WFCCN Chapter 6 Traumatic Brain Injury 2nd Edition

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Chapter Title:
Aggressive Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury

Richard B. Arbour, MSN, RN, CCRN, CNRN, CCNS, CCTC, FAAN & Vida Bračko RN

Author Affiliations:
Richard B. Arbour, MSN, RN, CCRN, CNRN, CCNS, CCTC, FAAN
Neuroscience/Critical Care Clinical Nurse Specialist
Lancaster General Hospital, Lancaster, Pennsylvania USA

Vida Bračko RN. Clinical Centre Ljubljana, Emergency Room Block 21, Ljubljana Slovenia
World Federation of Critical Care Nurses Country Representation from the Slovenian
Association of Emergency and Critical Care Nursing

Corresponding Author: Richard Arbour: E-mail: (preferred contact)

No financial support was utilized in authoring of this manuscript.

The author has no actual or potential conflicts of interest with regards to the content of this manuscript.

Acknowledgement: Adapted from: Arbour RB. Traumatic brain injury: Pathophysiology, monitoring
and mechanism-based care. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America. 2013; 25 (2): 297-320.

Key words:

Brain trauma, secondary brain injury, intracranial pressure, osmotherapy, metabolic suppression,
surveillance, neuroimaging, targeted temperature management, mechanism-based intervention.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: After completing this e-chapter you will be able to:

1. Review key concepts related to the physiology of intracranial hypertension

2. Discuss the classifications of traumatic brain injury (TBI)

3. Identify priorities in the critical care management following TBI

4. Distinguish primary brain injury from secondary brain injury

5. Explain the nurses role in coordinating intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring with cerebral
spinal fluid (CSF) drainage

6. Discuss the role of targeted temperature management protocols in brain trauma management.

Chapter overview:

This chapter differentiates brain trauma by etiology and type including blunt versus penetrating

brain trauma as well as primary versus secondary brain injury. Clinical analysis and case study explore

intracranial pathophysiology, risk of secondary brain injury and modulating intracranial contents (brain,

blood and CSF volumes) in critical care management of brain trauma as well as the role of temperature

management in traumatic brain injury. Discussion examines cardiopulmonary physiology and

multisystem consequences of injury on intracranial physiology, ICP control and recovery as well as

implications for critical care nursing worldwide in the assessment and monitoring of patients.


Blunt or penetrating brain trauma alters intracranial physiology immediately as primary brain

trauma. From that moment onward, intracranial pathophysiologic changes begin the cycle of secondary

brain injury. Secondary injury evolves from consequences including brain edema, cerebral blood

flow/blood volume alterations and/or changes in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) hydrodynamics. Secondary

injury may be consequent to global complications or multisystem trauma such as chest/abdominal

trauma. Aggressive management of brain trauma must address intracranial consequences and include

selective manipulation of brain tissue, blood and/or CSF volumes. Effective management must also

account for multisystem dysfunction, oxygenation/ventilation and fluid/electrolyte balance because of

the intimate relationships among cardiopulmonary and intracranial physiology. Multidisciplinary

collaboration, the role of the intensive care unit (ICU) nurse in neurologic surveillance, rapid

intervention and effective communication among all team members as well as meticulous attention to

family needs and developing trust are vital aspects of overall care and optimal outcomes.


Globally, traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of death and disability in patients less

than 45 years old, carrying with it a significant societal and personal burden (Decuypere & Klimo, 2012;

Pangilinan, 2014). The overwhelming majority of patients following mild to moderate TBI have

neurologic consequences 3 months post-injury with many requiring rehabilitation (Badgiata, Carney, &

Crocco, 2007; Decuypere & Klimo, 2012; Pangilinan, 2014). Additional human costs include loss of

employment, altered family dynamics, low self-esteem and lost potential. Severe TBI is defined as a

Glasgow Coma Scale Score of 3-8/15 (Dawodu, 2015; Decuypere & Klimo, 2012; Haddad & Arabi,

2012). Mild TBI is defined by a GCS of 13-15 and moderate TBI is defined by a GCS of 9-12. Review

of the GCS is found in table one (Dawodu, 2015; Decuypere & Klimo, 2012; Haddad & Arabi, 2012;

Teasdale & Jennett, 1974). Comparison of mild, moderate and severe TBI is listed in table 2 (Dawodu,

2015; Decuypere & Klimo, 2012; Haddad & Arabi, 2012). The purpose of this chapter is to review

pathophysiology and aggressive management of TBI. Scope includes pathophysiology, clinical

evaluation, neurodiagnostics and monitoring as well as clinical management and nursing care

implications. Optimal patient and family care is illustrated by case study.

Physiology of Intracranial Hypertension:

TBI affects all three components of the contents within the intracranial space. ICP physiology is

illustrated in figure 1. Salient events in ICP elevation and onset/progression of secondary brain injury

are alterations in the relative volume of these 3 components contained within the intracranial vault.

Multiple interventions may modulate one or more components of intracranial pathophysiology.

Osmotherapy with mannitol and/or hypertonic saline creates an osmotic gradient between edematous

brain tissue and circulating blood volume, facilitating water movement out of swollen brain tissue.

Increased brain blood volume may be modulated by titrating controlled ventilation and facilitating

venous drainage from the head. Hydrocephalus may be modulated by ventricular drainage coordinated

with ICP monitoring. Brain metabolic state and related ICP/blood flow elevations may be modulated by

drug therapies such as barbiturates or propofol. Therapeutic hypothermia, though controversial, may be

utilized on a case-by-case basis to modulate brain metabolism, blood flow and ICP. Aggressive

normothermia protects the brain from consequences of fever and may prevent ICP elevations consequent

to increased cerebral blood flow and hypermetabolic state. Decompressive hemicraniectomy may be

used on a case-by-case basis for refractory ICP elevations pending resolution of severe brain edema.

Sedation may decrease anxiety and brain arousal. Analgesia may decrease response to pain and

brain arousal. Brain arousal may increase cerebral blood flow and complicate ICP control.

Neuromuscular blockade (NMB) can be used to decrease global metabolic load by skeletal muscle

paralysis as well as eliminate patient-ventilator dyssynchrony and coughing, both of which elevate

intrathoracic pressure and ICP. The overall plan of care for TBI must also include avoiding hypoxemia,

electrolyte/acid-base imbalances and preventing ICP progression to brain herniation syndromes.

Terminal brainstem herniation is an end-stage and fatal outcome of refractory ICP elevations.

TBI Pathophysiology and trajectory

One classification of TBI is closed head injury where the brain is injured from trauma to the skull

or a sudden, severe force applied to the skull causing brain trauma from hard contact against the inner

table of the skull (Dawodu, 2015; Decuypere & Klimo, 2012; Ling & Marshall, 2008; L Rangel-Castilla,

2014). Figure 2 illustrates examples of closed head injury versus penetrating brain injury. A second

classification is penetrating brain trauma, injury resulting from a projectile or sharp object (generally)

penetrating the scalp, cranial vault, meninges and brain tissue itself, exposing the intracranial cavity to

the environment (Griffin & Hickey, 2012; Santiago, Oh, Dash, Holcomb, & Wade, 2012).

TBI further differentiates between primary and secondary brain injury (Chen et al., 2008; Dawodu,

2015; Greve & Zink, 2009; Haddad & Arabi, 2012; Ling & Marshall, 2008; L Rangel-Castilla, 2014;

Sahuquillo & Vilalta, 2007; Werner & Engelhard, 2007). Primary, at the moment of injury, occurs

consequent to depressed skull fracture, closed head injury, penetrating brain trauma, subdural/epidural

hematoma and/or traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage as well as brain contusion or laceration (Dawodu,

2015; Greve & Zink, 2009; Ling & Marshall, 2008; Pangilinan, 2014; L Rangel-Castilla, 2014; Santiago

et al., 2012; Werner & Engelhard, 2007). Diffuse injury may be consequent to rapid

acceleration/deceleration leading to diffuse axonal injury and/or brain edema (Dawodu, 2015;

Pangilinan, 2014; L Rangel-Castilla, 2014; Werner & Engelhard, 2007). Secondary injury follows the

immediate trauma and includes tissue ischemia, auto-regulatory failure, anaerobic metabolism, increased

tissue lactate, cellular energy failure, release of excitatory amino acids and loss of cell membrane

integrity (Greve & Zink, 2009; Ling & Marshall, 2008; L Rangel-Castilla, 2014; Sahuquillo & Vilalta,

2007; Werner & Engelhard, 2007). Loss of membrane integrity allows sodium and calcium influx into

the cells, lipid peroxidation and loss of structural integrity, allowing cellular/tissue water influx resulting

in further brain edema (Dawodu, 2015; Greve & Zink, 2009; Ling & Marshall, 2008; Pangilinan, 2014;

L Rangel-Castilla, 2014; Sahuquillo & Vilalta, 2007; Werner & Engelhard, 2007). Loss of membrane

integrity activates the coagulation cascade risking small-vessel clot formation and brain ischemia

(Chodobski, Zink, & Szmydynger-Chodobska, 2011).


TBI Case study: Initial injury and presentation

A 21-year-old white female was found unconscious outside late at night. Emergency medical

system (EMS) was activated and she was transported to the emergency department (ED) of a large

regional trauma center. She had apparently fallen and sustained traumatic brain injury, multiple skull

fractures and multisystem trauma. During transport, full cervical-spine precautions, intravenous (IV)

access and ventilation support were initiated. Upon ED arrival, airway, breathing and circulation

(ABC’s) were prioritized. Controlled ventilation was maintained through an oral endotracheal tube.

Early airway management and controlled ventilation is vital to avoid hypoxemia, hypercarbia and slow

progression of secondary brain injury (Harris, Davenport, Hurst, & Jones, 2012). She was initially

hypotensive and tachycardic. Multiple large-bore peripheral IV accesses were inserted for administration

of crystalloid, medications and blood products. The patient had a GCS of 4/15, indicating severe TBI.

Following volume resuscitation, her blood pressure was stabilized, ventilation was controlled and she

was transported for emergent head CT for evaluation of intracranial injury. Figure 3 illustrates head CT

obtained immediately following admission and stabilization in the ED. Clinical neurological

examination is the standard for evaluation of the potentially injured brain. With severely depressed

consciousness, immediate evaluation for structural brain injury by obtaining stat head CT is paramount

(Schimpf, 2012; Tsang & Whitfield, 2012).

Following heat CT results as noted, the patient was hyperventilated in the short-term pending and

during transport to the operating room (OR) for neurosurgical intervention to modulate presumed severe

ICP elevations. Hyperventilation (PaCO2 below 35 mm Hg) can result in brain ischemia, increased

morbidity and mortality. Hyperventilation is appropriate for the shortest duration possible pending

definitive intervention (Brain Trauma Foundation et al., 2007j). Operative intervention included

aggressive craniotomy/craniectomy with evacuation of subdural hematoma and insertion of a ventricular

drainage catheter incorporating a fiberoptic transducer for ICP measurement. Immediate postoperative

CT and appearance of ICP monitor/drainage insertion site are found in Figure 4.

TBI case study: ICU management in immediate postoperative phase.

Upon ICU arrival post-craniotomy and ICP monitor/drain placement, the patient received

fentanyl and propofol for analgesia and sedation, to decrease cerebral responses to stimulation and treat

pain. Neuromuscular blockade was initiated to promote synchrony with controlled ventilation,

preventing surges in intrathoracic pressure consequent to cough responses and patient/ventilator dys-

synchrony. She was managed with hyperosmolar therapy. Mannitol was titrated to a serum osmolality of

315-320 mOsm/L and she received hypertonic saline (3%) by continuous infusion. Her controlled

ventilation was titrated to maintain normocarbia (PaCO2 approximately 35-40 mm Hg). Ventilator-

associated pneumonia (VAP) protocol was in place.

Critical Care Management Following TBI:

Postoperative critical-care management is guided as goal-directed therapy based on ICP

monitoring and clinical/neurological assessment data. ICP monitoring may be effectively done by means

of an intraventricular catheter, enabling CSF drainage and providing excellent ICP waveforms

facilitating ICP pulse wave analysis and assessment of intracranial compliance. Other ICP monitoring

options include fiberoptic catheters within the brain parenchyma or incorporated within ventricular

catheter placement. Goal-directed therapies include metabolic suppression, sedation/analgesia,

neuromuscular blockade (NMB), osmotic diuresis, titration of controlled ventilation as well as targeted

temperature management and therapeutic hypothermia in select cases. Each therapy has specific

implications for nursing care, and while variations in resources exist internationally priority areas for

nursing care include focused monitoring and reporting of neurological changes and administration of

indicated therapies per country specific, national, or international guidelines.

ICP monitoring and waveform analysis

Secondary brain injury may be a direct consequence of intracranial hypertension. ICP and

cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) are immediate priorities as appropriate following TBI (Arbour, 2004;

Vender, Waller, Dhandapani, & McDonnell, 2011). ICP monitoring is paramount in a patient with GCS

3-8 and abnormal head CT. ICP monitoring may be appropriate in TBI in a patient with a normal head

CT if two of the following are present: age greater than 40 years, decorticate or decerebrate posturing

and hypotension (Arbour, 2004; Brain Trauma Foundation et al., 2007j). ICP monitoring in context with

clinical evaluation, neuroimaging and goal-directed management significantly improves outcome

(Feyen, Sener, Jorens, Menovsky, & Maas, 2012). For more benefit versus risk in clinical application,

ICP monitoring devices used, should be easy to use, accurate, interpreted within clinical context, rapidly

acted upon in a reproducible manner and guide therapy (Mendelson et al., 2012; Schimpf, 2012).

The most commonly utilized options for ICP monitoring include ventriculostomy and

intraparenchymal device placement (Brain Trauma Foundation et al., 2007d; Vender et al., 2011).

Ventriculostomy placement is considered the reference standard for ICP monitoring, giving good quality

ICP waveforms and accurate, reproducible pressure measurements (Arbour, 2004; Brain Trauma

Foundation et al., 2007d; Feyen et al., 2012; Schimpf, 2012). Ventriculostomy placement allows for

CSF drainage as part of mechanism-based care and coordinated for managing intracranial hypertension

(Arbour, 2004; Brain Trauma Foundation et al., 2007e; Mendelson et al., 2012; Schimpf, 2012; Vender

et al., 2011). ICP treatment threshold is generally 20 mm Hg (Brain Trauma Foundation et al., 2007f;

Schimpf, 2012).

Monitoring cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) is also integral in managing severe TBI. CPP is

determined by the following formula: CPP = mean arterial pressure (MAP) – ICP (Arbour, 2004; Feyen

et al., 2012; Schimpf, 2012). Optimal monitoring of ICP and MAP are vital in managing severe TBI due

to risks of hyperemia versus oligemia. Hyperemia consequent to hypertension may result in cerebral

blood flow (CBF) surges and ICP elevation. Oligemic CBF states consequent to hypotension may result

in brain ischemia. One management guideline includes a general CPP range of 50-70 mm Hg (Brain

Trauma Foundation et al., 2007c). Other authors advocate goal-directed therapy for CPP between 60-75

mm Hg (Schimpf, 2012). CPP and ICP should be very closely monitored. For example, with CPP

trending lower than 60 mm Hg, identifying possible causes and intervening appropriately intervention

are vital. Management may be 2-fold and be directed toward ICP reduction as well as directed towards

supporting blood pressure by administering crystalloid, blood products or vasoactive versus inotropic


Additional information is obtained by detailed analysis of the ICP pulse waveform, waveform

changes over time and in response to stimulation. Pulse waveform amplitude reflects changes in CBF

consequent to the cardiac cycle, cerebrovascular compliance and reactivity. While requiring additional

validation, this may be an additional approach to monitoring and yield further, actionable information

from ICP pulse waveforms and concurrent MAP (Aries et al., 2012). Additional directions for research

include analysis of complexity and responsiveness of ICP trends over time and in response to

stimulation providing feedback on reactivity of brail blood flow. Initial studies suggest that more

responsive and complex ICP is predictive of better outcome (Lu et al., 2012).

Close ICP waveform analysis indicating elevated P-2 component of ICP pulse waveform may

also indicate compromised intracranial compliance and higher predictive value for more significant ICP

elevation in response to stimulation (Arbour, 2004). Stimulation may include airway

manipulation/suctioning, repositioning or invasive procedures such as peripheral venipuncture or

thoracostomy. Figure 5 illustrates ICP pulse waveforms as exemplars, indicating degree of

compliance at baseline and relationship between degree of intracranial compliance and ICP elevation

in response to stimulation.

TBI case study: Coordinating ICP monitoring with CSF drainage:

Ventricular CSF drainage was utilized and coordinated with ICP monitoring. The

ventriculostomy/transducer system was closed at intervals and CSF was to be drained if ICP remained

above 20 mm Hg for greater than 5 minutes. ICP monitoring via ventriculostomy yielded good quality

ICP waveforms and ability to assess intracranial compliance by waveform analysis and ICP responses to

stimulation with time to resolution. The patient continued to receive mannitol for hyperosmolar therapy,

sedation, analgesia and neuromuscular blockade. Protocol for prevention of ventilator-associated

pneumonia (VAP) was in place.

Hyperosmolar therapy

Hyperosmolar therapy is among the mainstays of ICP control following brain trauma (Decuypere

& Klimo, 2012). The two main options for hyperosmolar therapy are mannitol (considered first-line) and

hypertonic saline (Brain Trauma Foundation et al., 2007a; Decuypere & Klimo, 2012; Griffin & Hickey,

2012; Haddad & Arabi, 2012; Helmy, Vizcaychipi, & Gupta, 2007; Honeybul, 2011; Ling & Marshall,

2008; Protheroe & Gwinnutt, 2011; Ropper, 2012). Table three outlines specific agents utilized for

hyperosmolar therapy and includes dosing, cardiovascular/clinical effects, goals of care and

nursing considerations (Brain Trauma Foundation et al., 2007a; Decuypere & Klimo, 2012; Griffin &

Hickey, 2012; Haddad & Arabi, 2012; Helmy et al., 2007; Honeybul, 2011; Kerwin et al., 2009; Ling &

Marshall, 2008; Oddo et al., 2009; Protheroe & Gwinnutt, 2011; Rockswold et al., 2009; Ropper, 2012;

Sakellaridis et al., 2011).

Pulmonary management and severe traumatic brain injury

Pulmonary management following severe TBI is extremely challenging for multiple reasons. One

reason is arterial CO2 , which must be closely monitored and managed by frequent, close ventilator

titration to avoid extremes of hyper versus hypo-capnia, avoiding cerebral blood flow extremes and

decreasing risk of hyperemia versus ischemia. A second reason is optimal pulmonary care including

head-of-bed (HOB) elevation and protocol-directed care to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia

(VAP). This includes frequent mouth care as well as deep airway suctioning. Mouth care and deep

airway suctioning stimulate strong gag and cough reflexes, raising intrathoracic and intracranial

pressures. A third reason is ventilator management in the setting of severe respiratory failure such as

acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) or concurrent chest/lung trauma. Maintaining oxygenation

may require positive-end-expiratory-pressure (PEEP) and non-physiologic ventilation modes which,

with elevated intrathoracic pressures, may make ICP more difficult to control. Maintaining oxygenation

and tissue oxygen delivery is paramount in preventing secondary brain injury.

Titrating arterial carbon dioxide


While the use of hyperventilation may vary based on clinical guideline recommendations, it is

usually reserved for emergent management of increased ICP unless there is the ability to monitor brain

tissue oxygenation. Hyperventilation may be indicated for aggressive care immediately following TBI

because aggressive hypocapnia in the short term (arterial CO2 approximately 25 mm Hg), ICP can be

rapidly reduced. Hypocapnia reduces ICP due to cerebral vasoconstriction, increasing risk of brain

ischemia in a CBF state already likely compromised (Brain Trauma Foundation et al., 2007j; Decuypere

& Klimo, 2012; Griffin & Hickey, 2012; L. Rangel-Castilla et al., 2010). Long-term hyperventilation is

not recommended but may be effective in the short-term to control ICP elevations pending other

definitive, mechanism-based therapeutics (Brain Trauma Foundation et al., 2007j; Decuypere & Klimo,

2012; Griffin & Hickey, 2012; Haddad & Arabi, 2012; Honeybul, 2011). If available, measures to

monitor brain oxygen levels may be appropriate to titrate therapy (Brain Trauma Foundation et al.,

2007j; Honeybul, 2011). Long-term ventilation should be titrated for a PaCO2 approximately 35-40 mm


Pulmonary management and Traumatic Brain Injury

Integral to managing a patient following brain trauma is aggressive pulmonary care. This

mandates meticulous attention maintaining airway patency, appropriate pulmonary hygiene and

initiation/maintenance of VAP protocols. VAP protocols include mouth care at appropriate intervals,

HOB elevation >/= 30 degrees and stress ulcer as well as deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis.10 Due to

possible risk of cough or gag-induced surges in ICP consequent to deep airway or pharyngeal

suctioning, sedation/analgesia and neuromuscular blockade may be indicated to modulate risk of

additional injury.

Ventilator management, respiratory failure and severe TBI.

Pulmonary complications following severe TBI may have multiple causes including pneumonia,

concurrent pulmonary contusion or chest trauma, ALI/ARDS and pulmonary edema. In ALI/ARDS,

lung recruitment maneuvers may be of particular concern with concurrent brain trauma with higher

levels of PEEP and non-physiologic ventilation modes utilized (Lee & Rincon, 2012). Altered thoracic

pressure dynamics may cause ICP elevations and mandate close attention of ventilator status and effects

on ICP, MAP and CPP (Lee & Rincon, 2012; Zhang, Yang, Wang, & Fan, 2011). Close monitoring and

incremental ventilator titration appropriate due to the individualized nature of ICP, MAP and CPP

responses (Zhang et al., 2011).

Pain and Agitation Management in Severe TBI

Patient positioning, ventilation, airway suctioning, mouth care, concurrent injury and clinical

states including drug/alcohol intoxication versus withdrawal may cause pain and agitation (Haddad &

Arabi, 2012). Agitation and ventilator sys-synchrony can increase cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen

(CMRO2), ICP, blood pressure and systemic oxygen consumption, decreasing oxygen availability to

brain tissue, risking secondary brain damage (Brain Trauma Foundation et al., 2007g). Clinically

appropriate care for agitation must differentiate and address the cause. If agitation is due to alcohol

withdrawal, replacement therapy with benzodiazepines may be effective. If agitation is due to pain,

opioids such as fentanyl or morphine would be appropriate. If hypercarbia or progressive intracranial


pathology is the cause, ventilation management or mechanism-based intervention for intracranial

pathophysiology is most appropriate (Ling & Marshall, 2008).

Sedation/analgesia may decrease overall metabolic demand, CMRO2, cortical arousal and

patient/ventilator dys-synchrony, contributing factors to intracranial hypertension (Brain Trauma

Foundation et al., 2007g; Griffin & Hickey, 2012; Helmy et al., 2007). While pharmacological agents

vary internationally, midazolam is one commonly used short-acting benzodiazepine sedative/hypnotic

which may also provide anti-convulsant effects. Short-acting opioids such as fentanyl citrate are

appropriate, well-tolerated hemodynamically and have a shorter duration of action (Helmy et al., 2007;

Ling & Marshall, 2008). Propofol may be superior as a sedative/hypnotic to benzodiazepines due to its

more pronounced metabolic suppression and short, more predictable duration of action (Brain Trauma

Foundation et al., 2007g; Griffin & Hickey, 2012; Haddad & Arabi, 2012; Helmy et al., 2007). Propofol

has the potential risk of propofol infusion syndrome (PRIS), reported in patients following severe TBI,

clinically associated with a pronounced inflammatory state. PRIS is characterized by a temporal

relationship between hemodynamic instability and initiation or upward titration of propofol. Clinical

findings of PRIS include significant hemodynamic instability, metabolic (lactic) acidosis, hyperkalemia,

rhabdomyolysis and renal failure (Brain Trauma Foundation et al., 2007g; Diedrich & Brown, 2011;

Griffin & Hickey, 2012; Haddad & Arabi, 2012; Helmy et al., 2007; Ilyas, Balacumaraswami, Palin, &

Ratnatunga, 2009; Ling & Marshall, 2008; Zaccheo & Bucher, 2008). There are many superb references

available addressing dosing, titration and coordinating bolus versus infusion dosing of

sedation/analgesia following severe TBI (Brain Trauma Foundation et al., 2007g). Optimal care and best

nursing practice mandates identifying the specific clinical state, utilizing appropriate drug classes,

individualizing dosing and monitoring patient tolerance as well as vigilance for side effects.

Metabolic suppression following severe TBI.

Metabolic suppression therapy is utilized to control refractory ICP elevations. Barbiturate

therapy, in a patient-specific, dose-related manner is utilized for this purpose. Agents utilized for this

purpose include pentobarbital sodium. A listing of these agents including dosing, cardiovascular

consequences, goals of care, clinical effects/side effects and nursing considerations is found in table 4,

however it is acknowledged that pharmacologic therapy varies internationally (Brain Trauma

Foundation et al., 2007g; Diedrich & Brown, 2011; Griffin & Hickey, 2012; Haddad & Arabi, 2012;

Helmy et al., 2007; Ilyas et al., 2009; Ling & Marshall, 2008; Zaccheo & Bucher, 2008). Figure 6

compares and contrasts normal EEG tracing with EEG tracing illustrating appropriate level of burst

suppression (4-6 bursts/min or as directed per provider) during drug-induced coma for ICP control.

Temperature management following TBI

Aggressive temperature management may have two applications. One is maintaining

normothermia. A second, on a case-by-case basis, therapeutic hypothermia. Hyperthermia or a febrile

state is defined as an increase in core body temperature above 38.00C and in TBI may be consequent to

thermoregulatory failure, such as direct damage to the hypothalamus, excessive vasoconstriction

limiting heat loss to the environment, autonomic hyperactivity and increased sweating threshold

(Sessler, 2009). Inflammatory response may also contribute to fever post-TBI. Fever increases neuronal

hyperactivity, cerebral blood flow, oxygen consumption and ICP. Significantly, brain temperature may

exceed core body temperature by as much as 20C (Badjatia, 2009; McIlvoy, 2012). Fever has a strong

relationship with poor outcomes following TBI and should be aggressively treated and prevented when

possible (Badjatia, 2009). Higher mortality, longer length-of-stay and greater disability are associated

with fever post-TBI (McIlvoy, 2012).

Treatment options include pharmacological interventions such as acetaminophen and non-

steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (Badjatia, 2009; Haddad & Arabi, 2012; Ling & Marshall, 2008;

McIlvoy, 2012). Non-pharmacological interventions include surface cooling measures such as water-

circulating cooling blankets/gel pads, intravascular cooling devices and ice-water application to skin as

well as gastric lavage and IV infusion of chilled fluids (Badjatia, 2009; McIlvoy, 2012).

TBI Case study: Brain trauma and fever prevention.

Normothermia was maintained in this patient by use of water-circulating gel pads, decreased

ambient room temperature and administration of acetaminophen. Increasing the temperature gradient

between the patient and environment balanced heat production with heat loss and maintained

normothermia. In the short-term, ICP reduction was maintained with the cooling device automatically

adjusting water temperature based on core body temperature. Figure 7 illustrates relationship between

prevention of ICP elevations and aggressive fever prevention.

Therapeutic hypothermia and brain trauma.

Therapeutic hypothermia (TH) is a management option post-TBI on a case-by-case basis for

refractory intracranial hypertension and is defined as controlled temperature depression to a range

between 32.00C-35.00C (Decuypere & Klimo, 2012; Helmy et al., 2007; Rupich, 2009). Routine

hypothermia following severe TBI is not supported by strong evidence (Brain Trauma Foundation et al.,

2007b) In select circumstances of refractory intracranial hypertension TH has been demonstrated to

reduce ICP, CBF and mortality/severe disability six months post-injury (Helmy et al., 2007; Kramer et

al., 2012). Refractory ICP elevations post-TBI are associated with poor clinical/neurological outcomes

and effective ICP control improves survival (Sadaka & Veremakis, 2012).

TH produces primary neuroprotection effects by decreasing CMRO2, glucose utilization and

lactate production. Brain oxygen consumption during TH may decrease between 5-7 % per 10C decrease

in temperature (Faridar et al., 2011; Varon & Acosta, 2008). TH may also preserve high-energy

phosphates, modulate gene expression, facilitate anti-inflammatory/anti-apoptotic pathways and

significantly reduce ICP (Faridar et al., 2011; Jiang, 2009; Meyer et al., 2010; Rupich, 2009; Sadaka &

Veremakis, 2012). In addition, TH may stabilize the blood-brain barrier, inhibit production of free

radicals and reduce mobilization of excitatory neurotransmitters such as glutamate (Faridar et al., 2011;

Jiang, 2009; Meyer et al., 2010; Rupich, 2009; Sadaka & Veremakis, 2012).

Methods of controlled reduction on body temperature are multiple and include internal and

external cooling devices. TH may be produced by multiple techniques including by conduction with

devices such as cool-water circulating blankets and gel pads applied to large skin surface areas have

been utilized in addition to gastric lavage with iced water, ice-water application to skin, ice-pack

applications and forced-air cooling devices (Faridar et al., 2011; Jiang, 2009; Meyer et al., 2010;

Polderman & Herold, 2009; Varon & Acosta, 2008). Rapid IV infusion of chilled IV fluids such as

normal saline at 3-4 degrees C has been utilized in hypothermia initiation (Jiang, 2009; Polderman &

Herold, 2009; Varon & Acosta, 2008). Intravascular devices utilizing circulation of cold water through a

catheter placed within a high-flow blood vessel such as the femoral vein have been utilized for rapid

cooling (Polderman & Herold, 2009; Varon & Acosta, 2008).


TH has potentially harmful side effects and risks versus potential benefits must be analyzed. Side

effects include shivering, which may increase metabolic rate and interfere with TH induction,

hypokalemia, decreased drug metabolism/elimination, dysrhythmias, bradycardia, decreased cardiac

output/hypotension, increased systemic vascular resistance (SVR), Q-T prolongation and hyperglycemia

(Jiang, 2009; Polderman & Herold, 2009; Rupich, 2009; Sadaka & Veremakis, 2012; Varon & Acosta,

2008) Coagulopathy may occur secondary to effects on platelet count, platelet function and possibly

dilutional coagulopathy consequent to crystalloid administration (Polderman & Herold, 2009; Sadaka &

Veremakis, 2012; Varon & Acosta, 2008). Risk of pneumonia and wound infection is increased with

TH. GI motility may be significantly impaired, impacting feeding protocols, wound healing, physiologic

reserve, muscle wasting and recovery (Jiang, 2009; Polderman & Herold, 2009; Rupich, 2009; Sadaka &

Veremakis, 2012; Varon & Acosta, 2008). Multiple aspects of TH in management of severe TBI remain

to be refined by controlled study with larger sample sizes including timing, duration of therapy, best

monitoring parameters and endpoints. Some patients may have maximal benefit with temperature

reductions to 35-360C (Tokutomi et al., 2009).

Decompressive hemicraniectomy and timing in trajectory of care:

Intractable intracranial hypertension is one of the most dangerous secondary insults following

severe TBI and a significant source of mortality and morbidity (Bao et al., 2010; Cianchi et al., 2012;

Haddad & Arabi, 2012; Helmy et al., 2007). For refractory intracranial hypertension, progressive injury

including terminal herniation can occur. Decompressive craniectomy (DC) as rescue for refractory,

progressive intracranial hypertension is an option (Bao et al., 2010; Cianchi et al., 2012; Meyer et al.,

2010; Olivecrona, Rodling-Wahlstrom, Naredi, & Koskinen, 2007). In DC a large area of the skull is

surgically removed and the dura is opened which allows the brain to expand by increasing available

space and controlling ICP (Bao et al., 2010; Cianchi et al., 2012; Haddad & Arabi, 2012; Helmy et al.,

2007; Meyer et al., 2010; Olivecrona et al., 2007). Evidence is conflicting regarding survival and

clinical outcomes following craniectomy (Cianchi et al., 2012; Cooper et al., 2011; Eberle et al., 2010;

Olivecrona et al., 2007). DC in has also resulted in sustained improvement in brain oxygenation and

decreased ischemic burden (Weiner et al., 2010). Timing and patient selection are significant. Patients

with reactive pupils and without terminal brainstem dysfunction have more potential to benefit (Bao et

al., 2010; Yatsushige et al., 2010). There are therapeutic risks and as with any invasive procedure,

risk/benefit analysis must occur. Complications reported post-DC include brain herniation through the

skull defect, subdural effusion, infection, brain contusion/hemorrhage at edge of craniectomy defect,

hydrocephalus, seizures and ventricular enlargement (Honeybul, 2010; Honeybul & Ho, 2011; Stiver,

2009). Late complications may include cognitive dysfunction and failure of cranioplasty (Stiver, 2009).

In the patient for this case study, immediate decompressive craniectomy was life-saving and clinically

appropriate in her continuum of care from the initial ED management >>> CT scan >>> directly to OR

and then followed by ICU admission for postoperative critical care management. She was young, had

few comorbidities and still had neurological function at time of surgery.

Brain Tissue Oxygen Monitoring

All therapeutic interventions including osmotherapy, craniectomy and metabolic suppression as

well as sedation/analgesia are goal-directed therapeutics to improve oxygen delivery and modulate the

effects of ischemia at the tissue level. Mechanism-based modalities do effectively improve brain tissue

oxygenation (Chen et al., 2008; Oddo et al., 2009; Pascual et al., 2011; Rockswold et al., 2009; Spiotta

et al., 2010; Weiner et al., 2010).


Brain tissue oxygenation (PbtO2) is measured following placement of a small oxygen-sensing

probe into brain tissue. One device in common practice, the LICOX monitoring system (Integra

Neurosciences, Plainsboro, New Jersey, USA) uses a small electrode with both temperature and oxygen

sensing capability and is placed approximately 25-35 mm into white matter, usually the frontal lobe

(Bader, 2006; Barazangi & Hemphill, 2008; Littlejohns, Bader, & March, 2003; Stewart et al., 2008).

There are multiple outstanding references with additional technical detail on direct measurement of

PbtO2 including catheter placement, calibration and imaging (Bader, 2006; Barazangi & Hemphill, 2008;

Littlejohns et al., 2003; Stewart et al., 2008). Comprehensive discussion of all these aspects is beyond

the scope of this chapter. Clinical management of severe TBI using PbtO2 –directed therapy is being

increasingly used globally. PbtO2 is the product of CBF, cerebral arteriovenous oxygen difference and is

a focal measurement of tissue oxygenation (Haddad & Arabi, 2012). PbtO2 values below 15-20 mm Hg

may be considered a treatment threshold for goal-directed therapies to increase cerebral oxygen delivery

(Bader, 2006; Haddad & Arabi, 2012; Littlejohns et al., 2003; Spiotta et al., 2010).

Systemic hypoxemia can reduce brain tissue oxygenation if oxygenation/ventilation needs are

not met. Brain tissue oxygenation may be improved by titrating ventilation and/or inspired oxygen.

Other interventions include administration of packed red blood cells (PRBC) to increase oxygen-

carrying capacity; metabolic suppression to decrease cerebral oxygen utilization; repositioning; fever

control; hypertonic saline; CPP augmentation; repositioning/kinetic therapy; NMB; craniectomy (Bader,

2006; Bader, Littlejohns, & March, 2003; Chen et al., 2008; Haddad & Arabi, 2012; Littlejohns et al.,

2003; Pascual et al., 2011; Rockswold et al., 2009; Spiotta et al., 2010). Responsiveness of PbtO2, ICP

and MAP to physiologic interventions is found in figure 8.


The patient reflected in the collected data had severe TBI consequent to a severe fall down 15

steps in his home. She underwent aggressive, mechanism-based therapy for deteriorating neurological

examination including hemicraniectomy. Following PbtO2-directed therapy she recovered to in-patient


TBI Case Study-Conclusion and Recovery:

With ICP stable during monitoring in the postoperative period and remaining stable, and

intracranial compliance improving and serial head CT’s showing improving intracranial physiology

multiple steps toward recovery and ventilator liberation became possible. One step was downward

titration of neuromuscular blockade to off with recovery of neuromuscular function as determined by

clinical examination (cough, gag reflexes) initially and train-of-four evoked responses of 4/4 at 50 Ma

current output. A second step was downward titration and discontinuation of CNS depressants (fentanyl

and midazolam). Clinical response was a marginal increase in responsiveness to stimulation with

patient-triggered ventilations.

Follow up head CT revealed initial resolving brain edema, ventricular system remained

compressed but not deviated away from midline, as well as additional detail in sulci. Head CT

representative images and results summary are found in figure 9.

The patient became increasingly responsive to family members. Ventilator weaning proceeded as

clinically appropriate, ventilator liberation was achieved and she progressed dramatically with physical

therapy in the critical care unit. This continued through bedside work with therapy professionals through

increasing activity and ambulating with assistance around the unit. With high motivation as well as

encouragement from her family and caregivers and significant hard work she was discharged to home

after in-patient rehabilitation. Just 22 days after her traumatic brain injury, the patient was ambulating

around the unit (with supervision), able to communicate and expressed thanks to the team of caregivers

who “saved her life” and rescued her from a “close call with death.”

Nursing considerations:

Care of any patient following severe TBI remains among the most challenging in critical care

practice. Severe brain trauma affects all body systems and can stimulate a hypermetabolic state,

complicating nutritional support. Patient risk may be due to therapeutic interventions such as airway

management and invasive lines/drains risking hospital-acquired infections such as VAP, bloodstream

infections or meningitis. Aggressive measures to attenuate these risks include aggressive surveillance of

signs of infection, meticulous care of any invasive lines such as central venous catheters and site rotation

for peripheral IV catheters. Careful and frequent assessment of operative sites

(craniotomy/craniectomy), ICP monitoring/wound and CSF drain sites is imperative. Assessment and

documentation of CSF and other drainage for color, amount, character and condition of any drain sites

are vital to early identification and intervention for complications.

Surveillance of the clinical neurological examination, trends in ICP over time and in response to

stimulation as well as detailed ICP waveform analysis if this technology is available and used. These

assessments are paramount in determining progression of injury, response to therapeutic interventions,

intracranial compliance and intracranial responses to stimulation and nursing care activities such as

pulmonary care, repositioning and tactile as well as auditory stimulation in a critical care area.

Aggressive pulmonary care including detailed lung assessment, maintaining patient-ventilator synchrony

and monitoring oxygenation and ventilation are critical. Pulmonary physiology and intrathoracic

pressure dynamics alter intracranial physiology and ICP due to risks associated with hypoxemia,

hyper/hypo-capnia and surges in intrathoracic pressure being transmitted to the intracranial cavity

through the jugular venous system. Careful determination of actual intake/output (including potential

insensible fluid losses) and judicious fluid management can maintain adequate circulating blood volume

and modulate risk of fluid/electrolyte imbalances. Aggressive feeding protocols are needed to match

caloric intake with metabolic needs particularly following severe trauma and subsequent hypermetabolic

state. Early nutrition support is recommended, is associated with improved survival and decreased

degree of disability and enhances immune function (Helmy et al., 2007). Maintaining close control of

blood glucose levels by titrating insulin therapy is also appropriate(Helmy et al., 2007). Hyperglycemia

is associated with progression of secondary brain injury and worse outcomes (Brain Trauma Foundation

et al., 2007h; Helmy et al., 2007). Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis appropriate. Non-

pharmacological interventions such as sequential compression devices and pharmacological

interventions such as unfractionated or low-molecular-weight heparin are options (Brain Trauma

Foundation et al., 2007h; Helmy et al., 2007; Ling & Marshall, 2008). Seizure risk may be reduced

post-TBI by administration of anticonvulsant agents such as levetiracetam, carbamazepine or valproic

acid as clinically appropriate due to risk of secondary brain damage (Brain Trauma Foundation et al.,

2007i; Ling & Marshall, 2008).

Nursing considerations and family needs.

Global nursing considerations include care directed at patients’ families. The patient experience

of severe TBI produces a cascade of effects within the family system. The family may experience almost

unendurable stress, anticipatory grief and significant fear seeing someone they love so critically ill and

vulnerable. Providing regular updates at an appropriate level of understanding establishes and maintains

trust as well as lessens anxiety. Families consistently need information, professional support from the

team and may benefit from some involvement in care and experience significant uncertainty during a

family member’s critical illness (Keenan & Joseph, 2010). Nursing implications for families include

education, caring behaviors, involving families in care as appropriate, being aware of their own anxiety

and how it may affect families as well as maintaining open communication and not avoiding families

(Yetman, 2009).


Worldwide, patients following severe TBI are among the most challenging and vulnerable

populations in critical care practice. Primary brain injury typically begins the cycle of secondary brain

injury which, if progressive and refractory to therapy, can prove fatal. Secondary brain injury may arise

from evolving intracranial pathophysiology as well as other body systems including pulmonary,

cardiovascular, neuroendocrine and GI dysfunction as well as hospital-acquired infections. For these

reasons, optimal care of the patient following severe TBI must include aggressive, mechanism-based

therapeutics for intracranial pathophysiology, focused surveillance of neurological assessment data and

meticulous assessment and care for all body systems. Multidisciplinary collaboration and effective

communication is key to rapid recognition of clinical changes quickly coupled with optimal clinical

management in pursuit of neurologic recovery. Family needs are also key to long-term recovery and

family communication, involvement in care as clinically appropriate and updates help significantly build

trust which can only help with family interaction during critical illness.

1-A 1-B


Figure 1: Illustration of ICP physiology. Figure 1-A illustrates normal CSF dynamics and brain bulk.
Ventricular system normal and generally symmetrical and normal detail/no effacement of sulci/cerebral
cortex. Figure 1-B illustrates normal cerebral arterial supply/distribution. In the smaller vessels, blood flow is
at risk from compression due to edema and/or mass lesion. When ICP approaches/meets MAP, global brain
blood flow is compromised, risking ischemic injury. These may be consequent to autoregulatory failure,
hyperemia and/or compromised venous drainage. Cerebral blood flow extremes of hyperemic and oligemic
flow states risk ICP increases and brain ischemia respectively. In figure 1-C (traumatic subdural hematoma),
brain bulk (approx. 80 %) increases due to water influx. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) dynamics (approx. 10 %)
may be altered due to obstructive or communicating hydrocephalus and ventricular system is significantly
distorted. Brain blood volume (approx. 10 %) is affected due to compression/distortion of cerebral vessels.

Initial ICP readings immediately following monitor insertion were significantly elevated (45-50 mm Hg)
requiring immediate intervention.

2-A 2-B

Figure 2: Comparison between head CT of closed head (blunt) injury versus penetrating brain injury.
Figure 2-A illustrating post-motor vehicle collision. Brain edema, effacement of sulci,
compression/distortion of ventricular system and frontal lobe contusions are evident. Vascular injury
may also result from closed head injury and cause epidural or subdural hematoma. Figure 2-B illustrates
penetrating brain injury (gunshot wound at close range). Image shows brain edema/effacement of sulci,
initial distortion of ventricular system penetrating injury (bullet fragment/missile) within brain
parenchyma. Small cross-sectional area of missile allows maximal delivery of force to small point of
contact and maximal penetration.

Figure 3: Immediate head CT obtained following initial stabilization in ED of a large, regional medical
center. Imaging revealed left-sided subdural hematoma, beginning left frontal contusion, near-total
effacement of the sulci, midline shift and compression/displacement of the ventricular system on the left

4-A 4-B

Figure 4: Figure 4-A illustrates immediate postoperative head CT showing decompressive

hemicraniectomy and evacuation of left subdural hematoma. Brain edema/sulci effacement remains

present but midline shift resolved. Small right frontal subdural hematoma is visible and was to be

monitored. Figure 4-B illustrates ICP monitor/drain insertion site.





Figure 5: ICP waveforms illustrated at patient baseline and in response to stimulation. Figure 5-A
illustrates ICP pulse waveforms consistent with pressure elevations (mean ICP of 35-43 mm Hg) and
poor compliance (dramatic elevation of P-2 waveform component). This elevated ICP and evidence of
poor compliance are highly predictive for far more dramatic ICP elevations in response to stimulation
and increased risk of herniation syndromes. Figure 5-B illustrates ICP in response to stimulation,
significant pressure increase beyond the measurement scale from an already elevated baseline ICP/poor
compliance (P-2 elevation) consequent to short-term ventilator dys-synchrony. This monitoring data, in
context with intracranial pathophysiology must be taken into account when executing the plan of care.
For example, minimizing stimulation or avoiding “grouping” of activities due to risk of more dramatic
and hazardous ICP elevations.





Figure 6: Diagnostic EEG tracings differentiating between normal diagnostic tracing (clinical
correlation is an awake, interactive patient: Figure 6-A) and EEG tracing consistent with appropriate
level of burst-suppression in response to metabolic suppression therapy. Level of burst-suppression is 4-
6 bursts/minute (Figure 6-B). Sensitivity set at 7 uV/mm and each EEG tracing contains 30 seconds of
collected data.

ICP 15 19 20 13 15 11 11 11 12 12 11 11
2223 0923


ICP (mm Hg) 10 11 11 11 11 9 10 10 12 10 13


Figure 7: Temporal relationship between ICP reduction and decrease in core body temperature/fever
prevention. Patient body temperature maintained afebrile, making ICP easier to control over long-term.
Figure 7-A illustrates immediate ICP control in postoperative period (2223 on 11-15-14) through 0923
on 11-16-14. Figure 7-B illustrates maintenance of normothermia until ICP monitoring discontinued on

incr. FiO2 PEEP to 10
to 0.8 incr. RR to 20
to 1.0


Figure 8: Trending of PbtO2, ICP and MAP in patient as exemplar to illustrate responsiveness of PbtO2

to global physiologic interventions including ventilation/oxygenation titrations as noted which produced

increases in PbtO2. Remaining temporary decreases in PbtO2 (arrows) correspond with patient

repositioning and time-limited increases in global oxygen consumption.


16/35 9-A 24/35 9-B

Figure 9: Follow up head CT (figure 9-A/9-B) revealing initial resolution of brain edema/recovery of

detail at cerebral cortex, ventricular system and resolved midline shift (9-B). Ventricular system remains

compressed but not displaced away from midline. Hypodensity remains in left frontal/temporal lobes

and diffuse swelling is evident. Invasive monitoring catheter has been removed and extensive

craniectomy defect on left side remains.


Table 1: Glasgow Coma Scale Score (Dawodu, 2015; Decuypere & Klimo, 2012; Haddad & Arabi, 2012; Teasdale &

Jennett, 1974).

Motor Response (M) Verbal Response (V) Eye Opening (E)

Follows commands- 6

Localizing to stimulation- 5 Oriented- 5

Withdrawal to painful Confused, appropriate- 4 Spontaneous- 4

stimulation- 4

Flexion (decorticate) Disoriented, inappropriate- 3 Eye opening to voice- 3

posturing- 3

Extensor (decerebrate) Incomprehensible sounds- 2 Eye opening to stimulation- 2

posturing- 2

No response- 1 No response- 1 No response- 1


Table 2: Comparison of mild, moderate and severe traumatic brain injury (Dawodu, 2015; Decuypere &

Klimo, 2012; Haddad & Arabi, 2012).

Index Mild TBI Moderate TBI Severe TBI

Glasgow Coma 13-15 9-12 3-8

Scale Score

Loss of < 30 minutes 30 min-24 hours Greater than 24

consciousness hours

Post-traumatic 0-1 day 1-7 days Greater than 7 days


Table 3: Hyperosmolar agents utilized in managing brain edema, cerebral hemodynamics following

TBI (Brain Trauma Foundation et al., 2007a; Decuypere & Klimo, 2012; Griffin & Hickey, 2012; Haddad & Arabi, 2012; Helmy et al.,

2007; Honeybul, 2011; Kerwin et al., 2009; Ling & Marshall, 2008; Oddo et al., 2009; Protheroe & Gwinnutt, 2011; Rockswold et al.,

2009; Ropper, 2012; Sakellaridis et al., 2011).

Agent Dosing Cardiovascular Clinical effects Goals of care Nursing

consequences considerations

Mannitol Low-dose: Plasma volume Osmotic gradient between Decreased brain bulk and Close
expansion. circulating blood volume and ICP. monitoring:
0.25 gm/kg IV swollen brain, net water loss. After D/C, risk
bolus. Increased Guide and titrate therapy of rebound ICP
blood pressure Decreased blood viscosity to ICP and serum increase.
High-dose: and hematocrit. osmolality 320 mOsm/L.
1.0 gm/kg in Increased CBF, O2 delivery. May use prior to ICP electrolytes:
20% sol’n over monitoring with Risk of renal
20 min. progressive neurologic injury,
decline or pre-terminal dehydration,
herniation. electrolyte


Hypertonic 1.9 to 29.2 % Improved Brain water reduction across Decreased brain bulk. Administer
Saline concentration. blood pressure, blood-brain barrier. through central
volume Reverse pre-terminal access (higher
Variable expansion. Dehydrates vessel herniation. concentrations)
volumes endothelium. or large-bore
administered. peripheral site.
Reducing blood viscosity.
Acute/emergent Monitor
use: 30 ml 23.4 Improved CBF.
% saline,

reverse pre- Improved brain oxygenation. status, ICP,

terminal cardiovascular
herniation. response.


Table 4: Selected metabolic suppression/CNS depression therapies in clinical management of severe TBI (Brain Trauma
Foundation et al., 2007a, 2007g; Decuypere & Klimo, 2012; Haddad & Arabi, 2012; Helmy et al., 2007; Honeybul, 2011; Ling & Marshall, 2008; Marshall
et al., 2010; Stocchetti et al., 2008)

Agent Dosing Cardiovascular Clinical effects/side Goals of care Nursing considerations

consequences effects

Pentobarbital Load: 5 mg/kg Hypotension: • Modulating • ICP reduction to • Monitor ICP.

Sodium bolus over 30 CMRO2, CBF and clinical endpoint. • Monitor EEG to
minutes. • Vasodilation. ICP reduction. • Goal-directed endpoint (4-6
• Negative • Prolonged titration to burst- bursts/min or as
Maintenance: inotropic effect. duration of action suppression on directed per
1-3 mg/kg/hr. • Brainstem (esp. with EEG, EEG- provider).
depression hypothermia). derived • Multiple large-bore
High-dose: 1- (dose-related). • Immune parameters. IV accesses.
mg/kg over 30 Altered suppression. • Central venous
thermoregulation. • Infection risk. access (consider
• Decreased CVP monitoring).
Infusion: vasomotor tone. • Vasopressor/inotropic
• Bradycardia. support as indicated.
5 mg/kg/hr • Neurological
over 3 hrs
• Neuro assessment in
1 mg/kg/hr clinical context:
Consider prolonged
duration of action in
Propofol Infusion: Hypotension: • Modulating • ICP reduction, • Monitor ICP.
CMRO2, CBF and agitation • Monitor degree of
Up to 80-90 • Vasodilation. ICP reduction. resolution to agitation vs
mcg/kg/min. • Negative • Infection risk. clinical endpoint. resolution.
inotropic effect. • Decreased • Goal-directed • Multiple large-bore
vasomotor tone. titrations. IV accesses.
• Bradycardia. • Central venous
• Hypotension. access (consider
CVP monitoring).

• Vasopressor/inotro
pic support as
• Neurological
Risk of PRIS:

• Monitor temporal
relationship with
propofol initiation,
upward titration and
• Monitor acid-base
electrolytes, CPK.

Note: The agents listed in the table above are selected, commonly used agents for cerebral metabolic
suppression (pentobarbital) versus ICU sedation (propofol), but it is acknopwledged that pharmacologic
therapy varies internationally. Country specific or international guidelines should be consulted.

CHECK YOUR PROGRESS: Assess your understanding of key points from this e-chapter.

1. Mild TBI is defined by a Glasgow Coma Scale Score of what level?

A. 9-12
B. 13-15
C. 8-11
D. <10
Answer: B
2. Which of the following designates an elevated intracranial pressure?
A. 35-40 mm Hg
B. 15-20 mm Hg
C. 5 -10 mm Hg
D. 10-15 mm Hg
Answer: A

3. Which of the following are causes of secondary brain injury?

A. Auto-regulatory excitability
B. Aerobic metabolism
C. Entrapment of excitatory amino acids
D. Loss of cell membrane integrity
Answer: D
4. Therapeutic hypothermia has potentially harmful side effects including which of the following?
A. Hyperkalemia
B. Increased drug metabolism/elimination
C. Increased systemic vascular resistance
D. Increased cardiac output
Answer: C
5. Which of the following is accurate regarding the use of routine hypothermia following severe
A. It is supported by strong evidence
B. It is supported by clinical trial data
C. It is supported by limited clinical trial data
D. It is not supported by strong evidence

Answer: D

6. True or False:
Patient/ventilator dys-synchrony can contribute to intracranial hypertension
Answer: True

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