D&D 3.5 - Rules Compendium (OEF) .PDF - Attacks of Opportunity
D&D 3.5 - Rules Compendium (OEF) .PDF - Attacks of Opportunity
D&D 3.5 - Rules Compendium (OEF) .PDF - Attacks of Opportunity
The melee combat rules assume that combatants are actively OF OPPORTUNITY
avoiding attacks. Sometimes combatants in a melee let their Moving out of a threatened square can provoke attacks
guard down. In such cases, other combatants nearby can take of opportunity, as can being in a threatened square while
advantage of the lapse in defense to attack for free. These free performing an act that requires focused attention.
attacks are called attacks of opportunity.
Illus. by T. Nordstrand
opportunity per round unless you have an attribute that Multiple Attacks of Opportunity
allows you to make more (see below). If you have multiple Some abilities allow you to make more than one attack of
attacks for some reason, you use your highest normal attack opportunity per round. Most such abilities, unless they
bonus when you make your attack of opportunity, even if say otherwise, don’t let you make more than one attack
you’ve already attacked during the round. for a given opportunity. If the same opponent provokes
An attack of opportunity interrupts the normal flow of two attacks of opportunity from you, however, you could
actions in the round. If an attack of opportunity is taken, make two separate attacks of opportunity. Each provoking
immediately resolve that attack of opportunity, then continue act represents a different opportunity. Multiple attacks of
with whatever was happening when the attack of opportunity opportunity otherwise follow the rules for normal attacks
was provoked. of opportunity.
Especially when you’ve got lots of hit points, it can be tempt- Because the giant had reach and some advantageous terrain,
ing to provoke attacks of opportunity willy-nilly, taking a little Rob’s cleric provoked an attack of opportunity just for moving
damage in exchange for unfettered action. That’s a valid tacti- nearby. It’s just an attack of opportunity, right? What’s the worst
cal option, but a nonchalant attitude toward such attacks from that could happen?
powerful opponents can backfire. One critical hit from a massive greataxe later, Rob’s cleric was
In a playtest a few years ago, we were fighting a frost giant jarl dead on the icy floor. But the disaster didn’t end there. When
(not the CR 17 one in the Monster Manual), and we were hard Rob’s cleric fell, that triggered the jarl’s Cleave feat and killed
pressed. One of us slipped out of the meeting room and grabbed the fighter, too.
a phone. Word soon went out over the building’s intercom: The final tally for Rob’s cleric: 15 feet moved, two PCs
“Could a 7th-level cleric please report to Focus Group Room 2 dead. That might be the shortest PC life span I’ve ever seen.
immediately?” And it’s worth noting that if Rob’s cleric hadn’t been there,
Enter Rob Heinsoo and his 7th-level cleric, possessed of both the fighter would have survived until his next turn—and
hit points and moxie in abundance. Seeing wounded comrades maybe beyond.
locked in melee with the frost giant jarl, he moved forward, —David Noonan, designer
eager to drop a big cure spell on the fighter.