20-Jul-2023 to 20-Aug-2023 at Zone-6 Stockpile No-3 at
Zone-6 of Corporate Academy Dhahran Project.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-203 1404555990 Civil Compaction Testing of 5th Layer for Zone-6 Parking Lot area between Corporate Compaction Testing Zone-6 b/w CAD main bldg. And SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 31-Aug-23
Academy Main Building and Chiller Yard as per attached highlighted drawings. Chiller Yard
Soil Sampling for General Fill material at Site from Vendor: Intelligent Horizon Est. (Al- Stockpile area at Zone-6(General Fill
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-204 1404556168 Civil Khaledi Co. Crusher) at Stockpile No-04 at Zone-6 for Corporate Academy Dhahran Soil Sampling SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 31-Aug-23
Grade and Site Preparation Inspection for Final Lift of Lean Concrete for Retaining Wall at
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-205 1404556354 Civil West side of Zone-3 for excavation level(EL) of 72.00, as per attached highlighted Index- Grade and Site Prep. Zone-3 Retaining Wall SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 31-Aug-23
Q IFC Drawing No: HA-021053, Sht. No.-001, Rev No.-01.
Formwork Inspection for Final Lift of Lean Concrete for Retaining Wall at West side of
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-206 1404556348 Civil Zone-3 for excavation level(EL) of 72.00, as per attached highlighted Index-Q IFC Drawing Formwork Inspection Zone-3 Retaining Wall SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 31-Aug-23
No: HA-021053, Sht. No.-001, Rev No.-01.
Lean Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Final Lift of Lean Concrete
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-207 1404556417 Civil for Retaining Wall at West side of Zone-3 for excavation level(EL) of 72.00, as per Concrete Placement Zone-3 Retaining Wall SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 31-Aug-23
attached highlighted Index-Q IFC Drawing No: HA-021053, Sht. No.-001, Rev No.-01.
Compaction Testing of Existing Layer for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-208 1404556466 Civil prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (A-B and 3-8), (C-E and 4-5) as per attached Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 31-Aug-23
highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Grade and Site Preparation Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-209 1404556459 Civil prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (A-B and 3-8), (C-E and 4-5) as per attached Grade and Site Prep. SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 31-Aug-23
highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Formwork Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing prior to Lean East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-210 1404556525 Civil Concrete within Gridlines (A-B and 3-8), (C-E and 4-5) as per attached highlighted shop Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 31-Aug-23
drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Termiticide Pre-Application Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-212 1405306963 Civil prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (A-B and 3-8), (C-E and 4-5) as per attached Termiticide Pre-Application CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-005 31-Aug-23
highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Termiticide Application Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-213 1405306967 Civil prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (A-B and 3-8), (C-E and 4-5) as per attached Termiticide Application CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-006 31-Aug-23
highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Lean Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Corporate Academy Main East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-214 1404556547 Civil Building West Wing within Gridlines (A-B and 3-8), (C-E and 4-5) as per attached Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 31-Aug-23
highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-216 1405303319 Civil Pre installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for footing # F2A, Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 31-Aug-23
Axis T32, T31, T29, T27, U34, U33, U31, U29, U27 at zone 5, east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-217 1405303232 Civil Inprocess installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for footing # Waterproofing In-process CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 31-Aug-23
F2A, Axis T32, T31, T29, T27, U34, U33, U31, U29, U27 at zone 5,east wing. installation Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-218 1404560077 Civil 7 Days Compressive Strength for for Corporate Academy Main Building East Wing Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 2-Sep-23
Foundation within Gridlines (V-X6 and 21-23) Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-175
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-219 1405303462 Civil Pre installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 08 Nos footing as Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 2-Sep-23
per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-220 1405303550 Civil Inprocess installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 08 Nos Waterproofing In-process CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 2-Sep-23
footing as per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, east wing. installation Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-221 1405303552 Civil Final installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 14 Nos footing Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 2-Sep-23
as per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-222 1405303633 Civil Pre installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 17 Nos footing as Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 3-Sep-23
per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-223 1405303664 Civil Inprocess installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 17 Nos Waterproofing In-process CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 3-Sep-23
footing as per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, east wing. installation Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-224 1404602855 Civil Lean Concrete Placement Inspection for Final Lift of Retaining Wall at West side of Zone- Concrete Placement Retaining Wall of Part 5 SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 3-Sep-23
3 below EL-72.40 as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001-01.
Concrete Fill Placement Inspection for 2nd Lift of Retaining Wall at West side of Zone-3
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-225 1404602914 Civil below EL-73.00, 73.50, 74.20, 75.00, 75.30 and 76.00 as per attached highlighted Concrete Placement Retaining Wall of Part 5 SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 3-Sep-23
Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001-01.
Screed Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection of 30mm thickness for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-226 1404577595 Civil Corporate Academy Main Building East Wing within Gridlines (S-U and 33-35), (U and 27- Concrete Placement East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 4-Sep-23
32) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht Building
No.04, Rev No.-A.
Compaction Testing of Existing Layer for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-227 1404577605 Civil prior to Lean Concrete for Retaining Wall near East Wing of Main Building as per Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 4-Sep-23
attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-S, HA-021050, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Grade and Site Preparation Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-228 1404577581 Civil prior to Lean Concrete for Retaining Wall near East Wing of Main Building as per Grade and Site Prep. SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 4-Sep-23
attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-S, HA-021050, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Formwork Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing prior to Lean East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-229 1404577634 Civil Concrete for Retaining Wall near East Wing of Main Building as per attached highlighted Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 4-Sep-23
IFC drawing Index-S, HA-021050, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Material Handling, Storage and Preservation Inspection of Termiticide(Biflex TC) for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-230 1405307281 Civil Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing prior to Lean Concrete for Retaining Wall Material Receiving East Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-004 4-Sep-23
near East Wing of Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-S, HA- Building
021050, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Termiticide Pre-Application Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-231 1405307344 Civil prior to Lean Concrete for Retaining Wall near East Wing of Main Building as per Termiticide Pre-Application CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-005 4-Sep-23
attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-S, HA-021050, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Termiticide Application Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-232 1405307363 Civil prior to Lean Concrete for Retaining Wall near East Wing of Main Building as per Termiticide Application CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-006 4-Sep-23
attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-S, HA-021050, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Lean Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Corporate Academy Main East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-233 1404577656 Civil Building West Wing for Retaining Wall near East Wing of Main Building as per attached Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 4-Sep-23
highlighted IFC drawing Index-S, HA-021050, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
7 Days Compressive Strength forfor Corporate Academy Main Building East Wing and
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-234 1404577796 Civil West Wing within Gridlines (S-V and 21-23), (S-U and 24-25), (C-E and 4-5), (C and 03) Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 4-Sep-23
and (H and 20) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-
03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A. Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-185
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-235 1405303656 Civil Final installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 13 Nos footing Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 5-Sep-23
as per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, east wing. Inspection Rev 01
Concrete Fill Placement Inspection for 3rd Lift of Retaining Wall at West side of Zone-3
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-236 1404584733 Civil below EL-73.00, 73.50, 74.20, 75.00, 75.30 and 76.00 as per attached highlighted Concrete Placement Retaining Wall of Part 5 SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 5-Sep-23
Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001-01.
7 Days Compressive Strength for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing within
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-237 1404591590 Civil Gridlines (D-E and 10-13), (C-E and 6-9) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index- Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 6-Sep-23
Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-200
Screed Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection of 30mm thickness for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-238 1404591591 Civil Corporate Academy Main Building East Wing within Gridlines (S-T and 26-32), (U and 26), Concrete Placement East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 6-Sep-23
(V and 34-35), (V and 25-31) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA- Building
CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Compaction Testing of Existing Layer for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-239 1404591695 Civil prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (A-E and 01-02) for West Wing (E.L- 86.00) of Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 6-Sep-23
Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-S, HA-021050, Sht No.001, Building
Rev No.-02.
Grade and Site Preparation Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-240 1404591724 Civil prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (A-E and 01-02) for West Wing (E.L- 86.00) of Grade and Site Prep. East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 6-Sep-23
Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-S, HA-021050, Sht No.001, Building
Rev No.-02.
Formwork Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing prior to Lean East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-241 1404591711 Civil Concrete within Gridlines (A-E and 01-02) for West Wing (E.L- 86.00) of Main Building as Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 6-Sep-23
per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-S, HA-021050, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Termiticide Pre-Application Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-243 1405307336 Civil prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (A-E and 01-02) for West Wing (E.L- 86.00) of Termiticide Pre-Application East Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-005 6-Sep-23
Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-S, HA-021050, Sht No.001, Building
Rev No.-02.
Termiticide Application Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-244 1405307424 Civil prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (A-E and 01-02) for West Wing (E.L- 86.00) of Termiticide Application East Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-006 6-Sep-23
Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-S, HA-021050, Sht No.001, Building
Rev No.-02.
Lean Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Corporate Academy Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-245 1404591760 Civil Building West Wing within Gridlines (A-E and 01-02) for West Wing (E.L- 86.00) of Main Concrete Placement East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 6-Sep-23
Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-S, HA-021050, Sht No.001, Rev Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-246 1405303680 Civil Pre installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 20 Nos footing as Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 6-Sep-23
per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-247 1405303682 Civil Inprocess installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 20 Nos Waterproofing In-process CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 6-Sep-23
footing as per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, east wing. installation Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-248 1405304117 Civil Final installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 15 Nos footing Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 6-Sep-23
as per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, east wing. Inspection Rev 01
Material receiving and storage inspection of Bitumin primer 400 Ltr , topseal 200 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-249 1405304138 Civil waterproofing membrane 1610 Seq meters, and geotextile polyester 2100 Seq meters Material Receiving CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-013-Rev 01 6-Sep-23
Rev 01
as per attached delivery note.
7 Days Compressive Strength for Final Lift of Lean Concrete for Retaining Wall at West
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-250 1404599532 Civil side of Zone-3 for excavation level(EL) of 72.00, as per attached highlighted Index-Q IFC Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 7-Sep-23
Drawing No: HA-021053, Sht. No.-001, Rev No.-01.-A.Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-207
7 Days Compressive Strength for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing within
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-251 1404599557 Civil Gridlines (A-B and 3-8), (C-E and 4-5) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 7-Sep-23
CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A..Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-214
Concrete Fill Placement Inspection for 3rd Lift of Retaining Wall at West side of Zone-3
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-252 1404599628 Civil below EL-73.00, 73.50, 74.20, 75.00, 75.30 and 76.00 as per attached highlighted Concrete Placement Retaining Wall of Part 5 SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 7-Sep-23
Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001-01.
Screed Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection of 30mm thickness for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-253 1404599631 Civil Corporate Academy Main Building East Wing within Gridlines (W-X and 23-36), (X1-X6 Concrete Placement East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 7-Sep-23
and 23), (V and 23-25) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S- Building
Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-254 1405304120 Civil Pre installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 06 Nos footing as Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 7-Sep-23
per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, West wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-255 1405304142 Civil Inprocess installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 06 Nos Waterproofing In-process CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 7-Sep-23
footing as per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, west wing. installation Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-256 1405304195 Civil Final installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 12 Nos footing Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 7-Sep-23
as per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-257 1405304202 Civil Pre installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 02 Nos footing as Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 8-Sep-23
per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, West wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-258 1405304218 Civil Inprocess installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 02 Nos Waterproofing In-process CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 8-Sep-23
footing as per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, west wing. installation Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-259 1405304189 Civil Final installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 06 Nos footing Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 8-Sep-23
as per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, West wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-260 1405304219 Civil Pre installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 01 Nos footing as Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 9-Sep-23
per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, East wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-261 1405304293 Civil Inprocess installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 01 Nos Waterproofing In-process CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 9-Sep-23
footing as per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, East wing. installation Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-262 1405304249 Civil Final installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 13 Nos footing Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 9-Sep-23
as per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, West wing. Inspection Rev 01
Material receiving and storage inspection of Bitumin primer 200 Ltr , topseal 200 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-263 1405305755 Civil waterproofing membrane 920 Seq meters, and geotextile polyester 1500 Seq meters as Material Receiving CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-013-Rev 01 9-Sep-23
Rev 01
per attached delivery note.
1404607708 Concrete Fill Placement Inspection for 3rd Lift of Retaining Wall at West side of Zone-3
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-264 Civil below EL-73.00, 73.50, 74.20, 75.00, 75.30 as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Concrete Placement Zone-3, Retaining Wall, West Side SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 9-Sep-23
Index-S, HA-02150-001-01.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-265 1404607691 Civil Lean Concrete Placement Inspection for Final Lift of Retaining Wall at West side of Zone- Concrete Placement Zone-3, Retaining Wall, West Side SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 9-Sep-23
3 below EL-76.00 as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001-01.
Soil Sampling for General Fill material at Site from Vendor: Intelligent Horizon Est. (Al- Stockpile area at Zone-6(General Fill
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-266 1404614638 Civil Khaledi Co. Crusher) at Stockpile No-05 at Zone-6 for Corporate Academy Dhahran Soil Sampling SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 9-Sep-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-267 1404614686 Civil 7 Days Compressive Strength for Final Lift of Retaining Wall at West side of Zone-3 Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 10-Sep-23
below EL-72.40-A.Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-224
Concrete Fill Placement Inspection for 4th Lift of Retaining Wall at West side of Zone-3
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-268 1404614750 Civil below EL-73.00, 73.50, 74.20, 75.00 as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA- Concrete Placement Zone-3, Retaining Wall, West Side SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 10-Sep-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-269 1404614796 Civil Lean Concrete Placement Inspection for Final Lift of Retaining Wall at West side of Zone- Concrete Placement Zone-3, Retaining Wall, West Side SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 10-Sep-23
3 below EL-75.30 as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001-01.
Screed Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection of 30mm thickness for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-270 1404614823 Civil Corporate Academy Main Building East Wing within Gridlines (S-V and 21-23) as per Concrete Placement East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 10-Sep-23
attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev Building
Compaction Testing of Existing Layer for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-271 1404614821 Civil prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (J-R and 14), (C-E and 12-13), (C and 10), (9 and B- Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 10-Sep-23
D) for West Wing of Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-S, HA- Building
021050, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Grade and Site Preparation Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-272 1404614876 Civil prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (J-R and 14), (C-E and 12-13), (C and 10), (9 and B- Grade and Site Prep. East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 10-Sep-23
D) for West Wing of Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-S, HA- Building
021050, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Formwork Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing prior to Lean
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-273 1404614882 Civil Concrete within Gridlines (J-R and 14), (C-E and 12-13), (C and 10), (9 and B-D) for West Formwork Inspection East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 10-Sep-23
Wing of Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-S, HA-021050, Sht Building
No.001, Rev No.-02.
Termiticide Pre-Application Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing
prior to Lean Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing prior to Lean Concrete within
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-275 1405307407 Civil Gridlines (J-R and 14), (C-E and 12-13), (C and 10), (9 and B-D) for West Wing of Main Termiticide Pre-Application East Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-005 10-Sep-23
Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-S, HA-021050, Sht No.001, Rev Building
Termiticide Application Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-276 1405307452 Civil prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (J-R and 14), (C-E and 12-13), (C and 10), (9 and B- Termiticide Application East Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-006 10-Sep-23
D) for West Wing of Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-S, HA- Building
021050, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Lean Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Corporate Academy Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-277 1404614927 Civil Building West Wing within Gridlines (J-R and 14), (C-E and 12-13), (C and 10), (9 and B-D) Concrete Placement East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 10-Sep-23
for West Wing of Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-S, HA- Building
021050, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
28 Days Compressive Strength for Academy Main Building Foundation Lean Concrete
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-278 1404621069 Civil within Gridlines (S-T and 35-26), (U and 34), (U and 31-26), (V and 33-29), (P-20), (T-U Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 11-Sep-23
and 24-25)-A.Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-136
7 Days Compressive Strength for 30mm thickness for Corporate Academy Main Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-279 1404621120 Civil East Wing within Gridlines (S-U and 33-35), (U and 27-32 .Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil- Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 11-Sep-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-280 1404621175 Civil 7 Days Compressive Strength for for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing for Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 11-Sep-23
Retaining Wall near East Wing of Main Building.Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-233
Formwork Inspection for Foundation of E.L-71.50 level for Zone-3 Retaining Wall as per Foundation for Retaining Wall for EL-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-281 1404628772 Civil approved Shop Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-CRCCSA-Z3-S-Q0-EX-03-80, Sht. No.-34, Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 11-Sep-23
Rev No.-A.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation of E.L-71.50 Foundation for Retaining Wall for EL-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-282 1404628806 Civil level for Zone-3 Retaining Wall as per approved Shop Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.- Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 11-Sep-23
CRCCSA-Z3-S-Q0-EX-03-80, Sht. No.-34, Rev No.-A.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-283 1404628796 Civil Compaction Testing of 6th Layer for Zone-6 Parking Lot area between Corporate Compaction Testing Zone-6 b/w CAD main bldg. And SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 11-Sep-23
Academy Main Building and Chiller Yard as per attached highlighted drawings. Chiller Yard
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-284 1405305719 Civil Pre installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 14 Nos footing as Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 11-Sep-23
per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, West wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-285 1405305731 Civil Inprocess installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 14 Nos Waterproofing In-process CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 11-Sep-23
footing as per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, west wing. installation Inspection Rev 01
Screed Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection of 30mm thickness for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-286 1404628616 Civil Corporate Academy Main Building West and East Wing within Gridlines (V and 32-33), (P Concrete Placement East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 12-Sep-23
and 20), (M-Q and 19), (A-E and 6-9) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, Building
CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
Compaction Testing of Existing Layer for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-287 1404628668 Civil prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (F-K and 19), (H-P and 15-17), (E-S and 3-4) for Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 12-Sep-23
West Wing of Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-S, HA-021050, Building
Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Grade and Site Preparation Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-288 1404628680 Civil prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (F-K and 19), (H-P and 15-17), (E-S and 3-4) for Grade and Site Prep. East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 12-Sep-23
West Wing of Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-S, HA-021050, Building
Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Formwork Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing prior to Lean
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-289 1404628692 Civil Concrete within Gridlines (F-K and 19), (H-P and 15-17), (E-S and 3-4) for West Wing of Formwork Inspection East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 12-Sep-23
Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-S, HA-021050, Sht No.001, Building
Rev No.-02.
Termiticide Pre-Application Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-291 1405307487 Civil prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (F-K and 19), (H-P and 15-17), (E-S and 3-4) for Termiticide Pre-Application East Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-005 12-Sep-23
West Wing of Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-S, HA-021050, Building
Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Termiticide Application Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-292 1405307472 Civil prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (F-K and 19), (H-P and 15-17), (E-S and 3-4) for Termiticide Application East Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-006 12-Sep-23
West Wing of Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-S, HA-021050, Building
Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Lean Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Corporate Academy Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-293 1404628724 Civil Building West Wing within Gridlines (F-K and 19), (H-P and 15-17), (E-S and 3-4) for West Concrete Placement East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 12-Sep-23
Wing of Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-S, HA-021050, Sht Building
No.001, Rev No.-02.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation of E.L-71.50 level
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-294 1404628763 Civil for Zone-3 Retaining Wall as per approved Shop Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-CRCCSA- Concrete Placement Segment-16 of Zone-3, Retaining Wall. SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 12-Sep-23
Z3-S-Q0-EX-03-80, Sht. No.-34, Rev No.-A.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-295 1404660679 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength for3rd/Final Lift of Lean Concrete for Retaining Wall at Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 13-Sep-23
Zone-3 for excavation level(EL) of 71.50,.Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-162
7 Days Compressive Strength for 30mm thickness for Corporate Academy Main Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-296 1404660688 Civil East Wing within Gridlines (S-T and 26-32), (U and 26), (V and 34-35), (V and 25-31Ref RFI Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 13-Sep-23
No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-238
7 Days Compressive Strength for for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing within
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-297 1404660725 Civil Gridlines (A-E and 01-02) for West Wing (E.L- 86.00) of Main Building.Ref RFI No CRCC- Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 13-Sep-23
Screed Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection of 30mm thickness for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-298 1404644370 Civil Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing within Gridlines (A-B and 3-6), (A-E and 1- Concrete Placement East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 13-Sep-23
2) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht Building
No.04, Rev No.-A.
Concrete Fill Placement Inspection for 1st Lift of Retaining Wall at West side of Zone-2
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-299 1404644441 Civil below EL-69.90, 70.10 as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001- Concrete Placement Zone-2, Retaining Wall, West Side SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 13-Sep-23
28 Days Compressive Strength for East Wing of Corporate Academy Main Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-300 1405196978 Civil Foundation lean concrete within Gridlines (V and 24-27), (W-X and 24-30), (X2 and Y1 to Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 14-Sep-23
Y21) Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-151
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-301 1405305640 Civil Pre installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 04 Nos footing as Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 14-Sep-23
per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, West wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-302 1405305748 Civil Inprocess installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 04 Nos Waterproofing In-process CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 14-Sep-23
footing as per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, west wing. installation Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-303 1405305722 Civil Final installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 12 Nos footing Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 14-Sep-23
as per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, west wing. Inspection Rev 01
Material receiving and storage inspection of Bitumin primer 200 Ltr , topseal 200 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-304 1405305771 Civil waterproofing membrane 1380 Seq meters, and geotextile polyester 1200 Seq meters Material Receiving CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-013-Rev 01 14-Sep-23
Rev 01
as per attached delivery note.
Material Receiving Inspection for Concrete Repair Material from Vendor Name: "DCP
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-305 1404644117 Civil Saudi Company . and Vendor ID No. 10054598, as per attached Delivery Notes with Total Material Receiving CRCC Site Zone 3 SATIP-H-003-01 SAIC-H-1002 14-Sep-23
Quantity 375 Kg (18 Bags) at CRCC Storage, Zone 03.
Material Receiving Inspection for Uncoated Steel Bars of Grade-80 for 10mm(cut and
bend)-1.403ton, 12mm(cut and bend)-1.182ton, 16mm(cut and bend)-1.746ton,
20mm(cut and bend)-14.354ton, 25mm(cut and bend)-17.767ton, 32mm(cut and bend)-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-306 1404644451 Civil 0.328ton, 12mm(offcut and scrap)-0.025ton, 16mm(offcut and scrap)-0.328ton, Material Receiving Location-Main Building Atrium Area SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1007 14-Sep-23
20mm(offcut and scrap)-3.156ton, 25mm(offcut and scrap)-17.568ton, 32mm(cut and
bend)-0.059ton as per Delivery Note No.: DMM1-27158, DMM1-27164, delivered by
Vendor-BRC and Vendor ID:10006142 @ Location-Main Building Area of Zone-5.
Material Receiving Inspection for Uncoated Steel Bars of Grade-80 for 10mm(cut and
bend)-0.018ton, 12mm(cut and bend)-1.412ton, 16mm(cut and bend)-8.625ton,
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-307 1404644510 Civil 20mm(cut and bend)-20.004ton, 25mm(cut and bend)-22.405ton as per Delivery Note Material Receiving Location-Main Building Atrium Area SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1007 14-Sep-23
No.: DMM1-27138, DMM1-27128, delivered by Vendor-BRC and Vendor ID:10006142 @
Location-Main Building Area of Zone-5.
Formwork Inspection for Foundation (F1-6Nos) within the gridlines (W-X and 27-30) and Foundation for Retaining Wall for EL-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-308 1404644482 Civil (P1-04Nos) for East Wing of Main Building at Zone-5 as per approved IFC highlighted Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 14-Sep-23
Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev No.-01.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation (F1-6Nos)
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-309 1404644492 Civil within the gridlines (W-X and 27-30) and (P1-04Nos) for East Wing of Main Building at Rebar Inspection Foundation for Retaining Wall for EL- SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 14-Sep-23
Zone-5 as per approved IFC highlighted Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-HA-020937, Sht. 71.50
No.-001, Rev No.-01.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection of Foundation (F1-6Nos) within the
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-310 1404644634 Civil gridlines (W-X and 27-30) and (P1-04 Nos) for East Wing of Main Building at Zone-5 as Concrete Placement East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 14-Sep-23
per approved IFC highlighted Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Building
Rev No.-01.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-311 1405305846 Civil Pre installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 04 Nos footing as Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 15-Sep-23
per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, West wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-312 1405305944 Civil Inprocess installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 04 Nos Waterproofing In-process CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 15-Sep-23
footing as per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, west wing. installation Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-313 1405305957 Civil Final installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 04 Nos footing Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 02 15-Sep-23
as per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, west wing. Inspection Rev 02
7 Days Compressive Strength for Final Lift of Retaining Wall at West side of Zone-3 below
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-314 1404654069 Civil EL-76.00 as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001-01. Ref RFI No Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 16-Sep-23
Screed Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection of 30mm thickness for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-315 1404654052 Civil Corporate Academy Main Building East and West Wing within Gridlines (D-E and 10-13), Concrete Placement East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 16-Sep-23
(S-U and 24-25), (H and 20) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA- Building
CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A.
1404654167 Compaction Testing of Existing Layer for Corporate Academy Main Building Atrium Area East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-316 Civil prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (H-P and 16-18) as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 16-Sep-23
drawing Index-S, HA-021050, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Grade and Site Preparation Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building Atrium Area East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-317 1404654193 Civil prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (H-P and 16-18) as per attached highlighted IFC Grade and Site Prep. SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 16-Sep-23
drawing Index-S, HA-021050, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
1404654161 Formwork Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building Atrium Area prior to Lean East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-318 Civil Concrete within Gridlines (H-P and 16-18) as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index- Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 16-Sep-23
S, HA-021050, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Material Handling, Storage and Preservation Inspection of Termiticide(Biflex TC) for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-319 1405307491 Civil Corporate Academy Main Building Atrium Area prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines Material Receiving East Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-004 16-Sep-23
(H-P and 16-18) as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-S, HA-021050, Sht No.001, Building
Rev No.-02.
Termiticide Pre-Application Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building Atrium Area East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-320 1405307510 Civil prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (H-P and 16-18) as per attached highlighted IFC Termiticide Pre-Application CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-005 16-Sep-23
drawing Index-S, HA-021050, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Termiticide Application Inspection for Corporate Academy Main Building Atrium Area East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-321 1405307574 Civil prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (H-P and 16-18) as per attached highlighted IFC Termiticide Application CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-006 16-Sep-23
drawing Index-S, HA-021050, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
1404654293 Lean Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Corporate Academy Main East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-322 Civil Building Atrium Area within Gridlines (H-P and 16-18) as per attached highlighted IFC Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 16-Sep-23
drawing Index-S, HA-021050, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Concrete Fill Placement Inspection for 2nd Lift of Retaining Wall at West side of Zone-2
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-323 1404654278 Civil below EL-69.90, 70.10 as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001- Concrete Placement Zone-2, Retaining Wall, West Side SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 16-Sep-23
1404654289 Formwork Inspection for Foundation of E.L-76.00, 75.30, 72.40 level for Zone-3 Retaining Foundation for Retaining Wall for EL-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-324 Civil Wall, west side as per approved Shop Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-CRCCSA-Z3-S-Q0- Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 16-Sep-23
76.00, 75.30 and 72.40
EX-03-80, Sht. No.-34, Rev No.-A.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation of E.L-76.00, Foundation for Retaining Wall for EL-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-325 1404654929 Civil 75.30, 72.40 level for Zone-3 Retaining Wall, west side as per approved Shop Drawing Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 16-Sep-23
76.00, 75.30 and 72.40
Index-Q, Drawing No.-CRCCSA-Z3-S-Q0-EX-03-80, Sht. No.-34, Rev No.-A.
Formwork Inspection for Foundation within the gridlines (U and 29), (U and34), (P1- East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-326 1404660153 Civil 11Nos) for East Wing of Main Building at Zone-5 as per approved IFC highlighted Drawing Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 17-Sep-23
Index-Q, Drawing No.-HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev No.-01.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation within the
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-327 1404660203 Civil gridlines (U and 34-36) and (P1-11Nos) for East Wing of Main Building at Zone-5 as per Rebar Inspection East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 17-Sep-23
approved IFC highlighted Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev Building
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection of Foundation of E.L-75.30 level Segment-02 of Zone-3, Retaining
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-328 1404660206 Civil for Zone-3 Retaining Wall, west side as per approved Shop Drawing Index-Q, Drawing Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 17-Sep-23
Wall, West Side
No.-CRCCSA-Z3-S-Q0-EX-03-80, Sht. No.-34, Rev No.-A.
Material Receiving Inspection for "Formcoat S" (Foam Release Agent) of Quantity- 2nos
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-329 1404660200 Civil Drums (210L each) as per Delivery Note No.: 23RUH-23014371 delivered by Vendor-DCP Material Receiving Location-Laydown Area of Zone-4. SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1007 17-Sep-23
and Vendor ID:10054598 @ Location-Laydown Area of Zone-4.
Review of Test Reports for Soil Sample collected with RFI No- (CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-204)
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-330 1404660241 Civil dated 31-Aug-2023 for General Fill Material collected from Stockpile No-4 at Zone-6 Review of Test Reports Site Office SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 17-Sep-23
supplied by approved Vendor-Intelligent Horizon Est.(Al-Khaledi Co. Crusher).
Material Receiving Inspection for General Fill Material from Vendor Name: "Intelligent
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-331 1404660339 Civil Horizon Est." and Vendor ID No.: 10108955, as per attached Delivery Notes with Total Material Receiving Zone-6 General Fill Stockpile No-2 SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1002 17-Sep-23
Quantity 2,448 cum. Dating from 20-Aug-2023 to 31-Aug-2023 at Zone-6 Stockpile No-4
at Zone-6 of Corporate Academy Dhahran Project.
Review of Test Reports for Soil Sample collected with RFI No- (CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-266)
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-332 1404660387 Civil dated 09-Sep-2023 for General Fill Material collected from Stockpile No-5 at Zone-6 Review of Test Reports Site Office SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 17-Sep-23
supplied by approved Vendor-Intelligent Horizon Est.(Al-Khaledi Co. Crusher).
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-333 1405305948 Civil Pre installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 04 Nos footing as Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 17-Sep-23
per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, West wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-334 1405305937 Civil Inprocess installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 04 Nos Waterproofing In-process CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 17-Sep-23
footing as per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, west wing. installation Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-335 1405305919 Civil Final installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 02 Nos footing Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 02 17-Sep-23
as per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, west wing. Inspection Rev 02
7 Days Compressive Strength for 30mm thickness screed concrete for Corporate
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-336 1404660606 Civil Academy Main Building East Wing within Gridlines (S-V and 21-23) Ref RFI No CRCC- Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 17-Sep-23
7 Days Compressive Strengthfor Final Lift of Retaining Wall at West side of Zone-3 below
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-337 1404660646 Civil EL-75.30 as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001-01. Ref RFI No Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 17-Sep-23
28 Days Compressive Strength for Corporate Academy Main Building East Wing
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-338 1404667210 Civil Foundation Lean Concrete within Gridlines (V and34-35), (U and 32-33), (M-Q and 19), Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 18-Sep-23
(X1 and 25-30) Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-159
Lean Concrete Placement Inspection for West Side of Retaining Wall at Zone-3 for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-340 1404667218 Civil Segment-3(RW-11R)(EL-75.00) and Segment-6(RW-15R)(EL-73.00) as per attached Concrete Placement Zone-3, Retaining Wall, West Side SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 18-Sep-23
highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001-01.
Concrete Fill Placement Inspection for 3rd Lift of Retaining Wall at West side of Zone-2
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-341 1404667283 Civil below EL-69.90, 70.10 as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001- Concrete Placement Zone-2, Retaining Wall, West Side SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 18-Sep-23
Formwork Inspection for Foundation within the gridlines (U and 29) for East Wing of Foundation for Retaining Wall for EL-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-342 1404667279 Civil Main Building at Zone-5 as per approved IFC highlighted Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.- Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 18-Sep-23
HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev No.-01.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation within the Foundation for Retaining Wall for EL-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-343 1404667317 Civil gridlines (U and 29) for East Wing of Main Building at Zone-5 as per approved IFC Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 18-Sep-23
highlighted Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev No.-01.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection of Foundation within the gridlines
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-344 1404667354 Civil (U and 34), (U and 29), (P1-11 Nos) for East Wing of Main Building at Zone-5 as per Concrete Placement East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 18-Sep-23
approved IFC highlighted Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev Building
1404673336 7 Days Compressive Strength Screed of 30mm thickness for Corporate Academy Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-345 Civil Building West and East Wing within Gridlines (V and 32-33), (P and 20), (M-Q and 19), (A- Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 19-Sep-23
E and 6-9) Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-286
7 Days Compressive Strength for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing Lean
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-346 1404673384 Civil within Gridlines (F-K and 19), (H-P and 15-17), (E-S and 3-4) for West Wing of Main Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 19-Sep-23
Building Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-293
1404673371 7 Days Compressive Strengthfor forfor Foundation of E.L-71.50 level for Zone-3 Retaining
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-347 Civil Wall as per approved Shop Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-CRCCSA-Z3-S-Q0-EX-03-80, Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 19-Sep-23
Sht. No.-34, Rev No.-A. Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-294
Screed Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection of 30mm thickness for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-348 1404673497 Civil Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing within Gridlines (B-E and 9), (C-E and 4-5) Concrete Placement West Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 19-Sep-23
as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht Building
No.04, Rev No.-A.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-352 1404679803 Civil Compaction Testing of 7th Layer for Zone-6 Parking Lot area between Corporate Compaction Testing Zone-6 b/w CAD main bldg. And SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 20-Sep-23
Academy Main Building and Chiller Yard as per attached highlighted drawings. Chiller Yard
Lean Concrete Placement Inspection for West Side of Retaining Wall at Zone-3 for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-353 1404679798 Civil Segment-4(RW-3R)(EL-74.20) as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA- Concrete Placement Zone-3, Retaining Wall, West Side SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 20-Sep-23
Screed Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection of 30mm thickness for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-354 1404679823 Civil Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing and Atrium Area within Gridlines (A-R and Concrete Placement West Wing and Atrium Area of SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 20-Sep-23
3-4) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht Coporate Academy Building
No.04, Rev No.-A.
7 Days Compressive Strength test of Foundation (F1-6Nos) within the gridlines (W-X and
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-355 1404687441 Civil 27-30) and (P1-04 Nos) for East Wing of Main Building at Zone-5 as per approved IFC Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 21-Sep-23
highlighted Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev No.-01 Ref RFI
No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-310
1404687502 Formwork Inspection for Foundation of Zone-3 Retaining Wall, west side for Segmant- Foundation for Zone-3, Retaining Wall
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-356 Civil 06(RW-15R)(E.L-73.00) as per approved Shop Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-CRCCSA-Z3- Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 21-Sep-23
for Segmant-06(RW-15R)(E.L-73.00)
S-Q0-EX-03-80, Sht. No.-34, Rev No.-A.
1404687520 Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Zone-3 Retaining Wall, Foundation for Zone-3, Retaining Wall
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-357 Civil west side for Segment-06(RW-15R)(E.L-73.00) as per approved Shop Drawing Index-Q, Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 21-Sep-23
for Segmant-06(RW-15R)(E.L-73.00)
Drawing No.-CRCCSA-Z3-S-Q0-EX-03-80, Sht. No.-34, Rev No.-A.
Soil Sampling for General Fill material at Site from Vendor: Intelligent Horizon Est. (Al- Stockpile area at Zone-6(General Fill
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-358 1404700050 Civil Khaledi Co. Crusher) at Stockpile No-06 at Zone-6 for Corporate Academy Dhahran Soil Sampling SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 21-Sep-23
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection of Zone-3 Retaining Wall, west side Foundation for Zone-3, Retaining Wall
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-359 1404700116 Civil for Segment-06(RW-15R)(E.L-73.00) as per approved Shop Drawing Index-Q, Drawing Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 24-Sep-23
for Segmant-06(RW-15R)(E.L-73.00)
No.-CRCCSA-Z3-S-Q0-EX-03-80, Sht. No.-34, Rev No.-A.
Formwork Inspection for Foundations of Zone-5 Main Building, East Wing for Gridline (V Foundation for Main Building East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-360 1404700089 Civil and 32-33), (U and 31), (S-T and 34-35), (S-T and 33) as per approved IFC Drawing Index- Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 24-Sep-23
Q, Drawing No.-HA-020938, Sht. No.-003, Rev No.-01.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundations of Zone-5
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-361 1404705112 Civil Main Building, East Wing for Gridline (V and 32-33), (U and 31), (S-T and 34-35), (S-T and Rebar Inspection Foundation for Main Building East SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 24-Sep-23
33) as per approved IFC Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-HA-020938, Sht. No.-003, Rev Wing
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundations of Zone-5 Main Foundation for Main Building East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-362 1404705147 Civil Building, East Wing for Gridline (V and 32-33) as per approved IFC Drawing Index-Q, Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 24-Sep-23
Drawing No.-HA-020938, Sht. No.-003, Rev No.-01.
Formwork Inspection for Foundation of Zone-3 Retaining Wall, west side for Segmant- Foundation for Zone-3, Retaining Wall
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-363 1404705278 Civil 04(RW-13R)(E.L-74.20) and Segment-05(RW-14R)(E.L-73.50) as per approved Shop Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 24-Sep-23
for Segmant-04 and 05
Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-CRCCSA-Z3-S-Q0-EX-03-80, Sht. No.-34, Rev No.-A.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation of Zone-3
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-364 1404705314 Civil Retaining Wall, west side for Segmant-04(RW-13R)(E.L-74.20) and Segment-05(RW-14R) Rebar Inspection Foundation for Zone-3, Retaining Wall SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 24-Sep-23
(E.L-73.50) as per approved Shop Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-CRCCSA-Z3-S-Q0-EX-03- for Segmant-04 and 05
80, Sht. No.-34, Rev No.-A.
7 Days Compressive Strength test of 30mm thickness of screed for Corporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-365 1404705289 Civil Main Building East and West Wing within Gridlines (D-E and 10-13), (S-U and 24-25), (H Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 24-Sep-23
and 20) Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-315
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-366 1404705350 Civil 7 Days Compressive Strength test for Corporate Academy Main Building Atrium Area Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 24-Sep-23
within Gridlines (H-P and 16-18 Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-322
7 Days Compressive Strength test of Foundation of E.L-75.30 level for Zone-3 Retaining
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-367 1404705358 Civil Wall, west side as per approved Shop Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-CRCCSA-Z3-S-Q0- Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 24-Sep-23
EX-03-80, Sht. No.-34, Rev No.-A. Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-328
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-368 1405305993 Civil Pre installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 17 Nos footing as Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 24-Sep-23
per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, Atrium C1. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-369 1405305995 Civil Inprocess installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 17 Nos Waterproofing In-process CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 24-Sep-23
footing as per highlighted in attached drawing at zone 5, Atrium C1. installation Inspection Rev 01
7 Days Compressive Strength test For Foundation within the gridlines (U and 34), (U and
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-370 1404705392 Civil 29), (P1-11 Nos) for East Wing of Main Building at Zone-5 as per approved IFC highlighted Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 25-Sep-23
Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev No.-01. Ref RFI No CRCC-
7 Days Compressive Strength test -for West Side of Retaining Wall at Zone-3 for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-371 1404705410 Civil Segment-3(RW-11R)(EL-75.00) and Segment-6(RW-15R)(EL-73.00) Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD- Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 25-Sep-23
28 Days Compressive Strength test for Corporate Academy Main Building East Wing and
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-372 1404705504 Civil West Wing within Gridlines (S-V and 21-23), (S-U and 24-25), (C-E and 4-5), (C and 03) Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 25-Sep-23
and (H and 20) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-
03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A. Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-185
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundations of Zone-5 Main Foundation for Main Building East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-373 1404705516 Civil Building, East Wing for Gridline (U and 31), (S-T and 34-35), (S-T and 33) as per approved Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 25-Sep-23
IFC Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-HA-020938, Sht. No.-003, Rev No.-01.
1404712591 7 Days Compressive Strength test For for West Side of Retaining Wall at Zone-3 for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-374 Civil Segment-5(RW-14R)(EL-73.50) as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA- Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 26-Sep-23
02150-001-01. Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-350
7 Days Compressive Strength test -for of 30mm thickness for Corporate Academy Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-375 1404712602 Civil Building West Wing within Gridlines (B-E and 9), (C-E and 4-5) Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI- Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 26-Sep-23
7 Days Compressive Strength test for of Retaining Wall Foundation at Zone-3, west side
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-376 1404712677 Civil for Segment-1(RW-9R)(E.L-76.00) and Segment-7(RW-16R)(E.L-72.40) as per approved Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 26-Sep-23
Shop Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-CRCCSA-Z3-S-Q0-EX-03-80 Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-
Material Handling, Storage and Preservation Inspection of bituminous coating materiaal
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-377 1404712698 Civil having product name BITUPROOF 320 by DCP (Vendor ID 10054598) having Qty 04 Nos * Material Receiving CRCC Site Zone 3 SATIP-H-003-01 SAIC-H-1002 26-Sep-23
200L Drums at CRCC site office, Zone 03.
1404712719 Formwork Inspection for Foundations of Zone-5 Main Building, East Wing for Gridline (V Foundation for Main Building East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-378 Civil and 34-35), (U and 32), (U and 33) as per approved IFC Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.- Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 26-Sep-23
HA-020938, Sht. No.-003, Rev No.-01.
1404712690 Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundations of Zone-5 Foundation for Main Building East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-379 Civil Main Building, East Wing for Gridline (V and 34-35), (U and 32), (U and 33) as per Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 26-Sep-23
approved IFC Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-HA-020938, Sht. No.-003, Rev No.-01.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation no-08 of Zone-5 Foundation for Main Building East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-380 1404720085 Civil Main Building, East Wing for Gridline (U and 32) as per approved IFC Drawing Index-Q, Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 26-Sep-23
Drawing No.-HA-020938, Sht. No.-003, Rev No.-01.
1404720124 7 Days Compressive Strength test For West Side of Retaining Wall at Zone-3 for Segment-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-381 Civil 4(RW-3R)(EL-74.20) as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001-01. Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 27-Sep-23
Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-353
7 Days Compressive Strength test for of 30mm thickness for Corporate Academy Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-382 1404720128 Civil Building West Wing and Atrium Area within Gridlines (A-R and 3-4) as per attached Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 27-Sep-23
highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A. Ref
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-383 1404720173 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength test for for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 27-Sep-23
within Gridlines (D-E and 10-13), (C-E and 6-9) Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-200
Material Receiving Inspection for Uncoated Steel Bars of Grade-60 and 80 for 10mm(cut
and bend)-2.952ton, 25mm(cut and bend)-13.348ton, 12mm(Gr.-60, L-12m)-4ton,
12mm(Gr.-80, L-12m)-6ton, 12mm(Gr.-80)(cut and bend)-1.586ton, 16mm(Gr.-80, L-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-385 1404720217 Civil 12m)(cut and bend)-2ton, 16mm(Gr.-80)(cut and bend)-7.969ton, 20mm(cut and bend)- Material Receiving Location-Main Building Atrium Area SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1007 27-Sep-23
6.849ton, 25mm(cut and bend)-11.649ton as per Delivery Note No.: DMM1-27295, near Tower Crane No-2
DMM1-27296, DMM1-27264, DMM1-27265, delivered by Vendor-BRC and Vendor
ID:10006142 @ Location-Main Building Area of Zone-5 Near Tower Crane-02.
Screed Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection of 30mm thickness for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-386 1404720263 Civil Corporate Academy Atrium Area within Gridlines (F-Q and 15-18) and (G-K and 19) as per Concrete Placement Atrium Area of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 27-Sep-23
attached highlighted shop drawing Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht. No.04, Rev Building
1404720294 Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation no-05(U and 33) Foundation for Main Building East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-387 Civil and 04(V and 34-35) of Zone-5 Main Building, East Wing as per approved IFC Shop Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 27-Sep-23
Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-F0-03-30, Sht. No.-001, Rev No.-0B.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Retaining Wall of Segment-1 and 2 of Zone-3 Retaining
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-388 1404728324 Civil Segment-1(RW-9R) and Segment-02(RW-11R) of Zone-3, West Side as per approved IFC Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 28-Sep-23
Wall, West Side
Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-HA-021050, Sht. No.-001, Rev No.-01.
Formwork Inspection for Foundation No-09(V and 29-31) of Zone-5 Main Building, East Foundation for Main Building East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-389 1404728300 Civil Wing as per approved IFC Shop Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-F0-03- Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 28-Sep-23
30, Sht. No.-001, Rev No.-0B.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-09(V and Foundation for Main Building East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-390 1404728328 Civil 29-31) of Zone-5 Main Building, East Wing as per approved IFC Shop Drawing Index-Q, Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 28-Sep-23
Drawing No.-CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-F0-03-30, Sht. No.-001, Rev No.-0B.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation No-09(V and 29- Foundation for Main Building East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-391 1404728332 Civil 31) of Zone-5 Main Building, East Wing as per approved IFC Shop Drawing Index-Q, Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 28-Sep-23
Drawing No.-CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-F0-03-30, Sht. No.-001, Rev No.-0B.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation of Segment-5(RW- Foundation for Zone-3, Retaining Wall
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-392 1404728366 Civil 14R) of Zone-3, West Side as per approved IFC Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-HA- Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 28-Sep-23
for Segmant-05(RW-14R)
021050, Sht. No.-001, Rev No.-01.
28 Days Compressive Strength test Final Lift of Lean Concrete for Retaining Wall at West
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-393 1404728368 Civil side of Zone-3 for excavation level(EL) of 72.00, as per attached highlighted Index-Q IFC Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 28-Sep-23
Drawing No: HA-021053, Sht. No.-001, Rev No.-01. Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-207
28 Days Compressive Strength test for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-394 1404728369 Civil within Gridlines (A-B and 3-8), (C-E and 4-5) as per attached highlighted shop drawing Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 28-Sep-23
Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-FO-03-20, Sht No.04, Rev No.-A. Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation of Segment-4(RW- Foundation for Zone-3, Retaining Wall
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-395 1405121047 Civil 13R) of Zone-3, West Side as per approved IFC Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-HA- Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 30-Sep-23
for Segmant-04(RW-13R)
021050, Sht. No.-001, Rev No.-01.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-396 1405121098 Civil Formwork Inspection for Foundation of Segment-3(RW-11R) of Zone-3, West Side as per Formwork Inspection Foundation for Zone-3, Retaining Wall SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 30-Sep-23
approved IFC Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-HA-021050, Sht. No.-001, Rev No.-01. for Segmant-03(RW-11R)
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation of Segment- Foundation for Zone-3, Retaining Wall
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-397 1405121102 Civil 3(RW-11R) of Zone-3, West Side as per approved IFC Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-HA- Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 30-Sep-23
for Segmant-03(RW-11R)
021050, Sht. No.-001, Rev No.-01.
Material Receiving Inspection for "10% Bitumen Impergnated Filler Board" (12mm X
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-398 1405121112 Civil 1180mm X 2250mm) of Quantity- 38nos Boards as per Delivery Note No.: 00358215_053 Material Receiving Location-Laydown Area of Zone-4. SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1007 30-Sep-23
delivered by Vendor-Isam Kabbani and Partners and Vendor ID:10013026 @ Location-
Laydown Area of Zone-4.
Material Receiving Inspection for Uncoated Steel Bars of Grade-80 for 10mm(cut and
bend)-1.062ton, 12mm(Gr.-80, cut and bend)-2.515ton, 16mm(Gr.-80, cut and bend)-
6.357ton, 20mm(Gr.-80, cut and bend)-15.387ton, 25mm(Gr.-80, cut and bend)-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-399 1405121373 Civil 15.006ton, 10mm-0.05ton, 12mm-0.079ton, 16mm-0.528ton, 20mm-0.852ton, 25mm- Material Receiving Location-Main Building Atrium Area SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1007 30-Sep-23
16.231ton as per Delivery Note No.: DMM1-27309, DMM1-27307, DMM1-27306 near Tower Crane No-2
delivered by Vendor-BRC and Vendor ID:10006142 @ Location-Main Building Area of
Zone-5 Near Tower Crane-02.
7 Days Compressive Strength for Zone-3 Retaining Wall, west side for Segment-06(RW-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-400 1405121431 Civil 15R)(E.L-73.00) as per approved Shop Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-CRCCSA-Z3-S-Q0- Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 1-Oct-23
EX-03-80, Sht. No.-34, Rev No.-A. Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-359
7 Days Compressive Strength for Foundations of Zone-5 Main Building, East Wing for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-401 1405121457 Civil Gridline (V and 32-33), (U and 31), (S-T and 34-35), (S-T and 33) as per approved IFC Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 1-Oct-23
Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-HA-020938, Sht. No.-003, Rev No.-01. Ref RFI No CRCC-
28 Days Compressive Strength for Final Lift of Retaining Wall at West side of Zone-3
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-402 1405121770 Civil below EL-72.40 as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001-01. Ref Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 1-Oct-23
Formwork Inspection for Foundation No-14C(V and 24), 14D(V and 23), 15(W and 26) Foundation for Main Building East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-403 1405121837 Civil and 15A(X and 26) of Zone-5 Main Building, East Wing as per approved IFC Shop Drawing Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 1-Oct-23
Index-Q, Drawing No.-CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-F0-03-30, Sht. No.-28, Rev No.-0A.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-14C(V and
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-404 1405122106 Civil 24), 14D(V and 23), 15(W and 26) and 15A(X and 26) of Zone-5 Main Building, East Wing Rebar Inspection Foundation for Main Building East SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 1-Oct-23
as per approved IFC Shop Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-F0-03-30, Sht. Wing
No.-28, Rev No.-0A.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-405 1405122136 Civil 7 Days Compressive Strength test for Foundations of Zone-5 Main Building, East Wing for Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 2-Oct-23
Gridline (U and 31), (S-T and 34-35), (S-T and 33). Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-373
28 Days Compressive Strength test for Screed Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-406 1405122157 Civil Inspection of 30mm thickness for Corporate Academy Main Building East Wing within Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 2-Oct-23
Gridlines (S-U and 33-35), (U and 27-32) Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-226
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-407 1405122166 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength test for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing for Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 2-Oct-23
Retaining Wall near East Wing of Main Building Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-233
Compaction Testing for Segment-11(RW-7R), Segment-12(RW-11R) and Segment-13(RW- Zone-3, Retaining Wall, East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-408 1405122127 Civil 15R) for East side of Zone-3 Retaining Wall area as per as per attached highlighted Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 2-Oct-23
Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001-01.
Lean Concrete Placement Inspection for Segment-13(RW-15R) for East side of Zone-3 Zone-3, Retaining Wall, East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-409 1405122192 Civil Retaining Wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150- Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 2-Oct-23
Concrete Fill Placement Inspection for Segment-11(RW-7R), Segment-12(RW-11R) for Zone-3, Retaining Wall, East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-410 1405122256 Civil East side of Zone-3 Retaining Wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 2-Oct-23
Index-S, HA-02150-001-01.
Formwork Inspection for Retaining Wall of Segment-01(RW-9R) and Segment-02(RW- Zone-3, Retaining Wall, West
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-411 1405122261 Civil 11R) for West side of Zone-3 Retaining Wall area as per as per attached highlighted Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 2-Oct-23
Side(Segment-01 and 02)
Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001-01.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Segment-01(RW-9R) and Zone-3, Retaining Wall, West
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-412 1405122325 Civil Segment-02(RW-11R) for West side of Zone-3 Retaining Wall area as per as per attached Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 2-Oct-23
Side(Segment-01 and 02)
highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001-01.
7 Days Compressive Strength test for Foundation no-08 of Zone-5 Main Building, East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-413 1405122576 Civil Wing for Gridline (U and 32) as per approved IFC Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-HA- Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 3-Oct-23
020938, Sht. No.-003, Rev No.-01. Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-380
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation of Segment-3(RW- Foundation for Zone-3, Retaining Wall
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-414 1405122619 Civil 11R) of Zone-3, West Side as per approved IFC Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-HA- Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 3-Oct-23
for Segmant-03(RW-11R)
021050, Sht. No.-001, Rev No.-01.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Retaining Wall for Segment- Zone-3, Retaining Wall, West
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-415 1405122667 Civil 01(RW-9R) and Segment-02(RW-11R) for West side of Zone-3 Retaining Wall area as per Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 3-Oct-23
Side(Segment-01 and 02)
as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001-01.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-416 1405122756 Civil Compaction Testing of 8th Layer for Zone-6 Parking Lot area between Corporate Compaction Testing Zone-6 b/w CAD main bldg. And SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 3-Oct-23
Academy Main Building and Chiller Yard as per attached highlighted drawings. Chiller Yard
Soil Sampling for General Fill material at Site from Vendor: Intelligent Horizon Est. (Al- Stockpile area at Zone-6(General Fill
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-417 1405122807 Civil Khaledi Co. Crusher) at Stockpile No-07 at Zone-6 for Corporate Academy Dhahran Soil Sampling SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 3-Oct-23
Soil Sampling for Select Fill material at Site from Vendor: Intelligent Horizon Est. (Al- Stockpile area at Zone-6(General Fill
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-418 1405122859 Civil Khaledi Co. Crusher) at Stockpile No-01 at Zone-6 for Corporate Academy Dhahran Soil Sampling SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 3-Oct-23
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation of Foundation No-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-419 1405122953 Civil 14C(V and 24), 14D(V and 23), 15(W and 26) and 15A(X and 26) of Zone-5 Main Building, Concrete Placement Foundation for Main Building East SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 3-Oct-23
East Wing as per approved IFC Shop Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-F0- Wing
03-30, Sht. No.-28, Rev No.-0A.
1-7 Days Compressive Strength test for Foundation no-05(U and 33) and 04(V and 34-35)
of Zone-5 Main Building, East WingRef RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-387
2-28 Days Compressive Strength test of Screed of 30mm thickness for Corporate
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-420 1405123085 Civil Academy Main Building East Wing within Gridlines (S-T and 26-32), (U and 26), (V and 34- Compressive Strength Test INAT LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 4-Oct-23
35), (V and 25-31) Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-238
3-28 Days Compressive Strength test for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing
within Gridlines (A-E and 01-02) for West Wing (E.L- 86.00) of Main Building.Ref RFI No
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-421 1405312387 Civil Material Handling, Storage and Preservation Inspection of Topseal 200 , Qty 690 rolls , Material Receiving CRCC Site Zone 3 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-013-Rev 01 4-Oct-23
and Bitumin primer Qty 01 Drum of 200 Ltrs for waterproofing at Zone 05. Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-422 1405312352 Civil Pre installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 02 Nos Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 4-Oct-23
footings as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-423 1405312390 Civil Inprocess installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 02 Waterproofing installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 4-Oct-23
Nos footings as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
Formwork Inspection for Foundation No-8C(U and 27), 8D(V and 27), TB1(U-X and 27),
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-424 1405123270 Civil 14F(V and 25), 14E(U and 23), 15E(X and 24), 15F(W and 23), 15G(X and 23) of Zone-5 Formwork Inspection Foundation for Main Building East SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 4-Oct-23
Main Building, East Wing as per approved IFC Shop Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.- Wing
CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-F0-03-30, Sht. No.-28, Rev No.-0A.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-8C(U and
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-425 1405123386 Civil 27), 8D(V and 27), TB1(U-X and 27), 14F(V and 25), 14E(U and 23), 15E(X and 24), 15F(W Rebar Inspection Foundation for Main Building East SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 4-Oct-23
and 23), 15G(X and 23) of Zone-5 Main Building, East Wing as per approved IFC Shop Wing
Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-F0-03-30, Sht. No.-28, Rev No.-0A.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation of Foundation No-
8C(U and 27), 8D(V and 27), TB1(U-X and 27), 14F(V and 25), 14E(U and 23), 15E(X and
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-426 1405141426 Civil 24), 15F(W and 23), 15G(X and 23) of Zone-5 Main Building, East Wing as per approved Concrete Placement Foundation for Main Building East SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 4-Oct-23
IFC Shop Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-F0-03-30, Sht. No.-28, Rev No.- Wing
Lean Concrete Placement Inspection for Segment-1(RW6-T) and Segment-2(RW6-T) for Zone-2, Retaining Wall, West
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-427 1405141427 Civil West side of Zone-2 Retaining Wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 4-Oct-23
Side(Segment-1 and 2)
Index-S, CRCCSA-Z2-S-Q0-EX-03-80, Sht. No.-1 and 3, Rev No-A.
Concrete Fill Placement Inspection for 2nd Lift for Segment-11(RW-7R), Segment-12(RW- Zone-3, Retaining Wall, East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-428 1405141515 Civil 11R) for East side of Zone-3 Retaining Wall area as per as per attached highlighted Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 4-Oct-23
Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001-01.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-430 1405312416 Civil Pre installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 05 Nos Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 5-Oct-23
footings having Footing No. 05, 06, 08, 8A, and 09. at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-431 1405312417 Civil Inprocess installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 05 Waterproofing installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 5-Oct-23
Nos footings having Footing No. 05, 06, 08, 8A, and 09 at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
Formwork Inspection for Foundation of Segment-13(RW-15R) for East side of Zone-3 Zone-3, Retaining Wall, East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-432 1405141542 Civil Retaining Wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150- Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 5-Oct-23
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation of Segment- Zone-3, Retaining Wall, East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-433 1405141601 Civil 13(RW-15R) for East side of Zone-3 Retaining Wall area as per as per attached Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 5-Oct-23
highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001-01.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation of Segment- Zone-3, Retaining Wall, East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-434 1405141695 Civil 13(RW-15R) for East side of Zone-3 Retaining Wall area as per as per attached Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 7-Oct-23
highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001-01.
Formwork Inspection for Foundation No-07(S-T and 27-35) for East Wing of Zone-5 Main Foundation No-07 for Main Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-435 1405149186 Civil Building area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0- Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 7-Oct-23
East Wing
F0-03-30, Sht. No.-01, Rev. No-B.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-07(S-T and Foundation No-07 for Main Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-436 1405149239 Civil 27-35) for East Wing of Zone-5 Main Building area as per as per attached highlighted Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 7-Oct-23
East Wing
Drawing No: Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-F0-03-30, Sht. No.-01, Rev. No-B.
28 Days Compressive Strength test for Final Lift of Retaining Wall at West side of Zone-3
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-437 1405141672 Civil below EL-76.00 as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001-01. Ref Compressive Strength Test OSAIME LAB SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 7-Oct-23
7 Days Compressive Strength test for Foundation No-09 (V and 29-31) of Zone-5 Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-438 1405141777 Civil Building, East Wing Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-391 Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 7-Oct-23
28 Days Compressive Strength test for 30mm thickness for Corporate Academy Main
Building East Wing within Gridlines (S-V and 21-23) Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-270
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-439 1405141998 Civil 2-28 Days Compressive Strength test for Final Lift of Retaining Wall at West side of Zone- Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 8-Oct-23
3 below EL-75.30 Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-269
Lean Concrete Placement Inspection for Segment-12(RW-11R) for East side of Zone-3 Zone-3, Retaining Wall, East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-440 1405148655 Civil Retaining Wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, CRCCSA-Z3- Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 8-Oct-23
S-Q0-EX-03-80, Sht. No.-25, Rev No-B.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Retaining Wall of Zone-3, Retaining Wall, West
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-441 1405148739 Civil Segment-03(RW-11R) and Segment-04(RW-13R) for West side of Zone-3 Retaining Wall Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 8-Oct-23
Side(Segment-03 and 04)
area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001-01.
Formwork Inspection for Foundation for Segment-01(RW6-T) and Segment-02(RW6-T) Zone-2, Retaining Wall, West
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-442 1405148748 Civil for West side of Zone-2 Retaining Wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 8-Oct-23
Side(Segment-01 and 02)
No: Index-Q, CRCCSA-Z2-S-Q0-EX-03-80, Sht. No.-01, Rev. No-A.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Foundation for Segment-01(RW6-T) and Zone-2, Retaining Wall, West
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-443 1405148819 Civil Segment-02(RW6-T) for West side of Zone-2 Retaining Wall area as per as per attached Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 8-Oct-23
Side(Segment-01 and 02)
highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, CRCCSA-Z2-S-Q0-EX-03-80, Sht. No.-01, Rev. No-A.
Compaction Testing of Existing Layer for Chiller Yard prior to Lean Concrete within
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-444 1405148787 Civil Gridlines (A-J and 1-10) as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-021649, Sht Compaction Testing Chiller Yard SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 8-Oct-23
No.001, Rev No.-01.
Grade and Site Preparation Inspection for Chiller Yard prior to Lean Concrete within
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-445 1405148852 Civil Gridlines (A-J and 1-10) as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-021649, Sht Grade and Site Prep. Chiller Yard SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 8-Oct-23
No.001, Rev No.-01.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-446 1405149034 Civil Formwork Inspection for Chiller Yard prior to Lean Concrete within Gridlines (A-J and 1- Formwork Inspection Chiller Yard SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 8-Oct-23
10) as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-021649, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-14E(U and Foundation for Main Building East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-452 1405149293 Civil 23) of Zone-5 Main Building, East Wing as per approved IFC Shop Drawing Index-Q, Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 8-Oct-23
Drawing No.-CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-F0-03-30, Sht. No.-28, Rev No.-0A.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation No-14E(U and 23) Foundation for Main Building East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-453 1405149260 Civil of Zone-5 Main Building, East Wing as per approved IFC Shop Drawing Index-Q, Drawing Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 8-Oct-23
No.-CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-F0-03-30, Sht. No.-28, Rev No.-0A.
Material Handling, Storage and Preservation Inspection of Concrete Repair Material from
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-455 1405149574 Civil "DCP Saudi Company" having material name CEMPATCH SBR , Qty 02 Drum of 25 Ltrs at Material Receiving CRCC Site Zone 3 SATIP-H-003-01 SAIC-H-1002 9-Oct-23
CRCC site storage Zone 3.
Formwork Inspection for Foundation No-07(S-T and 27-35) for East Wing of Zone-5 Main Foundation No-07 for Main Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-435-Rev01 1405149645 Civil Building area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0- Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 9-Oct-23
East Wing
F0-03-30, Sht. No.-01, Rev. No-B.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-07(S-T and Foundation No-07 for Main Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-436-Rev01 1405149789 Civil 27-35) for East Wing of Zone-5 Main Building area as per as per attached highlighted Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 9-Oct-23
East Wing
Drawing No: Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-F0-03-30, Sht. No.-01, Rev. No-B.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation No-07(S-T and 27- Foundation for Main Building East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-456 1405150326 Civil 35) for East Wing of Zone-5 Main Building area as per as per attached highlighted Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 10-Oct-23
Drawing No: Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-F0-03-30, Sht. No.-01, Rev. No-B.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation for Segment-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-457 1405150436 Civil 01(RW6-T) and Segment-02(RW6-T) for West side of Zone-2 Retaining Wall area as per as Concrete Placement Zone-2, Retaining Wall, West SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 10-Oct-23
per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, CRCCSA-Z2-S-Q0-EX-03-80, Sht. No.-01, Side(Segment-01 and 02)
Rev. No-A.
Lean Concrete Placement Inspection for Segment-11(RW-7R) for East side of Zone-3 Zone-3, Retaining Wall, East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-458 1405150661 Civil Retaining Wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, CRCCSA-Z3- Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 10-Oct-23
S-Q0-EX-03-80, Sht. No.-22, Rev No-A.
Formwork Inspection for Foundation Segment No-14(RW-16R) and 15 for West Side of Zone-3, Retaining Wall, East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-459 1405150754 Civil Zone-3, Retaining wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA- Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 10-Oct-23
Side(Segment-14 and 15)
021053, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation Segment No- Zone-3, Retaining Wall, East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-460 1405150805 Civil 14(RW-16R) and 15 for West Side of Zone-3, Retaining wall area as per as per attached Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 10-Oct-23
Side(Segment-14 and 15)
highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-021053, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-461 1405312492 Civil Pre installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 03 Nos Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 10-Oct-23
footings having Footing No. 04, 8B, and 11. at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-462 1405312563 Civil Inprocess installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 05 Waterproofing installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 10-Oct-23
Nos footings having Footing No.04, 8B, and 11 at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
7 Days Compressive Strength test for Retaining Wall for Segment-01(RW-9R) and
Segment-02(RW-11R) for West side of Zone-3 Retaining Wall area Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-463 1405150782 Civil 7 Days Compressive Strength test for Foundation No-14C(V and 24), 14D(V and 23), 15(W Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 10-Oct-23
and 26) and 15A(X and 26) of Zone-5 Main Building, East Wing Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-
1-28 Days Compressive Strength test for of 30mm thickness for Corporate Academy
Main Building West and East Wing within Gridlines (V and 32-33), (P and 20), (M-Q and
19), (A-E and 6-9) Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-286
2-28 Days Compressive Strength test for Corporate Academy Main Building West Wing
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-464 1405150905 Civil within Gridlines (F-K and 19), (H-P and 15-17), (E-S and 3-4) for West Wing of Main Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 10-Oct-23
Building Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-293
3-28 Days Compressive Strength test forfor Foundation of E.L-71.50 level for Zone-3
Retaining Wall as per approved Shop Drawing Index-Q, Drawing No.-CRCCSA-Z3-S-Q0-EX-
03-80, Sht. No.-34, Rev No.-A. Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-294
Survey Works prior to Probing activity for Probehole Number #122 to 141(Total 20 East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-465 1405196482 Civil Points) at Pedestrian Gate House and Security Guard House as per coordinates drawing Probing and Grouting (survey) CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-001 11-Oct-23
of Doc Transmittal: T-2023-081.
Drilling and Probing prior to Grouting for Probehole Number #122 to 141(Total 20 East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-466 1405196606 Civil Points) at Pedestrian Gate House and Security Guard House as per coordinates drawing Probing and Grouting CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-002 11-Oct-23
of Doc Transmittal: T-2023-081.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-467 1405150882 Civil Water Sample Collection from Vendor-"Al Bariqa Water Factory, Dammam" for Water Sampling Al-Bariqa Water Factory, Dammam SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1006 11-Oct-23
utilization at Site for Corporate Academy Building Project.
Formwork Inspection for Foundation No-14F(V and 25), 16(5nos)(X1-X5 and 23), 16A(X6
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-468 1405150993 Civil and 23), 19(3nos)(W-X and 22-25), 19A(X and 25-26), 19B(X and 22-23), 19C(V and 22- Formwork Inspection Foundation No-07 for Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 11-Oct-23
23) for East Wing of Zone-5 Main Building area as per as per attached highlighted East Wing
Drawing No: Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-F0-03-30, Sht. No.-28, Rev. No-A.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-14F(V and
25), 16(5nos)(X1-X5 and 23), 16A(X6 and 23), 19(3nos)(W-X and 22-25), 19A(X and 25-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-469 1405151033 Civil 26), 19B(X and 22-23), 19C(V and 22-23) for East Wing of Zone-5 Main Building area as Rebar Inspection Foundation No-07 for Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 11-Oct-23
per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-F0-03-30, Sht. East Wing
No.-28, Rev. No-A.
Formwork Inspection for Foundation Segment No-12(RW-11R) for East Side of Zone-3, Zone-3, Retaining Wall, East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-470 1405151078 Civil Retaining wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-021053, Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 11-Oct-23
Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation Segment No- Zone-3, Retaining Wall, East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-471 1405151400 Civil 12(RW-11R) for East Side of Zone-3, Retaining wall area as per as per attached Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 11-Oct-23
highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-021053, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation Segment No- Zone-2, Retaining Wall, West
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-472 1405162321 Civil 14(RW-16R) and 15 for West Side of Zone-3, Retaining wall area as per as per attached Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 11-Oct-23
Side(Segment-14 and 15)
highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-021053, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Formwork Inspection for Foundation for Retaining Wall of Segment-03(RW-11R) and Zone-3, Retaining Wall, West
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-473 1405162305 Civil Segment-04(RW-13R) for West side of Zone-3 Retaining Wall area as per as per attached Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 11-Oct-23
Side(Segment-03 and 04)
highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001-01.
28 Days Compressive Strength test for Screed of 30mm thickness for Corporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-475 1405162118 Civil Main Building West Wing within Gridlines (A-B and 3-6), (A-E and 1-2) Ref RFI No CRCC- Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 11-Oct-23
Pre installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 15 Nos Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-476 1405312528 Civil footings having Footing No. FP1 to FP7, FP8, FP10, FP11, FP13, FP14, 10, 10A, 10B, 10C. CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 14-Oct-23
Inspection Rev 01
at zone 5 east wing.
Inprocess installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 15 Waterproofing installation CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-477 1405312542 Civil Nos footings having Footing No.FP1 to FP7, FP8, FP10, FP11, FP13, FP14, 10, 10A, 10B, CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 14-Oct-23
Inspection Rev 01
10C. at zone 5 east wing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-478 1405312603 Civil Final installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 7 Nos Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 14-Oct-23
footings having Footing No.01, 03, 05, 06, 08, 8A, 09 at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
28 Days Compressive Strength test of Foundation (F1-6Nos) within the gridlines (W-X
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-480 1405162124 Civil and 27-30) and (P1-04 Nos) for East Wing of Main Building at Zone-5) Ref RFI No CRCC- Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 12-Oct-23
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation Segment No- Zone-3, Retaining Wall, East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-481 1405161994 Civil 12(RW-11R) for East Side of Zone-3, Retaining wall area as per as per attached Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 14-Oct-23
highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-021053, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Formwork Inspection for Retaining Wall Foundation(RW-2R) for Zone-5 Main Building, Zone-5, Retaining Wall, East Side(RW-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-482 1405161936 Civil East Wing with Drawing No: Index-Q, CRCCSA-Z5-S-Q0-EX-03-80, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No- Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 14-Oct-23
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Retaining Wall Zone-5, Retaining Wall, East Side(RW-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-483 1405161934 Civil Foundation(RW-2R) for Zone-5 Main Building, East Wing with Drawing No: Index-Q, Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 14-Oct-23
CRCCSA-Z5-S-Q0-EX-03-80, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-0A.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation No-14F(V and 25),
16(5nos)(X1-X5 and 23), 16A(X6 and 23), 19(3nos)(W-X and 22-25), 19A(X and 25-26),
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-484 1405161887 Civil 19B(X and 22-23), 19C(V and 22-23) for East Wing of Zone-5 Main Building area as per as Concrete Placement Zone-5, Foundations for Main SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 14-Oct-23
per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, CRCCSA-CA-S-Q0-F0-03-30, Sht. No.-28, Building East Wing
Rev. No-A.
7 Days Compressive Strength test for Foundation No-8C(U and 27), 8D(V and 27), TB1(U-
X and 27), 14F(V and 25), 14E(U and 23), 15E(X and 24), 15F(W and 23), 15G(X and 23) of
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-485 1405161815 Civil Zone-5 Main Building, East Wing Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-426 Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 14-Oct-23
7 Days Compressive Strength test forfor Foundation of Segment-13(RW-15R) for East
side of Zone-3 Retaining Wall area Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-434
Formwork Inspection for Foundation Segment No-11(RW-7R) for East Side of Zone-3, Zone-3, Retaining Wall, East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-486 1405161736 Civil Retaining wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-021053, Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 14-Oct-23
Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation Segment No- Zone-3, Retaining Wall, East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-487 1405161697 Civil 11(RW-7R) for East Side of Zone-3, Retaining wall area as per as per attached highlighted Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 14-Oct-23
Drawing No: Index-S, HA-021053, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
1-28 Days Compressive Strength test for 30mm thickness for Corporate Academy Main
Building East and West Wing within Gridlines (D-E and 10-13), (S-U and 24-25), (H and 20
Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-315
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-488 1405161639 Civil 2-28 Days Compressive Strength test for Foundation of E.L-75.30 level for Zone-3 Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 15-Oct-23
Retaining Wall, west side Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-328
3-28 Days Compressive Strength test for Corporate Academy Main Building Atrium Area
within Gridlines (H-P and 16-18 Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-322
1-7 Days Compressive Strength test for for Foundation No-14E(U and 23) of Zone-5 Main
Building, East Wing Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-453
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-489 1405161595 Civil 2-7 Days Compressive Strength test forfor Segment-12(RW-11R) for East side of Zone-3 Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 15-Oct-23
Retaining Wall area Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-440
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-490 1405312813 Civil Pre installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 06 Nos Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 15-Oct-23
footings having Footing No. 14C, 14D, 14E, 15A, 15B, 15C, at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-491 1405312766 Civil Inprocess installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 15 Waterproofing installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 15-Oct-23
Nos footings having Footing No.14C, 14D, 14E, 15A, 15B, 15C, at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
Material Receiving Inspection for Uncoated Steel Bars of Grade-80 for 12mm(cut and
bend)-1.378ton, 12mm(Gr.-80, cut and bend)-0.064ton, 12mm(Gr.-60, cut and bend)-
2.737ton, 12mm(Offcut)-0.068ton, 12mm(Gr.-60, offcut)-0.027ton, 16mm(cut and bend)-
5.076ton, 16mm(Offcut)-0.109ton, 20mm(Gr.-60, cut and bend)-1.326ton, 20mm(Gr.-80,
cut and bend)-14.235ton, 20mm(Offcut)-0.092ton, 25mm(Gr.-80, cut and bend)- Location-Main Building Atrium Area
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-492 1405161484 Civil 2.069ton, 25mm(Offcut)-0.154ton, 16mm(cut and bend)-2.997ton, 20mm(cut and bend)- Material Receiving SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1007 15-Oct-23
near Tower Crane No-2
17.615ton, 25mm(Gr.-80, cut and bend)-5.772ton, 16mm(Gr-80, cut and bend)-3.89,
20mm(Gr-80, cut and bend)-34.172, 25mm(Gr-80, cut and bend)-13.493, 20mm(Gr-80,
offcut)-2.277, 25mm(Gr-80, offcut)-0.776) as per Delivery Note No.: DMM1-27390,
DMM1-27434, DMM1-27450 and DMM1-27456 delivered by Vendor-BRC and Vendor
ID:10006142 @ Location-Main Building Area of Zone-5 Near Tower Crane-02.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-493 1405149400 Civil Compaction Testing of 9th Layer for Zone-6 Parking Lot area between Corporate Compaction Testing Zone-6 b/w CAD main bldg. And SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 15-Oct-23
Academy Main Building and Chiller Yard as per attached highlighted drawings. Chiller Yard
Soil Sampling for General Fill material at Site from Vendor: Intelligent Horizon Est. (Al- Stockpile area at Zone-6(General Fill
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-494 1405161417 Civil Khaledi Co. Crusher) at Stockpile No-08 at Zone-6 for Corporate Academy Dhahran Soil Sampling SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 15-Oct-23
Grouting for Foundation Probehole Number #122 to 141(Total 20 Points) at Pedestrian Pedestrain Gate House and Security
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-495 1405196628 Civil Gate House and Security Guard House as per coordinates drawing of Doc Transmittal: T- Probing and Grouting CRCC-PandG-ITP-Q-001 CRCC-PandG-IC-Q-003 15-Oct-23
Gate House
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Retaining Wall Foundation(RW- Zone-5, Retaining Wall, East Side(RW-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-496 1405161350 Civil 2R) for Zone-5 Main Building, East Wing with Drawing No: Index-Q, CRCCSA-Z5-S-Q0-EX- Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 15-Oct-23
03-80, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-0A.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Retaining Wall of Segment- Zone-3, Retaining Wall, West
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-497 1405161344 Civil 03(RW-11R) and Segment-04(RW-13R) for West side of Zone-3 Retaining Wall area as per Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 16-Oct-23
Side(Segment-03 and 04)
as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-S, HA-02150-001-01.
Formwork Inspection for Foundation No-14B(V and 26), 17(T-U and 24-25) for East Wing Zone-5, Foundations for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-498 1405161313 Civil of Zone-5 Main Building area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 16-Oct-23
Building East Wing
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-14B(V and Zone-5, Foundations for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-499 1405161202 Civil 26), 17(T-U and 24-25) for East Wing of Zone-5 Main Building area as per as per attached Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 16-Oct-23
Building East Wing
highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020937.
1-28 Days Compressive Strength test for For Foundation within the gridlines (U and 34),
(U and 29), (P1-11 Nos) for East Wing of Main Building at Zone-5 Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-500 1405161179 Civil 2-28 Days Compressive Strength test for West Side of Retaining Wall at Zone-3 for Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 16-Oct-23
Segment-3(RW-11R)(EL-75.00) and Segment-6(RW-15R)(EL-73.00) Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Retaining Wall for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-501 1405161138 Civil Segment No-01(RW6-T) and Segment No-02(RW6-T) for West Side of Zone-2, Retaining Rebar Inspection Zone-2, Retaining Wall, West SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 17-Oct-23
wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-021068, Sht. No.- Side(Segment-1 and 2)
001, Rev. No-01.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation Segment No- Zone-3, Retaining Wall, East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-502 1405161085 Civil 11(RW-7R) for East Side of Zone-3, Retaining wall area as per as per attached highlighted Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 17-Oct-23
Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-021067, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation No-14B(V and 26), Zone-3, Retaining Wall, East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-503 1405160979 Civil 17(T-U and 24-25) for East Wing of Zone-5 Main Building area as per as per attached Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 17-Oct-23
highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020937.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-504 1405312750 Civil Pre installation inspection of Vertucal / Horizental water proofing membrane application Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 17-Oct-23
for 05 Nos footings as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-505 1405312816 Civil Inprocess installation inspection of Vertical / Horizental water proofing membrane Waterproofing installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 17-Oct-23
application for 05 Nos footings as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-506 1405312789 Civil Final Installation Inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 15 Nos Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 17-Oct-23
footings as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
1-28 Days Compressive Strength test for West Side of Retaining Wall at Zone-3 for
Segment-5(RW-14R)(EL-73.50) Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-350
2-28 Days Compressive Strength test of 30mm thickness screed for Corporate Academy
Main Building West Wing within Gridlines (B-E and 9), (C-E and 4-5) Ref RFI No CRCC-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-507 1405160872 Civil CAD-RFI-Civil-348 Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 17-Oct-23
3-28 Days Compressive Strength test of Retaining Wall Foundation at Zone-3, west side
for Segment-1(RW-9R)(E.L-76.00) and Segment-7(RW-16R)(E.L-72.40) Ref RFI No CRCC-
1-7 Days Compressive Strength test for Foundation No-07(S-T and 27-35) for East Wing
of Zone-5 Main Building area Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-456
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-508 1405160897 Civil 2-7 Days Compressive Strength test OF Lean for Chiller Yard within Gridlines (A-J and 1- Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 17-Oct-23
10) Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-450
Formwork Inspection for Retaining Wall for Segment No-01(RW6-T) and Segment No- Zone-2, Retaining Wall, West
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-509 1405160831 Civil 02(RW6-T) for West Side of Zone-2, Retaining wall area as per attached highlighted Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 18-Oct-23
Side(Segment-1 and 2)
Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-021068, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Retaining Wall for Segment No-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-510 1405160803 Civil 01(RW6-T) and Segment No-02(RW6-T) for West Side of Zone-2, Retaining wall area as Concrete Placement Zone-2, Retaining Wall, West SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 18-Oct-23
per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-021068, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No- Side(Segment-1 and 2)
Material Receiving Inspection for Uncoated Steel Bars as per Delivery Note No.: DMM1- Location-Main Building Atrium Area
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-511 1405160709 Civil 27517, DMM1-27544, DMM1-27545 delivered by Vendor-BRC and Vendor ID:10006142 Material Receiving SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1007 18-Oct-23
near Tower Crane No-2
@ Location-Main Building Area of Zone-5 Near Tower Crane-02.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Retaining Wall for (RW- RW-2R, East Wing of Zone-5 Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-512 1405160690 Civil 2R) at East wing of Zone-5 Main Building as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index- Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 18-Oct-23
Q, HA-021065, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Formwork Inspection for Foundation No-14(T and 26) and 14A(U and 26) for East Wing Zone-5, Foundations for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-513 1405160642 Civil of Zone-5, Main Building as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA- Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 18-Oct-23
Building East Wing
020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-14(T and Zone-5, Foundations for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-514 1405312708 Civil 26) and 14A(U and 26) for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per as per attached Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 18-Oct-23
Building East Wing
highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
1-28 Days Compressive Strength test for for West Side of Retaining Wall at Zone-3 for
Segment-4(RW-3R)(EL-74.20) Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-353
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-515 1405160617 Civil 2-28 Days Compressive Strength test of 30mm thickness for Corporate Academy Main Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-03 SAIC-Q-1017 18-Oct-23
Building West Wing and Atrium Area within Gridlines (A-R and 3-4 Ref RFI No CRCC-
7 Days Compressive Strength test for for Foundation Segment No-14(RW-16R) and 15
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-516 1405160539 Civil for West Side of Zone-3, Retaining wall area Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-472 Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 18-Oct-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-517 1405312833 Civil Material Handling, Storage and Preservation Inspection of Waterproofing Membrane, GS Material Receiving CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-013-Rev 01 18-Oct-23
PLASTO 4F, Qty 40 rolls, from manufacturer Gulf, at Zone 05. Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-520 1405312847 Civil Pre installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 01 Nos Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 19-Oct-23
footings having Footing No. 05 Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-521 1405312884 Civil Inprocess installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 01 Waterproofing installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 19-Oct-23
Nos footings having Footing No. 05 Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-522 1405312854 Civil Final installation inspection of waterproofing membrane for 01 Nos Footing as per Final Installation Inspection CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 19-Oct-23
attached highlighted drawing at zone 5. Rev 01
Lean Concrete Placement Inspection for Segment-10(RW-6R) for East side of Zone-3 Zone-3, Retaining Wall, East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-523 1405160529 Civil Retaining Wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-021067, Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 19-Oct-23
Sht. No.-001, Rev No-1.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-14(T and Zone-5, Foundations for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-514.R1 1405160389 Civil 26) and 14A(U and 26) for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per as per attached Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 19-Oct-23
Building East Wing
highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation No-14(T and 26) Zone-5, Foundations for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-524 1405159911 Civil and 14A(U and 26) for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per as per attached Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 19-Oct-23
Building East Wing
highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-518 1405312877 Civil Pre installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 23 Nos footings Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 6 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 20-Oct-23
as per attached highlighted drawing for chiller yard, at zone 6. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-519 1405312839 Civil Inprocess installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 23 Nos Waterproofing installation CRCC Site Zone 6 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 20-Oct-23
footings as per attached highlighted drawing for chiller yard, at zone 6. Inspection Rev 01
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Retaining Wall Segment Zone-3, Retaining Wall area
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-525 1405159829 Civil no-16 for Zone-3, Retaining Wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 21-Oct-23
Index-Q, HA-021067, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-28(2nos)
(H-20 and P-20), 29(2nos)(J-19 and N-19), 32(2nos)(K-M and 16-17), 33(2nos)(K-M and
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-527 1405159815 Civil 16-17), 34(N and 16-17), 35(J and 16-17), 39(2nos)(K-15 and M-15), 40(2nos)(H-J and 15), Rebar Inspection Zone-5, Foundations for Main SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 21-Oct-23
41(N-15), 42(P-15) for Atrium Area of Zone-5, Main Building as per as per attached Building Atrium Area
highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020935, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Screed Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection of 30mm thickness for East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-528 1405159723 Civil Corporate Academy Atrium Area within Gridlines (V-X7 and 21-23) as per attached Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 21-Oct-23
highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht. No.01, Rev No.-01.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-529 1405312895 Civil Visual Inspection for the Closure of LBE(SV) for Surface Cracks for Foundation of Visual Inspection Segment-05(RW-14R) for Zone-3, SATIP-H-003-01 21-Oct-23
Segment-05(RW-14R) for Zone-3, West side of Retaining Wall area. West side of Retaining Wall area.
1-7 Days Compressive Strength test for Foundation No-14F(V and 25), 16(5nos)(X1-X5
and 23), 19(3nos)(W-X and 22-25), 19A(X and 25-26), 19B(X and 22-23), 19C(V and 22-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-530 1405159630 Civil 23) for East Wing of Zone-5 Main Building area Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-484 2-7 Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 22-Oct-23
Days Compressive Strength test for Retaining Wall Foundation(RW-2R) for Zone-5 Main
Building, East Wing Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-496
1-28 Days Compressive Strength test Zone-3 Retaining Wall, west side for Segment-
06(RW-15R)(E.L-73.00) Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-359
2-28 Days Compressive Strength test for Foundations of Zone-5 Main Building, East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-531 1405159619 Civil Wing for Gridline (V and 32-33), (U and 31), (S-T and 34-35), (S-T and 33) Ref RFI No Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 22-Oct-23
1-7 Days Compressive Strength for Foundation for Segment-01(RW6-T) and Segment-
02(RW6-T) for West side of Zone-2 Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-457 2- for Foundation
Segment No-12(RW-11R) for East Side of Zone-3 Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-481 ,3-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-532 1405159582 Civil for Retaining Wall of Segment-03(RW-11R) and Segment-04(RW-13R) for West side of Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 23-Oct-23
Zone-3 Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-497
1-28 Days Compressive Strength for Foundations of Zone-5 Main Building, East Wing for
Gridline (U and 31), (S-T and 34-35), (S-T and 33 Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-373
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-533 1405159568 Civil Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 23-Oct-23
Lean Concrete Placement Inspection for Segment-09(RW-11R) for East side of Zone-3 Zone-3, Retaining Wall, East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-534 1405159470 Civil Retaining Wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-021067, Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 23-Oct-23
Sht. No.-001, Rev No-1.
Material Receiving Inspection for Uncoated Steel Bars as per Delivery Note No.: DMM1-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-535 1405159537 Civil 275666, DMM1-27567, DMM1-27568, DMM1-27560, DMM1-27561, DMM1-27586 Material Receiving Location-Main Building Atrium Area SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1007 23-Oct-23
delivered by Vendor-BRC and Vendor ID:10006142 @ Location-Main Building Area of near Tower Crane No-2
Zone-5 Near Tower Crane-02.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Columns above the Zone-5, Neck Column for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-536 1405159515 Civil foundation and below Grade Beam/SOG for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per as Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 23-Oct-23
Building East Wing
per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020935, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
28 Days Compressive Strength fo Foundation no-08 of Zone-5 Main Building, East Wing
for Gridline (U and 32) Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-380
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-538 1405159445 Civil Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 24-Oct-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-539 1405314784 Civil Pre Installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 10 Nos Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 24-Oct-23
footings as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-540 1405314798 Civil Inprocess Installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 10 Waterproofing Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 24-Oct-23
Nos footings as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-541 1405314822 Civil Final Installation Inspection of Horizental water proofing membrane application for 23 Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 6 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 24-Oct-23
Nos footings as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 06 Chiller Yard. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-542 1405314721 Civil Final Installation Inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 05 Nos Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 24-Oct-23
footings as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 05 East Wing. Inspection Rev 01
Formwork Inspection for Retaining Wall(H-2.750m) Segment no-16 for Zone-3, Retaining Zone-3, Retaining Wall(H-2.750m)
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-543 1405159349 Civil Wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-021067, Sht. No.- Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 24-Oct-23
Segment no-16
001, Rev. No-01.
Formwork Inspection for Foundation Segment No-10(RW-6R) for East Side of Zone-3, Zone-3, Retaining Wall Segment no-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-544 1405159342 Civil Retaining wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-021067, Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 24-Oct-23
10, East Side
Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation Segment No- Zone-3, Retaining Wall Segment no-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-545 1405159360 Civil 10(RW-6R) for East Side of Zone-3, Retaining wall area as per as per attached highlighted Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 24-Oct-23
10, East Side
Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-021067, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-546 1405159344 Civil Formwork Inspection for Retaining Wall for (RW-2R) at East wing of Zone-5 Main Building Formwork Inspection RW-2R, East Wing of Zone-5 Main SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 24-Oct-23
as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-021065, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02. building
Formwork Inspection for Foundation No-26(D and 2), 15B(W and 25), 15C(X and 25),
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-547 1405159343 Civil 15D(W and 24), 19 and 19A (W-X and 24-25) for Atrium Area and West Wing of Zone-5, Formwork Inspection Zone-5, Foundations for Main SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 24-Oct-23
Main Building as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020935, Sht. Building Atrium Area and West Wing
No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-26(D and
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-548 1405159239 Civil 2), 15B(W and 25), 15C(X and 25), 15D(W and 24), 19 and 19A (W-X and 24-25) for Rebar Inspection Zone-5, Foundations for Main SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 24-Oct-23
Atrium Area and West Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per as per attached highlighted Building Atrium Area and West Wing
Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020935, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation No-39(K and 15),
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-549 1405159424 Civil 40(2nos)(H-J and 15), 28(2nos)(H-20 and P-20), 30(2nos)(G-K and 19)(M-Q and 19) for Concrete Placement Zone-5, Foundations for Main SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 24-Oct-23
Atrium Area of Zone-5, Main Building as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Building Atrium Area
Index-Q, HA-020935, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-550 1405159294 Civil Compaction Testing of 10th Layer for Zone-6 Parking Lot area between Corporate Compaction Testing Zone-6 b/w CAD main bldg. And SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 24-Oct-23
Academy Main Building and Chiller Yard as per attached highlighted drawings. Chiller Yard
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Retaining Wall of Zone-3, Retaining Wall, East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-551 cancelled Civil Segment16(lower wall) for Zone-3 Retaining Wall and Retaining Wall for Main Building Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 25-Oct-23
(East Wing) area as per attached highlighted Drawing.
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "First Layer and Second Layer" for Corporate Academy East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-552 1405159286 Civil Main Building East Wing Foundation No-11 within Gridlines (V and 32-33) as per Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 25-Oct-23
attached highlighted IFC drawing
Formwork Inspection for for Columns above the foundation and below Grade Beam/SOG Zone-5, Neck Column for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-553 1405159177 Civil for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 25-Oct-23
Building East Wing
HA-020935, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-554 1405314843 Civil Pre Installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 05 Nos Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 25-Oct-23
footings as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-555 1405314792 Civil Inprocess Installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 05 Waterproofing Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 25-Oct-23
Nos footings as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
7 Days Compressive Strength for for Foundation Segment No-11(RW-7R) for East Side of
Zone-3, Retaining wall area Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-502
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-556 1405159215 Civil 2- for Foundation No-14B(V and 26), 17(T-U and 24-25) for East Wing of Zone-5 Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 25-Oct-23
28 Days Compressive Strength for Foundation no-05(U and 33) and 04(V and 34-35) of
Zone-5 Main Building, East Wing Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-387
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-557 1405159131 Civil Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 25-Oct-23
Material Receiving Inspection for Select Fill Material from Vendor Name: "Intelligent
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-558 1405159141 Civil Horizon Est." and Vendor ID No.: 10108955, as per attached Delivery Notes with Total Material Receiving Zone-6 General Fill Stockpile No-2 SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1002 25-Oct-23
Quantity 336 cum. at Zone-6 Stockpile No-1 at Zone-6 of Corporate Academy Dhahran
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-559 1405159166 Civil 7 Days Compressive Strength for Foundation No-14(T and 26) and 14A(U and 26) for East Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 26-Oct-23
Wing of Zone-5, Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-524
28 Days Compressive Strength for Foundation of Segment-5(RW-14R) of Zone-3, West
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-560 1405159164 Civil Side Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-392 Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 26-Oct-23
2- 30mm thickness for Corporate Academy Atrium Area within Gridlines (F-Q and 15-18)
and (G-K and 19) RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-386
Lean Concrete Placement Inspection for Segment-08(RW-7R) for East side of Zone-3 Zone-3, Retaining Wall, East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-561 1405159151 Civil Retaining Wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-021067, Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 26-Oct-23
Sht. No.-001, Rev No-1.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Retaining Wall Segment Zone-3, Retaining Wall area
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-562 1405158781 Civil no-16(Higher Wall) for Zone-3, Retaining Wall area as per as per attached highlighted Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 26-Oct-23
Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-021067, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Formwork Inspection for Foundation No-25(D-E and 1) and Core Wall for Foundation No- Zone-5, Foundations and core wall for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-563 1405158766 Civil 11(V and 32-33) East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per as per attached highlighted Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 26-Oct-23
Main Building East Wing
Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020935, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-25(D-E and
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-564 1405158773 Civil 1) and Core Wall for Foundation No-11(V and 32-33) East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building Rebar Inspection Zone-5, Foundations and core wall for SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 26-Oct-23
as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020935, Sht. No.-001, Rev. Main Building East Wing
Material Receiving Inspection for Uncoated Steel Bars as per Delivery Note No.: DMM1- Location-Main Building Atrium Area
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-566 1405158670 Civil 27586, DMM1-27599, DMM1-27618 delivered by Vendor-BRC and Vendor ID:10006142 Material Receiving SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1007 26-Oct-23
near Tower Crane No-2
@ Location-Main Building Area of Zone-5 Near Tower Crane-02.
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "Third Layer" for Corporate Academy Main Building East East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-565 1405158710 Civil Wing Foundation No-11 within Gridlines (V and 32-33) as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 27-Oct-23
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation No-39(K and 15),
40(2nos)(H-J and 15), 28(2nos)(H-20 and P-20), 30(2nos)(G-K and 19)(M-Q and 19) for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-567 1405158676 Civil Atrium Area, Foundation No-24(C and 1), 25(D-E and 1), 26(D and 2) for West Wing and Concrete Placement Zone-5, Foundations for Main SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 27-Oct-23
15B(W and 25), 15C(X and 25), 15D(W and 24), 19(X and 24-25), 19A(W and 24-25) for Building Atrium Area
East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-
Q, HA-020935, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Retaining Wall of Zone-3, Retaining Wall, East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-569 1405158655 Civil Segment16(lower wall) for Zone-3 Retaining Wall and Retaining Wall for Main Building Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 27-Oct-23
(East Wing) area as per attached highlighted Drawing.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Retaining Wall for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-568 1405158584 Civil Segment no-05(RW-14R), 06(RW-15R) and 07(RW-16R) for West side of Zone-3, Rebar Inspection Zone-3 West Side, Retaining Wall area SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 28-Oct-23
Retaining Wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-021067, (Segment-5,6,7)
Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-570 1405158564 Civil 7 Days Compressive Strength forfor Segment-10(RW-6R) for East side of Zone-3 Ref RFI Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 28-Oct-23
No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-523
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-571 1405158489 Civil 28 Days Compressive Strength forfor Foundation No-09 (V and 29-31) of Zone-5 Main Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 28-Oct-23
Building, East WingRef RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-391
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-572 1405314840 Civil Pre Installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 08 Nos Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 28-Oct-23
footings as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-573 1405314880 Civil Inprocess Installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 08 Waterproofing Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 28-Oct-23
Nos footings as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-574 1405314860 Civil Final Installation Inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 22 Nos Final Installation Inspection CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 29-Oct-23
footings as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 05 East Wing. Rev 01
Formwork Inspection for Foundation Segment No-09(RW-11R) for East Side of Zone-3, Zone-3, Retaining Wall Segment no-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-575 1405158479 Civil Retaining wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-021067, Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 29-Oct-23
09, East Side
Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation Segment No- Zone-3, Retaining Wall Segment no-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-576 1405158475 Civil 09(RW-11R) for East Side of Zone-3, Retaining wall area as per as per attached Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 29-Oct-23
09, East Side
highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-021067, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "Fourth Layer" for Corporate Academy Main Building East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-577 1405158487 Civil East Wing Foundation No-11 within Gridlines (V and 32-33) as per attached highlighted Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 29-Oct-23
IFC drawing
Formwork Inspection for Foundation No-23(A-B and 01), 46(C and 6) for West Wing of Zone-5, Foundations for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-578 1405158451 Civil Zone-5, Main Building as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA- Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 29-Oct-23
Building West Wing
020935, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-23(A-B and Zone-5, Foundations for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-579 1405158441 Civil 01), 46(C and 6) for West Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per as per attached Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 29-Oct-23
Building West Wing
highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020935, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-580 1405158445 Civil Soil Sampling for Backfilling material at Site from Vendor Crusher in Abu Hadriyah. Soil Sampling Abu Hadriyah Crusher SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 29-Oct-23
(Select Fill, Sub-Base Coarse, Sand)
7 Days Compressive Strength for for Retaining Wall for Segment No-01(RW6-T) and
Segment No-02(RW6-T) for West Side of Zone-2, Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-510
2- For Segment-09(RW-11R) for East side of Zone-3 Retaining Wall area Ref RFI No CRCC-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-581 1405158406 Civil CAD-RFI-Civil-534 Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 30-Oct-23
3-for Foundation No-28(2nos)(H-20 and P-20), 29(2nos)(J-19 and N-19), 32(2nos)(K-M
and 16-17), 33(2nos)(K-M and 16-17), 34(N and 16-17), 35(J and 16-17), 39(2nos)(K-15
and M-15), 40(2nos)(H-J and 15), 41(N-15), 42(P-15) for Atrium Area of Zone-5, Main
Building Ref RFI 537
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-583 1405314921 Civil Pre Installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 1 Nos Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 30-Oct-23
footings as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-584 1405314929 Civil Inprocess Installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 1 Waterproofing Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 30-Oct-23
Nos footings as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-585 1405314987 Civil Material Handling, Storage and Preservation Inspection of Waterproofing membrane Material Receiving CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-013-Rev 01 30-Oct-23
Topseal 200 qty. 46 rolls, Protection Board GS Protect Qty. 40 Rolls, at zone 05. Rev 01
Formwork Inspection for Foundation No-43(H-P and 17-18) for Atrium Area of Zone-5, Zone-5, Foundations for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-586 1405158396 Civil Main Building as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020935, Sht. Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 30-Oct-23
Building Atrium Area
No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-43(H-P Zone-5, Foundations for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-587 1405158342 Civil and 17-18) for Atrium Area of Zone-5, Main Building as per as per attached highlighted Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 30-Oct-23
Building Atrium Area
Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020935, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Screed Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection of 30mm thickness for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-588 1405158377 Civil Main Building within Gridlines (C-9)(West Wing) and (X1 and 25-30)(East Wing) and Concrete Placement East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 30-Oct-23
Chiller Yard(A-J and 1-10) as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020937, Building
Sht. No.01, Rev No.-01.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-589 1405158315 Civil Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation of Segment No- Concrete Placement Zone-3, Retaining Wall, East SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 30-Oct-23
9(RW-11R) for Zone-3 Retaining Wall area as per attached highlighted Drawing. Side(Segment-16)
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation No-23(A-B and 01),
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-590 1405158364 Civil 46(C and 6) at West Wing and 43(H-P and 17-18) for Atrium Area and Neck Columns as Concrete Placement Zone-5, Foundations for Main SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 30-Oct-23
highlighted for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per as per attached highlighted Building Atrium Area
Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020935, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-45(D-6) for Zone-5, Foundations for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-596 1405158180 Civil West Wing and 29(J-N and 19-20) and Atrium Area of Zone-5, Main Building as per as per Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 30-Oct-23
Building Atrium Area and West Wing
attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020935, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation of Segment No- Zone-3, Foundation, East
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-598 1405158109 Civil 8(RW-7R) and Segment No-10(RW-6R) for East Side of Zone-3 Retaining Wall area as per Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 31-Oct-23
Side(Segment-8 and 10)
attached highlighted Drawing.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation No-45(D-6) for Zone-5, Foundations for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-599 1405158126 Civil West Wing and 29(J-N and 19-20) and Atrium Area of Zone-5, Main Building as per as per Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 31-Oct-23
Building Atrium Area and West Wing
attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020935, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Retaining Wall Segment Zone-3, Retaining Wall area
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-600 1405158069 Civil no-15(Lower Wall) for West side of Zone-3, Retaining Wall area as per as per attached Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 31-Oct-23
highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-021067, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Formwork Inspection for Retaining Wall Segment no-16(Higher Wall) for Zone-3, Zone-3, Retaining Wall area
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-601 1405158104 Civil Retaining Wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-021067, Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 31-Oct-23
Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-602 1405315039 Civil Pre Installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 21Nos Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 31-Oct-23
footings as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-603 1405315032 Civil Inprocess Installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 21 Waterproofing Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 31-Oct-23
Nos footings as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Retaining Wall Segment no- Zone-3, Retaining Wall area
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-604 1405121626 Civil 16(Higher Wall) for Zone-3, Retaining Wall area as per as per attached highlighted Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 1-Nov-23
Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-021067, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Formwork Inspection for Core Wall for Foundation No-11(V and 32-33) for East wing of Zone-5, Core Wall for Main Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-605 1405121590 Civil Zone-5, Main building area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA- Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 1-Nov-23
East Wing
020935, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Core Wall for Foundation Zone-5, Core Wall for Main Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-606 1405121679 Civil No-04(V and 34-35) for East wing of Zone-5, Main building area as per as per attached Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 1-Nov-23
East Wing
highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020935, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-27(A-C and Zone-5, Foundations for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-610 1405121777 Civil 2), 31(4nos)(B-E and 1-2) for West wing of Zone-5, Main building area as per as per Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 2-Nov-23
Building West Wing
attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020935, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Formwork Inspection for Core Wall for Core Wall for Foundation No-04(V and 34-35) for Zone-5, Core Wall for Main Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-611 1405121791 Civil East wing of Zone-5, Main building area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 2-Nov-23
East Wing
Index-Q, HA-020935, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation no-20(X1-X2 to X-7
and 21-23) till the 1st Construction Joint, Core Wall for Foundation No-04(V and 34-35)
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-612 1405121833 Civil and Foundation No-11(V and 32-33) and Neck Columns as highlighted for East wing of Concrete Placement Zone-5, Foundations for Main SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 2-Nov-23
Zone-5, Main building area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA- Building Atrium Area and West Wing
020935, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-613 1405321745 Civil Pre Installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 04 Nos Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 2-Nov-23
footings as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-614 1405321702 Civil Inprocess Installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 04 Waterproofing Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 2-Nov-23
Nos footings as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation No-27(A-C and 2),
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-615 1405121866 Civil 31(4nos)(B-E and 1-2) and 20(X1-X2 to X-7 and 21-23) till the 1st Construction Joint for Concrete Placement Zone-5, Foundations for Main SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 3-Nov-23
Zone-5 Main Building as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA- Building Atrium Area
020935, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-617 1405321757 Civil Pre Installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 04 Nos Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 3-Nov-23
footings as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-618 1405321739 Civil Inprocess Installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 04 Waterproofing Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 3-Nov-23
Nos footings as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
Formwork Inspection for Foundation No-20(X1-X2 to X-7 and 21-23) till the 1st Zone-5, Foundations for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-619 1405122780 Civil Construction Joint for East wing of Zone-5, Main building area as per as per attached Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 3-Nov-23
Building West Wing
highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-20(X1-X2
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-620 1405122893 Civil to X-7 and 21-23) till the 1st Construction Joint for East wing of Zone-5, Main building Rebar Inspection Zone-5, Foundations for Main SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 3-Nov-23
area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Building West Wing
Rev. No-02.
Material receiving inspection of binuminous concrete primer for water proofing CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-622 1405321759 Civil membrane , manufacturerd by BITUMAT Qty 200 Ltr, Waterproofing Membrane By GS Material receiving CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 5-Nov-23
Rev 01
Qty 40 rolls, and Protection Board by GS Qty 40 rolls at Zone 3.
Formwork Inspection for Foundation No-44(C-E and 4-5) for West wing of Zone-5, Main Zone-5, Foundation no-44 for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-623 1405123073 Civil building area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020935, Sht. Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 5-Nov-23
Building West Wing
No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-44(C-E and Zone-5, Foundation no-44 for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-624 1405123106 Civil 4-5) for West wing of Zone-5, Main building area as per as per attached highlighted Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 5-Nov-23
Building West Wing
Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020935, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation No-44(C-E and 4-5) Zone-5, Foundation no-44 for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-625 1405123146 Civil for West wing of Zone-5, Main building area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 5-Nov-23
Building West Wing
No: Index-Q, HA-020935, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Lean Concrete Placement Inspection for Segment-17 for East side of Zone-3 Retaining
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-627 1405123191 Civil Wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-021067, Sht. No.- Concrete Placement Zone-2, Retaining Wall, (Segment-3) SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 6-Nov-23
001, Rev. No-01.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Retaining Wall for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-628 1405123271 Civil Segment no-08(RW-7R), 09(RW-11R), 10(RW-6R), 11(RW-7R) for East side of Zone-3, Rebar Inspection Zone-3, Retaining Wall area SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 6-Nov-23
Retaining Wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-021067, (Segment-15)
Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Formwork Inspection for Retaining Wall Segment no-15(Lower Wall) for West side of Zone-3, Retaining Wall area
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-629 1405123373 Civil Zone-3, Retaining Wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA- Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 6-Nov-23
021067, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Formwork Inspection for Foundation No-47(2nos)(C-7)(C-8) for West wing of Zone-5, Zone-5, Foundation no-47(2nos) for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-630 1405123446 Civil Main building area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020937, Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 6-Nov-23
Main Building West Wing
Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-47(2nos) Zone-5, Foundation no-47(2nos) for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-631 1405123537 Civil (C-7)(C-8) for West wing of Zone-5, Main building area as per as per attached highlighted Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 6-Nov-23
Main Building West Wing
Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Material Receiving Inspection for Uncoated Steel Bars as per Delivery Note No.: DMM1-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-635 1405149251 Civil 27726, DMM1-27742, DMM1-27707, DMM1-27706, DMM1-27688 delivered by Vendor- Material Receiving Location-Main Building Atrium Area SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1007 7-Nov-23
BRC and Vendor ID:10006142 @ Location-Main Building Area of Zone-5 Near Tower near Tower Crane No-2
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation No-47(2nos)(C-7) Zone-5, Foundation no-47(2nos) for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-636 1405149384 Civil (C-8) for West wing of Zone-5, Main building area as per as per attached highlighted Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 7-Nov-23
Main Building West Wing
Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Formwork Inspection for Foundation No-20(U-V to N-P and 21-24) from 2nd
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-637 1405149409 Civil Construction Joint to 3rd Construction Joint and 19C(2nos)(T-U and 22)(T and 22-23) for Rebar Inspection Zone-5, Foundations for Main SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 7-Nov-23
East wing of Zone-5, Main building area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Building West Wing
Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-20(U-V to
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-638 1405149430 Civil N-P and 21-24) from 2nd Construction Joint to 3rd Construction Joint and 19C(2nos)(T-U Rebar Inspection Zone-5, Foundations for Main SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 7-Nov-23
and 22)(T and 22-23) for East wing of Zone-5, Main building area as per as per attached Building West Wing
highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Soil Sampling, Testing and Review of Test Reports for Clean Sand at Site from Vendor:
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-639 1405149450 Civil Intelligent Horizon Est. (Al-Khaledi Co. Crusher) at Stockpile No-01 at Zone-6 for Soil Sampling Stockpile area at Zone-6(Clean Sand) SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 8-Nov-23
Corporate Academy Dhahran Project.
Formwork Inspection for Foundation No-12(5nos)(X1 and Y6-Y11) and 18(5nos)(Y1-Y6) Zone-5, Foundations for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-640 1405149537 Civil for East wing near Cathodic Protection Area of Zone-5, Main building area as per as per Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 8-Nov-23
Building West Wing
attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-12(5nos)
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-641 1405149556 Civil (X1 and Y6-Y11) and 18(5nos)(Y1-Y6) for East wing near Cathodic Protection Area of Rebar Inspection Zone-5, Foundations for Main SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 8-Nov-23
Zone-5, Main building area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA- Building West Wing
020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-642 1405149633 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "First Layer" for Corporate Academy Main Building East Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 8-Nov-23
Wing within Gridlines (S-W and 31.5-35) as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-643 1405321742 Civil Pre Installation inspection of horizental water proofing membrane application for 06 Nos Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 8-Nov-23
footings at top side of footing as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
Inprocess Installation inspection of horizental water proofing membrane application for Waterproofing Installation CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-644 1405321813 Civil 06 Nos footings at top side of footing as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 8-Nov-23
Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-645 1405321815 Civil Final Installation Inspection of water proofing membrane application for 06 Nos footings Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 8-Nov-23
as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
Material receiving inspection of binuminous concrete primer for water proofing CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-646 1405321834 Civil membrane , manufacturerd by BITUMAT Qty 200 Ltr and Protection Board by GS Qty 80 Material Receiving CRCC Site Zone 3 CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-013-Rev 01 8-Nov-23
Rev 01
rolls at Zone 3.
7 Days Compressive Strength for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-647 1405149673 Civil 1- Retaining Wall Segment no-16(Higher Wall) for Zone-3, Retaining Wall area Ref RFI No Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 8-Nov-23
28 Days Compressive Strength for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-648 1405149707 Civil 1- Foundation Segment No-14(RW-16R) and 15 for West Side of Zone-3, Retaining wall Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 8-Nov-23
area Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-472.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-649 1405321789 Civil Pre Installation inspection of horizental water proofing membrane application for 15 Nos Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 9-Nov-23
footings at top side of footing as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
Inprocess Installation inspection of horizental water proofing membrane application for Waterproofing Installation CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-650 1405321818 Civil 15 Nos footings at top side of footing as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 9-Nov-23
Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-651 1405321782 Civil Final Installation Inspection of water proofing membrane application for 06 Nos footings Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 9-Nov-23
at top side of footing as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation No-20(U-V to N-P
and 21-24) from 2nd Construction Joint to 3rd Construction Joint and 19C(2nos)(T-U and
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-652 1405149738 Civil 22)(T and 22-23), 12(5nos)(X1 and Y6-Y11) and 18(5nos)(Y1-Y6) near Cathodic Protection Concrete Placement Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 9-Nov-23
area, 36(H-16), 37(P-16), 38(2nos)(K-16 and M-16) for Main building area as per as per
attached highlighted Drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-653 1405149824 Civil Formwork Inspection for Foundation of Segment No-03 for Zone-2, Retaining wall area Formwork Inspection Zone-2, Retaining Wall Segment no- SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 9-Nov-23
as per as per attached highlighted Drawing. 03,
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-654 1405149854 Civil Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation of Segment Rebar Inspection Zone-2, Retaining Wall Segment no- SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 9-Nov-23
No-03 for Zone-2, Retaining wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing. 03,
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-655 1405157522 Civil Formwork Inspection for Foundation No-36(H-16), 37(P-16), 38(2nos)(K-16 and M-16) for Rebar Inspection Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 9-Nov-23
Main building area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-36(H-16),
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-656 1405157577 Civil 37(P-16), 38(2nos)(K-16 and M-16) for Main building area as per as per attached Formwork Inspection Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 9-Nov-23
highlighted Drawing.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Retaining Wall(Smaller wall) for Zone-2and3, Retaining Wall Segment
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-657 1405157562 Civil Segment No-15 at West side of Zone-3 and Retaining wall foundation for segment no-3 Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 9-Nov-23
at Zone-2 as per attached highlighted drawing.
Formwork Inspection for Foundation of Segment No-RW-17R, RW-13-R and RW-9R for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-659 1405157671 Civil East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building Retaining wall area as per attached highlighted Formwork Inspection Zone-5, Retaining Wall Foundation SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 11-Nov-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-660 1405157714 Civil Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation of Segment Rebar Inspection Zone-5, Retaining Wall Foundation SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 11-Nov-23
No-03 for Zone-2, Retaining wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-661 1405321807 Civil Material receiving and Storage inspection of Protection Board GS Protect 4F by GS Qty Material Receiving CRCC Site Zone 3 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-013-Rev 01 11-Nov-23
40 rolls at Zone 3. Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-662 1405157651 Civil Material receiving and Storage inspection of Bituminous paint Nitoproof 120, under Material Receiving CRCC Site Zone 7 SATIP-H-003-01 SAIC-H-1002 11-Nov-23
APCS-10, manufactured by Fosroc, Qty, 02 Drums * 200Ltrs. At zone 07 site office.
7 Days Compressive Strength for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-663 1405157773 Civil 1- for Foundation No-27(A-C and 2), 31(4nos)(B-E and 1-2) and 20(X1-X2 to X-7 and 21- Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 11-Nov-23
23) till the 1st Construction Joint Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-615
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-664 1405321845 Civil Pre Installation inspection of water proofing membrane application at retaining wall as Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 12-Nov-23
per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-665 1405321857 Civil Inprocess Installation inspection of water proofing membrane application at retaining Waterproofing Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 12-Nov-23
wall as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-666 1405321858 Civil Final Installation Inspection of water proofing membrane application for 17 Nos footings Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 12-Nov-23
at top side of footing as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
Formwork Inspection for Foundation No-20(U-V to X1-X2 and 21-22) from 1st
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-667 1405157732 Civil Construction Joint to 2nd Construction Joint for East wing of Zone-5, Main building area Rebar Inspection Zone-5, Foundations for Main SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 12-Nov-23
as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. Building West Wing
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-20(U-V to
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-668 1405157824 Civil X1-X2 and 21-22) from 1st Construction Joint to 2nd Construction Joint for East wing of Rebar Inspection Zone-5, Foundations for Main SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 12-Nov-23
Zone-5, Main building area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA- Building West Wing
020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Formwork Inspection for Retaining Wall for Segment no-05(RW-14R), 06(RW-15R) and
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-669 1405157739 Civil 07(RW-16R), 08(RW-7R), 09(RW-11R), 10(RW-6R) for West side of Zone-3, Retaining Wall Rebar Inspection Zone-3 West Side, Retaining Wall area SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 12-Nov-23
area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-021067, Sht. No.-001, (Segment-5,6,7,8,9,10)
Rev. No-01.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Retaining Wall for Segment no-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-676 1405157901 Civil 05(RW-14R), 06(RW-15R) and 07(RW-16R), 08(RW-7R), 09(RW-11R), 10(RW-6R) for West Concrete Placement Zone-3 West Side, Retaining Wall area SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 13-Nov-23
side of Zone-3, Retaining Wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index- (Segment-5,6,7,8,9,10)
Q, HA-021067, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation No-20(U-V to X1-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-677 1405157947 Civil X2 and 21-22) from 1st Construction Joint to 2nd Construction Joint for East wing of Concrete Placement Zone-5, Foundations for Main SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 13-Nov-23
Zone-5, Main building area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA- Building West Wing
020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-678 1405321873 Civil Material receiving and Storage inspection of Protection Board GS Protect 4F by GS Qty Material Receiving CRCC Site Zone 3 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-013-Rev 01 14-Nov-23
80 rolls and Waterproofing Membrane GS Plasto 4F , Qty 20 rolls at Zone 3. Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-679 1405321832 civil Pre Installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 04 Nos Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 14-Nov-23
Foundations as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-680 1405321883 Civil Inprocess Installation inspection of water proofing membrane application 04 Nos Waterproofing Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 14-Nov-23
Foundations as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-681 1405321792 Civil Final Installation Inspection of water proofing membrane application for 15 Nos footings Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 14-Nov-23
at top side of footing as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Retaining Wall of Segment Zone-3, Retaining Wall for Segment
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-683 1405158006 Civil No-13 for East side of Zone-3, Retaining Wall area as per as per attached highlighted Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 14-Nov-23
Shallow Refraction Seismic Soundings Test for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-684 1405177838 Civil 1. Retaining Wall area near Shortcrete area close to Dana Gate. Shallow R. test Chiller Yard SATIP-A-113-01 SAIC-A-1008 14-Nov-23
2. Mechanical utilities Area close to Cathodic Protection Area.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-685 1405157958 Civil Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Retaining Wall of Segment Rebar Inspection Zone-2, Retaining Wall for Segment SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 15-Nov-23
No-03 for Zone-2, Retaining Wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing. No-03
Material Receiving Inspection for Uncoated Steel Bars as per Delivery Note No.: DMM1-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-687 1405057749 Civil 27892, DMM1-27891, DMM1-27917 and P.O. No-CRCC-CAD-PO-0221 delivered by Material Receiving Location-Main Building Atrium Area SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1007 16-Nov-23
Vendor-BRC and Vendor ID:10006142 @ Location-Main Building Area of Zone-5 Near near Tower Crane No-2
Tower Crane-02.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Retaining Wall of Segment Zone-3, Retaining Wall for Segment
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-688 1405057913 Civil No-12(RW-11R) for East Side of Zone-3, Retaining Wall area as per as per attached Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 16-Nov-23
highlighted Drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-689 1405058051 Civil Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Neck Columns for East Rebar Inspection Zone-5, Neck Columns for East Wing SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 16-Nov-23
Wing of Zone-5, Main Building area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing. of Main Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-690 1405321914 Civil Pre Installation inspection of vertical water proofing membrane application for 09 Nos Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 16-Nov-23
foundations as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-691 1405321923 Civil Inprocess Installation inspection of vertical water proofing membrane application for 09 Waterproofing Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 16-Nov-23
Nos foundations as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-692 1405321925 Civil Final Installation Inspection of water proofing membrane application for 15 Nos footings Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 16-Nov-23
at top side of footing as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-693 1405321899 Civil Material receiving and Storage inspection of Waterproofing Membrane GS Plasto 4F , Material Receiving CRCC Site Zone 3 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-013-Rev 01 16-Nov-23
Qty 60 rolls at Zone 3. Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-696 1405069247 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "Second Layer" for Corporate Academy Main Building Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 18-Nov-23
East Wing within Gridlines (S-W and 31.5-35) as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
Formwork Inspection for Retaining Wall of Segment No-03(RWW7-T) for Zone-2 and Retaining Wall for Z-2, S-3 and Z-3, S-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-699 1405078021 Civil Segment No-13(RW-15R) for Zone-3, Retaining Wall area as per as per attached Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 19-Nov-23
highlighted Drawing.
Concrete Final Acceptance Inspection for Foundations of East Wing(S-X7 and 21-35) and Zone-5, Foundations for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-700 1405078164 Civil Atrium Area(F-R and 15-20) for Zone-5, Main building area as per as per attached Concrete Final Acceptance SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 19-Nov-23
Building East Wing and Atrium Area
highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Retaining Wall of Segment No- Retaining Wall for Z-2, S-3 and Z-3, S-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-701 1405078196 Civil 03(RW7-T) for Zone-2 and Segment No-13(RW-15R) for Zone-3, Retaining Wall area as Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 19-Nov-23
per as per attached highlighted Drawing.
Formwork Inspection for Foundations (28nos)(A-J and 1-10) for Zone-6 Chiller Yard
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-702 1405078264 Civil excluding Foundations-5nos(A-8)(C-8)(A-6)(C-6)(F-6) as per attached highlighted Drawing Rebar Inspection Zone-6, Chiller Yard Foundations SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 19-Nov-23
No: Index-Q, HA-021649, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundations (28nos)(A-J
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-703 1405078290 Civil and 1-10) for Zone-6 Chiller Yard excluding Foundations-5nos(A-8)(C-8)(A-6)(C-6)(F-6) as Rebar Inspection Zone-6, Chiller Yard Foundations SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 19-Nov-23
per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-021649, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundations (28nos)(A-J and 1-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-704 1405078358 Civil 10) for Zone-6 Chiller Yard as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-021649, Concrete Placement Zone-6, Chiller Yard Foundations SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 19-Nov-23
Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Formwork Inspection for Foundation No-22(A-C and 3-5.5) from Construction Joint No-4 Zone-5, Foundations for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-705 1405079233 Civil to 5 of Zone-5, Main building area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index- Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 19-Nov-23
Building West Wing C.J-4 to 5
Q, HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-22(A-C and Zone-5, Foundations for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-706 1405079303 Civil 3-5.5) from Construction Joint No-4 to 5 of Zone-5, Main building area as per as per Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 19-Nov-23
Building West Wing C.J-4 to 5
attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-707 1405079341 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "First Layer" for Corporate Academy Main Building East Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 19-Nov-23
Wing within Gridlines (S-X and 26-31.5) as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Core Wall for Foundation Zone-5, Core Wall for Foundation No-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-708 1405079414 Civil No-17(S-U and 24-25) for Zone-5, Main building area as per as per attached highlighted Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 19-Nov-23
17 for Main Building, East Wing
Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-709 1405321926 Civil Pre Installation inspection of vertical water proofing membrane application for 01 Nos Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 19-Nov-23
foundations as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-710 1405321869 Civil Inprocess Installation inspection of vertical water proofing membrane application for 01 Waterproofing Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 19-Nov-23
Nos foundations as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-711 1405321902 Civil Final Installation Inspection of water proofing membrane application for 10 Nos footings Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 19-Nov-23
at top side of footing as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-715 1405087101 Civil Formwork Inspection for Neck Columns for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building area as Formwork Inspection Zone-5, East Wing for Neck Columns SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 20-Nov-23
per as per attached highlighted Drawing. part-2
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation No-22(A-C and 3- Zone-5, East Wing for Neck Columns
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-716 1405087152 Civil 5.5) from Construction Joint No-4 to 5 and Neck Columns for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 20-Nov-23
part-2 and Fdn. No-22
Building area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Pocket Walls for Zone-5, Pocket Walls for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-717 1405087248 Civil Foundations no-(18-5nos) and (12-6nos) within Gridlines (X1 and 25-30) near Cathodic Rebar Inspection Building East Wing near Cathodic SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 20-Nov-23
Protection Area of Zone-5, Main Building Area as per attached Drawing. protection Area
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-718 1405087290 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "Third Layer" for Corporate Academy Main Building East Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 20-Nov-23
Wing within Gridlines (S-W and 31.5-35) as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "First Layer" Around Foundation No-17 for Corporate East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-719 1405087369 Civil Academy Main Building East Wing within Gridlines (S-U and 24-25) as per attached Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 20-Nov-23
highlighted IFC drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-720 1405321880 Civil Mockup Installation inspection for joint sealent for retaining wall segmant 01, joint 01 at Joint Sealant Mockup CRCC Site Zone 3 CRCCSA-ITP-Q-004 Rev 01 CRCC-ATT-IC-Q-009 20-Nov-23
zone 03.
7 Days Compressive Strength for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-721 1405094849 Civil 1 Foundation No-20(U-V to X1-X2 and 21-22) from 1st Construction Joint to 2nd Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 21-Nov-23
Construction Joint for East wing of Zone-5, Main building area Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "First Layer" Around Foundation within Gridlines (P-20), East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-722 1405104914 Civil (M-Q and 19) and (S-X and 24.5-27.5) for Zone-5, Main Building Atrium Area and East Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 22-Nov-23
Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing.
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "Second Layer" Around Foundation within Gridlines(S-X East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-723 1405104961 Civil and 27.5-31.5) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 22-Nov-23
Formwork Inspection for Foundation No-49(D-E and 7-9) till approved Construction Joint Zone-5, Foundation no-49 for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-724 1405105247 Civil of Zone-5, West Wing of Main building area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 22-Nov-23
Building West Wing
No: Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-49(D-E and Zone-5, Foundation no-49 for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-725 1405105271 Civil 7-9) till approved Construction Joint of Zone-5, West Wing of Main building area as per Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 22-Nov-23
Building West Wing
as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation No-49(D-E and 7-9) Zone-5, Foundation no-49 for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-726 1405105280 Civil till approved Construction Joint of Zone-5, West Wing of Main building area as per as per Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 22-Nov-23
Building West Wing
attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-727 1405321955 Civil Pre Installation inspection of vertical water proofing membrane application for 04 Nos Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 22-Nov-23
foundations as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-728 1405321891 Civil Inprocess Installation inspection of vertical water proofing membrane application for 04 Waterproofing Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 22-Nov-23
Nos foundations as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-729 1405322016 Civil Final Installation Inspection of water proofing membrane application for retaining wall Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 22-Nov-23
as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
Formwork Inspection for Foundation No-52(10 Nos)(A-D and 5-9) and 51(A-B and 5.5- Zone-5, Foundation no-51 for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-730 1405116240 Civil 8.5) till Construction Joint No-5 to 6 of Zone-5, West Wing of Main building area as per as Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 23-Nov-23
Building West Wing
per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-52(10 Nos)
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-731 1405116297 Civil (A-D and 5-9) and 51(A-B and 5.5-8.5) till Construction Joint No-5 to 6 of Zone-5, West Rebar Inspection Zone-5, Foundation no-51 for Main SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 23-Nov-23
Wing of Main building area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA- Building West Wing
020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation No-52(10 Nos)(A-D
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-732 1405116305 Civil and 5-9) and 51(A-B and 5.5-8.5) till Construction Joint No-5 to 6 of Zone-5, West Wing of Concrete Placement Zone-5, Foundation no-51 for Main SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 23-Nov-23
Main building area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020937, Building West Wing
Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Formwork Inspection for Foundation No-22(B-P and 3-4) till Construction Joint No-3 to 4 Zone-5, Foundation no-22 for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-733 1405116307 Civil of Zone-5, West Wing of Main building area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 23-Nov-23
Building West Wing
No: Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation No-22(B-P and Zone-5, Foundation no-22 for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-734 1405116404 Civil 3-4) till Construction Joint No-3 to 4 of Zone-5, West Wing of Main building area as per as Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 23-Nov-23
Building West Wing
per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Formwork Inspection for Pocket Walls for Foundations no-(18-5nos) and (12-6nos) within Zone-5, Pocket Walls for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-735 1405116410 Civil Gridlines (X1 and 25-30) near Cathodic Protection Area of Zone-5, Main Building Area as Formwork Inspection Building East Wing near Cathodic SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 23-Nov-23
per attached Drawing. protection Area
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Pocket Walls for Foundations
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-736 1405116379 Civil no-(18-5nos) and (12-6nos) within Gridlines (X1 and 25-30) near Cathodic Protection Concrete Placement Zone-5, Pocket Wall for Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 23-Nov-23
Area and Neck Columns as highlighted for East wing of Zone-5, Main Building Area as per East Wing
attached Drawing.
Formwork Inspection for Core Walls and Columns for Foundation No-17(S-U and 24-25) Zone-5, Foundation No-17 for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-737 1405116398 Civil for Zone-5, Main building area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 23-Nov-23
Building East Wing
HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Core Walls and Columns for Zone-5, Foundation No-17 for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-738 1405116480 Civil Foundation No-17(S-U and 24-25) for Zone-5, Main building area as per as per attached Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 23-Nov-23
Building East Wing
highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-739 1405116554 Civil Soil Sampling, Testing and Review of Test Reports for Existing Material from Zone-3 Soil Sampling Zone-3, Retaining Wall Area SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 23-Nov-23
Retaining Wall Area.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-741 1405323055 Civil Pre Installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 16 Nos Neck Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 25-Nov-23
collums as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-742 1405323051 Civil Inprocess Installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for 16 Nos Waterproofing Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 25-Nov-23
Neck Colums as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-743 1405323042 Civil Final Installation Inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane application for 01 Nos Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 25-Nov-23
footing as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-744 1405124438 Civil Material receiving and Storage inspection of concrete coating repair material Rendroc FC Material Receiving CRCC Site Zone 3 SATIP-H-003-01 SAIC-H-1002 25-Nov-23
Qty 05 bags, Nitobond SBR Qty 25 Ltr, from Fosroc at Zone 03.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Core Wall and Columns Zone-5, Core Wall for Foundation No-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-708.R1 1405124558 Civil for Foundation No-17(S-U and 24-25) for Zone-5, Main building area as per as per Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 25-Nov-23
17 for Main Building, East Wing
attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "4th Layer" Around Foundation within Gridlines (S-W East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-745 1405124511 Civil and 31.5-34) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 25-Nov-23
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "3rd Layer" Around Foundation within Gridlines (S-X1 East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-746 1405124663 Civil and 31.5-27.5) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 25-Nov-23
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "2nd Layer" Around Foundation within Gridlines (S-X1 East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-747 1405124689 Civil and 24.5-27.5), Foundation-(S-U and 24-25)(P-20), (M-Q and 19) for Zone-5, Main Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 25-Nov-23
Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing.
Formwork Inspection for Foundation for Segment No-17 of East Side of Zone-3, Retaining Zone-3, Foundation No-17 for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-748 1405124768 Civil Wall Area as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-021067, Sht. No.-001, Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 25-Nov-23
Retaining Wall Area
Rev. No-01.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation for Segment Zone-3, Foundation No-17 for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-749 1405124762 Civil No-17 of East Side of Zone-3, Retaining Wall Area as per attached highlighted Drawing Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 25-Nov-23
Retaining Wall Area
No: Index-Q, HA-021067, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation for Segment No-17 Zone-3, Foundation No-17 for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-750 1405124812 Civil of East Side of Zone-3, Retaining Wall Area as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 25-Nov-23
Retaining Wall Area
Index-Q, HA-021067, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation No-22(B-P and 3-4) Zone-5, Foundation no-22 for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-751 1405124896 Civil till Construction Joint No-3 to 4 of Zone-5, West Wing of Main building area as per as per Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 25-Nov-23
Building West Wing
attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-753 1405134490 Civil Formwork Inspection for Retaining Wall of Segment No-11(RW-7R) and 12(RW-11R) for Formwork Inspection Zone-3, Retaining Wall No-11 and 12 SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 26-Nov-23
East Side of Zone-3, Retaining Wall area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing. for Retaining Wall Area
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Segment No-11(RW-7R) and Zone-3, Retaining Wall No-11 and 12
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-755 1405143931 Civil 12(RW-11R) for East Side of Zone-3, Retaining Wall area as per as per attached Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 27-Nov-23
for Retaining Wall Area
highlighted Drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-756 1405143990 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "3rd Layer" Around Foundation within Gridlines (S-V Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 27-Nov-23
and 34-35) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "5th Layer" Around Foundation within Gridlines (S-V East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-757 1405144078 Civil and 34-31.5) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 27-Nov-23
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "4th Layer" Around Foundation within Gridlines (S-X East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-758 1405144113 Civil and 27-31.5) and (S-V and 34-35) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 27-Nov-23
highlighted IFC drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-759 1405323022 Civil Pre Installation inspection of water proofing membrane application at retaining wall as Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 28-Nov-23
per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-760 1405323103 Civil Inprocess Installation inspection of water proofing membrane application at retaining Waterproofing Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 28-Nov-23
wall as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-761 1405323095 Civil Final Installation Inspection of water proofing membrane application for 17 Nos footings Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 28-Nov-23
at top side of footing as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-763 1405153312 Civil Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Retaining Wall for Rebar Inspection Zone-6, Chiller Yard Foundations SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 28-Nov-23
Segment No-14(RW-16R) and 15(upto 2m) as per attached highlighted Drawing.
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "6th Layer" Around Foundation within Gridlines (S-V East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-764 1405153434 Civil and 34-31.5) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 28-Nov-23
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "5th Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (S-X1 East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-765 1405153475 Civil and 27-31.5) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 28-Nov-23
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "3rd Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (S-X1 East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-766 1405153525 Civil and 24.5-27) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 28-Nov-23
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "2nd Layer" around Foundation no-17 within Gridlines East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-767 1405153573 Civil (S-U and 24-25) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 28-Nov-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-768 1405153589 Civil Soil Sampling for Select Fill Material at Site from Vendor:Falleh Mohammed Al Hajri Soil Sampling Abu Hadriyah Crusher SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 28-Nov-23
Partners Co. with Vendor ID: 10048053.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-769 1405153601 Civil Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Neck Columns of East Rebar Inspection Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 28-Nov-23
Wing, West wing and Atrium Area as per attached highlighted Drawing.
7 Days Compressive Strength for
1-Foundation No-22(A-C and 3-5.5) from Construction Joint No-4 to 5 and Neck Columns
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-770 1405161954 Civil for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building area Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 29-Nov-23
2- Foundation No-49(D-E and 7-9) till approved Construction Joint of Zone-5, West Wing
of Main building area Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-716,726
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-772 1405162715 Civil Formwork Inspection for Foundations (5 nos)(A-8)(C-8)(A-6)(C-6)(F-6) as per attached Formwork Inspection Zone-6, Chiller Yard Foundations(5 SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 29-Nov-23
highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA-021649, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01. nos)
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundations (5 nos)(A-8) Zone-6, Chiller Yard Foundations(5
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-773 1405162748 Civil (C-8)(A-6)(C-6)(F-6) at Chiller Yard, as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA- Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 29-Nov-23
021649, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundations (5 nos)(A-8)(C-8) Zone-6, Chiller Yard Foundations(5
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-774 1405162784 Civil (A-6)(C-6)(F-6) at Chiller Yard as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA- Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 29-Nov-23
021649, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-775 1405162699 Civil Formwork Inspection for Neck Columns of East Wing, West wing and Atrium Area as per Formwork Inspection Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 29-Nov-23
attached highlighted Drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-776 1405162782 Civil Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Neck Columns of East Wing, Concrete Placement Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 29-Nov-23
West wing and Atrium Area as per attached highlighted Drawing.
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "2nd Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (P-20) East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-777 1405162854 Civil and (M-Q and 19) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 29-Nov-23
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "6th Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (S-X1 East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-778 1405162857 Civil and 27-31.5) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 29-Nov-23
Material Handling, Storage and Preservation Inspection for Lean Concrete prior to Grade East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-779 1405323125 Civil Beam within Gridlines(S-V and 31-35) for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per Material Receiving CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-004 29-Nov-23
attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Termiticide Pre-Application Inspection for Lean Concrete prior to Grade Beam within East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-780 1405323127 Civil Gridlines(S-V and 31-35) for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached Termiticide Pre-Application CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-005 29-Nov-23
highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Termiticide Application Inspection for Lean Concrete prior to Grade Beam within East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-781 1405323121 Civil Gridlines(S-V and 31-35) for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached Termiticide Application CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-006 29-Nov-23
highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Grade and Site Preparation Inspection for Lean Concrete prior to Grade Beam within East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-782 1405168726 Civil Gridlines(S-V and 31-35) for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached Grade and Site Prep. SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 29-Nov-23
highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Formwork Inspection for Lean Concrete prior to Grade Beam within Gridlines(S-V and 31- East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-783 1405168736 Civil 35) for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index- Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 29-Nov-23
Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Lean Concrete prior to Grade East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-784 1405168720 Civil Beam within Gridlines(S-V and 31-35) for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 29-Nov-23
attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-786 1405323144 Civil Pre Installation inspection of vertical water proofing membrane application for 01 Nos Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 30-Nov-23
foundation per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 west wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-787 1405323164 Civil In process Installation inspection of vertical water proofing membrane application for 01 Waterproofing Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 30-Nov-23
Nos foundation per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 west wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-788 1405323149 Civil Final Installation Inspection of vertical water proofing membrane application for 17 Nos Waterproofing Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 30-Nov-23
footings as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
28 Days Compressive Strength for Foundation no-20(X1-X2 to X-7 and 21-23) till the 1st
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-789 1405180765 Civil Construction Joint, Core Wall for Foundation No-04(V and 34-35) and Foundation No- Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 1-Dec-23
11(V and 32-33) and Neck Columns as highlighted for East wing of Zone-5, Main building
area Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-612
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "4th Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (S-X1 East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-790 1405180847 Civil and 24.5-27) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 1-Dec-23
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "3rd Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (S-U East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-791 1405180993 Civil and 24-25), (M-Q and 19) and (P-20) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 1-Dec-23
highlighted IFC drawing.
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "1st Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (T-X7 East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-792 1405180968 Civil and 22-24.5) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 1-Dec-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-794 1405329641 Civil Pre Installation inspection of vertical water proofing membrane application for 03Nos Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 2-Dec-23
foundation and retaining wall per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 west wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-795 1405329642 Civil In process Installation inspection of vertical water proofing membrane application for 03 Waterproofing Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 2-Dec-23
Nos foundation and retaining wall per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 west wing. Inspection Rev 01
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "5th Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (S-X1 East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-796 1405180719 Civil and 24.5-27) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 2-Dec-23
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "2nd Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (T-X7 East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-797 1405180836 Civil and 22-24.5) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 2-Dec-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-798 1405180954 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "3rd Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (S-U Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 2-Dec-23
and 24-25) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
Material Receiving Inspection for Select Fill Material from Vendor Name: "Intelligent
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-799 1405180950 Civil Horizon Est." and Vendor ID No.: 10108955, as per attached Delivery Notes with Total Material Receiving Zone-5 Main Building Area SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1002 2-Dec-23
Quantity 2784 cum. at Zone-5 Main Building Area.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation for Segment Zone-3, Foundation No-17 for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-749.R1 1405181035 Civil No-17 of East Side of Zone-3, Retaining Wall Area as per attached highlighted Drawing Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 2-Dec-23
Retaining Wall Area
No: Index-Q, HA-021067, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-01.
Material Handling, Storage and Preservation Inspection for Lean Concrete prior to Grade East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-800 1405330008 Civil Beam within Gridlines(S-X and 28-32) for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per Material Receiving CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-004 2-Dec-23
attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Termiticide Pre-Application Inspection for Lean Concrete prior to Grade Beam within East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-801 1405330108 Civil Gridlines(S-X and 28-32) for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached Termiticide Pre-Application CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-005 2-Dec-23
highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Termiticide Application Inspection for Lean Concrete prior to Grade Beam within East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-802 1405330062 Civil Gridlines(S-X and 28-32) for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached Termiticide Application CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-006 2-Dec-23
highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Grade and Site Preparation Inspection for Lean Concrete prior to Grade Beam within East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-803 1405181057 Civil Gridlines(S-X and 28-32) for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached Grade and Site Prep. SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 2-Dec-23
highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Formwork Inspection for Lean Concrete prior to Grade Beam within Gridlines(S-X and 28- East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-804 1405181166 Civil 32) for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index- Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 2-Dec-23
Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Lean Concrete prior to Grade East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-805 1405181209 Civil Beam within Gridlines(S-X and 28-32) for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 2-Dec-23
attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-806 1405181229 Civil Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Neck Columns of East Rebar Inspection Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 2-Dec-23
Wing and Atrium Area as per attached highlighted Drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-807 1405181279 Civil Formwork Inspection for Neck Columns of East Wing and Atrium Area as per attached Formwork Inspection Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 2-Dec-23
highlighted Drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-808 1405181336 Civil Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Neck Columns of East Wing and Concrete Placement Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 2-Dec-23
Atrium Area as per attached highlighted Drawing.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Columns, Walls and Core
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-809 1405181382 Civil walls for Foundation No-44 within Gridlines(C-E and 4-5) for West wing of Zone-5, Main Rebar Inspection Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 2-Dec-23
building area as per attached highlighted Drawing.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Retaining Wall for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-810 1405181417 Civil Foundation No-20 and 22 within Gridlines(X2-N and ) for West wing of Zone-5, Main Rebar Inspection Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 2-Dec-23
building area as per attached highlighted Drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-811 1405191399 Civil Formwork Inspection for Retaining Wall for Segment No-14(RW-16R) and 15(upto first Formwork Inspection Zone-3, Foundation No-14 and 15 for SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 3-Dec-23
lift) as per attached highlighted Drawing. Retaining Wall Area
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-812 1405329649 Civil Final Installation Inspection of water proofing membrane application for 01 Nos footings Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 3-Dec-23
at top side of footing as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 Atrium area. Inspection Rev 01
7 Days Compressive Strength for Foundation No-22(B-P and 3-4) till Construction Joint
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-813 1405197221 Civil No-3 to 4 of Zone-5, West Wing of Main building area Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-751 Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 3-Dec-23
2-28 Days Compressive Strength For Segment-03(RW-7T) for Zone-2 Retaining Wall area
Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-670
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-814 1405199451 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "5th Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (S-U Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 4-Dec-23
and 24-25) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "3rd Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (T-X7 East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-815 1405199470 Civil and 22-24.5) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 4-Dec-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-816 1405199505 Civil Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Retaining Wall for Segment No- Concrete Placement Zone-3, Retaining Wall for Segment SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 4-Dec-23
14(RW-16R) and 15(upto first lift) as per attached highlighted Drawing. No-14 and 15
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-817 1405199554 Civil Handling, Storage and Preservation of Uncoated Steel Bars for Zone-5, Main Building Material Storage and Preservation Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1008 4-Dec-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-818 1405199552 Civil Water Sample Collection from Vendor-"Al Bariqa Water Factory, Dammam" for Water Sampling Al-Bariqa Water Factory, Dammam SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1006 4-Dec-23
utilization at Site for Corporate Academy Building Project.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Neck Columns(5nos) at
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-819 1405199633 Civil west wing, Walls(2nos) at West Wing, Inclined Wall(1nos) at East Wing, Wall(1nos) at Rebar Inspection Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 4-Dec-23
East Wing for Zone-5, Main building area as per attached highlighted Drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-820 1405329631 Civil Final Installation Inspection of water proofing membrane application for retining wall Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 4-Dec-23
footings as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5 east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-826 1405209045 Civil Lean Concrete Placement Inspection for 1st Lift of Retaining Wall area at near West Wing Concrete Placement Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 5-Dec-23
of Zone-5, Main Building Area(near Dana Gate) as per attached highlighted Drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-827 1405209011 Civil Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Neck Columns(8 nos) for Rebar Inspection Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 5-Dec-23
East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building area as per attached highlighted Drawing.
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "6th Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (S-X1 East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-830 Civil and 24.5-27) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 5-Dec-23
1405209136 Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-831 1405209203 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "6th Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (S-U Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 5-Dec-23
and 24-25) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "4th Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (T-X7 East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-832 1405209235 Civil and 22-24.5) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 5-Dec-23
Material Handling, Storage and Preservation Inspection of Anti-termite for Lean Concrete
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-834 1405330139 Civil prior to Grade Beam within Gridlines(S-X and 25-31) for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Material Receiving East Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-004 6-Dec-23
Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev Building
Termiticide Pre-Application Inspection of Anti-termite for Lean Concrete prior to Grade East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-835 1405330170 Civil Beam within Gridlines(S-X and 25-31) for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per Termiticide Pre-Application CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-005 6-Dec-23
attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Termiticide Application Inspection of Anti-termite for Lean Concrete prior to Grade Beam East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-836 1405330146 Civil within Gridlines(S-X and 25-31) for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached Termiticide Application CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-006 6-Dec-23
highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Grade and Site Preparation Inspection for Lean Concrete prior to Grade Beam within East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-837 1405218123 Civil Gridlines(S-X and 25-31) for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached Grade and Site Prep. SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 6-Dec-23
highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Formwork Inspection for Lean Concrete prior to Grade Beam within Gridlines(S-X and 25- East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-838 1405218315 Civil 31) for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index- Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 6-Dec-23
Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Lean Concrete prior to Grade East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-839 1405218358 Civil Beam within Gridlines(S-X and 25-31) for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 6-Dec-23
attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Formwork Inspection for Columns, Walls and Core walls for Foundation No-44 within
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-840 1405218380 Civil Gridlines(C-E and 4-5) for West wing of Zone-5, Main building area as per attached Formwork Inspection Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 6-Dec-23
highlighted Drawing.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Columns, Walls and Core walls East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-841 1405218520 Civil for Foundation No-44 within Gridlines(C-E and 4-5) for West wing of Zone-5, Main Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 6-Dec-23
building area as per attached highlighted Drawing.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Grade Beam with columns
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-842 1405218561 Civil and stairs within Gridlines(S-X and 28-35) for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per Rebar Inspection Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 6-Dec-23
attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Formwork Inspection for Grade Beam with columns and stairs within Gridlines(S-X and
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-843 1405218613 Civil 28-35) for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Formwork Inspection Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 6-Dec-23
Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-844 1405218608 Civil Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Retaining Wall for Rebar Inspection Zone-3, Foundation No-14 and 15 for SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 6-Dec-23
Segment No-14(RW-16R) and 15(second lift) as per attached highlighted Drawing. Retaining Wall Area
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-846 1405227360 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "7th Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (S-U Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 7-Dec-23
and 24-25) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Grade Beam with columns and East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-847 1405227459 Civil stairs within Gridlines(S-X and 28-35) for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 7-Dec-23
attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-848 1405239114 Civil Soil Sampling for Gravel Material at Site from Vendor:Falleh Mohammed Al Hajri Soil Sampling Abu Hadriyah Crusher SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 9-Dec-23
Partners Co. with Vendor ID: 10048053.
Formwork Inspection for Pocket Wall Foundation within Gridlines (X2-25) East Wing of
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-851 1405239223 Civil Zone-5 near Cathodic Area, Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index- Formwork Inspection Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 9-Dec-23
Q, HA-020937, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Pocket Wall Foundation Zone-3, Foundation No-14 and 15 for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-852 1405239225 Civil within Gridlines (X2-25) East Wing of Zone-5 near Cathodic Area, Main Building as per Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 9-Dec-23
Retaining Wall Area
attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Pocket Wall Foundation within East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-853 1405239241 Civil Gridlines (X2-25) East Wing of Zone-5 near Cathodic Area, Main Building as per attached Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 9-Dec-23
highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Formwork Inspection for Retaining/Basement Wall for Foundation No-20 and 22 within
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-854 1405239303 Civil Gridlines(X2-N and 21-24) for West wing of Zone-5, Main building area as per attached Formwork Inspection Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 9-Dec-23
highlighted Drawing.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Retaining/Basement Wall for East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-855 1405239315 Civil Foundation No-20 and 22 within Gridlines(X2-N and 21-24 ) for West wing of Zone-5, Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 9-Dec-23
Main building area as per attached highlighted Drawing. .
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-856 1405239334 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "1st Layer" Atrium Area GL.F-Q (GL.4-7) for Zone-5, Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 9-Dec-23
Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-857 1405239338 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "8th Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (S-U Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 9-Dec-23
and 24-25) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-858 1405239321 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "9th Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (S-U Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 9-Dec-23
and 24-25) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-859 1405239381 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "5th Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (S-W Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 9-Dec-23
and 22-24) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-860 1405329678 Civil Final Installation Inspection of topside water proofing membrane application for 17 Nos Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 9-Dec-23
foundations as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5. Inspection Rev 01
Material Receiving Inspection for concrete repair material prior Bituminous coating
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-861 1405329702 Civil (Nitoproof 120). Repair material manufacturer Fosroc having product name Rendroc FC Material Receiving CRCC Site Zone 3 SATIP-H-003-01 SAIC-H-1002 9-Dec-23
Qty 7 bags, Rendroc HS extra qty 5 bags and Nitobond AR Qty 01 Gallon at zone 03.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-862 1405329707 Civil Pre Installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane of 28 foundations as per Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 6 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 9-Dec-23
attached highlighted drawing at zone 6. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-863 1405329680 Civil Inprocess Installation inspection of water proofing membrane of 28 foundations as per Waterproofing Installation CRCC Site Zone 6 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 9-Dec-23
attached highlighted drawing at zone 6. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-864 1405329775 Civil Material Handling, Storage and Preservation Inspection of Bituminpous Coating (APCS- Storage and Preservation CRCC Site Zone 3 SATIP-H-003-01 SAIC-H-1002 9-Dec-23
10) having product name Nitoproof 120, Qty 400L (2 Drums) at zone 07.
Material receiving inspection for waterproofing material having product name GS Plasto CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-865 1405329692 Civil 4F Qty 120 Rolls, GS Protect 4F Qty 60 rolls, Geotextile Qty 01 roll, and concrete Primer Material Receiving CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 9-Dec-23
Rev 01
Qty 400 Ltrs(02 Drums) at zone 05.
28 Days Compressive Strength for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-866 1405247370 Civil Foundation of Segment No-RW-17R, RW-13-R and RW-9R for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 10-Dec-23
Building Retaining wall areaRef RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-673
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-867 1405247406 Civil Formwork Inspection for Retaining Wall for Segment No-14(RW-16R) and 15(second lift) Formwork Inspection Zone-3, Retaining Wall Area SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 10-Dec-23
as per attached highlighted Drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-868 1405247457 Civil Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Retaining Wall for Segment No- Concrete Placement Zone-3, Retaining Wall Area SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 10-Dec-23
14(RW-16R) and 15(second lift) as per attached highlighted Drawing.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Retaining wall for Element
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-869 1405247467 Civil no-20 within Gridlines (X-X7 and 21-23) for East wing of Zone-5 Main Building area as per Rebar Inspection Zone-5, East wing Retaining Wall SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 10-Dec-23
attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Retaining wall for Element
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-870 1405247506 Civil no-22 and 50 within Gridlines (A-Q and 1-8), Neck columns-5nos and Walls(WST)-5nos Rebar Inspection Zone-5, West wing Retaining Wall SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 10-Dec-23
for West wing of Zone-5 Main Building area as per attached highlighted IFC drawing
Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Neck Columns-10nos and
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-871 1405247534 Civil Walls(W1, W8, WST) within Gridlines(A-E and 1-2) for West wing of Zone-5 main building Rebar Inspection Zone-5, West wing SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 10-Dec-23
area as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht No.001, Rev No.-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-872 1405247517 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "10th Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (S-U Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 10-Dec-23
and 24-25) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-873 1405247573 Civil Handling, Storage and Preservation of Uncoated Steel Bars for Zone-5, Main Building Material Storage and Preservation Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1008 10-Dec-23
28 Days Compressive Strength for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-874 1405257495 Civil Retaining Wall for Segment no-05(RW-14R), 06(RW-15R) and 07(RW-16R), 08(RW-7R), Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 11-Dec-23
09(RW-11R), 10(RW-6R) for West side of Zone-3, Retaining Wall area Ref RFI No CRCC-
Formwork Inspection for Retaining wall Foundation within Gridlines (X-X7 and Y1-Y11) at
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-875 1405257621 Civil East Wing of Zone-5 near Cathodic Area, Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC Formwork Inspection Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 11-Dec-23
drawing Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Retaining wall Foundation
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-876 1405257754 Civil within Gridlines (X-X7 and Y1-Y11) at East Wing of Zone-5 near Cathodic Area, Main Rebar Inspection Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 11-Dec-23
Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht No.001, Rev
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Retaining wall Foundation
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-877 1405257797 Civil within Gridlines (X-X7 and Y1-Y11) at East Wing of Zone-5 near Cathodic Area, Main Concrete Placement Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 11-Dec-23
Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht No.001, Rev
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-878 1405257806 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "11th Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (S-U Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 11-Dec-23
and 24-25) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-879 1405257877 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "6th Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (S-X and Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 11-Dec-23
22-24) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-880 1405257872 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "2nd Layer" Atrium Area GL.F-Q (GL.4-7) for Zone-5, Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 11-Dec-23
Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
Material Handling, Storage and Preservation Inspection of Anti-termite for Lean Concrete
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-881 1405330172 Civil prior to Grade Beam within Gridlines(V-X and 22-25) for East Wing and Auditorium Area Material Receiving East Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-004 11-Dec-23
lean concrete within gridlines(A-E and 9-13) for West wing of Zone-5, Main Building as Building
per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Termiticide Application Inspection of Anti-termite for Lean Concrete prior to Grade Beam
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-883 1405330196 Civil within Gridlines(V-X and 22-25) for East Wing and Auditorium Area lean concrete within Termiticide Application East Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-006 11-Dec-23
gridlines(A-E and 9-13) for West wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached Building
highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Grade and Site Preparation Inspection for Lean Concrete prior to Grade Beam within
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-884 1405257952 Civil Gridlines(V-X and 22-25) for East Wing and Auditorium Area lean concrete within Grade and Site Prep. East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 11-Dec-23
gridlines(A-E and 9-13) for West wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached Building
highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Formwork Inspection for Lean Concrete prior to Lean Concrete prior to Grade Beam
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-885 1405258046 Civil within Gridlines(V-X and 22-25) for East Wing and Auditorium Area lean concrete within Formwork Inspection East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 11-Dec-23
gridlines(A-E and 9-13) for West wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached Building
highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Lean Concrete prior to Grade
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-886 1405258123 Civil Beam within Gridlines(V-X and 22-25) for East Wing and Auditorium Area lean concrete Concrete Placement East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 11-Dec-23
within gridlines(A-E and 9-13) for West wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached Building
highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Walls(WST) for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-887 1405267201 Civil Foundation no-43 within Gridlines (H-P and 17-18) at Atrium Area of Zone-5 Main Rebar Inspection Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 12-Dec-23
Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht No.001, Rev
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-888 1405267278 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "3rd Layer" Atrium Area GL.F-Q (GL.4-7) for Zone-5, Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 12-Dec-23
Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-889 1405267220 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "4th Layer" Atrium Area GL.F-Q (GL.4-7) for Zone-5, Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 12-Dec-23
Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Grade Beams within
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-890 1405267347 Civil Gridlines (S-X and 26-30) at East Wing of Zone-5 Main Building as per attached Rebar Inspection Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 12-Dec-23
highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-891 1405267381 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "12th Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (S-U Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 12-Dec-23
and 24-25) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-892 1405267440 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "1st Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (A-D Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 12-Dec-23
and 6-8) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-895 1405267455 Civil Soil Sampling, Testing and Review of Test Reports for Select Fill Material at Site from Soil Sampling Stockpile area at Zone-5(Select Fill SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 12-Dec-23
Vendor: Intelligent Horizon Est. (Al-Khaledi Co. Crusher) at Zone-5 Main Building Area. Material)
Material Receiving Inspection for Select Fill Material from Vendor Name: "Intelligent
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-896 1405267442 Civil Horizon Est." and Vendor ID No.: 10108955, as per attached Delivery Notes with Total Material Receiving Zone-5 Main Building Area SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1002 12-Dec-23
Quantity 3,336 cum. at Zone-5 Main Building Area.
Pre Installation inspection of vertical water proofing membrane application for Retaining Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-897 1405329652 Civil Wall within gridline GL.S-X (GL.21-14) East Wing as per attached highlighted drawing at CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 13-Dec-23
Inspection Rev 01
zone 5.
Inprocess Installation inspection of vertical water proofing membrane application for Waterproofing Installation CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-898 1405329735 Civil Retaining Wall within gridline GL.S-X (GL.21-14) East Wing as per attached highlighted CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 13-Dec-23
Inspection Rev 01
drawing at zone 5.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-899 1405276358 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "13th Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (S-U Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 13-Dec-23
and 24-25) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-900 1405276391 Civil Formwork Inspection for Retaining Wall for Segment No-17(Outer Wall) for East side of Formwork Inspection Zone-3, Retaining Wall SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 13-Dec-23
Zone-3, Retaining Wall area as per attached highlighted Drawing.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Retaining Wall for Segment No-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-901 1405276474 Civil 17(Outer Wall) for East side of Zone-3, Retaining Wall area as per attached highlighted Concrete Placement Zone-3, Retaining Wall SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 13-Dec-23
Material Handling, Storage and Preservation Inspection of Anti-termite for Lean Concrete
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-902 1405330189 Civil for Auditorium Area within gridlines(A-E and 9-13) for West wing of Zone-5, Main Material Receiving East Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-004 13-Dec-23
Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev Building
Termiticide Pre-Application Inspection of Anti-termite for Lean Concrete for Auditorium East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-903 1405330214 Civil Area within gridlines(A-E and 9-13) for West wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per Termiticide Pre-Application CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-005 13-Dec-23
attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Termiticide Application Inspection of Anti-termite for Lean Concrete for Auditorium Area East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-904 1405330243 Civil within gridlines(A-E and 9-13) for West wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached Termiticide Application CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-006 13-Dec-23
highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Grade and Site Preparation Inspection for Lean Concrete for Auditorium Area within East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-905 1405276478 Civil gridlines(A-E and 9-13) for West wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached Grade and Site Prep. SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 13-Dec-23
highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Formwork Inspection for Lean Concrete for Auditorium Area within gridlines(A-E and 9- East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-906 1405276499 Civil 13) for West wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 13-Dec-23
Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Lean Concrete for Auditorium East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-907 1405276510 Civil Area within gridlines(A-E and 9-13) for West wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 13-Dec-23
attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Formwork Inspection for Grade Beams within Gridlines (S-X and 26-30) at East Wing of East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-908 1405276529 Civil Zone-5 Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 13-Dec-23
No.001, Rev No.-02.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Grade Beams within Gridlines East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-909 1405276532 Civil (S-X and 26-30) at East Wing of Zone-5 Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 13-Dec-23
drawing Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Formwork Inspection for Retaining wall for Element no-20 within Gridlines (X-X7 and 21-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-910 1405276559 Civil 23) for East wing of Zone-5 Main Building area as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Formwork Inspection Zone-5, East Wing Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 13-Dec-23
Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Retaining wall for Element no-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-911 1405276663 Civil 20 within Gridlines (X-X7 and 21-23) for East wing of Zone-5 Main Building area as per Concrete Placement Zone-5, East Wing Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 13-Dec-23
attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Formwork Inspection for Neck Columns-10nos and Walls(W1, W8, WST) within
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-912 1405276666 Civil Gridlines(A-E and 1-2) for West wing of Zone-5 main building area as per attached Formwork Inspection Zone-5, East Wing Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 13-Dec-23
highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Neck Columns-10nos and
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-913 1405276707 Civil Walls(W1, W8, WST) within Gridlines(A-E and 1-2) for West wing of Zone-5 main building Concrete Placement Zone-5, East Wing Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 13-Dec-23
area as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht No.001, Rev No.-
Formwork Inspection for Walls(WST) for Foundation no-43 within Gridlines (H-P and 17-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-914 1405276767 Civil 18) at Atrium Area of Zone-5 Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Formwork Inspection Zone-5, East Wing Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 13-Dec-23
Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Walls(WST) for Foundation no-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-915 1405276778 Civil 43 within Gridlines (H-P and 17-18) at Atrium Area of Zone-5 Main Building as per Concrete Placement Zone-5, East Wing Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 13-Dec-23
attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-916 1405285940 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "14th Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (S-U Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 14-Dec-23
and 24-25) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-917 1405286046 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "5th Layer" Atrium Area GL.F-Q (GL.4-7) for Zone-5, Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 14-Dec-23
Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-918 1405286141 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "2nd Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (A-D Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 14-Dec-23
and 6-8) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-919 1405286319 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "7th Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (S-V and Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 14-Dec-23
22-24) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
Grade and Site Preparation Inspection for Lean Concrete for Retaining Wall area of
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-920 1405286380 Civil Segment 1 and 2(RW7-DG and RW-T) for Retaining Wall close to Dana Gate for Zone-5, Grade and Site Prep. East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 14-Dec-23
Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-021065, Sht No.001, Building
Rev No.-00.
Formwork Inspection for Lean Concrete for Lean Concrete for Retaining Wall area of
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-921 1405286473 Civil Segment 1 and 2(RW7-DG and RW-T) for Retaining Wall close to Dana Gate for Zone-5, Formwork Inspection East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 14-Dec-23
Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-021065, Sht No.001, Building
Rev No.-00.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Lean Concrete for Retaining
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-922 1405286514 Civil Wall area of Segment 1 and 2(RW7-DG and RW-T) for Retaining Wall close to Dana Gate Concrete Placement East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 14-Dec-23
for Zone-5, Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-021065, Building
Sht No.001, Rev No.-00.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-923 1405329711 Civil Pre Installation inspection of horizontal waterproofing for 3 Nos footings and zone 5 Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 16-Dec-23
west wing as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-924 1405329778 Civil In process Installation inspection of horizontal waterproofing for 3 Nos footings and Waterproofing Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 16-Dec-23
zone 5 west wing as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-925 1405308391 Civil Concrete Coating Pre installation and installation inspection for retaining wall foundation Pre installation CRCC Site Zone 3 SATIP-H-003-01 SAIC-H-1003 16-Dec-23
from segment 1 to 7 at zone 3.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-926 1405308446 Civil Concrete coating equipment inspection at zone 3. Equipment inspection CRCC Site Zone 3 SATIP-H-003-01 SAIC-H-2026 16-Dec-23
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Retaining Wall(1st lift) for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-927 1405297265 Civil Segment No-17(Higher Wall) for East side of Zone-3, Retaining Wall area as per attached Rebar Inspection Zone-3, Retaining Wall Area SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 16-Dec-23
highlighted Drawing.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Retaining wall within
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-928 1405297247 Civil Gridlines (X-X7 and Y1-Y11) and Pocket Wall-1nos for Foundation within Gridline (X2- Rebar Inspection Zone-5, Main Building Area SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 16-Dec-23
Y1)at East Wing of Zone-5 near Cathodic Area, Main Building as per attached highlighted
IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Material Handling, Storage and Preservation Inspection of Anti-termite for Lean Concrete
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-929 1405330198 Civil prior to Grade Beam within Gridlines(S-X and 23-24) for East Wing East wing of Zone-5, Material Receiving East Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-004 16-Dec-23
Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Building
Rev No.-01.
Termiticide Pre-Application Inspection of Anti-termite for Lean Concrete prior to Grade East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-930 1405330230 Civil Beam within Gridlines(S-X and 23-24) for East Wing East wing of Zone-5, Main Building as Termiticide Pre-Application CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-005 16-Dec-23
per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Termiticide Application Inspection of Anti-termite for Lean Concrete prior to Grade Beam East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-931 1405330210 Civil within Gridlines(S-X and 23-24) for East Wing East wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per Termiticide Application CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-006 16-Dec-23
attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Grade and Site Preparation Inspection for Lean Concrete prior to Grade Beam within East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-932 1405297232 Civil Gridlines(S-X and 23-24) for East Wing East wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached Grade and Site Prep. SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 16-Dec-23
highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Formwork Inspection for Lean Concrete prior to Grade Beam within Gridlines(S-X and 23- East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-933 1405297295 Civil 24) for East Wing East wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 16-Dec-23
drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Lean Concrete prior to Grade East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-934 1405297288 Civil Beam within Gridlines(S-X and 23-24) for East Wing East wing of Zone-5, Main Building as Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 16-Dec-23
per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-935 1405297279 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "8th Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (S-V and Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 16-Dec-23
22-24) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-936 1405297258 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "6th Layer" Atrium Area GL.F-Q (GL.4-7) for Zone-5, Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 16-Dec-23
Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-937 1405297334 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "3rd Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (A-D Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 16-Dec-23
and 6-8) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
Soil Sampling for General Fill material at Site from Vendor: Intelligent Horizon Est. (Al- Stockpile area at Zone-6(General Fill
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-938 1405297322 Civil Khaledi Co. Crusher) at Stockpile No-09 at Zone-6 for Corporate Academy Dhahran Soil Sampling SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 16-Dec-23
Material Receiving Inspection for Uncoated Steel Bars as per Delivery Note No.: DMM1-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-939 1405297363 Civil 28142, DMM1-28118, DMM1-28146, DMM1-28141 and P.O. No-CRCC-CAD-PO-0225 and Material Receiving Location-Main Building Atrium Area SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1007 16-Dec-23
249 delivered by Vendor-BRC and Vendor ID:10006142 @ Location-Main Building Area near Tower Crane No-2
of Zone-5 Near Tower Crane-02.
Formwork Inspection for Retaining wall for Element no-22 and 50 within Gridlines (A-Q
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-943 1405308536 Civil and 1-8), Neck columns-5nos and Walls(WST)-5nos for West wing of Zone-5 Main Formwork Inspection Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 17-Dec-23
Building area as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht No.001,
Rev No.-02.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Element no-22 and 50 within
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-944 1405308555 Civil Gridlines (A-Q and 1-8), Neck columns-5nos and Walls(WST)-5nos for West wing of Zone- Concrete Placement Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 17-Dec-23
5 Main Building area as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht
No.001, Rev No.-02.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Grade Beams within
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-945 1405308576 Civil Gridlines (V-X and 23-25) at East Wing of Zone-5 Main Building as per attached Rebar Inspection Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 17-Dec-23
highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Formwork Inspection for Retaining wall for Grade Beams within Gridlines (V-X and 23-25)
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-946 1405308596 Civil at East Wing of Zone-5 Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, Formwork Inspection Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 17-Dec-23
HA-020937, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Grade Beams within Gridlines
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-947 1405308611 Civil (V-X and 23-25) at East Wing of Zone-5 Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC Concrete Placement Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 17-Dec-23
drawing Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "9th and 10th Layer" around Foundation within East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-948 1405308617 Civil Gridlines (S-V and 22-24)(Below Grade Beam) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 17-Dec-23
attached highlighted IFC drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-949 1405308622 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "7th Layer" Atrium Area GL.F-Q (GL.4-7) for Zone-5, Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 17-Dec-23
Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-950 1405308677 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "4th Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (A-D Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 17-Dec-23
and 6-8) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "1st and 2nd Layer" around Foundation no-44 within East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-951 1405308754 Civil Gridlines (C-E and 4-5) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 17-Dec-23
IFC drawing.
Final Installation Inspection of water proofing membrane application for Retaining Wall Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-952 1405308868 Civil within gridline GL.S-X (GL.21-14) East Wing as per attached highlighted drawing at zone CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 17-Dec-23
Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-953 1405308924 Civil Concrete Coating Pre installation and installation inspection for grade beam as per Concrete Coating Pre installation CRCC Site Zone 5 SATIP-H-003-01 SAIC-H-1003 17-Dec-23
attached highlighted drawing East Wing, Zone 5.
Material Receiving Inspection for Plain Steel Dowel Bars ASTM A615/A 615M GR.60. of
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-954 1405309088 Civil 1. 32mm X 500mm(200 nos) and Material Receiving Zone-7, Laydown Area SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1007 17-Dec-23
2. 25mm X 450mm(200 nos)
with UPVC Sleeves and End Caps as per Delivery Note No.: 10225, delivered by approved
Vendor-Mishal Saud Al Faraj Trading Est.(MAFCO) @ Zone-7 Laydown area.
Material Receiving Inspection for "Formcoat S" (Foam Release Agent) of Quantity- 4nos
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-957 1405315884 Civil Drums (210L each) as per Delivery Note No.: 23RUH-23021005 delivered by Vendor-DCP Material Receiving Location-Laydown Area of Zone-4. SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1007 18-Dec-23
and Vendor ID:10054598 @ Location-Laydown Area of Zone-4.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-959 1405315934 Civil Handling, Storage and Preservation of Uncoated Steel Bars for Zone-5, Main Building Material Storage and Preservation Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1008 18-Dec-23
Concrete Final Acceptance Inspection for Foundations of West Wing(A-E and 1-9) for Zone-5, Foundations for Main
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-960 1405315909 Civil Zone-5, Main building area as per as per attached highlighted Drawing No: Index-Q, HA- Concrete Final Acceptance SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 18-Dec-23
Building East Wing and Atrium Area
020937, Sht. No.-001, Rev. No-02.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Trench Opening at 2
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-961 1405316127 Civil locations within Gridlines (U-V and 31-32) and (U and 32-33) at East Wing of Zone-5 Main Rebar Inspection Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 18-Dec-23
Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020940, Sht No.003, Rev
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "10th Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (S-V East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-962 1405316145 Civil and 22-24)(Below Grade Beam) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 18-Dec-23
highlighted IFC drawing.
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "2nd Layer" around Foundation no-44 within Gridlines East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-963 1405316184 Civil (C-E and 4-5) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 18-Dec-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-964 1405316166 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "8th Layer" Atrium Area GL.F-Q (GL.4-7) for Zone-5, Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 18-Dec-23
Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-965 1405316608 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "5th Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (A-D Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 18-Dec-23
and 6-8) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "3rd Layer" around Foundation no-44 within Gridlines East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-966 1405316626 Civil (C-E and 4-5) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 18-Dec-23
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Neck Columns(3nos)
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-967 1405316620 Civil (C27,C27,C20) and Walls(2nos)(W1A,W1) within Gridlines (S-W and 21) at East Wing of Rebar Inspection Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 18-Dec-23
Zone-5 Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020936, Sht
No.004, Rev No.-04.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-969 1405316671 Civil Pre Installation inspection of horizontal waterproofing for 2 Nos footings zone 5 west Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 18-Dec-23
wing as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-970 1405316766 Civil In process Installation inspection of horizontal waterproofing for 2 Nos footings zone 5 Waterproofing Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 18-Dec-23
west wing as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5. Inspection Rev 01
Grade and Site Preparation Inspection for Lean Concrete for Retaining Wall area (RW4-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-971 1405325953 Civil DG, RW5-DG, RW6-DG) with E.L(82.00) for Retaining Wall close to Dana Gate for Zone-5, Grade and Site Prep. East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 19-Dec-23
Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-021065, Sht No.001, Building
Rev No.-00.
Formwork Inspection for Lean Concrete for Lean Concrete for Retaining Wall area (RW4-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-972 1405325907 Civil DG, RW5-DG, RW6-DG) with E.L(82.00) for Retaining Wall close to Dana Gate for Zone-5, Formwork Inspection East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 19-Dec-23
Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-021065, Sht No.001, Building
Rev No.-00.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Lean Concrete for Retaining
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-973 1405325962 Civil Wall area (RW4-DG, RW5-DG, RW6-DG) with E.L(82.00) for Retaining Wall close to Dana Concrete Placement East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 19-Dec-23
Gate for Zone-5, Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA- Building
021065, Sht No.001, Rev No.-00.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-974 1405326033 Civil Compaction Testing of "Existing Layer" prior to Lean Concrete for LV and MV Cable Duct Compaction Testing Zone-6 SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 19-Dec-23
Banks at Zone-6 as per attached highlighted IFC drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-975 1405326001 Civil Grade and Site Preparation Inspection for Lean Concrete for LV and MV Cable Duct Banks Grade and Site Prep. Zone-6 SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 19-Dec-23
at Zone-6 as per attached highlighted IFC drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-976 1405326029 Civil Formwork Inspection for Lean Concrete for LV and MV Cable Duct Banks at Zone-6 as per Formwork Inspection Zone-6 SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 19-Dec-23
attached highlighted IFC drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-977 1405325990 Civil Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Lean Concrete for LV and MV Concrete Placement Zone-6 SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 19-Dec-23
Cable Duct Banks at Zone-6 as per attached highlighted IFC drawing.
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "4th Layer" around Foundation no-44 within Gridlines East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-978 1405326079 Civil (C-E and 4-5) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 19-Dec-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-979 1405326114 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "9th Layer" Atrium Area GL.F-Q (GL.4-7) for Zone-5, Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 19-Dec-23
Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-980 1405326097 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "6th Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (A-D Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 19-Dec-23
and 6-8) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
Soil Sampling for Select Fill, Base Course, Sub-base Course material at Source from TALIB Intelligent Horizon Est. (Al-khaldi
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-981 1405326052 Civil HAMID ALSHAMMARY EST. at Al-Fadili for backfilling material for Corporate Academy Soil Sampling SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1001 19-Dec-23
crusher) Al-Fadili
Dhahran Project.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-983 1405333954 Civil Coating and final installation inspection for retaining wall foundation from segment 1 to Coating and final installation CRCC Site Zone 3 SATIP-H-003-01 SAIC-H-1004 20-Dec-23
7 at zone 3. inspection
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-984 1405333929 Civil Pre Installation inspection of Vertical water proofing membrane of Basement Wall within Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 20-Dec-23
GL.22-23 (GL.W-X7) as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5, Main Building. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-985 1405334002 Civil Inprocess Installation inspection of water proofing membrane of Basement Wall within Waterproofing Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 20-Dec-23
GL.22-23 (GL.W-X7) as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5, Main Building. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-986 1405334157 Civil Formwork Inspection for Retaining Wall(1st lift) for Segment No-17(Higher Wall) for East Formwork Inspection Zone-3, Retaining Wall Area SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 20-Dec-23
side of Zone-3, Retaining Wall area as per attached highlighted Drawing.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Retaining Wall(1st lift) for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-987 1405334208 Civil Segment No-17(Higher Wall) for East side of Zone-3, Retaining Wall area as per attached Concrete Placement Zone-3, Retaining Wall Area SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 20-Dec-23
highlighted Drawing.
Compaction Testing of "Existing Layer" prior to Lean Concrete for Terrace Retaining Wall
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-989 1405334251 Civil Area at different levels(with E.L-83.6, 84.8, 86.0) at Zone-5, East Wing of Main Building as Compaction Testing Zone-6 SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 20-Dec-23
per attached highlighted IFC drawing.
Grade and Site Preparation Inspection for Lean Concrete for Terrace Retaining Wall Area
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-990 1405334268 Civil at different levels(with E.L-83.6, 84.8, 86.0) at Zone-5, East Wing of Main Building as per Grade and Site Prep. Zone-6 SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 20-Dec-23
attached highlighted IFC drawing.
Formwork Inspection for Lean Concrete for Terrace Retaining Wall Area at different
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-991 1405334292 Civil levels(with E.L-83.6, 84.8, 86.0) at Zone-5, East Wing of Main Building as per attached Formwork Inspection Zone-6 SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 20-Dec-23
highlighted IFC drawing.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Lean Concrete for Terrace
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-992 1405334373 Civil Retaining Wall Area at different levels(with E.L-83.6, 84.8, 86.0) at Zone-5, East Wing of Concrete Placement Zone-6 SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 20-Dec-23
Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing.
Formwork Inspection for Retaining wall within Gridlines (X-X7 and Y1-Y11) and Pocket
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-993 1405334346 Civil Wall-1nos for Foundation within Gridline (X2-Y1)at East Wing of Zone-5 near Cathodic Formwork Inspection Zone-5, Main Building Area SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 20-Dec-23
Area, Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht
No.001, Rev No.-02.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-994 1405334387 Civil Compaction Testing of 11th Layer(Part-1) for Zone-6 Parking Lot area between Corporate Compaction Testing Zone-6 b/w CAD main bldg. And SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 20-Dec-23
Academy Main Building and Chiller Yard as per attached highlighted drawings. Chiller Yard
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-995 1405334377 Civil Compaction Testing of 1st Layer(above Foundation) within Gridlines(S-X and 14-21) for Compaction Testing Zone-6 b/w CAD main bldg. And SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 20-Dec-23
East Wing of Zone-5 Main Building area as per attached highlighted drawings. Chiller Yard
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Retaining wall(1st lift) within
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-996 1405344452 Civil Gridlines (X-X7 and Y1-Y11) and Pocket Wall-1nos for Foundation within Gridline (X2- Concrete Placement Zone-6 SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 21-Dec-23
Y1)at East Wing of Zone-5 near Cathodic Area, Main Building as per attached highlighted
IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht No.001, Rev No.-02.
Material Handling, Storage and Preservation Inspection of Anti-termite for Lean Concrete
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-997 1405344468 Civil prior to Grade Beam for West Wing within gridlines(A-E and 6-10), Atrium Area(F-Q and Material Receiving East Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-004 21-Dec-23
15-18) and Terrace Retaining Wall Area E.L-86.0 of East wing of Zone-5, Main Building as Building
per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Termiticide Application Inspection of Anti-termite for Lean Concrete prior to Grade Beam
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-999 1405344565 Civil for West Wing within gridlines(A-E and 6-10), Atrium Area(F-Q and 15-18) and Terrace Termiticide Application East Wing of Coporate Academy CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-006 21-Dec-23
Retaining Wall Area E.L-86.0 of East wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached Building
highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Grade and Site Preparation Inspection for Lean Concrete prior to Grade Beam for West
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1000 1405344528 Civil Wing within gridlines(A-E and 6-10), Atrium Area(F-Q and 15-18) and Terrace Retaining Grade and Site Prep. East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 21-Dec-23
Wall Area E.L-86.0 of East wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC Building
drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Formwork Inspection for Lean Concrete prior to Grade Beam for West Wing within
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1001 1405344597 Civil gridlines(A-E and 6-10), Atrium Area(F-Q and 15-18) and Terrace Retaining Wall Area E.L- Formwork Inspection East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 21-Dec-23
86.0 of East wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing Index- Building
Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Lean Concrete prior to Grade
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1002 1405344619 Civil Beam for West Wing within gridlines(A-E and 6-10), Atrium Area(F-Q and 15-18) and Concrete Placement East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 21-Dec-23
Terrace Retaining Wall Area E.L-86.0 of East wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per Building
attached highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020939, Sht No.001, Rev No.-01.
Screed Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection of 30mm thickness for East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1003 1405344652 Civil Auditorium Area for West wing within Gridlines (A-D and 9-13) as per attached Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 21-Dec-23
highlighted IFC drawing Index-Q, HA-020937, Sht. No.01, Rev No.-01.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1004 1405344687 Civil Compaction Testing of 2nd Layer(above Foundation) within Gridlines(S-X and 14-21) for Compaction Testing Zone-6 b/w CAD main bldg. And SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 21-Dec-23
East Wing of Zone-5 Main Building area as per attached highlighted drawings. Chiller Yard
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "5th Layer" around Foundation no-44 within Gridlines East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1005 1405344672 Civil (C-E and 4-5) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 21-Dec-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1006 1405344630 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "7th Layer" around Foundation within Gridlines (A-D Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 21-Dec-23
and 6-8) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1007 1405344656 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "10th Layer" Atrium Area GL.F-Q (GL.4-7) for Zone-5, Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 21-Dec-23
Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1008 1405344731 Civil Compaction Testing of General Fill "1st Layer" near Dana Gate at Zone-6 as per attached Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 21-Dec-23
highlighted IFC drawing. Building
Material Receiving Inspection for Uncoated Steel Bars as per Delivery Note No.: DMM1- Location-Main Building Atrium Area
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1009 1405344708 Civil 28293 and DMM1-28300 and P.O. No-CRCC-CAD-PO-0253 delivered by Vendor-BRC and Material Receiving SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1007 21-Dec-23
near Tower Crane No-1
Vendor ID:10006142 @ Location-Main Building Area of Zone-5 Near Tower Crane-01.
Material Receiving Inspection for GFRP Reinforcement Bars as per Delivery Note No.:
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1010 1405344793 Civil SPS-00290 and P.O. No-CRCC-CAD-PO-0140(Rev-02) delivered by Vendor-Branch Issam Material Receiving Location-Main Building Atrium Area SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1007 21-Dec-23
Mohammed Khairy (IKK MAteenbar) and Vendor ID:10067688 @ Location-Main Building near Tower Crane No-2
Area of Zone-5 Near Tower Crane-02.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1013 1405352427 Civil Coating and Final installation inspection for grade beam as per attached highlighted Coating and Final installation CRCC Site Zone 5 SATIP-H-003-01 SAIC-H-1003 21-Dec-23
drawing East Wing, Zone 5. inspection
28 Days Compressive Strength for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1014 1405352464 Civil Core Walls and Columns for Foundation No-17(S-U and 24-25) for Zone-5, Main building Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 23-Dec-23
area Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-738
Pre Installation inspection of vertical water proofing membrane application for Retaining Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1015 1405352466 Civil Wall within gridline GL.A-E (GL.3-6) West Wing as per attached highlighted drawing at CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 23-Dec-23
Inspection Rev 01
zone 5.
Inprocess Installation inspection of vertical water proofing membrane application for Waterproofing Installation CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1016 1405352527 Civil Retaining Wall within gridline GL.A-E (GL.3-6) West Wing as per attached highlighted CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 23-Dec-23
Inspection Rev 01
drawing at zone 5.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Retaining Wall of Segment
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1017 1405352889 Civil No-RW-17R, RW-13-R and RW-9R for East Wing of Zone-5, Main Building Retaining wall Rebar Inspection Zone-5, East Wing, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 23-Dec-23
area as per attached highlighted Drawing.
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "6th Layer" around Foundation no-44 within Gridlines East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1018 1405352974 Civil (C-E and 4-5) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 23-Dec-23
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "7th Layer" around Foundation no-44 within Gridlines East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1019 1405352995 Civil (C-E and 4-5) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 23-Dec-23
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "1st Layer" around Foundation no-44 within Gridlines East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1020 1405353024 Civil (C-E and 4-5) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 23-Dec-23
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "2nd Layer" around Foundation no-44 within Gridlines East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1021 1405353015 Civil (C-E and 4-5) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 23-Dec-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1022 1405352990 Civil Compaction Testing of 3rd Layer(above Foundation) within Gridlines(S-X and 14-21) for Compaction Testing Zone-6 b/w CAD main bldg. And SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 23-Dec-23
East Wing of Zone-5 Main Building area as per attached highlighted drawings. Chiller Yard
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1023 1405353900 Civil Compaction Testing of 12th Layer(Part-1) for Zone-6 Parking Lot area between Corporate Compaction Testing Zone-6 b/w CAD main bldg. And SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 23-Dec-23
Academy Main Building and Chiller Yard as per attached highlighted drawings. Chiller Yard
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1024 1405354751 Civil Final Installation Inspection of water proofing membrane application for Neck Columns Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 23-Dec-23
at East Wing as per attached highlighted drawing at zone 5. Inspection Rev 01
28 Days Compressive Strength for
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1025 1405361366 Civil Foundation No-22(B-P and 3-4) till Construction Joint No-3 to 4 of Zone-5, West Wing of Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 24-Dec-23
Main building area Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-751
Material Receiving Inspection for General Fill Material from Vendor Name: "Intelligent Zone-6 (Stockpile for General Fill
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1027 Civil Horizon Est." and Vendor ID No.: 10108955, as per attached Delivery Notes with Total Material Receiving SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1002 24-Dec-23
1405361530 material)
Quantity 9,900 cum at Zone-6 of Corporate Academy Dhahran Project.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1028 1405361684 Civil Handling, Storage and Preservation of Uncoated Steel Bars for Zone-5, Main Building Material Storage and Preservation Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1008 24-Dec-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1029 1405361553 Civil Compaction Testing of 4th Layer(below lean of Grade Beam) within Gridlines(S-X and 14- Compaction Testing Zone-6 b/w CAD main bldg. And SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 24-Dec-23
21) for East Wing of Zone-5 Main Building area as per attached highlighted drawings. Chiller Yard
Material Handling, Storage and Preservation Inspection of Anti-termite for Lean Concrete East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1030 1405361798 Civil prior to Grade Beam for East Wing within gridlines(S-X1 and 21-23) of Zone-5, Main Material Receiving CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-004 24-Dec-23
Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing.
Termiticide Pre-Application Inspection of Anti-termite for Lean Concrete prior to Grade East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1031 1405361811 Civil Beam for East Wing within gridlines(S-X1 and 21-23) of Zone-5, Main Building as per Termiticide Pre-Application CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-005 24-Dec-23
attached highlighted IFC drawing.
Termiticide Application Inspection of Anti-termite for Lean Concrete prior to Grade Beam East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1032 1405361863 Civil for East Wing within gridlines(S-X1 and 21-23) of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached Termiticide Application CRCC-ITP-Q-002 CRCC-IC-Q-006 24-Dec-23
highlighted IFC drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1033 1405361555 Civil Compaction Testing of "Existing Layer" for Duct Banks(2nos)(LV and MV cables) near Compaction Testing East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 24-Dec-23
Dana Gate of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing. Building
Grade and Site Preparation Inspection Lean Concrete prior to Grade Beam for East Wing East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1034 1405361686 Civil within gridlines(S-X1 and 21-23) and Duct Banks(2nos)(LV and MV cables) near Dana Grade and Site Prep. SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1011 24-Dec-23
Gate of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing.
Formwork Inspection for Lean Concrete prior to Grade Beam for East Wing within East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1035 1405361676 Civil gridlines(S-X1 and 21-23) and Duct Banks(2nos)(LV and MV cables) near Dana Gate of Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 24-Dec-23
Zone-5, Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Lean Concrete prior to Grade
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1036 1405361632 Civil Beam for East Wing within gridlines(S-X1 and 21-23) and Duct Banks(2nos)(LV and MV Concrete Placement East Wing of Coporate Academy SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 24-Dec-23
cables) near Dana Gate and second lift of Terrace Retaining Wall Area E.L-86.0 of East Building
wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Retaining Wall(2nd lift) of
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1037 1405361718 Civil higher wall of Segment No-17 for East Side of Zone-3, Retaining wall area as per attached Rebar Inspection Zone-5, East Wing, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 24-Dec-23
highlighted Drawing.
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "8th Layer" around Foundation no-44 within Gridlines East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1038 1405361536 Civil (C-E and 4-5) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 24-Dec-23
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "3rd Layer" around Foundation no-44 within Gridlines East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1039 1405361589 Civil (C-E and 4-5) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 24-Dec-23
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "4th Layer" around Foundation no-44 within Gridlines East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1040 1405361568 Civil (C-E and 4-5) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 24-Dec-23
Material Receiving Inspection for Uncoated Steel Bars as per Delivery Note No.: DMM1-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1041 1405363574 Civil 28315, DMM1-28316, DMM1-28332, DMM1-28347 and P.O. No-CRCC-CAD-PO-0253 and Material Receiving Location-Main Building Atrium Area SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1007 24-Dec-23
CRCC-CAD-PO-270 delivered by Vendor-BRC and Vendor ID:10006142 @ Location-Main near Tower Crane No-1 and 2
Building Area of Zone-5 Near Tower Crane-01 and 2
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1044 1405371689 Civil Compaction Testing of 5th Layer(below lean of Grade Beam) within Gridlines(S-X and 14- Compaction Testing Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 25-Dec-23
21) for East Wing of Zone-5 Main Building area as per attached highlighted drawings.
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "9th Layer" around Foundation no-44 within Gridlines
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1045 1405371761 Civil (C-E and 4-5) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 25-Dec-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1046 1405371796 Civil Compaction Testing of General Fill "2nd Layer" near Dana Gate at Zone-6 as per Compaction Testing Zone-6 SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 25-Dec-23
attached highlighted IFC drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1047 1405371819 Civil Compaction Testing of 11th Layer(Part-2) for Zone-6 Parking Lot area between Corporate Compaction Testing Zone-6 SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 25-Dec-23
Academy Main Building and Chiller Yard as per attached highlighted drawings.
Formwork Inspection for Foundation of Retaining Wall (RW7-DG, RW6-DG, RW-T)(Till 1st Zone-5, Main Building Retaining wall
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1048 1405371829 Civil Expansion joint) near Dana Gate of Zone-5, West wing of Main Building as per attached Formwork Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 25-Dec-23
area(Dana Gate)
highlighted IFC drawing.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Foundation of Retaining Zone-5, Main Building Retaining wall
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1049 1405371883 Civil Wall (RW7-DG, RW6-DG, RW-T)(Till 1st Expansion joint) near Dana Gate of Zone-5, West Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 25-Dec-23
area(Dana Gate)
wing of Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing.
Formwork Inspection for Trench Opening at 2 locations within Gridlines (U-V and 31-32)
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1050 1405371867 Civil and (U and 32-33) at East Wing of Zone-5 Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC Formwork Inspection Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 25-Dec-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1051 1405371897 Civil Formwork Inspection for Grade Beams within Gridlines(A-E and 6-8) for Zone-5, West Formwork Inspection Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 25-Dec-23
wing of Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Grade Beams within
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1052 1405371922 Civil Gridlines(A-E and 6-8) for Zone-5, West wing of Main Building as per attached highlighted Rebar Inspection Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 25-Dec-23
IFC drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1054 1405380029 Civil Pre installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for Retaining Wall Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 26-Dec-23
GL.X7 (GL.22-23) (Backside) at zone 5, east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1055 1405379941 Civil Inprocess installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for Retaining Waterproofing In-process CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 26-Dec-23
Wall GL.X7 (GL.22-23) (Backside) at zone 5, east wing. installation Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1056 1405380104 Civil Final Installation Inspection of water proofing membrane application for for Retaining Waterproofing Final Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-017-Rev 01 26-Dec-23
Wall GL.X7 (GL.22-23) (front side) at zone 5, east wing. Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1057 1405380109 Civil Pre installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for Wall and Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 26-Dec-23
Foundation in Atrium Area at zone 5, east wing as per highlighted drawing Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1058 1405380117 Civil Inprocess installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for Wall and Waterproofing In-process CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 26-Dec-23
Foundation in Atrium Area at zone 5, east wing as per highlighted drawing installation Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1059 1405380143 Civil Material receiving and storage inspection for waterproofing membrane Topseal 200 , Qty Material Receiving CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 26-Dec-23
69 rolls and Protection Board GS protect 4F ,Qty 60 rolls at zone 4. Rev 01
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "10th Layer" around Foundation no-44 within Gridlines
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1060 1405381064 Civil (C-E and 4-5) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 26-Dec-23
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "5th Layer" around Foundation no-44 within Gridlines East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1061 1405381065 Civil (C-E and 4-5) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 26-Dec-23
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "6th Layer" around Foundation no-44 within Gridlines East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1062 1405381046 Civil (C-E and 4-5) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 26-Dec-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1063 1405381085 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "3rd Layer" around Grade Beams within Gridlines (S-V Compaction Testing Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 26-Dec-23
and 32-35) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Trench Opening at 2 locations
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1064 1405381106 Civil within Gridlines (U-V and 31-32) and (U and 32-33) at East Wing of Zone-5 Main Building Concrete Placement Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 26-Dec-23
as per attached highlighted IFC drawing.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Foundation of Retaining Wall Zone-5, Main Building Retaining wall
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1065 1405381095 Civil (RW7-DG, RW6-DG, RW-T)(Till 1st Expansion joint) near Dana Gate of Zone-5, West wing Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 26-Dec-23
area(Dana Gate)
of Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Grade Beams within Zone-5, Main Building Retaining wall
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1066 1405381040 Civil Gridlines(A-E and 6-8) for Zone-5, West wing of Main Building as per attached highlighted Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 26-Dec-23
area(Dana Gate)
IFC drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1067 1405381123 Civil Formwork Inspection for Retaining Wall for Fouundation No-20 within Gridlines(W-X and Formwork Inspection Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 26-Dec-23
21-22) at East Wing of Zone-5 Main Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Retaining Wall for Zone-5, Main Building Retaining wall
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1068 1405381143 Civil Fouundation No-20 within Gridlines(W-X and 21-22) at East Wing of Zone-5 Main Rebar Inspection SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 26-Dec-23
area(Dana Gate)
Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Retaining Wall for Fouundation Zone-5, Main Building Retaining wall
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1069 1405381096 Civil No-20 within Gridlines(W-X and 21-22) at East Wing of Zone-5 Main Building as per Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 26-Dec-23
area(Dana Gate)
attached highlighted IFC drawing.
7 Days Compressive Strength for
1-Neck Columns(4nos)(C1A,C27,C27,C20) and Walls(2nos)(W1A,W1) within Gridlines (S-
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1070 1405388067 Civil W and 21)(F-G and 15) at East Wing and West Wing of Zone-5 Main Building Ref RFI No Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 27-Dec-23
2- Lean Concrete for Terrace Retaining Wall Area at different levels(with E.L-83.6, 84.8,
86.0) at Zone-5, East Wing of Main Building Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-992
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1072 1405388137 Civil Material Receiving Inspection for Joint Sealant Flexseal PU425 Grey, 600ml, 167nos. As Material Receiving CRCC Site Zone 5 27-Dec-23
per DN. 23RUH-230216555.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Retaining Wall(2nd lift) of
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1073 1405388092 Civil higher wall of Segment No-17 for East Side of Zone-3, Retaining wall area as per attached Concrete Placement Zone-3, Retaining Wall Area SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 27-Dec-23
highlighted Drawing.
Concrete Sampling, Testing and Placement Inspection for Lean Concrete for third lift of East Wing of Coporate Academy
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1074 1405388199 Civil Terrace Retaining Wall Area of East wing of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached Concrete Placement SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1060 27-Dec-23
highlighted IFC drawing.
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "11th Layer" around Foundation no-44 within Gridlines
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1075 1405388216 Civil (C-E and 4-5) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 27-Dec-23
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "7th Layer" around Foundation no-44 within Gridlines
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1076 1405388243 Civil (C-E and 4-5) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 27-Dec-23
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1077 1405388221 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "4th Layer" around Grade Beams within Gridlines (S-V Compaction Testing Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 27-Dec-23
and 31-35) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing.
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "1st Layer" around Grade beams within Gridlines (T-U
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1078 1405388304 Civil and 34-35) and (T-W and 29-31) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached Compaction Testing Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 27-Dec-23
highlighted IFC drawing.
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "2nd Layer" around Grade beams within Gridlines (T-U
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1079 1405388290 Civil and 34-35) and (T-W and 29-31) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached Compaction Testing Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 27-Dec-23
highlighted IFC drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1080 1405388299 Civil Handling, Storage and Preservation of GFRP Rebars for Zone-6 near Tower Crane-2, Main Material Storage and Preservation Zone-6, Near Tower Crane-2 SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1008 27-Dec-23
Building Area.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1081 1405393046 Civil Formwork Inspection for Retaining Wall(2nd lift) of higher wall of Segment No-17 for Formwork Inspection Zone-3, Retaining Wall Area SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 27-Dec-23
East Side of Zone-3, Retaining wall area as per attached highlighted Drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1083 1405398524 Civil Pre installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for Retaining Wall 3 Waterproofing Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-015-Rev 01 28-Dec-23
at zone 5, east wing as per highlighted drawing Inspection Rev 01
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1084 1405398541 Civil Inprocess installation inspection of water proofing membrane application for Retaining Waterproofing In-process CRCC Site Zone 5 CRCC-UGWP-ITP-Q-005- CRCC-UGWP-IC-Q-016-Rev 01 28-Dec-23
Wall 3 at zone 5, east wing as per highlighted drawing installation Inspection Rev 01
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "9th Layer" around Foundation no-44 within Gridlines
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1085 1405398528 Civil (C-E and 4-5) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 28-Dec-23
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "3rd and 4th Layer" around Grade beams within
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1086 1405398611 Civil Gridlines (T-U and 34-35) and (T-W and 29-31) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as Compaction Testing Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 28-Dec-23
per attached highlighted IFC drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1087 1405398522 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "3rd Layer" around Grade beams within Gridlines (T-W Compaction Testing Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 28-Dec-23
and 29-31) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing.
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "1st and 2nd Layer" around Grade beams within
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1088 1405398591 Civil Gridlines (S-W and 27-31) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached Compaction Testing Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 28-Dec-23
highlighted IFC drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1089 1405398657 Civil Compaction Testing of Select Fill "1st Layer" around Grade beams within Gridlines (U-W Compaction Testing Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 28-Dec-23
and 25-29) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing as per attached highlighted IFC drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1091 1405399442 Civil Compaction Testing of Existing Layer around Foundations of Chiller Yard at Zone-6 as per Compaction Testing Zone-6, Chiller Yard SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 28-Dec-23
attached highlighted IFC drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1092 1405407891 Civil Concrete Coating Pre-installation and installation inspection for Grada Beam as per Pre-Installation CRCC Site Zone 5 SATIP-H-003-01 SAIC-H-1003 29-Dec-23
highlighted drawing at Zone 5, East Wing Main Building.
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "12th Layer" around Foundation no-44 within Gridlines
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1095 1405408143 Civil (C-E and 4-5) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing and as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 30-Dec-23
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "10th Layer" around Foundation no-44 within Gridlines
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1096 1405408157 Civil (C-E and 4-5) for Zone-5, Main Building West Wing and as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 30-Dec-23
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "2nd Layer" around Grade beams within Gridlines (S-W
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1097 1405408174 Civil and 27-31) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing and as per attached highlighted IFC Compaction Testing Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 30-Dec-23
Compaction Testing of Select Fill "4th Layer" around Grade beams within Gridlines (T-U
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1098 1405408177 Civil and 34-35) and (T-W and 29-31) for Zone-5, Main Building East Wing and as per attached Compaction Testing Zone-5, Main Building SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 30-Dec-23
highlighted IFC drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1099 1405408194 Civil Compaction Testing of 12th Layer(Part-2) for Zone-6 Parking Lot area between Corporate Compaction Testing Zone-6 SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 30-Dec-23
Academy Main Building and as per attached highlighted drawings.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1100 1405408181 Civil Compaction Testing of 1st Layer around Grade beam within gridlines(S-X 25-32) for East Compaction Testing Zone-6 SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 30-Dec-23
wing of Zone-5 Main building Area and as per attached highlighted drawings.
Material Receiving Inspection for General Fill Material from Vendor Name: "Intelligent Zone-3 and 6 (Stockpile for General
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1101 1405408220 Civil Horizon Est." and Vendor ID No.: 10108955, as per attached Delivery Notes with Total Material Receiving SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1002 30-Dec-23
Fill material)
Quantity 3,986 cum at Zone-3 and 6 of Corporate Academy Dhahran Project.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1103 1405408258 Civil Formwork Inspection for LV and MV Cable Duct Banks at Zone-6 as per attached Formwork Inspection Zone-6, 2 locations SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 30-Dec-23
highlighted IFC drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1104 1405408288 Civil Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for LV and MV Cable Duct Rebar Inspection Zone-6, 2 locations SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 30-Dec-23
Banks at Zone-6 as per attached highlighted IFC drawing.
Installation of Steel Rebar and Embedded items Inspection for Retaining Wall (RW7-DG,
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1105 1405408295 Civil RW6-DG, RW-T)(Till 1st Expansion joint) near Dana Gate of Zone-5, West wing of Main Rebar Inspection Zone-6, 2 locations SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1013 30-Dec-23
Building as per attached highlighted IFC drawing.
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1106 1405417529 Civil Coating and Final installation inspection for Grade Beam as per highlighted drawing at Coating and Final installation CRCC Site Zone 5 SATIP-H-003-01 SAIC-H-1003 31-Dec-23
Zone 5, East Wing Main Building. inspection
7 Days Compressive Strength for
Lean Concrete prior to Grade Beam for East Wing within gridlines(S-X1 and 21-23) and
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1107 1405417595 Civil Duct Banks(2nos)(LV and MV cables) Compressive Strength Test INAT Lab SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1017 31-Dec-23
Ref RFI No CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1036
CRCC-CAD-RFI-Civil-1108 1405417540 Civil Formwork Inspection for Foundation of Retaining Wall(RW5-T-2nos)(RW7-R) for Terrace Formwork Inspection Zone-5, Terrace Area SATIP-Q-001-02 SAIC-Q-1012 31-Dec-23
at East Side of Zone-5, Main Building as per attached highlighted Drawing.
RFI Initiated in RFI Initiated in EPM Status EPM Status RFI Uploaded to Balance RFI for Rfi Scanned Hard Copy
REQUEST FOR INSPECTION (RFI) LOG - Electrical and Instrumentation Discipline Total Issued Accepted Rejected On Hold Cancelled EPM (YES) EPM (NO) Closed Open No EPM EPM Upload Copy Balance with
CONTRACT NO: 6601000138 BI No. 10-02403-0002 Electrical 165 156 3 6 0 165 0 115 50 0 157 8 157 8
165 165 165 165 165
SUBMISSION Responded to EPM Copy
Material Receiving Inspection for PVC rigid Conduits and fittings as per PO#CRCC- Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
2 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-002 1405119825 Electrical
CAD-PO-0184 and DN# 08450, 08135 and 08449.
Material Receiving Zone - 07 SATIP-P-104-01 SAIC-P-3333 25-Oct-23 25-Oct-23 9:00 AM Aamir Nawaz Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Visual Inspection for the installation of PVC Conduits for Lighting Protection down Installation Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
3 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-003 1405119963 Electrical
conductors No.3, 4, 26 as per attached drawing. inspection
Zone 5 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 28-Oct-23 28-Oct-23 8:30 AM Aamir Nawaz Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Material Receiving Inspection for PVC rigid Conduits and fittings as per PO#CRCC- Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
5 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-005 1405120044 Electrical
CAD-PO-0176 and DN# 07412, and 15729.
Material Receiving Zone - 07 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3328 4-Nov-23 5-Nov-23 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Visual Inspection for the installation of PVC Conduits Sleeves in retaining wall for PVC Conduit Sleeve Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
6 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-006 1405120087 Electrical
Lighting pole cables as per attached drawing. Installation
Zone - 03 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 8-Nov-23 9-Nov-23 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Visual Inspection for the installation of PVC Conduits sleeves Size 1" for Lightning PVC Conduit Sleeve Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
9 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-009 1405114513 Electrical
Protection Down conductors at Column No.DC-23. Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 22-Nov-23 23-Nov-23 8:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Visual Inspection for the installation of PVC Conduits sleeves Size 1" for Lightning PVC Conduit Sleeve Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
11 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-011 1405171778 Electrical
Protection Down conductors at Column No.DC-06,DC-07,Dc-24,DC-25 . Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 29-Nov-23 30-Nov-23 8:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Visual Inspection for the installation of PVC Conduits sleeves Size 1" for Lightning PVC Conduit Sleeve Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
12 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-012 1405191327 Electrical
Protection Down conductors at Column No.DC-05 . Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 2-Dec-23 3-Dec-23 8:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Material Receiving Inspection for PVC rigid Conduits and fittings as per PO#CRCC- Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
14 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-014 1405207747 Electrical
CAD-PO-0184, and DN# 10592, and DN # 10517,10289 .
Material Receiving Zone - 07 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3328 4-Dec-23 5-Dec-23 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Visual Inspection for the installation of PVC Conduits sleeves Size 1" for Lightning PVC Conduit Sleeve Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
15 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-015 1405208449 Electrical
Protection Down conductors at Column No.DC-02,DC-28,DC-27 . Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 4-Dec-23 5-Dec-23 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Visual Inspection for the installation of PVC Conduits sleeves Size 2" Inside PVC Conduit Sleeve Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
18 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-018 1405276981 Electrical
Retaining wall , for Earthing Network . Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 12-Dec-23 13-Dec-23 2:30 PM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Visual Inspection for the installation of PVC Conduits sleeves Size 1" for Lightning PVC Conduit Sleeve Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
20 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-020 1405315774 Electrical
Protection Down conductors at Column No.DC-18 . Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 17-Dec-23 18-Dec-23 8:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Visual Inspection for the installation of PVC Conduits sleeves Size 3X 6" inside PVC Conduit Sleeve Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
21 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-021 1405361349 Electrical
retaining wall for LV Cables Zone #5 as per attached and highlighted drawings . Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 23-Dec-23 24-Dec-23 8:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Material Receiving Inspection for PVC rigid Conduits , fittings and accessories as per Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
23 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-023 1405361282 Electrical PO#CRCC-CAD-PO-184 and DN# 11201 ,11202,11203,11239,11437, 11128 ,15981, Material Receiving Zone - 07 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3328 23-Dec-23 24-Dec-23 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
and 15988
Inspection for Excavation and trenching of Electrical Duct Bank MVDB-07 at Zone # Electrical Duct Bank Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
24 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-024 1405406099 Electrical
6 as per attached and highlighted drawings . Excavation and Zone - 06 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3333 28-Dec-23 30-Dec-23 8:25 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Excavation and trenching of Electrical Duct Bank MVDB-06 at Zone # Electrical Duct Bank Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
25 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-025 1405406111 Electrical
6 as per attached and highlighted drawings . Excavation and Zone - 06 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3333 28-Dec-23 30-Dec-23 8:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Excavation and trenching of Electrical Duct Bank MVDB-05 at Zone # Electrical Duct Bank Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
26 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-026 1405406166 Electrical
5 as per attached and highlighted drawings . Excavation and Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3333 28-Dec-23 30-Dec-23 8:35 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Excavation and trenching of Electrical Duct Bank LVDB-01 at Zone # 6 Electrical Duct Bank Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
27 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-027 1405406213 Electrical
as per attached and highlighted drawings . Excavation and Zone - 06 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3333 28-Dec-23 30-Dec-23 8:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Excavation and trenching of Electrical Duct Bank LVDB-07 at Zone # 5 Electrical Duct Bank Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
28 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-028 1405406226 Electrical
as per attached and highlighted drawings . Excavation and Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3333 28-Dec-23 30-Dec-23 8:45 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Electrical Duct Bank Fabrication MVDB-07 at Zone # 6 as per attached Electrical Duct Bank Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
29 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-029 1405406256 Electrical
and highlighted drawings . Fabrication
Zone - 06 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 28-Dec-23 30-Dec-23 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection forElectrical Duct Bank Fabrication MVDB-06 at Zone # 6 as per attached Electrical Duct Bank Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
30 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-030 1405406162 Electrical
and highlighted drawings . Fabrication
Zone - 06 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 28-Dec-23 30-Dec-23 9:35 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Excavation and trenching of Electrical Duct Bank MVDB-05 at Zone # Electrical Duct Bank Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
31 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-031 1405406267 Electrical
5 as per attached and highlighted drawings . Fabrication
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-7 SAIC-P-3334 28-Dec-23 30-Dec-23 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Excavation and trenching of Electrical Duct Bank LVDB-01 at Zone # 6 Electrical Duct Bank Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
32 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-032 1405406308 Electrical
as per attached and highlighted drawings . Fabrication
Zone - 06 SATIP-P-104-7 SAIC-P-3334 28-Dec-23 30-Dec-23 9:45 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Excavation and trenching of Electrical Duct Bank LVDB-07 at Zone # 5 Electrical Duct Bank Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
33 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-033 1405406340 Electrical
as per attached and highlighted drawings . Fabrication
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-7 SAIC-P-3334 28-Dec-23 30-Dec-23 9:50 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Visual Inspection for the installation of Embedded PVC Conduits sleeves Size 2X Embeded PVC Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
35 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-035 1405429206 Electrical 1.5" inside retaining wall for wall mounted recessed luminaires 5 Nos. Zone #5 as Conduit Sleeve Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 31-Dec-23 1-Jan-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
per attached and highlighted drawings . Installation
Material Receiving Inspection for Grounding Cable as per PO# CRCC-CAD-PO-0203 Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
36 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-036 1405440157 Electrical
and DN# 40231078.
Material Receiving Zone - 07 SATIP-P-111-01 SAIC-P-3705 2-Jan-24 3-Jan-24 10:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Material Receiving Inspection for Exothermic Molds, and Tools as per PO# CRCC- Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
37 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-037 1405440223 Electrical
CAD-PO-0203 DN # 440007993.
Material Receiving Zone - 07 SATIP-P-111-01 SAIC-P-3018 2-Jan-24 3-Jan-24 10:45 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Material Receiving Inspection for Grounding and Bonding Accessories Fittings as Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
38 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-038 1405440253 Electrical
per PO# CRCC-CAD-PO-0203 DN # 440007993.
Material Receiving Zone - 07 SATIP-P-111-01 SAIC-P-3708 2-Jan-24 3-Jan-24 11:00 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Visual Inspection for the installation of PVC Conduits sleeves Size 1X3X 1.5" PVC Conduit Sleeve Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
39 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-039 1405457435 Electrical 2X2X1.5" inside retaining wall for recessed lighting Cables Zone #5 as per attached Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 4-Jan-24 6-Jan-24 10:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
and highlighted drawings .
Visual Inspection for the installation of Ebedded PVC Conduits sleeves Size 1 X 1.5" Embedded PVC Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
40 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-040 1405466374 Electrical for grounding Cable , Zone #5 Main Building inside east Wing wall as per attached Conduit Sleeve Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 6-Jan-24 7-Jan-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
and highlighted drawings . Installation
Weekly Storage and Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
41 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-041 1405466360 Electrical PVC Conduits and fittings Storage and preservation visual Inspection.
Zone - 07 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3310 6-Jan-24 7-Jan-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Final Inspection (After Concrete Placement) for the Duct Bank Installation MVDB -05 Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
42 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-042 1405473629 Electrical and LVDB -07 , Zone #5 ( Mandrel Testing ) as per attached and highlighted Mandrel Testing Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 7-Jan-24 8-Jan-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
drawings .
Visual Inspection for the installation of Embedded PVC Conduits 7( 2X 1.5") and Embedded PVC Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
43 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-043 1405480875 Electrical PVC Conduit Sleeves 2( 2X1.5") inside retaining wall for recessed lighting and Conduit and Conduit Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 8-Jan-24 9-Jan-24 8:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Slinoid Valves Cables Zone #5 as per attached and highlighted drawings . Sleeves Installation
Verification inspection for Closure of INCR # 30 (Lightning Conductor Sleeves PVC Embedded Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
44 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-044 1405499025 Electrical damaged during chipping and Uncapped Conduit) at Main Bauilding Zone #5 Conduit Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 10-Jan-24 11-Jan-24 8:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Column DC-01 and DC-02 Size 1" as per attached and highlighted drawings .
Visual Inspection for the installation of Ebedded PVC Conduits sleeves Size 1" for Embedded PVC Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
45 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-045 1405508735 Electrical grounding Cable , Zone #5 Main Building inside West Wing wall as per attached Conduit Sleeve Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 11-Jan-24 13-Jan-24 8:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
and highlighted drawings . Installation
Material Receiving Inspection for " Warning Tape" as per PO#CRCC-CAD-PO-0274 Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
46 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-046 1405508766 Electrical
and DN# RUH/OUT/03959
Material Receiving Zone - 07 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3333 11-Jan-24 13-Jan-24 8:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for the Backfilling and Warning tape installation of Medium and Low Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
47 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-047 1405508759 Electrical Voltage Duct Banks No (MVDB-05 and LVDB-07) Zone # 5 as per attached and Backfilling Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3333 11-Jan-24 13-Jan-24 8:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
highlighted drawings .
Weekly Storage and Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
48 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-048 1405516560 Electrical PVC Conduits and fittings Storage and preservation visual Inspection.
Zone - 07 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3310 13-Jan-24 14-Jan-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cable Storage, Handling, and Preservation Visual Inspection Weekly Storage and Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
49 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-049 1405516608 Electrical
Zone - 07 SATIP-P-111-01 SAIC-P-3201 13-Jan-24 14-Jan-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Visual Inspection for the installation of PVC Conduits sleeves Size 1" for Lightning PVC Conduit Sleeve Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
50 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-050 1405525945 Electrical Protection Down conductors (Column No.DC-23 ,DC-24, DC-25)Zone #5 Main Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 14-Jan-24 15-Jan-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Building as per attached and highlighted Drawings.
Visual Inspection for the installation of PVC Conduits sleeves 5 Set X 2" Size for PVC Conduit Sleeve Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
51 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-051 1405562140 Electrical Grounding cables and 1 X 4" Conduit Sleeve for Power Cable from T312 Zone #6 Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 18-Jan-24 20-Jan-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Chiller Yard as per attached and highlighted drawings .
Verification inspection for Closure of INCR # 32 (2X 3" PVC Conduit sleeve ) for PVC Conduit Sleeve Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
52 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-052 1405562142 Electrical
Power cable at Retaining wall Main Bauilding Zone #5 Sealant/Cover
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 18-Jan-24 20-Jan-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cable Storage, Handling, and Preservation Visual Inspection Weekly Storage and Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
54 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-054 1405570787 Electrical
Zone - 07 SATIP-P-111-01 SAIC-P-3201 20-Jan-24 21-Jan-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Material Receiving Inspection for PVC rigid Conduits fittings (Male Adapter)as per Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
DN# 12776 .
Material Receiving Zone - 07 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3328 22-Jan-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Verification inspection for Closure of INCR # 25 (PVC Conduit sleeve repair Size 1" ) PVC Conduit Sleeve Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
56 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-056 1405581062 Electrical
for Lightning down conductor at Main Bauilding Zone #5 Column DC-07 and DC-28 Repair
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 22-Jan-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Verification inspection for Closure of INCR # 28 ( PVC Conduit sleeve size 1" PVC Conduit Sleeve Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
Electrical Extensionsion and backfilling) for Lightning conductor at Main Bauilding Zone #5 Installation and Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3333 22-Jan-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Column DC-03 Backfilling
Visual Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduits /sleeves Size 1" for Embedded PVC Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
58 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-058 1405587448 Electrical Lightning Protection Down conductors at Column No.DC-08,DC-09,DC-10,DC-11 Conduit Sleeve Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 23-Jan-24 8:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Main Building Zone #5 West wing Wall. Installation
Visual Inspection for the installation of PVC Conduits sleeves Size 1" for grounding Ebedded PVC Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
59 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-059 1405587556 Electrical Cable , Zone #5 Main Building inside West Wing wall as per attached and Conduit Sleeve Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 23-Jan-24 8:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
highlighted drawings . Installation
Material Receiving Inspection for General Matalic Junction Boxes as per DN # Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
60 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-060 1405587499 Electrical
Material Receiving Zone - 07 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3008 23-Jan-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for the installation of Pull Box and PVC Embedded Conduits Size 1" for Embedded PVC Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
61 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-061 1405597495 Electrical Lightning Protection Down conductors at Column No.DC-01,DC-28 Main Building Conduit Sleeve Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 24-Jan-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Zone #5 West wing Wall as per attached and highlighted drawings Installation
Inspection for the installation of Mettalic Box for Socket Outlet and PVC Embedded Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
62 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-062 1405597497 Electrical Conduits Size 1" at Main Building Column No.DC-28 Zone # 5 as per attached and Box for Socket Outlet Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3014 24-Jan-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Rejected Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
highlighted drawings .
Inspection for Mandrel Test for Duct Bank (Before backfilling ) MVDB -06 and 07 Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
63 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-063 1405617033 Electrical
and LVDB -01 , Zone #6 as per attached and highlighted drawings .
Mandrel Testing Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 27-Jan-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Material Receiving Inspection for PVC rigid Conduits 3/4" and PVC Conduit fittings Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
64 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-064 1405617073 Electrical (Male Adapter 3/4" , 90 Deg Elbow 3/4" , Coupling 3/4" )as per DN # 12594 and Material Receiving Zone - 07 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3328 27-Jan-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
DN# 13226 .
Material Receiving Inspection for Mettalic Junction Box 7CM X 7CMX4.7CM as per Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
65 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-065 1405616999 Electrical
PO # CRCC-MEP-CAD-PO-0301 DN # 22125114
Material Receiving Zone - 07 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3008 27-Jan-24 9:50 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for the installation of Pull Box and Extended PVC Embedded Conduits Embedded PVC Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
66 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-066 1405627665 Electrical Size 1" for Lightning Protection Down conductors at Column No.DC-02,DC-03 Main Conduit Sleeve Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 28-Jan-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Building Zone #5 as per attached and highlighted drawings Installation
Inspection for the installation of Mettalic Box for Socket Outlet and PVC Embedded Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
67 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-067 1405627677 Electrical Conduits Size 3/4" 02 Nos at Main Building Column No.DC-27 Zone # 5 as per Box for Socket Outlet Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3014 28-Jan-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Rejected Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
attached and highlighted drawings .
Weekly Storage and Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
68 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-068 1405635482 Electrical PVC Conduits and fittings Storage and preservation visual Inspection.
Zone - 07 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3310 29-Jan-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cable Storage, Handling, and Preservation Visual Inspection Weekly Storage and Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
69 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-069 1405635545 Electrical
Zone - 07 SATIP-P-111-01 SAIC-P-3201 29-Jan-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for the installation of Pull Box and Extended PVC Embedded Conduits Embedded PVC Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
70 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-070 1405635557 Electrical Size 1" for Lightning Protection Down conductors at Column No.DC-27 Main Conduit Sleeve Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 29-Jan-24 9:50 AM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Building Zone #5 as per attached and highlighted drawings Installation
Inspection for the installation of Mettalic Box for Push Button and PVC Embedded Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
71 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-071 1405635531 Electrical Conduits Size 3/4" 01 Nos at Main Building Column No.DC-27 Zone # 5 as per Box for Socket Outlet Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3014 29-Jan-24 10:00 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Rejected Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
attached and highlighted drawings .
Material Receiving Inspection for Exothermic Welding Material as per PO# CRCC- Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
72 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-072 1405635657 Electrical
CAD-PO-0203 DN # 440008084
Material Receiving Zone - 07 SATIP-P-111-01 SAIC-P-3018 29-Jan-24 10:10 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cable Storage, Handling, and Preservation Visual Inspection Weekly Storage and Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
74 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-074 1405682258 Electrical
Zone - 07 SATIP-P-111-01 SAIC-P-3201 4-Feb-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted open Yes Yes Yes Yes
Material Receiving Inspection for PVC rigid Conduits and fittings as per PO#CRCC- Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
75 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-075 1405682283 Electrical
CAD-PO-0184, and DN# 16260, and DN # 13613 .
Material Receiving Zone - 07 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3328 4-Feb-24 9:50 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for the installation of Embedded PVC Conduits sleeves Size 2X 1.5" 06
Set for wall mounted recessed luminaires and pvc Conduit Sleeves 2X1.5" 01 Set for Embeded PVC Mr. Ahmed Mr. Murtaja
76 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-076 1405698281 Electrical
wall mounted Spike lighting inside west side retaining wall Zone # 5 as per attached Conduit Sleeve Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 5-Feb-24 6-Feb-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Matar Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
and highlighted drawings . Installation
Inspection for the installation of Pull Box and Extended PVC Embedded Conduits Embedded PVC Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
77 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-077 1405706977 Electrical Size 1" for Lightning Protection Down conductors at Column No.DC-04 Main Conduit Sleeve Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 6-Feb-24 7-Feb-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Building Zone #5 as per attached and highlighted drawings Installation
Material Receiving Inspection for PVC rigid Conduits 3/4", PVC Conduit fittings
(Elbow 90 deg 3/4", Male Adapter 3/4" Coupling 3/4" ) PVC Solvent Cement as per Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
78 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-078 1405706962 Electrical Material Receiving Zone - 07 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3328 6-Feb-24 7-Feb-24 2:30 PM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
PO # 0304 , DN # 13949 , DN# 14103 and DN # 13725
Inspection for the installation of Mettalic Box 10X10CM for Fire Alarm 10 Nos and
7X7CM for Electrical Outlet 5 Nos Connect through PVC Embedded Conduits Size Box for Fire Alarm Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
79 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-079 1405707027 Electrical
3/4" and 1" at Main Building (5)Column C1 Main Building Zone # 5 as per and Electrical Outlet
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3014 6-Feb-24 7-Feb-24 2:30 PM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
attached and highlighted drawings .
Inspection for the installation of Metalic Box 10X10CM for wall mounted fire
evacuation Speaker 01 Nos connect through PVC Embedded Conduits Size 1" at Mettalic Box Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
80 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-080 1405717149 Electrical
Main Building (S)Column S, Main Building Zone # 5 as per attached and highlighted Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3014 7-Feb-24 8-Feb-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted open Yes Yes Yes Yes
drawings .
Inspection for the installation of Pull Box and Extended PVC Embedded Conduits Embedded PVC Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
81 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-081 1405741625 Electrical Size 1" for Lightning Protection Down conductors at Column No.DC-06,DC-07 Main Conduit Sleeve Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 11-Feb-24 12-Feb-24 9:20 AM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Building Zone #5 as per attached and highlighted drawings Installation
Inspection for the installation of Mettalic Box ( 7X7CM) for Electrical Outlet 8 Nos Installation of Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
82 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-082 1405741599 Electrical Connect through PVC Embedded Conduits Size 3/4" at Main Building Zone # 5 Mettalic Box for Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3014 11-Feb-24 12-Feb-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
(8)Column C1 as per attached and highlighted drawings. Electrical Outlet
Weekly Storage and Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
83 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-083 1405741644 Electrical Weekly PVC Conduits and fittings Storage and preservation visual Inspection.
Zone - 07 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3310 11-Feb-24 12-Feb-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for the installation of Mettalic Box for Socket Outlet ,Connect through Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
85 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-062-R1 1405747969 Electrical PVC Embedded Conduits Size 1" at Main Building Column No.DC-28 Zone # 5 as Box for Socket Outlet Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3014 12-Feb-24 13-Feb-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted open Yes Yes Yes Yes
per attached and highlighted drawings .
Inspection for the installation of Mettalic Box for Push Button connect through PVC Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
86 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-071-R1 1405747975 Electrical Embedded Conduits Size 3/4" 01 Nos at Main Building Column No.DC-27 Zone # 5 Box for Socket Outlet Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3014 12-Feb-24 13-Feb-24 9:50 AM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted open Yes Yes Yes Yes
as per attached and highlighted drawings .
Inspection for the installation of Mettalic Box for Socket Outlet and PVC Embedded Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
87 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-067-R1 1405748024 Electrical Conduits Size 3/4" 02 Nos at Main Building Column No.DC-27 Zone # 5 as per Box for Socket Outlet Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3014 12-Feb-24 13-Feb-24 10:00 AM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted open Yes Yes Yes Yes
attached and highlighted drawings .
Material Receiving Inspection for Mettalic Junction Box , (7CM X 7CM = Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
88 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-085 1405755505 Electrical 10Nos,,10CMX10CM = 50Nos , 14CMX7CM= 5) as per PO # CRCC-MEP-CAD-PO- Material Receiving Zone - 07 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3014 13-Feb-24 14-Feb-24 9:50 AM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted open Yes Yes Yes Yes
0301 DN # 23878966A
Inspection for Structural Steel Grounding Installation as per attached and Structure Steel/Ufer Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
89 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-086 1405773585 Electrical
highlighted drawings Grounding
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-111-01 SAIC-P-3741 15-Feb-24 17-Feb-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted open Yes Yes Yes Yes
Below-Grade Connections Inspection for Exothermic (Thermite) Welding for Ufer Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
90 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-087 1405773590 Electrical
Grounding (Steel Structure) as per attached and highlighted drawings. Exothermite Welding Zone - 05 SATIP-P-111-01 SAIC-P-3713 15-Feb-24 17-Feb-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted open Yes Yes Yes Yes
Weekly Cable Storage, Handling, and Preservation Visual Inspection Weekly Storage and Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
92 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-089 1405773665 Electrical
Zone - 07 SATIP-P-111-01 SAIC-P-3201 15-Feb-24 17-Feb-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted open Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for the installation of PVC Conduits sleeves (Bell End) Size 9X 6" and PVC Conduit Sleeve Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
93 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-090 1405773657 Electrical 2X4" for Cable Pit at main building Zone # 5 as per attached and highlighted Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 15-Feb-24 17-Feb-24 9:50 AM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
drawings .
Inspection for the installation of 10X10 Pull box Connected with PVC Conduit 3/4" Mr. Nasser Al
94 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-091 1405809395 Electrical 14 Nos (Fire Alarm Module L2-17 to L2-30)) at Zone #5 Main Building (Column S) as Pull Box Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3014 20-Feb-24 21-Feb-24 9:50 AM Aamir Nawaz
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open Yes Yes Yes Yes
per attached and highlighted drawings
Weekly Storage and Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
95 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-092 1405833817 Electrical Weekly PVC Conduits and fittings Storage and preservation visual Inspection.
Zone - 07 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3310 24-Feb-24 25-Feb-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted open Yes Yes Yes Yes
Weekly Cable Storage, Handling, and Preservation Visual Inspection Weekly Storage and Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
96 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-093 1405833772 Electrical
Zone - 07 SATIP-P-111-01 SAIC-P-3201 24-Feb-24 25-Feb-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted open Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for the installation of Pull Box and Extended PVC Embedded Conduits Embedded PVC Mr. Nasser Al
97 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-094 1405842246 Electrical Size 1" for Lightning Protection Down conductors at Column No.DC-06,DC-07,DC- Conduit Sleeve Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 25-Feb-24 26-Feb-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open Yes Yes Yes Yes
08,DC- 25,DC-26 , Main Building Zone #5 as per attached and highlighted drawings Installation
Weekly Cable Storage, Handling, and Preservation Visual Inspection Weekly Storage and Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
99 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-096 1405887129 Electrical
Zone - 07 SATIP-P-111-01 SAIC-P-3201 2-Mar-24 3-Mar-24 9:50 AM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Visual Inspection for the installation of PVC Conduits sleeves (2 X 6") and 1 X 4" PVC Conduit Sleeve Mr. Nasser Al Mr. Murtaja
100 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-097 1405887175 Electrical Size Conduit Sleeve for Power Cable from T312 Zone #6 Chiller Yard as per attached Installation
Zone - 06 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 2-Mar-24 3-Mar-24 10:00 AM Aamir Nawaz
Utaibi Musallam
Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
and highlighted drawings .
Material Receiving Inspection for PVC Conduit fittings (Elbow 90 deg 3/4", Male
Adapter 3/4" and 1" BC Steel Lock Nuts 3/4" and 1",Bell End =110mm, 90Deg Mr. Nasser Al
101 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-098 1405887168 Electrical Elbow 3/4",110mm 45Deg bends ) as per PO # 0304 , DN# 14382 and MTN # 16576 Material Receiving Zone - 07 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3328 2-Mar-24 3-Mar-24 2:30 PM Aamir Nawaz
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for the installation of 10CMX10CM Pull box Connected with PVC Conduit
3/4" 6 Nos (Fire Alarm Module L1-62 to L1-67)) and 7CMX7CM Pull Box Connected Pull Box Installation Mr. Nasser Al
102 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-099 1405896881 Electrical
with PVC Conduit 3/4" 3 Nos for electrical Outlet at Zone #5 Main Building (Column
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3014 3-Mar-24 4-Mar-24 9:50 AM Aamir Nawaz
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
E) as per attached and highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of 7CMX7CM Pull Box Connected with PVC Conduit
3/4" 2 Nos for electrical Outlet at Zone #5 Main Building (Column C9) as per
Mr. Nasser Al
103 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-100 1405896925 Electrical attached and highlighted drawings Pull Box Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3014 3-Mar-24 4-Mar-24 9:50 AM Aamir Nawaz
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for the installation of 7CMX7CM Pull Box 02 Nos at (Column U-31) and Mr. Nasser Al
104 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-101 1405912767 Electrical 7CM X 14CM Pull Box 01 No at (Column U-27) for electrical Outlet at Zone #5 Main Pull Box Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3014 5-Mar-24 6-Mar-24 8:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Building as per attached and highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit 3/4" 02 Nos at (Column PVC Embedded Mr. Nasser Al
105 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-102 1405912785 Electrical U-31) and 02 No at (Column U-27) for electrical Outlet at Zone #5 Main Building as Conduit Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 5-Mar-24 6-Mar-24 8:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
per attached and highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of 7CMX14CM Pull Box 07 Nos at (West wing grid A Mr. Nasser Al
106 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-103 1405912802 Electrical 8-5 ) for electrical Outlet at Zone #5 Main Building as per attached and highlighted Pull Box Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3014 5-Mar-24 6-Mar-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit 3/4" 07 Nos at (West PVC Embedded Mr. Nasser Al
107 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-104 1405912827 Electrical wing grid A 8-5) for electrical Outlet at Zone #5 Main Building as per attached and Conduit Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 5-Mar-24 6-Mar-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
highlighted drawings
Material Receiving Inspection for EMT Conduit 3/4" and fittings (Mettalic 3/4" two
hole strap,EMT 3/4" Connectors, EMT 3/4" Screw Coupling) as Per PO # 0305 , DN# Mr. Nasser Al
108 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-105 1405922633 Electrical Material Receiving Zone - 07 SATIP-P-104-05 SAIC-P-3316 6-Mar-24 7-Mar-24 9:30 PM Aamir Nawaz
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Weekly Storage and Mr. Nasser Al
109 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-106 1405940772 Electrical Weekly PVC Conduits and fittings Storage and preservation visual Inspection.
Zone - 07 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3310 9-Mar-24 10-Mar-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit 3/4" 08 Nos at (Column PVC Embedded Mr. Nasser Al
112 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-109 1405948505 Electrical C- 8 - Grid C , C-21- Grid E) and 3/4" 02 No at (Column C-30 Grid X) for electrical Conduit Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 10-Mar-24 11-Mar-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Outlet at Zone #5 Main Building as per attached and highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of 10CMX10CM Pull Box 06 Nos at (Column C-21-
Mr. Nasser Al
113 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-110 1405948489 Electrical Grid E ) for Fire Alarm Module L1-56 to L1-61 at Zone #5 Main Building as per Pull Box Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3014 10-Mar-24 11-Mar-24 9:50 AM Aamir Nawaz
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
attached and highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit 3/4" 06 Nos at (Column PVC Embedded Mr. Nasser Al
114 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-111 1405948559 Electrical C-21- Grid E) for Fire Alarm Module at Zone #5 Main Building as per attached and Conduit Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 10-Mar-24 11-Mar-24 10:00 AM Aamir Nawaz
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit looping 3/4" 10 Nos in PVC Embedded Mr. Nasser Al
115 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-112 1405948550 Electrical the slab at (West Wing Between Grid A-E ) for Electrical Outlet at Zone #5 Main Conduit Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 10-Mar-24 11-Mar-24 10:10 AM Aamir Nawaz
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Building as per attached and highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of 7CMX7CM Pull Boxes 03 Nos at (Column C-21- Mr. Nasser Al
116 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-113 1405963181 Electrical Grid E) for electrical Outlet at Zone #5 Main Building as per attached and Pull Box Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3014 12-Mar-24 13-Mar-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit 3/4" 06 Nos at (Column PVC Embedded Mr. Nasser Al
117 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-114 1405963207 Electrical C-21- Grid E) for electrical Outlet at Zone #5 Main Building as per attached and Conduit Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 12-Mar-24 13-Mar-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of 10CMX10CM Pull Box 07 Nos at (Column C-21- Mr. Nasser Al
118 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-115 1405963205 Electrical Grid E ) for Fire Alarm Module L1-50 to L1-55 at Zone #5 Main Building as per Pull Box Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3014 12-Mar-24 13-Mar-24 9:50 AM Aamir Nawaz
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
attached and highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit 3/4" 06 Nos at (Column PVC Embedded Mr. Nasser Al
119 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-116 1405963257 Electrical C-21- Grid E) for Fire Alarm Module L1-50 to L1-55 at Zone #5 Main Building as per Conduit Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 12-Mar-24 13-Mar-24 10:00 AM Aamir Nawaz
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
attached and highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit 1" 04 Nos in the (Colmn
DC-12,DC-13,DC-14, DC-30 ) for Lightning Protection and PVC Conduit 1.5" Sleeves PVC Embedded Mr. Nasser Al
120 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-117 1405963274 Electrical
10Nos for Earthing at Zone #5 Main Building West Wing as per attached and Conduit Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 12-Mar-24 13-Mar-24 10:10 AM Aamir Nawaz
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open Yes Yes Yes Yes
highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of 7CMX7CM Pull Boxes 01 Nos at (Column C-17-
121 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-118 1405969799 Electrical Grid D-7) for Day light sensor at Zone #5 Main Building as per attached and Pull Box Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3014 13-Mar-24 14-Mar-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz Mr Nasir Al Utaibi Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit 3/4" 02 Nos at (Column PVC Embedded
122 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-119 1405969843 Electrical C-21- Grid D-7) for Day light sensor at Zone #5 Main Building as per attached and Conduit Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 13-Mar-24 14-Mar-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz Mr Nasir Al Utaibi Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit looping 3/4" 10 Nos in PVC Embedded
123 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-120 1405969847 Electrical the slab at (East Wing Between Grid S-X / 24-25 ) for Electrical Outlet at Zone #5 Conduit Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 13-Mar-24 14-Mar-24 9:50 AM Aamir Nawaz Mr Nasir Al Utaibi Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Main Building as per attached and highlighted drawings
Weekly Storage and
124 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-121 1405988700 Electrical Weekly Conduits and fittings Storage and preservation visual Inspection.
Zone - 07 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3310 16-Mar-24 17-Mar-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz Mr Nasir Al Utaibi Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Weekly Cable Storage, Handling, and Preservation Visual Inspection Weekly Storage and
125 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-122 1405988815 Electrical
Zone - 07 SATIP-P-111-01 SAIC-P-3201 16-Mar-24 17-Mar-24 9:50 AM Aamir Nawaz Mr Nasir Al Utaibi Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open no Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for the installation of 7CMX7CM Pull Box 01 Nos for electrical Outlet
and 10CMX10CM Pull Box 02 Nos for Fire Alarm Module L1-48 to L1-49 at (Column
126 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-123 1406028043 Electrical
C-21- Grid E-9) Zone #5 Main Building as per attached and highlighted drawingsat
Pull Box Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3014 21-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz Mr Nasir Al Utaibi Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Zone #5 Main Building as per attached and highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit 3/4" 04 Nos at (Column PVC Embedded
127 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-124 1406028076 Electrical C-21- Grid E-9) for electrical Outlet 02 Nos and Fire Alarm Module L1-48 to L1-49 Conduit Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 21-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz Mr Nasir Al Utaibi Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
02 Nos at Zone #5 Main Building as per attached and highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit 3/4" 05 Nos at PVC Embedded
128 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-125 1406037211 Electrical (Auditorium- Grid A-E,12-13) for electrical Outlet at West Wing Zone #5 Main Conduit Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz Mr Nasir Al Utaibi Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Building as per attached and highlighted drawings
Weekly Storage and
129 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-126 1406037282 Electrical Weekly Conduits and fittings Storage and preservation visual Inspection.
Zone - 07 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3310 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz Mr Nasir Al Utaibi Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit looping 3/4" 06 Nos in PVC Embedded
131 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-128 1406044750 Electrical the Concrete slab at (East Wing Between Grid X-W / 22-23 ) for Electrical Outlet at Conduit Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 24-Mar-24 25-Mar-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz Mr Nasir Al Utaibi Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Zone #5 Main Building as per attached and highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit looping 3/4" 07 Nos in PVC Embedded
132 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-129 1406051177 Electrical the Concrete slab at (East Wing Between Grid S-V / 23-24 ) for Electrical Outlet at Conduit Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 25-Mar-24 26-Mar-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz Mr Nasir Al Utaibi Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open No Yes Yes Yes
Zone #5 Main Building as per attached and highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of Pull Box 7CM X 7CM 3/4" in the wall for Power
outlet - Water meter Grid A / 5-6 , 1 no and Lighting Fixture E3 Grid A / 4-5 1no and Pull Box Installation
133 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-130 1406059922 Electrical
Hand Drayer outlet 2 nos Grid D / 5-6 at Main Building zone 5 as per attached and
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3014 26-Mar-24 27-Mar-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz Mr Nasir Al Utaibi Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open No Yes Yes Yes
highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit 3/4" in the wall for
Power outlet - Water meter Grid A / 5-6 , 1 no and Lighting Fixture E3 Grid A / 4-5 PVC Embedded
134 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-131 1406060020 Electrical
1no and Hand Drayer outlet 2 nos Grid D / 5-6 at Main Building zone 5 as per Conduit Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 26-Mar-24 27-Mar-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz Mr Nasir Al Utaibi Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open No Yes Yes Yes
attached and highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit 1" Extension 01 Nos in PVC Embedded
135 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-132 1406060050 Electrical the (Colmn DC-30) for Lightning Protection at Zone #5 Main Building West Wing as Conduit Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 26-Mar-24 27-Mar-24 9:50 AM Aamir Nawaz Mr Nasir Al Utaibi Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open No Yes Yes Yes
per attached and highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded conduits 3/4" for lighting Fixtures PVC Embedded
136 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-133 1406068916 Electrical in the staircase-03 Grid 33-V 9 nos at zone 5 Main Building East wing as per Conduit Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 27-Mar-24 28-Mar-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz Mr Nasir Al Utaibi Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open No Yes Yes Yes
attached and highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit looping 3/4" 08 Nos in PVC Embedded
137 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-134 1406068920 Electrical the Concrete slab at (West Wing Between Grid A-C / 5-3 ) for Electrical Outlet at Conduit Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 27-Mar-24 28-Mar-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz Mr Nasir Al Utaibi Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open No Yes Yes Yes
Zone #5 Main Building as per attached and highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit 1" 01 No in the (Colmn PVC Embedded
138 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-135 1406078617 Electrical DC-15) for Lightning Protection at Zone #5 Main Building West Wing as per Conduit Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 28-Mar-24 30-Mar-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz Mr Nasir Al Utaibi Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open No Yes Yes Yes
attached and highlighted drawings
Weekly Storage and
139 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-136 1406088003 Electrical Weekly PVC Conduits and fittings Storage and preservation visual Inspection.
Zone - 07 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3310 30-Mar-24 31-Mar-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz Mr Nasir Al Utaibi Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open No Yes Yes Yes
Weekly Cable Storage, Handling, and Preservation Visual Inspection Weekly Storage and
140 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-137 1406087951 Electrical
Zone - 07 SATIP-P-111-01 SAIC-P-3201 30-Mar-24 31-Mar-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz Mr Nasir Al Utaibi Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open No Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit 3/4" 02 nos for Water
meter and 1" 02 nos for Fire Alarm Speaker in the Concrete wall (West Wing PVC Embedded
142 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-139 1406112347 Electrical
Between Grid A-C / 4-5 ) at Zone #5 Main Building as per attached and highlighted Conduit Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 2-Apr-24 3-Apr-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz Mr Nasir Al Utaibi Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open No Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for the installation of Pull Box 02 nos (7CM X 7CM and (7CMX14CM) for
outlet and Pull Box 02 nos (10CMX10CM) for Fire Alarm Speaker in concrete wall
143 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-140 1406112394 Electrical
(West Wing Between Grid A-C / 4-5 ) at Zone #5 Main Building as per attached and
Pull Box Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3014 2-Apr-24 3-Apr-24 9:50 AM Aamir Nawaz Mr Nasir Al Utaibi Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open No Yes Yes Yes
highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit 1" Extension 02 Nos in PVC Embedded
144 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-141 1406121847 Electrical the (Colmn DC-23,DC-24) for Lightning Protection at Zone #5 Main Building east Conduit Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 3-Apr-24 4-Apr-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz Mr Nasir Al Utaibi Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open No Yes Yes Yes
Wing as per attached and highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit 3/4" 19 Nos at ( Grid F - PVC Embedded
145 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-142 1406130253 Electrical P / 28 - 24) for electrical Outlet at Zone #5 Main Building as per attached and Conduit Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 4-Apr-24 6-Apr-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz Mr Nasir Al Utaibi Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open No Yes Yes Yes
highlighted drawings
Weekly Storage and
146 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-143 1406139496 Electrical Weekly PVC Conduits and fittings Storage and preservation visual Inspection.
Zone - 07 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3310 6-Apr-24 7-Apr-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz Mr Nasir Al Utaibi Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open No Yes Yes Yes
Weekly Cable Storage, Handling, and Preservation Visual Inspection Weekly Storage and
147 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-144 1406139468 Electrical
Zone - 07 SATIP-P-111-01 SAIC-P-3201 6-Apr-24 7-Apr-24 9:50 AM Aamir Nawaz Mr Nasir Al Utaibi Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open No Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit 3/4" 01 nos for Power PVC Embedded
148 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-145 1406149290 Electrical Outlet in the wall (East Wing Grid U / 25 ) at Zone #5 Main Building as per Conduit Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 7-Apr-24 8-Apr-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz Mr Nasir Al Utaibi Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open No Yes Yes Yes
attached and highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of Concrete wall Embedded Pull Box 01 nos (7CM X
149 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-146 1406149291 Electrical 7CM for Power outlet (East Wing Grid U / 25 ) at Zone #5 Main Building as per Pull Box Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3014 7-Apr-24 8-Apr-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz Mr Nasir Al Utaibi Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open No Yes Yes Yes
attached and highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit 3/4" 04 nos for Power PVC Embedded Mr Nasir Al Utaibi/
150 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-147 1406156979 Electrical Outlet and 1.5" 04 nos Conduit Sleeves for Grounding in the boundary wall ( Grid Conduit Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 8-Apr-24 14-Apr-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Ahmed Al Matar
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open No Yes Yes Yes
S-V ) at Zone #5 Main Building as per attached and highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit 3/4" 06 nos for Power
PVC Embedded Mr Nasir Al Utaibi/
151 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-148 1406156999 Electrical Outlet and 01 nos for lighting sensor in Auditorium wall at west wing Zone #5 Main
Conduit Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 8-Apr-24 14-Apr-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Ahmed Al Matar
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open No Yes Yes Yes
Building as per attached and highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit 1" 03 nos for Fire Alarm PVC Embedded Mr Nasir Al Utaibi/
152 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-149 1406157056 Electrical Strobe Bell/Speaker at ( Grid S-V ) Zone #5 Main Building as per attached and Conduit Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 8-Apr-24 14-Apr-24 9:50 AM Aamir Nawaz
Ahmed Al Matar
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open No Yes Yes Yes
highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of Concrete wall Embedded Pull Box 01 nos (10CM X Mr Nasir Al Utaibi/
153 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-150 1406157064 Electrical 10CM for Fire Alarm Module (Grid S-V ) at Zone #5 Main Building as per attached Pull Box Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3014 8-Apr-24 14-Apr-24 10:00 AM Aamir Nawaz
Ahmed Al Matar
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open No Yes Yes Yes
and highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit 3/4" 01 nos for Lighting PVC Embedded Mr Nasir Al Utaibi/
154 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-151 1406177000 Electrical Fixture at ( Grid W-23 ) East Wing Zone #5 Main Building as per attached and Conduit Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 14-Apr-24 15-Apr-24 8:00 AM Aamir Nawaz
Ahmed Al Matar
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open No Yes Yes Yes
highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of Concrete wall Embedded Pull Box 01 nos (10CM X Mr Nasir Al Utaibi/
155 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-152 1406177002 Electrical 10CM ) for Lighting Fixture (Grid W-23 ) at East Wing Zone #5 Main Building as per Pull Box Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3014 14-Apr-24 15-Apr-24 8:10 AM Aamir Nawaz
Ahmed Al Matar
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open No Yes Yes Yes
attached and highlighted drawings
Weekly Cable Storage, Handling, and Preservation Visual Inspection Weekly Storage and Mr Nasir Al Utaibi/
157 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-154 1406177066 Electrical
Zone - 07 SATIP-P-111-01 SAIC-P-3201 14-Apr-24 15-Apr-24 8:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Ahmed Al Matar
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit 3/4" 03 nos for Lighting PVC Embedded Mr Nasir Al Utaibi/
158 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-155 1406185901 Electrical Fixture at ( Grid V-X - 22 ) East Wing Zone #5 Main Building as per attached and Conduit Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 15-Apr-24 16-Apr-24 8:00 AM Aamir Nawaz
Ahmed Al Matar
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open No Yes no no
highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of Concrete wall Embedded Pull Box 03 nos (10CM X Mr Nasir Al Utaibi/
159 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-156 1406185929 Electrical 10CM ) for Lighting Fixture (Grid V-X - 22 ) at East Wing Zone #5 Main Building as Pull Box Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3014 15-Apr-24 16-Apr-24 8:10 AM Aamir Nawaz
Ahmed Al Matar
Mr.Joel Seildio Accepted open No Yes no no
per attached and highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit 1" 03 Nos in the (Colmn
DC- 16,DC- 21, DC- 22) for Lightning Protection & PVC Conduit 1.5" Sleeves PVC Embedded Mr Nasir Al Utaibi/
160 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-157 1406209055 Electrical
18Nos(Grid V-W - 22 ) for Earthing at Zone #5 Main Building as per attached and Conduit Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 18-Apr-24 20-Apr-24 9:10 AM Aamir Nawaz
Ahmed Al Matar
Mr.Joel Seildio on hold open No Yes no no
highlighted drawings
Inspection for the installation of Concrete wall Embedded Pull Box 03 nos (7CM X Mr Nasir Al Utaibi/
161 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-158 1406209069 Electrical 7CM ) for outlet (Grid U-W /22 ) at East Wing Zone #5 Main Building as per Pull Box Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-04 SAIC-P-3014 18-Apr-24 20-Apr-24 9:20 AM Aamir Nawaz
Ahmed Al Matar
Mr.Joel Seildio on hold open No Yes no no
attached and highlighted drawings
Inspection for the Backfilling and Warning tape installation of Medium and Low Mr Nasir Al Utaibi/
162 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-159 1406209139 Electrical Voltage Duct Banks No (MVDB-06 , 05 & LVDB-01) Zone # 6 as per attached and Backfilling Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3333 18-Apr-24 20-Apr-24 9:30 AM Aamir Nawaz
Ahmed Al Matar
Mr.Joel Seildio on hold open No Yes no no
highlighted drawings .
Inspection for Exothermic (Thermite) Welding for Ufer Grounding (Steel Structure) Mr Nasir Al Utaibi/
163 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-160 1406209175 Electrical
as per attached and highlighted drawings. Exothermite Welding Zone - 05 SATIP-P-111-01 SAIC-P-3713 18-Apr-24 20-Apr-24 9:40 AM Aamir Nawaz
Ahmed Al Matar
Mr.Joel Seildio on hold open No Yes no no
Inspection for Structural Steel Ufer Grounding (Steel Structure) Installation as per Ufer Grounding Mr Nasir Al Utaibi/
164 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-161 1406209208 Electrical
attached and highlighted drawings Installation
Zone - 05 SATIP-P-111-01 SAIC-P-3741 18-Apr-24 20-Apr-24 9:50 AM Aamir Nawaz
Ahmed Al Matar
Mr.Joel Seildio on hold open No Yes no no
Inspection for the installation of PVC Embedded Conduit 3/4" in the Slab for outlet PVC Embedded Mr Nasir Al Utaibi/
165 CRCC-CAD-RFI-ELE-162 1406209254 Electrical (Grid F-P/15-14) 08 nos & Embedded in wall 06 nos for outlet at (Grid U-W /22 ) Conduit Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-P-104-07 SAIC-P-3334 18-Apr-24 20-Apr-24 10:00 AM Aamir Nawaz
Ahmed Al Matar
Mr.Joel Seildio on hold open No Yes no no
Zone #5 Main Building as per attached and highlighted drawings
RFI Initiated in RFI Initiated in EPM Status EPM Status RFI Uploaded Balance RFI for Rfi Scanned Hard Copy
REQUEST FOR INSPECTION (RFI) LOG -Plumbing Discipline Total Issued Accepted Rejected On Hold Cancelled EPM (YES) EPM (NO) Closed Open No EPM to EPM Upload Copy Balance with
CONTRACT NO: 6601000138 BI No. 10-02403-0002 Plumbing 161 155 3 2 1 161 0 142 19 0 155 6 155 6
161 161 161 161 161
Material receiving inspection for UPVC pipes as per PO#CRCC-CAD-PO-0154 and Material Receiving Mr. Mohammed
2 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-001.R1 1405120131 Plumbing
DN#14736 Inspection
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4055 25-Oct-23 9:00 AM Mohammed Ismail
Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Material Receiving Inspection for UPVC perforated pipes as per PO#CRCC-CAD-Po- Material Receiving Mr. Mohammed
3 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-002 1405120275 Plumbing
0154 and DN#14736. Inspection
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4055 4-Nov-23 8:30 AM Mohammed Ismail
Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Material Receiving Inspection for UPVC fittings, Solvent Cement and Thinner as per Material Receiving Mr. Mohammed
5 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-004 1405120433 Plumbing
DN# 15965 and PO# CRCC-CAD-PO-0154. Inspection
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4055 4-Nov-23 9:30 AM Mohammed Ismail
Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Water sample collection by 3rd party for hydro testing from source Bariqa water Water sample Mr. Mohammed
7 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-006 1405343733 Plumbing
factory at CRCC site office. collection
Zone - 07 SATIP-A-004-02 6-Nov-23 9:30 AM Mohammed Ismail
Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Material receiving inspection for CPVC pipes and Fittings as per PO#CRCC-CAD-PO- Material Receiving Mr. Mohammed
9 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-008 1405120512 Plumbing
0214 and DN#09658, 09660, 09450 Inspection
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4055 16-Nov-23 8:00 AM Mohammed Ismail
Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for UPVC/PVC/CPVC pipes and Storage and
10 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-009 1405120694 Plumbing
fittings at Zone-7 Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 18-Nov-23 9:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes yes
Inspection for installation of First 3 production joints for PVC/UPVC/CPVC each
11 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-010 1405079623 Plumbing
installer. (2 No's Installers - Total No's of Joints 6) at Zone - 7.
Installation Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4057 19-Nov-23 8:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes yes
Material receiving inspection for CPVC(Elbow 90 deg- 2 PCS and Reducer 1"X3/4"-2 Material Receiving
12 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-011 1405079663 Plumbing
Pcs) as per PO#CRCC-CAD-PO-0214 and DN#00224 at Zone-7. Inspection
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4055 19-Nov-23 8:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for UPVC/PVC/CPVC pipes and Storage and
13 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-020 1405123719 Plumbing
fittings at Zone-7 Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 25-Nov-2023 8.00AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for UPVC/PVC/CPVC pipes and Storage and
14 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-021 1405181095 Plumbing
fittings at Zone-7 Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 2-Dec-2023 10:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes yes
Installation of 110 dia UPVC sleeves (6nos) at East Wing of Main Building as per the
15 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-022 1405216461 Plumbing
highlighted drawing
Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-040-01 SAIC-S-4018 5-Dec-2023 9:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes yes
Installation of 160mm dia UPVC sleeves (1 nos) at East Wing of Main Building as per
the highlighted drawing. Mr.
16 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-023 1405257388 Plumbing Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-040-01 SAIC-S-4018 11-Dec-2023 2:00 PM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Installation of PVC sleeves110mm dia (1 nos) at East Wing of Main Building as per
17 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-024 1405287118 Plumbing
the highlighted drawing.
Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-040-01 SAIC-S-4018 14-Dec-2023 9:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
18 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-025 1405297351 Plumbing Material receiving inspection for PVC pipes as per delivery note # 10288. Installation Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4055 16-Dec-2023 2:00 PM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Installation of PVC sleeves110mm dia (1 nos) at East Wing of Main Building as per
19 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-026 1405308069 Plumbing
the highlighted drawing.
Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-040-01 SAIC-S-4018 17-Dec-2023 9:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Installation of 3 inch PVC sleeves (2 nos) at East Wing of Main Building as per the
20 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-027 1405325896 Plumbing
highlighted drawing.
Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-040-01 SAIC-S-4018 19-Dec-2023 9:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Material Receiving Inspection for HDPE pipes as per delivery note # 41-002407-23, Material Receiving
21 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-028 1405398396 Plumbing
41-002378-23, 41-002377-23, 41-002379-23. Inspection
Zone - 05 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4055 28-Dec-2023 9:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Installation of 110 dia UPVC sleeves (6nos) at West Wing of Main Building as per the
22 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-029 1405407124 Plumbing
highlighted drawing
Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-040-01 SAIC-S-4018 30-Dec-2023 9:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for UPVC/PVC/CPVC pipes and Storage and
23 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-030 1405407134 Plumbing
fittings at Zone-7 Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 30-Dec-2023 8.00AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Storage and
24 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-031 1405407149 Plumbing Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Solvent Cement at Zone-4
Zone - 04 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 30-Dec-2023 8.20AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for HDPE pipes and fittings at Storage and
25 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-032 1405407160 Plumbing
Zone-7 Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 30-Dec-2023 8.30AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Material Receiving Inspection for PVC pipes and fittings as per delivery note # Mr.
Material Receiving
26 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-033 1405429214 Plumbing 23/11153, 23/11156, 23/11154, 23/11157, 23/11158, 23/10497, 23/11155, Inspection
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4055 1-Jan-2024 9:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
23/12006, 23/12007, 23/12009, 23/12005, 23/12010, 23/11593, Milhan
Installation of DWV PVC piping in Ground Floor East wing of Main Building at Civil
27 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-034 1405448640 Plumbing
Engineering Lab area as per the Highlighted Drawing.
Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-060-06 SAIC-S-4040 4-Jan-2024 9.30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Gravity Test inspection for DWV PVC piping in Ground Floor East wing of Main
28 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-035 1405448744 Plumbing
Building at Civil Engineering Lab area as per the Highlighted Drawing.
Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-010-01 SATR-S-4001 4-Jan-2024 3.00 PM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for UPVC/PVC/CPVC pipes and Storage and
29 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-036 1405456687 Plumbing
fittings at Zone-7 Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 6-Jan-2024 8.00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Storage and
30 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-037 1405456667 Plumbing Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Solvent Cement at Zone-4
Zone - 04 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 6-Jan-2024 8.20 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for HDPE pipes and fittings at Storage and
31 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-038 1405456697 Plumbing
Zone-7 Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 6-Jan-2024 8.30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Visual Inspection for 300mm sand covering on DWV pvc pipe in Grond Floor West
32 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-039 1405456835 Plumbing
wing of Main building at Civil Engineering Lab area.
Visual Inspection Zone - 07 SATIP-S-060-06 SAIC-S-4040 6-Jan-2024 8:40 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Installation of DWV PVC piping in Ground Floor East wing of Main Building at Stair
33 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-040 1405484907 Plumbing
case near to Civil Engineering Lab area as per the Highlighted Drawing.
Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-060-06 SAIC-S-4040 9-Jan-2024 8.00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Gravity Test inspection for DWV PVC piping in Ground Floor East wing of Main Mr.
34 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-041 1405484927 Plumbing Building at Stair case near to Civil Engineering Lab area as per the Highlighted Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-010-01 SATR-S-4001 9-Jan-2024 9.00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Drawing. Milhan
Visual Inspection for 300mm sand covering on DWV pvc pipe in Ground Floor East Mr.
35 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-042 1405489511 Plumbing wing of Main Building at Stair case near to Civil Engineering Lab area as per the Visual Inspection Zone - 05 SATIP-S-060-06 SAIC-S-4040 10-Jan-2024 8:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Highlighted Drawing. Milhan
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for UPVC/PVC/CPVC pipes and Storage and
36 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-043 1405509287 Plumbing
fittings at Zone-7 Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 13-Jan-2024 8.00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Storage and
37 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-044 1405509334 Plumbing Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Solvent Cement at Zone-4.
Zone - 04 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 13-Jan-2024 8.20 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for HDPE pipes and fittings at Storage and
38 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-045 1405509335 Plumbing
Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 13-Jan-2024 8.30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
39 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-046 1405509337 Plumbing Verification inspection for closure of INCR-29 at zone-7 INCR closure Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 13-Jan-2024 8.40 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
40 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-047 1405525873 Plumbing Materail Receiving Inspection for UPVC fittings as per delivery note#14636. Material Receiving Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 14-Jan-2024 8.40 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Installation of DWV PVC piping in Ground Floor East wing of Main Building at Mr.
41 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-048 1405543583 Plumbing General Engineering Lab, Process Control lab and Mechanical Engineernig Lab-2 Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-060-06 SAIC-S-4040 17-Jan-2024 8.30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
area as per the Highlighted Drawing at Zone-5 Milhan
Installation of 110mm dia UPVC Perforated piping at Zone-3 retaining wall area as
42 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-049 1405543570 Plumbing
per the Highlighted Drawing at Zone-3
Installation Zone - 03 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4057 17-Jan-2024 9.00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Installation of 160mm dia UPVC sleeves (1 nos) at West Wing of Main Building as
per the highlighted drawing. Mr.
43 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-050 1405543631 Plumbing Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-040-01 SAIC-S-4018 17-Jan-2024 8:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Gravity test inspection for DWV PVC piping in Ground Floor East wing of Main Mr.
44 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-051 1405562331 Plumbing Building at General Engineering Lab, Process Control lab and Mechanical Gravity Test Zone - 05 SATIP-S-010-01 SATR-S-4001 20-Jan-2024 9.00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Engineernig Lab-2 area as per the Highlighted Drawing at Zone-5 Milhan
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for UPVC/PVC/CPVC pipes and Storage and
45 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-052 1405562312 Plumbing
fittings at Zone-7 Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 20-Jan-2024 8.00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Storage and
46 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-053 1405562348 Plumbing Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Solvent Cement at Zone-4.
Zone - 04 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 20-Jan-2024 8.20 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for HDPE pipes and fittings at Storage and
47 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-054 1405562349 Plumbing
Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 20-Jan-2024 8.30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Materail Receiving Inspection for cast Iron pipes and fittings as per delivery note#
48 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-055 1405562404 Plumbing
Kho-0116753, Kho-0116752, Kho0116801.
Material Receiving Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 20-Jan-2024 8.40 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Visual Inspection for sand covering on DWV PVC piping in Ground Floor East wing of Mr.
49 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-056 1405570724 Plumbing Main Building at General Engineering Lab, Process Control lab and Mechanical Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-060-06 SAIC-S-4040 21-Jan-2024 9:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Engineernig Lab-2 area as per the Highlighted Drawing at Zone-5 Milhan
Materail Receiving Inspection for warning tape for sanitary sewer, storm water, fire Material Receiving
50 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-057 1405597232 Plumbing
water and potable water as per delivery note# S07874.
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4055 24-Jan-2024 8.30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Installation of DWV PVC piping in Ground Floor East wing of Main Building at NDT
51 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-058 1405606818 Plumbing
and MEI support room as per the Highlighted Drawing.
Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-060-06 SAIC-S-4040 25-Jan-2024 8.30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Verification inspection for closure of INCR-23 at zone-7 (Cast Iron pipes delivered is
52 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-059 1405606866 Plumbing
rusted and coating damaged)
INCR closure Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 25-Jan-2024 8.40 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Material Receiving
53 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-060 1405615923 Plumbing Material receiving inspection for UPVC pipes as per delivery note # 15706
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4055 27-Jan-2024 8:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Material Receiving Inspection for 50mm HDPE pipes as per delivery note # 41- Material Receiving
54 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-061 1405615915 Plumbing
002407-23. Inspection
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4055 27-Jan-2024 8:10 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for UPVC/PVC/CPVC pipes and Storage and
55 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-062 1405615940 Plumbing
fittings at Zone-7 Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 27-Jan-2024 8:20 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Storage and
56 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-063 1405615959 Plumbing Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Solvent Cement at Zone-4.
Zone - 04 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 27-Jan-2024 8:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for HDPE pipes and fittings at Storage and
57 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-064 1405616006 Plumbing
Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 27-Jan-2024 8:40 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Cast Iron pipes and fittings at Storage and
58 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-065 1405615971 Plumbing
Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 27-Jan-2024 8:50 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Gravity test Inspection for DWV PVC piping in Ground Floor East wing of Main
59 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-066 1405616047 Plumbing
Building at NDT and MEI support room as per the Highlighted Drawing at Zone-5.
Gravity Test Zone - 05 SATIP-S-010-01 SATR-S-4001 27-Jan-2024 12.00 PM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Installation of DWV PVC piping in Ground Floor East wing of Main Building at
60 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-067 1405617189 Plumbing
Mechanical Engineering Lab and Circulation lobby as per the Highlighted Drawing.
Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-060-06 SAIC-S-4040 27-Jan-2024 9.30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Installation of 110mm dia UPVC Perforated piping at Zone-3 retaining wall area as
61 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-068 1405617179 Plumbing
per the Highlighted Drawing at Zone-3
Installation Zone - 03 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4057 27-Jan-2024 10.30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Visual Inspection of sand covering on DWV pvc pipe in Grond Floor East wing of Mr.
62 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-069 1405643912 Plumbing Main Building at Mechanical Engineering Lab and Circulation lobby as per the Visual Inspection Zone - 07 SATIP-S-060-06 SAIC-S-4040 30-Jan-2024 8:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Highlighted Drawing. Milhan
Material receiving inspection for UPVC pipes as per delivery note # 12580, 13502, Mr.
Material Receiving
63 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-070 1405643955 Plumbing 13200, 13507, 13195, 13519, 13194, 13196, 13503, 13197, 13504, 13198, 13199,
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4055 30-Jan-2024 9:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
13508, 12581, 13849 at Zone-7. Milhan
Material Receiving Inspection for HDPE Fittings as per delivery note # 42-001169- Material Receiving
64 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-071 1405643969 Plumbing
23-1,-2, 42-04911. Inspection
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4055 30-Jan-2024 9:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Verification inspection for closure of INCR-26 at zone-7, Delivered 1-1/4 Inch pipe
65 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-072 1405663300 Plumbing
(1-pcs), 2 inch Wye(1-pcs), and 6 inch Coupling (1-Pcs) found damage.
INCR closure Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 1-Feb-2024 8.30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for UPVC/PVC/CPVC pipes and Storage and
66 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-073 1405672540 Plumbing
fittings at Zone-7 Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 3-Feb-2024 8:20 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Storage and
67 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-074 1405672490 Plumbing Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Solvent Cement at Zone-4.
Zone - 04 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 3-Feb-2024 8:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for HDPE pipes and fittings at Storage and
68 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-075 1405672546 Plumbing
Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 3-Feb-2024 8:40 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Cast Iron pipes and fittings at Storage and
69 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-076 1405672570 Plumbing
Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 3-Feb-2024 8:50 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Preinsulated pipes and fittings Storage and
70 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-077 1405672560 Plumbing
at Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 3-Feb-2024 9:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Installation of DWV PVC piping in Ground Floor East wing of Main Building at Male
71 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-078 1405682111 Plumbing
and Female Toilet area as per the Highlighted Drawing.
Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-060-06 SAIC-S-4040 4-Feb-2024 9.00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Gravity Test inspection for DWV PVC piping in Ground Floor East wing of Main
72 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-079 1405697961 Plumbing
Building at Male and Female Toilet area as per the Highlighted Drawing.
Gravity Test Zone - 05 SATIP-S-010-01 SATR-S-4001 6-Feb-2024 10.30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Material Receiving
73 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-080 1405725477 Plumbing Material receiving inspection for UPVC pipes as per delivery note # 14696 at Zone-7.
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4055 10-Feb-2024 9:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for UPVC/PVC/CPVC pipes and Storage and
74 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-081 1405725510 Plumbing
fittings at Zone-7 Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 10-Feb-2024 8:20 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Storage and
75 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-082 1405725479 Plumbing Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Solvent Cement at Zone-4.
Zone - 04 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 10-Feb-2024 8:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for HDPE pipes and fittings at Storage and
76 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-083 1405725482 Plumbing
Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 10-Feb-2024 8:40 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Cast Iron pipes and fittings at Storage and
77 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-084 1405725564 Plumbing
Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 10-Feb-2024 8:50 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Installation of DWV PVC piping in Ground Floor West wing of Main Building at Male
78 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-085 1405754770 Plumbing
and Female Toilet area as per the Highlighted Drawing.
Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-060-06 SAIC-S-4040 14-Feb-2024 2.00 PM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Installation of 110mm dia UPVC Perforated piping at Zone-3 retaining wall area as
79 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-086 1405764645 Plumbing
per the Highlighted Drawing at Zone-3
Installation Zone - 03 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4057 15-Feb-2024 9.00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Verification inspection for slope for DWV PVC piping in Ground Floor West wing of
80 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-087 1405773086 Plumbing
Main Building at Male and Female Toilet area as per the Highlighted Drawing.
Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-060-06 SAIC-S-4040 15-Feb-2024 2.00 PM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Gravity Test inspection for DWV PVC piping in Ground Floor West wing of Main
81 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-088 1405782850 Plumbing
Building at Male and Female Toilet area as per the Highlighted Drawing.
Gravity Test Zone - 05 SATIP-S-010-01 SATR-S-4001 18-Feb-2024 10.00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Rejected Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for UPVC/PVC/CPVC pipes and Storage and
82 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-089 1405782890 Plumbing
fittings at Zone-7 Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 18-Feb-2024 8:20 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Storage and
83 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-090 1405782964 Plumbing Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Solvent Cement at Zone-4.
Zone - 04 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 18-Feb-2024 8:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for HDPE pipes and fittings at Storage and
84 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-091 1405782961 Plumbing
Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 18-Feb-2024 8:40 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Cast Iron pipes and fittings at Storage and
85 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-092 1405782998 Plumbing
Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 18-Feb-2024 8:50 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Preinsulated pipes and fittings Storage and
86 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-093 1405783001 Plumbing
at Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 18-Feb-2024 9:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Cancelled Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Installation of DWV PVC piping in Ground Floor East wing of Main Building at
87 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-094 1405791005 Plumbing
storage rooms, stair case area as per the Highlighted Drawing.
Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-060-06 SAIC-S-4040 19-Feb-2024 9:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Gravity Test inspection for DWV PVC piping in Ground Floor West wing of Main
88 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-088.R1 1405807954 Plumbing
Building at Male and Female Toilet area as per the Highlighted Drawing.
Gravity Test Zone - 05 SATIP-S-010-01 SATR-S-4001 21-Feb-2024 9.00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Rejected Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Installation of PVC sleeves(4inch-1 nos and 6inch-1 nos) dia at stair case are East Mr.
89 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-095 1405807973 Plumbing Wing of Main Building as per the highlighted drawing.(Incr-42 closure-Installed Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-040-01 SAIC-S-4018 21-Feb-2024 9:10 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sleeves not complying the standard requirements) Milhan
Installation of DWV PVC piping in Ground Floor East wing of Main Building at, stair
90 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-096 1405807971 Plumbing
case area as per the Highlighted Drawing.
Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-060-06 SAIC-S-4040 21-Feb-2024 9:15 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Installation of 300mm GRP sleeve for Existing 200mm RTR pipe at Zone -3 Retaining
91 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-097 1405809026 Plumbing
wall area as per the highlighted drawing.
Installation Zone - 03 SATIP-S-040-01 SAIC-S-4018 21-Feb-2024 9:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Installation inspection of HDPE pipe butt fusion welding at Government affairs road Mr. Witness
92 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-098 1405818947 Plumbing crossing. As per Attached highlighted Drawing(Including HDPE installers Installation Govt. Road Affairs SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4057 22-Feb-2024 7:00 AM Mohammed Ismail
Tinarwo Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Qualification approvals 2 No's)
Materail Receiving Inspection for warning tape for potable water and Raw water as Material Receiving Mr. Witness
93 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-099 1405818974 Plumbing
per delivery note# S07874.
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4055 22-Feb-2024 8.30 AM Mohammed Ismail
Tinarwo Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Gravity Test inspection for DWV PVC piping in Ground Floor East wing of Main Mr. Abdul
94 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-100 1405818991 Plumbing
Building at storage rooms, stair case area as per the Highlighted Drawing.
Gravity Test Zone - 05 SATIP-S-010-01 SATR-S-4001 23-Feb-2024 9:30 AM Mohammed Ismail
Muthaleep Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Visual Inspection of sand covering and Warning tape installation for HDPE pipe butt
fusion welding at Government affairs road crossing. As per Attached highlighted Mr. Abdul
95 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-109 1405819215 Plumbing
Drawing(Including HDPE installers Qualification approvals 2 No's)-(CRCC-SACAP-
Visual Inspection Govt. Road Affairs SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4057 23-Feb-2024 2:30 PM Mohammed Ismail
Muthaleep Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Repair Joint Installation of DWV PVC piping in Ground Floor West Mr.
96 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-110 1405833530 Plumbing wing of Main Building at Male and Female Toilet area as per the Highlighted Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-060-06 SAIC-S-4040 25-Feb-2024 7:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Drawing.(As a part of Corrective action for SV-4500638654). Milhan
Gravity Test inspection for DWV PVC piping in Ground Floor West wing of Main
97 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-088.R2 1405833542 Plumbing
Building at Male and Female Toilet area as per the Highlighted Drawing.
Gravity Test Zone - 05 SATIP-S-010-01 SATR-S-4001 25-Feb-2024 8:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Installation of 110mm dia UPVC Perforated piping at Zone-5 retaining wall area as
98 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-111 1405849649 Plumbing
per the Highlighted Drawing at Zone-5
Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4057 27-Feb-2024 9:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
99 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-112 1405849677 Plumbing Material receiving inspection for UPVC pipes as per delivery note # 15130 Installation Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4055 27-Feb-2024 9:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Material Receiving Inspection for HDPE pipes and fittings as per delivery note # 41- Material Receiving
100 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-113 1405849681 Plumbing
003738-23, 41-003739-23, 42-001453-23. Inspection
Zone - 05 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4055 27-Feb-2024 10:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for UPVC/PVC/CPVC pipes and Storage and
101 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-114 1405859112 Plumbing
fittings at Zone-7 Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 28-Feb-2024 8:20 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Storage and
102 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-115 1405859183 Plumbing Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Solvent Cement at Zone-4.
Zone - 04 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 28-Feb-2024 8:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for HDPE pipes and fittings at Storage and
103 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-116 1405859192 Plumbing
Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 28-Feb-2024 8:40 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Cast Iron pipes and fittings at Storage and
104 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-117 1405859228 Plumbing
Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 28-Feb-2024 8:50 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Materail Receiving Inspection for cast Iron pipes and fittings as per delivery note#
105 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-118 1405859264 Plumbing
Kho-21012021, Kho-24-00084, Kho-05022024, kho-29012024.
Material Receiving Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 28-Feb-2024 10.00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Installation of 3 inch CPVC drainage line from Elevator sump pit to nearest
106 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-119 1405869052 Plumbing
inspection chamber as per the highlighted drawing at main bulildingarea.
Installation Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4057 29-Feb-2024 8:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for UPVC/PVC/CPVC pipes and Storage and
107 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-120 1405878748 Plumbing
fittings at Zone-7 Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 2-Mar-2024 8:20 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted open Yes Yes Yes Yes
Storage and
108 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-121 1405878758 Plumbing Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Solvent Cement at Zone-4.
Zone - 04 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 2-Mar-2024 8:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for HDPE pipes and fittings at Storage and
109 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-122 1405878761 Plumbing
Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 2-Mar-2024 8:40 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Cast Iron pipes and fittings at Storage and
110 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-123 1405878775 Plumbing
Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 2-Mar-2024 8:50 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for DWV PVC piping in Ground floor west wingof main building near to
111 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-124 1405887966 Plumbing
Male & Female toilet area as per the highlighted drawing.
Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-060-06 SAIC-S-4040 3-Mar-2024 7:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Gravity Test inspection for DWV PVC piping in Ground floor west wingof main
112 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-125 1405887960 Plumbing
building near to Male & Female toilet area as per the highlighted drawing.
Gravity Test Zone - 05 SATIP-S-010-01 SATR-S-4001 3-Mar-2024 8:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for DWV PVC piping in Ground floor east wingof main building at
113 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-126 1405887997 Plumbing
outdoor loading zone room as per the highlighted drawing.
Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-060-06 SAIC-S-4040 3-Mar-2024 8:15 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for DWV PVC piping in Ground floor autrium/lobby area of main building
114 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-127 1405905025 Plumbing
as per the highlighted drawing.
Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-060-06 SAIC-S-4040 5-Mar-2024 8:15 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Installation of Cast Iron pipng at Ground floor east wing of main
115 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-128 1405905028 Plumbing
building at outdoor loading zone room as per the highlighted drawing.
Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-060-06 SAIC-S-4040 5-Mar-2024 8:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Gravity Test inspection for DWV PVC piping in Ground floor autrium/lobby area of
116 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-129 1405913306 Plumbing
main building as per the highlighted drawing.
Gravity Test Zone - 05 SATIP-S-010-01 SATR-S-4001 6-Mar-2024 9:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Gravity Test inspection for Cast Iron pipng at Ground floor east wing of main
117 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-130 1405922626 Plumbing
building at outdoor loading zone room as per the highlighted drawing.
Gravity Test Zone - 05 SATIP-S-010-01 SATR-S-4001 7-Mar-2024 9:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
118 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-131 1405922696 Plumbing Material Receing inspection for Neoprene Wrapping strip as per DN#TRC/INV/00401. Material Receiving Zone - 05 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4067 7-Mar-2024 9:30 AM Saad Jamil Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
119 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-132 1405922725 Plumbing Material Receing inspection for stopac Wrapping as per DN#2024 Material Receiving Zone - 05 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4067 7-Mar-2024 9:30 AM Saad Jamil Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Installation of 110mm dia UPVC Perforated piping at Zone-5 retaining wall area as
120 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-133 1405929446 Plumbing
per the Highlighted Drawing at Zone-5
Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4057 7-Mar-2024 3:00 PM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for UPVC/PVC/CPVC pipes and Storage and
121 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-134 1405929419 Plumbing
fittings at Zone-7 Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 9-Mar-2024 8:20 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted open Yes Yes Yes Yes
Storage and
122 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-135 1405929452 Plumbing Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Solvent Cement at Zone-4.
Zone - 04 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 9-Mar-2024 8:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for HDPE pipes and fittings at Storage and
123 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-136 1405929429 Plumbing
Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 9-Mar-2024 8:40 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Cast Iron pipes and fittings at Storage and
124 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-137 1405929463 Plumbing
Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 9-Mar-2024 8:50 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Visual Inspection for stopac wrapping for Cast Iron pipng (steel clamps only) at Mr.
125 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-138 1405940829 Plumbing Ground floor east wing of main building at outdoor loading zone room as per the Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4057 10-Mar-2024 8:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
highlighted drawing.(prior to backfill). Milhan
Material Receiving Inspection for HDPE pipes and fittings as per delivery note # 41-
126 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-139 1405955061 Plumbing
003926-23, 42-05514.
Material Receiving Zone - 05 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4055 12-Mar-2024 8:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
127 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-140 1405963188 Plumbing Material Receiving Inspection for GRP manholes as per DN# 8811102407 Material Receiving Zone - 05 SATIP-S-010-01 SAIC-S-4001 13-Mar-2024 8:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for UPVC/PVC/CPVC pipes and Storage and
128 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-141 1405988820 Plumbing
fittings at Zone-7 Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 17-Mar-2024 8:20 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Storage and
129 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-142 1405988848 Plumbing Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Solvent Cement at Zone-4.
Zone - 04 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 17-Mar-2024 8:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for HDPE pipes and fittings at Storage and
130 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-143 1405988884 Plumbing
Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 17-Mar-2024 8:40 AM Saad Jamil Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Cast Iron pipes and fittings at Storage and
131 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-144 1405988791 Plumbing
Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 17-Mar-2024 8:50 AM Saad Jamil Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Installation inspection of HDPE pipe 160mm dia (Raw Water) butt fusion welding at
132 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-145 1406003261 Plumbing
zone-6. As per Attached highlighted
Installation Zone - 06 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4057 19-Mar-2024 11:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Installation inspection of HDPE pipe 110mm dia (Drinking Water) butt fusion
133 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-146 1406028089 Plumbing
welding at zone-6. As per Attached highlighted drawing.
Installation Zone - 06 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4057 23-Mar-2024 7:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Installation inspection of HDPE pipe 250 mm dia (FF & IRRWater) butt fusion
134 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-147 1406028115 Plumbing
welding at zone-6. As per Attached highlighted drawing.
Installation Zone - 06 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4057 23-Mar-2024 7:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for UPVC/PVC/CPVC pipes and Storage and
135 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-148 1406028128 Plumbing
fittings at Zone-7 Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 23-Mar-2024 8:20 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted open Yes Yes Yes Yes
Storage and
136 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-149 1406028108 Plumbing Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Solvent Cement at Zone-4.
Zone - 04 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 23-Mar-2024 8:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for HDPE pipes and fittings at Storage and
137 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-150 1406028111 Plumbing
Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 23-Mar-2024 8:40 AM Saad Jamil Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Cast Iron pipes and fittings at Storage and
138 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-151 1406028176 Plumbing
Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 23-Mar-2024 8:50 AM Saad Jamil Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Installation of DWV PVC piping in Ground floor autrium area of main
139 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-152 1406056677 Plumbing
building as per the highlighted drawing.
Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-060-06 SAIC-S-4040 26-Mar-2024 9:00 AM Saad Jamil Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Installation of DWV PVC piping in Ground floor aurtium area near to
140 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-153 1406056680 Plumbing
west wing area of main building as per the highlighted drawing.
Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-060-06 SAIC-S-4040 26-Mar-2024 9:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted open Yes Yes Yes Yes
Gravity Test inspection for DWV PVC piping in Ground floor aurtium area near to
141 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-154 1406068985 Plumbing
west wing area of main building as per the highlighted drawing.
Gravity Test Zone - 05 SATIP-S-010-01 SATR-S-4001 28-Mar-2024 9:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Gravity Test inspection for DWV PVC piping in Ground floor autrium area of main
141 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-155 1406075690 Plumbing
building as per the highlighted drawing.
Gravity Test Zone - 05 SATIP-S-010-01 SATR-S-4001 28-Mar-2024 9:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for UPVC/PVC/CPVC pipes and Storage and
142 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-156 1406085849 Plumbing
fittings at Zone-7 Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 31-Mar-2024 8:20 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Storage and
143 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-157 1406085864 Plumbing Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Solvent Cement at Zone-4.
Zone - 04 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 31-Mar-2024 8:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for HDPE pipes and fittings at Storage and
144 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-158 1406085874 Plumbing
Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 31-Mar-2024 8:40 AM Saad Jamil Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Cast Iron pipes and fittings at Storage and
145 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-159 1406085893 Plumbing
Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 31-Mar-2024 8:50 AM Saad Jamil Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for DWV PVC piping in Ground floor west wing near to stair case of main
146 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-160 1406112443 Plumbing
building as per the highlighted drawing.
Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-060-06 SAIC-S-4040 3-Apr-2024 8:15 AM Saad Jamil Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted open no Yes Yes Yes
Material Receiving Mr. Mohammed
147 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-161 1406121811 Plumbing Material Receiving Inspection for GRP Pipes as per delivery note # 8811102754.
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4055 4-Apr-2024 8:15 AM Saad Jamil
Milhan Mr. Moustafa Accepted open no Yes no no
Gravity Test inspection for DWV PVC piping in Ground floor east wing lift core wall
149 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-164 1406139472 Plumbing
staircase drainage pipe.
Gravity Test Zone - 05 SATIP-S-010-01 SATR-S-4001 7-Apr-2024 7:00 AM Saad Jamil Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted open no Yes Yes Yes
Visual Inspection of sand covering DWV PVC piping in Ground floor east wing lift Mr. Abdul
150 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-165 1406149449 Plumbing
core wall staircase drainage pipe.
Visual Inspection Zone - 05 SATIP-S-060-06 SAIC-S-4040 8-Apr-2024 8:00 AM Saad Jamil
Muthaleep Mr. Moustafa Accepted open no Yes Yes Yes
Installation inspection of HDPE pipe 250 mm & 110mm (FF & DW line) butt fusion
151 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-166 1406173975 Plumbing
welding at zone-6. As per Attached highlighted drawing.
Installation Zone - 06 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4057 14-Apr-2024 1:00 PM Saad Jamil Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted open no Yes no no
Installation inspection of HDPE pipe 250 mm & 110mm (FF & DW line) butt fusion
152 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-167 1406173947 Plumbing
welding at zone-6. As per Attached highlighted drawing.
Installation Zone - 06 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4057 15-Apr-2024 7:00 AM Saad Jamil Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted open no Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for UPVC/PVC/CPVC pipes and Storage and
153 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-168 1406173969 Plumbing
fittings at Zone-7 Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 15-Apr-2024 8:20 AM Saad Jamil Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted open no Yes Yes Yes
Storage and
154 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-169 1406173971 Plumbing Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Solvent Cement at Zone-4.
Zone - 04 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 15-Apr-2024 8:30 AM Saad Jamil Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted open no Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for HDPE pipes and fittings at Storage and
155 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-170 1406173988 Plumbing
Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 15-Apr-2024 8:40 AM Saad Jamil Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted open no Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Cast Iron pipes and fittings at Storage and
156 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-171 1406174003 Plumbing
Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-S-070-03 SAIC-S-4056 15-Apr-2024 8:50 AM Saad Jamil Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted open no Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for DWV PVC piping in Ground floor Atrium area near to west wing of
157 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-172 1406185623 Plumbing
main building as per the highlighted drawing.
Installation Zone - 05 SATIP-S-060-06 SAIC-S-4040 16-Apr-2024 7:15 AM Saad Jamil Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted open no Yes no no
Gravity Test inspection for DWV PVC piping in Ground floor Atrium area near to
158 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-173 1406209354 Plumbing
west wing of main building as per the highlighted drawing
Gravity Test Zone - 05 SATIP-S-010-01 SATR-S-4001 19-Apr-2024 7:00 AM Saad Jamil Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik on hold open no Yes no no
Visual Inspection of sand covering DWV PVC piping in Ground floor Atrium area
159 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-174 1406209301 Plumbing
near to west wing of main building as per the highlighted drawing
Visual Inspection Zone - 05 SATIP-S-060-06 SAIC-S-4040 19-Apr-2024 8:00 AM Saad Jamil Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik on hold open no Yes no no
RFI Initiated in RFI Initiated in EPM Status EPM Status RFI Uploaded Balance RFI for Rfi Scanned Hard Copy
REQUEST FOR INSPECTION (RFI) LOG - Mechanical Discipline Total Issued Accepted Rejected On Hold Cancelled EPM (YES) EPM (NO) Closed Open No EPM to EPM Upload Copy Balance with
CONTRACT NO: 6601000138 BI No. 10-02403-0002 Mechanical 38 36 0 0 1 37 0 34 3 0 37 0 37 0
37 37 37 37 37
1 CRCC-CAD-RFI-MECH-001 1405754642 Mechanical Verification inspection for closure of INCR-038-Preinsulated black steel or carbon INCR Closure CRCC Laydown yard SATIP-L-350-01 SAIC-L-2005 13-Feb-24 14-Feb-24 8:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Milhan Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes yes Yes
steel pipes directly placed on sand. Zone 7
2 CRCC-CAD-RFI-MECH-002 1405754727 Mechanical Verification inspection for closure of INCR-039-Preinsulated carbon steel 90-degree INCR Closure CRCC Laydown yard SATIP-L-350-01 SAIC-L-2005 13-Feb-24 14-Feb-24 8:15 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Milhan Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes yes Yes
elbows delivered without end protectors. Zone 7
3 CRCC-CAD-RFI-MECH-003 1405764623 Mechanical Material Receiving inspection for preinsulated carbon/black steel pipes as per Material Receiving CRCC Laydown yard SATIP-L-350-01 SAIC-L-2005 15-Feb-24 9.00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Milhan Mr. Moustafa Cancelled Closed Yes Yes yes yes
delivery note #PAD000405, PAD000406 at Zone-7. Zone 7
Mr. Mohammed
4 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-012 1405120851 Mechanical Review of Hydrotest Package preparation for PVC/UPVC/CPVC installer approval at Zone-7. Hydrotest Zone - 07 SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2003 22-Nov-23 9:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Milhan Mr. Mustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes yes
Pre Process test Punch list inspection for PVC/UPVC/CPVC installer approval at
5 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-013 1405114151 Mechanical
Hydrotest Zone - 07 SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2010 23-Nov-2023 8:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes yes
Internal Cleanliness/Flushing inspection for PVC/UPVC/CPVC installer approval at
6 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-014 1405115620 Mechanical
Hydrotest Zone - 07 SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-L-2017 23-Nov-2023 8:10 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes yes
Verification of Testing Equipment Inspection for PVC/UPVC/CPVC installer approval
7 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-015 1405115660 Mechanical
at Zone-7.(CRCCSACAP-HTP-01)
Hydrotest Zone - 07 SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2009 23-Nov-2023 8:20 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes yes
Verification of Hydrotest Preparation for PVC/UPVC/CPVC installer approval at
8 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-016 1405115689 Mechanical
Hydrotest Zone - 07 SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2011 23-Nov-2023 8:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes yes
Inspection for water filling and pressurization for PVC/UPVC/CPVC installer approval
9 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-017 1405343775 Mechanical
at Zone-7.
Hydrotest Zone - 07 SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2013 23-Nov-2023 8:40 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes yes
Visual Inspection for test Pressure/ Pressure Test report for PVC/UPVC/CPVC
10 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-018 1405343843 Mechanical
installer approval at Zone-7.(CRCCSACAP-HTP-01)
Hydrotest Zone - 07 SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2015 23-Nov-2023 9:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes yes
Depressurization and water disposal for PVC/UPVC/CPVC installer approval at Zone-
11 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-019 1405343828 Mechanical
Hydrotest Zone - 07 SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2017 23-Nov-2023 1:00 PM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes yes
Review of Hydrotest Package preparation for HDPE pipe butt fusion welding at Government Mr. Abdul
12 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-101 1405819082 Mechanical affairs road crossing. As per Attached highlighted Drawing(Including HDPE installers Hydrotest Package Govt. Road Affairs SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2003 23-Feb-2024 7:30 AM Mohammed Ismail
Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes yes yes
Qualification approvals 2 No's)-(CRCC-SACAP-HTP-02)
Pre-Test Punch Listing inspection for HDPE pipe butt fusion welding at Government Pre-Test Punch Mr. Abdul
13 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-102 1405819104 Mechanical affairs road crossing. As per Attached highlighted Drawing(Including HDPE installers Listing
Govt. Road Affairs SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2010 23-Feb-2024 8:00 AM Mohammed Ismail
Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes yes yes
Qualification approvals 2 No's)-(CRCC-SACAP-HTP-02)
Internal Cleaninness and/or Flushing inspection for HDPE pipe butt fusion welding Internal Cleaninness Mr. Abdul
14 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-103 1405819124 Mechanical at Government affairs road crossing. As per Attached highlighted Drawing(Including and/or Flushing Govt. Road Affairs SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-L-2017 23-Feb-2024 8:30 AM Mohammed Ismail
Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes yes yes
HDPE installers Qualification approvals 2 No's)-(CRCC-SACAP-HTP-02)
Verification of Testing equipment inspection for HDPE pipe butt fusion welding at Verification of Mr. Abdul
15 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-104 1405819119 Mechanical Government affairs road crossing. As per Attached highlighted Drawing(Including Testing equipment
Govt. Road Affairs SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2009 23-Feb-2024 8:40 AM Mohammed Ismail
Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes yes yes
HDPE installers Qualification approvals 2 No's)-(CRCC-SACAP-HTP-02)
Verification of Test preparation inspection for HDPE pipe butt fusion welding at Verification of Test Govt. Road Affairs Mr. Abdul
16 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-105 1405819121 Mechanical Government affairs road crossing. As per Attached highlighted Drawing(Including preparation SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2011 23-Feb-2024 8:45 AM Mohammed Ismail
Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes yes yes
HDPE installers Qualification approvals 2 No's)-(CRCC-SACAP-HTP-02)
Filling and Pressurization inspection HDPE pipe butt fusion welding at Government Filling and Mr. Abdul
17 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-106 1405819100 Mechanical affairs road crossing. As per Attached highlighted Drawing(Including HDPE installers Pressurization
Govt. Road Affairs SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2013 23-Feb-2024 8:50 AM Mohammed Ismail
Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes yes yes
Qualification approvals 2 No's)-(CRCC-SACAP-HTP-02)
Visual inspection at Test Pressure inspection for HDPE pipe butt fusion welding at Visual inspection at Govt. Road Affairs Mr. Abdul
18 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-107 1405819159 Mechanical Government affairs road crossing. As per Attached highlighted Drawing(Including Test Pressure SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2015 23-Feb-2024 9:00 AM Mohammed Ismail
Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes yes yes
HDPE installers Qualification approvals 2 No's)
De-Pressurization and water Disposal inspection for HDPE pipe butt fusion welding De-Pressurization Mr. Abdul
19 CRCC-CAD-RFI-PLUM-108 1405819185 Mechanical at Government affairs road crossing. As per Attached highlighted Drawing(Including and water Disposal Govt. Road Affairs SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2017 23-Feb-2024 1:00 PM Mohammed Ismail
Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes yes yes
HDPE installers Qualification approvals 2 No's)-(CRCC-SACAP-HTP-02)
Review of Hydrotest Package preparation for 3 inch CPVC drainage line from Elevator sump Mr. Mohammed
20 CRCC-CAD-RFI-MECH-004 1405887577 Mechanical pit to Slow down chamber as per the highlighted drawing at main bulilding area.(CRCC- Hydrotest Package Zone - 05 SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2003 3-Mar-2024 7:30 AM Mohammed Ismail
Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Pre-Test Punch Listing inspection for 3 inch CPVC drainage line from Elevator sump Pre-Test Punch Mr. Mohammed
21 CRCC-CAD-RFI-MECH-005 1405887634 Mechanical pit to Slow down chamber chamber as per the highlighted drawing at main bulilding Listing
Zone - 05 SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2010 3-Mar-2024 7:40 AM Mohammed Ismail
Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Internal Cleaninness or Flushing inspection for 3 inch CPVC drainage line from Internal Cleaninness Mr. Mohammed
22 CRCC-CAD-RFI-MECH-006 1405887656 Mechanical Elevator sump pit to Slow down chamber chamber as per the highlighted drawing and/or Flushing
Zone - 05 SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-L-2017 3-Mar-2024 7:50 AM Mohammed Ismail
Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
at main bulilding area.(CRCC-SACAP-HTP-03)
Verification of Testing equipment inspection for 3 inch CPVC drainage line from Verification of Mr. Mohammed
23 CRCC-CAD-RFI-MECH-007 1405887684 Mechanical Elevator sump pit to Slow down chamber chamber as per the highlighted drawing Testing equipment
Zone - 05 SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2009 3-Mar-2024 8:00 AM Mohammed Ismail
Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
at main bulilding area.(CRCC-SACAP-HTP-03).
Verification of Test preparation inspection for 3 inch CPVC drainage line from Verification of Test Mr. Mohammed
24 CRCC-CAD-RFI-MECH-008 1405887713 Mechanical Elevator sump pit to Slow down chamber chamber as per the highlighted drawing preparation
Zone - 05 SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2011 3-Mar-2024 8:10 AM Mohammed Ismail
Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
at main bulilding area.(CRCC-SACAP-HTP-03).
Filling and Pressurization inspection for 3 inch CPVC drainage line from Elevator Filling and Mr. Mohammed
25 CRCC-CAD-RFI-MECH-009 1405887726 Mechanical sump pit to Slow down chamber chamber as per the highlighted drawing at main Pressurization
Zone - 05 SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2013 3-Mar-2024 8:20 AM Mohammed Ismail
Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
bulilding area.(CRCC-SACAP-HTP-03).
Visual inspection at Test Pressure inspection for 3 inch CPVC drainage line from Visual inspection at Mr. Mohammed
26 CRCC-CAD-RFI-MECH-010 1405887729 Mechanical Elevator sump pit to Slow down chamber chamber as per the highlighted drawing Test Pressure
Zone - 05 SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2015 3-Mar-2024 8:30 AM Mohammed Ismail
Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
at main bulilding area.(CRCC-SACAP-HTP-03).
De-Pressurization and water Disposal inspection for 3 inch CPVC drainage line from De-Pressurization Mr. Mohammed
27 CRCC-CAD-RFI-MECH-011 1405887752 Mechanical Elevator sump pit to Slow down chamber chamber as per the highlighted drawing and water Disposal Zone - 05 SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2017 3-Mar-2024 12:30 PM Mohammed Ismail
Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
at main bulilding area.(CRCC-SACAP-HTP-03).
Review of Hydrotest Package preparation for HDPE pipe 160mm dia (Raw Water) butt fusion
28 CRCC-CAD-RFI-MECH-012 1406069018 Mechanical welding at zone-6. As per Attached highlighted drawing.(CRCC-SACAP-HTP-04) Hydrotest Package Zone - 06 SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2003 28-Mar-2024 6:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Pre-Test Punch Listing inspection for HDPE pipe 160mm dia (Raw Water) butt fusion Pre-Test Punch
29 CRCC-CAD-RFI-MECH-013 1406069074 Mechanical
welding at zone-6. As per Attached highlighted drawing.(CRCC-SACAP-HTP-04) Listing
Zone - 06 SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2010 28-Mar-2024 6:40 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Internal Cleaninness or Flushing inspection for HDPE pipe 160mm dia (Raw Water) Mr.
30 CRCC-CAD-RFI-MECH-014 1406069026 Mechanical butt fusion welding at zone-6. As per Attached highlighted drawing.(CRCC-SACAP- Internal Cleaninness Zone - 06 SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-L-2017 28-Mar-2024 6:50 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
HTP-04) and/or Flushing
Verification of Testing equipment inspection for HDPE pipe 160mm dia (Raw Water) Mr.
Verification of
31 CRCC-CAD-RFI-MECH-015 1406069080 Mechanical butt fusion welding at zone-6. As per Attached highlighted drawing.(CRCC-SACAP-
Testing equipment
Zone - 06 SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2009 28-Mar-2024 7:00 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted open Yes Yes Yes Yes
HTP-04) Milhan
Verification of Test preparation inspection for HDPE pipe 160mm dia (Raw Water) Mr.
Verification of Test
32 CRCC-CAD-RFI-MECH-016 1406069097 Mechanical butt fusion welding at zone-6. As per Attached highlighted drawing.(CRCC-SACAP-
Zone - 06 SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2011 28-Mar-2024 7:10 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
HTP-04) Milhan
Filling and Pressurization inspection for HDPE pipe 160mm dia (Raw Water) butt Mr.
Filling and
33 CRCC-CAD-RFI-MECH-017 1406069138 Mechanical fusion welding at zone-6. As per Attached highlighted drawing.(CRCC-SACAP-HTP-
Zone - 06 SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2013 28-Mar-2024 7:20 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
04) Milhan
Visual inspection at Test Pressure inspection for HDPE pipe 160mm dia (Raw Mr.
Visual inspection at
34 CRCC-CAD-RFI-MECH-018 1406069158 Mechanical Water) butt fusion welding at zone-6. As per Attached highlighted drawing.(CRCC-
Test Pressure
Zone - 06 SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2015 28-Mar-2024 7:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
SACAP-HTP-04) Milhan
De-Pressurization and water Disposal inspection for HDPE pipe 160mm dia (Raw Mr.
35 CRCC-CAD-RFI-MECH-019 1406069140 Mechanical Water) butt fusion welding at zone-6. As per Attached highlighted drawing.(CRCC- and water Disposal
Zone - 06 SATIP-A-004-02 SAIC-A-2017 28-Mar-2024 11:30 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Abdul Malik Accepted open Yes Yes Yes Yes
SACAP-HTP-04) Milhan
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Preinsulated black iron pipes Storage and
36 CRCC-CAD-RFI-MECH-020 1406085928 Mechanical
and fittings at Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-L-350-05 SAIC-L-2054 31-Mar-2024 8:50 AM Mohammed Ismail Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Preinsulated black iron pipes Storage and
37 CRCC-CAD-RFI-MECH-021 1406130314 Mechanical
and fittings at Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-L-350-05 SAIC-L-2054 6-Apr-24 6:30 AM Sureshkumar Mohammed Mr. Moustafa Accepted open no Yes Yes Yes
Inspection for Material storage and preservation for Preinsulated CS pipes and Storage and
CRCC-CAD-RFI-MECH-022 Mechanical
fittings at Zone-7. Preservation
Zone - 07 SATIP-L-350-08 SAIC-L-2034 21-Apr-24 9:30 AM Sureshkumar Mohammed Mr. Moustafa
RFI Initiated in EPM RFI Initiated in EPM RFI Uploaded to Balance RFI for Hard Copy Balance
REQUEST FOR INSPECTION (RFI) LOG - Telecommunication Discipline Total Issued Accepted Rejected On Hold Cancelled
(YES) (NO)
EPM Status Closed EPM Status Open No EPM
EPM Upload
Rfi Scanned Copy
with QC
CONTRACT NO: 6601000138 BI No. 10-02403-0002 Telecom 51 51 0 0 0 51 0 31 20 0 42 9 42 9
51 51 51 51 51
Material Receiving Inspection for Conduit Fittings and Accessories PVC ELBOW TC9 CRCC Laydown yard Mr. Ammar
2 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-002 1405526549 TELECOM 4" (34 PCS),PVC Coupling TC9 4" (134PCS) , PVC 110 Conduit Bell Ends(100pcs") as Material Receiving SATIP-T-911-01 SAIC-T-5708 14-Jan-24 15-Jan-24 8:15 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr Ahmed Matar Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
per PO#CRCC-CAD-PO-0185 At CRCC Laydown Yard Zone 7.
Zone 7 Almohammed Ali
Visual inspection for installation of 1-1" PVC Conduits embedded in column C4(F01- Installation of PVC East Wing of Zone-5, Mr. Ammar
9 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-009 1405779300 TELECOM 04-SW4-4and5) for civil-001 utilization at east wing of zone 5, main building ,first SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5922 17-Feb-24 18-Feb-24 9:00 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr. Dante C. Silao Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
floor as per attached highlighted drawing HA-021038-004.
conduit Main Building Almohammed Ali
Visual inspection for installation of 1-4"square telecom outlet box embedded in Installation of East Wing of Zone-5, Mr. Ammar
10 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-010 1405779364 TELECOM column C4(F01-04-SW4-4and5) for civil-001 utilization at east wing of zone 5, main Telecom Outlet Box SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5925 17-Feb-24 18-Feb-24 9:30 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr. Dante C. Silao Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
building ,first floor as per attached highlighted drawing HA-021038-004.
Main Building Almohammed Ali
Visual inspection for installation of 1-4"square wall mounted telecom outlet box Installation of East Wing of Zone-5,
13 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-013 1405848395 TELECOM (F01-04-SW4-10and11) for WL2-002 utilization at east wing of zone 5, main Telecom Outlet Box Main Building SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5925 26-Feb-24 27-Feb-24 9:00 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr. Dante C. Silao Mr. Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
building ,first floor as per attached highlighted drawing HA-021038-004.
Visual inspection for installation of 1-1" PVC Conduits embedded in column C5-31- Installation of PVC East Wing of Zone-5,
14 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-014 1405848403 TELECOM V(F01-04-SW6-1and2) for WL1-008 utilization at east wing of zone 5, main building conduit Main Building SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5922 26-Feb-24 27-Feb-24 9:30 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr. Dante C. Silao Mr. Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
,first floor as per attached highlighted drawing HA-021038-004.
Visual inspection for installation of 1-4"square telecom outlet box embedded in Installation of East Wing of Zone-5,
15 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-015 1405848407 TELECOM column C5-31-V(F01-04-SW6-1and2) for WL1-008 utilization at east wing of zone 5, Telecom Outlet Box Main Building SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5925 26-Feb-24 27-Feb-24 10:30 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr. Dante C. Silao Mr. Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
main building ,first floor as per attached highlighted drawing HA-021038-004.
Visual inspection for Excavation and Trench for the installation of 4X4" inch Stub Excavation and
16 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-016 1405887371 TELECOM up PVC conduit NEMA TC8 (Entrance Conduit) at zone 6,chiller yard as per Trenching Chiller Yard, Zone 6. SATIP-T-911-01 SAIC-T-5506 2-Mar-24 3-Mar-24 9:00 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr. Dante C. Silao Mr. Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
attached highlighted drawing HA-021805-002.
Visual inspection for the installation of 4X4" inch Stub up PVC conduit NEMA TC8 Installation of PVC
17 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-017 1405887427 TELECOM (Entrance Conduit) at zone 6,chiller yard as per attached highlighted drawing HA- conduit Chiller Yard, Zone 6. SATIP-T-911-01 SAIC-T-5709 2-Mar-24 3-Mar-24 9:30 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr. Dante C. Silao Mr. Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Visual inspection for mandrel testing in both direction before concreate pouring
18 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-018 1405887439 TELECOM of 4X4" inch Stub up PVC conduit NEMA TC8 (Entrance Conduit) at zone 6,chiller Mandrel Test Chiller Yard, Zone 6. SATIP-T-911-01 SAIC-T-5709 2-Mar-24 3-Mar-24 10:00 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr. Dante C. Silao Mr. Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
yard as per attached highlighted drawing HA-021805-002.
Visual Inspection for Storage ,Handling and Preservation of Plastic Conduit / Sleeves Storage ,Handling CRCC Laydown yard
19 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-019 1405896884 TELECOM / Innerduct At CRCC Laydown Yard Zone 7. and Preservation Zone 7 SATIP-T-911-01 SAIC-T-5701 3-Mar-24 4-Mar-24 9:00 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr. Dante C. Silao Mr. Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Visual inspection for installation of 1-1" PVC Conduits embedded in column (F01- Installation of PVC West Wing of Zone-5,
20 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-020 1405904545 TELECOM 01-SW3-3) for CCTV at west wing of zone 5, main building ,first floor as per conduit Main Building SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5922 4-Mar-24 5-Mar-24 10:30 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr. Dante C. Silao Mr. Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
attached highlighted drawing HA-021038-001.
Visual inspection for installation of 1-4"square telecom outlet box embedded in Installation of West Wing of Zone-5,
21 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-021 1405904563 TELECOM column (F01-01-SW3-3) for CCTV at west wing of zone 5, main building ,first floor Telecom Outlet Box Main Building SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5925 4-Mar-24 5-Mar-24 11:00 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr. Dante C. Silao Mr. Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
as per attached highlighted drawing HA-021038-001.
Material Receiving Inspection for EMT Conduit 1"X 3.05 mtrs(1333 PCS),EMT
compression coupling 1"(2000 PCS), EMT compression connector 1"(2000 CRCC Laydown yard
22 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-022 1405922798 TELECOM PCS),Conduit bushing 1"(2000pcs) and EMT one hole strap 1"(1000pca) as per Material Receiving Zone 7 SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5904 6-Mar-24 7-Mar-24 8:30 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr. Dante C. Silao Mr. Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
PO#CRCC-MEP-CAD-PO-0305 At CRCC Laydown Yard Zone 7.
Visual inspection for installation of 1-1" PVC Conduits embedded in wall for video Installation of PVC West Wing of Zone-5,
23 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-023 1405922782 TELECOM conference camera( VTC) at multipurpose hall 1 , west wing of zone 5, main conduit Main Building SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5922 6-Mar-24 7-Mar-24 10:30 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr. Dante C. Silao Mr. Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
building ,first floor as per attached highlighted drawing HA-021797-002.
Visual inspection for installation of 1-4"square telecom outlet box embedded in Installation of West Wing of Zone-5,
24 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-024 1405922888 TELECOM wall for video conference camera( VTC) at multipurpose hall 1 , west wing of zone Telecom Outlet Box Main Building SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5925 6-Mar-24 7-Mar-24 10:40 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr. Dante C. Silao Mr. Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
5, main building ,first floor as per attached highlighted drawing HA-021797-002.
Visual inspection for installation of 1-1" PVC Conduits embedded in wall for video Installation of PVC West Wing of Zone-5,
25 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-025 1405922911 TELECOM conference camera( VTC) at multipurpose hall 2 , west wing of zone 5, main conduit Main Building SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5922 6-Mar-24 7-Mar-24 10:50 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr. Dante C. Silao Mr. Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
building ,first floor as per attached highlighted drawing HA-021797-001.
Visual inspection for installation of 1-4"square telecom outlet box embedded in Installation of West Wing of Zone-5,
26 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-026 1405922896 TELECOM wall for video conference camera( VTC) at multipurpose hall 2 , west wing of zone Telecom Outlet Box Main Building SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5925 6-Mar-24 7-Mar-24 11:00 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr. Dante C. Silao Mr. Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
5, main building ,first floor as per attached highlighted drawing HA-021797-001.
Visual inspection for the installation of 4X4" inch Stub up PVC conduit NEMA TC8 Installation of PVC
27 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-027 1406003369 TELECOM (Entrance Conduit) Ductbank after concrete pouring at zone 6,chiller yard as per conduit Chiller Yard, Zone 6. SATIP-T-911-01 SAIC-T-5709 18-Mar-24 19-Mar-24 8:30 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr. Dante C. Silao Mr. Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
attached highlighted drawing HA-021805-002.
Visual inspection for final mandrel testing in both direction after concreate
28 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-028 1406003398 TELECOM pouring of 4X4" inch Stub up PVC conduit NEMA TC8 (Entrance Conduit) ductbank Mandrel Test Chiller Yard, Zone 6. SATIP-T-911-01 SAIC-T-5709 18-Mar-24 19-Mar-24 9:00 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr. Dante C. Silao Mr. Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
at zone 6,chiller yard as per attached highlighted drawing HA-021805-002.
Visual inspection for installation of 1-1" PVC Conduits embedded in column (F01- Installation of PVC West Wing of Zone-5,
29 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-029 1406028198 TELECOM 01-SW2-12/NVR01-L01-02) for CCTV at west wing of zone 5, main building ,first conduit Main Building SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5922 21-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 9:00 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr. Dante C. Silao Mr. Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
floor as per attached highlighted drawing HA-021596-001.
Visual inspection for installation of 1-4"square telecom outlet box embedded in Installation of West Wing of Zone-5,
30 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-030 1406028246 TELECOM column (F01-01-SW2-12/NVR01-L01-02) for CCTV at west wing of zone 5, main Telecom Outlet Box Main Building SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5925 21-Mar-24 23-Mar-24 9:30 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr. Dante C. Silao Mr. Joel Seildio Accepted Closed Yes Yes Yes Yes
building ,first floor as per attached highlighted drawing HA-021596-001.
Visual inspection for installation of 2-1" PVC Conduits embedded in floor for
AVR(F01-01-SW1-35 and 36 and 37 and 38) at AUDITORIUM 395P , west wing of Installation of PVC West Wing of Zone-5,
31 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-031 1406037447 TELECOM zone 5, main building ,first floor as per attached highlighted drawing HA-021038- conduit Main Building SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5922 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 8:00 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr. Dante C. Silao Mr. Joel Seildio Accepted open no Yes Yes Yes
Visual inspection for installation of 2-1" PVC Conduits embedded in floor for
AVR(F01-01-SW1-29 and 30 and 31 and 32) at AUDITORIUM 395P , west wing of Installation of PVC West Wing of Zone-5,
32 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-032 1406037478 TELECOM zone 5, main building ,first floor as per attached highlighted drawing HA-021038- conduit Main Building SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5922 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 8:30 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr. Dante C. Silao Mr. Joel Seildio Accepted open no Yes Yes Yes
Visual inspection for installation of 4-1" PVC Conduits embedded in floor for AV-FB Installation of PVC West Wing of Zone-5,
33 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-033 1406037483 TELECOM at AUDITORIUM 395P , west wing of zone 5, main building ,first floor as per conduit Main Building SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5922 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 8:45 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr. Dante C. Silao Mr. Joel Seildio Accepted open no Yes Yes Yes
attached highlighted drawing HA-021797-001.
Visual inspection for installation of 4-1" PVC Conduits embedded in floor for AV-FB Installation of PVC West Wing of Zone-5,
34 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-034 1406037482 TELECOM near Lectern with AVR at AUDITORIUM 395P , west wing of zone 5, main conduit Main Building SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5922 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 9:00 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr. Dante C. Silao Mr. Joel Seildio Accepted open no Yes Yes Yes
building ,first floor as per attached highlighted drawing HA-021797-001.
Visual inspection for installation of 2-1" PVC Conduits embedded in floor for stage
monitor speaker which will be install in column (stage monitor speaker to stage Installation of PVC West Wing of Zone-5,
35 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-035 1406037431 TELECOM box) at AUDITORIUM 395P , west wing of zone 5, main building ,first floor as per conduit Main Building SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5922 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 9:30 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr. Dante C. Silao Mr. Joel Seildio Accepted open no Yes Yes Yes
attached highlighted drawing HA-021797-001.
Visual inspection for installation of 1-1" PVC Conduits embedded in floor for front
fill speaker(front fill speaker to control room) at AUDITORIUM 395P , west wing of Installation of PVC West Wing of Zone-5,
36 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-036 1406037487 TELECOM zone 5, main building ,first floor as per attached highlighted drawing HA-021797- conduit Main Building SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5922 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 10:00 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr. Dante C. Silao Mr. Joel Seildio Accepted open no Yes Yes Yes
Visual inspection for installation of 4-1" PVC Conduits embedded in floor for stage Installation of PVC West Wing of Zone-5,
37 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-037 1406037507 TELECOM box at AUDITORIUM 395P , west wing of zone 5, main building ,first floor as per conduit Main Building SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5922 23-Mar-24 24-Mar-24 10:30 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Mr. Dante C. Silao Mr. Joel Seildio Accepted open no Yes Yes Yes
attached highlighted drawing HA-021797-001.
Visual inspection for installation of 1-4"square telecom outlet box embedded in Installation of West Wing of Zone-5, Mr. Ammar
40 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-040 1406112505 TELECOM wall for BMS(F01-02-SW2-8 and 9) at pump room , west wing of zone 5, main Telecom Outlet Box Main Building SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5925 2-Apr-24 3-Apr-24 9:30 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Dante C. Silao
Almohammed Ali
Accepted open no Yes Yes Yes
building ,first floor as per attached highlighted drawing HA-021038-002.
Visual inspection for installation of 1-1" PVC Conduits embedded in wall for Installation of PVC West Wing of Zone-5, Mr. Ammar
41 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-041 1406112507 TELECOM BMS(F01-02-SW2-6 and 7) at pump room , west wing of zone 5, main conduit Main Building SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5922 2-Apr-24 3-Apr-24 10:00 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Dante C. Silao
Almohammed Ali
Accepted open no Yes Yes Yes
building ,first floor as per attached highlighted drawing HA-021038-002.
Visual inspection for installation of 1-4"square telecom outlet box embedded in Installation of West Wing of Zone-5, Mr. Ammar
42 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-042 1406112525 TELECOM wall for BMS(F01-02-SW2-6 and 7) at pump room , west wing of zone 5, main Telecom Outlet Box Main Building SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5925 2-Apr-24 3-Apr-24 10:30 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Dante C. Silao
Almohammed Ali
Accepted open no Yes Yes Yes
building ,first floor as per attached highlighted drawing HA-021038-002.
Visual inspection for installation of 1-1" PVC Conduits embedded in floor and wall
43 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-043 1406121902 TELECOM
for stage monitor speaker (stage monitor speaker to stage box) at AUDITORIUM Installation of PVC West Wing of Zone-5,
SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5922 3-Apr-24 4-Apr-24 9:30 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Dante C. Silao
Mr. Ammar Accepted open no Yes no no
395P , west wing of zone 5, main building ,first floor as per attached highlighted conduit Main Building Almohammed Ali
drawing HA-021797-001.
Visual inspection for the installation of 12X4" inch PVC conduit NEMA TC8
44 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-044 1406139519 TELECOM
Entrance Conduit for the backbone communication cables at telecom entrance Installation of PVC East Wing of Zone-5,
SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5917 6-Apr-24 7-Apr-24 9:30 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Dante C. Silao
Mr. Ammar Accepted open no Yes no no
facility room,east wing of zone 5, main building ,first floor as per attached conduit Main Building Almohammed Ali
highlighted drawing HA-021038-003.
Visual inspection for installation of 1-1" PVC Conduits embedded in wall (F01-02- Installation of PVC West Wing of Zone-5, Mr. Ammar
45 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-045 1406139603 TELECOM SW2-35/NVR01-L01-07) for CCTV at west wing of zone 5, main building ,first floor conduit Main Building SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5922 6-Apr-24 7-Apr-24 10:00 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Dante C. Silao
Almohammed Ali
Accepted open no Yes no no
as per attached highlighted drawing HA-021038-002.
Visual inspection for installation of 1-4"square telecom outlet box embedded in Installation of West Wing of Zone-5, Mr. Ammar
46 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-046 1406139614 TELECOM wall (F01-02-SW2-35/NVR01-L01-07) for CCTV at west wing of zone 5, main Telecom Outlet Box Main Building SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5925 6-Apr-24 7-Apr-24 10:30 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Dante C. Silao
Almohammed Ali
Accepted open no Yes no no
building ,first floor as per attached highlighted drawing HA-021038-002.
Visual inspection for installation of 2-1" PVC Conduits embedded in wall (F01-02- Installation of PVC West Wing of Zone-5, Mr. Ammar
47 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-047 1406139581 TELECOM SW2-33 and 34) for wireless access point(AP) at west wing of zone 5, main conduit Main Building SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5922 6-Apr-24 7-Apr-24 11:00 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Dante C. Silao
Almohammed Ali
Accepted open no Yes no no
building ,first floor as per attached highlighted drawing HA-021038-002.
Visual inspection for installation of 2-4"square telecom outlet box embedded in Installation of West Wing of Zone-5, Mr. Ammar
48 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-048 1406139636 TELECOM wall (F01-02-SW2-33 and 34) for wireless access point(AP) at west wing of zone 5, Telecom Outlet Box Main Building SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5925 6-Apr-24 7-Apr-24 11:30 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Dante C. Silao
Almohammed Ali
Accepted open no Yes no no
main building ,first floor as per attached highlighted drawing HA-021038-002.
Visual inspection for installation of 1-1" PVC Conduits embedded in column (F01- Installation of PVC West Wing of Zone-5, Mr. Ammar
50 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-050 1406177250 TELECOM 03-SW10-24/NVR01-L01-19) for CCTV at east wing of zone 5, main building ,first conduit Main Building SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5922 14-Apr-24 15-Apr-24 9:30 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Dante C. Silao
Almohammed Ali
Accepted open no Yes no no
floor as per attached highlighted drawing HA-021038-003.
Visual inspection for installation of 1-4"square telecom outlet box embedded in Installation of West Wing of Zone-5, Mr. Ammar
51 CRCC-CAD-RFI-TEL-051 1406177293 TELECOM column (F01-03-SW10-24/NVR01-L01-19) for CCTV at east wing of zone 5, main Telecom Outlet Box Main Building SATIP-T-916-01 SAIC-T-5925 14-Apr-24 15-Apr-24 10:00 AM ABDUL RAHMAN Dante C. Silao
Almohammed Ali
Accepted open no Yes no no
building ,first floor as per attached highlighted drawing HA-021038-003.
CONTRACT NO: 6601000138 BI No. 10-02403-0002
Soil Sampling for Sub-base course and base course. Vendor: Falleh
1 CO#06-RFI-001 Civil Mohammed AL Hajri Soil Sampling New Access Road 12-Feb-24 9:00 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
2 CO#06-RFI-002 Civil Material receiving for Curb Stone and Interlock as per delivery note Material Receiving New Access Road 13-Feb-24 9:00 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
4 CO#06-RFI-004 Civil Material receiving for Red tiles as per delivery note Material Receiving New Access Road 14-Feb-24 9:00 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
Material receiving for LV cable and Grounding Cable as per delivery
5 CO#06-RFI-005 Electrical note (DN 40145020) Material Receiving New Access Road 20-Feb-24 9:00 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
8 CO#06-RFI-008 Plumbing Material receiving for Plumbing Accessories as per delivery note Material Receiving New Access Road 26-Feb-24 8:15 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
9 CO#06-RFI-009 Electrical Material receiving for RGS conduits as per delivery note Material Receiving New Access Road 26-Feb-24 8:30 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
10 CO#06-RFI-010 Electrical Sand bedding for RGS conduits as per highlighted drawing Backfilling New Access Road 26-Feb-24 8:45 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
11 CO#06-RFI-011 Electrical Installation for RGS conduits as per highlighted drawing Installation New Access Road 26-Feb-24 9:00 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
12 CO#06-RFI-012 Electrical Sand covering for RGS conduits as per highlighted drawing Backfilling New Access Road 26-Feb-24 9:15 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
13 CO#06-RFI-013 Electrical Red tiles installation for RGS conduits as per highlighted drawing Installation New Access Road 26-Feb-24 9:30 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
Compaction testing for General Fill "First Layer" under new access
18 CO#06-RFI-018 Civil road as per highlighted drawing Compaction testing New Access Road 26-Feb-24 8:00 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
Compaction testing for General Fill "Second Layer" under new access
19 CO#06-RFI-019 Civil road as per highlighted drawing Compaction testing New Access Road 2-Mar-24 8:00 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
Compaction testing for General Fill "Third Layer" under new access
20 CO#06-RFI-020 Civil road as per highlighted drawing Compaction testing New Access Road 3-Mar-24 8:00 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
Visual Inspection for red tile installation for LV Cable as per attached
22 CO#06-RFI-022 Civil drawing. Installation New Access Road 4-Mar-24 8:30 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
Compaction testing for General Fill "4th Layer" under new access road
23 CO#06-RFI-023 Civil as per highlighted drawing Compaction testing New Access Road 4-Mar-24 2:00 PM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
Compaction testing for General Fill "5th Layer" under new access road
24 CO#06-RFI-024 Civil as per highlighted drawing Compaction testing New Access Road 4-Mar-24 4:00 PM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
Compaction testing for Sand Bedding under HDPE pipe at new access
25 CO#06-RFI-025 Civil road as per highlighted drawing Compaction testing New Access Road 4-Mar-24 3:00 PM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
26 CO#06-RFI-026 Civil Sand covering above redtiles for LV cable as per highlighted drawing Backfilling New Access Road 6-Mar-24 2:00 PM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
Compaction testing for Sand "2nd Layer" above RGS conduit for
27 CO#06-RFI-027 Civil Grounding and LV Cable as per highlighted drawing Compaction testing New Access Road 6-Mar-24 2:15 PM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
28 CO#06-RFI-028 Civil Sand covering above GRP Pipe as per highlighted drawing Backfilling New Access Road 6-Mar-24 2:30 PM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
Visual Inspection for yellow tape installation for electric trench as per
29 CO#06-RFI-029 Civil attached drawing. Installation New Access Road 6-Mar-24 2:45 PM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
Compaction testing for General fill between GRP pipe towards CRCC
30 CO#06-RFI-030 Civil gate at new access road as per highlighted drawing Compaction testing New Access Road 6-Mar-24 8:00 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
35 CO#06-RFI-035 Civil Redtile installation above LV cable as per highlighted drawing Installation New Access Road 12-Mar-24 10:00 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer On Hold
36 CO#06-RFI-036 Civil Application of Prime Coating (MC-70) at new access road Application New Access Road 13-Mar-24 8:00 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
37 CO#06-RFI-037 Civil Compaction testing for Canopy Foundation as per highlighted drawing Compaction testing New Access Road 19-Mar-24 8:00 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
Visual inspection for Demolishing for Guard Rail, chain link fence,
39 CO#06-RFI-039 Civil plants demolishing, curb stone including interlock, asphalt cutting as Visual Inspection New Access Road 21-Mar-24 8:00 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
per highlighted drawing
42 CO#06-RFI-042 Civil Material receiving for Zamil AC 2ton (4ea) as per DN 0003-02-12269. Material Receiving New Access Road 24-Mar-24 10:00 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
44 CO#06-RFI-044 Mechanical Material receiving for Circulation Pump as per DN No.1653 Material Receiving New Access Road 1-Apr-24 9:00 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer On Hold
Material receiving for Kitchen Sink with Countertop and Vent Cowl as
45 CO#06-RFI-045 Civil per DN No.099 Material Receiving New Access Road 1-Apr-24 9:30 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer On Hold
46 CO#06-RFI-046 Civil Material receiving for Road signages e as per DN No. 684 Material Receiving New Access Road 1-Apr-24 10:00 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer On Hold
50 CO#06-RFI-050 Civil Asphalt (Binder Course) Receiving, Placement and testing inspection Application New Access Road 5-Apr-24 8:00 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
51 CO#06-RFI-051 Civil Asphalt (Binder Course) Core Density Testing Application New Access Road 6-Apr-24 6:00 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer On Hold
52 CO#06-RFI-052 Civil Application of Tack Coating (RC-70) at new access road Application New Access Road 6-Apr-24 7:00 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer On Hold
53 CO#06-RFI-053 Civil Asphalt (Wearing Course) Receiving, Placement and testing inspection Application New Access Road 6-Apr-24 8:00 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer Accepted
54 CO#06-RFI-054 Civil Asphalt (Wearing Course) Core Density Testing Application New Access Road 7-Apr-24 8:00 AM Hussain Mr.Tameer On Hold
1 RFI-Z7-001 Civil Compaction Testing for under Foundation of Store building 1 at Zone-7 Compaction Testing Zone 7 SATIP-A-114-01 SAIC-A-1005 26-Mar-24 9:00 AM Hussain Mr. Witness Tinarwo Accepted
as per attached highlighted drawing.