s12630 019 01482 W
s12630 019 01482 W
s12630 019 01482 W
Received: 22 April 2019 / Revised: 12 June 2019 / Accepted: 13 June 2019 / Published online: 30 September 2019
The Author(s) 2019
Abstract Pain is a common symptom associated with review uses a theoretical case to highlight core
advanced cancer. An estimated 66.4% of people with principles of palliative care and interventional
advanced cancer experience pain from their disease or anesthesia, and the importance of collaborative,
treatment. Pain management is an essential component of interdisciplinary care. An overview and discussion of
palliative care. Opioids and adjuvant therapies are the pragmatic considerations of peripheral nervous system
mainstay of cancer pain management. Nevertheless, a interventional analgesic procedures and neuraxial
proportion of patients may experience complex pain that is analgesia infusions are provided.
not responsive to conventional analgesia. Interventional
analgesia procedures may be appropriate and necessary to Résumé La douleur est un symptôme courant associé aux
manage complex, cancer-related pain. This narrative cancers de stade avancé. On estime que 66,4 % des
personnes atteintes d’un cancer de stade avancé souffrent
de douleurs liées à leur maladie ou à leur traitement. La
J. Lau, MD (&) prise en charge de la douleur est une composante
Department of Supportive Care, University Health Network,
Toronto, ON, Canada essentielle des soins palliatifs. Les opioı̈des et traitements
e-mail: Jenny.Lau@uhn.ca adjuvants sont les piliers de la prise en charge de la
douleur cancéreuse. Toutefois, certains patients pourraient
Acute Palliative Care Unit, Princess Margaret Cancer Center, souffrir de douleurs complexes qui ne répondent pas à
Toronto, ON, Canada
l’analgésie conventionnelle. Les procédures d’analgésie
Division of Palliative Care, Department of Family and interventionnelle pourraient être adaptées et nécessaires
Community Medicine, Toronto, ON, Canada pour prendre en charge des douleurs complexes liées au
cancer. Ce compte rendu narratif se sert d’un cas
D. Flamer, MD
Department of Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, University Health
théorique pour souligner les principes clés des soins
Network, Toronto, ON, Canada palliatifs et de l’anesthésie interventionnelle, ainsi que
l’importance de soins collaboratifs et interdisciplinaires.
Toronto Western Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada Nous présentons une vue d’ensemble et une discussion des
Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada
considérations pragmatiques pour la réalisation de
procédures analgésiques interventionnelles au niveau du
P. Murphy-Kane, RN, BA, BScN système nerveux périphérique et des perfusions d’analgésie
Department of Supportive Care, University Health Network, neuraxiale.
Toronto, ON, Canada
Department of Nursing, Princess Margaret Cancer Center, Palliative care was established in Canada in the 1970s, and
Toronto, ON, Canada is now a recognized field with national organizations,
236 J. Lau et al.
established principles, and norms of practices.1–4 The are attributed to non-fentanyl related opioids including
World Health Organization (WHO) defines palliative care common prescription opioids, such as codeine and
as ‘‘an approach that improves the quality of life of patients morphine.23 Interventional pain techniques can decrease
and their families facing the problem[s] associated with opioid consumption and adverse effects. Whether it is early
life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of or late in the disease process, the role for interventions
suffering by means of early identification and impeccable should be considered when conventional analgesics do not
assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, offer adequate pain relief or result in side effects that are
physical, psychosocial and spiritual’’.5 Originally, intolerable.
palliative care focused on end-of-life care for patients, This narrative review will present a theoretical patient
but today, palliative care involvement in oncology can case that shows how collaborative, interdisciplinary care
range from days to years; palliative services can now be can be used to manage complex cancer-related pain. A
integrated early on, and mortality has declined because of discussion is interwoven into the case to highlight key
significant improvements in cancer treatments.6–9 Different features of palliative care and interventional pain
pain management strategies are needed to support people in management strategies within the context of life-
different phases of their disease journeys. Increasingly, threatening illnesses. This review will address the more
anesthesia and palliative medicine specialists are common interventional techniques available to patients
collaborating to improve the quality of living and dying suffering from cancer-related pain, with a focus on
for people with life-limiting illnesses. sympathetic nerve blocks and neuraxial analgesia
Pain is a common distressing symptom associated with infusions.
cancer.10,11 Of those living with cancer, 38% will
experience moderate to severe pain that will negatively
impact their lives, and almost 32% will have undertreated Case: Introduction to Ms. Jane Doe
pain.11,12 Typically, the frequency and intensity of cancer-
related pain increases as disease progresses.13 An estimated Ms. Jane Doe is a 70-yr-old previously healthy woman who
66% of people with advanced cancer will experience pain presents to the emergency department with severe
from their disease and/or its treatment.11 The total pain abdominal pain. This pain was present for the last six
experience is a result of the underlying mechanism of pain months but significantly worsened in the last week.
(nociceptive and/or neuropathic) influenced by the Computerized tomography (CT) scans of her abdomen
presence of incident pain, psychological distress, and pelvis reveals a 5 x 5 cm mass associated with
addictive behavior, and cognitive impairment.14,15 enlarged regional lymph nodes and invasion into her pelvic
Since 1986, the WHO Cancer Pain Ladder for Adults wall, bladder, and rectum. There is no clinical or
has served as a framework for the treatment of cancer- radiological evidence of hydronephrosis, bladder outlet
related pain. Their three-step approach recommends initial obstruction, or bowel obstruction. She is subsequently
pain management with ‘‘non-opioids’’, followed by ‘‘mild admitted to hospital and further investigations confirm a
opioids’’ (e.g., codeine) for mild to moderate pain, and diagnosis of stage IVa T4N1M0 squamous cell cervical
lastly ‘‘strong opioids’’ (e.g., morphine) for moderate to cancer.
severe pain.16,17 Adjuvant medications should be Given the locally advanced nature of her disease, the
considered at all steps to ‘‘calm fears and anxiety’’ with oncology team offers palliative chemotherapy or the option
the goal being ‘‘freedom from cancer pain.’’ The WHO of enrolling in a clinical trial. Ms. Doe makes an informed
claims this approach effectively manages 80–90% of decision to forgo chemotherapy and instead to focus on a
cancer pain.16 comfort-measures approach to her care. She does not want
Interventional pain management strategies are cardiopulmonary resuscitation if she becomes medically
increasingly being explored to assist with complex unstable. Her current goal is to return home but her severe
cancer-related pain. Historically, they have been reserved abdominal pain is not well controlled. Therefore, Ms. Doe
as ‘‘last resort options’’ for patients where the three-step is transferred to the cancer centre’s acute palliative care
WHO approach has failed.18–20 There is, however, growing unit (APCU) for pain and symptom management.
evidence that early access to interventional analgesia can Ms. Doe reports experiencing a deep, constant ache in
significantly decrease pain scores and improve overall her pelvis. On average, she rates her pain as 10 in the last
quality of life.20–22 The current opioid crisis further 24 hr, where 10 is the worst possible rating on the
highlights the importance of incorporating novel pain numerical rating scale for pain.24 This pain prevents her
management strategies. More than 10,000 apparent opioid- from interacting with her loved ones during the day and
related deaths occurred between January 2016 and disrupts her sleep. She is now mainly bed-bound because of
September 2018.23 Approximately 25% of these deaths the severe pain. The APCU team identifies that because of
Interventional anesthesia and palliative care 237
her severe symptoms, Ms. Doe is experiencing significant Case: Ms. Jane Doe’s initial pain management
psychological distress, loss of function, and that her new
advanced diagnosis is contributing to her pain experience When Ms. Doe arrives on the APCU, a comprehensive
and overall reported poor quality of life. Spiritual care, physical examination reveals that she has tenderness with
music therapy, and the clinical team (nursing and palpation of her bilateral lower abdominal quadrants.
physicians) therefore become involved to provide support There are adequate bowel sounds, and no evidence of
and alleviate Ms. Doe’s distress. abdominal distension, palpable masses, rebound
tenderness, or guarding.
Discussion: levels of palliative care Based on the location of her disease, pain description,
and physical examination findings, the APCU team
A palliative approach of care can be integrated at any time diagnoses her with primarily visceral nociceptive pain
in a patient’s illness trajectory, including in the existing secondary to her pelvic mass. Prior to the APCU
care that patients and their families are receiving.6,25 This admission, Ms. Doe was receiving immediate-release
approach reinforces a patient’s autonomy and right to hydromorphone on an as-needed basis, which usually
receive medical care that is aligned with their values and reduced her pain from 10/10 to 8/10 within 30 min. Based
goals of care. Therapeutic interventions are provided to on her morphine equivalent daily dose (MEDD), the
manage pain, other physical symptoms, and psychosocial attending physician changes her opioid regimen to a long-
distress. The ultimate goal is to improve a patient’s self- acting formulation of hydromorphone and increases her
defined quality of life.5,26 breakthrough hydromorphone dose. Despite these changes,
Palliative care can be provided by primary-level however, Ms. Doe continues to report her pain is not well
healthcare professionals (e.g., oncology physicians and controlled with an average 24-hr rating of 6/10.
nurses).27 Nevertheless, there may be instances where the The anesthesia service is subsequently consulted to
primary team will consult with palliative care professionals explore potential interventional pain management strategy
in outpatient or inpatient settings to manage complex options. Based on her medical history, and physical
symptoms, and assist with goals of care discussions and examination and imaging findings, a decision is made to
end-of-life planning.25,28,29 Typically, a shared model of provide a superior hypogastric plexus block. Ms. Doe
care is used where palliative care involvement is initiated undergoes a diagnostic fluoroscopic-guided superior
at the request of the primary team and recommendations hypogastric plexus block with local anesthetic that
are then provided.30 As a patient’s disease progresses and produces a favourable response; accordingly, she
associated symptoms worsen, palliative care teams may receives a neurolytic procedure with alcohol. Her pain is
assume the role of the primary care team.27 reduced by 50% to 3/10; and her breakthrough
Palliative care can be provided in all care settings hydromorphone use decreases. She is discharged home
including home, hospitals, long-term care facilities, with a prescription for immediate-release hydromorphone
specialized palliative care units (PCU), and to be used if she has episodes of pain, and is also provided
hospices.28,31,32 Within some hospitals, there may be an with community nursing and personal care support.
APCU where patients with complex symptom management
needs can be addressed.31 Novel and potentially medically
active interventions (e.g., interventional analgesia Discussion: Peripheral nervous system interventional
procedures) can be performed on patients admitted to analgesic procedures
these inpatient units. Lengths of stay are often short (less
than two weeks), and patients may have multiple One target for cancer pain interventions is the peripheral
admissions over the course of their illness.31,33 These nervous system (somatic and visceral [autonomic] nervous
APCUs differ from other end-of-life PCUs located in systems),35 which is involved in pain transmission through
tertiary hospitals, complex continuing care facilities, long- afferent pathways. A review of a patient’s goals of care is
term care homes, and hospices. Traditionally, PCUs and crucial before proceeding as, although pain can be
hospices provide comfort-focused care to support patients distressing, the serious adverse effects that could result
and their families as their disease progresses towards end- from an interventional analgesia procedure may similarly
of-life. Active medical investigations and interventions be unbearable to a patient. Trial procedures using local
(e.g., regular blood work, imaging) are not typically anesthetics can allow patients to temporarily experience the
provided in these facilities.34 effects of the block and assist with decision-making before
embarking on a more permanent pain solution.36 If
adequate pain relief is achieved and adverse effects are
238 J. Lau et al.
acceptable to a patient, therapeutic procedures can then be to minimize pain and related symptoms (e.g., nausea), as
performed to provide more sustained analgesia. well as to maximize the effect and minimize the dose of
Prolonged therapeutic relief can be achieved by several oral analgesics.43 Sympathetic nerve blocks are best
means, including perineural steroid deposition, thermal viewed as adjuncts to pharmacologic therapy as although
coagulation with radiofrequency ablation, cryoablation, or they provide some pain relief, they rarely eliminate opioid
chemical neurolysis (with alcohol or phenol).37 When consumption.37
possible, catheters can be left in place with a continuous Regional blocks of the celiac plexus and thoracic
infusion of local anesthetic for short-term palliation of splanchnic nerve, superior hypogastric plexus, and
pain. Of these interventions, chemical neurolysis typically ganglion impar can treat sympathetically mediated and
has the greatest potential for serious, irreversible adverse visceral pain. Less common techniques not discussed in
effects. Perineural administration of alcohol or phenol this review include the stellate ganglion and lumbar
results in protein denaturation and subsequent neurolysis.38 sympathetic blocks.
Chemical neurolysis can produce long-lasting effects with
a duration of three to six months. Nevertheless, these Celiac plexus and thoracic splanchnic nerve blocks
chemicals may spread unpredictably and damage
unintended structures, resulting in serious and irreversible The blockade or ablation of the celiac plexus and thoracic
adverse effects (e.g., loss of motor function).39,40 splanchnic nerves can play a significant role in the
Furthermore, access to these neurolytic medications can management of upper gastrointestinal malignancies, most
be challenging in certain regions because of availability commonly pancreatic, gastric, or biliary cancer.44 The
and cost. celiac plexus is composed of two paired ganglia and lies in
The following is an overview of common peripheral and the retroperitoneal space anterior to the aorta and first
sympathetic nerve blocks that can be performed to relieve lumbar vertebral body.45 It receives sympathetic fibres
complex cancer-related pain: from the thoracic splanchnic nerves (greater, lesser, and
least splanchnic nerves), and parasympathetic fibres from
Peripheral nerves: somatic pain the vagus nerve to innervate many gastrointestinal organs
(including the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, kidneys,
Peripheral nerves can be directly compromised by adrenals, small intestine, and part of the large bowel).37
extension, compression, or invasion by the primary Both the celiac plexus and thoracic splanchnic nerves
tumour or metastatic lesions. Peripheral nerve blocks can are possible targets for interventional analgesic procedures.
be used when somatic pain is limited to the distribution of a A variety of techniques exist for accessing the nerves and
specific nerve(s) or plexi. Common interventional can be performed using posterior or anterior approaches.
procedure targets are brachial and lumbosacral plexuses Posterior approaches are the most common, and involve
(and distal branches thereof), intercostal nerves, trigeminal placing needles percutaneously under fluoroscopic or CT
nerve branches, and ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric guidance to target the celiac plexus or thoracic splanchnic
nerves.35 Patients should be made aware of the nerves.44 Anterior approaches include endoscopic
limitations and potential risks associated with ultrasound-guided approaches, ultrasound- or CT-guided
neuroablative procedures of the peripheral structures, trans-abdominal approaches, and direct open surgical
including ensuing motor deficits, deafferentation pain, neurolysis.46
incomplete pain relief, and duration of effect.41 A Of all cancers, neurolysis of the celiac plexus with
prognostic local anesthetic block can be performed prior alcohol or phenol has been the most extensively studied in
to the ablative procedure.42 This allows the patient and the patients with pancreatic cancer. A 2011 Cochrane
practitioner to understand the implications of permanent systematic review evaluated the role of the celiac plexus
interruption of neural function. block compared with standard analgesic therapy in adults
with pancreatic cancer and found significantly improved
Sympathetic nerves: visceral pain pain control at eight weeks as well as lower opioid
consumption and opioid-related side effects.44
Stretch, compression, and invasion of visceral structures in Complications of these procedures include transient
the head and neck, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, or perineal sequelae of sympathetic blockade (orthostatic
regions can result in pain that is often poorly localized.39 hypotension and diarrhea), pneumothorax, intravascular
Sympathetic nerve blocks can be provided to manage injection, and nerve root injury.47
visceral pain; however, pain relief is often incomplete as There is growing interest in targeting the splanchnic
pain syndromes are typically mixed (nociceptive and nerves as an alternative to celiac plexus chemical
neuropathic).37 The goal for these interventions should be neurolysis. Unlike the celiac plexus, the thoracic
Interventional anesthesia and palliative care 239
240 J. Lau et al.
neuropathic features of her pain, she is also started on are competent and equipped to provide the necessary
gabapentin. associated patient care.58,59 Centres with limited resources
Unfortunately, her pain continues to be severe despite and access to palliative care and anesthesia services can
titration of the hydromorphone and gabapentin over the encounter challenges with providing neuraxial analgesia
next two weeks. An admission is organized to the APCU for infusions. Furthermore, given these procedures’ invasive
investigation and management of her pain. Re-staging CT nature and potential for serious adverse effects, a review of
scans show significant disease progression with the tumour all possible pain management options and the patient’s
now measuring 10 x 8 cm with additional distant goals of care are of utmost importance before considering
metastases to her lungs and liver. Bloodwork shows no this procedure.37,59,61 See Appendix A for training and
evidence of hematologic, liver, or renal function resource recommendations and Appendix B for pre-
impairment. Her life expectancy is now estimated to be procedure patient assessment recommendations.
months. There are three options for neuraxial analgesia infusions
Ms. Doe’s goals of care are reviewed given the changes that can be delivered as continuous infusions with the
in her disease and prognosis. She expresses that she is option for patient-administered doses for breakthrough
suffering from her pain and is open to any intervention that pain:
will reduce it. Therefore, the APCU team makes the
1) Percutaneous short-term catheter (epidural or
decision to change her opioids to methadone. This opioid
intrathecal) connected to an external pump—
rotation provides some relief with her average daily pain
recommended for patients near the end of their life:
rating decreasing to 5/10, but her persistent pain continues
to be distressing. The interventional analgesia service is Short-term catheters can be placed percutaneously into
consulted and recommends a magnetic resonance imaging the epidural or intrathecal space, and tunnelled
of the lumbar spine to investigate the neuropathic pain. The subcutaneously away from the insertion site to minimize
imaging clearly shows involvement of the lumbosacral the risk of infection.62 The external catheter is then
plexus. There is no evidence of metastatic disease involving connected to an ambulatory infusion pump for
the spinal cord or brain. The APCU and interventional medication delivery. Advantages of this technique
analgesia teams review pain management options with Ms. include ease of catheter placement, inexpensive
Doe, including ketamine and lidocaine bolus infusions. Ms. equipment, and familiarity among healthcare providers
Doe reiterates that her priority is to be at home for as long who routinely manage percutaneous catheters for
as possible. Her preference is to receive pain management perioperative care. Disadvantages of this technique are
that can be continued and adjusted if needed in the that these catheters are prone to infection, migration,
community. Given her estimated prognosis is limited to dislodgement, and that an external pump is required that
several months, a decision is made with Ms. Doe to insert a will likely limit the patient’s mobility.47
percutaneous intrathecal catheter that will be connected to Though these catheters can be inserted into the epidural
an external analgesia pump. space, intrathecal placement is usually preferred as there
are fewer catheter-related issues (e.g., migration, catheter
tip granulation), technical problems associated with
Discussion: neuraxial analgesia infusions epidural fibrosis,63 and lower medication dose
requirements.62,63 Nevertheless, both options carry the
Neuraxial analgesia infusions involve medication risk of infection in the central nervous system. Although
administration into either the epidural or intrathecal space there are data showing a similar rate of central nervous
to manage refractory pain in patients with focal disease system infection with epidural and intrathecal catheters, an
below the neck.57 Comprehensive assessments and epidural catheter has the theoretical advantage of having
interdisciplinary collaboration are required to successfully the dura as a natural barrier to prevent spread to the spinal
provide this procedure.36,58 The site of analgesia delivery, cord.62,63 Regardless of the catheter location, this technique
infusion strategy, and medication choice depend on several is typically reserved for patients near the end of their life
important factors, including cancer type and stage, who require analgesia for a short period of time.
prognosis, and pain location and mechanism.59 Absolute
2) Subcutaneous intrathecal catheter and injection port
contraindications for this procedure include untreated
connected to an external pump—recommended for
sepsis, coagulopathy, impending spinal cord compression,
patients with a life expectancy of one to six months:
epidural metastases, and elevated intracranial pressure.57,60
Specialty education, training, and resources (e.g., Subcutaneous intrathecal catheters are placed
intrathecal catheter port-access needle) in the inpatient percutaneously and tunnelled subcutaneously away from
and community settings are needed to ensure that the teams the insertion site. The catheter tip is then connected to an
Interventional anesthesia and palliative care 241
access port that is placed in a subcutaneous pocket, augmentation,70 percutaneous cordotomy,71 and spinal
commonly overlying the lower ribs. A special safety cord and dorsal ganglion stimulation.72
needle attached to an external pump is connected
percutaneously into the port.57 Advantages of this
technique include lower incidence of skin and Case: Ms. Jane Doe’s neuraxial analgesia infusion
subcutaneous tissue infections, catheter dislodgement, and procedure
kinking.63 Disadvantages of this technique include the
expertise required to place the subcutaneous port, less The APCU and anesthesia team review Ms. Doe’s
familiarity with accessing ports, and a higher risk of understanding of the procedure and overall goals of
infection compared with fully implanted systems.43 care. She is aware that the neuraxial analgesia infusion
Therefore, this option is typically reserved for patients procedure is being offered to manage her severe pain and
with a life expectancy of approximately one to six will not change her cancer disease trajectory. Prior to
months.56 admission, Ms. Doe expressed a wish to not receive
resuscitation or aggressive medical interventions if her
3) Subcutaneous intrathecal catheter with a fully
clinical condition deteriorates. Nevertheless, given that
implanted programmable infusion pump (also known
acute, serious complications (e.g., catheter migration) may
as an ‘‘intrathecal drug delivery system’’ [IDDS])—
result from the procedure itself, and not her underlying
recommended for patients with a life expectancy of C
disease, Ms. Doe agrees to temporarily reverse her code
six months:
status to full resuscitation in case immediate post-
If patients have a life expectancy of more than six procedure complications occur. Nevertheless, she is clear
months, IDDS can be considered.64 Commonly, a trial of that her ultimate wish is to be comfortable and receive end-
intraspinal analgesia using a temporary intrathecal catheter of-life care at home.
or a single shot bolus is administered to determine efficacy The interdisciplinary APCU team collaborates with Ms.
before IDDS implantation.43 The IDDS involves Doe’s community team to develop a plan that will meet her
connecting a subcutaneous catheter to a pump and drug care needs when she is discharged home. Team members
reservoir, which are also inserted subcutaneously in the that are involved in the discussion include Ms. Doe and her
abdominal wall.57 The reservoir is accessed percutaneously caregivers, anesthesiologist, outpatient palliative care
through a port to change and refill medications. These physician, home visiting care coordinator and nurses,
reservoirs are refilled with medication monthly.65 Although and community pharmacy. Education and training about
the initial cost of placement is high, maintenance costs are the neuraxial analgesia infusion are provided and
lower and can save costs compared with the hospital, contingency plans in case complications arise are
pharmacy, and healthcare provider fees associated with developed.
oral and intravenous medication and related adverse Once a satisfactory discharge plan has been developed,
effects.64,66,67 Despite the potential for an overall cost- Ms. Doe receives the neuraxial analgesia infusion
saving when implanted in appropriate patients, availability procedure. The catheter is inserted in the operating room
is an ongoing challenge in many centres. In 2016, Health under fluoroscopic guidance and tunnelled subcutaneously
Quality Ontario recommended against the expansion of away from the insertion site. The catheter tip is connected
public funding for intrathecal drug delivery systems for to an access port placed in a subcutaneous pocket under
those patients with refractory cancer-related pain.68 Using her left 12th rib. The external infusion pump is connected
IDDS is associated with a lower risk of infection, but the to the access port with the use of a non-coring safety
procedure is more invasive compared with percutaneous needle. Ms. Doe recovers on the APCU for the next several
options, and specialized expertise are needed for placement days with monitoring of her vital signs, sensory and motor
and device management.43 functions, pain, port site, bowel and bladder functions,
The main medications used for neuraxial analgesia tubing connection, and infusion pump settings and
infusions are preservative-free local anesthetics and function. Fortunately, she does not have any
opioids.57,59 Access to community pharmacies that are complications, and her pain is reduced to 2–3/10. The
familiar with compounding sterile medications for team carefully titrate down her opioids under close
neuraxial administration is critical. See the Table for observation by the clinical team of nurses and
information on common medications and dosages that can physicians. Ms. Doe is successfully discharged home with
be delivered for intrathecal therapy. transfer of care to the community palliative and anesthesia
Aside from analgesia infusions, other less common colleagues.
neuraxial procedures can be performed for pain
management including intrathecal neurolysis,69 vertebral
242 J. Lau et al.
Discussion: Interdisciplinary collaboration Maintaining this expertise can be challenging given the low
and pragmatic considerations for neuraxial analgesia percentage of patients who are candidates for the
infusions procedure.79,80 Access to necessary equipment and
supplies, such as IDDS and medications, can also be
Neuraxial analgesia infusions are useful procedures that can limited and are a barrier to providing these procedures.
provide significant pain relief for patients with life- Ongoing collaboration between interventional anesthesia
threatening illnesses. Before the procedure is offered, an and palliative care are necessary to address the complex pain
exploration of a patient’s goals of care is strongly and other symptoms that patients may be facing. See the
recommended to confirm that interventional procedures appendices for the training and resource recommendations,
and potential adverse effects are acceptable.65 Patients and for pre-procedure patient assessment recommendations.
should be aware that serious iatrogenic complications, such An interdisciplinary approach to contingency planning is
as catheter migration, can occur. Therefore, decisions about especially important to ensure patients are well supported if
resuscitation (or code) status should be discussed in this complications arise.58,59 Reports of critical incidents have
context. Detailed and informed consent to proceed with the been published, including the accidental use of a patient’s
intervention is necessary and the patient’s substitute decision intrathecal access port for a central venous access line.81
makers and caregivers should ideally be involved. Though Medical alert bracelets or necklaces about the neuraxis
these interventional procedures are often considered ‘‘last infusion line are recommended to inform first responders of
resort options’’, patients need to be well enough to provide the intervention.81
consent and undergo the procedure. Delirium is common on
admission and during APCU admissions with prevalence
reported at 43% and 70%, respectively.73 We suggest
considering interventional pain management strategies in
The concept of ‘‘total pain’’ was first described by Dame
conjunction with conventional pharmacologic strategies to
Cicely Saunders, the founder of the modern hospice
manage complex cancer-related pain.
movement; the distress that patients experience when faced
A large proportion of prescribed opioids are used for
with life-threatening illness is influenced by physical,
symptom management during palliative care.74 A cohort
emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions.82
study of Ontarians found 6.5% of 653,993 individuals were
Understanding patients’ experiences, goals, values, and
started on opioids for cancer and palliative care clinical
expectations of their medical care is the core of palliative
indications in 2015–2016. The median starting daily dose
care. Collaboration between anesthesia and palliative care
was 38 mg and 30 mg MEDD for cancer and palliative
can successfully address the complex pain that patients with
care, respectively.75 As patients deteriorate and approach
advanced cancer face. Interventional pain management
their end-of-life, their mean opioid dose can be more than
strategies can effectively manage physical pain, while the
300 mg MEDD, sometimes even greater than 1800 mg
interdisciplinary care that palliative teams provide can
MEDD.76 If an interventional procedure is successful,
address patient’s psychosocial distress. Novel and
excessive sedation from the previously prescribed opioids
innovative strategies are needed to achieve the best quality
may occur. Re-assessment and careful weaning of the
of life possible for patients with life-threatening illnesses.
opioids should be considered to managed opioid-related
adverse effects and prevent withdrawal. Conflicts of interest There are no financial disclosures, commercial
Neuraxial analgesia can address physical pain but will not or non-commercial affiliations, or any other associations that are or
relieve psychosocial distress. An interdisciplinary, may be perceived as conflicts of interest for all of the authors.
collaborative team approach can help alleviate suffering
Editorial responsibility This submission was handled by Dr.
and improve quality of life.77 Typically, specialist palliative
Hilary P. Grocott, Editor-in-Chief, Canadian Journal of Anesthesia.
care teams contain psychologists, social workers, and
chaplains in addition to physicians and nurses.78 Author contributions All authors contributed to all aspects of this
Furthermore, before neuraxial analgesia is provided, pre- manuscript, including study conception and design; acquisition,
emptive discharge planning, staff education, and assessment analysis, and interpretation of sources of evidence; and drafting the
of available community resources should be performed.
Patients and teams should be aware that end-of-life Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the
disposition options may be limited as most PCU and Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
community palliative care teams will not be familiar with License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which per-
mits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any
management of neuraxial infusions.58,65 Specialized training
medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s)
is required to ensure palliative care teams are competent and and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and
have the technical expertise to safely care for patients.58,59 indicate if changes were made.
Interventional anesthesia and palliative care 243
Training of palliative care unit and community teams, especially Establish patient’s goals of careA including resuscitation status,
nurses, pharmacists, and physicians, in the following: pain management goals, and end-of-life location preference
Basic understanding of neuraxial procedures, indications and Admit patient to an acute care unit before planned procedure day
contraindications, and potential complications to complete assessments
Typical medications prescribed and their doses and potential adverse Baseline interdisciplinary assessments:
effects Comorbidities and central nervous system active medications that
Ambulatory infusion pump programming and troubleshooting (if increase risk of respiratory depression (e.g., obstructive sleep
applicable) apnea, benzodiazepines)
Access to community compounding pharmacy for off-label Psychological assessment to identify psychosocial distress, support,
intrathecal medications and history of psychosis
Specific nursing tasks include how to: Identification of possible contraindications:
Change the infusion tubing, cassette, medical bag, filter Untreated sepsis or local infectionB
Access the implanted port (if applicable) Bleeding risk that increases risk of epidural or spinal hematoma
Connection site (e.g., needle in situ, dressing, monitor for infection, formation (e.g., thrombocytopeniaB)
leaking) Unstable central nervous system disorders including raised
Document medication orders and patient use intracranial pressure
Evaluate and document baseline and post-procedure patient vital Epidural and brain metastases
signs, pain rating, sedation level, sensory and motor function, and Spinal pathology including impending spinal cord compression
any side effects (e.g., urinary retention) Medication reconciliation (pharmacist)
Programming and troubleshooting the ambulatory infusion pump Functional assessment (occupational therapist and physiotherapist)
Contingency planning Exploration of expectations, psychosocial wellbeing, and concerns
Alternative analgesia plan if neuraxial analgesia fails or needs to be including support system (nursing, physicians, social worker)
discontinued abruptly Perform the following investigations:
On call access to palliative care team to assist with pain and other Bloodwork: complete blood count, creatinine, liver enzymes,
symptom management in inpatient and community settings coagulation studies (INR/PTT)
On call access to interventional anesthesia team in inpatient and Magnetic resonance imaging of spine, if not performed recently
community settings to assist with procedure-related issues
Notify the intensive care unit about plans to perform procedureA
Consider having a medical alert bracelet or necklace for patient to
Discharge planning before initiation of the neuraxis analgesia
wear at all times to clearly indicate that the patient has an
procedure that includes:
intrathecal catheter access portA
Contact details and service availability of palliative care and
Collaboration with intensive care unit when patients are admitted to
anesthesia healthcare professionals involved in patient’s care
acute care
Necessary equipment (e.g., tubing, catheter access port needle,
Collaboration with first responders and emergency department when
analgesia pump) is available in the community
patients are in the communityA
Compounding pharmacy can prepare sterile medications for neuraxial
Documentation about device, medication orders, and team contact
information in case patients need to seek acute medical attention
Education for healthcare professionals (including home care staff),
Incidents have occurred where intrathecal catheter access ports have patients, and caregivers
been mistaken for central venous lines in emergency department:
https://www.ismp-canada.org/download/safetyBulletins/ A common admission criterion for palliative care units is for
ISMPCSB2005-08Intrathecal.pdf patients to have a ‘‘do not resuscitate’’ code status. Nevertheless, rare
but life-threatening iatrogenic adverse effects may occur from
neuraxial procedures (e.g., intrathecal catheter migration). We,
therefore, recommend full active medical management including
resuscitation if needed for patients for at least 24 hr after the
procedure is performed or as recommended by anesthesia.
If infections and coagulopathy can be reversed prior to the
procedure, they are no longer contraindications to the procedure.
Adherence to current regional anesthesia guidelines for patients
receiving antithrombotic or thrombolytic therapy is important.
244 J. Lau et al.
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