S.5 Divinity Paper 4 - Sex - TR Harriet
S.5 Divinity Paper 4 - Sex - TR Harriet
S.5 Divinity Paper 4 - Sex - TR Harriet
Sex can is defined as an intimate physical intercourse between male and female for purposes of
attaining pleasure and producing children.
The urge for sexual intercourse is the best instinct in man, just like it is in animals, birds and
other mobile life. In man however, sex is a sacred institution and a conduit by which biological
reproduction by natural means is possible.
Unlike in African Traditional Society sex is disrespected today and its sacredness has
degenerated. Today sexual intercourse among the unmarried is at a high rate.
Virginity is no longer taken as an issue today and some girls boast that virginity is an idea of the
past. They go ahead and argue that virginity is not dignity but lack of opportunity.
In some countries, people of the same sex are being given a platform and freedom to engage in
homosexual acts e.g Bishop Gen Robinson of New Hampshire USA was consecrated a Bishop
even when he had confessed that he is a homosexual.
Today adultery is at a high rate for example the Red paper of Feb 2007, ran a story about a lady
who went for an adulterous trip to South Africa and many people seem to look at that as normal.
Most people especially young beautiful girls look at their sexual parts as assets to the extent of
paying insurance for them e.g a re- known musician Jennifer Lopez paid insurance for her
breasts and bums.
Names of sexual parts have become part of our daily language, hence promoting vulgarity and
obscenity e.g. soccer players in England are accustomed to abusing each other using obscene
words like “fuck you”. A case in point was Zidane and Metherazza.
People today expose their private parts publically for money gains and this has been common in
Kampala where it is known as “kimansuro” literary meaning strip dance.
Couples of these days, play sex when the young ones are watching or hearing especially in towns
where they share bedrooms with children.
Those who abuse sex are being treated with soft hands as if they have done good e.g FIDA
Uganda reported in 2005 that among the 100 cases of defilement reported to police only five of
them continue to serve prison sentences.
Defilement and rape have been reduced by using strict laws e.g. a person who rapes can be
prosecuted and imprisoned for 14 years.
Aunties still offer sex education to their daughters (niece) e.g. among the Baganda an aunt gives
to her niece sexual instructions to help her in preserving her sexuality for the satisfaction of her
Compare the present understanding of sex with that of African Traditional Society.
This Question requires a candidate to define sex.
Give similarities between African Traditional and present day understanding of sex.
Give differences between African Traditional and present day understanding of sex.
Sex roles refers to the transformation experienced in the duties performed by individuals based
on gender. The changes in sex roles today have been caused by the following;
Education due to different qualifications ie female sex may take on a role/duty that would have
been meant for men. e.g in the army and police Brigadier Nalweyiso Proscovia of UPDF and
Judith Nabakoba former Police Spokes Woman.
Religion calls for equality of all sexes to be given opportunity to perform different roles in
Women emancipation ie the struggle of women against all sorts of oppression has led to
changes in sex roles.
Western culture which is liberal and offers equal opportunities to women and men to compete
for the same roles has led to changes in sex roles compared to the conservative culture of
Africans that restricts female to a particular task.
Permissiveness in society where people don’t respect the traditional customs and religion they
feel that they have the right to do anything without interference from elders regardless of its
effects on others has led to changes in sex roles.
Lack of sex education to teach the young about their roles has made some men to assume the
role of women and women to assume the role of men.
Science and Technology has contributed to changes in sex roles where women can get pregnant
without men through artificial insemination of sperms. Men can also take on the roles of
women and women can change into men through the use of machines and computers.
Democratic governments have also contributed to changes in sex roles where by these
governments have allowed women to participate in leadership position e.g. the NRM
government of Uganda under President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has put a political structure in
which women are represented right from the grass root levels.
The human rights declaration under the United Nations human Rights Charter gives chance to
both sexes to compete for the same roles in the society; this has led to changes in sex roles.
New developments in work skills have led to changes in sex roles where women have used the
opportunity to take on roles that were traditionally for men.
Anal sex this sometimes is mistakenly called sodomy. In reality, a man attempts to get sexual
satisfaction by inserting his penis not into the vagina but into the anus. This is a wide spread
practice in the Western World e.g Denmark.
Oral sex this is a sexual disorder of trying to get sexual pleasure by the use of the tongue and
lips. I.e. a man inserts his penis into the lips of a woman or the man uses his tongue to stroke and
kiss the private parts of the woman to give her pleasure eg Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton of
the USA did admit in 1999 of engaging in oral sex.
Rape this refers to sexual intercourse between a male and a female without the latter`s consent. It
usually involves a threat of violence, and if she does not agree, she is forced to have sex e.g
when the Tanzanian troops came to Uganda in 1979 to liberate Kampala, the resulting chaos
made soldiers take advantage of women whom they raped at will.
Adultery this refers to sexual intercourse outside marriage i.e. a married person involves himself
or herself in sexual intercourse with another person whether married or not that is the reason to
why Prince Charles of England and the late Princess Diana divorced because Charles had
entered into an affair with Camilla Bowelles.
Bestiality this refers to sexual intercourse between a human being and an animal eg in 2004 a
woman in Jinja was paid 150,000 by a white man working with Kakira sugar works to sleep with
his dog in the process she became unconscious as one dog got stuck in her.
Prostitution this is asexual intercourse in which women offer their sexual services randomly to
any man as long as he is able and willing to pay eg in Kampala, these women can be seen
standing along Nile Avenue or in hotels waiting for clients to buy their sexual services.
Voyeurism this is asexual disorder in which people derive sexual pleasure by secretly watching
other people engage in sexual intercourse. To do this, they normally use closed circuit video
cameras hidden in a lamp stand and this sometimes records what is going on for other reasons.
Frotteorism this is a fairly familiar sexual disorder in which people attain sexual satisfaction by
intentionally rubbing their private parts on a person of their opposite sex without the latter‟s
consent usually in a queue.
Paraphilia this is asexual disorder in which a human being gets sexual satisfaction with a dead
body e.g. in October 2003, the New Vision reported that women in Pader district in Northern
Uganda were being forced by the rebels of LRA to sleep with dead bodies of their husbands that
they had just killed.
Exhibitism this is asexual disorder in which people derive sexual pleasure by exposing their
inner garments or private parts to the general public. They show off their buttocks or breasts or
under wear or any other parts ordinarily considered to be private. This type of leisure is
popularly known as “ekimansulo”.
Fornication this is commonly known as pre-marital sex. It is a sexual disorder involving young
people who are not married to each other and it is very common in secondary schools.
Gigolism (a gigolo) this is much like prostitution only that this time around it is a male offering
his sexual services in return for material things or money, this sexual disorder is not wide spread
in Africa but in parts of Soweto in South Africa and other cities rich women have created
demand in this kind of trade.
Sexual assault, according to the Ugandan law, a woman cannot defile or rape, but when she tries
to force a male into sexual intercourse with her eg by manipulating and touching the private parts
of a boy who is younger than her, then it is sexual assault.
Phone sex this is a form of sexual disorder in which a couple staying a part and say because of
geographical mobility decide to satisfy one another by talking obscene words on phone as though
they are making love.
Lesbianism, like homosexuality, this refers to the intercourse between a woman and a woman.
They do this through fondling each other, although it is quite rare in Africa persons like the late
Brenda Fasy had confessed of being lesbians before her death.
Homosexuality this refers to sexual intercourse between a man and a fellow man and this sexual
disorder is very common in Europe and America where the law protects such people e.g.
musician sir Elton John was proud of being a homosexual.
Sex deviation/immorality refers to the misuse of sex, i.e. diverting from the original purpose
of sex.Its due to the following;
Long separation of married couples due to work or education may lead to sexual unfaithfulness
due to sexual starvation.
Sexual inability due to alcoholism or drug addiction denies both husband and wife sexual
satisfaction hence leading to unfaithfulness.
There is increase in sexual deviation such as rape, homosexuality, lesbianism, incest, bestiality
etc. because Sex has lost its sacredness and is regarded as a game partly due to permissiveness.
There is a lot of exposure to sex through pornographic literature, films, mass media such as
American virgins and columns such as the Hyena in the Red pepper and this has contributed to
sex deviation.
The desire to test fertility of girls and proving manhood for boys encourage young people to
fornicate and engage in other sexual disorders.
Certain methods of family planning are responsible for sexual deviation e.g. withdrawal,
calendar rhythm, use of contraceptives and condoms deny the couple full sexual satisfaction
and lead to sexual deviation.
Decline in religious values and conviction lead to sexual deviation today people no longer value
religious teachings and due that end up committing adultery.
Sexual harassment e.g. bottom carpet interviews, rape, defilement etc. due to lack of self-
control has led to misuse of sex.
Inadequate sex education is responsible for sex misuse. Today Aunts no longer have time to
provide sex education as it was in ATS yet parents are busy with work outside home.
Decline in cultural values coupled with the spread of western culture where by it is seen as
normal to have a boy or a girlfriend has contributed to sex misuse.
Political instability in some parts of Uganda like northern Uganda and western parts of the
country where rebels rape and defile with impunity is responsible for sex misuse.
Confinement of people of the same sex in one place e.g in schools, prisons etc lead to sex
The desire for money where people engage in prostitution, adultery, fornication
lesbianism and homosexuality; So as to get income to provide there economic needs.
Increased permissiveness where people are free to use sex as they want. They feel sex is a
God given gift and therefore society should not interfere in the way they use this gift.
The Aids scourge where people who are infected engage in sex anyhow because they feel
they should not die alone since they also didn’t want to get it.
Indecent dressing which is common in urban areas for example girls who put on very short
skirts and see through dresses cause men to rape them.
Abuse of drugs is common in urban places especially among the urban poor e.g. slums. This
forces them to engage in sexual immorality because drugs increase their sexual desire.
Pornography which is a common site in urban areas makes those who consume it to misuse
sex. As a way of satisfying their sexual desires that are aroused by pornography.
Environmental factors like young girls and boys who are raised in slums where some
prostitutes dwell may have no value for proper use of sex, because they see everyone
misusing sex.
Rampant poverty especially among the Un employed in urban areas. These may engage in
prostitution to get basic needs such as clothing, food and rent.
Lack of value for marriage which has become common in urban places.Un married men and
women prefer to have part time sexual partners for fear of commitment to marriage
Lack of parental guidance where parents leave home early to report for work and come
home late. Children make unguided decisions about sex hence leading to sexual misuse.
Cultural degeneration among the urban dwellers. Africans traditional values about sex such
as virginity have no place in the life of some of the urban youth because they are
considered out dated.
The generation gap which makes the youth to question the African values about sex such as
Peer pressure through sharing experiences and developing wrong attitude that everybody
in society is doing it.
Modern technology like the use of telephones and the internet. These facilitate easy
communication and eventually sex misuse.
Modern education where boys and girls meet in schools and decide to “fall in love” with
each other hence end up fornicating.
Modern leisure activities like disco dancing which are accompanied by heavy drinking in
places such as clubs silk.
Low levels of religious conviction where people do not follow God‘s commandments, and
church preaching are considered a waste of time.
High level of un employment where bosses take advantages of young girls, promising them
jobs if they played sex with them.
The existences of condoms create false security which causes sex misuse behaviors because
condoms are their security against unwanted pregnancies and HIV infection.
Increasing level of marriage instability whereby women who have separated with their
husbands turn to prostitution as a way of surviving.
Failure to marry has led to sexual immorality in urban immorality in urban places. There is
a big number of unmarried people by engaging in sexual immorality such as fornication
and prostitution.
Poor accommodation in urban places where parents share a room with their children cause
sexual immorality in children as they try to imitate their parents.
In African Traditional Society, understanding of sex; sex was a ritual with power to transmit life.
I.e. procreation. It was only through this ritual that life could be transmitted from one generation
to another.
In African Traditional Society there were myths associated with sex to indicate that the first
couple lived in ignorance e.g. among the Bakonjo of western Uganda boys were told that girls
had fire between their legs that would burn them if they played around with them and girls were
told that boys had a hissing cobra between their legs that it would bite them if they played around
with boys, this was intended to scare them from misusing sex.
In African Traditional Society virginity was highly treasured e.g. among the Banyankore of
Ankore, if somebody had lost her virginity, a coin with a hole in the middle was sent to the girl`s
parents, but if she was a virgin, bed sheets and a goat were sent.
In African Traditional Society sex for the first time was honored and accompanied by rituals .e.g.
eating herbs, prayers, sacrifices, and in the presence of an aunt.
In African Traditional Society sex was holy and sacred i.e. it was only expected to be played
within the context of marriage and sex outside marriage was punishable. e.g. among the Bakiga
of Kigezi, if a girl was found pregnant before marriage, she would be taken and drowned on the
cliff of River Kisiizi for breaking the sexual norms of society and to deter other girls from
misusing sex.
In African Traditional Society sexual intercourse was done in secrecy even among the married
people. e.g among the Banyankore of Southwestern Uganda, sex was played in late hours of the
night and in darkness when children and other members of the house were deep asleep. This was
intended not to attract the attention of everybody in the house that the couple was engaged in
sexual intercourse.
In African Traditional Society sexual intercourse was for hospitality e.g. among the Bahiima of
Ankore when an important visitor was to spend a night at a friend‟s home, the host would
surrender one of the most loved wife to sleep with him and comfort the guest all the night and
this was called okwarirana, literally meaning laying beds for each other.
In African Traditional Society sex was a gift from God and holy. That is why children were not
allowed to look at the private parts of the parents and the parents would use their private parts to
curse children especially for wrong doing and disrespect.
The misuse of sex in African Traditional Society was prohibited and heavily punished e.g.
among the Bakiga of Kigezi, if a girl was found to be pregnant before marriage, she would be
drowned on the cliff of River Kisiizi, so as to discourage others from misusing sex.
In some African Traditional Society tribes like the Sabiny of Eastern Uganda, female
circumcision was done to reduce sexual desires. This was intended to reduce cases of extra
marital sex.
In African Traditional Society sexual intercourse was only allowed among the members of the
same tribe. Thus inter-tribal marriages were discouraged as it was thought that they destabilized
Great respect was accorded to sexual organs to the extent that people were prohibited from
mentioning the names of private parts e.g. among the Baganda of central Uganda people, were
taught to use names like Akasoro for a penis.
In African Traditional Society sex was for loyalty. This was very common whenever a political
leader visited a village; the clan that was hosting a chief was under obligation to find him a
beautiful girl to comfort him as long as he was with them. e.g among the Basoga of Eastern
Uganda, whenever the Kyabazinga initiated a tour around his kingdom, He always received
sexual attention as a sign of loyalty from his subjects.
Sex was for purification ,when an important person such as a king was to commit himself into
marriage, he was required to off load his curses into a virgin girl, so that his future would be
prosperous e.g. among the Baganda, of central Uganda the Kabaka was required to sleep with a
virgin girl called Nakku for purification purposes.
In African Traditional Society Sexual intercourse was expected to be heterosexual i.e. between
male and female. Homosexuality and lesbianism were heavily punished.
In African Traditional Society men with stronger desires and high libido were advised to marry
as many wives as possible. This was common among Basoga in Eastern Uganda and it was
intended to control sex misuse.
In African Traditional Society sexual intercourse was meant for consolation and it used to take
place after a period of mourning the dead e.g among the Baganda, they used to play sex at the
end of funeral rites called Okwabya Olumbe.
In African Traditional Society sex was used to bring about reconciliation and harmony
especially among the tribes that were conflicting or even in a family faced with problems e.g.
among the Baganda and Bunyoro they eased tensions between themselves through inter-
In African Traditional Society sexual intercourse was used to bring blessings e.g. whenever a girl
was going to get married, her parents would play sex that night to give their daughter blessings
of fertility in her new life and this belief was popular in Buganda.
Sex in African Traditional Society was used for religious purposes and for religious obligations
e.g. among the Samia of Eastern Uganda religious rituals and festivals would climax or come to
an end in a sexual spree.
Discuss the African understanding of sex?
Sexual intercourse was kept a secret from children. I.e. parents played sex late in the night when
children were deep asleep.
Sex education was part of preparation before marriage ie at the age of puberty; both girls and
boys were introduced to the mystery of sex.
Both boys and girls who had reached adolescent stage were separated to sleep in different houses
to avoid incest, in most African Traditional Societies, for example among the Banyankore of
southwestern Uganda young boys were advised to build their own houses outside the main house
so as to avoid incest.
Private parts were given pseudo names so as to avoid scandalizing the public. For example
among the Baganda of central Uganda private parts of a man were given names like Akasolo
meaning a small animal this was intended to avoid names that were scandalous to the public.
Proper sitting for both parents and children were emphasized to avoid exposing genitals. This
was taught to the children right away from childhood.
Elder brothers and sisters would tell stories which discouraged promiscuous sexual relations.
These scared the young ones from misusing sex. eg among the Bakonjo of Western Uganda, girls
would be told that men had a hissing cobra between their legs ready to bite them if they joke
with them. Young boys on the other hand would be told that women have fire between their legs
ready to burn them. This discouraged the young ones from misusing sex.
Taboos were attached to sexual intimacies and discouraged sexual abuse e.g. among the Bahiima
of Ankore. The newly wed wife‟s hair would be shaved completely and this was called okutega
To look at elder`s genitals would be regarded as a misfortune and children were told that they
would become blind if they did so ,this was intended to scare children from engaging in sexual
misuse like voyeurism.
Punishments were given for sexual offenders, so as to deter others from misusing sex e.g. among
the Bakiga of Kigezi a girl found pregnant before marriage would be taken to the cliff of River
Kisiizi and drowned there; so as to teach other girls a lesson that misuse of sex is bad and
Virginity before marriage was stressed and rewarded e.g. aunts of girls who were found virgin at
marriage would be rewarded with a goat.
The young ones were initiated in different stages of life e.g circumcision among the Bagisu of
Eastern Uganda and female circumcision among the Sebei .The Sebei circumcised their females,
so as to reduce their libido and in effect reduce sex misuse.
Sexual intercourse was sacred and holy and therefore it was a duty of everybody in society to
respect it. In some societies it was thought that misuse of sex would lead to punishments from
the gods and ancestral spirits.
Sex would be used to curse the young ones e.g. showing private parts to ones` children among
the Banyankore was considered to be a curse and was referred to as Okutera Enkunamo. This
limited young ones from misusing sex through voyeurism.
Widow inheritance was encouraged so as to avoid sexual starvation of the widows. For example
among the Banyankore of southwestern Uganda if a man died at a young age his wife, children
and family fortune would be inherited by one of his brothers
Interaction between male and female was limited e.g girls at puberty rarely interacted with boys
of the same age and in situations where they interacted they were watched by elders.
Polygamy helped men with high libido to sexually satisfy their sexual desires. A man was
allowed to marry as many wives as he could afford and at any age as long as he could afford
paying bride price.
The structure of the extended family system helped to ensure proper sexual use by giving
guidance and counseling to the young ones. This was done by uncles for boys, aunts for girls and
Account for limited sexual abuse in African Traditional Society.
Sexual intercourse between man and woman should be within the context of marriage because it
has divine approval Genesis 2:24.
Sex is for procreation ie be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and take control of it e.g.in the Old
Testament, Abraham and Sarah prayed to God to have a child and God gave them Isaac, Hannah
prayed to God and she was given Samuel with her husband Elkanah
Sex in marriage provides companionship and seals marriage ie it creates oneness therefore a man
leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife. Genesis 2:28
Sex is for expression of love by the husband to his wife, permanent stability and exclusive
relationship in marriage. Ephesians 5,and song of songs 2:10-17
Sexual intercourse should be played with mutual love and that love should transform that
relationship to a spiritual dimension.
Sexual intercourse should be played in order to fulfill mutual conjugal rites of the married
people. 1st Corinthians 7:3 seem to emphasize that married couples should not deny each other
Sexual intercourse can be temporarily suspended by the married couple for the sake of prayers.
1st Corinthians 7:5.
Through sexual intercourse, man and woman complement each other to consummate marriage.
The body of a Christian is the temple of the Holy Spirit therefore should be used to glorify God.
Virginity is regarded very important therefore, sex before marriage is a sin; refer to the story of
the ten (10) virgin girls and the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Sex misuse is Punishable eg adultery, incest, homosexuality, fornication are all condemned in the
Bible and those who practice these vices are likely to receive Gods punishment Exodus 20:14,
Leviticus 18:20
Sexual intercourse should be played secretly because sex is holy and sacred.
Sexual intercourse should be strictly between a man and a woman. God punished the people of
Sodom and Gomorrah because of homosexuality Genesis 19:23-29.
Sexual intercourse should be between a man and a woman with no blood relationship. Leviticus
Explain the ways in which the Bible can help to address the misuse of sex in Uganda today.
Male and female were created by God. This means that sexual intercourse should be
heterosexual, God hates homosexuality.
Married couples should not commit adultery e.g. King David was punished by God for
committing adultery with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah.
Sexual immorality was punishable e.g homosexuality led to the destruction of Sodom and
Incest was condemned in the Bible Leviticus 20:12 recommend death penalty for incest and Paul
recommended the excommunication of a young man who was committing incest with his step
Sexual relations with a woman in her monthly periods is condemned and sinful Leviticus20: 18
recommend driving such people out of the community.
Sexual immorality can lead to one‟s downfall and loss of glory e.g. King Solomon had 700 wives
and 300 concubines which made him forget the covenant.
Sexual perverts will never inherit the kingdom of God. The bible advises the immoral people not
to fool themselves. 1Corinthians 6:19.
Our bodies are temples of God he lives in us and should never be defiled. Therefore they should
be kept holy.1 Corinthians 6:9
Those who cannot exercise self-control should marry instead of dying of passion. 1ST Corinthians
In case of sexual temptations, Christians should pray this will enable them to avoid temptations.
Sexual perverts or those who misuse sex are encouraged to repent John 8:11.Jesus told a woman
caught in adultery not to sin any more.
A man who seduced a virgin was supposed to pay bride price and marry her.
St. Paul recommends excommunication of a man who slept with his step mother ,so as to
Priests were not supposed to marry prostitutes but virgins so as to maintain their holiness and
In the Old Testament women are portrayed as great singers in Exodus 15:20 prophet Miriam,
Aarons Sister, took her tambourine and all women followed her, playing tambourines and
dancing as Miriam sung for them. She sang to the lord because he had won a glorious victory by
throwing the horses and their riders into the Sea.
Some women were judges and acted even where men even failed. Deborah ruled her people as
a judge and prophetess during the time when survival of Israelites was threatened. Even Barak
was scared to command 10,000men against Sisera the commander of Jabin’s army and only
accepted after getting assurance from Deborah that she will go with him.
All sexes are equal because both Adam and Eve were punished after sin Genesis 3 e.g Adam
was told that from sweat he will get what to eat, Eve was told to be submissive to Adam and
both from dust they were formed and to dust they will go back.
The role of the father and mother as equal parents is emphasized in the bible. Proverb 23:22 -
25 states, listen to your father, without him you would not exist, when your mother is old show
her your appreciation, make your father and mother proud of you, give your mother that
In the Newt statement Jesus recognized the position and status of women, they were always in
company of him like men .Mark 15:40-41 during the death of Jesus some women were there
looking on from a distance Mary-Magdalene, Mary the mother of the younger James and of
Joseph and Salome.
All sexes are equal because it’s a woman who received the 1st of incarnation Luke 1:39-45.
A woman anointed Jesus before he was betrayed, Mark 14:3-9 in Bethany at the house of
Simon a man who had suffered from a dreaded skin diseases , while Jesus was eating a woman
came in, with alabaster jar full of very expensive perfume made of pure nard.
Both Mary and Joseph gave birth to savior but not only the male sex could do it hence all sexes
are equal.
After resurrection, Jesus first appeared to women these were the first apostles of good news
mark 16:9-11. After Jesus rose from the dead early on Sunday, he appeared first to Mary
Magdalene from whom he had driven out seven demons.
Some women like Mary the mother of John mark, surrendered their house to be a place of
worship. Acts 12:12.
Both are supposed to lead God’s creation thus equality &the Ten Commandments were for all
people thus all are equal
The prophets sent to the Israelites were for both men and women and the salvation plan was
for all people i.e. male and female.
In Ephesians 5:25 wives are supposed to be loved by their husbands just as Jesus loved the
Church and Jesus stressed love for one another.
In the New Testament the woman who committed adultery was not murdered because those a
choosing had not accused the man to.
God used both men and women to fulfill his salvation plan e.g. Hannah the mother of Samuel,
Mary the mother of Jesus, Ester the courageous woman.
Jesus’ concern for the Samaritan woman in John 4:1-9 shows equality of sexes.
In Luke 10:38-42 Jesus had two friends who were women, Martha and Mary he visited them
and had a conversation with them. This shows you how important women were.
The exodus event from Egypt was an act made to save men and women who had both been
subjected to inhuman treatment.
The disciples were commanded to preach the gospel to all men and women which shows
equality of sexes.
In 1stcorthians Paul indicates that women can also preach the gospel but should have their
heads veiled.
Paul’s letter to Galatians states that in Christ there is neither a Jew nor a Gentile, man or
woman all are important.
Peter on his missionary journey seemed to have moved with his wife a sign of equality of all
Some women were disciples eg Tabitha Acts9:36ff.She spent all her life doing good and helping
the poor and when she died Peter raised her to life.
Women were among the first converts who were persecuted for the faith Acts 8:3, Saul
persecuted both men and women.
The church can address the problem of sex deviation by using biblical teaching;
Sex is sacred/holy and should not be used as a tool for testing fertility/manhood 1
Thessalonians 4:3.
The married people are encouraged to be faithful to each other. The bible says though shall not
commit adultery. Exodus 20:14
The Church should encourage prayer in case of any marital problems 1 Samuel 1:9-18 Hannah
and Elkanah
The Church should teach married couples to respect their bodies because they are temples of
God 1 Corinthians 6:19
They should emphasize repentance Luke15:8-10 encourages sinners to repent and Jesus told a
woman caught in adultery to sin no more.
The Church should encourage partners to fulfill their marital duties/sex satisfaction, so as to do
away with temptation. 1 Corinthians 7:3
The Church should encourage people to practice self-control and if they cannot they should get
married. 1 Corinthians 7
The Church should teach that all sexual perverts will be punished e.g. not inherit the kingdom
of God 1 Corinthians 6:9 like Sodom and Gomorrah were punished because of homosexuality.
The Church should encourage married people to be patient with their partners ie Hosea was
patient with Gomer although she was a prostitute.
Parents are supposed to guide their children before and after marriage e.g Abraham got a wife
for Isaac, Lemuel was advised by his mother not to spend his money on sex and women
because they have destroyed kings Proverbs 31:2-3
The Church should teach people moral values Eli was punished because of his failure to teach
his children morals. 1 Samuel 2:24
The Church should encourage Christians to preserve their virginity refer to the story of the
virgin Merry and 10 virgin girls.
The church should encourage proper use of sex ie procreation as opposed to all family planning
methods Genesis 1:28.
The church should guide and counsel those who misuse sex e.g. like Jesus advised the
adulterous woman not to sin again John 8:11.
Analyze the Christian teaching on sex.
Sex education refers to the giving of knowledge or facts about sex and sexuality. This is where
parents and other responsible members of the community give information about sex especially
to the young generation. In short, sex education aims at demystifying or simplifying matters
dealing with sex or its proper use.
Sex education focused on hygiene for both males and females. The young were told on how to
clean their bodies e.g girls in African Traditional Society were told to take a bath at least twice a
day and the Banyankore of south western Uganda used to teach their daughters on how to clean
their private parts using herbs like “Ekibombo”.
Some societies gave information to their children about the science of reproduction. The parents
and other relatives would explain to their children about pregnancy and child birth. This was
intended to prepare them for marriage in future. Some serious children would ask their parents
where babies come from.
Knowledge was also given to boys and girls on how to relate with each other. The Karamojong
told their boys to be aggressive whenever dealing with the opposite sex especially when about to
marry. On the other hand, the Baganda told their daughters on how to be polite, welcoming and
shy whenever in a company of boys.
Sex education covered the art of making love in some communities in Africa. The Batooro and
Baganda are on record for teaching their daughters how to sexually satisfy their husbands. This
was the role of Ssenga (Aunt) in Buganda to teach girls how to behave in bed when having sex.
Adolescents were taught how to perform their responsibilities in the community as either males
or females. Girls were taught how to prepare dishes such as luwombo in Buganda while boys
were also given knowledge about their sex roles such as building huts, defending the community,
hunting and slaughtering animals.
In African Traditional Society young people at puberty were taught how to be future responsible
parents. They were supposed to be loving partners, kind and caring especially in marriage. This
explains why divorce was rare and the husband and wife did what they were supposed to do in
the family.
It was the duty of the members of the community to impart cultural values to the young
members. Every African society had specific cultures concerning sex; revealed to the new
generation through sex education. The Baganda for example taught about a popular practice of
visiting the bush and the young boys in Ankore were taught a sexual practice common among
Banyankore known as jazz (Akakyabari)
Traditional Africans prepared the young ones for courtship and marriage through sex education.
They explained the good qualities of a good husband or a wife and how to behave during
courtship and the importance of virginity eg in Buganda, the boy was not supposed to meet a girl
to marry in future and also not to greet the parents of the boy before courtship was over.
Related to the above, the young were taught how to conduct themselves on the day of marriage.
This was to show that marriage was important and therefore people had to prepare for it e.g the
Batooro and Banyankore told their girls and taught them how to cry when being escorted to the
homes of their husbands. The bride would be given away while singing and crying.
Marital secrets were revealed to the young ones as part of sex education. Girls were told by their
mothers and aunties to always keep quiet when beaten by their husbands. The girls in Buganda
were also told to keep a piece of cloth for hygienic purposes known as “enkumbi”. The woman
was to clean her husband first after the sexual encounter.
Before marriage, the young were given sex education on how to entice or attract opposite sex
when time for marriage was approaching. This was done by the aunt (Ssenga) ,who taught the
girl on how to change her voice, twist the eyes and shake their bodies this was common in
The responsible relatives in African Traditional Society had it as their duty to give knowledge
about sex especially uncles and aunties. In Buganda, the aunt passed on sexual education to the
daughter before marriage as their primary responsibility.
There were puberty rituals or initiation ceremonies through which sex education was transmitted.
Every community almost had these rituals which were accompanied by sex education such as the
Bagisu during the Imbalu ceremony.
Brothers and sister, cousins of the same age assisted each other to learn about sex. The elder
sister would explain to the young sister the importance of visiting the bush and dangers of sex
before marriage.
Peer groups also existed in African Traditional Society and facilitated the transmission of the
knowledge about sex; whenever boys of the same age were together, they talked and exchanged
views about sex.
There were also proverbs, songs, riddles and poems which helped in teaching about sex.
Societies had a number of songs about sex such as the Baganda who used to sing about a man
who never knew how to make love to his wife and would only complain and blame the poor mat
for being slippery, Batooro and Bunyoro had courtship dance and songs and the Banyankore
children would learn from a love song known as Kawiini.
At times, children usually gathered around the fire place, absorbing heat and roasting maize that
was a good time for each parent to teach them about the dangers of sex before marriage, mothers
and fathers would be open to their children at night and expose secrets of sex.
Through work, sex education was given especially during gathering firewood, hunting and
harvesting. In African Traditional Society, work was communal and people usually talked about
sex in a group while working, thereby teaching the newly young woman how to make love in
At times, young people would encounter elders or adults having sex either in the bush or inside
the huts. In this way, they learnt about sex through seeing or hearing since hearts were not sound
proof and they did not have proper ceiling, windows or doors.
At marriage, sex education was still given out eg in Buganda; the aunt would escort a girl up to
the bedroom of her husband and direct her on how to make love with the man.
Parents used to reprimand their children in form of abusing them. Mothers would tell their
daughters after committing a mistake that unless they change, they would become pregnant
before their marriage. This was an indirect way of spreading message about sex.
At a young stage, people could know about sex through games such as hide and seek. The girls
would hide in dark places and boys searched for them. They would wrestle after discovering
each other to the extent of exposing their private parts.
Today there is condom age and therefore sex education focuses on condom use. Parents and
trained counselors teach young people how to use condoms; so as to guard against acquiring aids
and other STDs. In most cases banana pieces are used to show how to put on a condom instead
of feeling shy and looking the other side.
Parents and other responsible members of the community; teach the young generation the
science of reproduction. This is part of sex education which is taught in schools in subjects like
Biology, it centers on chapters like reproduction, conception and child birth.
Parents and senior women especially in schools teach young girls in schools about changes in
their body and how to react to them and therefore sex education is given out on biological and
physiological changes such as stress, menstruation and wet dreams for boys.
It is still common today in urban centers for youth to get sex education on the art of making love
e.g. girls in Buganda still are told by their aunts about how to please their partners in bed.
Sex education also focuses on the most recent discoveries on sexuality such as female ejaculation
which is the release of prostate white fluids from the glands under the G.spot.
In sex education, the youth are taught about social conduct and behavior ie the two sexes are
taught how to interact with each other, how to dress and this one differs from one sex to another
Young people are told about the importance of marriage and how to prepare for it, that‟s why
parents are always encouraging their children to work hard so as to be responsible future
marriage partners.
A big part of sex education is directed towards discouraging the young people from having sex
before marriage. This has been emphasized by the church, government and parents. Parents are
most worried about their children and warn them about sex.
Today cultural values relating to sex are still emphasized especially among the Baganda. They
still teach their daughters the custom of visiting the bush because it is their culture.
Some parents are not shy to talk about sex, they teach their children about sex, how to use a
condom, how to interact with the opposite sex. Most parents are free to discuss with their
children matters related to sex and this forms part of sex education.
Peers are the most reliable source of sex education for young people today. Boys of the same age
talk about sex just as girls do when they are socializing. There is much sex talk in dormitories
when students of the same age are talking about the tricks they use when making love.
There is much pornography in circulation which has made young people more knowledgeable
about sex. These include blue movies, magazines like playboy, Newspapers like the Red Pepper
and erotic stories e.t.c
At times sex education is transmitted through learning by practice. Today people know about sex
through action because of boyfriend and girlfriend relationships; they use try and error method
just because of curiosity.
The mass media is one source of sex education especially the print media such as red pepper,
Bukedde and straight talk and other pornographic papers. The electronic media has also
contributed e.g radios, TVs and internet e.g Gaetano Kagwa had live sex on screen with Abbey
in big brother house in 2003 as young people looked on.
Music is also a big source of sex education today there are many and foreign songs talking about
sexual matters. e.g in Uganda most Luganda songs are related to love money and sex.
Today society is immoral and sex matters are no longer private. It is common for young people
to come across people playing sex and learn from them.
In some communities relatives still play an important role in teaching about sex education. In
Buganda aunts and uncles are involve in teaching their daughters (nieces) and some (nephews)
about sex and marriage.
Today sex education is transmitted through drama. There are so many groups whose message is
about sex e.g. TASO plays and the Ebonies – bibawo.
Some NGOs have come up with associations to teach the young people about sexual matters.
That‟s why there are trained counselors in churches especially in scripture union, mother‟s union
and fathers union that give knowledge about sex.
Culture still plays an important role in Uganda today as a source of sex education e.g. among the
Sabiny of Eastern Uganda at circumcision, secrets about sex are told during the festival. Since
2006, during end of year holidays the Nabageleka of Buganda organizes indoor programs to train
girls and boys about sex and it is called “Ekisakate”.
How do young people come to know about sex in your country today?
Explain how the community is trying to emphasize sex education in Uganda today?
Today‟s parents who should be the primary source of sex education have tight programs and
working schedules i.e. they wake up early in the morning before their children and return home
late in the night too tired to talk about matters of sex.
Young people spend a lot of time at school far away from home. The holidays are too short for
parents, aunts and uncles to talk about sex. Even children in primary schools spend most of their
time at school and when they come back home, they are busy with their homework this makes it
hard to impart sex education.
Young people prefer talking about sex with their peers and age mates unfortunately these are not
well informed about sex education. Boys are fond of telling girls that abstinence from sex leads
to backache. On the other hand girls deceive their boyfriends that being sexually active makes
one healthy.
Cultural festivals which used to be there in African Traditional Society are no longer organized
today. This means that the teaching of sex education is not continuous because people are no
longer attached to their cultures e.g. There are many Bagisu of age who despise and have never
attended Imbalu where sex education is being given.
Influence of western culture has been a hindrance to the teaching of sex education. The young
people in society have adopted western policies about sex; making it hard for parents to impart
sex education in them. That‟s why many look at homosexuality as normal.
Generation gap has hindered the transmission of sex education; this is where by there is a big gap
between parents and children to the extent that the two parties can‟t consult each other. That‟s
why secondary school students tend to take their parents to be outdated, conservative and too
Families are no longer extended in nature and there are few members involved in sex education.
Children no longer stay with their uncles, aunts and cousins and yet in the past these used to
impact sex education.
Boy – girl relationship has made it hard to impart sex education today. Boys believe that they
will learn from their girl- friends and girls believe the same.
Times have changed and some young people are more informed than elders in society. Boys and
girls are arrogant and consider it cheap to approach parents on matters related to sex. They have
seen it all by having sex whenever they want.
Some parents and other individuals in the community are less knowledgeable about sex matters.
They can‟t provide answers to young people on matters like reproduction and how to respond to
sex advances.
Today parents and relatives are shy to discuss sex related issues with their children. They are not
bold enough to mention names of reproductive organs while giving sex education. Having sex to
them is termed as “knowing someone” or “sleeping with someone” instead of calling a spade a
Why is it hard to impart sex education today?
Account for the failure by young people today to know more about sex matters.
Explain the challenges faced in giving sex education to the young people today?
Prostitution refers to offering of sex for material gains, favors or money. This is very common in
cities like Kampala where young women are seen lining up along Nile avenue waiting for men to
offer their sexual services and in Mbarara its common along high street.
Some people go for prostitution due to lack of sexual satisfaction from their partners. This makes
them resort to buying prostitutes as a means of compensation.
Greed for luxury which ladies cannot afford has tempted them to go into prostitution. This is
very common with university girls who desire expensive and luxurious items which they cannot
Some girls go for prostitution because of poverty. Their families can‟t provide them with basic
necessities of life and as a result they end up into prostitution.
Migration from rural to urban areas has contributed to increased levels of prostitution in Uganda.
Most young girls who move to town lack employment and look at prostitution as a means of
Lack of close supervision of parents has contributed to increased cases of prostitution in Uganda.
Decline in traditional values and religious practices have contributed to increased cases of
prostitution today. In Uganda today such values like virginity, visiting the bush and sex only in
marriage are ignored.
Influence of mass media / pornography has contributed to prostitution. Today most information
about sex given on radios, TVs and newspaper is immoral and newspapers such as onion,
Bukedde and Red pepper carry pornographic materials hence leading to prostitution.
Condoms are also responsible for increased prostitution in Uganda today. Though they are good
in preventing STDs they are responsible for the increased prostitution. This is because they have
created false confidence in girls who offer their bodies to get money because they can‟t get
pregnant and get STDs
Greed for money and extravagancy has caused prostitution especially in Uganda today. Girls
who are greedy and like luxurious life find it normal to have sex with sugar daddies which is a
form of prostitution.
Urbanization is another cause of prostitution in Uganda today. If there‟s too much Rural Urban
Migration especially of unqualified girls and women then it becomes easy to get involved in
Family break ups have also increased prostitution in Uganda. Women who are divorced by their
husbands can‟t meet their basic needs and easily end up in prostitution to earn a living besides
being sexually starved.
In some parts of Africa prostitution has been caused by conflicts. This is very common in war
torn areas like northern Uganda in 1990s.
Prostitution is also caused by laziness, some people are too lazy to do fruitful work to earn a
living such individuals especially women resort to offering their bodies for sex in exchange for
money. When others are toiling for a living these women are busy painting their nails.
Lack of sex education has contributed to the problem of prostitution. Parents and the community
at large are reluctant to impart sex education; that‟s why young girls are deceived by old men to
have sex with them and in turn give them money.
Permissiveness has contributed to the problem of prostitution considering the fact that society
has accepted everything to penetrate it both good and bad. People are no longer governed by
strict rules and they have forgotten their cultural values.
Causes of prostitution are many we cannot exhaust all of them others include but not limited to
the following; drug abuse ,unemployment, domestic problems ,influence of diseases ,loss of
parents ,peer pressure ,mass media ,Past mistakes ,Lack of self-control etc.
Note: The above points should be explained in about 3-4lines when presenting them in an
essay. Outlines are not acceptable in CRE 4.
Discuss the factors that lead to prostitution
Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit therefore they should be used to glorify God. 1
Corinthians 6:19
The bible says that prostitutes will never inherit the kingdom of God therefore they should not
fool themselves yet the Christian destiny is to inherit the kingdom of God. 1corinthians 6: 4-10
Our bodies are meant to glorify God so they should be kept pure and holy yet prostitution is for
selfish motives and defiles it.
Prostitution leads to adultery yet this is breaking God‟s law which says though shall not commit
adultery, Christianity calls for faithfulness and abstinence till marriage.
Prostitution breaks marriage and causes marriage instability and divorce yet God hates divorce
and encourages permanence in marriage. Malachi 2:16
Prostitution lowers human dignity and image of God in man yet man was created in God‟s image
.Genesis 1:26
Jesus condemned prostitution as an act that is sinful by commanding the adulterous woman not
to do it again John 8:11
The bible condemns associating with prostitutes because they are immoral yet immoral people
will never inherit the kingdom of God.
Prostitution leads to death spiritually and physically that‟s why it‟s wrong to legalize it.
Prostitution leads to poverty and wasteful spending e.g the prodigal son spent all his inherited
fortune in prostitution.
Money gained from prostitution was banned from temple collection because it‟s evil and a sin
against God.
God refused priests from marrying prostitutes for they defile them.
Fathers were argued to guide their children not to engage in prostitution Leviticus. 19:29
Prostitution leads to disgrace of one‟s family yet a Christian family is expected to emulate the
example of the holy family of Mary and Joseph.
Prostitutes sins against their own bodies and against God therefore it‟s wrong to legalize such a
Prostitution leads to moral degeneration and immorality yet Christian parents are expected to
bring up their children morally upright; since the immoral people will never inherit the kingdom
of God and Christians are expected to observe holy living ie to be holy as God is holy.
As a Christian discuss the view that prostitution should be legalized in Uganda.
Prostitution is a social evil which should be condemned in developing countries. Many dangers
are associated with it especially in family, government and one‟s community.
Prostitution leads to easy spread of diseases especially those transmitted sexually such as HIV
/AIDS , syphilis.
Prostitution promotes immorality because sex is being commercialized; and since everybody
wants to have sexual pleasure the whole society becomes a spoilt society.
Prostitutes endanger the survival of the family. It can lead to family break up after it has been
discovered that part of the family is involved in prostitution.
Prostitution leads to development of slums and shanty towns in the country. These are
communities where prostitution takes place.
Prostitution makes one lose her dignity and respect in the community. The society considers
somebody who sells her body or who buys prostitutes to be cursed by God.
With prostitution sex loses meaning because it is meant to be free of charge. People who engage
in prostitution in most cases lose interest in sex.
There are so many chances of dropping out of school due to prostitution. Young girls are forced
to leave school and make quick money instead of concentrating on their studies.
Prostitution contradicts the holy bible and it‟s regarded as a sin which is punishable unless
prostitutes repent.
Prostitution leads to death of prostitutes who are mistreated by their customers and sometimes
customers use sharp objects on them. They sometimes tie their legs across beds and use them in
Prostitution has become an important issue today’ comment
Legalizing prostitution is one way of controlling the sex business in the country. The law should
enable government gazette special areas for commercial sex other than prostitutes being
everywhere in the public places.
Prostitution is very important because it leads to the development of the tourism industry. Many
foreigners especially whites like sleeping with black women. If the business is legalized; so
many tourists will come into the country.
Prostitution is a source of employment to some women especially those who are beautiful but
have failed to get jobs. The level of unemployment in Uganda is so alarming to the extent that
people have asked government to legalize prostitution such that people can earn money.
Some people say that it will be easy to register prostitutes in a sexual business; give them
guidance and sensitize them about dangers of AIDS. But today it‟s hard to sensitive them
because prostitutes are not seen during the day.
Prostitution is really a business which is booming but illegal. So some people believe that
legalizing the business will help the government levy taxes on prostitutes hence the government
will earn revenue.
Legalizing prostitution can help to avoid other abuses like defilement and rape. The argument is
that if prostitution is made legal then men with high libido would go and buy prostitutes instead
of defiling young children.
Although prostitution is seen as a danger to the institution of marriage people argue that it can
sustain unstable marriages e.g a husband can get sexual satisfaction if the wife is sick or
suffering from mental problems.
Prostitution is helpful to people who are divorced, especially women to get money and also enjoy
sex; since by this time they can‟t enjoy sex because they aren‟t in marriage.
According to economics where there is demand there should be supply and Uganda is a secular
country according to the constitution. Therefore it may be easy to get market for prostitutes if
allowed to operate freely.
Young people should be given employment because they resort to prostitution after searching for
jobs and failing to get them.
Capital should be given to young people especially those who have dropped out of school. They
can start projects with that money instead of being idle.
Girl child needs much education to survive prostitution in developing countries. Parents and
other families must provide education to their girls not only to boys.
The development of slums should be discouraged by the government and town authorities e.g.
KCCA. Slums areas such as Katanga and Kasubi in Kampala should be planned because these
slums support prostitution.
Regular seminars and conferences should be emphasized throughout the country especially
during holidays. This can go a long way to fight the evil of prostitution.
Punishments can reduce prostitution if prostitutes are arrested and imprisoned, they can give up
the business.
Pornography should be condemned especially in the newspapers and magazines that carry
pictures of people involve in sexual misuse. Video halls showing blue movies should be
Faithfulness in marriage should be encouraged and married couples should learn how to tolerate
each other instead of resorting to prostitution.
The use of drugs should be banned in society and alcohol consumption should be regulated this
will go a long way to fight prostitution.
Prostitution is described as a short cut to death and a house of a prostitute is a way to hell.
Proverbs 7:26-27
St. Paul in his first letter to Corinthians 6:15 states that a woman‟s body is like the body of Christ
which is a temple of the Holy Spirit and therefore wondered how this body can be joined to that
of a prostitute.
This evil of prostitution was known in Israel from the early days. Genesis 38:15-19 talks about
the case of Judah and Tamar. Judah made love to Tamar thinking that she was a prostitute.
Prostitution was also a practice among the Israelites‟ neighbors e.g. philistines, judges 16:1 gives
an account of Samson who slept with a prostitute called Delilah
No Israelite man or Woman was to become a temple prostitute and money gained from
prostitution was banned from the temple collections. This was because God hates prostitutes
Deuteronomy 23: 17-18
Rahab was a prostitute who accommodated the two spies sent by Joshua to explore the land of
Canaan. Joshua 2:1
The two prostitutes went to Solomon and presented a case over a baby 1king 3:16-18.This case
portrayed Solomon as a king with great wisdom from God to settle disputes.
Paul taught against sexual immorality and advised Corinthians that a man who joins his body
with that of a prostitute becomes physically one with her. 1 Corinthians 6: 16
Examine the cases of prostitution in the bib
Fornication /premarital sex refer to sexual relationship between people who are not married and
it is caused by the following factors;
Sexual curiosity i.e. the desire to discover what is in sex has contributed to high rate of
fornication in society.
Some youth think that it helps them become sexually perfect before marriage. A reason to why
they get involved in fornication.
Poverty in society today is another cause of fornication. Most young people offer their bodies to
opposite sex because they have showed a lot of care and they can provide.
Some young people fornicate because of peer influence. They see their friends fornicating and
making fun of it and in the process encourage them to follow suit.
Young boys engage in fornication because they want to prove their manhood and ability to play
Fornication is also due lack of self-control in an individual. It becomes had for some girls to say
no to sexual advances from the opposite sex hence they end up fornicating.
Availability of contraceptives such as condoms and pills are responsible for increased cases of
fornication. These provide false confidence against becoming pregnant and acquiring STDs
hence leading to fornication.
Wide spread exposure to mass media with enticing shows that young people practice what they
have seen is responsible for premarital sex e.g blue movies such as American virgins and
Newspapers such as the Red pepper and Bukedde encourage young people to engage in
fornication etc.
Idleness is also responsible for premarital sex today, since an idle mind is the devils workshop.
There is lack of parental guidance i.e. parents no longer have time to guide and counsel their
children hence they end up doing what they hear and this leads to fornication.
Lack of self-control is also responsible for fornication today. This is because young people have
no alternative when their bodies become so demanding.
Decline in traditional and cultural values is responsible for increased cases of fornication. It
should be noted that traditionally fornication had serious punishments in case one was got
involved in it.
Drug abuse / misuse of alcohol which arouse people‟s sexual urge is responsible for increased
cases of fornication in Uganda today.
Decline in religious conviction ie. People are no longer abide by the biblical teaching and this
has worsened the problem of fornication.
Exposure to opposite sex especially in awkward hours is responsible for the problem of
fornication in Uganda.
Fear among girls to be dropped by potential marriage partners has greatly influenced them to get
involved in fornication.
Provocation by the opposite sex e.g mode of dressing or verbal communication has enticed
young people to get involved in sex before marriage.
Account for the high rate of fornication among the youth today.
Fornication leads to unwanted pregnancies especially when condoms are not used. The girls
become pregnant while at school and the boys responsible deny their responsibility.
Fornication leads to getting STDs which eventually lead to death e.g AIDS, syphilis gonorrhea.
Fornication leads to abortion especially when the girl is still studying and fears to face her
parents. As a result she attempts to kill the unborn child with sharp objects hence leading to
Fornication is a criminal offence especially when the girl is not yet 18yrs. The boy risks of being
imprisoned for a minimum of 7 years and a maximum of death sentence.
Fornication leads to general poverty on part of the boys, they spend a lot of money on girls they
fornicate with by buying them gifts.
Fornication leads to loss of interest in sex after marriage. Wives tend to hate their husbands and
they can‟t fulfill their conjugal obligation.
Fornication makes young people lose interest in studies; this results into poor performance
because young people spend most of their time thinking about how to make love.
Fornication has become an important issue today’ Comment
Christian parents should provide guidance and counseling to their children on the dangers of
Workshops and youth activities should be organized for youth to divert their minds from pre –
occupation with sexual matters.
Christians should constantly pray for morality among the children. This will help the children to
wait for marriage in order to engage in sex.
The young should be encouraged to join good peer groups and leave bad company because bad
company ruins good character proverbs 13:20
Christians should promote Christian literature and censor pornography because pornography
leads to immorality yet the immoral people will never inherit the kingdom of God.
Parents should bring their children morally upright this will go a long way to solve the problem
of fornication.
The youth should be encouraged to abstain from sex and keep their virginity because sex before
marriage is a sin before God.
The parents should also endeavor to provide necessities to their children so as to avoid being
devoured by sympathizers.
Girls should be encouraged to stand their ground and say no to potential marriage partners and
don‟t give in sex since love is patient 1Corinthians 13:4.
Those of age but who lack self-control and cannot restrain their desires should marry, it‟s better
to marry than to die of passion.
People who are involved in fornication should repent simply because fornication is a sin before
Young people should be encouraged to pray against sexual immorality. This will help them to
persevere and endure any temptation.
The youth should be advised that their bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit therefore they
should not abuse it but use their bodies to glorify God.1Corinthians 6:19
Christians should live exemplary lives to be good role models to the young people. This will
encourage young people to live holy lives free from fornication.
It was formerly unknown in Africa before the coming of foreigners from Asia and Europe.
It is a sexual abuse where people of the same sex enjoy sexual intercourse e.g a man and a
fellow man.
It is common today in Uganda especially among the youth in single sex schools, bachelors and
prisoners. It is caused by the following factors below;
Permissiveness whereby people do what they want to do regardless of what other people think
has led to homosexuality. People practice what they see or copy from the outside (Western)
Lack of sex education among the young people today has led to homosexuality. Most parents are
busy with work and pay little attention towards imparting sex education to their children
Curiosity is partly responsible for homosexuality in Uganda. Young people are interested in
knowing how it feels to have sexual intercourse with a fellow man and this leads them to
Confinement of men in one place for a long period of time leads to homosexuality e.g. prisoners
engage in homosexuality because of long term confinement in one place.
Misuse of drugs, through smoking and chewing leads to homosexuality. This is because drug
misuse results into dangerous sexual urge and loss of sense of judgment.
Mass media and pornography in general has contributed to homosexuality; both print and
electronic media show pictures of men making love and kissing fellow men which attract young
people to homosexuality.
Some men and boys fear to interact with girls; as a result they end up becoming shy towards
members of the opposite sex which leads to homosexuality.
Today women are expensive to maintain in a love relationship by men, that‟s why poor boys and
men who can‟t afford sustaining a relationship with members of the opposite sex, resort to loving
people of their sex hence homosexuality.
Failure to get marriage partners by people due to their bad behaviors and physical appearance
compel them to resort to homosexuality.
The issue of human rights has been abused and taken for granted in Africa, the educated
especially in Uganda argue that people have a right to make love the way they want, hence
Influence of western culture has contributed to homosexuality, in the western world its normal
for a man to make love to a fellow man; Africans think that everything from the west is good
hence copying homosexuality.
Homosexuality is a shameful act and an improper conduct .It brings punishment from God to
those involved because the bible considers it as wrong doing (Romans.1:26-29).
Homosexuality is condemned by God who created man and woman, he created them male and
female to produce and fill the world. Homosexuality is against this command a reason to why the
church was right (Genesis: 1:27-28)
In the New Testament, punishable sins are mentioned including homosexuality. Christians are
therefore advised to shun immorality of which homosexuality is inclusive. 1 Corinthians 6:18-20
A man who engages himself in this act commits an abomination and shall be condemned to
The practitioners are guilty for ignoring the normal use of sex i.e. sex between male and
In the Old Testament, God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because of
Homosexuality limits the purpose of pro-creation and can‟t lead to the establishment of normal
family relationships a reason to why the church was right.
All sexual perverts won‟t inherit/enter the kingdom of God these perverts include
Those who act as angels of Sodom and Gomorrah will suffer eternal fire as a plain warning to all
Church leaders must be without any fault and should have self-control and be orderly i.e. they
must be exemplary this bishop had a fault of supporting homosexuality (1 Timothy.3:2)
It was right to defrock the Bishop because he was misleading his flock as regards the purpose of
sex which is procreation in marriage.
It was a form of punishment therefore the church fulfilled her duty to defrock the Bishop.
The Bishop was abusing the intention of sex yet he was the same person teaching against it.
Therefore the church was right to defrock him.
The church was right because her reputation was on stake, because he would have led many into
sin the frock copying from a shepherd.
Homosexuality defiles our bodies which are temples of God therefore the church was right to
defrock the bishop.
How should the Christian community treat people who engage in
Christians should pray for these people to have change of heart and right attitude towards sex.
Homosexuals should be corrected or helped to stop practicing the act or sinning. This can be
done by punishing them as the lord punishes those he accepts as his children as a way of
correcting them (Hebrew 12: 6)
Such people should be encouraged to repent to God because the Lord does not enjoy seeing an
evil person die he wants to see him repent and live. Ezekiel 18: 23
Christians should hate the sin committed by these people but show love to the sinners because no
one is justified to hate the sinners.
Partners should fulfill their marital duties /sexual satisfaction unless they first agree to stop for a
while for the sake of prayer because they are not masters of their own bodies (1 Corinthians 7:3-
Christians need to show love to sinners and pray on their behalf for God to forgive them but such
sinners should be encouraged to have self-control.
Christians should live as role models in order to be emulated by people who live in sin.
Christianity emphasizes forgiveness because in Jesus‟ prayer one will be forgiven depending on
how he has forgiven others (Luke 6: 37)
Christians should preach to them about the good news to get salvation (Mark 16:15-16)
Christians should teach them that marriage should be heterosexual and it is only in this type of
marriage in which sex is practiced and if they can‟t control themselves they should get married.
They should be invited for fellowships and mass in Church because in most cases they feel
They should be counseled and guided and made to realize that they have a problem.
Sex education should be provided to them in order to show them the importance of sex.
As a last resort Christians should ex- communicate these people from their community not to
spread the vice to others?
Never the less there are church masters such as bishops and priests who practice homosexuality
and want it legalized.
All in all the church has a negative attitude towards homosexuality considering the following;
The major purpose of sex is procreation according to Genesis 1:28 and homosexuality is against
this command because gays can‟t produce children.
In the book of Leviticus 18:22 God condemned homosexuality therefore Christians have to
condemn it too. God said no man should play sex with another man.
Christianity cannot support homosexuality because it undermines the value of marriage yet
marriage was instituted by God when he created male and female.
According to proverbs18:22 whoever finds a wife does a good thing and obtains favors from the
lord homosexuals don‟t get wives.
The prophets of the Old Testament condemned all forms of sexual immorality in Israel because
of this the church can‟t accept sodomy since its one form of sexual immorality.
According to Christian teachings one should remain with his/her natural beauty however
homosexuality uses artificial means to create beauty such as expensive perfumes to attract fellow
men which is condemned by 1Peter 3:3-4.
It is another way of transmitting diseases e.g. HIV which eliminates the Christian community,
yet the body of a Christian is a temple of the Holy Spirit.
In Genesis 19, the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of homosexuality;
Christians have a feeling that once homosexuality continues God will be annoyed with mankind
and destroy all those involved as he did to Sodom and Gomorrah
Christians are against homosexuality and believe that their body is the temple of the Holy Spirit
which shouldn‟t be put to evil purpose as Paul emphasized in 1Corinthians 6:19
According to Christian understanding all those involved in homosexuality are not practicing true
love yet a man is supposed to love a woman but not fellow man. Genesis 2:24
When writing to Corinthians Paul condemned sexual immorality. Christians use this teaching of
Paul when writing to Corinthians about immorality to condemn homosexuality. 1corinthians 6
Sodomy is a sin against God according to the book of Romans1:27 this is because homosexuality
is against the natural way of making love.
Sexual perverts are warned for undermining the Christian faith. Therefore homosexuality breaks
the law of love.
Homosexuality is a shameful act which is condemned by God a reason to why Christians are
against it.Romans1:26
Homosexuality leads to Spread of STDs e.g. HIV /AIDS leading to death. This is because the
anus is permeable and HIV easily crosses to the blood vessels.
It brings shame and loss of self-respect e.g. in 2007 in Uganda when homosexuals were talking
to the press they masked their faces.
It hurts the body e.g it causes wounds in private parts and bleeding in the anus. In most cases
Sodomised young boys usually die of lack of blood in the rectum.
One can get addicted to this habit and end up adopting homosexuality when he is married then he
is likely to divorce.
Homosexuality leads to imprisonment especially when a mature man is involved with a young
boy. This is common in countries where homosexuality is illegal.
It denies young people a chance to concentrate on studies e.g they keep thinking about their
lovers with fantasy and hysteria.
Homosexuality can lead to ex - communication from the Christian community e.g the Vatican
banned homosexual leaders from church activities.
Homosexuality leads to loss of friends and isolation e.g homosexuals are abandoned by their
friends who feel uncomfortable to be associated with this habit.
Poverty in homes is responsible for adultery, when a wife is lacking essentials of life and a rich
neighbor can provide such goods like clothes and a mobile phone they are most likely to commit
Lack of sexual satisfaction causes adultery. This is common with men who don‟t know how to
make love; which sometimes may compel their wives to go out to commit adultery.
Long time separation is responsible for adultery in society today. This is because it causes sexual
starvation and temptation on the side of the partners hence leading to adultery.
Domestic violence has contributed to adultery, in marriages where there is no cheating and
cheating done as a way of revenge.
Alcoholism has also led to adultery; people who are addicted to alcohol find it hard to control
temptation and such partners have a high libido ie their desire for sex is high to the extent that
they have to sleep with house girls and barmaids.
Bareness and impotence have contributed to adultery; this is because the desire to have children
out of wedlock leads to infidelity.
Producing children of the same sex leads to adultery i.e. men use this excuse to commit adultery
hopping to produce children of a different sex outside marriage.
Big age gap among couples has contributed to unfaithfulness in marriage when the woman grows
faster compared to the man and she losses interest in sex. Sometimes she separates her bed
forcing the husband to commit adultery.
Group influence is responsible for increased cases of adultery in society today. Men are
influenced by their cheating friends at places of work or when in a seminar or residential
Too much trust in condoms has contributed to adultery. Men know that they can‟t get STDs and
women cheat knowing that they cannot get pregnant.
Liberation of women in Uganda has contributed to adultery. Women are emancipated and
whatever a man does they can also do it. That‟s why they revenge by cheating after suspecting
their husbands of committing adultery.
In the Decalogue, adultery is condemned a man is not supposed to have sexual intercourse with
neighbor‟s wife therefore the Mosaic Law is against adultery. Exodus 20:14
Both a man and a woman were to be put to death in case they were caught in adultery this was
done to get rid of this evil. Deuteronomy 22:22
In proverbs men are warned not to be tempted by beauty and good eyes of another man‟s wife
because such a relationship with her can cost one his wealth. Proverbs 5:1-23
Still in proverbs young men are advised to ignore temptation or beauty of a married woman. Her
lips and kisses may be sweet but the results are bitter. Proverbs 5:3-4
Although adultery is a sin in the Old Testament, it should be forgiven for the sake of a marriage
relationship. God used Hosea to demonstrate that adultery is bad but can be forgiven.
In the New Testament adultery is still taken as a sin against God by married partners. Jesus said
that whenever one divorces a wife and remarries commit adultery against his wife.
Adultery is a sin but those caught in adultery should be given chance to repent e.g Jesus pleaded
for a woman caught in adultery to be spared from stoning but told her to go and sin no more or
What does the bible teach on adultery?
In cross generation sex there must be an age gap of at least 10years. It is sometimes referred
to as sugar Mummism / Daddism and thus cross generation sex is as a result of the following;
Permissiveness in society today is responsible for cross generation sex. People do what they
want regardless of what others think. Girls of 18yrs see it as normal to be married to men of
Greed for wealth is responsible for cross generation sex. Some girls want to show off by living
an expensive life style ie using expensive telephones etc. They end up in cross generation sex.
Culture is partly to blame for cross generation sex eg in 2007, Omukama Solomon Gafabusha
Iguru of Bunyoro kingdom married a young girl in her early 20‟s when he was above 50yrs.
Peer influence is another factor responsible for cross generation sex, girls influence their friends
to have bigger men as lovers in the end young girls see it as fashionable to love men who are
older than them and are already working.
The high rates of unemployment, has contributed to high rates of cross generation sex.
The young female generations sometimes prefer old men due to sex therapy. To some girls older
men are good and experienced in bed matters compared to boys.
Cross generation sex is threatening society due to irresponsible parenthood; parents are busy
with work and rarely get time to attend to their children who ends up in cross generation sex.
Today a good number of ladies go for cross generation sex because older men are flexible lovers.
They are already married and don‟t have much pressure just like the young male who are
There are girls who believe that the young men in most cases are players and don‟t know what
they want in a relationship hence end up dating old men.
Freedom of children has to be limited. Young girls and boys need to be restricted especially
during vacations / holidays.
Blue movies and tabloids like red pepper, should be censored by the media council and
Parliament should enact laws to that effect.
It is the high time the society got laws to guard against prostitution, homosexuality and
lesbianism; the government should remain tough on those who sexually harass others. Rapists
and defilers have to be severely punished.
As usual the church needs to be active by preaching against sex misuse. The Catholic Church
condemned gay leaders as church has been opposed to gay bishops.
The main media can be used in fighting sex misuse especially the radios, televisions and
newspaper, adverts and articles can be carried out there by advising against cross generation sex.
There‟s need for having meaning full leisure particularly for young people. As an idle mind is
the devil‟s workshop and that‟s why young people should be involved in activities at home,
school and should avoid being idle.
Marriage should be encouraged for those of age, married people settle their sexual lives and it is
not easy to abuse sex like bachelors and spinsters do.
Education is important for the youth; they should be made to concentrate on their studies get
certificates earn income other than resorting to sex business men.
By forming teenage clubs sex misuses should be made to reduce such clubs include straight talk
and they should spread messages of abstinence.
Young people need enough necessities to use especially at school and university. When girls lack
necessities and pocket money, they are tempted to misuse sex.
Society needs to be reminded about dressing code especially by females in Uganda. Provocative
and revealing clothes must be discouraged as another factor leading to immorality.
Permissiveness refers to a situation where by members of the family in particular or society in
general have the liberty to do what they want or behave as they wish not minding about the
consequences of their actions on others.
Manifestations of permissiveness
There is enough evidence that developing countries are increasingly becoming permissive by
allowing foreign aspects and evils. In Uganda the evidence is enough to show that the country is
Use of drugs by the young people such as marijuana and opium, too much gambling such as
scratching for cash, betting , playing cards for money and the like.
Sex between people of the same sex is common especially in urban areas .They even address
press conferences e.g in August 2007 they addressed a press conference in Kampala and said that
they have about 50,000members in the city.
The gift of sex is commercialized in urban areas with girls setting prices for sex at specific
locations like sax pub and Speke road.
Indecent dressing where people dress in provocative way in miniskirts, half tops, shorts by
mature men etc
Increasing cases of abortion in higher institutions of learning and secondary schools where the
fetus is thrown in pit latrines.
Illegal marriages are on the increase with girls running away with lovers, men having
Application of artificial beauty e.g dreadlocks, bleaching of skin, lipstick, ear ring and nose pins.
Misuse of language such as forced accent and languages (words) like fxxk you and bullshit
Increasing pornography like blue movies, hot sex newspapers carrying nude pictures like Red
paper in Uganda.
Cases of sex before marriage among the youth are common especially in secondary schools.
Virginity is no longer important in marriage; people think it is out fashioned. None virgins were
humiliated at marriage African Traditional Societies.
Disrespect of elders in the community is common today by abusing them and talking rudely to
some people organize nude dances in places like bars sometimes these girls dance without
knickers and raising their legs to the public e.g in February .2006 a half necked girl moved
around Kampala promoting anew radio station.
Internet marriages for example the late president Binaisa acted permissively by marrying
Vamamuto from Japan through the internet but their marriage didn‟t last long.
Emergence of surrogate mothers ie women who are paid a fortune to undergo artificial
fertilization &carry somebody‟s baby .They deliver using a C-section and cannot be allowed to
see the baby before being taken by the couple who paid.
Love has lost meaning men & women search for lovers using columns in newspapers, .they
describe their feelings, talk about how sexy they are and some are looking for sugar mummies
and Daddies.
Desire for modernity & western culture have caused permissiveness in developing countries
.This is where Africans admire western practices and end up adopting them such as dressing
styles homosexuality etc.
Education system is at times responsible for creating a permissive society .the current education
system is aiming at creating individuals who admire western systems (practices) and forget their
own culture
Today everything is commercialized and people can‟t survive without money for that matter
people become desperate to get money and do all sorts of permissive acts there by spoiling their
Mass media has led to erosion of morals in society which in turn create a permissive society.
Magazines and pictures in newspapers and internet are dangerous and emphasize permissive
aspects like sex misuse.
It is also caused by people who run away from their cultural values and move to town
Where they do whatever they want regardless of what other people think.
Communities are no longer united because of individuals who have halted African values and
created permissiveness a person does as he wishes without the community interference as it was
in the past.
Generation gap is another cause of permissiveness in society ;where by parents don‟t interact
freely with their children. In this way young people take up nasty behaviors because they lack
constant guidance from their parents.
In developing countries those who have been given too much freedom do what they want not
only adults but young children too.
In Africa, the governments don‟t fight permissiveness and that‟s why it‟s on the increase, the
Ugandan government hasn‟t helped much in the fight against permissiveness that‟s why there is
homosexuality, skimpy dressing abortion e t c
Lack of faith in religion has also contributed to permissiveness. Most people lack faith in religion
although they attend Sunday masses.
Permissiveness is associated with artificial beauty yet the bible encourages inner beauty.
Permissiveness encourages immorality like homosexuality, prostitution and fornication yet the
bible says that immoral people will never inherit the kingdom of God.
It has led to divorce in society yet according to Christians marriage should be permanent.
Permissiveness is associated with use of drugs especially by young people yet the body of a
Christian is a temple of the Holy Spirit which should never be defiled.
It encourages mob justice in society yet according to Christians we are all sinners awaiting God‟s
judgment since he is the only judge.
Permissiveness encourages irreligion in society yet Christians are called upon to fellowship and
worship only one God.
It encourages misuse of sex in society yet according to Christians sex is holy and sacred.
It leads to generation gap and disrespect of parents yet God‟s law calls upon Christians to respect
their parents.
Permissiveness encourages devil worship, witchcraft and consulting mediums yet God‟s law says
worship no other gods but me.
Permissiveness has led to increased crime rate in society e.g murder; rape etc yet Christians are
called upon to respect life.
It has led to victimization of innocent people for example displacement of people when one
wants to buy land yet Christians are called upon to show love to neighbors.
It encourages laziness and theft in society yet Christians are called upon to work hard and theft is
condemned in Exodus 20.
This refers to the conflict between the young generation and the old one. This is a situation
where by the youth see their parents and the elders as out dated.
Causes of a generation gap
Inability of parents to attend to their children regularly; parents are in most cases busy and rarely
find time to sit together with children.
Some parents and elders are too rude to young ones and the two parties can‟t agree with each
other. Children fear their harshness.
Education system is another cause. Most children start their school life in boarding schools i.e.
nursery, primary secondary and university yet holidays are short.
The main media has in some way promoted generation gap by spreading views opposed to the
old generations.
Peer influence creates generation gap especially when the youth of the same age come together
to share views. They influence each other and despise their parents instead of sharing ideas.
Many young people are concentrated in urban areas and don‟t get in touch with their relatives
and elders up country.
Today children are given too much freedom and this makes them to disrespect their parents and
elders. Some don‟t punish them.
The society is no longer held together by culture and this makes the young ignorant about the
importance of parents and elders.
The decline in moral values has caused generation gap because many young people misbehave.
Parents and elders have ignored them and have left them at the mercy of God.
Influence of western culture is responsible for generation gap; young people have admired
western independence from ones parents such as staying alone, eating alone and taking your
parents to police in case they violate your rights.
Most youth have ignored religion and rarely attend church services (or masses) there by not
being in position to mix freely with others. Religion teaches that whoever obeys and respects
parents shall have more days to live on earth.
The socialization partners indicate that in reality generation gap exists. Young people especially
teenagers socialize only among themselves during leisure.
Young people have distance themselves away from elders, their social habits are wanting, girls
no longer sit properly as it used to be and boys greet elders without compassion like saying „hi‟.
It manifests itself in the sex education among young, people limited interaction between parents
and children has made giving of knowledge about sex difficult.
Most young people have lost touch with religion and those who are more religious in most cases
show pretence. It is a common experience coming across young people who cannot recite the
Lord‟s Prayer and food grace, don‟t go to church and are not part of any religious association.
There is poor language development among young people that shows generation gap; new words
have come up like chic, mob, kawa etc.
A good number of young generation exhibits un wanted habits and behavior as an indication of
generation gap these include drug abuse, smoking etc.
With generation gap, young people aren‟t interested in knowing and interacting with their
relatives they believe in their immediate biological parents and don‟t regard aunts.
When it comes to music the old generation is interested in classical songs by local artists like
Paulo Kafero, Fred Sebatta etc, however the new generation is interested in the western music of
hip hop and R and B
The dress code in Uganda today depicts generation gap in society. This is a situation where old
people dress decently in trousers, courts for men and long dresses for women. The young dress in
shirts, miniskirts, half tops and jeans.
Most youth experience many social problems in their lives which put too much stress upon them.
Some go as far as committing suicide, dying all the time and running away from home.
The society becomes permissive where parents and elders aren‟t allowed to play a role in lives of
the youth which leads to permissiveness like indecent dressing.
People‟s cultures are forgotten for western culture ie people forget their languages their origins
and cultural practices.
It leads to domestic violence when children are in conflict with their parents because of absence
of respect, of the way they are supposed to eat, dress and get entertained.
It leads to irresponsible citizens in the country who aren‟t nurtured by parents; they grow not
respecting their community elders and generally are indiscipline citizens because charity never
started at home.
Adolescents face many problems in the situation of generation gap, they suffer alone because
they aren‟t there with parents.
It brings about decline in religious obligations, lack of faith etc. Young people aren‟t brought up
in Christian way because their parents were never given a chance due to generation gap.
Death can occur as a result of generation gap among young people. One becomes to desperate
without attention from parents and ends up committing suicide.
There is no law and order because of generation gap, young people can become criminals
because they were negatively influenced by their peers they end up becoming young rapists and
young terrorists.
With generation gap there is no harmony in the community. The two generations despise each
other and are almost at war. The young abuse the old as outdated and the old take the young as
spoilt and people.
It is also responsible for family breakup and divorce. Young people don‟t consult the elder
before choosing marriage partners thus marrying wrong people who divorce in the near future.
It also creates rural urban migration. The young generation isolates its self in the urban areas like
Kampala while elders remain up country. This explains why young people are in the cities and
despise the elderly up country.
Parents should discipline their children as a way of expressing love and care for them.
The parents should remember that children are a gift from God which should not be abused by
ignoring to look after them.
Sending children to boarding schools when they are still young cannot solve the problem, it will
affect them psychologically and they will have no time to enjoy parental love.
Even when children have made a mistake parents should correct them and forgive them taking an
example of the prodigal son in the gospel of Luke.
Parents should not irritate their children or else they will be discouraged and this will lead to
generation gap Colossians 3: 21.
Children should remember that they are expected to obey their parents so as to please God and to
live longer on earth.
Parents should accept children who admit their mistakes and ask for forgiveness e.g the prodigal
son Luke 15
Parents should pray for their children and bring them up in the fear of God.
Parents should love their children this will reduce the gap between the two generations.
Parents should encourage their children to be in good company as bad company ruins good
Parents should bring up their children morally upright as immorality creates generation gap.
The relationship between parents and their children in African Traditional Society was as
Parents were expected to discipline their children when need arose and children would be
punished by any elder in the community not only their parents.
Children were expected to hid to the instructions of elders without question e.g the Baganda of
central Uganda used to say that Eliso lyomukuru awadugara wewaraba i.e. the dark part of the
elders eye sees best.
Parents were expected to get their children marriage partners because they were expected to
know better what was good for their children.
Parents were custodians of social norms and cultural values to children whereby at a fire place
parents gave stories and experiences to children.
Parents gave spiritual guidance to children in a home. This helped children to be morally upright.
Parents taught sex education to children this helped to prepare them for their future roles in
Boys in the family were more important than girls .They defended the society and inherited
family fortune.
Parents were expected to show exemplary behavior to their children and children were expected
to emulate their parents.
Parents provided guidance and counseling to their children, by correcting them to follow the
basic ways of society.
Ethics and justice were in the hands of elders and parents where the elders were always right.
Children took care of their parents in old age and parents were a source of knowledge to their
The life of parents was prolonged through their children and their status depended on how many
children they had.
Children received tender care from their parents and they sealed marriages between their parents.
The father was the head of the family deputized by the mother and all children regardless of age
were expected to obey and respect their parents.
According to Ephesians 6; 1-3 children are expected to obey their children as a way of fulfilling
God‟s command.
Parents are supposed to discipline their children but not to lead them to resentment.Ephesians6;
In Christian teaching parents is not only a source of knowledge but also Godly instruction.
Ephesians 6:4b
According to Christians both boys and girls are important should be brought up without fear but
out of love.
Children in a Christian family get care and unconditional love from parents.
Parents should be good examples to their children not as an obligation but as God‟s will.
The idea of parents being respected and the father as the head of the family is in line with
Christian idea that Jesus is the head of the church.
Parents need to teach children, offer guidance and counseling just as the church leaders are
supposed to do.
In a Christian family parents share ideas together with their children and children are expected to
care for the elderly parents.
Christianity emphasizes individual choice of marriage partners yet ATS emphasized parental
choice of a marriage partner.
Christianity is opposed to the idea of renaming the children after the dead ancestors but saints.
According to Christians both parents and children are equal in the eyes of God and they will be
judged equally.
Parents rarely look at children as a means through which they can live eternally in Christianity
yet ATS believed in incarnation.
It is a period of transition from child hood to adult hood especially between the ages of 13 -
18yrs depending on individual‟s level of development.
Characteristics of adolescence
It is characterized by physical changes in one‟s body for both girls and boys. There is an increase
in the size of the body at different ages.
It is a period of intellectual growth ones thinking and reasoning capacity greatly increases. They
improve in class, reason critically and have a high sense of understanding.
There is too much socialization during adolescence when boys and girls are eager to make
friends; they interact freely with their peers, pay regular visits to each other can share a bed at
Biologically adolescence is characterized by great changes in the body when the individual
grows physically and also develops secondary sex characteristics like enlargement of bums,
menstruation etc.
Adolescents are sexually attracted and admire the opposite sex. Both girls and boys start acting
to attract each other by writing letters and this leads to fornication in most cases.
Adolescence is also characterized by too much ambition in both sexes in different ways like
choosing careers to become lawyers, doctors soldiers etc.
This stage is characterized by rebellion where by adolescents challenge authority at home and
school. It also involves escaping from schools of boys and girls.
There is a feeling of pride and a sense of being recognized especially during socialization eg girls
want to talk in a unique way, with the intension of attracting the public especially the opposite
sex ,boys are recognized by walking in style, putting on caps etc.
It is a period of storm and stress this is because of emotional changes among boys and girls.
They are easily amused and annoyed to the extent of excitement which is at times not healthy.
There is a general characteristic of boys and girls having a tendency of embracing their roles in
society to be responsible people.
Imitation is significant they start imitating walking styles or can easily sing the whole album of
All adolescent boys are assertive as part of male characteristic while girls tend to be more
submissive towards boys.
Both boys and girls are exposed or adopt aspects of culture with or without the mistreatment to
their parents. Tribal / clan secrets are seduced to adolescents like circumcision, visiting the bush
in girls among Bagisu and Baganda respectively.
Acquiring knowledge and intelligence i.e. the reasoning capacity widens and knew knowledge is
acquired which leads to good performance.
Self- realization or an individual come to know their weakness and strength, realizing ones
characteristics, beauty and handsomeness.
Physical growth and development is realized i.e. one is able to develop physical features e.g.
beards, breasts etc.
Children become mature enough to perform and provide labor such as digging, milking fetching
water and helping their families.
It allows the giving of sex education such as how reproduction takes place; roles of girls and
boys, how people make love in bed, which are always hidden from young people.
There is growing in faith; here adolescents know about God going to church regularly and
getting born again.
The society welcomes reproductive individuals i.e. girls are able to produce children and boys
able to be fathers hence promote pro- creation and human life.
There is preparation for professional growth they take up carriers to be doctors, journalists,
lawyers etc.
New friends are acquired at school, home, churches and outside the society.
The society has good and beautiful individuals, if one doesn‟t become beautiful / handsome at
adolescence stage chances are that she/he will never be.
Boys and girls had limited interaction in ATS which were aimed at preventing occurrence of
immorality; they would only meet at important functions such as “Imbalu” ceremony for Bagisu.
Adolescent boys were separated from their own parents and stayed in their hurts in the
homesteads. This was one way of preparing them to be responsible leaders in families.
They were put under the care of relatives, girls sent to their aunts for guidance in Buganda. Boys
would also be sent to their uncles in preparation for adulthood.
Parents and close friends began giving sex education according to the sexes. Boys were trained
in male responsibilities like hunting defense on other hand girls were trained in family
responsibilities like preparing meals, cleaning homes.
Adolescence was a time of giving out cultural secrets. Adolescents had to be told history of the
community such as traditional relationships between the Baganda and the Banyoro.
At adolescence marriage partners were identified for boys and girls by parents. This was the
beginning of arranged marriages thus a system of courtship.
Some privileges were extended to the young people at adolescence by their families. Boys and
girls would be given clothes in form of bark cloth in Buganda.
There was ownership of property during adolescence in ATS Boys owned some animals e.g.
hens and cows; girls were also allowed to own gardens, basket weaving etc.
Cases of immorality and unwanted pregnancies i.e. the sexual urge in strong during adolescence.
Biological complications in the body like long days of menstruation period (MP) wet dreams,
boy‟s penis tends to bend towards the left.
Increased sexual feeling which causes hysteria, fear of being rejected anxiety etc.
Negative changes on the body like pimples, overgrowth of body parts like hips, breasts, buttocks
and obesity.
Quick decisions making, whereby adolescents decide quickly without taking time to understand.
Generation gaps where by adolescents fail to respect or associate with their parents and elders.
Negative public opinion about them and being feared; boys are seen as “Bayaye” and girls are
seen to be loose and harlots because of the way they dress.
Vulnerability to sex offenders especially girls by boys demanding sex and even men who at
times defile them.
They should be taught by elders to control their sexual feelings e.g by seeking counseling and
Punishment given to adolescents should be reduced and reformative to enable them realize their
Adolescents should be encouraged to practice active leisure which will make them busy an idle
mind is a devil‟s workshop.
Adolescents should be kept busy always for them not to get time for practicing immorality. They
can go for conferences in holidays or seminars.
They should be discouraged about having peers who might bring them problems and encouraged
to get good Christian friends.
As Christians, adolescents should be aware about their looks and learn how to appreciate God ie
fellowships on Sundays.
They should be taught as Christians to love one another not to disturb their fellow students in
schools, school counselors ought to do their job.
They need to love God and always attend Sunday services and bible studies for them not to get
time to over think.
They should be told about dangers of drugs and smoking by their teachers and parents. This is a
big problem in urban schools.
They should be taught by elders to make good decisions by taking enough time and first to think
and understand.
They should always follow the bible and commandments of God and learn how to respect their
Parents need to be open to them, love them and maintain a closer tie. They can even buy presents
for them and make them feel at home.
This refers to the attempt to regulate family size by controlling the interval between and the
frequency of births, this is done by use of birth rate control measures.
The aim of family planning is getting children by choice not by accident in particular a woman
should have a greater chance to decide how many times to conceive.
Family planning involves two categories of methods used to limit unwanted conception i.e.
natural and artificial methods.
Natural methods
Abstinence method
Withdraw method
Calendar rhythm method
Artificial methods
Intra uterine devices (IUDs)
Contraceptive pills
Children are assured of parental love and individual love and care of each child.
Children are assured of good health and quality education due to family planning.
Family planning methods like abortion limits the production of deformed children.
Keeps a woman attractive to the husband and this in the process prevents extra marital sex.
It reduces on maternal mortality rate as it gives enough time for women to work and care for the
It saves the mother from early death e.g if she won‟t be able to deliver the baby safely abortion
medically is recommended.
Some methods check against the spread of STDs and HIV /AIDS e.g use of condoms.
It enables school girls to pursue their studies by using pills and abortions hence preventing
school dropout and parental wrath.
It helps the country to check population explosion and congestion in the country and family
hence the government is able to plan and provide for her citizens.
It enables the parents to get sexual pleasure i.e. when they are free from child birth or when they
are using condoms without fear of being pregnant.
It safeguards the mother i.e. it gives her enough rest from child birth which increases her
efficiency and performance at her work place.
Abortion is real murder i.e the fetus though unborn is a human being created by God; life does
not start at birth but at conception God told Jeremiah that I knew you before you were born.
Children are a blessing from God thus should not be killed through family planning methods like
Controlling child birth is a sign of selfishness and irresponsibility yet Christians are supposed to
be selfless and responsible.
Pills may lead to unwanted loss/gain of weight, pressure and nausea which is very dangerous to
one‟s life and health.
Some family planning methods are irreversible in case one loses all his children e.g vasectomy
The withdraw method is psychologically disturbing to a man thus leads to sexual dissatisfaction
which may lead to other vices like adultery.
Family planning may lead to divorce or separation in case of couple fails to agree on which
method to use.
Careless contraceptive use and abortion may lead to barrenness hence making one regret
throughout life yet man was created to procreate.
The condoms may stick into one‟s vagina hence causing health problems and embarrassment to
one‟s dignity.
Condoms and pills lead to increased levels of immorality like adultery and fornication due to
false confidence created yet immoral people will never inherit the kingdom of God.
The rhythm method of family planning method
Assess the effectiveness of the rhythm method of family planning.
The rhythm method is a method of family planning in which the couple avoids sex during the
fertile days and they resume having sex during the safe days.
It is commonly used in rural areas and this method is largely an effective method of planning
due to its advantages;
This method is effective in controlling birth rates; if it is used effectively and consistently.
This method is natural, so it doesn‟t involve the use of artificial gadgets and chemicals which
would be dangerous to women‟s health.
It has been modernized and reinforced with the use of moon beads which are colored and enable
the woman to know her fertile and safe days. Brown beads show the un safe days.
The method can be discontinued without any side effects as compared to other methods.
It teaches the couples to manage records in order to keep the rhythm effective.
Children are assured of good health if this method is used to control birth rate.
It helps to check on population expansion and congestion in the country and families.
The rhythm method enables parents to make savings hence a solution to poverty. Parents can
also enjoy sexual pleasure.
This method safeguards the mother and she gets enough time to rest from child birth ie unsafe
days a chance to couple to rest from child birth.
During the unsafe days the couple is given chance to rest from vigorous sexual activity saving
their energy for other activities.
The church is in agreement with this method of family planning; because it is natural and the
Catholics refer to it as Pauline method because Pope John Paul 11 recommended it.
It is an easy and safe method to use especially if a strict timetable is used and followed by the
This method requires a lot of time and patience which in most cases the couples don‟t have
patience which leads to conception.
This method results into unwanted pregnancy ie its not very effective in controlling child birth
and the couple might consider abortion once pregnancy occurs which is evil before God.
This method calls for a lot of mutual understanding between the couple which is in most cases
It is not easy to get information regarding the use of this method because every woman has her
own menstrual cycle.
The method is against God‟s commandment of, “go produce and fill the world and take control
of it”.
This method may require the use of a backup method eg condoms especially if the couple wants
to have sex during the fertile days.
The method is life threatening and doesn‟t protect the couple against HIV/AIDS and other STDs.
It is not even 100% safe in controlling HIV/AIDS.
If this method is used and the woman conceives a man can suspect a woman of adultery hence
leading to marital disorders.
Miscalculations can happen especially when the menstrual cycle is not constant so conception
can take place.
Some couples find it hard to know their safe days, the mistakes are bound to happen and this
may lead to the un wanted conception due to the use of this method.
This is possibly the ultimate method of family planning in which the individuals refrain totally
from any form of sexual intercourse before marriage. It is not only supported by the church or
scriptures but also African cultural norms.
This method prevents unwanted pregnancies and neither can it lead to acquiring of STDs yet
those who are sexually active regret after using other methods like calendar rhythm.
Unlike other methods abstinence rarely requires one to undergo specialized training before using
it; all that is needed is to stay away from sex.
This method ensures the privacy of those using it someone doesn‟t need to expose their
nakedness to the medical worker as it is in other methods.
This method is safe and has no any known complications ie there is no scientific documentation
to indicate that this type of family planning has any side effects which is a problem to those
using it.
The church and indeed other sacred writing seem to encourage abstinence and sexual purity by
indicating that it is in line with God‟s plan and it gives greater commitment to God so, for a
while its good.
It is preferable because it is in line with African culture children before marriage are expected to
abstain from all forms of sexual activity eg among the Baganda a girl who was found to be a
virgin at marriage was given a number of bridal gifts.
This method of family planning is cheap and doesn‟t involve any direct costs since nothing needs
to be bought it suits the children of the rich and the poor.
If this method is used its hard to acquire STDs because people are not sexually active. In Uganda
for example, people who have STDs are those who are sexually active.
It limits conception since there is no any sexual contact. It is therefore the most reliable method
e.g. in living memory only one woman has been documented to have conceived when she was
still a virgin and this was “Mary” mother of Jesus.
Those who use it regularly often end up with unwanted pregnancies and have a lot to regret
It is rarely applicable in the context of marriage i.e it is hard for married partners to fulfill their
conjugal obligations using this method.
This method leads to anxiety mainly among young men and women especially at the time of
adolescence, when they deeply about their lives. They find this kind of method discomforting e.g
its common on capital doctor program for teenagers shrinking almost to disappearance because
of abstinence.
This method leads to sexual pervasions. Many people who depend on this method often attain
alternative ways of sexual satisfaction like using masturbation this is common in single sex
This method of family planning is associated with a lot of myth although medically and
scientifically incorrect. There is a wide spread belief that if a woman refrains from sex for a long
time, she develops complications which make her impenetrable.
This method contradicts reality most girls today seem to be sexually active at an early age and
those who are virgins in the teenage are looked at as hopeless, conservative and as people who
have failed to embrace change of modern times.
Abstinence may cause family instability in case it is introduced in marriage context which may
be interpreted as a sign of rejection and this can lead to marriage breakdown.
This method of family planning recognizes the purpose of sex play as an important part of family
relationship. It gives the couple an opportunity to satisfy each other sexually.
This method is cheap comfortable and it is liked by many couples. It involves no money since
nothing buyable is required even the poor can use it.
Unity ie by promoting regular sexual intercourse it promotes family relationships and enhances
unity. A relationship without regular sexual intercourse easily falls apart.
Pregnancy ie since this method is built on the principle of not spilling sperms inside the woman‟s
reproductive system. It significantly diminishes the chances of un wanted conception.
Training ie this method is easy to use and can therefore be practiced by the couple who don‟t
have the ability to read the instructions as it is in other methods like use of condoms.
Tranquility ie this method brings peace of mind to the couple enhancing faithfulness and limiting
unwanted conception and permitting sexual intercourse.
This method is unreliable ie it is the least effective in limiting the unwanted pregnancy even
before actual ejaculation, a few sperms escape and enter a woman which may make her pregnant.
This method leads to sexual dissatisfaction. The climax of sexual intercourse is the point of
ejaculation not only in men but also in females. This method rules out any sexual satisfaction
since a man has to disengage at the point of climax.
This method leads to sexual immorality i.e it inspires a feeling of security that one can have sex
and go away with it; thus it encourages immorality in boys and girls.
This method leads to regrets i.e those who use this method regularly end up with unwanted
pregnancies and often end up with a lot of regret about it.
This method leads to acquiring sexually transmitted diseases; because it provides zero protection
against STDs since it allows free physical contact of sexual fluids.
This method leads to bad odor in the room. This is why it is hated by most people because of
offensive smell or fluids ie semen when they are spilt on bed sheets they smell badly and it may
take time to be cleaned.
These are rubber sheath used in sexual intercourse such that in spite of penetration, there is no
physical exchange of fluid between male and woman.
Condoms appeared on the Ugandan market in 1980s after HIV/AIDS was documented to be
present in the country since then they have gained national acceptability; so that millions of them
are used in Uganda each year and they are used in marriage and outside marriage as one of the
methods of family planning.
They are cheap and at times they are available free of charge in health centers therefore condoms
provide efficient prevention against spread of STDs.
Condoms are easy to use because no special training is required; all is required is to put a
condom on an erected penis and remove it carefully after use. Some condom packets even have
If used constantly and correctly they stop un wanted pregnancies hence very efficient in family
They are convenient to carry because a packet of condoms can be kept in pockets or stockings.
They are safe and haven‟t been documented to have nay side effects e.g. 2001 the ministry of
health in Uganda imported about 3million condoms only to be used during Easter season.
Condoms are widely distributed so that those who want to use them should not get a problem
finding them.
Condoms make it easy to regulate the family size and attain proper child spacing because they
rule out the possibility of unwanted conception.
Condoms enhance privacy of the couple since they don‟t need to go to the health service
provider for assistance what is required is one to master how to use them.
The youth of these days are permissive and encouraging them to abstain is useless it‟s therefore
better to encourage them to use condoms to satisfy their sexual desires other than assuming that
they are abstaining and end up dying.
Weaknesses of condoms
Condoms undermine God‟s original intention of sex and those who use them act contrary to the
will of God hence that‟s why the church condemns the use of condoms.
Condoms encourage sexual immorality because unfaithful couples as well as the un married
develop a false sense of security in using them.
Condoms are expensive depending on where you find them eg at a place like Sheraton hotel in
Kampala a packet of condoms cost about sh 3,000/= hence very expensive for low income
In many remote places they are not available because the nearest health Centre is over 6 miles
away and this makes it hard to get them.
Some people complain that using condoms make sex totally different i.e. they can‟t feel
anything while using them and they often describe it as eating a sweet which is wrapped with a
Condoms work well, when one uses them constantly and correctly and this has been proved to be
very difficult because in most cases couples can‟t sustain using condoms for more than three
When condoms are stored under poor conditions they become un reliable because the rubber
becomes weak and prone to tear.eg the minister of health in Kampala advices lovers not to buy
condoms sold by hawkers.
Whether tested or not condoms are not 100% perfect and thus they are risky e.g. under a high
electronic microscope condoms were found to be having cells that were much bigger than the
size of a virus.
Some condoms are smuggled in the country without being tested, as a result they are substandard
and very risky to use e.g. in 2004 the ministry of health rejected a brand of condoms called
“Engabo” such condoms can tear while in action and thus exchange of fluids.
Condoms can get stuck into a woman‟s sexual organ causing automatic spilling of fluids into a
woman which is dangerous.
A few women and men experience a reaction to condoms because their lubricants cause plenty of
rushes and itching of sexual parts hence leading to discomfort.
Condoms are disgusting and degrade women and in most cases women who carry and move
around with them are seen to be prostitutes.
Condoms are initially hazardous because they are not bio- degradable since they are made out of
polythene which can‟t decompose.
When thrown around carelessly they may be picked by children playing who may end up using
them as balloons hence risking their lives to Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
In some areas, they are thrown into flash toilets and end up blocking the flow of water and
sewage hence poor sanitation.
They bring conflicts with neighbors incase children pick them from neighborhood and play with
them such conflicts are common in slum areas.
Some condoms are longer than the organs therefore, they become slippery and hard to use while
some men who have extra-large tools can be small to fit them.
Sometimes a man can remove a condom during sexual play and the woman may not notice it
hence spilling his fluids into a woman causing unwanted pregnancies.
Sex is an act meant to be satisfying and therefore so good and yet condoms limit orgasm and
sexual satisfaction.
Sexual intercourse is a sign of fusion of two people a sign of unity of God and man and condom
use is an obstacle to thus fusion and unity.
A condom is not 100% perfect and one who uses it risks life and yet life is a precious gift from
Sex is meant married couples in fulfillment of mutual love yet condoms limit this goal.
The youth are expected to abstain from sex until marriage therefore they don‟t need condoms.
Condos create both psychological and physical dissatisfaction yet couples are advised to play sex
regularly to satisfy one another and guard against temptations to adultery.
All together life is a gift given to a man and woman freely and they have a responsibility or duty
to extend this gift of life to others yet condoms limit this responsibility.
Sex is supposed to be natural or live but condoms make it artificial.
“The bible will save your soul and the condom will save your life” as a CRE student, assess
the validity of the statement?
“You are advised to use a condom or femidom for safe sex” an AIDS worker advised the youth
in a seminar as a student of CRE, comment on this advice.
“The counselor advised the youth to use condoms for safe sex” as a Christian comment on the
counselor’s advice.
The advice/ statement is wrong from the Christian point of view and Christians don‟t support the
use of condoms this is due to the above factors [Give Christian teaching about condoms as seen
Contraceptive pills
These are small tablets normally swallowed by women on a regular basis to stop them from
getting pregnant.
Pills are actually artificial hormones and when they are taken they make the body behave as if its
already pregnant therefore can‟t conceive again.
Pills vary greatly in composition and brand names and no single pill can be said to be appropriate
to every woman, the choice of pills depends on a no-of considerations;
- blood group
- the woman‟s health status
- the family medical record
- lactation ie breast feeding
- menstrual cycle
- normal body reactions to medication
Pills are cheaper and affordable i.e. a packet of 28 tablets costs around 300-500/= and
sometimes this is even subsidized.
Pills are easy to use since it needs no formal training all that is needed is to swallow (one)
pill every day.
Pills are very effective in preventing unwanted pregnancies as long as they are used regularly
and correctly. In Italy women use them widely because they want to concentrate on careers.
Pills make it possible for a couple to properly space their children and resume normal sexual
life soon after getting a child.
Pills are easy to find even in rural areas because once one pays for a packet it takes at least 28
days and during that time should have been able to find another packet.
Un like condoms, pills are socially acceptable and ladies find no difficulties identifying with
them; a number of radio and TV stations encourage women to use them for family planning.
This is one of the methods that can easily work in context of marriage. A number of married
men can‟t accept to wear condoms when making love to their women.
Pills hardly go bad when they have been stored hygienically; even in very bad conditions
they rarely lose their effectiveness.
Pills are poisonous; when taken over a long period of time they significantly make it hard for
a woman to become pregnant e.g. in china a country with one child policy and because
women regularly use pills they also have lowest fertility rate in the whole world.
Pills are responsible for unexplained sudden weight loss or gain. Pills make the body of a
woman behave in a funny way i.e. accumulate a lot of fats or discard them.
Pills are unchristian and using them doesn‟t in any way enhance God‟s glory they determine
God‟s original intention of sex institution the catholic church in Uganda like elsewhere is
fundamental against the use of pills.
Pills are thought to be responsible for the outbreak of cancer. The normal substances
contained in pills may disorganize body functions and this may end up in cancer. In Britain
breast cancer is common among the women due to continuous use of pills.
Just like condoms pills encourages sexual immorality by eliminating the possibility of un
wanted conception this acts as a license for irresponsible sexual behaviors.
Pills might require a woman to undertake a number of medical tests before determining the
appropriate pills for her therefore they may not be an appropriate method of family planning.
Young ladies who are on pills suffer a lot of discomfort, resulting from the side effects of
such pills because they don‟t proceed by taking necessary medical tests.
Women who have just started using them experience a low sex desire because of chemical
formulae and hormonal set up of their bodies are totally disoriented and as a result they
experience a lot of pain during sexual intercourse.
Young women who use pills usually experience unpredictable menstrual periods which
sometimes disappear for months and sometimes they appear in form of continuous bleeding
for weeks. This makes such women constantly angry and quarrel some.
This is a deliberate attempt by women to terminate conception at such a time when the fetus
can‟t biologically or naturally survive outside the mother‟s womb. It is actually a purposeful
undertaking in which women fed up with pregnancy decide to end it using artificial means; it is
carried out in a number of ways;
Use of tablets
Use of injections
By scooping / mutilation
Use of drip etc.
The method chosen to carryout abortion depends on a number of factors;
Health status of a woman
Costs involved
Stage of pregnancy
Level of expertise of the medical worker.
Many females conceive when they are below age and carry on with the pregnancy which may be
a threat to their health; so they decide to abort.
Abortion should be allowed in case the pregnant woman conceived because some irresponsible
people took advantage of her. In such a situation, abortion should be done because the pregnant
mother is unable of performing motherly responsibilities.
Abnormality i.e, abortion is often thought of incase doctors discover that the developing fetus
has a serious abnormality that may kill it with in a short time.
Prostitution ie these are women who earn a living by offering their sexual services in return for
money. These strongly advocate for abortion for business purposes.
Women insist on abortion in case they happen to conceive while at school. They see pregnancy
as an obstacle to education development and so they want to quickly flash it out.
Environment ie the kind of environment in which one lives may encourage abortion; there are
many women who don‟t like to be seen pregnant in places where they stay or work, because they
will have many questions to answer which will embarrass them.
Gender selection, at times people carryout abortion because they discover that the pregnancy
which they have is of a child of a non- required sex e.g. in china the one child policy by
government has made many couples struggle to get only boys to carry on family names.
Economics ie people advocate for abortion because they fear to bear extra children in a home
which may imply an increase in domestic expenditure e.g. it may be the increase of school fees.
There are many men who make women pregnant and run away from responsibility leaving them
without any option but to abort.
Dangers of Abortion
Bareness women who abort regularly ultimately become barren and their chances of getting
pregnant are minimal. This is so because a lot of scars are created on their fallopian tubes which
interfere with fertility.
Pain i.e abortion causes painful experiences and women who have done it say that the pain is
worse than that of normal labor.
Expensive ie abortion is an expensive operation if it is to be done with proper medical help. This
is partly because it‟s illegal in 1st place and doctors charge exorbitantly to minimize the
associated risks.
Discomfort i.e women who abort especially without proper medical help often experience a lot
of discomfort in form of inflammation of the uterus ;as a result pus begin to come out of their
private parts and smell is abnormal. This is because some body parts of fetus remained in the
Ethics ie abortion violates the ethics of doctors because they swear to preserve life at all costs. It
is against this background that a girl looking for abortion cannot go to Mulago hospital for
assistance, instead they go to private clinics where its secretly done.
Immorality i.e it instills into a woman a feeling that one can sleep around and get away with it.
This is in fact a true reflection of women prostitutes in Kampala because their male clients
purportedly refuse to wear Condoms.
Trauma ie abortion leaves behind a serious psychological pain which lasts for a long time this
leads to regrets.
Stigma ie people lose respect should they be suspected to have carried out abortion eg in
Ugandan society does not approve the practice and those who are known to have carried it out
are scorned by the public that refer to them as “Malaya” implying that they are prostitutes.
Health ie abortion endangers the life of a woman and at times results in death; this is so because
often cruel methods are administered worse still by a quack doctor resulting into hemorrhage.
Closure since abortion is illegal in Uganda; hospitals that assist women to abort are at a risk of
being shut down by government. Marie Stopes Uganda was shut down by government until
recently because of the allegations that it was turning into an abortion clinic.
Murder abortion is a form of murder since its purpose takes away the life of a person though not
yet born. The constitution of Uganda and the penal code enshrines ones cardinal right to life and
those committing abortion risks being arrested and taken to jail.
Sex was created to be used to glorify God. Legalizing abortion is wrong because it makes sexual
intercourse be misused which is likely to bring shame to the glory of God. In 1st Corinthians 6:13
Paul says that the body is not supposed to be for sexual immorality but to serve the lord and the
lord provides for the body.
Abortion destroys the beauty and image of God contained in man who was created in God‟s
image and likeness. This is seen in the creation accounts Genesis 1:26-27.
It is wrong to legalize abortion because it totally undermines the purpose of sexual intercourse
e.g. by creating male and female God wanted him to continue with his creation role here on earth
and this is why in genesis 1:28 God says be fruitful and multiply fill the world and subdue it
therefore abortion is against this law.
People who carryout abortion put the work of God in their hands. In Genesis 9:6 God declares a
penalty of death upon anyone who causes the death of an innocent person.
Abortion is wrong because it makes man take over God‟s role as the only giver and taker of
human life. Women are not given power to decide which child lives and who doesn‟t this is
against Christian teachings.
Murder. Abortion is considered from the Christian point of view as a form of murder because it
purposely takes away another person‟s life this is wrong and is considered as a sin in the bible
since if violates the commandment of God ie do not kill.
Note. In case the number requires should Christianity allow abortion to be legalized it’s
important to note that Christians are not in for legalizing abortion.
Sterilization involves cutting the tubes that carry sperms from the man and eggs (ovules) as for a
woman hence preventing pregnancy this is carried out by a specialized gynecologists.
There should not be fear of producing many children since God is the provider. He provides for
the birds in the air which don‟t cultivate or sow Mt 6:26.
The act is permanent one will not be able to produce in future in case he wishes to refer to the
story of job who lost all his children and God blessed him with more.
The sterilization may promote sexual immorality since there will be no fear of being or making
any one pregnant yet immoral people will never inherit the kingdom of God.
Sterilization denies those who can manage more than four children a right to produce them this
was the situation in China with one child policy.
It has negative side effects such as obesity and loss of sexual urge which life is threatening.
In case of loss of children one will be frustrated because they won‟t be able to produce other
children e.g. Job lost everything including his children and wife but God gave him countless of
what he had lost before which is impossible with sterilization.
The act creates psychological tension of knowing that is abnormal. St. Paul in Corinthians says
that the body of a Christian is the temple of God and Holy Spirit and it should therefore function
Sterilization encourages responsible parenthood which involves limitations of birth and this
method is very effective in controlling the number of children produced.
It encourages parents to produce children that they are able look after in terms of education,
medication and other necessities.
It maintains the health of the mother and sexual play of the couples remains effective and is
It is the duty of state to regulate population growth for effective economic planning and
Sterilization improves the standards of living since savings will be encouraged and the rights of
children such as education, food and medical care are catered for.
Sterilization is very convenient with those who are satisfied with a small number of children
especially when they are of age.
“Your country’s parliament is debating a motion if passed will compel any couple that has 4 -
5 children to sterilize in order to cope up with population problem” Critically analyze the
motion under debate?
Family planning was practiced through cultural enforcement of virginity particularly to the
Family planning was practiced through prolonged lactation i.e. breast feeding for a long
period of time e.g. amongst the Acholi of Uganda.
Family planning was practiced through polygamy i.e. the woman would take a chance to
abstain from sex when the husband was away with other family wives.
In some societies, it was a taboo to engage in sex during menstrual periods not till two weeks
this partly encouraged family planning.
Some herbs were taken to prevent pregnancy e.g. “Akabombo”among the Banyankore of
south western Uganda.
In some societies spirits were involved to stop fertility when the menstrual blood or pubic
hairs were taken to traditional healers.
Natural methods of family planning were used to control child birth eg withdrawal method of
the penis before ejaculation; use of safe days /calendar method.
Through live sex i.e. body sexual intercourse.
Through blood transfusion
Through un sterilized instruments that are shared between two people
Through sharing personal effects e.g. briefs like underwear‟s etc
Through cultural values like circumcision
Some girls or women are defiled or raped
Influence of contraceptive pills, which encourage people to play sex.
Permissiveness i.e. people behave in a way that risks the lives of others as well as their own.
Accidents which cause wounds which mix blood to others.
Moral decay in society and irreligion and poor hygiene.