Unit 1
Unit 1
Unit 1
Asst. Prof
1.1 Introduction
Earthwork forms the largest activity of a Civil Engineer. It is well understood that irrespective
of the type of civil engineering structure on earth – • It has to be rested either in soil (e.g.,
• Rested on soil (e.g., pavements) or
• The structure is itself constructed making use of soil (e.g., Earthen dams). This
implies that a better knowledge of the spatial variation of the soils encountered is essential.
Therefore, before construction of any civil engineering work a thorough investigation of the
site is essential. Site investigations constitute an essential and important engineering program
which, while guiding in assessing the general suitability of the site for the proposed works,
enables the engineer to prepare an adequate and economic design and to foresee and provide
against difficulties that may arise during the construction phase. Site investigations are
equally necessary in reporting upon the safety or causes of failures of existing works or in
examining the suitability and availability of construction materials.
Site investigation refers to the methodology of determining surface and subsurface features of
the proposed area.
Information on surface conditions is necessary for planning the accessibility of site, for deciding
the disposal of removed material (particularly in urban areas), for removal of surface water in
water logged areas, for movement of construction equipment, and other factors that could affect
construction procedures.
Information on subsurface conditions is more critical requirement in planning and designing the
foundations of structures, dewatering systems, shoring or bracing of excavations, the materials of
construction and site improvement methods.
The knowledge of subsoil conditions at a site is a prerequisite for safe and economical design of
substructure elements. The field and laboratory studies carried out for obtaining the necessary
information about the surface and subsurface features of the proposed area including the
position of the ground water table, are termed as soil exploration or site investigation.
The information from soil investigations will enable a Civil engineer to plan, decide, design, and
execute a construction project. Soil investigations are done to obtain the information that is
useful for one or more of the following purposes.
1. To know the geological condition of rock and soil formation.
2. To establish the groundwater levels and determine the properties of water. 3. To select the
type and depth of foundation for proposed structure
4. To determine the bearing capacity of the site.
5. To estimate the probable maximum and differential settlements.
6. To predict the lateral earth pressure against retaining walls and abutments.
7. To select suitable construction techniques
8. To predict and to solve potential foundation problems
9. To ascertain the suitability of the soil as a construction material.
10. To determine soil properties required for design
11. Establish procedures for soil improvement to suit design purpose
12. To investigate the safety of existing structures and to suggest the remedial measures.
13. To observe the soil the soil performance after construction.
14. To locate suitable transportation routes.
The objectives of soil investigations from various requirements point of view is summarized in
Table 1.1
• document
Phase I. Collection of available information such as a site plan, type, size, and importance of the
structure, loading conditions, previous geotechnical reports, topographic maps, air photographs,
geologic maps, hydrological information and newspaper clippings.
Phase II. Preliminary reconnaissance or a site visit to provide a general picture of the
topography and geology of the site. It is necessary that you take with you on the site visit all the
information gathered in Phase I to compare with the current conditions of the site. Here visual
inspection is done to gather information on topography, soil stratification, vegetation, water
marks, ground water level, and type of construction nearby.
Phase II. Detailed soils exploration. Here we make a detailed planning for soil exploration in
the form trial pits or borings, their spacing and depth. Accordingly, the soil exploration is
carried out. The details of the soils encountered, the type of field tests adopted and the type of
sampling done, presence of water table if met with are recorded in the form of bore log. The soil
samples are properly labeled and sent to laboratory for evaluation of their physical and
engineering properties.
information of stratigraphy
undisturbed samples can be carved out from the pits v) Field tests can be conducted at
the bottom of
the pits
i) Depth limited to about 6m ii) Deep pits uneconomical iii) Excavation below groundwater
and into rock difficult and costly iv) Too many pits may scar site and require backfill soils.
i) Undisturbed sampling is difficult ii) Collapse in granular soils or below ground water table
At least one boring should be taken to a deeper stratum, probably up to the bedrock if
For a small building one bore hole or test pit at the centre can give necessary data
For a building covering not more than 4000 sq.m, one bore hole or test pit at each corner and one
at centre is adequate.
For a large project, the number will depend on its geological features and variation of strata.
Generally a grid of 50 m spacing should be used with a combination of bore holes and sounding
tests. Borehole Spacing- Guidelines
Table 1.2 gives the general guidelines for the spacing of boreholes
Type of project Spacing (m) Spacing (ft)
The depths of boreholes should cover the zone of soil that will be affected by the structural
loads. There is no fixed rule to follow. In most cases, the depths of boreholes are governed by
experience based on the geological character of the ground, the importance of the structure, the
structural loads, and the availability of equipment
4. In compressible soils such as clays, the borings should penetrate at least between I and 3
times the width of the proposed foundation or until the stress increment due to the
heaviest foundation load is less than 10%, whichever is greater.
5. In very stiff clays, borings should penetrate 5-7 m to prove that the thickness of the
stratum is adequate.
6. Borings must penetrate below any fills or very soft deposits below the proposed
7. The minimum depth of boreholes should be 6 m unless bedrock or very dense material is
Area ratio
Inside Clearance
Outside Clearance
Recovery Ratio
Inside wall friction
Design of non-return value Method of applying force
sizes of sampling tubes
Where, D1 = inner diameter of the cutting edge D2 = outer diameter of the cutting edge
It helps in reducing the frictional drag on the sample, and also helps to retain the core.
For an undisturbed sample, the inside clearance should be between 0.5 and 3%.
D2 D4 100
Where D4 = outer diameter of the sample tube
Outside clearance facilitates the withdrawal of the sample from the ground.
L = length of the sample within the tube and
H = Depth of penetration of the sampling tube
Rr = 96 – 98 % for getting a satisfactory undisturbed sample Inside wall friction
• The friction on the inside wall of the sampling tube causes disturbances of the sample.
• Therefore the inside surface of the sampler should be as smooth as possible.
• It is usually smeared with oil before use to reduce friction.
Source: www.geo.sunysb.edu/.../abstracts06/moss-06.htm
Later the pressure is released through a hole in the piston rod. To a large extent, the presence
of the piston prevents distortion in the sample by not letting the soil squeeze into the
sampling tube very fast and by not admitting excess soil.
Consequently, samples obtained in this manner are less disturbed than those obtained by
Shelby tubes.
Bentonite mud or Drilling mud’ is a thin mixture of water and bentonite clay, which can be
mixed in powder form to the drilling water to create higher density suspension.
• It is advantages over water.
• Firstly, it is more viscous and can therefore lift cuttings adequately at a lower velocity.
• Secondly it will cake the edges of the borehole, and the outside of the core, and will
largely eliminate the seepage of water out of the borehole, thus reducing problems of
loss of return.
• Hence, smaller volumes of flush fluid will be required and the fluid may he recirculated
via a settling tank (where the cuttings are allowed to drop out of suspension).
• The cake formed on the outside of the borehole has the effect of considerably improving
Borehole stability and the prevention of softening of weak rock cores Disadvantages
• The bentonite mud-soil cakes are difficult to dispose of, at the end of drilling a borehole.
The mud cannot simply be tipped on the site, and it cannot be discharged into nearby
• Bentonite mud must be properly mixed, using appropriate equipment, in order to ensure
that it is of the correct consistency and does not contain unmixed dry bentonite lumps,
capable of clogging flush ports in the core barrel.
In situ testing is a division of field testing corresponding to the cases where the ground is tested
in-place by instruments that are inserted in or penetrate the ground. In-situ tests are normally
associated with tests for which a borehole either is unnecessary or is only an incidental part of
the overall test procedure, required only to permit insertion of the testing tool or equipment. The
role of specialized in-situ testing for site characterization and the research and development of
in-situ techniques have received considerable attention over the last 15 years or so. The use of
specialized in-situ testing in geotechnical engineering practice is rapidly gaining increased
popularity. In Europe, specialized in-situ testing has been commonly used for more than 25
years. Improvements in apparatus, instrumentation, and technique of deployment, data
acquisition and analysis procedure have been significant. The rapid increase in the number,
diversity and capability of in-situ tests has made it difficult for practicing engineers to keep
abreast of specialized in-situ testing and to fully understand their benefits and limitations. Table
below summarizes the primary advantages and disadvantages of in-situ testing
Usually SPT is carried out at every 0.75-m vertical interval or at the change of stratum in
a borehole. This can be increased to 1.5 m if the depth of borehole is large. Due to the presence
of boulders or rocks, it may not be possible to drive the sampler to a distance of 450 mm. In
such a case, the N value can be recorded for the first 300-mm penetration. The boring log shows
refusal and the test is halted if:
(i) 50 blows are required for any 150 mm penetration
(ii) 100 blows are required for 300 penetration
(iii) 10 successive blows produce no advance
f the test are as follows: (i) The drill rods should be of standard specification and should not be in
bent condition
(ii) The split spoon sampler must be in good condition and the cutting shoe must be free
from wear and tear
(iii) The drop hammer must be of right weight and the fall should be free, frictionless and
(iv) The height of fall must be exactly 750 mm. Any change in this will seriously affect the N
In spite of all these imperfections, SPT is still extensively used because the test is simple
and relatively economical. It is the only test that provides representative soil samples both for
visual inspection in the field and for natural moisture content and classification tests in the
laboratory. Because of its wide usage, a number of time-tested correlations between N value and
soil parameters are available, mainly for cohesionless soils. Even design charts for shallow
foundations resting on cohesionless soils have been developed on the basis of N values. The use
of N values for cohesive soils is limited, since the compressibility of such soils is not reflected
by N values.
SPT values obtained in the field for sand have to be corrected before they are used in
empirical correlations and design charts. IS: 2131 – 1981 recommends that the field value of N
corrected for two effects, namely,
(a) effect of overburden pressure, and (b) effect of dilatancy
N 'c = CN NR
CN = 0.77log10 2000σ′
Dilatancy correction is to be applied when N′c obtained after overburden correction, exceeds 15
in saturated fine sands and silts. IS: 2131 – 1981 incorporates the Terzaghi and Peck
recommended dilatancy correction (when N′c > 15) using the equation
N′c > 15 is an indication of a dense sand, based on the assumption that critical void ratio occurs
at approximately N′c = 15. The fast rate of application of shear through the blows of a drop
hammer is likely to induce negative pore water pressure in saturated fine sand under undrained
condition of loading. Consequently, a transient increase in shear resistance will occur, leading to
a SPT value higher than the actual one.
The angle of shearing resistance (ϕ) of the cohesionless soil depends upon the number N. In
general, greater the N-value, greater is the angle of shearing resistance. Table below gives the
average values of ϕ for different ranges of N
> 45o
(a) (b)
Fig.1.11 Cone penetration set up
It is a non-intrusive method of “seeing” into the ground. Unlike direct sampling and
analysis, such as obtaining a soil or water sample and sending it to a laboratory, the
Once an overall characterization of a site has been made using geophysical methods and
anomalous zones identified, drilling and sampling programmes are made more effective
locating boreholes and monitoring wells to provide samples that are representative
of both anomalous and background conditions;
minimizing the number of borings, samples, piezometers and monitoring wells
required to characterize accurately a site;
reducing field investigation time and cost; and significantly improving the
accuracy of the overall investigation.
This approach yields a much greater confidence in the final results, with fewer
borings or wells, and an overall cost savings.
It makes good sense to minimize the number of monitoring wells at a site while
optimizing the location of those installed.
geophones. Sound moves faster in the lower layer than the upper, so at some point, the
wave refracted along that surface will overtake the direct wave. This refracted wave is
then the first arrival at all subsequent geophones, at least until it is in turn overtaken by a
deeper, faster refraction. The difference in travel time of this wave arrival between
geophones depends on the velocity of the lower layer. If that layer is plane and level, the
refraction arrivals form a straight line whose slope corresponds directly to that velocity.
Fig. 1.16 Plot of Travel time versus distance obtained from seismic refraction method
Now at critical distance d1(or dc), both the primary wave and refracted wave arrive
simultaneously. Therefore,
H1 = d2 1 v 22 −−v 11 --------
v v
1.12.6Applicability of Seismic refraction method
This equation gives reliable results when the waves
soft layer.
1.13 Surface Resistivity Methods These methods make use of Electromagnetic Wave
Geophysics. These are nondestructive methods, non-invasive and are conducted across
surface. Here measurements of electrical & magnetic properties of the ground namely,
resistivity (conductivity), permittivity, dielectric, and magnetic fields are measured. They
cover wide spectrum in frequencies (10 Hz < f < 1022 Hz).
The popular and most widely used surface resistivity methods are:
Electrical Profiling Method
Electrical Sounding Method
Where, a = distance
between electrodes (m)
V = potential drop between the inner electrodes i = current flowing between
the outer electrodes (Amps) a = Mean resistivity (Ohm-m)
The calculated value is the apparent resistivity, which is the weighted average of all
materials within the zone created by the electrical field of the electrodes. The depth of
material included in the measurement is approximately the same as the spacing between
the electrodes. The electrodes are moved as a group, and different profile lines are run
5 Gravel 150-
The following graphic presentations also need to be attached to the soil exploration
1. Site location map
2. Location of borings with respect to the proposed structure
3. Boring logs
4. Laboratory test results
5. Other special presentations
The boring log is the graphic representation of the details gathered from each borehole. Fig.
1.18 shows a typical boring log.
3. Distinguish between undisturbed, disturbed and representative sample of soil. List the
category of lab tests for which each sample type is acceptable?
4. Explain briefly spacing and depth of boring adopted for various civil engineering
structures. [8 M – VTU – July/Aug 2003]
5. 2. List the methods of soil exploration . Describe with a neat sketch wash boring method
of soil exploration. [10 M – VTU –July 2006]
6. 3. Indicate number and depth of boring adopted for various civil engineering structures.
[6 M – VTU – Dec/Jan 2007]
8. Determine the area ratios of the samplers of the following data and comment on the
Diamete D Di
r o (mm)
Split spoon 5 35
sampler 0
Drive tube 10 90
Shelby tube 5 47
Where, Do = Outside diameter of sampling tube
11. Describe Standard penetration test and its application in foundation engineering
13. Explain Standard penetration test [4 M – VTU – Dec 08/Jan09- 2002 Scheme]