Agricultural Income
Agricultural Income
Agricultural Income
Section 2(1A) defines agricultural income to mean
Any rent or revenue derived from land, which is situated in
India and is used for agricultural purposes;
Any income derived from such land by agriculture or by the
process employed to render the produce fit for the market
or by sale of such produce by a cultivator or receiver of
rent in kind
Any income derived from farm building, provided the
following conditions are satisfied:
➢ The building is on or in the immediate vicinity of the
agricultural land;
➢ It is occupied by the cultivator or receiver of rent or
➢ It is used as a dwelling house or store-house or out-house
➢ The land is assessed to land revenue in India or it is not
situated within the Specified area
Specified area means:
Any area which is comprised within the
jurisdiction of a municipality or a
cantonment board and which has a
population of not less than 10,000
according to the last preceding census of
which the relevant population figures
have been published before the first day
or the previous year; or
Any area within the distance specified
hereunder measured aerially from the
limits of such municipality or
cantonment board:
Explanation 2 to Section 2(1A): Income derived
from any farm building or land appurtenant
thereto arising from the use of such building or
land for any purpose other than agriculture shall
not be regarded as agricultural income.
Explanation 3, Section 2(1A): Any income
derived from saplings or seedlings grown in a
nursery shall be deemed to be agricultural
However, where an assessee is a trader of such
saplings or seedlings, the same shall be taxed
under the head ‘Profits and gains of business or
Any gain derived on transfer of agricultural
land will not be regarded as agricultural
If the agricultural land is situated outside
the specified area or notified area, it is not
treated as a capital asset under section
2(14) and therefore capital gains are not
chargeable to tax.
If, on the other hand, the agricultural land
is situated within the specified area, it is
regarded as a capital asset and taxable
where the assessee derives income from sale of
tea grown and manufactured by him in India-
60% of such income shall be regarded as the
agricultural income of the assessee;
where the assessee derives income from sale of
centrifuged latex or cenex or latex based
crepes (such as pale latex crepe) or brown
crepes (such as estate brown crepe, re-milled
crepe, smoked blanket crepe or flat bark
crepe) or technically specified block rubbers
manufactured or processed by him from rubber
plants grown by him in India- 65% of such
income shall be regarded as the agricultural
income of the assessee;
where the assessee derives income from sale of
coffee grown and manufactured by him in
India- 60% or 70% as the case may be, of such
income shall be regarded as the agricultural
income of the assessee.
Agricultural income can only by taxed by the
State Government and not by the Central
Government – Schedule VII of the
Accordingly, agricultural income is declared
to be exempt from income tax under Section
However, agricultural income shall be
included for determining the rate at which
tax is payable on the non-agricultural income
– this is provided in the Finance Act each
Particulars Reference
Agricultural income A
Non-Agricultural B
Aggregation of A and B C
Tax payable on C D
Aggregation of A and E
basic exemption limit
Tax Payable on E F
Net Tax Payable (D – F) G
Ifthe non-agricultural income does not
exceed the basic exemption limit, the
agricultural income need not be aggregated.
Aggregation of agricultural income is not
required when the net agricultural income
does not exceed Rs.5,000 during the relevant
previous year.