Md1projpt1 Cole K
Md1projpt1 Cole K
Md1projpt1 Cole K
Course Welcome
I am excited to welcome you all to COUN 8135 Clinical Supervision! I look forward to
getting to know each and every one as we take this 12-week journey together. While I understand
the nerves that may be present about taking this course, I want to reassure you all that we will
work through those nerves collaboratively. Along this journey, challenges may arise, and that is
okay as we will figure out solutions. There may be moments of confusion or second-guessing,
and that is okay too, because we are human, and no one has it all figured out. However, we do
have each other to lean on for support. I have also included my contact information above, so
please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns, or feedback. I look forward
to teaching and learning from you throughout this process. Again, welcome to COUN 8135!
Teaching Philosophy
Learning does not fall into the “one size fits all” category, therefore, teaching should not
be implemented from a “one approach fits all” style. As an educator, I strive to utilize a
student-centered approach to supporting all my students. I recognize the importance of
acknowledging cultural differences present and utilizing those differences as strengths to create
an inclusive safe space. I believe that there is an equal opportunity for me to learn from my
students and teach them. Therefore, I welcome all opportunities to self-reflect, grow, and change,
as this learning journey is collaborative.
Course Information
Course Description
This course provides doctoral students with theoretical foundations, practical skills, and
ethical considerations necessary for effective clinical supervision. Clinical supervision is a
unique intervention process that is focused on the professional identity and skill development of
the supervisee. Through a combination of didactic instruction, case studies, roleplaying, and
experiential learning, students will develop the competencies required to supervise clinical
practice in various settings. This course will focus on developing a quality supervisory working
alliance, conceptualization skills, evaluation, teaching and consultation skills, and developing
skills in both group and individual supervision modalities. Students will supervise master’s level
students in the practicum course.
Course Format
This course will be delivered in a synchronous online learning environment. The Zoom
link for the course will remain the same each week. Students can access their learning material,
course assignments, and schedule in Canvas.
Required Text
Bernard, J., & Goodyear, R. K. (2018). Fundamentals of clinical supervision (6th ed.). Pearson.
*There will also be other articles and readings assigned that are located in Canvas. Additional
articles and readings are listed on the final page of the syllabus.
CACREP Compliance
This course is designed to meet the standards set forth by the Council for Accreditation of
Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP, 2023). As part of our commitment to
maintaining high-quality education and training in counseling and related fields, we align this
course's content, objectives, and assessments with the following CACREP accreditation
6.B.2.a. Purposes of Clinical Supervision
6.B.2.b. Theoretical Frameworks and Models of Counseling Supervision
6.B.2.c. Roles and Relationships Related to Counseling Supervision
6.B.2.d. Skills of Counseling Supervision Across Multiple Settings and Across Service
Delivery Modalities
6.B.2.e. Opportunities for Developing a Personal Style of Counseling Supervision
Grounded in Theory and Research
6.B.2.f. Assessment of Supervisees’ Developmental Level and Other Relevant
6.B.2.g. Modalities of Counseling Supervision, Including Individual, Triadic, and Group
6.B.2.h. The Use of Technology in Counseling Supervision
6.B.2.i. Administrative Procedures and Responsibilities Related to Counseling
6.B.2.j. Evaluation, Remediation, and Gatekeeping in Counseling Supervision
6.B.2.k. Legal and Ethical Issues and Responsibilities in Counseling Supervision
6.B.2.l. Culturally Sustaining Strategies for Conducting Counseling Supervision
Learning Outcomes
These objectives provide a comprehensive framework for the course, covering essential
knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary for doctoral students to become effective clinical
1. Students will demonstrate knowledge of ethical and legal standards relevant to clinical
supervision in counseling.
2. Students will apply models and theories of clinical supervision in diverse counseling
3. Students will develop skills in providing effective feedback and evaluation to supervisees
to enhance their clinical competence.
4. Students will utilize technology and other resources to facilitate clinical supervision,
including tele-supervision where appropriate.
5. Students will cultivate self-awareness and self-reflection to enhance effectiveness as a
clinical supervisor.
6. Students will recognize and address issues related to power dynamics, privilege,
diversity, and cultural competence within the supervisory relationship.
7. Students will collaborate with other professionals to promote supervisee growth and
8. Students will evaluate and assess supervisee clinical competencies and progress toward
professional goals.
9. Students will demonstrate proficiency in case conceptualization, treatment planning, and
clinical interventions through supervision.
10. Students will engage in ongoing professional development and seek supervision
consultation as needed to enhance supervisory skills and effectiveness.
Course Expectations
to the attendance policy may be granted in extenuating circumstances. Please communicate
directly with me to discuss any exceptional circumstances affecting your attendance.
Academic Integrity
As participants in this clinical supervision course, you are expected to uphold academic integrity
and ethical conduct standards. Academic integrity encompasses honesty, trustworthiness, and
respect for intellectual property, which is essential to maintaining the integrity and credibility of
our academic community. Should you have any questions or concerns about academic integrity
or require guidance on ethical academic practices, please do not hesitate to contact me for
As participants in this clinical supervision course, we recognize and embrace the rich diversity of
backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, and identities represented within our learning
community. We are committed to fostering an inclusive and equitable learning environment
where all individuals are valued, respected, and empowered to thrive. As an institution
committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, we strive to create an accessible learning
environment that supports the diverse needs of all students, including those with disabilities. If
you have a disability or condition that may require accommodations to fully participate in this
clinical supervision course, please contact me or the Office of Student Disability Services as
soon as possible to discuss your specific needs and to request accommodations. I can gladly
assist you in contacting the Office of Student Disability Services.
1. Respect for Diversity: We respect and celebrate the diversity of race, ethnicity, culture,
nationality, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability, religion, socioeconomic
status, and other dimensions of human difference. We recognize that diversity enriches
our learning experiences and enhances our ability to understand and address human
behavior and mental health complexities.
2. Inclusive Learning Environment: We are committed to creating an inclusive learning
environment where all voices are heard, perspectives are valued, and contributions are
welcomed. We strive to cultivate an atmosphere of mutual respect, empathy, and
open-mindedness, where individuals feel safe to express themselves authentically and
engage in meaningful dialogue.
3. Requesting Accommodations: To request accommodations, you must register with the
Office of Disability Services and provide documentation of your disability or condition.
Once your accommodations are approved, please notify the instructor in writing and
provide a copy of your accommodation letter outlining the approved accommodations.
4. Confidentiality: All disability-related information will be treated confidentially and
shared only with individuals directly involved in providing accommodations and support.
Your privacy and confidentiality will be respected at all times.
5. Timely Communication: It is important to communicate your accommodation needs to
me in a timely manner, preferably at the beginning of the semester or as soon as
accommodations are approved. Early communication allows sufficient time to implement
accommodations effectively.
6. Promotion of Equity: We are dedicated to promoting equity and social justice within our
profession and broader society. We acknowledge the systemic barriers and inequalities
that affect individuals and communities and commit to challenging oppression,
discrimination, and injustice in all its forms.
7. Cultural Competence: We recognize the importance of cultural competence in clinical
supervision and counseling practice. We are committed to enhancing our cultural
awareness, knowledge, and skills to effectively serve diverse populations and provide
culturally responsive supervision.
8. Intersectionality: We acknowledge the intersectionality of identities and experiences and
the unique challenges faced by individuals who hold multiple marginalized identities. We
strive to center intersectional perspectives in our discussions and activities and to address
the complex interplay of social identities and systems of oppression.
9. Accountability: We hold ourselves accountable for promoting diversity, equity, and
inclusion within our learning community and beyond. We commit to challenging bias,
fostering allyship, and advocating for social change to create a more just and equitable
10. Feedback and Engagement: We encourage open dialogue, feedback, and collaboration
to continually improve our efforts in promoting diversity and inclusion. Your
perspectives, insights, and experiences are valued, and we invite you to actively
participate in creating a welcoming and inclusive learning environment for all.
Technology Use and Assistance
Course Assignments
Ethical Case Analysis (20 pts): In this assignment, students will be assigned two case
studies to analyze that focus on ethical dilemmas in clinical supervision. Students will
submit a 1-2 page analysis of the cases supporting their rationale using ethical codes and
standards. The paper must be submitted in APA format.
Role Play Reaction Paper (25 pts): Students will submit a 1-2 page reaction paper to
reflect on their experience engaging in the role-play activity as the supervisor and
supervisee. Students will discuss what went well during the role-play and skills they
would like to continue to build. The paper must be submitted in APA format and
must include at least two scholarly references to support skills that students can
Reflection Journal Entry (40 pts total - 4 entries total): Students will submit a 1 page
reflection on their supervisory experience. Students will detail personal feelings present
during the experience, personal strengths they displayed, and skills they would like to
improve. Students will include details on how to enhance the next supervisory meeting.
The paper must be submitted in APA format.
Supervision Note (50 pts total - 5 notes total): Students will complete a note detailing
what took place in the supervision session, how long the supervision session lasted, and
feedback provided to the supervisee. The template for supervision notes will be
available in Canvas.
Professional Development Plan (25 pts): Students will complete a 1-2 page
professional development plan that outlines their goals for ongoing growth and
enhancement as clinical supervisors, including strategies for seeking supervision
consultation and continuing education opportunities. The paper must be submitted in
APA format.
Final Reflection Paper (50 pts): Students will complete a 2-3 page final reflection
paper detailing their experience within the course and as a supervisor. Students will
discuss skills they learned along the way and their personal views of the course. Students
will provide insight into topics they would like to continue to learn about and feedback
on adjustments that could be made to the course. The paper must be submitted in APA
Grading Policies
Your performance in this clinical supervision course will be assessed based on the following
Grading Scale
Assignment Value
A 208-260
Participation & Attendance 40
B 156-207
Ethical Case Analysis 20
C 104-155
Role Play Reaction Paper 25
D 52-103
Reflection Journal Entry (4 40
entries total) F <51
Supervision Notes (5 notes total) 50
Syllabus Review 10
Total 260
Late Assignments
★ Deadline: Assignments are due at the specified date and time indicated on the course
syllabus or assignment instructions. It is your responsibility to submit assignments by the
designated deadline.
★ Late Submission: Late submissions may be accepted but will be subject to a penalty.
The penalty for late assignments will be 10% deducted from the assignment grade for
each day it is late, up to a maximum of 5 days past the deadline.
★ Communication: If you anticipate difficulty meeting an assignment deadline due to
extenuating circumstances such as illness, personal emergency, or technical issues, please
communicate with me as soon as possible. Extensions may be granted on a
case-by-case basis.
★ Impact on Grade: Late submissions may impact your overall grade for the assignment
and could result in a lower grade than if the assignment had been submitted on time.
Please try to submit assignments by the specified deadline to maximize your opportunity
for full credit.
Course Schedule
8/28/24 ➔ Cultural Competence in 6.B.2.l. Fundamentals: In Class Engagement Activity:
Supervision 6.B.2.c. Ch. 4, 5, and 6 Cultural Competence Workshop
➔ Supervisory Working
Alliance, Roles and
Relationships Related to
Clinical Supervision
Supervision Note*🖊️
Professional Development
*🖊️ - All assignments due the day before the following class at 11:59PM CST. *🖊️
Bernard, J., & Goodyear, R. K. (2018). Fundamentals of clinical supervision (6th ed.). Pearson.
Bridgman, K., Erickson, S., Furlong, L., & Stark H. (2023). Application of a connecting practice
Corey, G., Haynes, R., Moulton, P., & Muratori, M. (2020). Clinical supervision in the helping
Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs. (2023). 2024
Chae, N., Gosling, D. R., Goshorn, J. R., & Fan, S. (2021). A dilemma within doctoral
Fickling, M. J., Tangen, J. L., Graden, M. W., & Grays, D. (2019). Multicultural and social
Kozachuk, L. A., & Conley, A. H. (2021). Development-oriented situational supervision: A
Rocha, J., & Kemer, G. (2022). What must supervisees do to promote supervision? An
exploratory sequential mixed methods approach. The Clinical Supervisor, 41(1), 70-87,
Wilcox, M. M., Black, S. W., Farra, A., Zimmerman, D., Drinane, J. M., Tao, K. W., DeBlaere,
C., Hook, J. N., Davis, D. E., Watkins, C. E., Jr., & Owen, J. (2023). Cultural humility,
cultural comfort, and supervision processes and outcomes for BIPOC supervisees. The