Evolution in Sink-Erator
Evolution in Sink-Erator
Evolution in Sink-Erator
– XX
English only (UK, Hong Kong, Ireland, and Saudi Arabia)
9 7.1 9.1
10 16 (Evolution) 200-1 34.4 cm 18.5 cm 6.4 cm 23.4 cm 16.8 cm
(Evolution) 100-1 31.2 cm 17.1 cm 6.4 cm 20.5 cm 16.8 cm 45+, 50+, 55+, 60+, 65+ MODELS
1b 17 Model 65+1E 31.8 cm 16.6 cm 6.5 cm 20.0 cm 13.1 cm 10 12.1 12.2 12.3
12 Model 50+1E,
2 18 +1E A/S
30.8 cm 16.6 cm 6.5 cm 19.4 cm 13.1 cm
2 LC-50
5 5.1 8 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7
23 3.4
6 24
33 mm
7 15
Evolution 100: Model 45 + :
8 11
• Pat. No. GB1633933 • European Registered Design No. 001332225-0002
77348 REV A
Food waste disposers can provide an environmentally responsible alternative to transporting food waste to landfills. And they can help reduce greenhouse gas 1. Disposer height. This specification label contains important information the owner will need to AIR SWITCH (EVOLUTION 200, EVOLUTION 100, MODELS 65+, OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (EVOLUTION MODELS AND MODELS DON’T... CLEANING DISPOSER
1. Turn mounting assembly over (see Figure 4.1) and loosen three mounting NOTICE
emissions. At capable wastewater treatment plants, food waste can be recycled to produce renewable energy. Additionally, capable wastewater treatment plants know in the event service is required. Place the portion of the specification 60+,55+ A/S, 50+ A/S AND 45+ A/S) 65+ and 60+) • DON’T POUR GREASE, OIL OR FAT DOWN YOUR DISPOSER OR ANY Over time, grease/food particles may accumulate in the grind chamber
2. Distance from bottom of sink bowl to centerline of discharge outlet. (Add screws (1) until you can access snap ring (2).
can process food waste into fertilizer. (Check the plant in your area). PERSONAL INJURY PROPERTY DAMAGE PERSONAL INJURY label removed in Step 8.2 somewhere easily visible to the user. ELECTRICAL SHOCK The Evolution 200, Evolution 100, Model 65+, Model 60+, Model 55+ A/S, 1. Remove strainer basket and plug from sink opening and run cold water. DRAIN. It can build up in pipes and cause drain blockages. Put grease in and baffle, causing an unpleasant odor. To clean the disposer:
12 mm when stainless steel sink is used.) 2. Use screwdriver to pry snap ring off of sink flange. Mounting assembly can When using electronic appliances, basic precautions are always to
Read through the entire installation manual before installing the disposer. Determine which of the tools, materials, and accessories you will need before you begin. To avoid personal injury, do not position your head or body under • All Evolution 200 and Evolution 100 models must be connected to To avoid personal injury, do not position your head or body under • If three-prong, earth (grounded) plug is used, plug must be inserted Model 50+ A/S and Model 45+ A/S disposers include a built-in air switch be followed, including: 2. Turn on wall switch or press air switch (see Figure 12.1) to start disposer. a jar or can and dispose in the trash. 1. Turn off disposer and disconnect power supply.
3. Distance from centerline of the discharge outlet to end of discharge tube. now be disassembled. (Brushed Nickel and Chrome finishes). An air switch activates/turns off the
Make sure you have all necessary disposer parts before installing the disposer. disposer; the unit could fall during installation. the supplied tailpipe with the supplied spring type hose clamp (See disposer; the unit could fall during installation. into three-hole, earth (grounded) receptacle. • DON’T use hot water when grinding food waste. It is OK to drain hot water
4. Disposer width. IF YOU ARE NOT CONNECTING A DISHWASHER unit by sending a pulse of air to the control box. • If the air switch or wall switch fails to shut off or turn on disposer, 3. Slowly insert food waste into disposer and position strainer basket and 2. Reach through sink opening and clean underside of splash baffle
NOTE: The Evolution models grind much finer than any other disposer. For this reason you may notice that it takes a little longer to grind some food waste. Due to Figure 7.1). Failure to use the supplied tubes and spring type hose TO DISPOSER, SKIP AHEAD TO INSTRUCTION 11. • Do not modify plug provided with unit (if applicable). unplug power cord plug and contact your qualified trade person. plug in upright position (allowing water to run through) to minimize noise into the disposer between grinding periods. and inside upper lip of grind chamber with scouring pad.
the Evolution 200 model’s microprocessor, users will experience a fractional second delay when starting on all Evolution 200 models. This is completely normal. 5. Distance from disposer vertical centerline to centerline of trap connection.
To properly drain and prevent standing water in the disposer, the waste pipe 5 ATTACH UPPER MOUNTING ASSEMBLY TO SINK clamp will void the guarantee and possibly cause premature failure of
the Anti-Vibration Tailpipe Mount™.
Clear any objects from inside the disposer grind chamber before mounting • Improper connection of equipment earth (grounded) conductor can
The air switch includes two different button finishes. If you wish to change the • This product is designed to dispose of normal household food waste; and possible ejection of material while grinding (See Figure 12.2). • DON’T turn off water or disposer until grinding is completed and only 3. Place stopper in sink opening and fill sink halfway with warm water.
NOTE: Make sure that the installation of this appliance is allowed by the authorities. the disposer to the sink. DISHWASHER ATTACHMENT result in electric shock. inserting materials other than food waste into disposer could cause 4. After grinding is complete, turn disposer off and run water for at least 15 sound of motor and water running is heard.
entering the wall must be lower than the disposer discharge outlet. • Do not use plumber’s putty on any other disposer connection. Do not button finish (optional), simply pry off the existing button and snap the other 4. Mix 60 ml baking soda with water. Turn disposer on and remove
TOOLS & MATERIALS YOU WILL NEED: ELECTRICAL SHOCK 1. This product must be installed so that the red motor reset button, power AND OVERFLOW CONNECTION • All wiring must comply with local electrical codes. button finish onto the bellows. (See Figure 11.2) personal injury and/or property damage. To reduce the risk of injury, seconds to flush drain line. • DON’T grind fibrous materials like corn husks, artichokes, etc., in any stopper from sink at same time to wash away loose particles.
Reference Figure 5.1. use thread sealants or pipe dope. These may harm disposer and cause
Slotted Screwdriver, Adjustable Pliers, Safety Glasses supply cord plug and earth ground receptacle are readily accessible. • Do not attach earth wire (ground wire) to gas supply pipe. do not use the sink containing the disposer for purposes other than 5. Strainer basket and plug also acts as a stopper in the lower position. (See Model 45+, 50+, 55+, 65+ or 60+ to avoid possible pipe blockage. Also avoid
• To avoid electrical shock, disconnect power before removing any existing 1. Place one of two rubber gaskets (2) under sink flange (1). Ensure sink hole property damage. 1. Drill a 33 mm wide hole into the kitchen work top, or the corner of the sink RELEASING DISPOSER JAM
If you have a sink overflow, it should be connected to the overflow inlet on
Keep this space clear of all objects. • Do not reconnect electrical current at main service panel until proper food preparation (such as baby bathing or washing hair). Figure 12.3) grinding animal skins in these models.
TOOLS, MATERIALS, AND ACCESSORIES YOU MAY NEED: disposer. Turn off electrical power at fuse box or circuit breaker or if unit, at the most convenient point for use. Some sink units may already If the motor stops while the disposer is operating, the disposer may be
DISCONNECT AND CLEAN SINK DRAIN equipped unplug disposer electrical power plug from wall outlet.
area is clear of debris and place sink flange/gasket into sink hole. You may • Regularly inspect disposer and plumbing fittings for water leaks,
2. Prior to connecting disposer to mounting assembly, detach the perforated
the tailpipe (see Figure 10.1).
earth (grounded) outlets are installed by a qualified electrician. • This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) • DON’T grind raw chicken or duck feet in any disposer.
Phillips Screwdriver, Drain Auger, 9.5 mm Electrical Clamp, 38 mm Drain Trap, 33 mm Hole Drill, Hammer, Hacksaw, Water Hose Clamp, Pipe Wrench, Copper Earth wish to place a weighted object in the sink to hold the sink flange in place. as water leaks can cause property damage. Manufacturer cannot have a suitable hole in them which can be exposed by removing the cap. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (MODELS 55+, 50+, 45+) jammed. To release jam:
Wire, Dishwasher Drain Connection Kit, Electrical On/Off Switch, Drain Tube Extension portion of the specification label found at the base of the disposer, and set To connect the overflow, remove the plug in the tailpipe by unscrewing the • If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of 1. Remove stopper from sink opening and run cold water. • DON’T grind non-food waste of any kind.
• Improper connection of equipment earth (grounded) conductor can (Place a towel under object to prevent scratching.) be held responsible for property damage as a result of water leaks. 2. Remove the nut from the push button bellows, while keeping the stainless 1. Turn disposer power and water off.
aside for Instruction 9. (See Figure 8.1) overflow connector cap (see Figure 10.2). manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified-persons in order experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision
result in electric shock. steel washer and rubber gasket in place. Push one end of the PVC tubing 2. Turn on wall switch or press air switch (see Figure 12.1) to start disposer. • DON’T use this appliance to dispose of hard materials such as glass and metal.
2. Working from under the sink, slip second rubber gasket (2), fiber gasket Connect the hose from the dishwasher to the disposer inlet using a or instruction concerning use of appliance by a person responsible for 2. Insert one end of the self-service wrenchette into the center hole on
3. Lift disposer, insert top end (mounting gasket) into mounting assembly. to avoid a hazard.
PARTS LIST (May vary depending on model) PERSONAL INJURY
(optional) (3) and metal backup flange (4) (flat side up) over the sink flange. DISCHARGE TUBE INSTALLATION (EVOLUTION 200 AND EVOLUTION 100)
Position disposer with three mounting tabs (1) aligned in position to slide dishwasher drain connection kit with a hose clamp (not provided).
onto the spout of the push button bellows, feed the other end of the tube their safety. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not 3. Slowly insert food waste into disposer and position stopper to minimize • DON’T fill disposer with a lot of food waste all at once. Instead, turn the the bottom of the disposer (see Figure 12.5). Work the wrenchette
Holding second rubber gasket, fiber gasket (optional) and metal backup Place discharge tube (2) into Anti-Vibration Tailpipe Mount™. Secure with spring through the hole in the work top and through the nut underneath the work play with disposer. To reduce the risk of injury, close supervision is possible ejection of material while grinding. (See Figure 12.4) water and disposer on first and then feed the food waste in gradually. back and forth until it turns one full revolution. Remove wrenchette.
Wearing safety glasses is recommended during the installation of the type hose clamp (1). (See Figure 7.1) over mounting tracks (2) (see Figure 8.2). NOTE: In the UK, waste trap kit, which does not include the sink overflow kit, top. (See Figure 11.3)
MOUNTING ASSEMBLY DISPOSER DISCHARGE ASSEMBLY #1 DISCHARGE ASSEMBLY #3 1. If your disposer is equipped with an electric plug and cord connection, flange in place, slip mounting ring (5) over sink flange so it seats against required when an appliance is used near children. 4. After grinding is complete, turn disposer off and run water for at least • DON’T waste food. Nearly a quarter of the food we buy is thrown away 3. Reach into the disposer with tongs and remove object(s). Allow the
food waste disposer. unplug power plug from electrical wall outlet. backup flange. 4. Turn lower mounting ring to right (with wrenchette or adjustable pliers) until is available from your local InSinkErator dealer.
1a. Strainer Basket and Plug 9. Mounting Gasket/Splash Baffle (Evolution models) (LC-50 for household installation) DISCHARGE TUBE INSTALLATION (MODELS 65+, 60+, 55+, 50+, 45+) NOTE: You must have access to a separate circuit wall socket that is 3. Fit the push button bellows in the hole and then thread the nut underneath • When attempting to loosen a jam in the food waste disposer, switch 15 seconds to flush drain line. untouched: salad, bread and cakes and fruit head the list. Three tips to disposer motor to cool for 3 - 5 minutes and lightly push red
1. Install two square nuts (3) in pockets of discharge outlet. (See Figure 7.2) mounting tabs lock over ridges (3) on mounting ring tracks (see Figure 8.3). earth (grounded) to main service panel. Any additional socket should the work top until it is hand tight. Do not use a wrench to tighten the nut.
(Evolution models) (Models 55+, 50+, 45+) 16. Hose Clamp 23. Bolt (1) 19 mm 1/4-20 UNC If your disposer is not equipped with an electrical plug and cord 3. With the rubber gasket, fiber gasket (optional), backup flange, and off or unplug the appliance before attempting to free a jammed rotor. DO... stop waste and save you money: only buy, or cook, the portions you need reset button on the underside of the disposer for Evolution 200
Make sure all three mounting tabs are locked over ridges. Disposer will be fitted by a qualified electrician and properly earthed (grounded). The (See Figure 11.4)
1b. Stainless Steel Stopper 10. Sound Baffle (Evolution Models, 17. Elbow Discharge Tube 24. Rubber Gasket DISCONNECT SINK DRAIN connection, contact an electrician to disconnect the old disposer plus mounting ring tight against sink bottom, slide snap ring (7) onto sink 2. Place metal flange (5) over discharge tube (7). Insert rubber gasket (4) with Use a self service wrenchette as described in the Releasing Disposer • First turn on cold water and then turn on the disposer. Continue running cold for the meal; check the fridge and cupboard for food you haven’t eaten – and Evolution 100 models (see Figure 12.6), or on the side of the
now hang by itself. disposer is fitted with a power supply cord plug.
(Models 65+, 60+, LC-50) Models 65+ and 60+) (38 mm diameter) 25. Metal Flange 1. Loosen nuts (1) at top of trap (4) with pipe wrench. Remove trap. install an earth (grounded) electrical wall outlet for the new disposer flange until it pops into groove on flange. gasket lip facing the metal flange into discharge tube. (See Figure 7.2) 4. Take the other end of the air tube and firmly push it over the spout of the Jam section. water for 15 seconds after grinding is completed to flush the drain line. make it your next snack or freeze it; and make sure you leave that food off disposer for Models 65+, 60+,55+, 50+, or 45+ (see Figure 12.7). (If
1c. Plastic Stopper (Model 45+, 11. Mounting Gasket (Evolution Models, 26. Elbow Discharge Tube (See Figure 2.1) connection that must be compliant to all local electrical codes. 5. For Evolution Models, Models 65+ and Model 60+, Insert sound baffle into air switch, which is located on the underside of the waste disposer on your next shopping list! the motor remains inoperative, check the service panel for tripped
DISCHARGE ASSEMBLY #2 4. Tighten three mounting screws (6) up to sink until mounting assembly is 3. Secure metal flange and discharge tube to disposer with two 13 mm bolts (6). ON/OFF CONTROL • Use long-handled tongs or pliers to remove objects from disposer. • Grind small amounts of hard material such as bones, fruit pits, and ice. A
50+, 55+) Models 65+ and 60+) (38 mm diameter) sink opening, with flat side upward. (See Figure 8.4) Evolution 200 and Evolution 100 models (see Figure 11.5), or on the side circuit breakers or blown fuses.)
(Models 65+, 60+, 55+, 50+, 45+) 2. Loosen nut (2) at top of extension pipe. Remove extension pipe. 2. Disconnect drain trap from disposer waste discharge tube with seated tightly and evenly against sink. There are two types of controls for continuous-feed disposers: a double-pole scouring action is created by the particles inside the grind chamber.
2. Sink Flange 12. Lower Mounting Ring DISCHARGE TUBE INSTALLATION (LC-50) 6. Rotate disposer so that discharge tube is aligned with drain trap. (To of the disposer on Models 65+, 60+, 55+ A/S, 50+ A/S or 45+ A/S • To reduce the risk of injury by materials that are expellable by a waste
18. Square Nuts (2) 3. Remove nut (3) at base of sink flange. adjustable pliers (see Figure 3.1). Also disconnect dishwasher drain IF YOU ARE NOT CONNECTING A DISHWASHER switch and an air switch (built in for Evolution 200, Evolution 100, Model 65+,
3. Rubber Gaskets (2) 13. Dishwasher Inlet 1. Place metal flange (10) over discharge tube (11). (See Figure 7.3) prevent leaks, do not pull or bend discharge tube to drain trap.) If discharge (see Figure 11.6). disposer, do not operate Evolution disposers without the sound baffle • Grind peelings from citrus fruits to freshen up drain smells.
19. Bolts (2) 13 mm 1/4-20 UNC connection, if applicable. TO DISPOSER, SKIP AHEAD TO INSTRUCTION 7. Model 60+, Model 55+ A/S , Model 50+ A/S and Model 45+ A/S; available as Models IN-HOME FULL SERVICE GUARANTEE
4. Fiber Gasket (optional) 14. Discharge Outlet 4. Push strainer up through sink hole and remove it. (See Figure 2.2) 2. Insert rubber gasket (8) with the gasket lip facing the metal flange tube is too short, you can purchase an extension from hardware store. in place (see Figure 8.4). Place stopper in sink opening as shown in Evolution® 200/
20. Rubber Gasket 3. Support disposer with one hand and insert end of wrenchette or an accessory on all other models). DISABLING THE AIR SWITCH • Grind food waste with minimum cold water flow of 6 liters per minute. 45+/50+/ Evolution® 100
5. Backup Flange 15. Wrenchette 5. Clean sink flange area of any putty or other debris. into discharge tube (gasket may be pre-fitted in discharge tube). (Disposer must remain in vertical position to prevent vibration.) Figure 12.2 or 12.4. Do not put the following into a disposer: clam or LC-50
21. Metal Flange screwdriver into right side of one mounting lug on lower mounting ring The air switch can be disabled if wall switch operation is preferred. • Grind common food waste, such as fruits, vegetables, meats, bones, coffee 55+/60+/65+
6. Mounting Ring REMOVAL OF KNOCKOUT PLUG Secure metal flange and discharge tube to disposer with one DOUBLE POLE SWITCH (1): oyster shells, caustic drain cleaners or similar products, glass, china, Warranty is determined by the unit serial number and the date of
22. Elbow Discharge Tube NOTE: The sink hole may have to be enlarged to accept the disposer (see Figure 3.2). Lift disposer slightly and remove from mounting by 7. Place nut, then ferrule on discharge tube and tighten on drain trap. (If you The disposer is shipped with the switch in the “off ” position. grounds, etc.
7. Screws (3) FOR DISHWASHER CONNECTION 19 mm bolt (9) (Gasket will hold in place). If a wall switch (not supplied) is required for your installation, it must have on/ or plastic, large (whole) bones, metal (such as bottle caps, steel shot, Everyday installation. Purchase or installation receipt may be required to verify
(38 mm diameter) sink flange. Sink hole enlargement tools are available from your pushing or pulling wrenchette or screwdriver to left (disposer may be have a double sink, use separate drain traps for both sides of sink.) 1. Push one end of the PVC tubing provided onto the spout of the push
8. Snap Ring off markings and be installed by a qualified tradeperson. It should be located tin cans, or utensils), hot grease or other hot liquids. • Switch off or unplug the appliance before attempting to free a jammed √ √ √ warranty status.
InSinkErator dealer. heavy; provide support). food waste
Wastewater from a dishwasher can be plumbed into the disposer through 8. Ensure lower mounting ring is still securely locked over ridges on mounting in a convenient position above the work surface with a minimum of 3 mm button bellows. (See Figure 11.3) • Replace sound baffle/mounting gasket/splash baffle when worn to help disposer with the wrenchette.
CLEAN SINK DRAIN 4. Loosen three mounting screws, pry snap ring off with screwdriver, the inlet access on the upper part of the disposer. There is a plug on the flange. (See Figure 8.3) contact separation between each pole. Connect to a 20 amp earth (grounded) 2. Take the other end of the air tube and firmly push it over the spout of the prevent entry or ejection of material and water. Vegetable peels √ √ √ Evolution 200-1: 6 years Evolution 100-1: 5 years
Warning indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. • Maintain the area around the disposer free of any objects to be sure you have
Failure to clean sink waste pipe line may result in waste pipe blockage. and remove old mounting assembly (see Figure 3.3). Some mounting inside of the inlet tube on all models. Once removed, the knockout plug wall socket (2) using a 20 amp cable. (See Figure 11.1) air switch, which is located on the underside of the waste disposer on Model 65+1E: 4 years Model 60+1E: 4 years
• When not using disposer, leave stopper in place to reduce risk of objects access to the disposer reset button.
With drain auger, clear away all hardened waste material in horizontal drain assembly removal requires additional tools. cannot be replaced. See instructions for DISABLING THE AIR SWITCH. Evolution 200 and Evolution 100 models (see Figure 11.5), or on the side Plant fibre, Avoid grinding large Model 55+1E, +1E A/S: 3 years Model 50+1E, +1E A/S: 3 years
Caution indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury. falling into disposer. Make sure disposer power switch is turned off. X √
line running from drain trap to main pipe. of the disposer on Model 65+, 60+, 55+ A/S, 50+ A/S, or 45+ A/S animal skins amounts at once Model 45+1E, +1E A/S: 2 years Model LC-50-13: 1 year
5. Push old sink flange up through sink hole (see Figure 3.4). NOTE: If the dishwasher connection is made without removing the plug,
NOTICE Notice is used to address practices not related to personal injury. (see Figure 11.6). • Before pressing reset button, attempting to clear jam, or removing
When installing in new construction, cleaning the sink waste pipe line is the dishwasher may overflow. (Connections must comply with local
objects from inside disposer, make sure disposer power switch is Avoid grinding
not necessary. plumbing codes.) 3. Depress the air switch one time until you hear the switch “click.” Remove Bones √ √ SERVICE
turned off. large bones
REMOVE KNOCKOUT PLUG and discard the push button bellows and PVC tubing. The disposer may If service is required, contact an InSinkErator Authorized Service
now be activated by a wall switch. • Do not insert hands or fingers into disposer.
InSinkErator InSinkErator KAL Group 1. Lay disposer on its side and insert slotted screwdriver into dishwasher inlet Center (See enclosed list) or your dealer. Guarantees are void if you
Suite 6, Building 6 Emerson Electric Co. 4078 Kingswood Road,
IF REPLACING AN EXISTING DISPOSER, so tip rests on outer edge of knockout plug. • FIRE HAZARD: Do not store flammable items such as rags, paper, remove your disposer after installation and attempt to repair it, or if the
Hatters Lane, 4700 21st Street Citywest Business Park CONTINUE WITH INSTRUCTION 3. or aerosol cans near disposer. Do not store or use gasoline or other disposer is used for commercial purposes.
2. Tap end of screwdriver handle with hammer until molded plug breaks The disposer installation is complete. Read all operating and safety
Croxley Green Business Park Racine, WI 53406-5093 Dublin, Ireland flammable vapors and liquids in vicinity of disposer.
loose. (See Figure 6.1) instructions in Instruction 12 before operating the disposer.
Watford HERTS WD18 8YH USA Tel: 01 413 6481, IF THIS IS A FIRST TIME INSTALLATION, • Do not dispose of the following in the disposer: paints, solvents,
3. Remove loose knockout plug from inside disposer. (See Figure 6.2) Lastly, place stopper in sink in close position. Fill sink with water,
United Kingdom Sales/Service 01 413 6400 SKIP AHEAD TO INSTRUCTION 4. remove stopper, turn disposer on and check for leaks.
household cleaners and chemicals, automotive fluids, plastic wrap.
Sales Tel: (0) 1 923 297 880 Tel: 262-554-3652 Fax: 01 413 6464
Service Tel: (0) 800 389 3715 www.insinkerator.com/worldmap.html Email: info@kal.ie
– XX
12.3 12.2 12.1 ۱۳٫۱ﺳﻡ ۲۰٫۰ﺳﻡ ٦٫٥ﺳﻡ ۱٦٫٦ﺳﻡ ۳۱٫۸ﺳﻡ ﺍﻟﻣﻭﺩﻳﻝ ۱ +٦٥ﻫـ 17 1b
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