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Guide to the Selection

and Use of Hydraulic

Reported by ACI Committee 225
ACI 225R-16
First Printing
September 2016
ISBN: 978-1-945487-16-3

Guide to the Selection and Use of Hydraulic Cements

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ACI 225R-16

Guide to the Selection and Use of Hydraulic Cements

Reported by ACI Committee 225

Jay E. Whitt, Chair Thomas J. Grisinger, Secretary

Gregory S. Barger Thomas M. Greene Kimberly E. Kurtis Nicholas J. Popoff

Claude Bedard Michael S. Hammer Mark R. Lukkarila Bryce P. Simons
Glen E. Bollin Geoffrey Hichborn Sr. Kirk L. McDonald Oscar Tavares
Michael M. Chehab R. Doug Hooton Leo M. Meyer, Jr. Paul D. Tennis
Marwan A. Daye Francis Innis Moncef L. Nehdi James I. Turici, Jr.
Jonathan E. Dongell Kenneth G. Kazanis James S. Pierce Stephen D. Wilcox
*The committee would like to acknowledge B. Blair and M. D. A. Thomas for their contributions in the development of this guide.

Cement is the most active component of concrete and usually has CONTENTS
the greatest unit cost; therefore, its selection and proper use is
imperative to attaining the desired balance of properties and cost CHAPTER 1—INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE, p. 2
for a particular concrete mixture. Selection should include consid- 1.1—Introduction, p. 2
eration of the cement properties in relation to the required perfor-
1.2—Scope, p. 2
mance of the concrete. This guide covers the influence of cement on
the properties of concrete, summarizing the composition and avail-
ability of commercial hydraulic cements and the factors affecting CHAPTER 2—NOTATION AND DEFINITIONS, p. 3
their performance in concrete. It includes a discussion of cement 2.1—Notation, p. 3
types, a brief review of cement chemistry, the influences of chem- 2.2—Definitions, p. 3
ical admixtures and supplementary cementitious materials, and
the effects of the environment on cement performance, and reviews CHAPTER 3—CEMENT TYPES, AVAILABILITY,
the sustainability aspects for the use and manufacture of port- AND SELECTION, p. 3
land cement. Cement storage, delivery, sampling, and testing of 3.1—Portland and blended hydraulic cements, p. 3
hydraulic cements for conformance to specifications are addressed. 3.2—Special-purpose, p. 4
Users will learn to recognize when a readily available, general- 3.3—Research and development, p. 5
purpose cement will perform satisfactorily or when conditions
3.4—Rational approach to selection, p. 5
require selection of a cement that meets additional requirements.

Keywords: admixture; blended cement; calcium-aluminate cement; cement CHAPTER 4—CEMENT CHEMISTRY, p. 8
storage; cement types; chemical analysis; hydraulic cement; pozzolan; 4.1—Portland cement, p. 8
physical properties; portland cement; slag cement; supplemental cementi- 4.2—Blended hydraulic, p. 11
tious materials; sustainability. 4.3—Shrinkage-compensating expansive, p. 11
4.4—Calcium-aluminate, p. 11


ACI Committee Reports, Guides, and Commentaries are
intended for guidance in planning, designing, executing, and CEMENTS ON CEMENTITIOUS SYSTEMS, p. 12
inspecting construction. This document is intended for the use 5.1—Air-entraining admixtures, p. 12
of individuals who are competent to evaluate the significance 5.2—Other chemical admixtures, p. 12
and limitations of its content and recommendations and who 5.3—Pozzolans, p. 14
will accept responsibility for the application of the material it
contains. The American Concrete Institute disclaims any and
all responsibility for the stated principles. The Institute shall
not be liable for any loss or damage arising therefrom. ACI 225R-16 supersedes ACI 225R-99 and was adopted and published September
Reference to this document shall not be made in contract 2016.
Copyright © 2016, American Concrete Institute.
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All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by
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p. 34
CHAPTER 6—INFLUENCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL A.1—Manufacture and properties, p. 34
CONDITIONS ON THE HYDRATION OF CEMENTS, A.2—Influences of admixtures and supplementary
p. 15 cementitious materials, p. 34
6.1—Water requirements, p. 15 A.3—Influence of environment, p. 34
6.2—Temperature effects, p. 15 A.4—Heat of hydration, p. 34
6.3—Composition, p. 15 A.5—Setting characteristics, p. 34
A.6—Strength, p. 35
CHAPTER 7—INFLUENCE OF CEMENT ON A.7—Resistance to chemical attack, p. 35
CONCRETE PROPERTIES, p. 15 A.8—Resistance to high temperatures, p. 36
7.1—Thermal cracking, p. 15
7.2—Placeability, p. 17 CHAPTER 1—INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE
7.3—Strength, p. 17
7.4—Volume stability, p. 18 1.1—Introduction
7.5—Elastic properties, p. 19 This guide assists specifiers and designers in choosing
7.6—Creep, p. 20 appropriate cement for specified concrete applications.
7.7—Permeability, p. 20 Although hydraulic cements are only one ingredient of a
7.8—Corrosion of embedded steel, p. 20 concrete mixture, they are the active ingredient and, there-
7.9—Resistance to freezing and thawing, p. 21 fore, play a key role in the long-term viability of the struc-
7.10—Resistance to chemical attack, p. 21 ture, floor, or pavement. Cement choice depends on many
7.11—Resistance to high temperatures, p. 21 variables, such as the service conditions for which the
7.12—Cement-aggregate reactions, p. 21 concrete is designed, properties of other materials used in the
7.13—Color, p. 23 mixture, or the performance characteristics of the concrete
required during or shortly after placement.
CHAPTER 8—CEMENT STORAGE AND DELIVERY, Cement paste is the binder in concrete or mortar that holds
p. 23 the fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, or other constituents
8.1—Storage, p. 23 together in a hardened mass. The term “hydraulic” in this
8.2—Pack set (sticky cement), p. 24 guide refers to the basic mechanism by which the hardening
8.3—Delivery, p. 24 of the cement takes place—a chemical reaction between the
8.4—Contamination and handling, p. 24 cement and water. The term also differentiates hydraulic
8.5—Worker protection, p. 25 cement from binder systems that are based on other hardening
mechanisms, as hydraulic cements can harden underwater.
CHAPTER 9—SAMPLING AND TESTING OF Concrete properties depend on the quantities and quali-
HYDRAULIC CEMENTS FOR CONFORMANCE TO ties of its constituents. Because cement is the most active
SPECIFICATIONS, p. 25 component of concrete and usually has the greatest unit cost,
9.1—Cement mill test report, p. 25 its selection and proper use are fundamental in obtaining the
9.2—Sealed silos, p. 25 most economical balance of properties desired for a partic-
9.3—Cement certification, p. 26 ular concrete mixture. Most cements will provide adequate
9.4—Quality management, p. 26 levels of strength and durability for general use. Some
provide higher levels of certain properties than are needed
CHAPTER 10—SUSTAINABILITY ASPECTS OF in specific applications.
10.1—Hydraulic cements, p. 27 1.2—Scope
10.2—Energy consumption, p. 27 This guide summarizes information about the composi-
10.3—Use of supplementary cementitious materials tion, availability, and factors affecting the performance of
(SCMs) as replacement for portland cement, p. 28 commercial hydraulic cements. It also provides information
10.4—Use of cement in concrete, p. 28 regarding:
10.5—Recycled raw materials as raw feed in the manufac- a) Cement selection, whether a cement is readily avail-
ture of portland cement, p. 28 able, and if conditions require a general-purpose cement or
10.6—Alternate fuels, p. 28 a special cement
10.7—Combustion emissions, p. 29 b) How the chemical and physical characteristics of a
10.8—Recent progress and strategy, p. 29 cement can affect certain properties of concrete
c) How interaction of cements with various additives,
CHAPTER 11—REFERENCES, p. 29 admixtures, and mixture designs can affect concrete
Authored documents, p. 30 This guide only deals with hydraulic cements manufac-
tured under North American standards (ASTM International,
American Association of State Highway and Transportation

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Officials [AASHTO], and Canadian Standards Association Table 3.1a—Characteristics of portland cements*
[CSA]). For information on other hydraulic cement standards, Optional
the user is directed to local specifications and building codes. Type* Description characteristics†
I General use 1, 4
General use; moderate
II 1, 4
sulfate resistance
General use; moderate
Cement phases referred to throughout this guide follow II (MH)
heat of hydration
1, 4
the cement chemists’ notations as follows:
III High-early-strength 1, 2, 3
A = Al2O3
C = CaO IV Low heat of hydration 4
C = CO2 V High sulfate resistance 4, 5
F = Fe2O3 *
For cements specified in ASTM C150/C150M.
H = H2O †
Optional characteristics:
M = MgO 1. Air entraining (A)
S = SiO2 2. Moderate sulfate resistance: C3A maximum, 8 percent

S = SO3 3. High-sulfate resistance: C3A maximum, 5 percent

tricalcium silicate: 3CaO·SiO2 = C3S 4. Low alkali: maximum of 0.60 percent alkalies, expressed as Na2O equivalent
5. Alternative limit of sulfate resistance is based on expansion tests of mortar bars
dicalcium silicate: 2CaO·SiO2 = C2S
tricalcium aluminate: 3CaO·Al2O3 = C3A
for Canada, in CSA-A3001. Blended cements are also speci-
tetracalcium aluminoferrite: 4CaO·Al2O3·Fe2O3 = C4AF
fied under the AASHTO M 240 requirements. For more on
Tricalcium silicate, Ca3SiO5, in conventional notation
hydraulic cement specifications and selection, refer to 3.4.
becomes 3CaO·SiO2 in oxide notation, or C3S in cement
Portland cements are manufactured by a process that
chemists’ notation. Simple oxides, such as CaO or SiO2, are
begins by combining a source of lime such as limestone,
often written in full.
a source of silica and alumina such as clay, and a source
of iron oxide such as iron ore. The properly proportioned
mixture of the raw materials is finely ground and then heated
ACI provides a comprehensive list of definitions through
to approximately 2700°F (1480°C) for the reactions that
an online resource, “ACI Concrete Terminology,” https://
form cement phases to take place. The product of a cement
kiln is portland cement clinker. After cooling, the clinker is
Equivalent alkali in hydraulic cement is the total of
ground with calcium sulfate (gypsum); processing additions;
sodium and potassium oxides as calculated from the chem-
and, in many cases, limestone to form a portland cement.
ical analysis, and using the formula: Na2Oeq = % Na2O +
Processing additions are organic or inorganic materials used
0.658%K2O (ASTM C219).
in the manufacture of cements that are added at the finish
mill. Their use is governed by ASTM C465. Processing addi-
tion rates for portland cements are specified in ASTM C150/
C150M. The specific gravity of portland cement will vary
Selection of cement is an important consideration when
slightly depending on the amounts of limestone, gypsum,
proportioning mixtures for specific project requirements
and inorganic processing addition added to the clinker (for
and intended use. It is important that the specification for
further reference on inorganic process addition refer to
hydraulic cements be appropriate for the project and the
Taylor [2008]). Most of these additions are less dense than
hydraulic cements available in the area. Factors such as
clinker and tend to reduce the specific gravity of the port-
exposure conditions and desired properties can often require
land cement. When proportioning concrete mixtures, unless
specific cement types based on the chemistry or physical
an actual measurement of the specific gravity of the cement
properties. Specific cements may be available that are
has been made, 3.15 has been used for portland cements
designed for applications where performance requirements
(Kosmatka and Wilson 2011). As the amount of processing
cannot be achieved with ordinary portland cement.
additions increase, the specific gravity value has been found
to decrease.
3.1—Portland and blended hydraulic cements
Blended hydraulic cements are usually made by inter-
A majority of the cement used for concrete construction
grinding portland cement clinker with calcium sulfate
in the United States is either portland cement, manufactured
(gypsum); processing additions; and a quantity of a suitable
to meet the requirements of ASTM C150/C150M, blended
material such as slag cement, fly ash, limestone, silica fume,
hydraulic cement manufactured to meet the requirements
or raw or calcined natural pozzolans. They may also be made
of ASTM C595/C595M, or performance-based hydraulic
by blending the finely ground ingredients, or by a combina-
cement manufactured to meet the requirements of ASTM
tion of blending and intergrinding. The specific gravity of
C1157/C1157M. Tables 3.1a and 3.1b include basic charac-
a blended cement will vary with the type and amount of
teristics of these cements as listed in ASTM. Other portland
material(s) that is interground or interblended.
cement specifications can be found in AASHTO M 85 or,
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Table 3.1b—Characteristics of blended hydraulic and performance-based hydraulic cements

Blended ingredients range, percent by mass
ASTM C595/ Optional
C595M Type Name Pozzolan Slag cement Limestone characteristics*
IP Portland-pozzolan cement 1 to 40 — — 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
IS Portland blast-furnace slag cement — 1 to 95 — 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
IL Portland-limestone cement — – 5 to 15 1, 4, 5, 6
IT Ternary blended cement† 1 to 40 1 to 95 5 to 15 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

ASTM C1157/C1157M Type Name Optional characteristics*

GU General use 1, 6
HE High early strength 1, 6
MS Moderate sulfate resistance 1, 6
HS High sulfate resistance 1, 6
MH Moderate heat of hydration 1, 6
LH Low heat of hydration 1, 6
Optional characteristics that can be specified for various cement types:
1. Air-entraining (A)
2. Moderate sulfate resistance (MS)
3. High sulfate resistance (HS)
4. Moderate heat of hydration (MH)
5. Low heat of hydration (LH)
6. Suitability for use with alkali-silica reactive aggregate

Ternary blended cements include two of the ingredients (pozzolan, slag cement, or limestone) in the ranges noted, but not all three.

3.2.3 Expansive or shrinkage-compensating cements—

For specification purposes, portland and blended
These are designed to expand a small amount during the first
hydraulic cements are designated by type depending on their
few days of hydration to offset the effects of later drying
chemical composition and properties. The availability of a
shrinkage. Their purpose is to reduce cracking resulting
given type of cement may vary widely among geograph-
from volume decrease due to shrinkage or to cause stressing
ical regions. Commonly used descriptions of portland and
of reinforcing steel (ACI 223R). Those manufactured in the
blended cements are given in Tables 3.1a and 3.1b. The use
United States depend on the formation of a higher-than-
of blended cements is growing in response to the demand for
usual amount of ettringite during hydration of the cement
concrete requiring special properties, energy conservation,
to cause the expansion (ASTM C845/C845M). The expan-
and raw materials.
sive ingredient, an anhydrous calcium sulfoaluminate, can
be purchased separately. Magnesium or calcium oxide may
also be used as expansive agents.
In addition to portland and blended cements, other hydraulic
3.2.4 Rapid-hardening hydraulic cements—These are
cements are available for specialized uses (Table 3.2). Other
designed to give rapid strength gain during the first 24 hours
cement types are only touched upon, as their availability is
of hydration. Four categories of performance are specified in
limited in some regions.
ASTM C1600/C1600M with strength requirements from 1.5
3.2.1 Masonry cements—These are used in masonry
to 24 hours. Rapid-hardening hydraulic cements can be used
mortars. They are specified in ASTM C91/C91M and their
in the same application as portland and blended cements,
use is covered by ASTM C270 and ACI 530/530.1. Plastic
and usually include processing or functional additions. They
and mortar cements are also used in mortars and specified
are typically used for repair applications or where very rapid
in ASTM C1328/C1328M and ASTM C1329/C1329M,
strength gain is needed.
respectively. In Canada, masonry and mortar cements are
3.2.5 Regulated-set cements—Regulated-set cements are
specified in CSA-A3002.
similar in composition to portland cements, except that the
Certain portland cements can give the finished product
clinker from which they are made contains a small quan-
special colors, such as white or buff, which are used for
tity of fluorine. They are formulated to have unusually short
architectural purposes. White and buff cements are usually
setting times followed by development of a moderate early
furnished to meet ASTM C150/C150M specifications.
3.2.2 Modified portland cements—Modified portland
3.2.6 Well cements—Well cements are manufactured
cements as described in ASTM C90, which are sometimes
specifically for use in sealing spaces between well casings
referred to as block cements, are manufactured to meet the
and linings, and the surrounding geological formations.
needs of the concrete masonry unit manufacturing industry.
They are usually required to comply with API 10A. These

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Table 3.2—Miscellaneous or special-purpose cements

Type Description or purpose ASTM specification
White cement White architectural cement C150/C150M*
Buff cement Buff architectural cement C150/C150M*
Expansive cement, Type E-1† Expansive hydraulic cement C845/C845M
For use where rapid setting and moderate early strength
Regulated-set cement None
development is needed
Rapid-hardening hydraulic cements For use where early strength development is needed C1600/C1600M
Oil-well cements, Types A through H, J‡ Hydraulic cements used for oil-well casings and linings None
For use in mortar for masonry, brick and block construction,
Masonry cement, Types M, S, and N C91/C91M
and stucco
Plastic cement For use in exterior stucco applications C1328/C1328M
Mortar cements Types M, S, and N For use in mortar for masonry, brick, and block construction C1329/C1329M
For use in refractory, high-early-strength, and moderately
Calcium-aluminate cement None
acid-resistant concretes
Block cement For use in making concrete masonry units C1157/C1157M, C595/C595M, C150/C150M
Magnesium phosphate cement Nonportland cement for use where rapid hardening is needed None
Although white and buff cements are not listed specifically in ASTM C150/C150M, they could meet the requirements of ASTM C150/C150M as indicated by the manufacturer.

Three kinds are identified by letters K, M, and S.

These are covered by American Petroleum Institute (API 10A).

cements specified in API 10A can also meet ASTM speci- fine sands, underground strength, or water control in finely
fications; for example, Class G well cements meeting API fractured rock formations is needed.
10A often meet the requirements of ASTM C150/C150M, 3.2.11 Photocatalytic cements—These contain photo-
Type II or V. For very-high-temperature wells, less--reactive catalysts, often as engineered nanoparticles, which in the
cements are sometimes used, such as mixtures of dicalcium presence of water, oxygen, and ultraviolet light, and visible
silicate and finely ground silica. light, produce strong oxidizing agents. The net effect of the
3.2.7 Calcium-aluminate cements—Calcium-aluminate surface-initiated reactions can impart new functionality to
cements (Appendix A) are intended primarily for refractory cement-based materials, including self-cleaning, biocidal,
applications and are designated as being of low, intermediate, hydrophobicity, hydrophilicity, and smog-abatement func-
or high purity. The purity level of the calcium-aluminate tionality (Giannantonio et al. 2009; Husken et al. 2009;
cement is based on iron content in the low-purity cement Bowering et al. 2006; Kawakami et al. 2007; Diamanti et
and free alumina content in the high-purity cement. Low- al. 2008).
purity calcium aluminate cements are also used for concretes
that are to be exposed to mild acids and certain industrial 3.3—Research and development
wastes. Other possible applications are self-leveling floors, Given the broad use of cement worldwide and the ever-
and patching and repair when very high early strengths are increasing demands for enhancements in properties and
needed. performance, research and development has produced
3.2.8 Plastic cements—Plastic cements (ASTM C1328/ continued innovations in cements. For example, over the
C1328M) are formulated for use in mortars for stucco. They past decade, many innovations increasing the sustainability
are portland cements modified by small amounts of additives of cement have been introduced (Chapter 10). Another key
that cause the mortars made from them to have flow proper- area of innovation is the exploration of the potential for nano-
ties that aid stucco applications. technology to improve cement and concrete performance.
3.2.9 Waterproof cements—These are portland cements Some research has explored the incorporation of nano-
interground with stearic acid or other water repellents with sized materials (Sobolev et al. 2012). These nanoparticles
the objective of imparting water repellency to concrete including, for example, nanotubes, can graft molecules onto
containing them. cement particles or cement phases to promote specific inter-
3.2.10 Ultrafine cements—These are of fine particle size facial interactions and provide surface functionality. These
with a 50 percent by mass distribution of the particles having composites can have a range of novel properties, such as low
a mean diameter of less than 0.0002 in. (5 μm) and are electrical resistivity, self-sensing capabilities, self-cleaning,
usually composed of blends of portland and slag cements. self-healing, high ductility, and self-control of cracks.
These small-sized particle systems are required in geotech-
nical applications and repairing relatively large cracks and 3.4—Rational approach to selection
other concrete applications where permeation grouting of The goal of the specifier is to provide specifications that
ensure that proper amounts and types of cement are used

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